Our post-run smoothie and when someone tells you ‘you can’t’.

8 easy miles filled with reading on the treadmill.  

I am reading In The Water They Can’t See You Cry by Amanda Beard (Olympic medalist in swimming.. her first Olympics were at the age of 14) and wow… it is pretty eyeopening.  She is so open and real about all of her struggles over the years and how she overcame them.  It is crazy how I just assume these huge superstars have it all put together but reading about what was really going on in her life and how she overcame these things is really interesting to me.   EVERYONE is dealing with something no matter how perfect their lives seem to be from the outside.  

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Pretty sure we all need to start wearing these run fast shirts at races from here on out.  

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The Brookers and I came home after my run and put together a quick and delicious smoothie.  Brooke was okay with me sharing with her for about 2 seconds and then I had to go make another one for me.  

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Brooker’s Favorite Smoothie Lately:

5.3 oz container of Stonyfield Vanilla Greek Yogurt (we have tried the plain flavor for this smoothie too and that is also delicious)!

1 tbsp almond butter (I love the TJ’s one and I am sure you could use whatever nut butter you want in this)

3-4 ice cubes

1/3 cup Stonyfield milk

1 frozen banana (I always have a few bananas stocked up in my freezer at all times!)

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp chia seeds

(Tomorrow we are going to experiment with some spinach thrown in… I’ll let you know how it goes:)

Over the years (through trial and error) I have learned more and more about how important nutrition is for my training.  Making sure I take in quality calories after a workout is ESPECIALLY important and more than ever I have been paying attention to that.  Part of my Boston training this year (I am setting some big ((for me)) goals for this race) is really focusing in on my diet.  I have been trying to eat at home WAY more than I was before and lowering (not get rid of… just eat it less often) my sugar/treat intake.  Small and simple changes are going to make a huge impact on my training this next year.  I am nowhere near perfect but I am working on it:)  

Brooke has been begging to hang out with ducks lately so we made sure to include them in our schedule today.  

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Two things about lunch:

-Brooke and I have been cruising through these turkey burgers from Costco.  Picked up some more today.  

-Lately I have been washing my sweet potatoes and then rubbing them in coconut oil before baking them or putting them in the crockpot or oven…  TRY THIS ASAP… it takes sweet potatoes to the next level of goodness.


A reader sent me a picture of these amazing socks.  I feel like if I wore them I would think about donuts at least 400 times a day.

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Saw this on Pinterest last night when I should have been sleeping and loved it:  

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I hope your Tuesday is going awesome so far and if it isn’t, I am sure a good run will help:)  

Disclosure: As a Stonyfield ambassador, I am being compensated. All opinions are always my own!


Socks on or off when you sleep?

-I think I am abnormal and LOVE to wear socks when I sleep.

I haven’t heard about what your workouts have been for at least a few days… what did you do today for your workout?

What are you reading right now?  Would you recommend it?

What has been your post run meal lately?

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I wear socks when I sleep, especially in the winter. My feet get cold!!

Post NYC Marathon/current foot drop injury means lots of walking and elliptical time for me. I’m giving myself a one month break from running then hopefully everything will be good! I know I’ll be more than ready to run!

I’m reading Gone Girl and A Race Like No Other. If you haven’t read A Race Like No Other, you have to! If you’ve run or want to run NYCM, its a winner. Not far enough into Gone Girl to know how I feel about it yet.

I use the applesauce packets that I’m pretty sure are made for kids for pre/post/during runs. Love them and they don’t upset my stomach!


I LOVED GONE GIRL:) I need to read A Race Like No Other… thanks for reminding me. You are being smart on taking the month off and not making things worse right now. Love those applesauce packets too. I hope you are having a great day!


I’m really excited to finally start Gone Girl (I’m on page 5, so really, I can’t have an opinion yet). I’m going to have to be jealous of your runs for the next month! I’ll be going crazy! Elliptical and walking just aren’t the same! Enjoy the rest of your day!


