How exactly our body changes to get stronger when we run AND

Just a bunch of girls (and 1 little man) that met a few years ago via instagram and blogs.  

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Cubby’s for dinner.  This Buffalo Chicken salad reminded me all over again about my deep love for bleu cheese.  And bacon.  And spicy chicken.  And the rest of Brooke’s grilled cheese sandwich.  Marathon training = no food left behind. 

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For dessert one of the girls brought our favorite sugar cookies from pop shop and now I can go buy 20 more to eat at home too.  

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In other dessert news, did you know that there are white chocolate Cadbury Eggs?  They are divine.

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Also, something else to tell you about—>  Brooke is convinced that my iPod nano is a telephone.   

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My latest Women’s Running article is about ADAPTATION!  I wanted to go more into detail today about exactly how our bodies change in order to handle the extra stress and workload that comes when we train!

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I really do love how our bodies do this.  I love when a pace that used to feel like death to me feels relaxed after a few months of working hard.  I love increasing my mileage or running faster workouts each week.  I love the progression that comes along with running.  I think that humans crave progressing in life (work, school, relationships etc.) and running helps us to fulfill that desire we have to get better and move forward!

Let’s talk about what is going on behind the scenes when we train (and recover properly) that makes us faster and stronger.

1.  YES PLEASE to this one—>  “Your joints and connective tissues, the things that hold you together, become stronger and able to withstand the impact of running.”  (source)  

2.  Your muscles learn to ENDURE for longer:  “Endurance training improves the endurance capabilities of your muscle fibers by increasing the number of mitochondria in your muscle cells.  These mitochondria are responsible for converting oxygen to produce energy.”  With extra mitochondria you are able to use more oxygen which makes it so that you can run for longer before becoming fatigued.  (source

3.  Those muscles of yours also become STRONGER because of the micro-tears that occur from your training.  These tears happen in both the fast and slow-twitch muscle fibers and they learn to heal quickly and then they become stronger than they were before!  (source)

4.  Your muscles also learn how to be efficient at processing Lactate (a source of energy—> the by-product from when your body breaks down glucose) which is a huge part of training your body to run farther and faster.  (source)

5.  Running strengthens your heart—>  “In response to high-intensity activity, your heart becomes stronger and more efficient at pumping blood throughout your body.  As your cardiovascular endurance improves, your heart does not need to work as hard at rest because it can pump the necessary blood with fewer beats per minute, lowering your resting heart rate.”  (source)  Your heart actually changes size from endurance training—>  the left atrium increases in size and volume!

6.  Your stroke volume (amount of blood pumped from one ventricle of the heart with each beat) increases because your heart is strengthened from running.  The average person pumps about 14-15 liters per minute… Someone that is trained can pump 20-40 liters per minute.  More blood pumping = more oxygen for your muscles which allows them to work harder for longer.  (source)

7.  Your body learns how to use fat for energy!  “Endurance training switches the body from burning carbs to burning fats more often and sooner.  This is a metabolic change.  It is far more efficient over long periods as we have far more fat energy stored in our body.”  (source)  I’m okay with my body burning fat more efficiently!

8.  Your body becomes better at storing glycogen in your muscles!  Your body will be able to go longer without getting depleted after you have been training for a while. 

9.  We need to do core work outside of running BUT our cores actually get stronger as we are running.  In order to keep us stabilized, upright and propelling forward we are using our core to keep us balanced while running!

10.  “Your muscle cells, arteries, blood volume and lung capacity adapt to make the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide more efficient.  You also develop more capillaries that aid in gas exchange.”  (source)

And those are a few of the things that change in our bodies to get faster and stronger as we train!


The Hardest Game of “Which Food Must Go” You’ll Ever Play was actually extremely difficult.  I would answer and then change my answer a few times because it just made me sad thinking about one of the foods going away forever.

I wanted your answer on this one.  If you had to give up one (pie, cake or brownies)… which one would it be?

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Help a reader out… she asked me yesterday for recommendations of shorts that don’t ride up!!! Help a sister out in the comments please!  What shorts have you found to not ride up?  

