Gonna Miss Them + Friday Favorites!

Skye woke up at 3 a.m. and then slept again until 7:15 a.m. so I was pretty thrilled about that.  I know that there will probably be a sleep regression up ahead but until then I’m just going to celebrate feeling like my brain is working a little bit again.

Brooke was off to school.  Andrew hung out with Knox and Skye because I had a running date to attend.

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Josse and I met up for another run!  Thursdays have turned into our run together days.  We met at one of our favorite paths—>  Flat as a pancake, gorgeous views and no noise from cars to interrupt our very important conversations.

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We ended up going a bit further than we planned on (6 miles @ 8:08 average pace) but it felt really good.  I’m either on the treadmill for 3 miles or taking a rest day today and then on Saturday I’m going to do a short run with 7 x 1 minute fast for me paces.  PS if you are in need of some workout ideas, I’ve got a million on my WORKOUTS PAGE!

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After our run we hung out on the curb like the good ol’ days and stretched for a few minutes.

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And then I passed off the workout baton to Andrew for him to go get some endorphins.  He went mountain biking yesterday and he actually crashed but ended up totally okay thanks to his helmet.  He is a daredevil, I am the opposite.

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Skye (well, she slept the whole time) and I went to pick up the kids from school and then we grabbed some lunch together.  I tried to get in some extra time with Brooke and Knox yesterday before they leave today.  Knox is going to his mom’s and Andrew is flying Brooke out to California for her to visit her dad.  Andrew is flying back after he drops her off so he will be back this weekend and then go back out and get her on Sunday.   It’s so nice of him to do this because I am not yet ready to fly with Skye but over the years she will join us on many trips to Northern California.

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We started off our February by completing one of our traditions together.  We made a bunch of sugar cookies (recipe here.. it’s our favorite) to take to friends!

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I hope they like sprinkles:)

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I did the selfless thing and hung out on the couch with Skye later on while she napped.  She sleeps way better cuddled up on someone so that is why I say it was so selfless (even though it’s one of my favorite things to do).

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We still haven’t made it to Costco (our fridge is a ghost town right now) but this whole meal came from our freezer which was a success!

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The kids had the same thing but with chicken nuggets instead of salmon.

Sure going to miss them!

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*Please put this on your calendar and go enjoy free froyo next week.  We go every single year and of course we will be there this year too.

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*I know I’m obsessed with The Greatest Showman but this clip made me cry and have goosebumps for 4 minutes straight so if you want to cry… watch it.

*Speaking of this movie… I was very happy to find Andrew alone blasting the soundtrack and singing along.

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*A reader recommend that we try this game out with our kids and she was right, they LOVE it.  It also makes us all crave donuts for the rest of the day.

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*You know I love watching Shark Tank right?!  Well, we were pretty excited when one of my running partner’s (we used to run together 4-5 days a week) husband was on this last week!  He got a deal too!

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*Another MUST for Valentines day candy!  SO good.

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*My February bow subscription.  My goal is to collect 100 bows for Skye to choose from… not sure how Andrew feels about this huge goal of mine;)

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*After decades of loving Target, I finally got one of their red cards.  Saving 5% each time I shop just means I get to buy 5% more each time;)

*And somehow Skye is 8 weeks TODAY.

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*My three favorite running songs this week—>  I Wish by Skee-Lo (taking it way back), Confident by Demi Lovato & Say Something (feat. Chris Stapleton) by Justin Timberlake


Don’t forget to share your amazing accomplishments with us—> send them to [email protected]


Kelsey!!  “I live in Florida, work for Disney, and in January 2017, I ran my first ever marathon, The Walt Disney World Marathon, in 4:35.  One year later this month (on 1/7/18), after a year of training, inevitable ups and downs, and races (including a half marathon PR of 1:45), I ran the same marathon in 3:43!  A 52 minute improvement from last year.  Now, at age 30 with a 3 year old (named Sky!), I have my eyes on a BQ.  “Our running shoes are really erasers.  Every step erases some past failure.  Every mile brings us closer to a clean slate.  Each foot strike rubs away a word, a look, or an event which led us to believe that success was beyond our grasp.” This quote has carried me through many things in life and running:)”



Are you a daredevil or would you rather play things safe?

Have any fun Friday night plans?

Are you traveling at all this month?  WHERE TO?

Share a Friday favorite with me please!

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That is a crazy cool accomplishment! 52 minutes shaved off, wow!
I am not a daredevil, and I can’t watch when someone is doing something daredevil-ish……..I don’t want to see them get hurt!
Tonight I may run (but maybe treadmill, it is cold and the wind is ridiculous right now. I hope that woodchuck/groundhog predicted early spring, I can’t take this crazy winter we have had too much longer! Last Feb I wore shorts on my birthday, I don’t think that will happen this year…..
Friday favorite…….I bought myself rollerblades…….so excited to try them out………….haven’t skated in years though, so it could be an embarrassment! Ha!


