RNR Seattle 1/2 Marathon

I have never done a race in Washington until this last Saturday and I am sure I will be back for more in the future after doing the beyond gorgeous RNR Seattle 1/2 Marathon. 

The race started at 7 and we left the hotel at about 6:10 to walk a few blocks to the starting line (it gets light SOOO early in Seattle!).  It is so so so nice to be able to skip the whole ‘drive to the starting line and try to find a parking spot and get stressed out about the whole situation’ part of a race, especially a big one like this one.   I definitely did not get a lot of sleep the night before but I woke up feeling good because I was so excited to see all of my runner friends and to see Seattle on foot.  

The sweetest Kristin who knocks out marathons like they are NBD.  

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I got in the corral with the girls that were on the trip with me and there is nothing like being surrounded by thousands of runners.  For a second I had a small desire to run the marathon but then I remembered my sister wouldn’t be there at mile 20 in her flip-flops to pull me to the finish line;)

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Running with Meghann, Anne and Cori.  

I had zero time goals for this race.  A big part of why I run this last year is to run with friends and that is all I wanted to do on Saturday.  My best friendships are formed when I am out on a run with people.  I probably open up a little too much.  

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At mile 2 we saw our good friend from Brooks and he was pretty much the best spectator out there yesterday and he ran alongside us for a little bit.

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I also saw Doctor Dribble… he dribbled two basketballs for the entire race (the guy with the white arm sleeves on).

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Just running under the Brooks man.

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Brilliant.  Just brilliant.  I will be bringing a hose to every race that I spectate at from here on out.  It felt so good.

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At about mile 7ish with Cori.  We ran the entire 13.1 together and I loved getting to know her so well.  She is an incredible woman. 

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My favorite part of the entire course was running along Lake Washington and seeing the pictures of all of the fallen Soldiers, Airmen and Sailors from Washington state and then seeing all of the flags.  It was very touching.

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The RNR Seattle course definitely has some hills but they weren’t too bad in my opinion but I also was taking it pretty easy.  I will say that I was exhausted by about mile 10.  The marathon last week really took it out of me so I was happy that Cori was willing to take it easy with me and just enjoy the scenery and talk.  Oh, and there are two tunnels that are kind of long that I did not enjoy during the race because they were really hot and stinky but I don’t know if there is a different way that they could have even avoided them in order to see as much of Seattle as we did.  PS Be prepared for the finish line because it does end on kind of an uphill.  

The crowds were awesome, there were so many people out cheering and I loved how there were a ton of people dressed up in random costumes… gotta love distractions when your legs get really tired.  There were plenty of water stops and gu was offered at mile 8ish at the end of the first tunnel.  The weather was perfect and the breeze off of the water felt incredible. 

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We finished at 1:57:55 and walked straight to the food.  Water, diet coke (I don’t know why but I really only crave it after a race now?) and my first of about 1,200 handfuls of grapes.  Those things tasted amazing.

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Second time ever ending the race with a massage and that felt really good.  They keep it pretty light which was strange because I have become so used to getting the deep tissue massage/scraping.  Jesica rocked the race!

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Apolo Ohno (8-time winter Olympic medalist)!!  He had a PR on Saturday! 

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Overall, I am really glad that I was able to do the 1/2 marathon.  Races are my favorite way to see a new city.  

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I don’t have another race scheduled until October (I will probably throw in a 10k and a half at some point) but it will be nice to take off some time from races.  I don’t know how people do races every weekend… you deserve like 40 medals at each finish line.  


Ever done one of the RNR races?  Which one?  What did you think about it?

Last RUNcation (building a vacation around a race or running) that you did?  

Favorite thing to eat right after you finish a race?  Or is it really hard for you to stomach much right when you finish?

What was the BEST part of your weekend?!?

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What fun! Love seeing all of my favorite blogger runners! I had a fabulous weekend… I’ve been on vacation in Destin, Florida. I’ve never done a runcation, but would love to one of these days!


