Will I gain a bajillion lbs if I take a break from running?

For many many years as soon as I would get injured and be forced to take time off from running I would instantly stress about the fact that I was going to gain a bajillion lbs because I wasn’t running.  

Guess what, I didn’t.  At least I don’t think I did, I don’t really weigh myself but my pants only got a little bit tighter but not much.

I think as runners we like to be in control of a lot of things and our weight can be one of them.  A nice little bonus to running is that we get to eat more because we are burning so many calories during our runs so we stress out that the second we stop running we will end up packing on a bunch of weight because we will continue to be rungry all of the time.  

In my experience, that isn’t really the case.  Sure I get a little softer and lose some of my tone but I know the running muscles will come back after just a few weeks of running again.  

You really just have to trust your body.  When you aren’t running you aren’t as hungry as you are when you are running.  Your body adjusts and because you aren’t burning as many calories you don’t need as many calories.  If you are still afraid that you will gain weight because you have to take a break from running due to injuries or life situations then take the time to really read and learn about nutrition to help you understand the best ways to fuel your body during your running break.  Cut out the extra junk if you are really worried and I promise you will be just fine.  Plus, every now and then sometimes it is good for your body to add a few lbs after hard training cycles!  The elites do it on purpose!

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The point of this whole topic:  If you need to take a break because you are injured/burned out or life situations… don’t let the fear of gaining a bunch of weight by taking a few weeks off from running hold you back.  Take care of that body of yours, you only get one body (YOGOB;)


You didn’t think you would be able to escape the daily randomness did you?!

Some highlights from yesterday:

1.  Egg scramble with spinach, zucchini and green pepper.  

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2.  Watching the World Cup and having the urge to become a soccer player because of it.

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3.  Dinner at the Happy Sumo. 

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The Funky roll with eel on the left was the favorite but all three were incredible.  I used to be a waitress at this restaurant for a few years and one time a customer dared me to eat a ping pong ball sized chunk of wasabi for $150… I bet you can all guess what I did.  Just FYI NEVER EVER EVER TRY THAT, it did not feel very great.   

PS there is one thing about my sister that I just don’t understand, she doesn’t like fish and would never come near all of this deliciousness.  It is kind of hard on our relationship.

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4.  Air hockey, another one of my favorite games and we played for so long that it turned into an arm workout for me.  

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5.  Movie theaters, I love you.  

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And the winner from the PRO Compression Leggings Giveaway is:

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Tell me a highlight or two from your day yesterday or your day today!

Anybody that doesn’t like fish?  For fish lovers—>  favorite sushi roll?

Do you notice a big difference in your hunger levels when you are and are not running?

Last movie that you saw?

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I absolutely agree when you say we need to trust our bodies. When I’m working out, I never feel badly for eating ice cream or a cupcake. But if I’ve been taking a break (which is sometimes necessary!) I feel guilty if I start to crave those things. You are right in that our bodies will tell us what we need – so we need to stop trying to ignore these signals just because we feel like we’re not being “active” in the way that we define active. Everything will adjust itself over time :) Thanks for the post Janae!


So..I’m in St Thomas with my best friend and she LOVES sushi and mussels. We went the other night. I indulged just for her. I don’t actually enjoy slimy food. It wasn’t bad. But…it’s not my favorite. I’m with your sister. I’ll pass. Also…I don’t even eat sushi on a regular basis and I know better than to do the Wasabi thing. Yikes.

I watch a LOT of movies. My kids love them and I love them. But I’m really interested to see Edge of Tomorrow. Even if I think it sounds like a soap opera.


I understand your sister… I won’t ever order fish either! Yuck! :) Egg scramble with zucchini and spinach though? Sign me up for seconds!

I don’t really notice a big difference in my hunger levels between days I run and don’t run in general. I do notice a difference between long run days and all other days though!


I don’t notice a huge difference in my hunger when not running but when I’m marathon training I definitely notice a bump up. Getting enough fat in is key for me to feel satisfied, otherwise I feel hungry all the time. Trusting hunger is an essential part of being mentally and phyically healthy and I don’t believe in deprivation or eating based on activity level.