Socks off…even if cold, I like it when my toes can breathe. : )

Workouts = kind of whatever I want. I do not have another race schedule until early March. I have finally embraced this fact and have decided to focus on working in more yoga & strength training…even though last week I ran more (days) than doing anything else. This month I am also working on a 30-day squat challenge.

Reading – “The Lincoln Lawyer”…yes, I think I would recommend. I want to see the movie.

Post run meal…ugh! Lately, I finish any workout and I do not even feel like eating. Usually either a glass of chocolate milk or some pb&j.


Toes can breathe… hahaha I love it! Okay, you just inspired me to do more yoga. I go through yoga spurts but I know I should do it more. Hey, those sound like delicious post run meals to me!


Mind you the yoga I do is Jillian Michaels…therefore it is not “let’s hold this pose for 45 seconds and focus on breathing and becoming centered with the universe”. Get a great sweat on every time, though and I feel like I have accomplished something.


haha. Nice. I do the same kind of yoga. I’m 47 and still trying to figure out how to be one with the universe. I don’t see it happening…just a thought.


Ha! I do not think my mind was created with intention of ever becoming one with the universe. ;)


Me either. I always feel like I’m missing something but I can hardly tolerate a regular yoga class. I’m always going a million miles a minute.


That’s why I love PiYo! When I have to become one with the universe my brain usually ends up mentally walking up and down the aisles at Target hahaha!


Ha. Yes. Or the billions of tasks I need to get done and how best to budget my time. yep. I hear that.


Coconut oil on sweet potatoes is AMAZING.


Do you eat your sweet potatoes with the skin on? Never tried that before…:)


Oh really!?!? Yes, I always eat the skins (I make sure to wash them really well before baking though)! Try it out:) Hope you are having a great day!


I’ll try it out tonight :) Thanks for the idea…sometimes I feel like I eat the same things the exact same way, over and over. This will help mix it up!


I need to try that smoothie ASAP. And the turkey burgers, because Costco does everything right, I know they won’t disappoint! And how have I never tried coconut oil on my sweet potatoes?!

When I run in the morning, I always crave eggs afterwards, I have no clue why! When I run in the evening I always find myself craving meat, guess that means my body wants more protein!

Tonight I’m running half of my six miles with a friend who is picking up running, and the other half on my own. It should be a fun one!


Running with people is the absolute best… and yay for your friend just starting to run. Have fun and have some delicious protein creation post-run (and try the coconut oil on your sweet potatoes too:)!


Those socks reminded me of this quiz – What Kind of Donut Are you? Maybe you’ve already seen it. But I got a good laugh. For the record, I’m a glazed!



Thank you for posting this… just took it and I am glazed too (I thought for sure I was an apple fritter:)


I like have having protein shakes right after a run. Super easy and protein rich. Today I did three miles of speed work at the gym. I really was just tying to get my body tired enough after a night shift to fall asleep. I still was only able to sleep a little under 3 hours. Boo!


I am about half-way through “First Marathons”. It was recommended by Monica @ Run Eat Repeat. It’s a bunch of first marathon race recaps and the story of what got them into running in the first place. I am loving it.


I haven’t even heard about that book… I will have to grab it! Thank you!


Sounds like a great book!


I can’t wear socks when I sleep, or else I end up kicking one off during the night. Yes, only one. Those donut socks are perfect for you.

I am four weeks away from the California International Marathon, which means I am building and running a lot of miles this week and next! Training is going well and the colder temps have been really nice.

I use that coconut oil when I make homemade popcorn. Sprinkled with a little parmesan it is the perfect dessert/snack!


Socks definitely on, especially when it’s chilly :)

I’m heading to a spin class after work. Yay!

I just started read The Silent Wife by S.A. Harrison. So far, it’s thrilling and very similar to Gone Girl. I’d definitely recommended it.


Adding The Silent Wife to my book list. THANK YOU and have an awesome spin class!


