Side cramps kill me a little and it has only taken me 5 years.

Not going to lie.  I was not looking forward to running twenty miles yesterday morning when I first woke up.   Pancakes and 4 more hours of sleep sounded much more appetizing. 

Like usual, I started feeling awake and alive after about 3 miles but it sure took a lot of bargaining for me to get out of bed in the first place.  

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My dad did his usual ‘drive along with me until it got light out’ thing.  He passed me my fuel and gatorade at just the right times and kept me from being creeped out by running alone in the dark.  I owe him big time.   

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Overall, the run felt pretty great (MY CALF WAS HAPPY THE ENTIRE TIME!!) but for the last 3-4 miles I had some crazy cramping going on in my chest/left side.  I had to stop twice for a minute or two because they hurt so bad.  I did everything that I normally do as far as hydration/nutrition goes so I am not really sure what happened but I really hope that this is the last time those cramps happen.  

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I tried to get in a few hills because I really haven’t been doing enough ups this training cycle… time to get in a few more over the 2 weeks before the taper begins.  

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My coach told me to keep my pace for the 20 miles between 7:30-7:45.  After a few weeks of fast finish long runs, it was nice to have a long run that didn’t involve tempoing.  I was able to truly zone out and just run for a long time which is probably my favorite kind of running. 

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Post long runs for me equal as much sitting and eating as possible.  We made it to the pool and I was pretty stoked that Brooke was all about wearing a hat and sunglasses too.  

PS There was also a lot of stretching, an ice bath and drinking as much water as possible—>  it has only taken me 5 years to start taking recovery seriously.  I’m a fast learner;)

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Later on she did my makeup.

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And then we met the peeps for some good ol’ fashioned Brick Oven (another restaurant that I used to waitress at back in the day).

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Side note—>  I just can’t get over this picture of my nieces and nephews.  Okay, back to the food….

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I had the salad bar, pasta and then they brought us an entire cookie pizza.  Turns out chocolate chip cookies are even better when there is caramel and hot fudge drizzled on top.

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We ended the night at our friend’s house.  Brooke kicked back and relaxed for a bit with minnie mouse youtube clips.  

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Ever get cramps when you run?  What usually causes them and how do you get rid of them?

What is your usual post long run routine?  

Best thing you have eaten so far this weekend?

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Cramps for me are either hydration or iron/magnesium related. If my iron or magnesium is low, I get horrible cramping. Hopefully it was just a one off and it won’t happen for you again.


I had someone tell me to drink pickle juice when I got cramps during a run. I’m not sure that’s something I want to do while I’m running though. And yes, they were being serious. Something about the sodium and potassium in it.

My usual post long run routine looks a lot like yours! Lots of relaxing, eating all the food and re-hydrating! It is kind of nice having an excuse to be lazy for part of the day!


I occasionally get cramps especially toward the end of long runs where I’m pushing the pace. Also, inhaling my fuel too fast leads to cramps and heartburn! Great job on your run, I did 18 yesterday and also had a really hard time gearing up in the beginning.


I rarely get side cramps anymore but when I do it flashes me back to running as a kid. I think that’s why I hated running back then!

Brooke is too cute doing your makeup ;)


My usual post-long run routine is foam roll, then sit. Right now my long runs aren’t terrible – in XC we run 5ks, so the longest I ran to train over the summer was 10.5 miles – but I’m hoping to get in at least 2 half marathons between the end of season and the major start of Dance Theatre.

AWESOME job on your 20 miler – I cannot imagine running that long right now!


I take little sips of my fuel rather than taking it all at once, which can cause cramps for me. I find also that taking deep breaths and massaging the cramp while run can help relieve it, even if it looks crazy. Great job on your 20 miles! I had a 16 mile long run yesterday that was hard from start to finish.


Isn’t the grass slippery with dew when you run so early in the morning?


I’m prone to cramping. It can be because of not enough digestion, food that doesn’t agree with me, hunger, dehydration…usually I just keep running and it disappears after a few miles. I’ve learned the hard way that I can’t drink or eat anything while running.

My usually post long run routine is shower, eat breakfast, and flake out with a book for a few hours.


Wait… you can’t eat or drink ANYTHING while running? I think I could get away with zero fuel but water… how do you do it? I guess the cramps just aren’t worth it.