-I personally am a huge fan of Lulu shorts because they really stay in place for me and I never feel like I have to adjust them.  They are pricey but I just have a few pairs that I wash frequently to rotate through them because I love them so much.

Favorite type of cheese!?!? 

How has your body adapted to running?

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Goat cheese is my favorite and bacon would just add to that! I only run in Lulu shorts as well and the first time I tried them I knew I could never run in anything else. The most comfortable and best fitting I’ve tried!


Cheese is one of the foods I don’t eat. I can deal with some parmesan on things, but generally speaking I don’t like any cheese. Yes, I know it’s weird.

I love Oiselle’s Roga shorts and Distance shorts. I don’t ever have issues with them riding up.

If I had to get rid of one it would be cake. Brownies would for sure stay (without nuts though).


If I HAD to give up one…pie:(

I wear the lulu speed shorts and love them. Ooh, and the Oiselle Mac Rogas!

Fave cheese: warm Brie

Biggest body change due to running: obviously speed and distance improve, but my recovery time is much shorter between workouts now!


great picture of you running! Love those articles :)

goat cheese. in the form of crumbles on my salad. daily.

anytime I see progress on my endurance, I get a little too excited. I lose endurance QUICK. Like if I’m not training for a half, I am comfortable with 4 miles no more. but then when I start training for one, 5 miles seem impossible. A few weeks later and that’s no longer the case and that’s pretty cool to me.


I love the Under Armour HeatGear Authentic shorts in 5″ and 7″. They are compression shorts so they stick to you and don’t ride up! They are also super light weight so you don’t even feel like you have anything on, haha!

I was just thinking the other day how my now easy pace was definitely medium effort in September-ish of last year. I love looking back over my training logs and seeing progress! I think it’s hard to notice it day to day, but it’s so nice to look back and see what you were running 3, 6, 9 months ago and how that’s changed!




I’m not a pie fan so that is pretty easy for me.

I think running strengthens our body in so many different ways that we will never be able to grasp every single one. That being said, I do believe different types of workouts do the Same thing!


Goat cheese, smoked gouda, baby swiss… I think that anything that can be labeled “cheese” is my favorite cheese. Even Velveeta, which is technically called “cheese food”. That description totally gets a side-eye, but it is tasty.


Oiselle Mac roga fan all the way!


I LOVE that we actually become better endurance athletes with age and I love pointing that out every time someone tells me I’m ruining my knees :)


I’d give up the pie. Stressful situation there.

I am obsessed with Oiselle Roga shorts! I’ve decided that the 4″ inseam is for me. I feel really exposed in the 2.5″ but that’s probably because I am 5’8″.


I would definitely give up cake. I’ve never really liked it, and for my birthday I always get a pie or cookie cake! Even at weddings and birthdays I won’t take a piece of cake. I do love frosting though :)

I don’t really have a problem with shorts riding up, but my favorite pair are probably a nice simple, cheap pair from Target. I love all of my workout clothes I’ve gotten from the C9 line!


If I had to, I’d give up the pie.
Favorite cheese: goat cheese.
Shorts: oiselle’s distance shorts! Plus they have a bunch of pockets.
Great article! I find it so interesting how used to a certain distance we get. 7 miles used to seem impossible to me, then it was my long run, and now it’s my daily distance!


I can’t live without my Brooks running shorts- Lulus are a close second!


I’m not sure if you can control the fact that there’s a video playing on the side of your blog or not, but just thought I’d let you know that there’s one playing, and it’s definitely annoying! White chocolate cadbury eggs sound delicious!!


I can’t figure out how to turn off that video, so I have to mute my sound when I come to this blog :( Super annoying!!
I can live without cake, for sure!
I started endurance lifting about a month ago and I can totally run farther and faster, YES!
I’m all about cheese, whichever kind I’m currently eating is my fave.


If you don’t mind my asking — what is your endurance lifting session consist of? And how often? I’ve heard I should be incorporating strength training with weights, but I just love running so much that’s all I do :-| Plus I have 3 kids and work full-time so I’d rather just squeeze in running…But if it helps my running, I’m willing to try it.