I find that I get less hungry when I first stop running but then it kind of balances out and I figure out a good amount to eat. I used to worry about gaining weight when not running but I’ve realized that I just naturally eat a little less and as long as I dont go overboard with junk its not a big deal!
I like some fish but not sushi! I’ve tried it twice and I just can’t do it.


I definitely worry about gaining a lot of weight when I’m not running or training a lot. Usually I gain a little weight but nothing to stress out about. I think running helps keep me sane and so when I’m not running I tend to use food to deal with my emotions, so that probably makes me gain the most weight…not the lack of exercise. And I’ve been running for a while so I wouldn’t say that starting to run after a break makes me lose a ton of weight either. So, I guess it goes both ways.

I haven’t been to a movie since I saw Divergent back in March. Sad. It’s just so expensive to pay for a movie and a babysitter. Not really worth it in the end.

And I don’t like fish but I force myself to eat tilapia and salmon because I know it’s healthy. I love non-fish sushi – like sweet potato rolls, tofu rolls, and random other rolls that they offer that are vegetarian. Not a fan of any of the fish kinds.


Great message! I defintitely struggle with this when I’m injured or taking a planned break.

LOVE fish and sushi! Seafood is big in Maryland and I could eat it every day.

I need to get to a movie ASAP. I think I’ve only been to the movie theater once since Annabelle was born…1 1/2 years ago! :(


Highlight of today? Packing for vacation. We leave tomorrow! Ten of my family members heading to Florida!!

No fish for me. Vegetarian.

Last movie that I saw was Maleficent. We finally saw it just a couple of weeks ago. Little girls keep telling my oldest daughter she looks like Aurora in the movie. rDisney World next week could be interesting!


Hola Janae!
I ussed to be in the same boat! Nervous I’d gain weight if I stopped running.
Then I mastered intuitive eating–listening to what your body REALLY needs, and eating when you’re hungry/stopping when you’re full.
Everything changed.
Last winter I rarely exercised, but I wasn’t worried at all. I know weight control is mostly all about nutrition, and I know how to do that. Sounds like you do too!
Love what you wrote!


I’m officially 4 weeks post-op today from my hip surgery, and only just now am able to add in exercise at all. So basically a month of completely sedentary behavior. That’s a first for me; I’ve always been able to cross-train through an injury. I don’t have a scale, but I do look/feel like I gained a little weight. I’m not too worried about it, because things will normalize soon enough when I can be active again, but it’s just one more unpleasant thing about having surgery! You already feel gross (swollen surgical area, clomping around on crutches, etc), and then you add a few pounds and your clothes feel off. Not the best scenario. I’m about to go to the pool to run, so we’ll see if that starts helping!


Woo hoo for 4 weeks post-op!


I love your daily randomness!
I love fish, but I don’t do sushi.
I’m more hungry after an intense work-out.
Last movie I saw was-Edge of Tomorrow! I loved it.


I just experienced this over the last few months. I finished a marathon only to wind up needing to take about 6-8 weeks off from running. I was still eating like I was running long distances and then depressed that I couldn’t run which meant a few too many comfort foods. But ironically I managed to stay within 5 pounds of my pre injury weight. I do feel a bit mushy thru the core though. But I’m slowly back to running and focusing more on strength and injury preventing stability exercises too.

Worry is waste. :)

I enjoy a crunchy spicy tuna roll.


Great post! I have these feelings as well if I don’t get enough good runs in during the week. I hate it. It’s hard being a girl! Of course one day you feel bigger and then the next you feel super skinny again…so strange :) I definitely flucuate weight no matter what so I am sort of used to it, but it still doesn’t mean I am happy with that. I guess what can you do?

I love sushi so much. In fact, I could eat it every day. Thankfully my husband feels the same way and we go a lot. I love anything with rice, tuna, salmon, and avocado on it!

Last movie I saw was The Fault in Our Stars…whew, bring tissues. I read the book the week before I saw it so I knew what to expect, but believe me, it’s an ugly cry kind of movie.


I am heading to my parents today to hang with them and a bunch of my aunts and uncles and my grandpa! I only get to see this extended bunch once a year, CAN NOT WAIT.


great post Janae. :) I do notice a big difference in my hunger when I’m not running. I almost have to force myself to eat because hunger pangs aren’t present when I take a break.
Rissa & I watched “August-Osage County” w/Meryl Streep & Julia Roberts. It was a depressing movie! :( love ya!! xo


Sissy!! Sushi fish is the BEST. Despite that, she will always be my hero because flip flops and jeans. Still can’t get over that.


