A tiny bit of speed work and an awesome thing to eat right before a run.

It has been a month since my marathon and so I figured today was the day to test out a tiny bit of speed work.  I don’t officially start training for Boston until Dec. 28th so until then I will keep most runs easy with a few little spurts of speed thrown in to build a good base for marathon training.

8 miles on the tready:

5 minutes @ 7.4 mph (8:06 pace), 1 minute @ 9-9.6 mph (6:40-6:15 pace) and then I repeated that 10 times with a one minute fast finish at 10 mph (6:00 pace).  

The overall pace for the run was 7:43 but man, those fast 1 minutes were tough at my current running fitness level.  And that is what I love about running—>  in a few months of training those speeds will feel easier.  

I ran into my good friend Suzette at the gym.  This woman is incredible.  Races she has done —>  100 miler, a 100k, a few 50 milers, a bunch of 50ks, marathons galore and 50 half-marathons.  The trails are her favorite but she also loves the 1/2 marathon distance on the roads.   


I had an egg on a piece of toast when I first woke up but as I was walking out the door I felt like I needed a little something for energy before my run.

This is a new go-to for me before a run because it worked perfectly.  It gave me a little zap of energy and was super easy to digest right before a run.  

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I am loving reading Marathon by Hal Higdon.  In his section—>  Defensive Running Strategies:  You cannot set PRs if you are injured, I thought it was super interesting how the average miles for marathoners per week has increased in just five years.   I’m currently rying to figure out exactly where my edge of disaster is so that I stay uninjured this next training cycle.  

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Brooke and I went to help our good friend Megan find a new pair of running shoes.  She fell in love with the Brooks Ravenna 5s!  

I just think running shoe walls are beautiful.

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Sweet potatoes should be the base of every meal and in our household it has been lately.

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Followed by a $2.30 apple.  Ummmm didn’t realize how expensive Honeycrisps are right now until I was looking at my receipt.  Good thing it tasted like heaven.

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We both have a hard time eating an apple without loads of almond butter.

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And I just signed up for a half-marathon!  I am going to run the Ogden 1/2 Marathon (there is also a marathon, 5k and relay) on May 16, 2015.  I am STOKED because I have heard so many amazing things about this race.  Spots are filling up fast so sign-up soon!  This will be the 15th year for this marathon so the shirts are going to be awesome.  They also have a Winter Race Circuit if you are in Utah and looking for some great races this winter.

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Come run it with me, I will take you for froyo after the race to celebrate.  


What races are you currently signed up for?

What is your average miles per week when marathon training?  1/2 marathon training?

A food that you have been eating every day lately?

Favorite brand/type of apple?

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WOW that is really interesting to see how the miles per week has increased over the last five years. I wonder why that is!

I’m currently signed up for a half marathon this weekend! This race was my first half marathon last year and I am super excited to run it again! Based on my 10-miler over the weekend compared to my 10-miler last year, I should have approximately a 30 minute course PR! :) It’s amazing what a year of training will do for you!


I love Suzette so much! Okay, so I’ve never actually met her, but I adore her. Someday we are going to get together and play our piano duets.

Honeycrisps are expensive, but so worth it! Best apples ever!

I need to get back into speed. It’s been awhile. I’m not sure I’m mentally tough enough anymore!


How do you know her? She really is the best!!! You are mentally tough enough but no need to do it if you don’t want to!!


Races: Flying Monkey Marathon, Boulevard Bolt, St. Jude Memphis Marathon, Pistol 50K, Boston
Average Mile per Week: 75-80 when marathon training
Daily Foods: Green Smoothie, Strawberries, and vegan chocolate chip cookies from Whole Foods (they’re SO good)
Apples: Honeycrisp!


I am jealous of all of the races you are signed up for. I need to try those cookies and girl, you rock your weekly mileage!


Thanks!! They’re not speedy miles, but I just love to run:)


Sweet potatoes are always in my lunches or breakfast these days. They completely round out my meals & keep me feeling full for hours. Lately I’ve been loving a rice cake with almond butter and mini dark chocolate chips as a snack.