Jen- I go to a class one day a week for 50 min and then I do it at home one more day, I try for every other day, but that doesn’t ever work. I just asked the instructor about writing out a program to follow at home because I was just doing a shortened version with what I could remember. She said to google or YouTube body pump and those workouts are basically what she teaches us. We do legwork, then arms then abs pretty much to the point where you can’t do another one and then you do a couple more. Kinda killer but I’m loving the results!


I think I would give up pie. I LOVE CUPCAKES! and brownies. and pie too…. but if I had to pick one.

I am a bigger girl so I always have the shorts riding up issue but I found that Reebok spandex shorts do the job! Not the short shorts, the ones that are above the knee a little bit length. They get the job done & I never chafe! I have to steer clear of short shorts or else I am guaranteed to chafe. Good luck!

Fav cheese hands down is cheddar <33333333 I love cheese more than cupcakes, pies, and brownies but I have been making a conscious effort to not eat as much of it unfortunately.


Feta on a salad is my favorite. Provolone and Munster tie for my favorite sandwich cheese. And just eating it straight I like cheddar. LOL!

I’m slowly coming back from an injury and I cannot believe how sore and achy everything feels after just 3 short miles. And slow! I’m so slow. I don’t feel like I did at this time last year. I can’t wait to start to gain strength and endurance again and know that everything you listed in this post is happening. Especially my connective tissue! I have weak connective tissue. LOL


As someone who is 5’4″ and has some thunder in my thighs, I’ve found anything below a 5″ inseam will not work on me. Target has some good shorts out now that work. All the rogas ride up on me and I hate being that person picking their crotch all the time on a run almost as much as I hate chafing.


I could definitely give up pie and cake and I honestly couldn’t tell you the last time I had a brownie. It’s all about the ice cream and froyo for me :)

I like the Target C9 Premium shorts (make sure it’s the premium). They are super cheap and I haven’t had any issues.

Favorite type of cheese = ALL! I really do love mizithra, but the only place I have found it is at The Old Spaghetti Factory.


This may be a tad bit personal, but can you do a post on what you eat in a day while you’re in the thick of marathon training? I’m struggling to adjust my diet while I’m running 50+ mile weeks and need some help! :)


Awesome question – I am in search of a good pair of shorts too!! I will be checking back frequently for the roundup of answers. I do love skirts a lot, but that’s a different question :)
So true about progression & advancement with running. I do love knocking out a run that was previously so darn hard!


I would give up brownies. I can’t live without cake and frosting . . . okay, frosting. I only like the frosting. Yum!

I like Under Armor for my shorts. It’s not an exotic brand like Lulemon, but they are comfortable, don’t ride up, and are durable.

My favorite cheese depends on my mood. I love a good goat cheese and cucumber sandwich in the summer, but on my salads it is blue cheese all the way!


I do notice when I start endurance training that I carve sugar big time. That’s one downside. I don’t like putting that in my body. I Ty to fuel with real while foods but it is hard.


I am, not a fan of Lululemon shorts. I own a handful of shorts from there and never wear them. The material is just a little too rough and the shorts are bit too structured. That being said, Old Navy shorts are amazing. They are dirt cheap and feel so good on. They mold to my body shape quickly and when I run it is just heavenly.


I love brie cheese. And gouda. On sandwiches, pepper jack. Basically, I just love cheese. :) I like short shorts with built in liners–they are cool (as in temperature, not as in neato) and don’t restrict movement at all, but don’t cause any chafing issues, and don’t ride up.


Question for you about our bodies adapting for running…I am training for my first marathon and my thigh/butt muscles have gotten HUGE. I can’t fit into certain dresses and skirts like I used to. Do others find this happen? I am not going to keep training at this high intensity after the marathon, so I hope they go back down! Also, do you typically gain weight while marathon training? I haven’t weighed myself, but I feel like I have due to muscles!


