I should have placed some bets and seeing new places in your running shoes.

One of my absolute favorite parts about traveling is exploring the new area with my running shoes.  I am taking a running break right now (so I can let my body fully recover from the marathon) so instead of running I left first thing in the morning to go on a walk for an hour.  

Just me, Regina Spektor (in my headphones) and the gorgeous scenery (my bro lives in the country and there are so many barns and acres and acres of trees).  It felt so good…  Although, I couldn’t imagine running in the heat/humidity that was hanging out even though it was early.

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First major activity of the day (we did so many yesterday that it felt like 4 days all in one) was to Churchill Downs in Louisville.  My first experience watching horse racing.

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I should have placed some bets on the horses that Brooke said would win (she really would say a number when I asked her who she thought would win) because her picks kept winning.

I could not believe how fast these horses were and their muscles were bulging.  We were right up against the rail and I think the coolest part of the whole experience was hearing the thunder of the horses as they ran by.

PS I am proud of my iPhone for taking this picture:

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We were ready for lunch afterwards and hit up a place that a lot of you guys from Kentucky recommended.  I now trust your food opinion (it takes really good food for me to really trust people with this important matter).

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I started with a salad with the world’s best dressing… This hit the spot.

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And you can’t go here without getting dessert.  This 4-layer chocolate dessert spoke to my soul the second I saw it and I had to have it.

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I also tried some of Brooke’s birthday cake ice cream and that was incredible too!

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Brooke is living the dream while we are here.  Ice cream and cousins (not pictured is her cousin that is just 2 months younger than her).

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After lunch we went to a huge splash pad and then to the Big Four Bridge.  It used to be a bridge for trains but they turned it into a walking bridge and it goes over the Ohio River and one side of the bridge is in Kentucky and the other side is Indiana.  

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Pretty sweet.  You know you are a runner when you go somewhere like this and you can’t stop thinking about how fun it would be to run there all of the time. 

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And as if that wasn’t enough we went to the pool afterwards.  So far Kentucky is one of my new favorites.

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And two randoms:

1.  Just taking some selfies on the couch while we watched Frozen.

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2.  My sis-in-law is brilliant and cuts the top of the bag cereal off and puts it in this container so it is a million times easier to pour and keep the cereal fresh.  I will be copying her.  

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Best dessert that you have had in the last month?

Do you exercise on vacation—>  always, sometimes, never?

Fill in the blanks:  

Weekends are for ________, ________ and _________.  

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The dessert foodie that I am would fly to Kentucky for the dessert you had. Looks amazing. Best dessert I have had in the last month is a tough question since June is my birthday month and I did some serious dessert eating over the last few weeks. I will stick with the best dessert I had yesterday which was fondue at Max Brenner!


Fun, fun, fun! Looks like a most perfect vacation. Loving seeing KY through your eyes.
I actually tend to not exercise on vacation. I used to but then I realized it is a perfect time to rest and kind of easier since we are busy doing/seeing things. Rest for more than one day is hard for most people but sometimes important to do it proactively. So I figure vacation is a perfect time for this!!

Last good dessert had to be smore’s bars (yes, your recipe).
I had to have them this week.



Wow, y’all packed a LOT into one day! Look so fun! I exercise sometimes on vacay just depending on how busy or tired I am.

I laughed when you clarified that Regina Spektor was in your headphones and not actually walking beside you. Hahaha.

Weekends are for long runs, food, and NAPS.


Haha that is exactly what weekends are for!


SO jealous you got to go to the grounds!! I loved seeing your pictures there. Dang it I should move to KY.


That looks like a great time and I’m glad you are enjoying yourself out east. Running is one of my favorite ways to explore new towns and cities…except I normally get lost. Thank god for Siri and directions.

That general area: Kentucky then into the deep south has some of the best food. When I was traveling through last fall I never wanted to leave because it was so good.

For me weekends are for racing, staring at people’s feet (work) and trying a new diner. Lather, rinse repeat.


I don’t always exercice on vacation but I will this time as next week marks week 1 of my 1/2 marathon training :)


Weekends are for long runs, red wine, and framily get togethers!

Sometimes I exercise, sometimes I don’t- it all depends on where I am and who I’m with!!:)

Have fun! I love cool bridges like that-the fact that it’s only a walking bridge is great!


HOmemade ice cream AND pie kitchen??? Sign me up! Especially at 8 months pregnant!


The best dessert I have had lately is carrot cake with coconut frosting…my favorite!

I try to always exercise on vacation, because I love seeing new places on a run. I also feel like it gives me more energy to do more fun things.

Weekends are for framily, food, and fun!


