I hope you are all having an amazing Presidents Day!  Brooke is currently napping and I am about to share with you 10 Monday Matters that I hope will entertain you at least for a minute or two.  

1.  Just a picture during my long run next to a very artistic wall of graffiti (I sure hope it isn’t some bad sign that I don’t see).  I highly recommend getting your running friends a birthday ribbon to wear on their birthday.  I got a lot of ‘happy bdays’ along the trail from other runners.

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2.  Just using the clarisonic on the dog’s face.  

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3.  Birthday run = using candy for your fuel.  

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4.  And diet coke for right when you finish.  Definitely not my normal post-run drink but anything goes on your bday.

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5.  She is a tad bit skeptical of my new nephew.

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6.  Flashback to the summer days at Seven Peaks with my sister (she isn’t technically my sister but kind of).   She loves to post pictures from her scrapbook on Facebook.

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7.  Chocolate covered gummy bears from my mom.  She is the best.

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8.  Heavenly cupcakes from Candice.  It had been way too long since my last cupcake.  I will never go that long again without them.

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9.  Josse gave me a bag of produce (sweet potatoes on the bottom) for my birthday to counteract all of the treats she knew I would be eating.

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10.  Brooke refuses to sleep with her socks on.  Refuses.  

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Please share your Monday Matters with me!!!

Ever used candy for running fuel?  What type?

Sleeping—>  with or without socks? 


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Yes, I’ve used Skittles and Starbursts for fuel before. I don’t think I can handle chocolate on the run (though I have eaten chocolate chip cookies immediately before a run). Socks – yes in the winter, no in the summer.

Have you ever had a birthday run in a tank top before?! I’m doubting that happens very often in February!


You are so right… I don’t think I have except for when I lived in California! Interesting that the seasons affect your sock needs:)
I might have to try your cc cookies right before a run idea!


I used to always eat 2 chocolate chip cookies before my Cross Country races in high school! I don’t know if they helped or hurt, but I enjoyed it :) Maybe I need to start that tradition up again :)


Nashville is shut down from an ice storm. Even Starbucks is closed!!
I’ve had Swedish fish during a run.
No socks when I sleep. They make me feel claustrophobic if that makes any sense!


OH NO!! Stay warm Jennifer!




Yes, makes me feel claustrophobic with socks on too! *shutters* when I think about it


I’m glad I’m not the only one!!


I actually used some snakes for the first time as running fuel on Saturday! I had been hunting around for an energy gel, but left it too late to find one before my run, so I bought a bag of snakes instead. I don’t think it worked as well – I think it took longer for the energy to hit my blood stream – but good enough!

Without socks. I’m with Brook!


I have never used candy for running fuel but salted caramel gu is almost as good :p

No socks for me at night. If anybody is wearing socks in the house my almost 2 year old will take them off of their feet lol!


HAHAHA that is awesome about your almost 2 year old!!! You are so right about the salted caramel gu. That stuff is legit.


I hate sleeping with socks on!


I’ve eaten dried fruit before on a run but never candy. It’s probably because all my favorite candy is chocolate and that just seems like it wouldn’t sit well with me while running. I have eaten candy to keep me going when I go straight from running into strength training or yoga because I workout before breakfast and get hungry!

No socks for me while sleeping. My puggle sleeps on top of my feet so he provides all the warmth my toes need. :)


I want a puggle.

Great idea about dried fruit!


Brooke and I are kindred spirits :) I, too, refuse to sleep with socks! I’ve had gummies during a run and I tried Starbursts too but nearly choked to death. No bueno.

Happy happy happy birthday!!!


I love the anything goes on your birthday! Candy for fuel should be mandatory as a starting point :)


I definitely cannot sleep with socks on, so I am 100% with Brooke on that one ;) I love all of those foods, seriously such good eats and drinks!! And your nephew seriously is such a cutie! Makes me baby hungry!


My Mom left today for WI. I cried so hard when she left. Then I made quinoa chia seed mufffins. That helped. :)


Monday started with a killer HIIT workout and a gorgeous sunrise on my way home. I think that means this has to be a fantastic week.
Run fuel candy = Swedish Fish.
And I can’t sleep with socks either.


