The first time I couldn’t think of a title after writing 2,596 (seriously) posts on HRG.

I have some pictures from our Friday night James Bond party… aka the first time I wore a fancy dress and heels since Prom 2004.  PS I borrowed the dress from my friend Sara and she said she got it off of Piperlime (they don’t currently have the same dress but they have a ton of other/similar dresses right now).  Oh, and Sara also did my makeup because I have no idea how to put on eyeshadow.  

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We played all sorts of games, had a dance party and the best part was that no one had cell service at the cabin.  We were without any social media distractions and everyone just talked to each other the whole time… a modern day miracle:)

The girls at the party.  

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Also, I have no idea how to pull off the ‘serious’ face in pictures.  I either look really mad or shocked.

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It was a really good time and I am already looking forward to what next year’s theme will be for Megan’s Halloween party.  

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And next up, Sunday.   36 miles of running, some spinning and 2 weights class last week = my rest day yesterday was needed.  We were quite lazy and then made our way on over to church.

I try to match her as much as possible.

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After church we made a bunch of cookies and delivered them in our pajamas.

(From my instagram)


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Potatoes.  I pretty much lived off of potatoes in college and I still love them dearly.   I was thrilled to show up to my mom’s house for dinner and see a baked potato bar awaiting me.  

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I was in charge of dessert (because my family knows that I am a much better treat maker than cook) and I wanted to do something Halloweenish for the kids.

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Pudding, Halloween oreo crumbles, gummy worms and a Reeses pb pumpkin.  

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And like we end every Sunday night, we hung out on the couches and chatted.  

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Wait, isn’t this true for everyone?!?


PS I told you I was serious about 2,596 posts…

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Rough estimate (or you can count if you want)—> how many sports bras do you own?  Which one is your absolute favorite?

What were some of your college staple foods?

What was the biggest highlight from your weekend?!

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I only own a couple sports Bras that fit but I wear them more than regular bras! Does that count? It’s my goal to one day host a huge annual Halloween party that everyone wants to go to.


I have no idea how to apply eye shadow either! Like mixing different shades and all… over my head. I just add extra mascara if it’s something fancy I’m going to :)

Sports bras> regular bras. Err’day.

Highlight: my half marathon PR.

Have a great start to your week, Janae!


I own more running clothes than normal clothes, hands down.

Go-to college food: Lean Cuisines. But I haven’t had one since!


Rough estimate of sports bras is … SO MANY! I probably have 25 to 30 but I have about 5 that are my *favorites* that I basically just use over and over again. The other ones rarely ever see the light of day unless I am super behind on laundry! :) That’s totally normal, right?


I love the halloween treats! And that you brought cookies to people in PJs – so cute :)
I have probably 6 or 7 sports bras but only a couple of regular bras. The sports bras get a lot more use for sure. In college my staple food was anything microwavable. So gross.


I think I have like 20 sports bras…at least.


Janae you look like a Total babe. Absolutely gorgeous…insert girl wave emoji, heart eyes emoji and ten blow kiss emojis.


Love the James Bond pics!! I own more sports bras (and running gear) than regular ones (and regular clothes) too – they’re way more fun to shop for!! :)


That halloween kiddo dessert looks really delicious right now…

The biggest highlight from my weekend was my 80 mile relay race! So much fun!


Man, that’s my dream is to have more sports bras than real ones haha! Working on it…I always say that when I am rich I will buy the cutest work out clothes. Nike here we come..

Best part of my weekend? Night rock climbing!!


I do have quite a few sports bras, although most are rarely worn. My favorite is my Coeur Sports bra with pockets! I have two, and they get the most use.
In college I used to buy pinto beans a lot. To make sure I got fresh vegetables (because our cafeteria was the worst thing ever), I also grew sprouts in my dorm room!


Your Halloween party looks fun! Also, does anyone really NOT like baked potatoes? If so, weird.

I have a lot of sports bras but I’ve still not found one I love. Between chafing and too little support there are no winners yet.