I love running on vacation. I also try to walk as much as possible. It makes me feel so happy to explore a new place by foot! Weekends are for relaxing, friends, and fun :)


You HAVE to go to Graeter’s for ice cream while you are there–my favorite place for ice cream when I am in KY/OH!!!


I second that – Graeters is amazing!


I third that – best ice cream I’ve ever had!


Best dessert I had was a chocolate fudge cake with brownie topping- so delicious! It depends where I go on vacation, if I’m in Florida or somewhere beachy I find it hard to motivate myself to exercise, but I always try and use the elliptical if I’m at a hotel- one of my favourite exercises besides running! Have a great weekend! :)


I like this post a lot because I went to college in Louisville. I miss KY so much! I hope you enjoy the rest of your time there and post more pics! It’s so beautiful!


Are you a Cardinal as well??? I grew up in west KY and went to undergrad and med school at UofL. Though you could have gone to Sullivan or Jeffercon CC. Posts like this make me miss Louisville so bad!


We are heading to South Dakota bright and early tomorrow morning. I still need to pack.


Enjoy your trip!


What fun it looks like you and Brooke are having! I usually do workout on vacation, especially if I’m gone a week or more. It’s usually not at the same intensity as it might be if I weren’t on vacation, though.

On my recent vacation, I had the chance to run 6 miles barefoot on the beach. Have you done this? It was fabulous!!


I always have the best intentions for exercising on vacation… and end up at the gym or running outside 2-3 times which is pretty good if you ask me! And weekends are for long runs, sleeping in and Target trips :)


I love to go running or exercise on vacation. Next week we are in arizona all week and I’ve already mapped out a bunch of runs I can’t wait to do.!
Weekends are for long runs, hanging out with the kids and hopefully a nap !


I’m on a break from desserts but after seeing that cake I think I need it.

I always run on vacations! Always! Weekends are for family and fun!


Sometimes I run on vacation, but more often than not it just doesn’t happen. Too much else to do! Or I’m in a miserable hotel traveling for work, and I’m right on a busy service road – no point in running outside then, and I don’t enjoy treadmills.
I can’t wait for this weekend – I am exhausted and this weekend I just need to rest, recover, and heal!


Oh looks fun!!

I love exercising on vacation…. but I def don’t workout everyday! Just a few times to keep my sanity :)

Weekends are for relaxing, white wine, and the beach!


Not to be a downer but what happened to no more treats 400x a day and improving your nutrition? You have so much God given talent that you will always be faster than most of us without having to do much more than show up so to speak. It makes me sad to see you sqander your gifts on gummy bears and froyo and it frustrates me because I train right, I take recovery time seriously and I make how I fuel my running machine a priority and despite all this I am a middle of the pack-er and most likely always will be.


I’m on vacation.


There is nothing wrong with being a middle of the pack-er…but did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason you aren’t able to be a front of the pack-er is more about your attitude? Give yourself a break, have fun, and eat a gummy bear once in a while. And don’t compare yourself to others! That will get you nowhere. Everyone’s body is different.


That salad looks pretty healthy to me :)
It is all about balance!


Having read about the nutrition of a good number of elite athletes – simple carbs and “junk” food are both pretty common. Regardless, having even a cursory knowledge of Jenae’s blog it’s clear she’s very dedicated to running and fitness. It doesn’t seem to me that she just “shows up”. So she’s talented naturally as well, great for her, but it’s a bit harsh to downplay what is obviously a great amount of dedication and question her food choices when neither affect you in any way.


Thanks so much SJ!


So agreed with SJ! Everybody’s body is different and shouldn’t be compared to another’s, that goes for what we eat too! I don’t think what Janae eats should undermine in any way her accomplishments and should certainly not be judged whatsoever. If anything, I’m jealous I’m not in Kentucky having a bite of that pie!!


Looks like a great time!

Best dessert…Reese’s Oreos and chocolate sauce mixed into vanilla ice cream. Amazing.


Always exercise on vacation although not my same routine usually. I’m visiting my Mom in WI now and plan to take several walks along the trail near her house. Hopefully I won’t get eaten alive by the bugs here.


I TRY to exercise when I am on vaca.. but I make a deal with myself that I won’t beat myself up if I don’t get around to it….

Weekends are for family, fun and cocktails.
ps that dessert look AUHmazing!!!!!


That bridge looks so cool – I would definitely be thinking about running it too :)

I run on vacation but I usually try to give myself a really relaxed schedule. I’ll have specific runs I *want* to do, but if I don’t get them done exactly as planned I don’t worry about it. Vacation is for kicking back, relaxing and not worrying about mileage or splits!


Comfy Cow’s Coo Coo for Coconut ice cream! Hopefully you’ll get to check them out while you are here in Louisville.


Glad you’re enjoying Louisville! Such a great city.