I absolutely find that certain dresses and skirts don’t fit in the middle of marathon training- pencil skirts, especially, or any dresses that have a similar shaped bottom definitely get too tight in the glute area :-D It’s nice to see someone else has the same problem!


My legs have definitely grown as I’ve run more, so I think this is normal. I usually gain around 3-5 pounds during training on average!


I would give up cake. Haha. I’m not a big cake fan..
gosh my body has adapted so much. It’s so funny that at one point I would get sore after 2 miles. And now, I’ve successfully run 20 miles. Our bodied are truly amazing.


I’d give up pie. 75% of the time, pie has fruit and that’s not chocolate. Brownies are always chocolate.

I run in UA compression shorts. Super comfy and they have a 5″ variety that are not too short, not too long that don’t ride up.


I would give up pie if I really had to choose, but if the brownies aren’t fudgy/or if they contain nuts, they need to go! And, the cake has to be chocolate fudge involved or I don’t want a part of it (aren’t you glad you asked me this question lol)…As for shorts, I never found a pair I love – I prefer running skirts because they sit the best without riding up (the bike shorts underneath always stay in place- I wear Lulu pace setter and a Nike skirt too, forget the name of it). I do hear terrific things about Lulu shorts so I am going to try them again for this season.


Jarlsburg cheese is my favorite. Lululemon Tracker shorts work great for me for both the gym and running.


I think I could get rid of pie pretty easily. I mean, you could always smoosh a brownie into a crust and fill it with frosting from the cake. Close enough, right?!

My favorite cheese is blue cheese! When I ate meat, anything with “Buffalo chicken” immediately won my heart!


I would give up pie.

I like Danskin shorts, but I’m not a huge shorts while working out kinda gal. I pretty much love all danskin everything! (affordable and durable stuff!!)

I really like swiss cheese. Especially the laughing cow spreadable swiss you can put on bagels or crackers :) uummm yumm!


I would give up cake first if I absolutely HAD to.

Right now the Athleta 2 in 1 shorts are working pretty well for me. They also have regular shorts that look pretty cute – hmmm, I think its time to put in another order to try those out too.
Favorite cheese – yes, all of them!

I am loving the fact that my body can run in the first place. I never ran anywhere even close to a mile until I was very very well into adulthood and now I just entered the Chicago marathon lottery (fingers crossed).


Hands down, I would get rid of pie. Don’t touch my cake and brownies!

My body has handled running so much better after having a baby. I have no idea why, but I haven’t been injured and have run faster than ever before. :)


Ugh – I guess I could say goodbye to brownies. I’m very particular about my brownies, so they have to be just how I like them (rarely happens). That chocolate pie pic looks like heaven!!

Favorite cheese – Brillat Savarin!! If you’ve never tried it, you should – it’s a triple cream soft cheese (from France, obvi). It’s better than butter.

I love Lulu shorts (I only have one pair!) and, for a more compression kind of short, I like the ones made by Lucy.

Thank you for your awesome article!!


I love Lulu running shorts. I have never had any issues with them riding up or anything like that.

And provolone cheese is the best. No question.


I wanted your answer on this one. If you had to give up one (pie, cake or brownies)… which one would it be?

Help a reader out… she asked me yesterday for recommendations of shorts that don’t ride up!!! Help a sister out in the comments please! What shorts have you found to not ride up? Oiselle Rogas and Distance shorts! The rogas stay flat against your leg no riding, and the Distance shorts are a little flowy and always land in the same place (where they started)

Favorite type of cheese!?!? Stinky cheese! Blue cheese counts. Anything strong and salty.

How has your body adapted to running? It can go and go and go without tweaks and pains like I had in my early years of distance training (2002-2003).


My body has made huge adaptations to running, but the biggest thing for me is managing my stress. If life stress is too high, I miss out on training gains.


That’s a hard one. I would say pie except that I would never want to give up pumpkin pie in the fall. I’d say cake because I don’t eat gluten but the GF cakes are getting so much better and giving up brownies is not a possibility in my world (even the GF ones). I guess if I had to say one of them it would be cake.


I love saucony running shorts, but lately I’m really into the ‘ready set’ shorts from athleta.