We pulled up carpet padding and staples this weekend. That wasn’t fun. Best part was that we got to start putting down our hardwood floors!


I’m still in college now and my staples are sweet potatoes, oatmeal, Greek yogurt, oh and ice cream.
I definitely own more sports bras than regular bras! Probably about 15. It never crossed my mind that that’s unusual haha!


I had the best weekend ever. My boyfriend took me to cape cod for a romantic getaway. We both got a run in too. Love running with new scenery. I’m still smiling :)


I probably have about 12 sports bras. My newest ones from target are my favorite (they are all from target, but the older ones are more worn out. Apparently $12 sports bras don’t last forever…)
In college I pretty much lived off pizza and bagels. I rarely eat either of those anymore!


Those Halloween treats look delicious!!

Biggest highlight from my weekend was being able to have my parents come from New York to New Hampshire to watch me run my first marathon yesterday!!!!


My college staple foods were coffee, instant oatmeal, granola bars, and nuts. I had a meal plan on campus all 4 years, so I mainly kept breakfast food and snacks at home. My biggest highlight of the weekend was taking a trip to Asheville, NC to go to the Biltmore Estate!


I’ve always wanted to go there!


I loved dirt and worms as a kid and might love them even MORE as a grown-up!

My college staple foods were sunchips, granola bars, and totino’s pizza rolls. Oh to be able to eat like that again!

Weekend highlight was one of my sweet friend’s bachelorette parties! It was such a blast!


I have about 5 sports bras – my favorite is oddly from Victoria’s Secret. I just got a new one from Athleta that might be taking over as my favorite though.

College food: pasta, ramen, cereal, chips…all manner of healthy things! ;)

The best part of my weekend was my group run, I’ve missed a couple lately, so it was great to be back with my people :)


I only have like 5 sports bras… and full disclosure, I only wear them for sleeping since I haven’t worked out since going back to work full-time after having my daughter. So sad, I know…

Pizza was my basic college staple because I worked at a campus Pizza Hut and we were allowed to take home the unsold premade personal-sized pizzas at the end of the night, so that’s basically all I ate while I worked there.

My weekend was awesome! My daughter and I met up with our Mommy Group and played at one pumpkin patch, then my own little family went the next day to another that had a petting zoo and pony rides! SUPER fun!!!


So true in have more sports bras than regular bras. My favorite is actually from Victoria’s Secret. It has such great support. I am in need of sport bras right now too. :)


My biggest college staple food was Easy Mac – blech, I know! I can’t believe I ate so much of it.


Sports bras are everything, why wear a normal bra when you could wear a sports bra?! Running clothes have taken over my wardrobe, I’ve genuinely become one of those people who live in sports clothes – no shame at all!


How in the world did you and your girlfriends find matching outfits? You all look beautiful! Supermas are so much fun. My college roommate used to do them on me. We were goofy!


I have way more sports bras than regular bras. I was super excited recently to find some pretty regular-type bras that fit like sports bras.
I think I lived on bagels in college. It was a long long time ago.
Highlight of my weekend? Probably getting together with family to celebrate 5 October birthdays. Although… after that my kiddo and I both caught colds. There’s something so satisfying and maternal about being all snuggled up with your kiddo and watching TV and knowing that you’re the only person in the world she wants. I’d rather she not be sick of course, but…


Sports bras rule. I have about three that I LOVE right now. But I wear regular bras most often since they give me the support and style I prefer with my work clothes. Once the school day is over, I’ll often change to “workout” even if I never leave my classroom!

College food staple was ramen. Which I’d make “healthy” by mixing with microwaved steamed veggies and left over chick-fil-a chicken sandwich chicken.

One good thing about my weekend…lots of family time. I love that you bake cookies to deliver to friends/neighbors. My little loves to cook too, and this would be a great way to reaffirm that we do nice things for others just because.

Have a great week!


Love your party dress! I probably own close to 20 sports bras and only four regular ones.