I ran for three miles and then did a one minute plank I was pretty proud, I only trembled the last forty seconds of it;)

I could never wear socks to bed, it makes me feel like the walls are closing in on me for some reason.

I haven’t bought it yet but it is called Eat and Run By: Scott Jurek, have you read it?


I’m busy dealing with an evil virus (pink eye, cough, cold and an ear infection) so there hasn’t been much working out. Just a quick treadmill run on Sunday.

I’m reading The Rosie Effect and loving it.

Oh and socks on at the beginning until my feet get warm.


Oh Victoria.. bummer! I hope you get feeling better asap!


How weird you sleep in socks. No socks for me! But those ones are cute:)


It’s awesome that you’re working on improving your nutrition. For me, it’s a continual process (as I think it should be for everyone). My husband and I just decided to return to a (mostly) plant based diet. I was vegan for about a year and I had incredible energy + endurance.

Socks off. Sometimes I’ll fall asleep with them but then my husband ends up removing them when he comes to bed and I’m always grateful.

This morning, I had the day off so I wanted to get a longer run in. When I woke up, the temps were below freezing and the wind was blowing 30 mph. It was hard to motivate myself but I ended up with 13.5 hilly miles.

I love toasted frozen waffles with almond butter + jam. Today, I had Count Chocula with a cut up banana though. I have the food desires of a toddler sometimes.


I think you are so right…. it really is a continual process for everyone. That is so awesome that you two are going back to a plant based diet! PS that is so sweet that he takes your socks off if you fell asleep with them on:) WAY TO GO getting out there in that weather!


Whoa, sick socks! I wonder what kind of outfit you’d pair them up with, lol!


Is it just me or does sleeping with socks on make your feet X1000 softer? haha

I legit go through 4-5 of those turkey burgers a week! I somehow got on a kick of eating them with poached eggs for breakfast… holy yum!
If you’re a nerd like me, I just finished Killing Kennedy and was shocked how great it was!


Okay, you are BRILLIANT… I need to try your breakfast. That sounds amazing and I think you are right about soft feet from socks:)


In the winter, I have to wear socks. My feet freeze otherwise! My post workout meal lately has been weird (for me anyway). Scrambled egg whites, Turkey O mini breakfast sausage on Ezekiel whole wheat english muffin drowned in sriarcha. I say weird because I never eat english muffins or breakfast sausage, but it’s become my new favorite.


socks on…kick them off during the night. Can never find them until sheets day when there are like…four socks in the bottom of the bed.

I like how Brooke is a picture expert. She really wants the smoothie but it’s time to look at the camera :)


If I fall asleep with socks on, I absolutely take them off in the middle of the night!


How do you prepare your turkey burgers? I have a sleeve in the freezer and am hesitant to try another-the first one I cooked using the stovetop method and it came out a little tough. Also do you just microwave your sweet potatoes? And what do you top them with?


I was wondering the same. We have bought it before but it was always dry after we prepared it. :)


I cook the turkey burger with a little bit of oil and I cover my pan while they cook to keep lots of moisture in! I sometimes microwave my sweet potatoes but usually I bake them in the oven or in a crockpot! I top them with weird things like bbq sauce or salsa or cottage cheese or thai peanut dressing from Trader Joe’s… I am weird. Let me know if that helps!


I will try the burgers again! I guess I need to experiment with sweet potato toppings- I always think of butter and cinnamon sugar which is not so healthy. Ranch is good. I’ll try some of your suggestions. Thank you :)


Have you tried almond butter on sweet potatoes yet? That is my current jam.


I haven’t tried that yet but they are my two favorite foods so I am sure it is like heaven!


Kara Goucher, my fav


Yes! Socks on! I love my snuggly socks!