I like stinky cheese! Some sort of creamy, smelly goat cheese would probably be my favorite. But, as a Vermonter I have to say the sharp cheddar is a close second!

It’s amazing how much our bodies adapt specifically to the running that we do. When I was living in super-flat Leipzig, Germany, I got really good at fast paced long workouts, but since moving back to UT, I’ve been working on hills, and it’s amazing how much easier they feel after a couple of months.


Is it possible to ever get tired of running if you’re going long and slow? I feel like I can go forever, its just that mentally I tire out and I get blisters on my feet, but I don’t feel the burn in my muscles or anything, you know? Maybe I’m not running long enough?


great article in women’s running!


I love to run in Oiselle’s distance shorts — really, anything Oiselle! I also love lulu’s skirts.


I don’t care for pie or cake but I’ll leave the dessert gods bleeding in a ditch if they were to take away the brownies!


I could give up pie (even easier if there is no whipped cream or ice cream around). I love cake and brownies. Especially grocery store cake icing. Yum!
I was pretty stuck on Kraft cheese slices and cheddar cheese when I met my husband. With him being Italian, I’ve expanded my cheese mind and now enjoy goat cheese, brie (especially baked with puff pastry around it) and many other kinds. I prefer the soft cheese though. Not a huge fan of the ones you need a saw to cut through.


I have heard that to, I will have to try them on and see how they feel !


I have the same problem when it comes to shorts. I even just stopped wearing them since they always ride up and I chafe from just a two mile run. It sucks cause now I have some knarly scars on my inner thighs.


I am not a HUGE cake person (blasphemous, I know). I like cake okay, but love pretty much every other dessert more. Especially cookies… cookies are my jam.

I recently bought a pair of Oiselle distance shorts and love them. Seem to stay put and don’t ride up weird or rub the wrong way. They are probably going to be the shorts I wear for my next marathon because they have SO MANY pockets. Three pockets in a pair of shorts = magic. No worries about where to put all my Gu packets :)


Hi J! Love this post. And I agree that the body does some amazing things. While I don’t run very often, I do teach and participate in group fitness classes with plenty of running involved. I LOVE how I’m able to adapt and grow stronger and push harder over time. And I hope that never stops. I could totally live without brownies, but NEVER cake or pie.


Nike running shorts. And Nike spandex shorts for long runs to prevent chafing.

Favorite cheese – probably mozzarella. LEAST FAVORITE CHEESE – goat cheese. BARF.

Umm definitely cake. Pie is my favorite thing in the world, and brownies are a yummy every once in a while treat. I have never liked cake.

My body has adapted because I can run hills now without getting winded :)

ALSO white chocolate Cadbury eggs?!?! NEED.


Since so many treats for me are just an excuse to eat icing, the pie would go because pie never has icing. The cake HAS to stay because if it has been made properly it always has icing!


Hi Janae.

Thanks so much for including my shorts question on today’s blog, great suggestions from all the readers thank you.


I could give up cake – not a huge fan – but I LOVE apple pie! I made a great one at Thanksgiving substituting coconut oil for butter and even my super picky daughter loved it.

I like Lulu shorts too and also really like their skirts for running. I have one pair of adidas that i also like too – really comfy.

I don’t eat cheese anymore but have actually made an amazing vegan blue cheese from a blog and it was amazing :)


i have a pair of long, bicycle shorts from lululemon, i bought them used for like $35, which is not bad at all! I don’t know what they’re called, but they don’t move around AT ALL – for me, the key is to go with longer shorts because my thighs are pretty thick ;)


Such a great article in WR, Janae! Overcoming the tough parts of running is good practice for life!


That salad last night was, as Bianca would say, “Amazeballlllls!!!!”

I would say cottage cheese or pepperjack cheese.

My body has adapted after having felicity. Sometimes I compare myself to how I was before I had her, but then I think again about how difficult my workouts were a couple months after I had her and now I feel like I am *almost* back to where I was and that feels good. Now if my body could just adapt to not getting injuries. THAT would be the best thing ever.