Awe! I want to make cookies in my pjs. They look delicious. I think I have 5 sports bras and they are all ta-ta tamers from Lululemon. I love that bra! It is so supportive. I always say that a sports bra is my most important fitness investment, they are the most important piece of gear for a woman.


I LOVE Eye shadow. Love love love.

I love that dress and i love that it was a Halloween party, that is so much fun! ANd i love when nobody has service and phones arent an option!

This weekend i saw my FAVORITE singer Eric Church! That was pretty awesome!


I must admit I don’t own that many sports bras because I end up wearing a lot of Lulu tanks that have perfect built in bras for me! Favorite foods in college – frozen yogurt. I lived on it. Oh and m&m’s and Life cereal. A complete diet.


Love your outfit for the Halloween party!!! You are so pretty!!! :)

When will you be visiting NYC again!? Every time it’s marathon season I cross my fingers you’ll be visiting!


I think I have about 9-10 sports bras. My favs are probably Under Armour & Lulu (TaTa Tamer). I’m a 34D, so I’m pretty serious about my sports bras.

Biggest highlight of my weekend was cheering my x-country team on during an invitational race out of town. Our rockstar kid came in around 10th and he was super bummed about his 16:59 (3 mi) when he got a 15:37 the week prior on a much easier course. Of course I replied, “Oh my, you are just TERRIBLE,” and then he realized I was kidding and actually cracked a smile. It’s all relative you sweet, 17 year old boy. Holy crap, if I ever run a 17:00 3 miles, I think I will officially retire from running.


This weekend was amazing!! Weather was perfect. I went on a Senior Youth Retreat with my church (as a parent chaperone with 5 other adults) and 35 teens!!

We laughed, shared, played games, dipped in the river, explored trails, hiked, relaxed, had ice cream at the local parlor, sang, talked about “brokenness”, and had church around the camp fire Saturday night.

God is Good!


You’re gonna hear this over and over today, but you look absolutely gorgeous!! That dress is what girly dreams are made of.

The biggest highlight of my weekend was finally seeing Gone Girl! I didn’t love the book but the movie was pretty good. The actress who played Amy was a perfect fit!


college food: huge salads from the salad bar, english muffins, and Life cereal with bananas. my fave sports bra is my only Lulu one, really pretty with flowery lily pad sort of things. i’m “blessed” with not needing much support, which i love because i can’t stand the bras with thick bands. drives me nuts!


20ish sports bras…FAVE is the Oiselle Strappy Bra
I think I lived off Mac N Cheese in college.
Weekend Highlight- spending Saturday with my grandparents:)


Ohh I love dirt cups!! And I love your Halloween costume! I was a flapper this year! :D


I kind of want your family to adopt me. You guys look like so much fun.


I own 5 sports bras – enough for a week’s worth of running!

In university I lived on perogies, stir fries, Wendy’s (I worked there so it was super cheap) -but my “studying food” was Pringles and peanut butter M&Ms!


Looks like such a great party!

Yesterday was my mom’s birthday and my anniversary, and to celebrate we ran the Pell Bridge Run in Newport which is a 4 mile race that goes over the bridge at sunrise. The weather was perfect and I was able to finish the race hand in hand with my mom! And then we ate a delicious steak dinner that afternoon. And watched the Patriots win big time! Overall, a fantastic day. :-)


My highlight was running the inaugural Rock ‘n’ Roll Vancouver half marathon! It was a gorgeous course! It was my 2nd half and I have been dealing with an IT band thing since August, so I knew it wasn’t going to be great, but I ran it how I wanted to run it and I finished. For that, I am proud. :) and the huge rock n roll bling aka finishers’ medal doesn’t hurt either!!


I ran Vancouver, also! So much fun!!!


Hi! My weekend was great. I’m currently visiting my family in Southwest Florida by way of San Francisco. It’s sunny and lovely! You looked great at the party. And I’ll tell you: I went on a big camping trip with friends a few months ago in the redwoods and no one had cell service all weekend. It was the best thing EVER, because all we did was talk to each other – no distractions. Have a great week!