Honey crisps are on sale at smiths for $1.99lb. If i ever get an apple out of the fridge to eat with evan around, he immediately grabs a jar of pb or almond butter and demands i share. It is a good thing we loves those kiddos ;)

I love the ogden half. I have ran it a few times and it is sooo gorgeous. Warning though, o-town has bo good fro yo places. I think that is probably the main reason i wont move back.

I am so excited for my new shoes. Thanks for opening my eyes to the wonderful world of Brooks running shoe!


Well, now I just need to go to Smiths and evan is a smart man. Ummmmm I just texted you and you didn’t write back yet you are commenting on my blog… hmmmm.

I guess we will just have to travel down to Yland for the post race good stuff.


I was in the middle of writing the above comment when I got your text and my skillzzzz aren’t as such that I can write a blog comment and a text at the same time. I know, right? But I texted you back and now I am writing you back here for good measure. Perhaps I should send facetime and snapchat you too?


I am still waiting for the snap.


I would love to run that Ogden race even though I live in Boston :) But I am also signed up for the Boston Marathon (as I know you are, right?)… in my history I usually can’t run very far for a few months after a marathon :) Maybe this year will be different! I WILL recover quickly…


I will just be taking it nice and easy for the 1/2 marathon… just want to enjoy the scenery! We better meet up in Boston!


I’m sure many of your Boston readers would love a meetup. I definitely would! Let’s discuss as it approaches!


I hate seeing the receipt and realizing how much I spent on the honeycrisps!! They are my absolute favorite though, and totally worth it. Pink ladies are a close second, I think they taste fairly similar. I’ve been having eggs or egg whites every day lately. Oh and candy… dang Halloween! :)


hahaha as I was typing that question Halloween candy first came to mind. You are very right about Pink Ladies!


That is really interesting. I know my breaking point is somewhere around 40 miles per week, believe it or not. I know that is SO low compared to most marathon runners but I just ran a 3:29 with 30-37 miles/week on average which makes me wonder what I could run on 50 mile weeks. I would LOVE to increase my mileage but I am scared I’ll get injured … again!


I ran the Ogden half in 2012 and it rained the whole time! We had to wear our garbage bags for the whole race so we looked super hot. The best thing about it was how beautiful it was. Totally worth the rain!

We’ll be doing the Marathon relay this year. It will be the only time I ever see the starting line of a marathon so I’m totally excited! I’m a 13.1 mile girl all the way.


Those baby food packets are also good for nutrition when you’re running your longer training runs. They have some good flavors!

Ravennas are my shoe of choice, too! Reminds me I need a new pair for winter training!


I just signed up for my first 10k on the first of February. It’s called the winter run series and the course is along all the iconic landmarks in London, I’m super pumped!! Hopefully training during the winter won’t be too bad, this is my first winter as a runner and I’m a little nervous about how it will go. I’m just praying we don’t get any snow over here in the UK!!


Right now I am just signed up for a 5K on Nov. 22 which I am hoping to place in my age group for! Other than that I am done racing for the winter. And then we don’t know where we will be living in the spring so I can’t sign up for races for a few more months :(

I would love to run the Ogden Marathon or Top of Utah but I might not be here! We will see…

For marathon training my average is about 25 miles per week. I can’t handle much more! It just wears me down.

A food I’ve been eating every day – apples, obviously! My cousin lives in PG and has an apple tree so I picked some a few weeks ago and still have a ton left even after making apple crisp, apple sauce, apple muffins, and eating one every day.


I had one of those apple sauce packets on a run a couple of weeks ago – one of the girls I was running with gave it to me. I was surprised by how much I liked it!


My daughter’s applesauce packets were my fuel for my training runs and half marathon a few weeks ago. Worked great! :)


I may sign up for a Turkey Trot last minute. My family and I will be in Ohio visiting family, and I was so sad to miss my usually Turkey Trot, so I am very excited!