Great job!!!! Sounds like an awesome race!


I have run a few Rock N Roll races and have found they have all been really organized and fun! I love that you got a massage at the finish. It sounds like a great race and I’m sure it was awesome running with Cori- I love her blog!
My last runcation was when I ran the Houston marathon on our way to our Honeymoon in Hawaii. It was the perfect way to start the trip!


Congrats on the race. Seattle looks like such a pretty city, I’m going to get there one of these days.

The best part of my weekend was going to a Greek festival and eating some incredible food.


Hi Janae! Sounds like you had a good time! I am getting ready for Ragnar Wasatch Back this weekend. It is my first ever Ragnar so I am really excited! You have helped get me motivated and excited to run through training! I’ve grown to love running from you!


Have an amazing time at Ragnar! You are going to love it. Enjoy every second!


Congrats on a great race!


My last RUNcation was in Amsterdam for a night race. It was so much fun. My race recap can be found on my blog http://peachylau.wordpress.com/2014/06/19/amsterdam-wotn-race-recap/


I was signed up for the RNR St. Pete but they cancelled it, :(
After a race I crave oranges!
Best part of my weekend, hanging out in the ocean with my pups and hubs.
Congrats on the race, sounds like you had a blast!


Yes! I’ve done many if the RnR races. They are fun! Blast one I did was in Jan on Phoenix then my foot injury happened the following weekend and I’ve been on the bench since. My last out if tow race was last summer in Chicago. Can we say joy and humid?



My last RUNcation was in Vegas! I only ran a 10k but it was sooo awesome!

I literally cannot eat for an hour after halves and full marathons…. But I do love sushi after a race…. Not immediately but shortly after

The BEST part of my weekend was hanging out with my family Saturday… They drive me nuts but they love me unconditionally and I always have the best time with them!


I am going to have to get sushi after my next race, that sounds delicious! So glad you got time with your family:)


I love the slices of oranges they have at the end of some races.
Last run cation was to do a half last 4th of July. They had bomb Popsicles at the end. That was a pretty delicious idea.

Next time you want to run easy, want me as a partner ?


YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!! But seriously. Let’s make that happen!


Watermelon is one of my favorite things to eat post race. The last ‘RUNcation’ I had was the Vegas Rock ‘n’ Roll 1/2 marathon a few years ago. I think I need to plan another one soon!


Sounds like a great race! I also love exploring new cities/places on the run/race – best way ever!


Our most recent Runcation was to Edinburgh where I ran the Edinburgh marathon – the weather was perfect, and the scenery was too. My next one will be to the Lakes District in September.

I LOVE drinking chocolate milk after a race. It’s the best.

Best part of my weekend = chillaxing and playing the piano on Saturday. I busted out some Adele tunes, and I’m sure the neighbours loved it ;)


Have so much fun running Lakes District this fall. You are right, chocolate milk sounds pretty amazing after a race!


That looks like an awesome race! I cannot even remember the last time I ran for real but now that Im pregnant(and on exercise restriction) I am craving a really good run! We always want what we can’t have!


That looks like an awesome race to add to my bucket list. I recently ran a race with friends and called it my 10 mile coffee date. Such a different way to ‘race’ but so good for our bodies and souls! Glad you enjoyed a fun weekend in Seattle!


I agree! The feeling of being surrounded by thousands of runners is unbelievable; it’s indescribable! It looks like an amazing race and that you had a fantastic time! Congratulations on an excellent finish!


I wish I could eat post race but it’s usually the last thing I wanna do and I wind up forcing it. Looks like an amazing race! Last runcation was Boston!


My husband and I did a 5k in Hawaii while we were on our honeymoon. The trip wasn’t planned around the race, but it was so much fun we’ve decided to try to run a race in all 50 states.


I love Seattle and Washington! I haven’t been in like 15 years, but it was always so lush and gorgeous when I visited as a child.