I did the book thing for a few hours yesterday too! I hope you had a great weekend Emma!


I do get cramps/heartburn occasionally, usually when I eat too much to close before my run. I usually slow down a little, try to massage it, or burp (it helps for me if food is causing it!).

For my post long run routine: I have found that I actually feel much better the next day if I keep moving throughout the day, so I avoid sitting too much. So my post long run routine usually involves grocery shopping, cleaning, working in lab, or doing stuff with friends. Foam rolling and stretching more is something I’m still working on…


My favorite post long run routine involves showering immediately followed by breakfast, pro compression socks, a cup of coffee and getting back into bed for a bit!


Your dad sounds so great! Congrats on your run. <3


Post long run is protein shake and banana, stretch, ice bath w/ Epson salts, compression socks and to keep moving, drinking, and eating all day!


I got cramps all the time in highs school. Like every single race. I tried upping my electrolytes thinking that was the cause but it didn’t help all that much. I’ve heard that chocolate milk helps with cramping. I’m really not sure why though. Now when I get cramps I notice it probably has to do with me tightening my stomach muscles when I run. I don’t know for sure though.


I actually got some cramps in the last mile of my 10k yesterday- no idea where they came from! I remember in HS track my coach used to tell me to squeeze the fist of the opposite hand to make them go away. It seems to work, but not sure if its just a way to distract me from the cramps and they would probably go away on their own anyway:)
Lately my recovery has involved some stretching/foam rolling, lots of good food, and relaxing! I do like to keep my legs moving a bit throughout the day but nothing too strenuous. Sometimes I will take an epsom salt bath the next day if I’m sore. I also wear compression all the time!


Aside from the side cramps … Awesome run!

Post-run recovery: Chocolate milk, shower, hot tea, feet up, Food Network and straight to the dog park! I give myself a couple hours to chill out for a while and then make sure I keep moving the rest of the day. I also swear by swimming laps the next morning … Will be heading to the pool shortly!

Have a good Sunday!


We were doing a sprint workout at CrossFit this week, and I got a similar feeling! My coach told me to get some deep breaths in, which helped, but man – it happened so suddenly.
After not eating really any meal on Saturday since I was at our gym for a competition we put on, going out with my man for dinner was perfect (even though we had food to make in the fridge…). I had a walleye sandwich and sweet potato fries, and it was AMAZING. Came home, and had coconut milk vanilla ice cream with cookies crumbled in it. Best. Idea. Ever.


I rarely get side cramps anymore either! Out of all the little tricks and tips, the only one that ever helped me was to change my pace and the cramps disappear. Either speed up, or slow down for a minute or two. NO idea why it works, and I don’t ask. ;)


Oh man, side cramps! I actually just got back from a run where I was battling side cramps the last mile or so.

I find I get them more when I’m running downhill because of the additional impact. I read that to help stop side cramps, you should exhale as your leg on the opposite side of your cramp hits the ground. I tried that during my run today, and while I still had some issues towards the end, it wasn’t nearly as bad as it was a few weeks ago on the same course.


When I get side cramps it seems to be due to my breathing. It helps me to take some deep belly breaths and they usually go away pretty quickly. Sounds like you had an awesome run other than the cramps!

My post long run recovery routine involves lots of stretching and eating too :)

Best thing I’ve had to eat this weekend is hard to say. I went to our local state fair and ate a ton! I would have to say the elephant ears were my favorite :)


That is interesting about the side cramps. I actually always found it was when I wasn’t hydrated enough. I wonder if that is the issue? I don’t know…just a thought! I am glad your calf was happy the whole time Janae! That is a huge accomplishment in itself!


I get cramps when I am not breathing correctly. I don’t get them very often anymore but I try to focus on regulating my breathing and they usually go away after a bit. An upset stomach or lack of hydration has also done it.
My post long run routine includes a shower, compression socks and breakfast with coffee while resting.
My husband and I went out for a hibachi dinner last night. It was delicious!
Great job on your long run! Enjoy your Sunday!


I don’t get cramps too often, but it usually has to do with my poor posture and not getting air in correctly. After 16+ miles I find my abs are sore and my back can be achy sometimes……..a good sign I am hunching over too much during my run.