Yay! Thanks for sharing that workouts page! And those sugar cookies look SO good! Can you please send me some??!! :)

I’m somewhat of a daredevil, but sometimes it ends with me getting a black eye (which happened recently in a flag football game) or other crazy things. But I love adventures! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Janae!!


My favorites for today are bed and rest and family.

We found out yesterday that we lost the baby — and that I have a huge cyst on my ovaries that caused it.

We’re just going to cry for a bit… :(


Susie. I am so incredibly sorry. When I read this my eyes filled up with tears. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I’m always here if you want to talk. Thinking about you.


I am so sorry for your loss Susie :(
Prayers for you and your family.


I am so sorry! Sending prayers and hugs. I have tears in my eyes :(


Susie, I know this may not seem sincere since I don’t know you. But I am truly sorry for you loss and said a little prayer for you just now.


Thank you! I know we’re all different but it really helps me by just talking about it.


Well I am glad that helps some. Sending virtual hugs.


I wish a was a little more of a daredevil but I’m not really.

We were going to go to RadKIDS tonight but both girls woke up with the pukes all night long. So probably won’t do much but rest and pray that it won’t be my turn next!


Oh that’s so hard! I hope you feel better and find some comfort.


I’m going to cry a bit for you too, Susie, I’m so sorry.


Hmmm it depends, I can be a daredevil when it comes to outdoor adventurous things, but other times I would much rather play things safe.
Friday favorite – I got these amazing, cheap computer glasses from Amazon, and they are a LIFESAVER! I have been dealing with awful headaches because I sit at a computer most of the day, and work with multiple spreadsheets, which is really tiring on my eyes. I am also light sensitive, so I looked into what to do, and found these awesome $15 glasses from Amazon that block blue light/glare/whatever else computers do to us, and I have finally been headache free! They are the best $15 things I have bought in a LONG time.


Which ones did you buy? I need some!


I actually got two different pair and like them both!


They both work really well for me and have helped me so much. Hope you have the same experience!


Thank you! ?


Can I be a safe daredevil?? I could never do something like mountain biking (I break bones easily it seems), but I love ice climbing. HELLO SAFETY HARNESS. haha


I am a more of a daredevil when it comes to physical activities and overly cautious in most other aspects of my life (I don’t even know if that makes sense). There is a local Mardi Gras parade tonight less than a mile from our house, so we might walk up to see that. I don’t typically care for big crowds and things like parades, but since it is so close, it seems like the right thing to do. No big travel plans this month. I wish! I just found some good Brooks gear on sale from Running Warehouse, so that’s my Friday favorite today :) I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy your quality time with Skye!


I am NOT a daredevil AT ALL! My fiancè, Jake, loves to mountain bike, too. It terrifies me! He bought me a super nice mountain bike, but I have literally only ridden it on the roads…maybe one day I’ll get a little braver! I’d just much rather run on trail than ride a bike on it…

Jake was a semi-pro racer in Arkansas when he was younger, so it’s intimidating to ride with him! I’m also a sissy…

I hope you have a great weekend!


I’ve searched every store I’ve been in for the sour patch kids valentines hearts and I can’t find them. I even considered getting them on Amazon but….you have to buy 4 bags at a time which could be dangerous for me ;)

Friday night plans consist of going to bed early and eating bland foods to prepare for my race tomorrow;) I would say its disappointing but going to bed early is one of my favorites. so we’ll call it a Friday favorite.


I can’t find them anymore either! I didn’t think of Amazon… I might have to get the 4 bags ha! GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!! I LOVE going to bed early too. Let me know how the race goes. You’ve got this!


Those mountains in the background on your run are breathtaking!
Sometimes I can be a daredevil, but most of the time I like to keep it on the safe side.
I’m not sure about any traveling – we’re homebodies ;)


I seriously need to visit Utah so I can run some of the beautiful places you run!!
I was planning to make banana bread this weekend, but those sugar cookies are really speaking to me…
I am not a daredevil at all. I tend to think about things way too much. Running has made me slightly braver :)
We are staying home tonight and making tacos. I love a nice quiet Friday evening at home!
My Friday favorite is the cinnamon crunch bagel with PB that I just finished. Starting the weekend off RIGHT!!


Totally a mix of “play it safe” and “daredevil”! I did a fat bike race in the dark on Wednesday night with lights on the bikes. It was SUPER fun up until I missed a line on a descent in the dark and stacked it into hard packed snow….helmet saved me too, though I literally gave myself whiplash. The things we do for fun ;)
Enjoy your quiet weekend!


I am definitely a play it safe girl. No Friday night plans but as soon as the hubby wakes up I’m planning on running a few errands alone!!! This month we’re headed to Michigan to visit my sister who just moved from Texas! Can’t wait to see their new houses


Oh I hope your solo errands were so much fun:) That is so exciting that your sister moved, have so much fun visiting them! Thanks Catie!