My very first marathon was the (RNR) Country Music Marathon in Nashville, TN. I love it! It wasn’t too crowded (it was a while ago so RNR was kinda new and only had a few races) and the music was amazing – plus, there is nothing like the feeling of finishing your very first marathon. Now I kind of avoid the RNR series because I feel like they are so expensive and just too much. My favorite half marathon used to be the Philly Half in September but then RNR bought it out and I don’t like it anymore. It reminds me of chain restaurants – way overrated and not as good as the local restaurant down the street. At least in my opinion. Although RNR puts on well-organized races and stuff – I still kind of prefer smaller non-RNR races myself. That being said, my last race was the Disney Princess Half – which is WAY more expensive and overrated than RNR, so I guess I don’t live by my own philosophies! That was my last runcation too. And it was fun but expensive. And I didn’t get to explore anything except the parking lots to all the Disney “worlds” – and run about 1 mile through the park.


Way to go! Dr. Dribble is awesome. I got to run with him a little bit at RnRSD.


It looks like you had a great time! I have never run an RNR race, but now I want to :) I always have the hardest time eating right after I race because my stomach is usually pretty upset, but I try for something mild. The best part of my weekend was a trip out to Alpine to see my family. Family is seriously the best AND they all got to meet my baby girl :)


I just moved to the Philadelphia area last year. They give out giant soft pretzels at every single race around here. I think it is brilliant. I always say I am going to save half for later….That is yet to happen!


RNR races look like so much fun! I def need to find one around the Boston area… or maybe I’ll make a RUNcation out of it? :)

I love heading to the beer tent after a race! ;) As for food, I usually just have a granola bar or banana and then eat a bigger meal later on.


Looks like you had a great time!! I’m glad you got a chance to check out Seattle!


Congrats on finishing the race and feeling well. After a race I want chocolate milk and lots of it! I think I need a RUNcation right now.


So cool you ran with Cori, I love her!

The spectator with the hose is probably the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. EVER. So many races I’d rather be hosed down than have snacks, I need to remember to do that for other runners when I’m spectating, that’s just genius!

I never really crave sodas, but I do after a race, something about the bubbles just hits the spot! I had a giant Dr Pepper after my marathon in February, and I’m positive it accelerated recovery :)


I really want to do an RNR race. I’m thinking that Vegas would be pretty awesome!

I flew to TX to run a Chosen Marathon with my besties last year. We are trying to make a weekend out of Nike Women’s this year (fingers crossed that we get in!)

One of the last races I did, they had chocolate milk in an ice chest and it was awesome!

Best part of my weekend was a cruise with my fam.


This race looks like fun! I just can’t afford going across the country for a race :-(

I am running NYC but it is only a 7 hour drive, so not that bad. Plus weare only staying in the city for the Saturday night.

I don’t really like to eat after a race, but if I don’t I get really bad stomach cramps. So I force some food down. Chocolate milk and salty foods are my faves!

I don’t have a race until September :-(


Glad you had such a wonderful time in Seattle and got to meet up with so many fun bloggers. You sure had some beautiful weather!

I did the RNR San Antonio Marathon several years ago. It was the first year of the event, so a little disorganized and not the “typical” RNR style, but I still enjoyed myself and running through the Alamo.

My last RUNcation was to Boise, ID for the 70.3 Ironman – that counts right? We spent 5 days there and mixed the race atmosphere with play. I actually got to meet Apolo Ohno as well – his first 70.3 – super nice guy!


I love the RNR Denver!! The crowd support is the best I’ve ever seen – literally thousands of people line the entire course. Denver has an AMAZING running community.

After a race I also want a diet coke ;) …and a salty Chipotle burrito bowl.



I was hoping you would see them. I have been running with Wear Blue: Run to Remember since 2012 and I love them :)


That is seriously so cool Laura!


The RnR Seattle gives you a medel with a coffee mug on it? OMG now I have to run it LOL.