I still have never done a marathon and am so enjoying not training for anything right now…any tips for a marathon virgin? I just can’t decide if I for sure want to do it! Is all the running really worth it? I normally run 15-25 miles per week, so I am not a huge mileager, but I have done three halfs and loved them!

I have been eating sweet potatoes lately, too! How do you best like to cook them?


Ok my goal is to be running again in time to do the Ogden 1/2! That would be so fun! I’ve heard great things about it too.
I love Gala apples.


I’m signed up for a 5 mile Turkey trot on Thanksgiving, but that’s my only race in the near future. Lots of life stuff going on so I don’t want to plan too far out.

I haven’t run a marathon yet, but I’m usually in the 30 miles/week range when I train for a half marathon.

Does peanut butter count? I have been eating that pretty much every day lately.

We like Empire apples at our house. I never saw them until I moved to the East coast, but they’re definitely a favorite.


The shoe that Brooke is pointing to is my running buddy’s shoe :)
I don’t eat GoGo squeezes, but I am obsessed with Buddy Fruits :)


Hey! I’m a long-time reader but have never commented before. This is really exciting for me! What is your training plan for Boston? I’m running it too!


That is so awesome! We will have to do a big meet-up at Boston! I will be working with a running coach so I am not entirely sure what my plan will be. I will post it as soon as I get it though:) I hope you are having a great night!


I’ve been loving organic gala apples lately! And I eat Greek yogurt and cottage cheese every single day!


I’ve been obsessed with the pumpkin spice chobani yogurts lately. I eat them everyday! As for apples, I usually just buy whatever is available at the farmer’s market.


Janae!!! I JUST JUST JUST registered for Ironman 70.3 (Yes, just the half distance)

I hope that means I’ll actually keep up on my blog now that I have this new journey!

Do you want to do it with me? I’d love to meet you and be virtual training buddies? :)

To answer the other questions:

I really don’t go much above 25 miles per week, my peak being 30 for last 1/2 marathon training cycle!

I eat chocolate everyday. to be specific a choco/peanut butter or choco/caramel combo.

I’m easy to please with apples – golden delicious.. cheap and yummy!


People sometimes at those pouches at CrossFit for quick energy! Smart!!!


I am running the Ogden half too. This past year was my first year running it-as well as my first half ever. It is an incredible race! I loved it.
Also, I eat gogo squeeze’s all the time before my runs, and during my long ones. Love them.
Did you go shoe shopping with Megan D.? She is a good friend of mine.


I signed up for the Ogden marathon a couple days ago. Getting excited!!


I am running the Ogden full in May as well my husband is joining me it will be his first. I have also ran the Ogden half a bunch of times by far one of my favorites. You will love it and probably kill it as well. Honeycrisp apples are the best but expensive:)


I’m signed up for 2 5ks right now- Sugarbush 5k (which is on a trail- it’s been a while!) and The Santa Race 5k. I’m coming off of 2 back to back 1/2 marathons and I’m almost 26 weeks pregnant, so I’m trying to make sure I keep running, but don’t put too much stress on the little one. :) I’m so excited because my 2-year-old will be doing her first 100 meter dash the same day I do the Santa Race!


Is it funny that my siblings have the same Go go thing? They eat it as a snack at school and the most active they are is walking around at recess!


I’m signed up for the marathon at Ogden (marathon #2). I ran the half as my first ever race in 2012 AKA the rainy year. It’s a beautiful (and fast) course and I’m excited to go back and run the whole thing.


I have justified the price of honey crisp apples this week because I know they won’t be around much longer in the stores. And they are just so good! They are my fave along with Pink Lady and Granny Smith. Easily eat two apples a day with peanut butter (and chocolate chips).


I have definitely been known to steal my kids squeeze pouches for running fuel!


Hey! I know Suzette! She’s badass!
I also use the applesauce packets all the time. I seriously don’t like GU’s but those applesauce packets are awesome!
Training for an ultra ragnar. EEK.