Janae, I just wanted to thank you for being a bright spot in my morning routine. I know life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies and donuts with sprinkles (although, we should get a law passed demanding that last part ?), but I also know you make a conscious effort to put your best foot forward. And sometimes, it just really helps to see an example of that. Thank you! Have a great weekend and safe travels to Andrew/Brooke/Knox.


Michelle, I cannot thank you enough for your sweet comment. Seriously, thank you so much. Screenshotting this:) I hope you have a beautiful weekend!


The boyfriend and I are traveling to Los Angeles this month for a little vacay/reception for my friend who eloped last year. It should be a good time!


Travel plans for the month – Just got home from New Jersey … Head to DC on Monday for work … And possibly somewhere warm over President’s Day Weekend :)

Friday favorite – My new (and first ever) niece, Mia!! I was just in Jersey visiting her for the first time and I am absolutely in love. She’ll be 4 weeks old on Monday!


Also I just watched that clip and I’m crying now. That’s amazing. I’ll stop taking over now (I’ve commented three times now this morning)


When it comes to truth and dare, I would say that I’m a daredevil. But when it comes to things in real life, I’m kind of a scaredy-cat! I’m a stickler for routines and if I go any different direction, I have to mentally prepare for it.


Ha! I am the opposite of a daredevil ;) I have cried during a hike because it was too steep and too close to the edge for me.

Friday nights are our family nights so it will consist of a bible story, cooking dinner together, and a family game = my favorite way to spend a Friday!

I am traveling with my mom and sis to FL to see my other sis and we haven’t seen her since July of 2016 so I am beyond excited!!


Another random question from me, but where is your couch from? We are looking at gray couches and can’t find one we like that isn’t an arm and a leg. Just want to make sure we look at all of our options! Thank you :)


Hey heather!! Here is the grey couch we have (I’ve had it for about 3.5 years and I still love it)!


I hope you have a great day!


Oh my goodness, that Greatest Showman clip was beautiful, I couldn’t help but cry too. Thank you for sharing, what a nice start to a Friday!


I’m a klutz so being a daredevil is not a good idea!

I’m sure we’ll do some carbo loading tonight (Les has a 90 mile bike ride tomorrow) followed by dessert. We celebrated “Dessert Free January” and now we’re celebrating sugar ;)

No travel this month – we just got home and I’m happy to be here.


Those bows are really cute.

My plans tonight include a date night with my boyfriend. We’re going to make dinner and then probably watch some Netflix on the couch. I think my favorite dates are low key ones like this one.


Make sure you check out Wunderkin bows. They are the best of the best. Beautiful craftsmanship and all made by women in the US.


I totally will! Thank you so much Kate!


I’m not a daredevil at all but my husband and eldest son is…we saw that episode of shark tank! Such a great invention as I love to go glamping! I’ll be purchasing some as gifts this summer! So cool you know them, I was glad they got what’s his name to invest lol (can’t remember any names except Mark)


IMPORTANT! Do you use all purpose or self-rising flour for the cookies? :)


I totally wasn’t expecting to cry watching that clip but I cried like a baby!! LOVED it!!


Safety Queen here!

In the Greatest Showman clip, I swear she is crying the whole time-how can she sing so amazing AND cry? I love how the girl in the white shirt and a few others suddenly let loose with her! so sweet. (um, thanks for the cry)

Big Friday night-tempo run and a few of us got together after work for snacks and laughing. Being the party animal I am, she had her espresso machine up and running when I got there.


Once I finally got credit built up, Target was the first store that I signed up for a card. Also you get free shipping online with a target card and that 5% adds up. I just got glasses at the Target Optical and used my Target card for the extra 5% off.


Friday Favorite: I rocked my speed workout this morning and then ate 2 donuts. No regrets!


I’m pretty adventurous but I do have my limits (I won’t sky dive haha). But I once went across a zip line in costa rica . 13 of them to be exact and that was a pretty cool view of the Monteverde Cloud Forest

Friday favourites – I went for my run this morning (it was pouring to start) but glad to get it done. That is one of my favourite things to do – we also made an apple crumble (this might be a new Friday favourite) as my sister and her family are coming to town tonight.

Places we are travelling – we usually do a road trip in the summer but haven’t decided where exactly yet.

Have a great weekend!


I just love to read your blogs because there is just so much fun and love in your home! I wish I lived closer!
Tonight will be out for dinner with my daughter and her husband and then packing. I have been here for 3 weeks and loving every minute with my 7 month old grandson. But it’s time to go home.

I have not yet seen the Showman, but that clip put tears in my eyes. Loved it!


I finally got a target red card too! At long last ? its nice to have free shipping from their website too. I just got rid of Amazon prime so that will definitely come in handy!


Friday night is date night with my husband. There’s a place near our house that we can walk to and we head there for some food and a beer. It’s our chance to check in with each other and have time for a proper conversation about our week and anything we need to catch up on. A great start to the weekend!


Thanks for sharing that clip for Greatest Showman! We are now obsessed with the movie too…we went twice this weekend :)

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