If my long run is done with the hubby biking along with me, then post run I shower and we watch movies and snack on everything in sight! If I do it on my weekend while he works, then I shower and get a good sandwich and candy and plop in front of NCIS or New Girl or whatever show I am watching. I stretch while watching but I take it easy for 3 or 4 hours after that run!

I had some delicious scrambled eggs for dinner last night………yum!


I think my cramps flare up when my electrolytes get a little low, or I’m just dehydrated in general. Also, when I really focus on breathing deep into my diaphragm they seem to stay away.

Question, where did you get your purple Nike tank? It’s so cute and looks super comfy!


HEY YOU!! I got it at the Nike Outlet two months ago… you can find it here too:


Great job on your run! Someone once told me that when I get side cramps, I need to change the pattern of my breathing. Believe it or not, it works! I just change the pace of my breathing for a few minutes, and it normally goes away! I had 18 yesterday, and I’m exhausted today!


I hate side cramps! But I love that giraffe bathing suit!


I don’t get cramps much when I run, but on the rare occasions I do, it is usually because I did not drink enough water leading up to the run.

Immediately after a long run, I stretch, hydrate, and grab a quick bite to eat.

And, Jeremiah’s Ice just opened in the area, so that by far is the best thing I’ve eaten all weekend! I already want to go back…


Way to go on that 20-miler! I’m sorry you had some cramps at the end. I really think every 20-miler comes with (at least) one challenge. At least the cramps didn’t come until the final miles!

I loooove getting into the pool after a long run – it feels so so so good on the legs!


That’s such a great long run! It’s always comforting when you can hit the splits you want right before a race. I find that I get cramps if I start out too fast, or if I forget about breathing. Hopefully next run you won’t get them!

My post-long run routine includes a lot of drinks and compression socks. Always works :)


I get cramps when I’m playing soccer. Unfortunately I don’t have any tips to get them to go away.


I knew you could! I knew you could! I knew you could! Awesome job, Janae.

No matter how easy or hard those 20 milers are…I always have that same sense of “oh em gee I ran 20 miles this morning!?!?” Feeling!

I tend to get side cramps when I alter my speed too much, whether it is starting too fast or starting too slow and then pushing hard. I do the breathing thing to get rid of them — forcefully exhale when the foot opposite the cramp hits the ground.
Sounds bizarre, but usually works!

Enjoy your Sunday!


Cramps, UGH! The worst cramps I ever had was one year during the last mile of the Seattle marathon. It was a long downhill and I think dehydration played a part…I just kept running as I was so close to the finish. I was in pain for days after that though. To help ease the pain while running, you can push your stomach out really fat and then suck it back in, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. It helps to relax the diaphragm.

Your sisters kids are gorgeous! Her older son looks like he’s going through a major growth spurt!


I rarely get cramps when running. The last time I did was when doing a long run 30 minutes after eating severs slices of pizza. To stop them I slowed down until hey subsided, then sped up again.

Post long run I try to jump into work or family time as if nothing has happened. Hopefully I’ll have 30 minutes to drink a banana/strawberry/yogurt/milk smoothie and shower, but other than that back to life as usual. I cannot let the run alter the rest of my day or work/family would get annoyed.

Best thing I have eaten this weekend: Fresh raspberries picked and consumed on the trail!


Did you start your run at 3am??!! Wow! BEAST! I love that your dad keeps you company.
I get side stitches when I’m racing, but rarely when I’m training (weird). It’s usually caused by the diaphragm. To fix them, try forcefully breathing. Take a long, hard, deep breath in, hold a bit, then push the air out. Repeat, but don’t pass out! Also, push on the spot while you’re doing it.


Yay for a happy calf! I was getting cramps almost every day for one week and read that its likely due to eating/ or drinking to much to close to your run. Since your muscle is tightening on that one side, it helps to focus on deep breaths in and letting it out when your foot strikes on the opposite side of where your cramp is. Happy running!


Every once in a while (and during my last race) I get side cramps – there doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason to them. I usually try to keep running and breathing deep. Sometimes I have to stop and pinch my side where the cramp is if it’s really bad.

Post long run lately involves a protein shake, stretching, shower, and waffles.

The best thing I ate so far this weekend was the pizza my boyfriend made on the grill with Italian sausage and broccoli rabe!