I’m signed up for a Warrior 10k this weekend, Pumpkin Pie 10k next weekend, a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, and the Glass Slipper challenge at Disney in February. My weekly mileage is super low, even when half marathon training. I admire all you high mileage runners!


You will love the Ogden half! I might just sign up now that I know you’re doing it! I would love to meet you. I’m totally not a creeper, I promise.


Currently shma-injured so my mileage is at **vicariously living through bloggers** for the week. Praying it’s not a stress fracture, but I fear the worse!!

If someone could find the formula for not getting injured, I’d love them for forever.


I’m currently training for the Phoenix Marathon in February. My sweet spot is somewhere between 45-55 miles for the week. Anything more then that and I start to burn out mentally.

And give me a good Granny Smith with some peanut butter and I’m a happy gal.


Love hones crisp apples! They taste so good, and yes thy are sooo expensive! I’m not training for any races right now, and I was too sick for my last race, but I need to find a new one to sign up for :)


It’s funny you mentioned sweet potatoes because I have been craving them all day today :( I’m going to try and get my sweet potato fix tomorrow

So that Marathon is the weekend after my birthday and I have been searching and searching for a marathon to run for my birthday :) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting this!!!!! I am definitely going to look into registering for it!!!!!! You have made my entire week!


I am signed up for the California International Marathon and just entered into my final weeks of building before I taper at the end of the month. This week I have 52 miles on my schedule and will likely average 50-60 miles for the next three weeks.

The apple cinnamon Chobani is pretty amazing. I’ve been eating it everyday.


I never sign up for races until a few days before just in case I get injured or something comes up!
I’ve never run a marathon but I run 35-40 miles per week when I’m training for a half marathon.
I’ve been eating a banana with peanut butter every day- it’s one of my favorite snacks!
I love honeycrisp & pink lady apples for eating and granny smiths for baking apple pies and apple crisps :)


I love every single thing about this post
1. That your Boston training starts Dec 28th, that means I will start my Boston training after Christmas too.
2. Applesauce- I read that it is a great Pre-run fuel because the carbs are easy to digest and I do applesauce a lot. On my long runs over 13 I will usually do oatmeal with applesauce mixed in.
3.I run in Brooks Ravenna 5, Megan will love them!
4. I have to eat a sweet potato every single day!
5. I am still holding onto Macintosh apples, nothing better!

Have a great night! Exciting election night in my state!


I’ve heard of people using Apple sauce before running before. I tried it a few times and it made my stomach upset. :(


apples and almond butter is my favorite!


I eat peanut butter everyday–it’s my fav! I have a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, but that’s it for now. I’m planning on training for a tri over the winter, but I haven’t signed up for the local spring one yet.


I signed up for the New Years double- a full marathon on New Year’s Eve and another full on New Year’s Day! Sounded fun when I was temporarily insane… My big race, though, is the Dallas marathon in Dec. I trained my heart out last year and it was canceled.

Honey crisp apples are the best! Is it bad that I hide them from my toddler? She takes one bite and gives it to the dog.

Fun fact: I was quoted in Hal’s book. I’m pretty sure i sounded like a dork so I never did buy it. ;)


loving jonagold apples right now!


I run 55-65 miles a week typically in marathon training, but want to get up to 70 with Boston training this year!

Also, sweet potatoes are my jam. Try them in a smoothies or mashed with cinnamon, cottage cheese, and TJ’s fig butter. You won’t regret it.


Currently only registered for a Turkey Trot. We moved to Alaska a few years ago and I haven’t braved a winter race yet. Wish me luck.

What I’m eating daily is the Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato soup you can get from Costco, which, I’ve heard, is also the best place to buy Honeycrisps!


Fruitpouches are awesome running fuel! During my last marathon training cycle I brought them on long runs and I loved them. Only problem is that they re a little big to carry :)


I’m signed up for the marathon du beaujolais nouveau in a couple of weeks, then the canyonlands half marathon in March. I eat almond butter just about every day, too. Have you tried Justin’s maple almond? I love macintoch apples, but they don’t seem very common outside of new england.