Okay, so I want to read that book now…but what kind of struggles are we talking about here? Is it a tear jerker? I’ve become major weak sauce since becoming a mama, and I swear I can’t read or watch sad stuff when it has to do with kids… :(

I’ve re-incorporated your sister’s arm routine you posted (okay, just started this week) and I forgot how much I love it! My muscle mass needs some work, and this is a killer workout for me!

Recommended reading: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand! An absolute MUST read! I actually just heard they are making a movie about it too!

Miss you lady! Let’s hang and quick! :)


I am a socks off in bed girl, my feet feel claustrophobic with socks on!
I had a busy and pretty high mileage long weekend of running so am taking today off, it was beautiful out but gotta have the rest days….!
After racing I usually feel like barfing, so not so hungry. After normal training runs I’m always starving and usually want almost anything. I typically run at night though so if someone offers me Mac and cheese or a burger I’m gonna take it :-)


I am currently reading an English translation of Les Misérables. It is very interesting, and I’m sure one of the longest books I have ever read! I’m also reading the French translation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. For anyone who can read more than one language, I highly recommend the Harry Potter series. They are fun and easy to read (in French, anyway).


I did 7 miles with my running friends early this morning and then I did 20 minutes of strength training this afternoon- and I was way more proud of myself for the strength training because I have the hardest time making myself do it- I’ve decided no more! I know it’ll help me be a better runner, so I’m just going to stop making excuses to myself and start doing it.


I LOVE to wear socks when I sleep too! That is unless it’s really hot outside and then I have to take them off. There’s just something comforting about sleeping with socks on that I can’t quite pinpoint.


I used to have smoothies for breakfast every single morning. I haven’t done it in awhile though. I only wear socks to bed when I’m really cold. Otherwise I hate wearing socks to bed. I’m off to Barbell Strength class tonight. Trying to get back in the routine of adding regular strength training as I train for Phoenix Marathon. I need to add spin back in my life now that I can’t commute to work on my bicycle. Spin = STRONG.


Always wear socks when I sleep since my feet seem to be always cold! Kara Goucher is always an inspiration to watch :)


I still don’t know how you read on the tready! My idea of multi-tasking while on the treadmill is…well…fighting the urge to get off of it.

That particular quote got me through some mentally tough times in the past. For.Real.Banana.Peel.

When I lived in Texas: Socks OFF when I slept. We walk around barefoot.
After I moved to Chicago, and particularly circa Chiberia: Socks on sometimes.:)


Socks: Definitely off.
Today’s Workout: The Russian track workout with friends:)
Book: I’m about to start The Andy Cohen Diaries…it arrived this afternoon!
Post-Run Meal: I had a giant green smoothie this morning


Definitely socks for sleeping! I actually have designated sleeping socks lol. My boyfriend thinks I’m a weirdo.


Well, tell him I think you are very normal and now I want designated sleeping socks too.


I only like to wear socks when I am cold..I prefer my feet naked

I am currently not running as I have a stress fracture..so I have been fairly jealous of all running lately


Oh no socks, my toes need to breathe!!

No workout for me, recovering from the RnR Savanash marathon last Saturday where I PR’d by over 40 minutes from last year! I’m still on cloud nine!

Not reading anything right now, just didn’t have time with all the training!!!

Frozen waffles with peanut butter is my go to post run meal!!


How do you cook your sweet potatoes in the crockpot? I’ve never done that. I usually cut them and steam on Sunday so I have them ready to eat all week long.


Hey!!! I usually wash them, put some coconut oil on the skin and throw them in on high for 2.5-3 hours or until they are soft! I put in enough water to cover the bottom of crockpot too!


I am totally trying that!!!!! I LOVE crockpots!


Awesome! Thanks. I am going to give it a go this weekend.


I’ve heard that you have weird dreams if you wear socks when you sleep! I can’t say if it’s true though.. I hate wearing socks when I sleep.

ps I LOVE that quote. You never know what someone’s inside struggle is!! They might just be a really good fake smiler!


If you want to add greens to a smoothie and want to cover up the taste/color, try cocoa powder. Chocolate cures all, again.