I’m definitely not as hungry when I work out less!


Yep, I definitely notice a difference in my hunger levels! The days I go for a long run, I feel like I could eat anything & everything in site!


You said “rungry” and I liked it. New word. Run-gry! It is what I feel after I run! Amazing! xx


Anything with tuna is my favorite. It’s the best! I watched Dallas Buyers Club this weekend. It was def an interesting movie and such a diff role for Matthew McCaugnahy <—that is absolutely spelled wrong :/


A highlight for today was a quiet 3 mile run this morning before my husband and son woke up :) I LOVE sushi, but rarely get to have it! It looked so good in your pictures. But wasabi… nasty.

If I’m not running much, I need to consciously choose to eat less than normal! When I take breaks from running, I usually bike, rollerblade, or do strength training and that helps to curve cravings. I like to eat more junk when I’m not exercising for some reason :s


I usually lose weight when I stop running. We think that crazy sweet tooth will remain untamed, but it really doesn’t without those long miles.

I don’t like sushi either.


I’m not a fan of seafood in any way, which is sad because I WISH that I liked it. Even the smell of it makes me sick to my stomach.


I wouldn’t go near fish of any kind until the age of 30 when I finally tried sushi. Life changing. I am angry with myself for being so picky for so long. Sushi is my favorite! I still don’t eat much other fish though, aside from ahi tuna which is delish….I notice that most rest days I am definitely not as hungry as a running day although sometimes I am just as hungry if not more. All depends I guess.


I used to force myself to run everyday for the fear of gaining weight. Recently I’ve finally kicked that bad thought out and cut back on my running. I feel better tan EVER and my running is faster!! Who would’ve known?!

I’m going to play tennis in a few minutes and I’ve never played before… we’ll see how this goes! :)


I love all types of raw fish, so I would go with something like the rainbow roll. For nigiri, I would have to pick salmon… I love how buttery it is.
Thanks for the tidbit about gaining weight on the off-season. I think that is a fear of mine… to completely be off from running.


I feared this a lot when I was injured. Sure, I gained some but it wasn’t the end of the world. It was more important for me to be healthy and recover properly :)


I was just about to write about this topic, sort of…all the time I see runners just fall apart emotionally when they have to not run for a while. There are plenty of ways to keep weight off other than incessant miles!


HAHA! I would totally take the wasabi bet as well. A few girl friends and I were in Grand Central Station in NYC and we watched this (rather intoxicated) young lady leave half a hotdog on the (I’m sure, germ infested) ledge when there was a trashcan like 10 feet away! We trashed-talked the decision for a minute or so and then one of my friends dared me to eat the rest of the hot dog for $100–You bet I did it (and it wasn’t even gross or painful) and collected my prize the next day. Nice to earn back some of the money we’d spent that weekend in the city!


It makes me really happy for some reason that seemingly everyone in the States is watching the World Cup these days.

Oh, and about being a soccer player – I joined an amateur team a few weeks ago. I’m 29 and never played before, so it is never too late!


Love this. I remember the first time I got hurt in high school, my biggest fear was that I would gain weight. It didn’t happen, and looking back, it makes me sad that the first place my brain went was to gaining unwanted pounds, especially when I had so many other valuable things to be thinking about. I still have the murmur of anxiety when I know I won’t be running for a while, but I’ve learned the hard way that if you’re body is asking for time off, it’s going to get it eventually. Much easier to listen to the early warning signs!


I find weight gain to be like training. You have to trust the process. You might gain it lose weight but everything does truly settle itself out. Great post Janae and thank you for posting!


Hahahahaha I would eat a ball of wasabi for $150. I’m pretty poor right now.


I love sushi. Spicy tuna roll all the way.

Positive note for some people – when I quit running I actually lose weight. I know some of it is muscle but some of it is because I quit overeating. When running I have a tendency to get in the mindset of “oh I can eat that extra peice of cheesecake because I ran today”


I love fish but I’m allergic to some kinds of it so I have to be careful. And when I’m not running, I’m not near as hungry as when Im running. Also, if I strength train, I don’t lose any muscle tone.