I wonder if the basketball dribbler runs all the RnR races. He was at the one I ran in VA Beach last year too.

Nice work Janae. I’m glad you had a good time. :-)


I wish I was there running with you and Cori-that just sounds super fun!! I’ve never done a run-cation but I would love to someday!

Congrats on a really fun totally awesome run!!:)


I love that a spectator had a hose to spray you down with!

I’ve never done a RNR race before, but I have seen that guy with the basketballs at a race :) Actually I saw him at my very first half marathon and I remember thinking that I hated him because he was out there having a good time and I was in pain trudging to the finish haha.

My next runcation is to Portland in the fall so I can run the Portland Marathon. It will be my first 26.2 and it is the sole reason I am going to Portland! I can’t wait!


I’m signed up for the inaugural RnR Vancouver 1/2 this October! I just started my training this week with a running club for the first time. It has been nice to have company!


I am so happy you are training with a running club. Seriously, running with people is the best! You are going to rock RNR Vancouver!


Thanks!! My running since about November of last year has been really tough due to a lot of stuff going on with work and family, and I just need that extra boost. Your positive experiences with group running have definitely been part of the motivation for joining the club! Thank you!!


Agggh can I be you? I push as hard as I can and still can’t finish a half in under 2:30!!!


TRICIA!! Girl, that is awesome!!!


I also ran the RNR Seattle race this year. I don’t usually enter many races but I finally decided that I wanted to sign up for a half marathon after thinking about it for a couple of years. I loved it so much I am trying to decide how much time I need to train to run a full in the fall. I have never run such a large race before and the atmosphere is amazing. Seeing so many people of so many different ages and physical conditions run and push their limits was honestly inspiring to me, as cheesy as that sounds.

I am already excited to run the RNR again next year. I think because I have lived in Seattle my whole life sometimes I forget how beautiful it can be.

I hope that you are healing from your marathon last week well. Take some time to rest so you can rock that marathon in October.


Amanda, I am seriously so happy that you loved the race so much and I am inspired by seeing all of the different people too! I might have to come join you next year too! YES, rest is what I am writing about my next post about right now!! You are so right!


Pretty sure Dr. Dribble does all of the RNR races because I always see him in Chicago, too. Glad you got to enjoy the scenery. Makes a big difference! Congrats!


It sounds like such a fun race!!


I LOVE Seattle! Those flags and pictures would have had me bawling, I’m such a sap these days. Until my man is home from the middle east anything patriotic has me emotional.

diet coke… yum.


I’ve done every single rnr Seattle. I love how well organized they are, but hate how big they are! Seattle really is a great city!


Looks like a gorgeous race! I think running with friends is the best. Best part of my weekend was my best friends wedding and lots of relaxing :)


I honestly find it hard to eat for about an hour after I run… then full blown hunger kicks in and I eat everything in sight!

I’ve never done a Runcation but I have travelled to places for training like Wales and the Lake District to run hills and trail…


Cape Cod Ragnar and then stayed for 5 days in NYC. Best trip ever.


That race sounds so amazing! I really want to do one of the RnR runs now!

Favorite thing to eat after a race = soft pretzels. The starchy carbs and salt are heaven after a run.


Glad that you had a fun race! I ran the RnR half in Savannah GA last November and plan on doing it again this year. There were some pros and cons but I had a fun time so I’ll be back! I love fruit after a race too, anything too heavy right afterwards does not sit too well.


I ran RNR Chicago last summer. It was a very cool race, but by far the biggest I have ever run (I’m a small race sort of girl), so I was a little overwhelmed at not being able to find my people.

My last Runcation was to Indianapolis for the 500 Festival Mini Marathon last summer. It was my PR half marathon and SO much fun!

After a race, I CRAVE PB and banana, then breakfast after I’ve cooled down. :)

The highlight of my weekend was that my fiance qualified for the regional competition in his (golf) long drive competition. He has been so great at cheering me on in my races; it was great to cheer him on this time.