I’m currently reading YES PLEASE (Amy Poehler’s memoir) and I absolutely love it. It’s laugh out loud funny, but with a lot of wonderful insights, too! :)


I prefer not to wear socks when I sleep, but I love being warm, so I do it anyway. :) Haven’t done my workout yet, but I am going to the gym in about a half hour and plan on biking some and then running some. We’ll decide how much of each once I’m in the moment. :)


Lately my go to post-run snack is banana, peanut butter, and syrup. I can’t wait to read Amanda Beard’s book, it’s been on my to-read list for too long!


I am on a sweet potato kick lately- I will have to try the coconut oil on the skin!!!


Never wear socks when I sleep!!! My feet would be SO hot! I need to try those turkey burgers!!!
Today was an easy 5 miles because my marathon is Saturday!!!!!! 3 days to go!!!!! YIKES!!!!!


No socks in bed! Even in the dead of winter my feet need to be out of covers and all….they need to breathe lol.

Those turkey burgers sound good, I really like the lime chili chicken burgers from TJ’s.

Today was a sort of speed session on the treadmill….not as fast as I should have but I just wasn’t feeling it today.


HOW DO YOU READ ON THE TREADMILL?? If I could ask for “the skill of running on the treadmill” for Christmas, I would. Teach me your waysss!


Love those socks! I SO love donut themed things – I just don’t need to be eating them!


I can’t wear socks when I sleep, but I will bury my toes in the blankets. :)

No runs for me a quite some time. Running is a struggle but I still have a dream to run a half someday.


Socks on or off when you sleep?

Unless I’m camping or it’s super cold out, I am sock free when sleeping.

I didn’t workout today. I was sittin’ on babies all day.

I’m in the middle of In the Blood by Lisa Unger, it’s totally weird and I’m really sucked in.

My post run meals have been all over the place. and not super healthy. I’m working on it.


I ran my second half marathon on Sunday so this is my recovery week…I walked this morning and rested on Monday. We’ll see what Wednesday brings.

I don’t wear socks to bed normally, but I have in the past…I’m comfy either way but other people’s cold feet completely annoy me :(

I’m reading “The Cypress House” right now…it’s been a few weeks…I’m still on the second chapter cause it’s not thrilling me yet. I’m hoping it will get better (but I did get it from the bargain section at B&N so…)


Just got back from my first winter run. 70* yesterday to 20* today here in Kansas! I need something new to read, so I’ll be browsing the comments here for ideas


I love wearing socks to bed. As soon as the weather turns the slightest bit cool, on go the socks. They’re just so cozy to sleep in!


I just finished noelle pikus paces book focused. It was really great. We grew up one block from each other. She’s great.

I love smoothies! I need to get back into making them regularly!


Socks on while I sleep just makes my skin crawl. Only in very specific situations can I do it.


I love that you read while running on the treadmill! I do too and people think I’m nuts. But it passes the time so much better than music and its the only time during the day that I can squeeze in reading!


Only long socks when I sleep, the short ones tend to hang off which drives me batty!

Today was kickboxing for my workout :)

I just finished “Into the Wild.” I finished it in a day, so I would say that I recommend it.

Post run meal has been a Raw Meal smoothie.


Good for you for focusing on nutrition. It’s so easy to let your diet slide when you are working out!! I eat way too much ice cream after intense workouts :)


That smoothie looks so delicious!


Just started to read Dark Places by Gillian Flynn (author of Gone Girl) SO good such an amazing writer! I Love Smoothies I do: Spinach (a lot), 2/3 cup egg whites (the carton kind), 3/4 cup Orange Juice , a frozen fruit about a 3/4 to 1 cup (usually tropical mix), coconut oil a teaspoon or so or 1/2 cup of plain yogurt (for a fat), and 1 scoop of vanilla protein powders on days i lift. I love it it is my breakfast every morning after workouts!!