My highlight of the day yesterday, I got a new computer. …and I’m afraid of it. It literally gives me anxiety to switch over files and all that jazz.


People have such a hard time trusting their bodies. As a full time group ex director and instructor I interact with a lot of exercise addicts daily. One participant actually refused to go on a 2-week European vacation because they heard they couldn’t run or find a gym in Europe. How disordered!?! My hunger levels always decrease—as does my weight—when I lay off running.


I should be friends with your sister because I don’t like fish either. I know, I know. Maybe one day my taste buds will mature but it might only be to include more types of veggies. haha
I am a TON less hungry now than at this time last summer when I was training for my marathon. I would eat about every 2-3 hours last summer. Now I can go all morning and sometimes all after noon after lunch without needing anything. It’s weird, but a good adjustment for sure!


I have had similar worries about gaining weight while taking a break from running, but find that I put my energy into other activities that also burn calories. It’s all about balance and respecting your body’s needs. I found your take on the subject very insightful.

What did you think of Edge of Tomorrow? That’s one I really want to see.


Last movie we saw was 22 Jump Street, which was pretty hilarious. How was The Edge of Tomorrow? I’ve heard good things!

I used to LOVE sushi, and now I like it, but I think I went a little overkill on it in the past, so I don’t crave it the way I used to.

I get worried about gaining weight while not running too, but that also just shows that I need to be better about exercising in other ways (ahem – cross training!)



Janae, I love the “you only get one body.” I think I just needed to hear that today. Such a well time post. Thanks :)


YOGOB haha love it! My highlight from yesterday was watching my son swim at his swim lessons! How can she not like fish?? Mmm I love sushi but am not a fan of eel.


Sadly, I am not consistent enough with my workouts to lose, or even maintain, weight. You only get one body is right, and I am giving myself some tough love about it!

Highlight from today will that it’s my last day of work before a mini vacation. My boyfriend and I celebrating 3 years tomorrow. And the last movie I saw was Transformers — it was long, but really good!


Great post! I love the “YOGOB”! I definitely notice a huge difference in my hunger levels when I am running (or swimming actually) and when I’m not. The only problem is that I have to NOTICE these levels and pay close attention to my body so I don’t overeat and/or under eat!

P.S. I just watched the 2011 Footloose last night!


ahhh – who doesn’t like sushi?!? (although I know that many people don’t) Best stuff ever! I prefer fish to chicken/beef – I could eat fish every day.

Last movie I saw was Maleficient – I don’t get out much


I notice I’m hungry for the first few days until my body realizes we are taking a break!!

Last movie… 22 Jump Street and it was HILARIOUS!! Go see it :)

I love Avocado Rolls or anything with salmon.. Yummy!


YUM i love sushi! I like spicy tuna and california. I’m not a big fan of the ones with the huge pieces of fish on top (forget what those are called…)

I definitely notice a difference in my hunger levels between when i’m working out consistently and when I’m not. I’m always searching the kitchen for a snack, haha!


haha I would totally play soccer if I had any skill- they make it look so fun!


great post Janae :) For me, its important to think big picture and not worry that if I’m taking a break from running and start to feel “softer” – I just need to remember that my body needs that break so that I can get stronger.

LOVE sushi. My favorite fish is salmon.


Yes! Love this post girl! I had huge issues with this more mentally while I was injured and still to some degree as I’ve been recovering. I finally decided it’s more important to listen to my body and let it heal than get upset about 5 pounds. Now that I’ve been ramping up my fitness intensity, I’ve been eating less and more good stuff. I know things while get back to where they were over time.


Tell me a highlight or two from your day yesterday or your day today!
***Going to the bookstore in a few. So excited. One of my favorite places to go and chill out (and people watch).

Anybody that doesn’t like fish? For fish lovers—> favorite sushi roll?
***Don’t like fish. Eat canned tuna every now and then.

Do you notice a big difference in your hunger levels when you are and are not running?
***YES I was just talking about this yesterday. I’m hungrier at night since increasing mileage and intensity. It’s fine except I keep eating my son’s animal crackers or cheez-its.

Last movie that you saw?
***XMen: Days of Future Past. Loved it!


My mom is the same way with fish – although I got her to eat a sushi roll with smoked salmon on it, so that’s a huge victory! I’m sushi obsessed – anything with salmon or eel makes me happy.