Not much better than an awesome workout done early enough so that you get to catch the sunrise afterwards while still on your endorphin high. Great job Christina!


It was supposed to snow today and it didn’t. I cried tears of joy. I hate the snow! It rained all day instead, which I am totally okay with as long as the roads don’t ice.


No candy for fuel for me. GU gels kinda taste like candy.

Even if I go to bed with socks on (on cold nights) – they magically come off!


Don’t tell a nutricianist but I ended every long run for my last half with a diet Mountain Dew.


Hahahaha I would totally pose next to some bad sign that I had no idea was bad, Friday night, I had to give away one of my cars because I didn’t know what it meant…and I don’t think I want to haha.

One of my favorite running treats… chocolate covered espresso beans! Thank you Dean Karnazes for that little tip!

Is it weir that when I sleep with socks on I swear my feet feel softer in the morning?


I’m with Brooke…No socks ever and I MUST have chap-stick. Weird things going on over here.

Candy fuel = Swedish fish. red only.


I REFUSE to sleep with my socks on too….and I usually stick my feet out of the covers :)…CANNOT have the covers tucked in!


I hate sleeping in socks but I have very cold feet at night in the winter.
Now I have an electric throw blanket to warm them up.


This is SO long ago but in the 2000 Chicago Marathon my ONLY fuel was a bag of candy–werthers/butterscotch etc….I had a hard time with Gu/Bars or anything else.
My brother jumped in the race at mile 20 with the “fuel” (candy) and dropped the whole bag!! It went everywhere! The last 6 miles were rough!!

Oh and can’t ever sleep with socks!!



We got about 6 inches of snow where I live in MO last night- the hubby and I spent the day clearing driveways for family/friends. Now, I’m crossing my fingers for a snow day tomorrow! This teacher could sure use a snow day!


I’m currently watching last night’s Bachelor while eating a snack and getting ready for Krav class. It was such a fun surprise when I saw there was an episode from last night waiting to be watched today.

I love the Stingers gummys for fuel. Not totally candy, but pretty close.


Mmm those cupcakes look yummy!!


Haha I love the diet coke right after your run! I’m glad you had a good birthday!


I agree with Brooke who can sleep with socks on? Even if I am freezing I will get in bed with socks and the MINUTE my feet aren’t freezing, off go the socks!


After working two weeks straight, I finally had a day off today and was able to catch up on cleaning, laundry, and eating. It was wonderful, and it’s nice to be in an apartment that doesn’t look like a pigsty anymore!

Run fuel candy = Peanut M&M’s!

Sleeping (and living) without socks. Barefoot for life! Socks only come on if they have to…aka I get really cold.


I refuse to sleep with my socks on too! Love the pic of Brooke using the Clarisonic on her dog. haha


I am such a sock person when I sleep – even if it is hot (then I wear thinner socks)! So crazy, but my Dad is the same way :)

Gummy bears during a long run!!

My kids are I were rocking out to 80s tunes this morning since there was no school – so fun!!!


YES to the candy! I used to use Twizzlers until I found out I was celiac and they have gluten. Such a bad day in my life!

Have you ever done Lauren’s plank workout? I tried it tonight for the first time! WOW! That’s the stuff right there!


It looks like you had a great birthday.

I’m with Brooke. I can’t stand sleeping with socks.


I’m with Brooke on this one. Sleeping with no socks.


I cannot sleep with socks on. In fact, my feet can’t even be under the covers. They might start out that way if it’s super cold, but within a few minutes I have to yank the covers off and let them breathe!

I’ve done gummy bears as a fuel but usually only if I’m out of my regular gu. Oh and if it’s a warm long run, I LOVE a diet coke after!!


The boyfriend came home from his work trip today! The dog and I are pretty excited :)

I have used sweedish fish for fuel before. And probably cookies..

No socks when sleeping!


I had today off, so I got to sleep in, make a big breakfast, and take care of some things around the house.

I’ve never had candy during a run before, but someone suggested peanut M&Ms to me the other day, and I want to try it!

I used to ALWAYS sleep with socks, but sometime in the past year I did a total 180 and now I NEVER do. Good question- I didn’t realize other people were just as particular about that as me!


