First day of school and one of the many beauties of running.

We both made it through her first day of school.  

I wasn’t concerned about her making it because she has been waiting for this day for months… I was concerned about if I was going to be able to make it.  

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I did her hair for the special occasion today and yes, I am completely jealous of my 3 year old’s hair.   She was so beyond excited about school that she sat still while I blow-dried and curled it (which she never lets me do anymore).

She didn’t have any hesitations about going in without me—>  she blew me a kiss and ran right in.  

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We started off our morning with her current favorite combination of cheesy scrambled eggs and some grapes. 

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And then it was off to school.  After I dropped her off I drove over to a trail that I haven’t been to in a while and started my run.  It was already pretty hot out so I was very grateful that I had an easy run on the schedule (5 miles @ 8:17 pace).

I have been having some anxiety lately and like usual, running brought me a lot of peace today.   I turned on some of my favorite slow songs and within just a few minutes of running I felt so much calmness.    I don’t know why running just helps me to think more clearly and to have a better perspective on things but it just does.  Somehow it slows my thoughts down (rather than thinking a million things at once like I do most of the time) and I magically come up with solutions to things that I spend days worrying about.  Running is usually the most physically strenuous part of my entire day but at the same time it is the most calming part of my day.  Does that make sense?  Anybody else?    

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I felt a million times better by the end.  It’s crazy how fortysome minutes of running just helps me figure out life a bit.  Maybe it is because there are a lot less distractions when we run—>  just your thoughts, some tunes and moving forward.  

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I picked up Brooke and we went to celebrate her first day with some steak salads.  

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Just in case you are wanting to hear what Brooke learned about on her first day of school (don’t mind my voice that is 4 octaves too high):

The highlight of last night—> some intense Candy Land. a veggie platter and chicken roll leftovers with the guy and Brookers.  

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PS Has anyone tried out this flavor yet?  Thoughts?  I personally feel like M&M’s just need to stick to plain milk chocolate, peanut butter, coconut, pretzel and peanut.  The rest I could do without.  

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What are some of the beauties of running that you’ve experienced lately?

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Brooke looks adorable! My little guy is 2 and I’m so sad thinking about him going to preschool next year. They grow up so fast!

I agree with you that running is very calming and helps me sort out my thoughts. Problems seem so much more manageable after a good run. For me, it’s really the only time I’m not thinking about everything else going on and I can let my mind wander to great ideas!


EXACTLY… the mind wandering thing while running. Necessary! YES, they really do grow up way too fast!


Brooke should be a hair model. Seriously.

Beauties of running=running pain-free for the first time in a long time and having goal races!! I’ve also really enjoyed running with my friend Andrew at the lake on Saturday mornings. It’s so beautiful there!


YAY for pain-free running Natalie! So happy for you and so fun to run with people especially when at the lake! Enjoy!


Brooke looks like she grew up overnight….beautiful!
I’m a little skeptical of those m&m’s. I would turn them down, though…lol!
After some bad runs lately, I nailed today’s track workout. I needed that.


Way to go girl on your track workout! SUCH an amazing feeling after having a few bad runs!


I love how running calms my mind and I get back feeling a thousand times better every time. I always come up with some answer to a question or a problem solved.

Brooke is a doll and I agree with the m&m favors. I just stick to plain and peanut with the occasional mint or almond.


I’m jealous of Brooke’s hair as well! Mine is thick and wavy, but it takes forever to tame. Her’s is naturally gorgeous. Glad she had a great day!


I had a 5 mile easy run today too! Ran it by myself and went to my favorite cemetery to do a few miles away from traffic. I guess it’s creepy running in a graveyard- but it’s a beautiful place with lots of trees and I always feel like I’m in a Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode!

Congrats to you and Brooke on the first day of school!!!


I LOL’d at work about that Buffy comment. I’ll have to try that on my next run ;)


Oh my goodness. She is just the sweetest little thing. Mature beyond her years that girl! I can’t get over her hair.

Are Crispy M&M’s still a thing? Those were my favourites when they existed.


I 100% agree with running being the one thing that can calm my mind! When I am upset or stressed or just going crazy, running helps to slow down the thoughts and make me see things clearly. It’s the best!

Love the video, she’s so adorable! And I love her hair! I wish mine would look like that! :)


She looks adorable Janae.

I’m sorry to hear about your anxiety. You can talk to me about it anytime as anxiety was and IS something I currently struggle with off and on.


What an adorable first day of school photo! She looks so excited. I’m already dreading the day my little boy marches off on his own.


Brooke is just too adorable! I’m glad you both did well with her first day of school!
That’s too weird of an M&M flavor. If I eat them, I really only want peanut butter M&Ms. Best post race treat!


Her dress is perfection. Truly.


Too cute!


She’s the cutest! I’m jealous of her hair AND clothes!
I get anxiety too and exercise helps so much!!! Have a great night.