I saw Tammy! I’m on a running break and I am getting softer so starting to weight train. I’m enjoying summer and not too worried about extra pounds just wanting to tone. Diet wise I need to be a bit more strict on weekends that’s my only issue.


I think since you’re doing so much cross-training and maybe even some pool runs, you’re probably still burning an insane amount of calories. I like fish cooked but not sushi so much… something about the texture


Love fish – hate sushi. I need my fish cooked and not slimy (eel – eek!) a good salmon or talapia and I am in heaven though!

I ran 5 miles and did 30 mins of strength work today. My legs are already too sore to walk up the stairs at my office but I am too proud to use the elevator!

And I am hungry ALL.THE.TIME. Seriously, I think I could out eat a teenager! I run just to keep up with the appetite!


I’m a crab and shrimp fan. Love california rolls, but not much of a fan of sushi in general. I will try just about any fish, but I don’t really like fish. Unless I’m at Hudson’s on the Docks at Hilton Head Island and then I eat all the food. They catch most of their own fish that day from the bay and everything is to die for!

I’ve had to take a short injury break this past week and I find myself to be constantly hungry. I’m still cross training (lots of swimming, which is a new sport to me) which contributes to the hunger. But overall I think I just have too much free time and I think about all the yumminess in the fridge and go a little crazy with the cravings.


This post is perfect, I needed it. I am currently struggling I have a achilles injury in the middle of training for my first marathon. I am not doing anything and its driving me crazy! I feel for me i am not as hungry but my mind still wants to eat like i do when i am burning all those calories. I am struggling!!


When I was growing up my Dad did most of the cooking. He worked as a lobsterman and his hobbies (still! at 75!) are fishing and digging for clams. In season we ate lobster 3 or more times a week and other seafood at least once. I’ve been out of my parents’ house for about 20 years and I can still barely look at a plate of lobster or steamers.


What a great post! Honestly, having seen my body go through a number of training cycles, I have learned to trust it and not fight it. We are underweight while training because our body is using all of our resources to get on that podium! But during my off season, I let it do what it needs to do. Running has made me fall in love with my body.


Great reminder that it is okay to take time off!

My favorite sushi rolls are anything raw with a tropical fruit.


My biggest problem is that I’m so used to eating so often because I’m (almost) always training for marathons, that when I take a break, I still eat like I’m training and it’s hard to know how much I ‘should’ be eating! There’s a big difference in eating while training and eating while taking a break! It’s always nice to read someone else’s perspective and to know I’m not the only one who thinks about these things! :)


I used to have this same fear – like BIG TIME! But it is so true that if you just listen to your body and follow your hunger you adjust to the reduced exercise and really aren’t going to gain much weight!

Also – I used to HATE sushi but over the years I’ve come to LOVE it! I’m still not super adventurous with my sushi choices so my faves are anything with shrimp or crab! :)


I’m taking a running break (recuperating a knee/patella problem) and with a history of weight problems (I ended up losing 30 pounds in college and have kept it off – for the most part – for 5 years now) I always stress about gaining weight when my workout routine changes. I have noticed, though, that I’m less hungry (still hungry, but less…) and my scale has been kind to me thus far!

Thanks for the encouragement, Janae!


She doesn’t like fish? Not even salmon? What about swedish fish? =).
oh man, that’s a lot of wasabi. that’s not good J (in my fatherly voice). Curious on what you spent the $150 on =). Oh, and btw, I totally abuse the pre and post on carb load…ugh! Have a great day. Stay blessed!


SWEDISH FISH ARE MY JAM. One of my students found that out two years ago and brought me a big bag of ’em for Teacher Appreciation Week. When he came back at the end of the school day to check in…. they were all gone.

Worth it.


Great advice. If you’re normally pretty lean and training hard, it can be good for your body to have a rest and be able to gain a small bit of weight as it “normalizes” between training cycles.

I LOOOVE fish. Sushi is a love language for me. I really like the red & white roll and the rolls royce roll.

My hunger usually changes more with strength training than with running, but longer (for me…aka 5 or 6 miles) runs make me a bit hungrier the next day!

Can’t remember the last movie I saw….I’m not a very exciting movie person haha.


