Oyster–> you need this in your life.

I found something that has brought a lot of happiness into my life the last few weeks.  It is called Oyster and it is the Netflix of books.  For just $9.95 a month you get an unlimited amount of ebooks.  UNLIMITED.  I spend at least $10 on just ONE book for my iPad each month.  This allows me to read as many books as possible for the same price!  

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Oyster has over 500,000 books to choose from and they add more new titles every day.  They offer many genres to chose from with everything from the classics to new releases.  I love that Oyster gives me personalized book recommendations based on my tastes and activity.  This feature has already helped me discover some new titles that I can’t wait to read.  You can also receive book recommendations from friends that also use this app!

 Oyster is available on iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, Nook HD, and on the web.  I have it set up on my computer, phone and iPad so I have easy access to the books I am reading.    

I love having so many different books about running to choose from while I am on the treadmill.  With the customizable display settings I can make the font bigger so it is easier to read while I run.  There is also an easy reader feature to help when reading in the dark.  


Brooke also loves reading a bunch of different children’s books with me on my iPad.  

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Oyster is incredibly easy to use and navigate through but I will warn you, you may become hooked like I did on finding more and more books that you want to read.  I loved going through the popular titles to find great books that I want to read.   I also found brand new genres and titles through the editor-curated selection! 

My current (narrowed down because I can only stay up so late reading each night) reading list:

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You can get your FIRST 30 DAYS FREE and try Oyster out by going HERE!!!  

Gotta love being able to try something out before buying it.  I know that after my 30 days I will be keeping up my subscription because I usually spend more than $9.95 each month buying just one book.  This allows me to read and read from a huge selection until my heart is content. 

You can learn even more about Oyster’s features HERE and you can browse through their library HERE

This post was sponsored by Oyster!

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Will definitely check this out! Looks great for me and maybe even more so for the kids!


This is awesome! I spend far more than I’d like buying ebooks from amazon!


I’m so glad to see Eat and Run on your list it is THE BEST! I have read it approximately 1 million times and I never get tired of it :)


I am reading “I Know This Much is True” right now!! (for the second time…really good book)

Cool app :)


I think I would get dizzy reading and running. That is pretty cool though!


This sounds like the perfect thing for summer when I’m done school! I just had to comment when I saw “I know this much is true” in your reading list- it is one of my all time favourite books! The characters and story stick with you.


A great idea, but most libraries offer the same with ebooks for free too.


Exactly. I’ve never paid for ebooks and I don’t need to. The library has a great selection, and even if you have to wait a bit for some titles, I’d rather do that than pay money.


Holycow! How did I not know this existed?! That’s awesome!


There’s a free app called Overdrive that syncs with your library and you get books for free.


While I am super old-fashioned and still like a library book, this does sound appealing! I would probably read more books than I am currently reading right now. And I loved the Berenstein Bears!


I should NOT tell my mom about this, she won’t leave the iPad if she knows!


This is awesome! I can’t believe how good of a deal it is. I’ll have to check it out!


You are going to love Beautiful Ruins! Such an incredible book!


I read a lot so this is actually perfect! One book costs $10 easily on Amazon, so I am downloading this onto my iPad right now!


Oh, I love this! Thanks for sharing! I will definitely try it out!


Thanks for the recommendation!!! I really enjoyed The Happiness Project!!


If you had to recommend the #1 running book in the world, what would it be?!?! I want to read one and feel like you may have read them all at this point :)


Wow that’s a great idea! Also, side note: I LOVE Scott Jurek’s book Eat and Run. I think it changed my life (I say that without trying to sound super cliche…I may have failed).


Sounds very cool! Wish they had podcast or audio options. My commute is the only time I have to read or listen I should say.


I love having books on my iPad! I love being able to read at night without having to turn the light on. And it’s so hard for me to get to the library (let’s not talk about how much my fines are)! Every time I want a book I check with my library to see if they have it as an ebook but I’d say maybe 1 time out of 15 the book I want is available in that form. I’ll be checking out oyster for sure!


I saw you have Beautiful Ruins on your list. I read this last year and loved it! Definitely read that one :) can’t wait to try Oyster!


Oh how I wish I were an avid reader. I just can’t find the time. I keep toying with the idea of audiobooks so I can listen to books while running.


You can get the same app from your public library for free- Overdrive- it’s basically using a public library from your mobile device. All you need is a library card and you’re good to go!


Beautiful Ruins is such a good book!

I love the idea of Oyster, I’ll have to check it out!


If I ever have an iPad I am totally getting this.



I think I have read almost every Berenstein Bear book out there. My son learned to read from those books. I think I have found some new titles to check out as well…Thanks for expanding my reading list


OMG! This looks so amazing! I can’t wait to browse!


My library has a lot of their books as e-books to check out on a Kindle, but not every book. Oyster sounds perfect! I


Uhhhh, yes. I DO need this in my life.

Thank you so much for sharing. I’m signing up NOW.


I need to do this. I read about 10 books a week! No, not children’s books (which seems to be my husbands smart aleck remark every time).