Brooke looks so cute, and I loved the video! She’s a doll! I’m a totally with that you that running, or exercise in general for me, helps me to re-evaluate things and see them more clearly :)


Oh my goodness, look at that hair!
She is too cute for words :) Congrats, Mama!

Reply Love it.

P/S Sloane says “Oh my gawsh, soooo cute!” :)


She is too cute!!!


She is such a cutie!! Glad she enjoyed her first day of school!


Sooooo cute! And yes, I’m jealous of her hair, too!

Oh, Janae, you need to take another pic of Brooke at school tomorrow. One (two) of my favorite pictures of my little one were of him standing at the front door of the school with his hand on the handle. Took one on the first day and then one on the last day. It’s so fun to be able to compare how much he grew that first year when you see how he measures up!


Brooke looks totally adorable!
-running has brought me peace lately. I have been very stressed. so stressed I’ve actually kinda just lived in a non-workout/ non-running bubble and popped that today with a 3 mile run where I could sort out my head. I am feeling better, but on a plus I am looking forward to another decompressing run tomorrow morning :)


Ahhhhh yes, running can take a thought and let it be A thought instead of the same thought over and over and over and over…..


Brooke is such a cutie. I’m so glad she had a great first day!

I’m obsessed with pretzel m&ms.


She is such a cutie!!
Cute video! Is the trail you ran on the canal trail? If so, I know it well, I trained on it for two months, its nice!


so glad you both survived the first day of school…though she looks like she should be going into 5th grade or something WOW! her hair is totally amazing.

also…pecan pie m&ms?! haven’t seen them yet but agreed…give me all the peanut m&ms in the world!


That video. I die. Will you come over and blow dry and curl my hair for me too?


Your daughter is beautiful. Beyond jealous of her (and your) hair!! Running definitely soothes my anxiety too. Funny how that works!


getting out there and watching the sunrise on my run! Felt so good. definitely a calming experience…..


I love trying the new flavors of m&ms but it seems like they don’t stick around for long. My favorite kind was the pretzel and I’m so glad they brought it back!


Oh my. That hair.

My kids all headed into school without looking back. They were so ready….and no..I didn’t cry either. Sorry moms everywhere. I’m THAT mom. :)


Pecan Pie? I don’t know. You know your whole workout schedule is about the change up now that the kid is in school. Go with the flow. Embrace the 9:00 heat. And enjoy picking her up from school all sweaty. Because really, in a few years, she’ll be really embarrassed when you pick her up in running clothes. Even though that’s what all the cool moms do.


Oh my goodness, Brooke is so pretty!! My little girl starts preschool in one month.
I can’t even think about it and I know she will handle it much better than I will!!
The beauty of running… it really is amazing isn’t it? I jumped in PT today and did a tiny bit of running in place!! It was fantastic. I go back to see my surgeon tomorrow!
I am feeling so thankful and joyful.
Have a wonderful afternoon!


I 100% understand what you mean when you say that running is both the most strenuous (physically) part of your day, but the most calming (mentally). For me, I think it’s because while I am running, it takes my focus off my “problems” because I’m busy thinking about how my run is going, my pace, my form, etc. It forces me to stop obsessing. And oftentimes, that’s all we need to do right? Stop obsessing over things, especially things we can’t change. :)


Goodness gracious, what a cutie!


I agree 100% running is the clam in my head. Being almost 8 months pregnant and not able to go as long or as fast has really been hard mentally. I was so used to the time to clear my head!

Brooke is beautiful just like her mamma!

Crispy M&M’s are the best!


First things first – WHAT three year old looks so adorable for their first day of school!?! I can only imagine that my mom would kill to have a picture of my siblings and I looking so sweet on our first days of school haha! Im so glad she loved it.

Yes, yes, and yes. Running= calm mind. I am injured right now and it it taking a toll on me mentally. Oh how I crave the single mindedness that comes with running – even on the hard workouts!


haha that conversation with Brooke is exactly the kind of conversation I have with Max


she is too stinkin cute. i love when you post videos!! yes i absolutely agree that running is the simplest part of my day that always calms my brain. even when there’s 5 million things going on running simplifies it almost. its weird


The beauty of running I’ve experienced is a major stress reliever after work!


She is too adorable. Beyond words.

Your description of running as both strenuous and calming is on point! I always say that running is the easiest part of my day. It’s when I am free of emails, phone calls, distractions. I can just let go and be alone with my thoughts. I always figure things out while running, too! It’s food for my soul.


The video reminded me that we used to call my son the “singing frog”. You know that old Bugs Bunny cartoon? The frog sings and dances until the guy goes to show someone, and then he just sits still and says, “Ribbit”. That’s my kid. All day long with songs and dances and jokes until I want to show someone and then… silence. :D

Running is so good for slowing my thoughts! It’s also a time that I use to plan out my day or pray. The rest of my day my brain feels like a radio, just constantly going, and when I’m running it’s quieter.