I can’t stand sleeping with socks on either, so I’m team Brooke on this one!

Looks like you were spoiled ROTTEN on your birthday, as it should be! ;)


WITH socks! My feet get so cold. I’ve had dried fruit and gummies during a run but never candy.


WITH socks! My feet get so cold. I’ve had dried fruit during a run but never candy.


Finally running outside (It’s cold in Minnesota!) and finally running with a friend! Any day when I can escape a treadmill is a good day!


You walked right past me at the mall today while I was waiting doe our Chick-fil-a order. I was too chicken to chase you down and act like we are friends merely because I blog/Instagram stalk you. ;) Hope you had a great day!



I saw this story and thought you would enjoy it. So flippin’ cool!


I’m with Brooke – socks make my claustrophobic while sleeping! Looks like you got spoiled in your bday – lots of friends and family and so many yummy things!


I don’t blame her! I never wear socks to bed. It’s the worst feeling everrrr


The annual marathon in my town is always close to Easter weekend, so they give out jelly beans and other Easter candy for fuel on the course :). I think diet coke is a perfect post run beverage. It tastes 10x better after a run! Have a great week Janae!


Someone brought donuts topped with bacon into work last week and I thought of you.

For me it’s always fall asleep with socks on, wake up without socks.


I like eating swedish fish and gummy bears when I don’t have my regular GU’s. Oh and I am like Brooke too. I can’t stand sleeping with my socks either!


I totally love love love a diet coke after a race :) my husband has brought me one to the finish line before!


Happy belated birthday!! :)


hahah I love that your friend gave you a bag of produce- that is hilarious!! She knows you well :)


Very warm Monday in Australia.
Absolutely with Brooke, I can not even get into bed with socks on. Even in the coldest winter. I also can’t stand being in bare feet even at home and my husband loves it.

Trying so hard to eat something during my Saturday long runs as I build up to my first marathon in April. Tried jelly beans this week and they have been the only thing that has been ok.


Those cupcakes look so good! I can nap with socks on but absolutely can’t sleep with them on at night, unless it’s FREEZING or I’m camping (or both.)


Agh, I am like Brooke in the sleeping without socks. Haha my mom always used to think this was ridiculous but I can’t stand it!


totally agree– anything goes on your birthday!


I love to use candy as fuel! I usually have Sweedish fish, Sour Patch Kids and Skittles :)
Karen @karenlovestorun


Bday ribbon = awesome idea! And I definitely cannot sleep with socks on!


Josse freakin would.

Is that a Maverick gift card from Candice? Bahaha. I love her.

I am glad you had such a great bday. You are the bestest….and so are those cinnamon lips you are using for fuel #crack


wtihout. Happy belated birthday!!


I have tried sleeping in socks, mostly to moisturize my abused feet. Half way through the night they come off. Can’t stand them.

No, I don’t use candy but swedish fish might work. I love the honey stingers chews and they are fairly candy like to me.

I do love a good cupcake.


Haha I hate sleeping in socks too, it makes me way too hot! Those cupcakes look awesome!


It depends on the sock thing. I usually don’t, but last night I was freezing and it felt wonderful to sleep with giant fuzzy socks.

I need to start using candy to fuel runs because that way I can justify stuffing my face with Starbursts.


i looooove drinking coke after long runs. i feel like it instantly un-wilts me.


Did you know wearing socks while you sleep makes you have weird dreams?! I read that once and every time I wear socks to bed I always have weird dreams.

I am seriously SO jealous you can run in tank and shorts. It’s 12 degrees out right now and it feels super warm!


I love that you will eat chocolate covered gummies…people around here make fun of me! LOL

I will definitely wear socks if my feet are cold…but they’ve usually been kicked off by morning!


Definitely socks for sleeping :) Although I will sometimes take off one (weird, right?) or both during the night.


For a long time, I couldn’t sleep with socks on and if I tried going to bed with them, I’d kick them off in my sleeping hours. But this winter, all bets are off. I slept in fuzzy socks last night.


I live at high altitude and I ran my first marathon in New York. I really noticed a big difference in my running and breathing abilities.


I am so surprised Brooke will still sleep in a crib, happy belated birthday, I am so far behind

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