I think that the last movie I saw in theaters was Frozen. It’s clearly been a while! lol And the last just plain ol’ movie I saw on my TV was Jaws. And now I will never, ever go in the ocean again. lol


I think my weight tends to even out when I reduce my training as my hunger calms down. BUT, I also take the time to focus on my diet and stop eating all.the.carbs because I think I can.


Fave sushi: Dragon rolls! Or anything that includes unagi, avocado, salmon, and spiciness!
I def notice a difference between running hunger and non-running hunger! When I start back up running again after a break it’s a really hard transition, but after about a month it levels off as my body remembers how to fuel again. I just reached that point this week in my half marathon training!
Today’s highlights: doing a ton of errands for my wedding (16 days left!) and then hopefully ending up at the beach in the sun at some point!


I love air hockey! And I’ve passed the love on to my 4 year old, she’s a like dynamo at it!!

I love all things sushi – spicy tuna roll & albacore roll are my favorites, and everything gets dipped in chili oil – yum!!!!

The only no IRS I get to see in a theater are disney movies, so the last one was Frozen… I miss movies…

And just a random question… How in the world do you find time to read all these comments everyday??? You must be a fast reader & typer!!


You are so brave for eating all that wasabi!


My favorite roll is the Spice Girl roll…it’s auh- mazimg!

Not only do I notice a huge difference in my hunger levels but my mood levels too. I do like that running benefits my body but I also love that it be fits my mood….without it I’m a mean puffy version of myself…

I haven’t been. To the movies in ages! I think it was last year and I brought Brady to see Planes, but we have a date next Friday to go see Fire and Rescue… I’m kind if siked because he shares the same love for extra buttery popcorn! Plus he’s super cute, lol.


oh my gosh sushi, my mouth is watering!! i was terrified to try it once but it’s one of my favorite things now. except wasabi, ick. i would have done the same for about $1500…


I want to be a soccer player too :) I like only halibut & salmon. I hate sushi:(


Yeahh for the World Cup!! We won and we’re off to the Final Game!!!


You are not eating much calories and even when you are not running, you excercise. It is totally clear to me that you are not gaining weight. Besides some sugary treats you post , the rest of your meals consist of almost no carb meals.
Maybe I am to much continental European, but I eat bread every morning and evening and for lunch usually something pasta or rice based. Those are the calories you miss ;)


I always get some sorta spicy tuna and sweet eel like a dragon I like the contrast. So weird we seem so similar we also got our kids a trampoline and sushi is my fave. Today taking kids to the beach hoping it warms up there. We live 25 min from and yesterday at my friends pool! I am blessed!
We have $3.50 movies here that are older ones I’ve never seen so i put my hubby and kids to bed and escape with my friends to catch up! Divergent was my last one.


I looooovvvvvveeee sushi! My favorite roll is the crazy roll with spicy tuna, bean sprouts, tempura shrimp, and cucumber.
The last movie I saw was deliver us from evil and it was pretty good. Not scary enough for me but worth the popcorn.


We’re all so silly about control aren’t we? I too used to have those irrational thoughts that if I didn’t exercise I’d overeat and get fat instantly. So silly.

Last movie I saw: the Gabby Douglas story, it was awesome!!

I love sushi too!


My all time fave is the green dragon roll!
I’m heading to a Lebanese Food Festival tomorrow so I will have tightly fitting pants haha!


Like fish, but do NOT like sushi. Yuuuuuck!!!

I think I’ve gained a little weight since cutting WAAAY back on running…. or wait… was that having a baby that made me gain a little weight? :)


Great post!

And yes I LOVE sushi, I can’t understand when people don’t!!


I just got a strong craving for popcorn haha! I agree that packing on some lbs has been a fear of mine in the past when I have taken breaks from running, but I have learned over the years that your body really does adjust.


I actually lose weight every time I stop running! It took me a while but I finally discovered that if I just pay attention to my body, I don’t have to worry about calorie intake. No matter what I eat, my stomach tells me when it’s full. As long as I pay attention, I don’t have to restrict anything. If I eat a heavier, fattier meal, I get full earlier. And it regulates itself during heavy training/no training. It’s also a good trick to know because if I am going out to a big dinner I go for a long run right before so that I’m nice and hungry- works like a charm!