I’m so happy you got to see my homeland! And that medal is adorable! Nice work!


I bet Seattle is SO beautiful to run in – especially this time of year. Glad you got to see a new city and catch up with friends. Sounds like a blast! And I think it’s great you just listened to your body, took it easy, and just enjoyed it. Congrats on your finish!!


The first 94.5 minutes of the USA game!


HA! That guy from Brooks! I work for a Fleet Feet and I worked his booth at the expo. He is SUCH a cutie!


He is seriously the best!


I ran the Seattle RNR half this weekend too, it was GORGEOUS! The portion along the lake was my favorite. From your pictures it looks like I just missed bumping into you a few times…I started in corral 3, and I was just below you during the concert. Maybe next time! If you’re looking for another RNR race, think about the RNR San Antonio in December. I hear it’s fantastic, and December in Texas usually has some good racing weather. I’m thinking about signing up for it myself!


Ahhhhh that would have been awesome if we would have met during the race! I have heard awesome things about rnr San Antonio and so I think I need to do it!


Ever done one of the RNR races? Which one? What did you think about it?

I just did RnRSD (san diego) with Kristin (SM), Monica (RER), Meghan (M&M), Sarah (Skinny), Gina (Fitnessista), and Brian(Pavey)…but you know all of them. We were lucky to be in VIP together. RnR did it right! Was like a party with celebs. We kinda owned the race tent! It was the best time I had ever!!! (IG @daSilentAssassin – scroll to about a month ago)
Next RnR is LV for me. Do it J!

I finished 50 miles this week under Pete’s training. This week is 55! Stay blessed Stay fierce


Chocolate milk after a race!

I ran the RNR half in DC this spring. It was a rare warm day during the freezing winter/spring we had. Loved it. Injured myself leading up to the race so I didn’t hit my time goal, but it still felt great to complete my first half!


I love doing runcations too! Everytime I visit a new city, I try to get some running in to see stuff. I love Seattle. My best friend lives there and I always enjoy going there so much. P.S. I can’t believe that guy dribbled basketballs for the entire race. Wow.


Glad you enjoyed the race! It was my third time running it and so glad the weather cooperated to let the out of town guests see the true beauty of Seattle on a sunny day :) Next up is RNR Vancouver for me.

Hope you had a safe trip back to your sweet girl!!


Thank you so much! Wish I could have met you at the race!


I have only done one racecation and that was for the NYC marathon a few years ago. It was an amazing way to see NYC. I definitely recommend it.

Great job on the RNR..I haven’t done one, but I def want to do a half. It just seems like a fun race environment!


I’m not at all ashamed to admit that the best part of my weekend was eating really good homemade pizza. Seattle looks awesome!


I have yet to do a RNR race. I am doing the Vancouver, BC one in October though, so I am super excited for that!

It is pretty hard for me to stomach food right after I race, however I definitely get RUNGRY about an hour or so later! I love having something salty like pickles (Skinny Runner, shout out to you!) or something like a ginormous salad or cold, cooooold smoothie!

The best part of my weekend was ALL of it! I am sad to be back in the office again. Can three day weekends become a thing!? On Friday night my sister graduated from highschool, long run + birthday party Saturday, and on Sunday we hosted a baby shower for my cousin and had nearly 20 people there to help celebrate. It was so fun, so tiring!


I love how your easy pace is my exact PR half time… My last half was super hilly and a big hill right at the end always pushes me mentally. A tunnel would have made me cloister phobic.
I would love to plan a run cation!


Congratulations!!! My best part of the weekend was making time to run 12 miles and then watching my 20 month old take part in his FIRST race (it was a .5K!! Ha Ha!) Seriously, the cutest and I even got to write him his own “race recap” on the blog LOL!!

