We have some really important matters to discuss today:

-We were at the outdoor shopping mall on Friday and they had a huge snow globe out.  So here is a picture of a picture of us in a snow globe with a large penguin. 

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-We woke up to a fresh blanket of snow today and Brooke’s snowball throwing arm is pretty darn impressive.

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-Just Brooke hanging out doing my current favorite stretch (runner’s lunge!).

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-Brooke knows that I am in a real good mood if I add some sprinkles to her morning Kodiak Cakes.  PS best pancake mix out there.

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-Just trying to match Brooke and her top knot/bun.  

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-My current favorite sweatshirt (long, warm and ridiculously soft) is 40% off right now HERE.  I think I need the black one too.  

PS they say if you write down your goals you are more likely to do them—> tonight I WILL wash my hair. 

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-Brooke really gets into sporting events.  I just go for the food and the half-time show.

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-She also loves to jump on my back while I am eating.  I end up spilling even more than usual during these shenanigans.  

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-Brooke hung out at Lindsey’s house the other night while I went to bootcamp and she pampered Brooke like crazy.  Toy Story, snacks and complete comfort.  I don’t think she missed me for one second:)

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-Proven fact = it is 4 trillion times harder to get out of bed in the cold winter months vs the summer.

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-It seems like just yesterday she was riding around Target in her car seat, then in the little seat in the cart and now she rides on the cart the way that I always did with my mom as a kid.

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-Temple square group selfie.  Brooke’s second family.   

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-SUCH a good article with so much awesome information about racing, pacing, heart rate and running by feel!

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What are some of your Monday Matters to share with us?

Is your body pretty used to getting up early or is it a daily struggle for you?

Read any awesome running articles today?  PLEASE GIVE US THE LINK!!!

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Brooke always has such a big smile on her face. She must be one happy little girl or knows how to take really good selfies!


Mornings are a struggle for me every day. I love being up early when it is quiet, but I hate the actual waking up part.

It’s finally cold here and we got some snow yesterday! It finally feels like Christmas!

Sprinkles do make everything better. They should be added to far more things.


I am pretty adjusted to getting up early. I tried to sleep in on Saturday and didn’t even make it to 7 a.m. :/

Monday matter: I really need to find a good holiday sweater for our company’s “festive sweater” day this Thursday! I already have my battery-powered lights to wear, but I need a cute sweater!!


ugh i hate waking up early. i can do it, its fine, but if i have the choice… i just want to sleep. i wake up for work everyday around 6am, and am at work at 730. if i could sleep in till 7, 730…. i would be SO so happy. sigh. between waking up for work and waking up for running, i never get to sleep in anymore!!


Heading over to read that article once I’m done here–Runner’s Connect always has the best articles! My body loves to get up early – I have a hard time sleeping past 6 am.


Since being sick for over a week I’m now having trouble getting up early enough to run more than 4 or 5 miles and this has never been the case! I’m jealous of your snow though can’t believe I’m saying it, but the 60 degrees we’re having here is just way too warm!


Pacing is the hardest. Thanks for sharing.


Monday Matters? Watermelon cough drops are where it’s at!

And, I struggle to get out of bed all 12 months out of the year! ;)


I generally wake up pretty early. The only times I seem to have a problem is when I know I HAVE to get up early. Then I can’t sleep well the night before, it’s annoying.

It’s foggy and warm, weird weather for NY in December. But after the crazy cold of the last few years I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts. (and I generally like the cold. marathon training when it was 17 degrees out kind of took its toll on me).

I haven’t had pancakes in way too long, I need to make some.


Waking up difficulty level is usually pretty proportional to how much sleep I got the night before. However, my husband is insane – I’ve had entire conversations with him in the morning before coffee that he has no recollection of later. It’s functioning on a zombie level.


Ha! My husband is the same lol.


This article about pace vs. effort has been in my mind since I read it the other day:
I always feel better running by effort instead of forcing paces when I’m not training for a specific time race pace.


In the summer, it is so easy for me to get up at dawn. But here in the winter, it is the last thing I want to do. If the sun aint up, I aint up either!


I love all the pics from the weekend – Brooke doing gymnastics etc. but i think it’s time for the inevitable, Janae. Time for what? Time to change the header on your blog. You no longer have an HRG Baby. Brooke is now a true HRG – Girl No. 2 :-)
Food for thought.


Love kodiak cakes!

Hmm, when I use the link, the sweatshirt doesn’t show up as 40% off. Do I need a code?


Hey girl!!!! All of gap is 40% off right now with the code COZY!!! Enjoy and I hope you are having an awesome night!


Most days waking up before 7 is hard for me. Especially in the winter when it’s dark and cold outside and even if I go to bed at 9:30 so I can get up at 5:30 for an early workout. I miss summer!


Over time, I’ve gotten more used to getting up early- even well before the sun rises! The key is to get to bed early, and that’s always a struggle! Happy Monday!


I definitely agree that getting up in the winter is so much harder! I was on such a great roll getting up to run before work in the spring in summer, but now it’s impossible. I don’t get it! I hope you achieved your goal of washing your hair..sometimes for me that is just an impossible goal to reach. So much effort..


I get up every morning around 4:15 AM and even though I have been doing it for over a year it is always hard! No one is made to get up that early, but it feels so good to get my run done!


Just know that my alarm is going off at the same moment in the central time zone. I’ve been at it for about a year, too… it’s the only way I can get my runs in and still manage a full-time job and family time, so it’s worth it. :)


Getting up early is torture for me and right now it is dark out until 7am which makes it impossible. I have just been snoozing.