I don’t love fish but I loooooooooove sushi! Anything with avocado, cream cheese, eel sauce = :)


Gaining a bajillion pounds if I stop running is one of my biggest issues with taking breaks from running! I’m always panicked about that.
I LOVE fish! My favorite sushi is sashimi (just raw chunks of fish. No rice or anything). I especially love raw salmon and escolar.


With baby coming soon, I’ve been on a freezer-cooking roll the past couple days, so that’s a definite highlight! The last movie we saw was ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ and, oh my goodness, it was sooooooooo good! Sad and made me ugly cry probably ten times, but so worth it!


My highlight from yesterday was a killer running/strength circuit!

I am definitely hungrier when I’m training! I think I eat more in training than I did when I was pregnant!

Btw, I grew up with an full size air hockey table in my basement! Love it! My parents finally sold it, but it was so fun to have as a kid!


Wow – I really needed this post! I’m still kicking myself for the 4 lbs I gained when I hurt my back last winter, which is ridiculous! I’m also in the throes of training and am really burned out. I could totally benefit from a little time off but I can’t bring myself to do it!


Awesome post!!! I totally had that mentality. I would force myself to run when my body wasn’t prepared because I thought I was being a baby, and I didn’t want to gain weight. Our bodies are soo smart and they absolutely adjust dietary needs based on your activity. The days I run, I eat like a growing boy. The days I don’t run I eat like a regular person. Thanks body :)

Fish- mixed feelings. Salmon, not a chance. Yuck x3000

Last movie- ummmm Neighbors? I don’t remember the movie all that much, but I do remember Zac Efron’s abs :)


Yep, for a long time running for me was all about weight loss. Good to know that has changed. Now I run for the love of running. I don’t take a lot of breaks because (knock on wood) I haven’t had a run-halting injury. When I start to burn out, I simply incorporate more yoga, Pilates, or Barre3.

Love fish but can’t choose a favorite sushi roll. I love it all–as long as the fish is super fresh.

I last movie I watched isn’t worth mentioning here, but I did see the trailer for Unbroken this morning and am totally stoked to see that!


I’m with your sister on the fish thing but we have Happy Sumo here in Colorado too and I get the Buffalo Roll which is cooked chicken and no fish. It’s deeeeelish!


Highlights of my day: A ginormous blueberry bagel with cream cheese and fruit for lunch, a long talk with my mom, and bright blue skies!

I love salmon and a few other fish, but I’m not a sushi fan! I get a lot of flak for this fact.

Whenever I’m injured or taking a break from running, I’m definitely less hungry, but I try not to eat too differently than when I’m running. I usually just try to change a few of my dessert snacks to healthy ones so that I don’t end up losing weight, just maintaining!

Last movie I saw was ‘The Fault in Our Stars’. I cried. A lot.


I LOVE sushi! We have some amazing sushi places in Seattle! One of my favorite rolls in a rainbow roll.

Highlight of today and pretty much this whole week is the warm weather we’ve been blessed with!


Great post! I ALWAYS worry even on my one day off from training that I’m gonna gain some obscene amount of weight. It’s totally irrational, I know! But I think you’re right about the lack of control.. This post definitely changed my perspective though and I definitely think us runners need to cut ourselves some slack and take time off when we need it, without obsessing!!


My post today has a similar them as yours! I totally agree that it’s OKAY to “lose” some of your fitness in the name of taking care of yourself! I’m breastfeeding now, and I have to remind myself that I need to be taking in extra calories to take care of my little one! :) I like that- YOGOB!!

p.s. I’m also giving away a $100 Lorna Jane gift card today! Cutest workout clothes!



Not sure if it’s a typo or on purpose, but I think “rungry” is my new favorite word


Definitely not a typo… Hahah best word ever!


YOGOB for sure! I tend to eat more when my mileage increases but my weight has been pretty stable for the last year or so -> eat whole foods 90% of the time and don’t neglect treats!

I love sushi! I get crazy sushi cravings every couple of months and think I will make it part of my birthday dinner next month.

I don’t get out to the movies oftten – I think the last thing I saw was The Hobbit last Christmas. There’s just too much good stuff on Netflix, Hulu and Amazon. Plus I can stay home in my PJs!