Cramps are the worst – thankfully I don’t get them often. I try to breathe in and out slowly and match it to my stride and usually that works. I do get stomach cramps more often which are really awful :( I do my long run on Sundays so after I go to church, hit up costco, come home and take a nap, snack, go to starbucks and then enjoy wine with dinner :) Best thing is going to be the vegetable lasagna currently in the oven – although the fajitas I had last night were pretty good. So were the homemade brownies with ice cream I had later :) It’s been a good food weekend!


I did an ice bath this weekend too. I should have done some foam rolling too, now I’m paying for it.

Curly looks just like your sister and I how much your nephew loves the baby.


I made homemade gluten free cinnamon rolls for breakfast this morning. They were surprisingly pretty decent. Good Job me!! haha!!
Post long run routine is usually just hanging out with the dogs at the dog park, but I think that is more of my everyday routine!
It looks like you had a nice run despite the cramping.


amazing job!!! can’t wait for you to kill it at the race in a few weeks ;D i’ve been reading really really old posts of your’s and can i say i am SHOCKED at how much your nieces and nephew have grown!!


Your dad is so sweet to get up and drive with you to make sure you are safe- it’s so great that you have that option (I just can’t run unless it’s daylight where I live, which makes it difficult in the winter!). It sounds like you had a fantastic run- congrats!


Stretching is definitely the first thing I do after a long run. The next is to get a Diet Dr Pepper! It’s what gets me through the run! Seriously!


I occasionally get side cramps – I think they’re typically related to not breathing properly when I’m fueling up, but sometimes I can’t figure out the cause. I’ve had a few that were so bad I had to take a walk break but luckily I’ve never experienced even a slight side cramp during a race. Maybe the adrenaline keeps them at bay?


I had a 20 miler too! Only difference. About an hour. Your pace is amazing! Your dad is so wonderful to a company you in the dark!


I had a 20 miler too! Only difference. About an hour. ???:) ?????Your pace is amazing! Your dad is so wonderful to a company you in the dark!


For cramps I take three fingers and massage the area in a circular motion while trying to focusing on relaxing/breathing into the area. It has helped! Even doing it while running woks!


I am in need of a long run. When I do have one I love having a big recovery meal and then just relaxing the remainder of the day.


My high school XC coach taught me what has been a miracle cure for most side cramps: slow down just a little bit and exhale quickly while you “stomp” with the foot opposite your cramp. I.e.- if your left side is cramping, exhale and stomp every (or every other, depending on your cadence and breathing rhythm) time your right foot hits the ground. It has never NOT worked for me.


-I get a side stitch when I am hyperventilating, LOL usually after I get my breathing under control it goes away…
-Blackened chicken salad! We were out of town and actually ate there twice because I loved it, plus they made their own dressings which is hard to find, most places I can’t have dressing on my salad because of my allergies. I was in heaven!!


it took me rhabdo of my abdominal wall and a trip to urgent care for an IV and drugs to take recovering seriously… and 4 months later i can still feel it in my core when i do almost anything.


First of all, your dad is the BEST. It brings tears to my eyes every time you write about how he drove next to you while it was dark outside. LOVE.

I get wicked cramps like that when I’m tired and lose form…sometimes I’m tired because it’s a LONG run, or because I didn’t get enough sleep, or I haven’t fueled myself properly. But regardless, for me it means that I’ve lost form and I’m not breathing normally. So I usually slow down, focus on my form and my breathing and they ease up (at least bit).


Your dad is so cool! Again, I love that he keeps you safe during those dark early morning hours. Very sweet. And kickin pace, too!!! I can’t imagine running that fast for 20 miles!

My post-long run routine: SHOWER! Stretch and scarf some waffles down. Then chase kids around :)


I occasionally get side cramps when I run and they are the worst. During one race I was miserable with cramps deep in both sides, and the only thing that I can relate them to (this is probably TMI) is some bowel issues that I was having before the race. Sorry I’m not more help. I hope they don’t happen again!


Omg that cookie cake looks amazing, I want some right now!


I get those weird left side chest cramps too! They extend up into my armpit, it’s weird. I don’t get them all the time, they are pretty random, and I don’t know what causes them! Hope they don’t happy to you (or me!) anytime soon. I’m doing STG marathon too this year! My last marathon was 8 years ago, so I feel like this is my first one all over again. Good luck, you’re going to kill it!!

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