I will DEFINITELY be downloading Oyster! I usually spend even more than $10 on one book so that is a major steal. Also, how on earth do you read while running? I’ve tried and can’t see any of the words bouncing up and down. ;)


Very cool!
Eat and Run is one of my favorite books!!


Awesome thanks for sharing! I’ve said for awhile I wished there was a Netflix for books (other than the library-I’m too lazy to actually go somewhere). I signed up for the free trial and now I’m waiting for my Nook to charge to try it out!


GENIUS! Do they have audio books????


You can download free audiobooks through your library for free!


Thank you for the recommendation-it will be good for me to give my Netflix account a break ;)


That looks awesome! Thanks for sharing! I’m definitely going to check that out. A ridiculous amount of my earnings go toward Kindle books…


OMG!!!!! I never have to go to barnes and nobles again!! You just made my life that much easier!


I’m going to have to check that out! I used to read a ton, but have kind of gotten away from it. I’m currently reading Mile Markers per your reviews and snippets from it! Unfortunately, it’s kind of just making me depressed because I can’t run due to a sprained ankle. Boo :(


Do you have any tips for reading on the treadmill, every time I attempt to do so I get the worst headache and end up wanting to quit.

Oyster sounds awesome, as soon as I graduate from college I will have to invest in that, I cannot wait till I am able to read something other that a college text book and not feel guilty.


This is crazy. I just came to HRG to see a running book to read and this is your post today!! I can’t remember though.. what was the book for running and women? I think it had the word Mile in it but I can’t remember the title!


This is really great! I love to read but between the amount I spend and space my books take up it is hard to keep getting new books. I like the idea of having so many to choose from.


Is this post sponsored?


My bad Jenn! I usually always remember to include that in any sponsored posts but I messed up on this one! Sorry about that and I just added it. Thanks for pointing that out!


Thanks. Not trying to be a pain, but it just read so much like a sponsored post and then I was confused when I didn’t see the normal language. Appreciate you taking time to change it.


I’ve only made it through one book on my iPad. I’m not sure why, but I don’t read as well on it. I do love the idea of having books to read wherever I go. I do use cookbooks a lot.


This is awesome! I am going to have to tell my mom about it!! I think she has Amazon Prime that lets her rent lots of books too :)


I need oyster the SEAFOOD in my life!


Super cool, but can you convince the hubby to buy me an iPad first ;) I can’t keep up stealing his all the time! haha


Believe it or not – as a tech-savvy gal, I still read plain old paperbacks! Thanks for sharing though:)


The Happiness Project and I Know This Much is True are GREAT!! Wally Lamb is one of my favorite authors and is sure to get you hooked. :) Coming from an English teacher, this is one of my fav posts! Thanks!


I’m such a book nerd too!!! My reading list is ridiculous haha! Something that I discovered that changed my life was that you can read and download LIBRARY books to your ipad/tablet!!!! My life was forever changed after that, because it’s FREE! :) AND you can do it all from your home. Best thing ever!



YES on “How Children Succeed.” An honestly life changing book – for me, at least. I’m sure it will resonate with you given your teaching background! Our education system needs an overhaul… truly our mindsets concerning education or our support of the less fortunate do too.


Yess thanks for sharing! This is the best news I’ve heard all day haha. Books save me!


I’ve been so obsessed with reading lately that this might be a good option to look into. I’ve been spending a ton of money on books so I might as well just invest in an ipad and Oyster! :)


I met Scott Jurek at the Chicago marathon last year. He’s as nice in person as he sounds in his book. Truly an inspirational person.


Is this only available for ipads or can you get it on Kindle/Android devices?


You can!!!


This looks amazing, but its only available in the US :( hope it comes to Canada soon.


That’s awesome! My go to site is overdrive, it’s free if you have a library card. You basically sign in and search for a title and download it to your kindle and it is automatically returned in 2-3 weeks! It’s great, I use it all of the time!


This is great! thanks for sharing.. i had no idea about this!!


I know this much is true is one of the best books ever!!!! Oh so good!!


This looks amazing!


oyster is my favorite thing in the universe, have used it for quite a bit now and its never let me down. the customer service is amazing, I love getting my personal recommendation from real people, and the app itself is really stellar. Love that I can share the book covers to instagram. love love it. There is an amazon alternative for the same price, but aside from a few “hot titles” the selection really wasn’t anything I liked. Support an awesome business, readers!


That sounds great! I have a Kobo … do you know if Oyster is available on this system? It’s ok – I’ll stop being lazy and go check it out myself :) Thanks for the heads up!


That looks cool! I’m lucky because my library system gives me access to a bunch of online books. Sometimes they’re all rented out, though, and then I get bummed that I have to put a book on hold, haha.


This is genius!! I spend so much a month on books. I don’t know why I never heard of this!?!?


Once in awhile I read an ebook (like, when my book club was reading a book I couldn’t find), but I always check them out (free) from the library. The weird thing is that they still have due dates. You only get them for three weeks.


Reading and running, nahhhhh doesnt make sense, the last person i heard who did this, fell off the treadmill and broke her leg, just be careful, so easy to lose your step on the treadmill. I would rather run to music or watch t.v instead of getting lost in the word by word.


How do you manage to read on the treadmil?


I know this much is true… Omg. I love Wally lamb.

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