Brooke always looks so happy! She is just so adorable.


I’ve heard you talk about the fact that you don’t wash your hair enough before, and maybe you have already answered this in a different post…but what do you do with your hair on a daily basis? I can’t stand the texture of my hair if I don’t wash it daily which I know is TERRIBLE, I try to every other day and tried washing with apple cider vinegar for awhile, but I just don’t like how my hair looks and haven’t figured out a trick/secret….your hair always looks phenomenal even if its in a bun.
Side note, I thought of you today on my run, it was supposed to just be an easy 3 miles, but for some reason my legs felt like cinder blocks so it might as well have been a marathon! I mentally struggled through it but kept saying this is just ridiculous, Janae did this for 26.2! I do think your superwoman :)


WAY to go Brenda for finishing up your run. You are amazing. Cinder block legs are NO joke. About the hair… I think different types of hair require washing it more/less. I usually just blow dry it after a workout if it gets sweaty (that sounds worse than it is ha). You are seriously so nice but it really is in a ponytail or bun most of the time ha to hide the fact I haven’t washed it in a few days!


The only way I can fit in a run/workout before work is if I wake up at 4am…ugh! Can’t say that I enjoy waking up at 4am but I’ve been doing it for so long that my body is used to it.

Monday matters – I’m just glad that Mondsy is O-V-E-R and we’re one day closer to the weekend…whoop whoop!


4 a.m. Amanda. You are my hero. WOW. Talk about dedication and strength—> you are amazing!


You two are so freakin adorable. Your pics always put the hugest smile on my face!

This morning, my yoga teacher was stuck in traffic so I ended up teaching the vinyasa class with about 15 minutes notice. It wasn’t extremely terrifying or anything (does the sarcasm come through?). Then for the next class (where I was able to thankfully practice), we were BLINDFOLDED! Well, we used headbands to cover our eyes. It was insane! We truly needed to focus to stay balanced and aligned.

I’m an early riser. I prefer to run early before anything else gets in the way.

Great article, Janae…thanks for sharing!


I’m definitely an earlier riser. I worked at a job where I had to be there at 5 am, and during the job interview I was asked if I was a morning person. It wouldn’t have been much fun to work with someone who wasn’t!


It is a daily struggle to get out of bed! And those pancakes look good! I had a busy day at work but now it is Christmas movie party time!


I love that sweatshirt looks so comfy!


LOVE the snow globe!!! How cool!!!!!!!!!

100% agree that it is way much harder in colder months to get out of bed! Heck, we don’t even have winters here in South Georgia like where you are , but if temperature gets below 55, I AM STAYING IN BED!!! LOL!!! Or at least struggling to get out of bed!!!!

Hmmmm, think I may need to check out that sweat shirt….. but more so, I LOVE your slippers!!!!!!!!! Those look comfortable!!!!!


Ah I want to be in that snow it looks so fun! It’s finally starting to cool down here in Tennessee and this morning was the hardest in a while to get up! Especially since I’m not running in the morning right now so I technically don’t haaaaave to right away!

That was such a great article thank you so much for sharing :) I’d also love for you to read the post I recently wrote on why I don’t cut weight during marathon training, but I know you are one busy lady so if you don’t have time, I understand!



That snow globe is too cute!!! So fun!

Getting up early is sometimes easy and sometimes the hardest thing ever for me. It always changes. I just really like sleep. :)


getting up early is a daily struggle. each morning when the alarm goes off I think “orrrrr I could just sleep in”. sleep usually wins! tomorrow I’m aiming for a 5:45 am spin class…. let’s see how this goes (hint: if I don’t comment tomorrow it’s because I didn’t go. or I’m still sleeping muahahah)


it has been VERY hard for me to get out of bed lately, but it is also finals week ;D

just gotta brag a little for a second, a teammate/mutual friend of mine just won the NATIONAL high school cross country championships…our school is just a little stoked to say the least :) we had him and another girl from our county win the girls race as well, crazy to think i’m lucky enough to run in the best high school running county in the nation D:



Okay, that is SOOOO cool Bailey! Go Drew GO! Amazing and YOU are amazing to be part of that team. Keep up the incredible running!


i actually made myself a note to wash my hair tonight, too, haha! and tomorrow i’ve got ‘shave legs’ on the to-do list.#goals


hahahah you are a little bit more ambitious than I am with your goal tomorrow haha!! I like you!


Ugh I had such a hard time getting out of bed this morning. It was cold and rainy and dark and I wanted to stay curled up in my warm bed all day. And now I just ended the day watching Adele Live in NYC and I’m feeling all the feels and want to eat ice cream, get back in bed, and cry. Happy Monday!


Getting up in the winter is so much harder for me because I hate getting out of my warm bed, but getting up early in general isn’t easy ha! Brooke is seriously the cutest and I love how big her smile is in all of these pictures. :)


Daily struggle! And no matter how early I’m up I’m always three minutes late to work. Maybe it’s because I’m laying in bed commenting on your blog?



I used to get up around 5:15 every morning while I was going into an office. Ever since I started traveling for work/working from home, it’s SO much harder to keep that early rise schedule. My body wants to sleep in and getting up too many hours before the sun feels so wrong!


I have to get up in the 4am for work and it never gets easier. Everyday it takes me a few hours to finally feel awake. I think it would help if I liked to go to bed early, but it is hard for me to be in bed by 8pm. I also think it would help if I woke up around the same time on the weekend (that will not happen) to make the week days easier, but I like my sleep!

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