You looked gorgeous at the party! Loved your dress, and also clicked over and bought a couple dresses from Piperlime that I couldn’t resist. How sweet that you and Brooke delivered cookies. Have a great week, girl!


I can’t ever pull off a serious face in photos!

This is so sad, but I didn’t even know how to bake a potato when I went off to college, the horror! I eat them all the time now. In college I ate a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches, canned corn with garlic salt (weird I know) and canned chicken on saltines. I was basically the picture of health :) hahaha


I seriously want that dress – not that I have anywhere to wear it! It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten really dressed up!


I love being in situations when no one has cell service. It’s so nice to know that everyone is actually just interacting with the people around them. I used to love going up to my best friend’s cabin in New Hampshire for this reason. Now it’s one of the reasons I love camping so much!


I was just thinking about sports bras last week! I only have 3 and I think I need to get some new ones!


Great party pics, you look so tan and beautiful! I have about 6 sports bras, a few from target and a few Nike, I actually like the target ones better! I lived off of ramen, hot pockets and berry berry kix when I was in college, nasty!!


Weekend highlights was my running (long run in Santa Cruz, easy run in San Francisco, nicely-paced run near home).
Party looks real fun! Love the pictures :)


finally getting to hang out with some college friends I haven’t hung out with in forever!!!


I think I must own around 14 or so sports bras and about 6 regular bras! Ha………I never thought about it! My favorite is one I splurged on and I bought at Victoria Secret…………It can be a bit tricky at first to put on but it is so comfortable and it makes me feel sexy when I run! Plus it is hot pink!

In college I ate alot of potatoes (it was Idaho, after all!), cereal, oatmeal, and soup. Rexburg is cold……….anything warm was wonderful!

My weekend highlight was shopping with my flowergirl and her mom for the flowergirl dress! And we found it on sale!!


I have five sports bras that I rotate through but I hate them and am looking for a desperate upgrade.


Love the sparkly dresses you girls are all wearing. What a fun idea for a Halloween party. I am looking forward to a week of festivities!

I definitely own more sports bras than regular bras (around 15?). They are seriously so comfortable! My favorite is my lululemon Energy Bra.

Highlight from the weekend… my husband and I bought a new Jeep Wrangler!


I think I have about 10 sports bras. My favorite is probably just a cheapy one from Forever 21! It is padded and doesn’t chafe. Win win.

My college staple foods: waffles, soup, frozen pizzas.

Highlight from my weekend: Date night with my husband and watching the Giants in the World Series!


Seriously looking for some new sport bras. I usually find mine at winner’s, but the ones I have now are too loose!


I have way more sports bras than regular bras! The only kind I wear is from PINK Victoria Secret. I own around 10-15 in different colors!

My college staple food was Lean Pockets. I actually bought some at the grocery store yesterday because I’ve been craving them really bad for some reason!


I can think of 7 sports bras…and I do not have as many regular bras ahaha
Yummy/cute treats!!
And you are such a babe! You rocked that dress!


Beautiful ladies! You don’t need a title!
I can’t believe I only have around 5 sport bras and usually only wear 2 of them. Nike. Not sure what kind of Nike. Basic sports bra haha. I have tried every maximum capacity sports bra out there and the only thing that works for me is just getting one size smaller.


Biggest highlight from my weekend: carving pumpkins. I’m still a little kid at heart and absolutely love Halloween activities. I carved a dapper skeleton. He had a mustache and a monocle. Fancy.


My weekend highligh…RnR Vancouver, BC!!! I was hoping for a new PR…which I did sort of make…but I had to stop to PEE!!! So…can we just say that my unofficial official results gave me a PR by about 2 minutes?!?!?!

Sports bras — I have 6. My favorite are the C9 brand from Target!!