I LOVE Seattle and would love to do this race next year! I’ve never done a R and R before! My last runcation was the NYC Half in March and it was AMAZING! I’ll definitely do it again someday– hopefully my first full!

My favourite thing to eat is peanut butter and apple slices, a banana and then as many carbs as I can get my hands on ;)


I LOVE Cori @ Olive to run!!!!!!!!! :)


Never done an RNR – but just saw Kelly-in-Canada’s note on one in Vancouver. THAT would be amazing (and you should think about it; gorgeous city to see by running shoe :) ).

RUNcation was in Seattle – November 2008. Love that city and the route sounds very similar to the RNR. The tunnels are stinky but all the fabulous hooting and hollering the runners did inside kinda made up for it!

10 k post race snack, breakfast of fluffy eggs, fresh tomatoes avocado and lots of cheese and homemade salsa. Anything longer than a 10 and I can’t eat. If it’s a half, I can’t eat for a good 6 hours. So disappointing!

My weekend was filled with farmers market, sunshine, hiking, bbqing, friends. Summer time makes me feel like I am constantly on vacation when at home.

Glad the sun was shining for you in Seattle. Such a pretty city and the BEST spectators I have ever encountered on a race.


The RNR San Jose was actually my first half marathon! I loved how big it was with all the fabulous spectators- definitely needed that for my first one! I have a hard time eating after a race (usually takes me >1 hour to want to eat). But my last race had fresh strawberries and orange slices (among a bazillion other things) which sounded good to me!


I am totally inspired to do a destination/vacation race now. The RNR has been a bucket list item for a while now, I always read positive recaps on that series.


I ran the Seattle R&R half this past Saturday too! It’s my 4th time running it. While I don’t like the tunnels either it’s super cool to come out of the tunnel and see all of downtown Seattle right in front of you. It was such a beautiful day! I purchased new running shoes at the Brooks store at the expo and got to use the VIP bathrooms at the start line. That was kinda nice!!! Glad you had a great weekend in Seattle. My running partner is from Utah (Sandy) and we keep thinking of coming to Utah to run but the altitude scares us. Lol!


I’ve done two RockNRolls; the inaugural Vegas full and RockNRoll USA Half. I’ll be back in Vegas this November for the half as well. I’ve been blessed to be invited to these races and no one quite does VIP like the Competitor Group. I’m most impressed that they make race morning easy on the athletes. As you noted, there’s nothing like taking the stress of driving/parking/where did I leave the car/what do I do with my car keys away to let you focus on your race. Enjoy your downtime; seems you’ve earned it!


Ran Seattle RnR this weekend, too! Was so much fun!!! PR’d by 3 minutes!!! I might have to think about running this one again next year. Running the inagural RnR in October in Vancouver, BC.

Major kudos to you for running a marathon last weekend, then a 1/2. WOW! Amazing!!! Glad to see you enjoyed Seattle so much. Not too many places can beat these views when we have weather like this past weekend.


Congrats on your pr! You are amazing! See you there next year:)


Looks like such a good time! I haven’t done a RNR race but have been thinking about the Phili half in September. Last runcation I took was to Hershey Park. I really need to do that half again!


Last summer my husband and I took a trip with my mother to Europe. My mother is not a runner and my husband will do so reluctantly. I managed to get him to be my running buddy in a few areas where I thought I might get lost. I was lucky enough to get to run through the hills and forests of Tuscany, jog around the lake in Lucerne, and through the cobblestone streets and parks of many towns in France. This summer we are spending 4 weeks in Maui and I’ve been scoping out possible running routes. Neither of the trips were planned around running, but once we have a trip on the books, I start looking into fun places to run.
I love eating homemade bran cereal with berries from the farmer’s market and whole raw milk after a run.
Thanks for writing so regularly. I adore reading your blog! You are very fun and inspirational!


Melissa – there is great running in Wailea if you are staying in that area!!


Thanks, I’ll look into it!