Can we just mention again your insane workout yesterday and how you finished it and rocked it? I am still in awe.


I could live without pie. If I absolutely had too. Brownies though… no flippin’ way!


Good question about the shorts! I am interested in seeing what other people say. I have two pairs of old nike shorts that don’t ride up but the newer versions of them aren’t the same so I’m always on the lookout for replacements! also hmmm tough choice but I think I’d give up cake!


The human body is quite amazing and I continue to learn more about myself each year as I face new challenges and set new goals.

Which food must go… pie (unless it’s Thanksgiving).

I love the lululemon speed shorts and Nike tempo shorts. Shorts are definitely a matter of personal preference and fit, but these have never done me wrong,


Feeling the effects of adaptation is one of my favourite parts of training! I remember last year, training for my first half marathon, 10-11 miles felt SO. FAR. But now that I have been running those distances more often, they aren’t such a big deal to me!


I’d give up brownies. I would just like to know how does one choose between mac n’ cheese, lasagna, and spaghetti??? Not one of those can go!

Excellent info about adaptation and what a gorgeous pic of you running! I would say my body has adapted over the many years of running through how it’s strengthened the heart muscle. My resting heart rate has been as low as 40 .

I love cheddar and havarti.


Nike Pro 5″ compression shorts are my go-to. But I did just pick up a pair of Lulu speed and they are awesome!

I always pass on pie especially if it’s fruit. There’s just something so wrong with baked fruit and the gelatinous goo it sits in. Give me a slice a cake any time any day.


I’m also in the Target C9 Premium short camp. They work well for me and I really love the price.

Sandwich/cracker cheese: Pepper Jack and brie
Salad cheese: feta
We have a lot of great artisanal cheese makers in our area. I love going to local restaurants and ordering the cheese plate. Our “go-to” camping meal is a loaf or two of fresh sourdough bread with a bunch of cheeses, some fig or jalapeno jam and fruit. Jeez. I’m really craving cheese now.

The progression thing sometimes catches me by surprise. I’m sure there’s no way I can run an event at x pace, then I do.


Oiselle shorts are my favorite but I have heard such good things about Lulu shorts and I would love to give them a try!
As for what I would give up…definitely not the brownie! It really depends on the kind of cake or pie. I’m not really a big fan of typically pies so that is probably what would go. I would need to be able to continue eating birthday cake anyway!


Lulu speed shorts. I won’t run in any other shorts because I’ve had such good luck with them.


My favorite running shorts are also the Lululemon shorts. If you stalk the store, you can find some funky colors on the clearance rack as a final sale.


I love brownies, but I’d give them up to keep cakes and pies. They feel more “special occasion” to me (read: totally ok to indulge!).

Shorts- I love the Old Navy shorts, although I do also run in UA shorts and various skirts. Running shorts must have liners in my world- these do and they don’t ride up on me. Comfy and not restrictive.

Cheese- um, all. Sandwiches- provolone. On salads- feta and blue. Snacking- Brie or sharp cheddar. MOZZARELLA!!

Adaptation- love that I have reached a place where I can just “go for a run” without stressing about how long will I go, how far is it, will I make it? I can just enjoy a good run and not feel like it’s too hard or that I need to make it harder.

White chocolate Cadbury eggs- I did not know that was a thing but now that I know, I must have them.


Oh man that’s a tough question! I’m not a huge fan of cake so probably that one, but I’m only a fan of apple pie so idk if I want to give up all cake possibilities just to have apple pie. I just don’t know!!


I would never give up a food I actually liked. But since I don’t like cake (so gross), it can go…but leave its frosting, please!!

I will be on the look out for these Cadbury eggs…hopefully they’re in Canada!!

Favorite cheese…oh man, I don’t think I could pic a fav…I loooooooove all cheese.


I would give up cake………..brownies are too divine and both pie and brownies go well with vanilla bean ice cream on top!

I love cheddar cheese. A classic, so good! I don’t like the processed American cheese at all.

And I buy most of my shorts second hand to save moolah, and usually I pick ones that don’t ride up, guess I get lucky………….I have a great pair of nike ones and under armor ones.