College staple foods? — Pizza & beer?!?! ;)


GReat pics…
-I never wore a sport bra also if I know it helps a lot
-during colelge my favourite fast meal was piadina(prosciutto+ mozzarella chees ona sort of italian tortilla) + potatoes and still is one of my favourite meal
– usually I work in the cafe every single week end so when I am free from work, I love sleep and having no program planned ahed!!!


You look so cute in your pics!! Love your makeup.

-12 sports bras! My favorite is from VS
– College I would live off pasta and carrots and oatmeal & nuts! I changed to Veg my sophomore year and still was figuring out the best things to eat :/
-Highlight from the weekend was seeing my adorable 8 week old niece and taking my 2 year old nephew to the park!


I own 4 sports bras. Enell is my favorite because I’m a little more blessed than the average runner :)
I ate a ton of microwaved soup in college. Can’t stand Campbell’s now :P (Also loads of pizza)
The biggest highlihgt of my weekend was cheering on my husband in a 5k (that I was supposed to run but sprained ankle disallowed that). So proud that he takes on that challenge with no training!


I own at least 7 sports bras

Highlight of my weekend = seeing my girls after being away for a few days!


I don’t own nearly enough sports bras…probably 6? They are definitely the limiting factor in my running clothes/laundry considerations.

I ate so much brown rice and beans in college, and fried eggs because my dining hall had a cook-your-own-egg station. I can’t say I miss either as staples!

Your Halloween desserts are so cute!


I own way too many sports bras, and half of them don’t fit because I am breastfeeding right now. I refuse to throw them away though ha (sorry probably TMI). In college I ate a lot of canned soups. I loved getting the bread bowls from Smiths or Wal-Mart and putting my soup in them. I also ate a lot of frozen meals because they were fast and simple. This weekend I saw my husband after 8 days so that was pretty great :)


Cookie-delivering in pajamas sounds like way too much fun! My son and I should bake halloween/harvest cookies today. I haven’t done any seasonal baking yet!

Biggest highlight of the weekend… having a homemade oreo cheesecake cupcake after church! Seriously, it was amazing and the best cupcake EVER!


Do you know what the brand of your dress was, by chance?


I’d still be counting my sports bras ☺️ Just kidding I don’t have that many! But I have between 20 and 25, full disclosure I have probably 5 real bras. In college I use to buy two cases of easy Mac from Costco at a time. It was something I ate daily, sometimes twice a day! This weekend I went to an awesome prenatal yoga class and squeezed a run in. It was only 2 miles, but that’s better than nothing!

The James Bond party looks so fun! It’s been years since I’ve been to an actual Halloween party!


I own prob 5 sports bras and like my champion ones they dont stretch out easily. I wash em often (thankfully)
Stunning photos!!


You look beautiful in your Halloween pictures! How fun to have such a fancy night of fun with great friends!


I got to visit my mom this past weekend, and had fun with her. I have a ton of sports bras and they are all from Target! When you find one that fits you well, and is cheep, you stick with it!


Those pudding cups are one of my all-time favorite treats– the fact that you topped them off with the Reeses pumpkin is literally making my mouth water. Also you always look gorgeous but this is a whole new side of you! Haha doesn’t it feel weird sometimes having to put on a regular bra? Now that I work at lululemon putting on normal clothes like jeans/bras is weird!


College staple foods: black bean & cheese quesadillas, sweet potatoes, greek yogurt, eggs, almond butter toast and chicken breasts

highlight(s) of the weekend: Cards Against Humanity with friends and family, family style breakfast at a restaurant in the Amana Colonies, walking through the pumpkin patch with hot mulled cider


My college diet consisted of sesame bagels with butter and cookies and cream ice cream. That was pretty much it. Not kidding. I hope my kids eat better than I did :(

I’m down to 5 sports bras. Moving Comfort Juno is my sports bra of choice.

The weekend’s biggest highlight…playing Chutes and Ladders where you go UP the chutes and DOWN the ladders. Living on the edge.


I love your little halloween pudding cups. They are so cute (and festive!)

If you’re looking for a good starting place with eye shadow, there are lots of YouTube tutorials out there to help.