Your smoothie sounds yummy. My current blender kinda sucks. It’s not reliable and it’s a pain to clean, so smoothies seem like way too much work. However, my mom is getting me a new blender for Christmas. (shhhhh). So, check back with me ont he 26th. :)

I’m currently reading (and enjoying) Thrive by Arianna Huffington. It’s about finding balance in your life and re thinking most peoples’ definition of success. There are a lot of thought provoking tidbits.

Still in “easy mode” after my marathon, so my last workout was an hour of yoga and a very easy three miler.


I hate wearing socks to bed, but I will if it is REALLY cold. Which doesn’t happen very often here.

I’m doing a workout after work today! It’s going to be about an hour run :)

I’m reading a book called the Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. It’s about an extremely socially awkward guy’s journey of meeting a girl. And it’s set in Melbourne! I’m really enjoying it! You should read it :)


Socks off all the way!!! It might sound weird but I sort of feel claustrophobic with them on at night!!

I did a speed workout on the treadmill, and it burned so good!! I haven’t done one since St. George, and it felt amazing!!

Post-run I’ve been on a banana and pb kick lately!! Two of my favorite foods :)


Brook feeding the ducks is so adorable, fall there looks so beautiful! It is very cold and snowy here.

I always sleep in socks, year round!

Post run meals lately have been homemade vegetable soups.


Love that picture of Brooke feeding the ducks:) so precious! My workout today was an easy 6mi run. It felt great:) but let’s be honest: running always makes me happy.


book I definitely recommend – That Night by Chevy Stevens – it was awesome! :-)

Brooke is SO adorable!!!! :-)


I love wearing my compression socks when I sleep! I feel it really helps extra for repairing those muscles:)))


How do you cook your sweet potatoes??? I usually microwave them but mine don’t come out nearly as good as yours look!! HELP! Thx


Just ordered the book— excited to read it!


Thanks for the book recommendation! And those socks are awesome!


When someone tells me I can’t, the biggest fire is lit inside of me to prove them wrong. It’s like I have a physical incapability to accept it. If I am defeated after doing my best, then I’m fine with that – I just pick myself up and try again. But if someone ELSE tells me that I can’t, before I even try, well they will have hell to pay.


That smoothie sounds delish! I love sleeping with socks. I remember growing up my mom always made me take them off and I never understood why (still don’t, haha)


roasted sweet potatoes are one of my absolute favorite foods. the coconut oil idea sounds awesome!

i don’t think you’re abnormal :) i honestly can’t sleep without socks!


I’ve been strength training lately but today’s workout was 20 minutes on the stairs and an easy 20 minute run! Super sweaty session complete!


That smoothie looks like it’s worth trying! I went on a smoothie kick for a while and now haven’t made one in forever. I should make them more often because it’s the only way I can get my son to eat spinach!!!

My workout today was just over a 5k on the treadmill. I thought about running outside in the snow but the wind was really whipping so I opted for indoors :) (oh my excuses…)


brooke’s cheeks and little lips and fingers drinking outta that straw. everything she does is too cute.


Socks on to go to sleep if it’s really cold, but somehow, during the night, if it warms up too much, I wake up without my socks. Weird but it always happens.
I’m alternating road-running and gym workouts. Today I ran 3.5 miles outside.
Currently rereading I Was Told There’d Be Cake by Sloane Crosley. I am cleaning out my bookshelf to donate books to the library so I’m re-reading a couple of my books before I give em away.
Do you use Goodreads?


Socks on, clean ones, not ones I wore all day.

I am reading Where She Went, I recommend it (after reading If I Stay).


How do you read on the treadmill?


my husband loves those turkey burgers!


I actually just ran 3.5 miles today – easy sauce to you but for me it is the farthest I have gone in 3 months without any knee pain! It felt fantabulous :)


I have that “run fast” shirt and love it!


How did adding Spinach to the Smoothie work out?


Hi! I was wondering where you got Brooke’s boots in the duck picture. They are adorable!

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