I’m watching “Underworld” right now. Probs not the best thing to do alone in my room at 11pm! Maybe I will climb in with my girls if I have a nightmare– seems fair! I love this post, because I think it teaches the important lesson that what we eat is very important but also, we can trust our bodies to regulate if we eat for fuel, instead of just for fun. Funny thing, though. I actually eat less when I am working out. I think it’s because my stress level is lower and I’m busier. When I can’t workout, I have to start a bunch of projects to keep myself busy!


I love fish.. SPICY TUNA ROLL. And SPICY EEL ROLL! Yumz.

If I stop working-out, then I do NOT gain a ton of weight because I don’t get hungry. I do however try to do toning-exercises each day if I stop working out, in order to prevent my muscles from turning to jelly.

I also try to ‘take care of myself’ in other, extra ways if/when I stop working-out. This helps me remember that we need to take care of each part of our body–hair, face, feet, etc.–not just fixate on ‘getting abs.’


I miss sushi so so so much.

I love going to the movies and go through phases of seeing a lot. In the past couple if weeks I’ve seen How to Train Your Dragon 2, Begin Again, Ida, and Jersey Boys. Thoroughly enjoyed them all…I’m really easy to please. I want to see Edge w/ my teenager, hopefully soon :)


I really enjoyed your perspective on the fear of gaining a ton of weight if one takes a break from their normal workout routine. This is definitely something that’s always in the back of my mind and rarely take more than 2-3 days in a row off from working out. However, usually when I take those longer breaks it’s because I feel rundown (or if I’m sick) and I always feel incredibly refreshed and really ready to kick butt after having that down time.


Your sister is a smart girl :) I hate fish. I have a terrible fish phobia, and have only been able to be in a room with a fish tank in the past few years. There is absolutely no way I would ever actually eat any.


I’m currently injured and really worried about becoming huge when I stopped running. I needen’t have feared. Appetite has decreased and clothes still fit! Yay!


Re. weight and running: must runners who train for the marathon actually gain weight. I don’t think it’s true, that the more you train, the more you can eat. And on the other hand, when you don’t train, you still have to eat, to fuel the rest of the activities in your life: work, family, household, social life… It is ok to stop running for a while, there are a million other ways to stay fit: elliptical, spinning, weight lifting, HIIT,swimming to name a few. Your fitness level will actually increase if you vary your training throughout the year. And if you want to lose weight, focus on your diet, not on the number of miles you run.


I’m not a big fan of rolls. I like actual sushi pieces. My favorite has to be the salmon sushi and let’s PILE the ginger on it. I would’ve totally eat the wasabi for $150! (I once was challenged to eat all the snacks from the vending machine for $1000…the offer still stands, I just don’t think I can do that kind of damage to my body. What do you think? lol)

During and after runs, I’m never that hungry. It’s always the next day when my body is burning where I am ravenous….like today :)

Happy Friday!


Love fish but not so much sushi….. The last movie I saw was Tammy. Really funny!


Great article, I’m also on a running break at the moment after completing a half marathon 2 weeks ago. I’m going back running on Sunday!!!


I had an awesome 5K tempo run that was in the 25xx and only a minute off my pR!

I’m have 7 miles on my half training plan tomorrow :)

Strength training is Something I need to be better at!!!


I can’t eat fish at all..nor can my son. He will eat shrimp, only from hibachi places.


I definitely notice a decrease in hunger levels when I’m not running and when I am running… I feel like I’m eating everything in sight! haha. I’m actually a vegetarian, but have considered just doing pescatarian because I do like fish and I enjoy sushi from time to time, plus if I’m on the road and we stop at subway (which is cheap/healthy for a roadtrip), I always get tuna anyways because sandwich shops have no clue how to make a decent veggie sandwich! Go figure! lol Just found your blog, looking forward to being your newest reader! :)


I don’t feel as hungry when I don’t run. Exception is the sitting- on-the-couch-watching-tv munchies.


With nursing a 16 month old and running, my appetite has sky rocketed. I actually weight less when I’m not running most of the time due to eating more and having more muscle.




Lets try this again, lol, I love air hockey!!!


I am so sorry to admit this, but I am that girl who is terrified of what might happen to me if I’m injured. In the past, with struggles with PF, I’ve done a lot in the pool, but I really need to let go of that fear that I’m gonna turn into a whale if I don’t get a chance to work out as much.

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