Jenee, the “singing frog” was THE funniest bugs bunny cartoon EVER!

Thanks for the memory!


My recent beauty of running is that I have found the most wonderful trail running group. It’s a bunch of super friendly people who like to run the mountain trails for hours on Saturday mornings and eat breakfast after. I sumitted my first 13,000 ft peak with them this weekend! They’ve pushed me to run farther and higher than I think I could on my own.


This just makes me so beyond happy. I am so happy that you have found this group and HUGE congrats on the 13,000 ft peak. You are amazing.


You spoke my mind said it exactly like how I feel about running. Most physically strenous part of the day and also the most calming. I haven’t been running very much for a few months for no particular reason. But I recently got back into running again and I miss it so much. Nothing gives me the calm and personal space like running does. When my mind is clouded, a run is all I need to feel better and lighter.


That video of Brooke is adorable! I remember my daughter’s first day of school like it was yesterday :) She starts high school next week…I’m still in denial about that :(

Running usually is a great way for me to clear my head but recently I’ve been plagued with injuries so it’s been less fun :( Hopefully I will be back on track with my training and finding my joy in running again soon


So glad Brooke had a great first day of school!

I also had the same issue with anxiety lately, and my 5 mile run ended up being 7 miles today. My run was strenuous but I didn’t want to stop because it’s so therapeutic for me! When people ask me why I run, I say it’s the best therapy in the entire world. I can’t say it’s cheaper than therapy, because let’s face it….being a runner is NOT cheap haha!

Oh and also pecan pie M&Ms?! I need to have these!!


What percentage of my snaps to you do you think are candy/food related? I think you need to start keeping track and make a pie chart.


What percentage of your snaps end up on Hungry Runner Girl?

Answer- all of them.


Wow – you guys start school really early in the US of A. Up here in the great white north of Canada, we treasure our summer too much so school doesn’t start until after the Labour day long weekend in Sept. She’s adorable – my little girl is going into high school this year and the years went by in a heartbeat. As for running for calmness – absolutely. I don’t listen to music, just get into the rhythm of a run and let me mind do it’s thing. Sometimes I work through the problems of the day, sometimes I daydream, sometimes I focus on my run or how I feel and sometimes I get a song in my head and just think about that – (that’s what happened today). However, I really believe my runs are as much a time of health and renewal for my brain as they are for my body. Take care. Geezer.


Love that pink pack pack! Love you and love Brooke!! Mwah!


I LOVE YOU!! We miss you dearly. Come back to Utah soon? Also, maybe we should still do that cruise idea that we had 4 years ago:)


but … but … what about almond m&ms? my newest obsession! oh and those crispy ones that come in a blue packaging?
Brooke is so beautiful and I love her hair! Glad she had a good first day! :)


I definitely agree with how running is meditative in a way and helps me sort through my thoughts. I love it for this very reason alone.
So glad that Brooke had a greg first day!


I feel like the pecan pie m&ms might be just as bad as the red velvet. :/ My favorite are dark chocolate!


Awww, she’s adorable!! I can’t wait to see what my little girl will be like in November when she turns three!!! Mine is SO clingy. I almost need to get her into preschool to break the attachment!


She is too grown up for words! Here come the boyfriends!


Running helps me put things in perspective for sure. I love Brooke’s hair!! And I would not try those m&m’s………..but you should try brownie batter oreos!!


Brooke is precious. More importantly she is fearless thanks to your example and the other strong and fearless women she gets to interact with on a daily basis. This is what the world needs more of ; )


I love Pecan Pie, so I might try those M&M’s, but I’m with you. Stick to what you’re good at. Candy corn M&M’s? Yuck!


Way to rock some awesome hair for her first day of school! Glad it all went well. :)

I love your couch – where did you get it?


YES to this post! Running can definitely be super strenuous and relaxing/meditative at the same time. Sometimes when I’m at my weariest I have the best runs. And you were SO SMART to go for a run right after dropping Brooke off, that way you didn’t have time to miss her too much. Mom win.


I’m also totally jealous of Brooke’s hair. And running is definitely meditative for me. No doubt.


Looks like she had an amazing first day, her hair looks awesome!


Running has helped pull me out of a weird depression I’m going through. (I think the depression comes from not loving my job. Or liking it.) I decided I needed to be proactive and take control of how I’m feeling, but rather than go to a doctor and look into medication, I wanted to try a more natural route. And running found me.


Ohmigosh! Your little girl is in school now!

She looks so cute though! And that hair! How is that even fair?! ;)

And, I’m not really feeling those M&M’s. I think they are trying too hard with that flavor. Stick to what you know, Mars. Haha!

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