That’s an awesome job right there…so close after the marathon. I’m the same way, I want a soda after I run. But I don’t need it much any other time.

Favorite food though…I always want a cheeseburger. I haven’t raced since I’ve been diagnosed Celiac so now I don’t know what I’ll have after a race. Sad. I’ll have sad. LOL.

side note: Apollo…very cool!!


I’ve been wanting to do an RnR race for awhile! They look so fun!


That race looked like so much fun! I’ve only heard great things about the RNR races. That will likely be my next race!

I love your blog- I took a blog break from writing for quite a while (I was skinnyforme.tumblr.com) and finally have decided to stop letting the bad things that happened in my life get me down. Your blog was the only one I’ve followed during all those crappy times- so thank you for always staying so consistent and passionate about what you do!



Thank you so much Cait! I am so so sorry about what you have been going through! You are strong and I am always here if you need a virtual hug:)


The post-race diet coke thing might be caffeine related. I bolt for an iced coffee after every race… can’t get it into my system fast enough!


I think you are right!


That’s awesome that you got to meet Apolo Ohno! He is also from Seattle. :) That’s so cool that you had water sprayed on you during your race. We don’t have beautiful weather everyday here in Seattle so you definitely came on a great day! I hope you make more trips back to Seattle! If you like to run with a beautiful view, you should check out Alki Beach. I used to run there all the time when I lived in that area and the view of the water and city are incredibly amazing!


LOVED seeing you my friend. Our time was too short together. Yeah, that climb at the hill was not fun. Ha. Wish we could have run together. Have a wonderful week!!!!!


My favorite post race snack is chocolate milk and grapes! Especially the grapes!


I have run RNR Seattle so many times and every single time I run by the flags and pictures of fallen soldiers I cry. I don’t consider myself overly patriotic but I think that its incredibly touching and a good reminder of things people have sacrificed!

RNR Seattle and the Seattle Marathon are by far my 2 favorite races (after growing up in Seattle) and I am so happy you got to see how gorgeous the city can be!! Lake Washington Boulevard (where the flags are and the picture where you are running along the lake) is one of my favorite running places in the world!


I wanna go on a RUNcation!! So fun! :) I do love running wherever I am on vacation- I agree with you, it’s the best way to see a new place! Way to rock your half, girl!



Congrats on the race!! Seattle looks like such a fun city! I cannot get over how speedy all you girls are!


Ps – thanks to you I tried pool running the other day (getting over a back/ankle injury) and holy cow. I am so sore!


Way to go girl!!!! Keep up the pool running!


That race looks really fun!

The best part of my weekend was for sure all the delicious seafood I’ve been downing while on vacay. Delicious!

Have a great week! :)


I can only imagine how good a water hose being sprayed on you, would feel during such a long race. Omg.

P.S. I hope that Dr. Dribble was fast, because I couldn’t imagine dribbling a basketball for 4+ hours on a marathon. Even 2 hours. Dude’s got skills. Is he really a Dr? Lol


How awesome! I hope to be able to do this race one day. Looks like a blast!


Congrats on a great run! Washington looks beautiful!


I’ve run RNR San Diego twice — in 2006 and 2010. Did you hear any feedback on the RNR Seattle Full course/spectators/etc.? I’d be curious to hear if anyone recommends the full… very hilly?


the last runcation i did was 2 novembers ago– we planned a half in Toronto and spent the weekend there sightseeing before the race! It was so much fun :)


I always love reading your race updates. I’m currently training for my first marathon, and your blog is so motivational! Have you thought about doing a guide for first time marathoners, or perhaps a recap of your first full?


That sounds/looks like a beautiful race!! Glad you had fun!


That’s the EXACT same time (to the second) that I got on my last half marathon. It was the nike women’s in dc.

I have never done an RNR. My last runcation was to virginia beach for Labor Day in 2012… Awesome rock n roll race.

Favorite part of my weekend was hanging by the pool with my friends and family


YAY!! I am happy you loved Washington/Seattle!!