I loved this post! I love seeing progression! And most importantly I love you!


for running shorts, I have found some great ones at target (5 in and 7 in) that do not move. They have survived 13 miles and 17 miles.
also, if you are looking for cuter options, check out sparkle skirts. very pricy but SO cute and so worth it. they have 3 built in pockets which is awesome.

as for cheese-sharp cheddar is my absolute favorite


Those sugar cookies look amazing! I can’t even imagine how incredible they taste. Wish I would’ve checked out that place before we moved from UT! And I most definitely need to buy some white chocolate Cadbury eggs. Yes please!


have been wanting to try Cubbys forever! I better go because that salad looks amazing :)


I tend to love hard cheeses, but I could eat any ;)

Shorts- I recently fell in love with the Nike Rival 4″ running short! I have larger thighs (for my height) so I often feel like shorts ride up during runs. Not these bad boys!


I recently bought a pair of the CALIA running shorts by Carrie Underwood. I too have the shorts raise up on me when I run issue. I spent 3 hours running on trails with these shorts and I can’t complain. So comfy.

Brie or fresh mozzarella is a win!!

Since I started trail running more I have notied my legs have gotten stronger and I am able to endure the climbs better.


Not a huge pie person at all, so could easily give that up :)
I truly do love my lulu speed shorts! I have 2 pair and they are the BEST.
After years of running, my body just has incredible muscle memory. It just knows what to do and is so used to running. Even after a layoff, it can pretty easily go back to where it left off…


Cake, never liked it much really only good as a vehicle for frosting delivery. Growing up I always asked for birthday pie instead.

I love all cheese, seriously you hit on my favorite things in life. Again I view lots of foods as just delivery vehicles for cheese. Soft goat cheese are probably my favorite but its all good!

I am not a shorts person for that exact reason, and I live in Alaska where its never shorts weather, I run in capris and right now am loving my Reebok capris for treadmill time and crossfit.


Ooooh I will be looking for some running shorts this summer. So many great suggestions! White chocolate cadbury eggs sound amazing! I am going to look for those next grocery trip.

I would give up brownies for sure. I don’t even remember the last time I ate them. I definitely like pie and cake WAY more. Especially cake!


I would give up pie! I don’t choose it very often.

I don’t eat heaps of cheese, but I do love a soft brie or camembert.

I don’t do shorts – I’ve tried a couple of times, but I feel so much more comfortable in capris or leggings, that I’ve decided not to fight it any more.

I really like repeating a workout that I did say a month ago, to really see how far I’ve come in that time – whether it’s running or strength training or something else. It’s hugely satisfying to totally kick butt in a workout that you struggled with.


Lululemon is the best. I actually run in their skirts.


Save the pie! Everything else can go.


I love aged gouda, it’s my absolute favorite cheese!

I’d give up cake and keep pie and brownies. As much as I love cake I don’t really eat it very often….but can I still eat the icing???

I love lulu shorts and nike running shorts. That’s what I stick with!

I just ran a 10 mile race last weekend after being in 10 weeks of training and I can tell such a difference, I felt so strong running up the hills, my pace was 20 seconds faster per mile than when I ran the race last year, and overall I just feel like I’m getting better. I agree that humans crave progression! Running is something I can always work harder at. OH and I also notice my legs getting stronger…and sort of bigger. hah!


Pie since I don’t like most pie crusts. But I’d really miss key lime pie…

I like Champion compression shorts. They make them in a variety of lengths and I find the longer ones stay put.

I can run longer distances. My muscles in my legs have definitely changed and they were strong to start with. Everyday tasks are easier, too.


Oiselle shorts are the bomb. The roga shorts are AMAZING. I love them so much. The flyte shorts are also amazing if she’s looking for spandex shorts.


I love love love the Lululemon tracker shorts. Not too short so so comfy, great pocket and never ever ride up.

So many great cheeses I could never narrow it down.

Keep cake and brownies. I could lose the pie


remember when Brooke used to think the calculator was a phone?


athleta shorts are great!

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