My college/grad school staples were oatmeal, cereal, peanut butter, and sweet potatoes! One semester I had oats for breakfast, a bagel with peanut butter for lunch, and a veggie wrap for dinner almost every single day.

I own at least 10 sports bras. Champion and Victoria’s Secret are my favorites!


I have Te black shock absorber bras that I love. I hate having to wear my other ones.
This weekend I took my son to Phoenix for a football game. It was nationally televised and we were on TV. We’re pretty much famous now. They also took a picture of my son and put him on the official team website. He’s pretty stoked.
I was introduced to tater tot casserole in college. So gross but so good.


I found one sports bra I liked (RPX I think?) and then bought 3 of the exact same haha!

College food staple for me was a sandwich from Nugget Markets. If anyone is in the Davis/Sacramento area, eat one for me, because I miss it so much and we don’t have any here in San Diego :(

Highlight of my weekend was finishing my 10K in a decent (for me) time even though it was on the beach and I have runner’s knee. Any advice for the knee? :/ I’ve never had this before and I’m ramping up for a half :(


My favorite is lululemon! Highlights from this weekend include family photos- our first with our baby! Janae, I love how you made cookies to distribute to folks, wjT a sweet way to brighten someone’s day!


I was a baked potato girl in college too. Cheap, easy and delicious. What more could you ask for?


I probably have around 12 sports bras. My favorites are from Victoria’s Secret! Highlight from the weekend was spending time with my family cooking and baking on Saturday!


I ate tons of bagged lettuce when I was in university. And some Asian noodles. I can’t remember what they were called, but the sauce on them was amazing! Unfortunately they don’t make them anymore.


Isn’t making cookies or other baked goods for other people just one of the best things in the world?? It makes me happy :)

Baked potatoes were a staple when I was at college too – especially the first year when I didn’t know how to cook anything. Baked potato (in the microwave to make it extra quick), garlic, a little butter, sour cream, cheese, corn and coleslaw. I wasn’t really concerned about protein in those days lol YUM!


I definitely own more sports bras than regular bras because they’re just so much nicer to wear haha!! If you have me money right now to buy a bra, I would totally head to luluemon. Should I go put one on right now?? haha

Sounds like the party was a lot of fun!!


I own three sports bras that fit me. I am currently breast feeding and in the market for a couple more ultra supportive ones for running. My current favorite is moving comfort ‘ s rebound racer. I love that it keeps me from bouncing!

One of my college staples was cheese bagels. I could buy a bagel for 50 cents. Cheap and delicious lunch!


Big pink cookies!!! I moved away from Seattle and miss them so much. They are available at every coffee shop and stand. I have done a bit of research and it looks like they pretty much only exist in WA and UT. Hope you used cardamom and almond extract!


I think my sports bras=my regular bras..but I really need to go shopping for both.


You and your friends look so gorgeous, what a fun party!

I have 10 sports bras and nike are my all time favorite.

In college I ate so many peanut butter and jam sandwiches I am surprised I don’t look like one!

The highlight of my weekend was spending time with my son.

I LOVE the picture of couch time with your family!


I easily have over 15 sports bras but the 4 I love love love and rotate through! Who needs real bras?!

My favorite college staple is egg whites and kale or collard greens microwaved in a mug with salsa on top! Yummy and full of nutrients!!


Random- I don’t normally comment but I had to because I grew up with Sara!! So fun seeing her here on your blog! I haven’t seen her in years but she is seriously one of the sweetest people I’ve ever known! Love all of your outfits, looks like a fun party!


Have you looked into a “potato pocket?” It’s awesome! You can make a perfectly good baked potato in the microwave in less than 10 minutes! I also loved my crock pot in college! After a long day of work and classes.. dinner was ready!


that’s sports bra thing totally made my day! and I have like 4 times the amount compared to regular bras…which I try to wear as little as possible, but love my sports ones :)


You look awesome in that dress!! And those dirt cup desserts look so cute!

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