I’ve lived in Spokane my whole life, grew up going to Seattle about a dozen times a year :) it’s the best!

Awesome job on the race, can’t believe you just did a marathon and then this – you are are awesome!!!


I am amazed and suitably impressed that you ran a half marathon the weekend after your full marathon!! You are amazing!


I’ve never done a RUNcation, maybe a 10k somewhere so I feel like doing stuff while I’m there. I ran American Fork canyon half, kneaders French toast at the end is motivation enough. I got a PR 1:45, I love reading your blog it motivates me to keep running.


Janae this looks incredible! I’m so glad you got to do this. Wow, Apolo Ohno!! Too cool.


RnR races are so much fun! I did Vegas last year and I also saw the dribbling guy-impressive huh? Great job on the race. You should come to DC in March and run with us-I’m the DC Ambassador of Rock=come hang with us!


My last RUNcation was in Baton Rouge in January. It was an awesome course with top notch organization.
I’ve never ran a RNR race. Maybe someday.


Awesome job! That race sounds like it was so much fun and you were so lucky to be able to go with Brooks! I would love to do a RNR race but their size scares me. I’ve never taken a racecation, but I will be in August. I’ll be going to Maryland to do a 12 miler with some of my good friends from college!


That section of Lake Washington made me bawl like a baby last year! And that final uphill to the finish surprised us all… and made us angry. Or hangry. I think it was both, but NO ONE seemed pleased when we rounded that final corner!

Alright, question of the day: how tall are you? In my virtual friend analysis (ha!) I thought Kristin was tall, but now I’m questioning my online judgement :)


Seattle is so beautiful….I’m jealous. I did the Phoenix RNR, loved it but as always…I got sick.


1) I am so glad the race went so well!
2) I ALWAYS have to have a Diet Coke after my half-marathons, preferably a Route 44 from Sonic!
3) OMG! You got a pic with Apolo Ohno! He is my celebrity crush!!!! So envious!


Great job janae! Fun that you met Apollo, he is adorable :)
Last runcation was the Newport half marathon in May, sea level coastal race that is gorgeous! Best part of my weekend was a great hilly long run with my good friend and hosting a wedding shower for / of my favorite running friends/ colleagues :)
Glad you had a blast in Seattle!!!


Yay for runcations! My last was doing the Run for the Dream half marathon with my hunny at Colonial Williamsburg! they give you Busch Gardens and Colonial Williamsburg tickets, the course is pretty nice you get to run right through the middle of it! and then down by the river and about 4 miles of trails) and we eat great period food to carb load. Amazing weekend!


Best part of my weekend was I finally placed in a race! I got 3rd in my age group!


I’ve done RnR Vegas – it was the first time it ran at night and the one where everyone got sick. I actually got food poisoning coming into town and it was my slowest half ever. I also ran the now defunct RnR Pasadena which went just okay thanks that lots of hills and repetitive winding sections and knee pain. And I also ran RnR Portland in its first year- enjoyed that one just got a little wet and again with the knee pain. Oh yea and the last half I’ve run (just had a baby) was RnR Dallas in 2013 which was freezing, but overall went really well.

I was registered for Chicago one year but didn’t make it out. I’ve got to venture out of the west one of these years.


I absolutely loved every minute of this race (well, except for the tunnels and the last half mile being uphill when I wanted to sprint to the finish). It was probably the most beautiful course I’ve run. Seeing Mt. Rainier for miles 3-4, running along the water for mile 7 and seeing the city scape during miles 9-10 were truly amazing. I’m glad I got to celebrate pre- and post-race with you. I’m also glad your hamstring behaved :) Hope to see you for a race again soon. Rest up my friend!


my cousin ran the full, it was her first


The Seattle RNR was my first 1/2 marathon! I trained with my two friends, who were also running it for the first time. It was definitely a fun run! Glad you enjoyed it! :)

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