Braeburn apples are crisp and delicious, and tend to be cheaper than Honeycrisp. I recently discovered a variety called Ambrosia, and they are…ambrosial.


I did my 1st speed session yesterday after a few weeks off with injury – WOW I felt so unfit but I love how positive you are in that in a few weeks I’ll be back to normal!


Honeycrisp and Gala!!!
I am currently searching for a half to run within the next couple of months. Next big race is RNR Nashville next spring.


I made a batch of chocolate coconut energy bites a few days ago and I’ve been devouring them daily:-)
My favorite apples are the ones my Dad gets at Christmas. They’re just Red Delicious but somehow they taste so much better for being “Christmas apples”.


Honeycrisps ARE super expensive right now! I’ve been grabbing fuji lately at my local grocery store, because I guess they are considered a “summer” apple and have been cheaper. And I love how sweet they are!


I love Go Go Squeeze before a run! Mama Chia squeezes are good, too.


I eat a squeeze apple sauce every morning on my way to the gym! :) They are so convenient and yummy!


I am not currently signed up for any races (can you believe it??)

When I was marathon training, I was staying around 30-40 per week and closer to 25-30 for 1/2 marathon training. I’m not crazy fast (8:30ish, but I haven’t injured myself at all either!)

I’ve been in love with spinach and greek yogurt lately, and not necessarily together ;)

I love honey crisp apples, but I won’t buy them unless they are less than $2.00/lb so I usually get Jazz, which are the closest to the honey crisp that I have been able to find.


I’ve been meaning to get back into speedwork too but am slightly lost about how to do intervals and other speedwork without an actual track to run on.

The other day I got overly excited about all the new apple varieties in stores and discovered upon checkout that I had spent over $15 total on just a few! Yikes…


ooooh I love applecrisp! But dang, yeah, they are SO expensive!


Fuji apples have been so yummy lately !
I was actually just looking up marathons and halfs to see what looked good for this next year I am really excited I am going to try and train for an Ultra this next season and focus mainly on trail races!! Any good suggestions as far as trail running in Utah goes?


I love the applesauce and smoothie packs-they are so easy on the stomach before a run!

and I have a race(wine and Dine half marathon in Disney World) this weekend and in a Taper crazy phase as I have a half the next weekend as well. I slept wrong on my hip and it hurts to walk-my body has until saturday night to fix itself!


I’m signed up for the Rock N Roll Washington DC Half in March and the Country Music Marathon in April and the Rock N Roll Chicago Half in July. I will probably do a Hot Chocolate 15k in February. I like to plan ahead when it’s cheaper :)
I’ve never done marathon training (I’m starting December too, so keep me updated on how to do it!) but half marathon I usually do about 15-20 miles a week.
I bought a bunch of zucchini so I’m getting through that.
Honeycrisp is my favorite apple too! I also like Pink Lady apples, but they are a little tart so I have to be in the right mood.


I’m currently signed up for the Surf City Full (February), LA Marathon (March) , and the RNR Seattle (June). I may have been a little click-happy when signing up for marathons! :)

Right now, as I’m starting to gear up for my February marathon, I’m at about 20-25 miles.

Daily food: Quest Bars and Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt (Vanilla)

I love HoneyCrisp, but the price tag is insane. Fuji apples are always a good choice. :)


I love Fuji apples – even though at Whole Foods they are usually like, $93279834797343 each haha.


That sounds like an awesome half to run in (because it’s on my birthday!!). I think I would love to run a half on my b-day! Can you PR for me, pretty please? haha.

My daughter had a honeycrisp the size of her head tonight. I wanted to call it a pumpkin instead haha


Eggs, apples and bananas are my daily go to foods. Oh, and can’t forget some chocolate each day. Sweet potatoes and avocado happen several times a week.


I’m running the Ogden half too!!! It will be the first race I have run in 3 years so I’m starting training from scratch. Eeeeek!


I eat apples (usually Honeycrisps) every day -LOVE!!
Just got about 20lbs of them @ 75cents/lb. Come back to Washington during apple season!!

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