I do try and exercise while on vacation. Right now I’m at the beach, and each morning I’ve either went for a run or a walk to see the sights!


A lot of my exercise on vacation involves walking- I love to walk and explore new areas!


your nieces and nephews (and brother, for that matter!) look soooooo happy to be with you! what a blessing xx


I went to Charleston this past weekend and had a chocolate flourless cake at this amazing restaurant called the Ordinary and it was probably my favorite dessert I’ve ever had in my life. And that is saying A LOT.

I want to say that I work out/run on vacations, but sometimes it just depends on where I am. This past weekend at the beach (outside of Charleston) it was about 95* and 100% humidity every day, even in the mornings, so it was just too hard to run. I ran last night (in Charlotte) and I went SO slow because it was about 95* and humid so I started cramping around mile 3 and just had to call it quits because it was too dang hot!

Weekends are for relaxing, farmer’s market, good times with friends/families, weddings (it feels like we have one every weekend, we have one tomorrow!), and running :)


I live in Charleston (moved here last year), and in this heat, I only run on the beach. If you go barefoot at the water line, it feels breezy and great! Best part is that you can jump right into the water if it gets too hot. :)


I always excercise on vacation. Most of my trips are racecations anyway :)
There is a farmers market outside my office all summer three days a week and I get the best apple blueberry crumb pies. They make mini single serving ones for $2.50.
Weekends are for spending extra alone time with my dog and long runs and organizing my house for the week ahead.


I am jealous of the farmers’ market outside your office…THREE DAYS A WEEK! You’ve hit the jackpot :)


I tend to exercise more reasonably on vacation mileage wise since I don’t like taking away from any time with family, but I really love running in new places. In cape cod now for the weekend and had a really nice run this morning!


The best dessert I had recently was a Magic Bar from one of my favorite neighborhood spots. It includes peanutbutter, chocolate, coconut, and a bunch of other yummy goodness–and somehow it is gluten free! (I am not gluten free, but I am happy that restaurants make the effort to make delicious desserts for those who are gluten free.)

Weekends are for relaxing, new adventures, and random chores I put off during the week (womp womp).

Have a great vacation!


Always workout on vacation .
Best dessert was chocolate cake earlier this week. The frosting stole the show more than the actual cake .


I usually exercise while on vacation, but take it a little easier (running, walking, biking). I love exploring new cities on foot! Best dessert I’ve had is smores ice cream on a warm brownie. YUMMM.


I’m from Kentucky and I will agree – it’s amazing. I haven’t spent much time in Louisville, except for at Churchill Downs, but I would love to get down there. Enjoy!


The food sounds amazing, the bridge is SO pretty and yes I always always workout on my vacations. I love to workout so why not??? My family thinks I’m crazy.


Okay that pie though….that looks like Heaven on Earth!!! Vicariously living through you right now, haha!! Although I have to say, the best dessert I had recently was on Father’s Day, we made a chocolate ganache cake which was literally just like a huge slab of fudge, it was ah-mazing.

I tend to exercise on vacation just because it’s one of the things that helps me to relax! I love going on early morning runs around wherever I’m staying so I get to know my surroundings as well as clear my mind :)

I totally get you about thinking how awesome a place would be for a run! I do that ALL the time, I don’t think I could live anywhere where I couldn’t go for a fun run! The thing I was most looking forward to coming home from college this summer was actually being able to run by the beach again!!


BTW, I’ll bet it’s taking a lot of self control not to lace up and go for a run, but you’re doing the best thing for your body. Way to go!!


Did you cross the bridge into Indiana?! My home state is a wonderful place although you are right, the humidity makes me want to never go outside until after 8:30pm.

Desserts are good for the soul, no matter what anyone says. ENJOY your vacation, that is what they’re for right? You work SO, SO hard and you deserve that huge amazing looking chocolate dessert. I don’t know if it was in the last month but there’s a restaurant up here on the north side of Indianapolis that makes homemade ice cream sandwiches AND THEN covers them in chocolate and freezes them. That was heaven on a plate.


Yum!!!!It looks like french silk pie and I love french silk pie! :)
I always run on vacation and love the change of scenery!
Weekends are for family, running and church :)…love the weekend!!!!


I’m so excited to see you in and enjoying Louisville! I live here and love it so, so much, and it’s great to see others enjoying it too.


You’ve done some great things so far!!! So glad you are enjoying Louisville! You must go run in Cherokee Park!!


Right now my weekends are for running and relaxing. This is our first weekend where we will spend the majority of it at our new place without having big plans. I look forward to relaxing!


Weekends are for TV watching, running, and drinking wine!


Homemade donuts!! Speaking of which, I need some more dessert in my life so I should probably go make some. Weekends are for Skype Dates, Skateboarding, and running!


I always workout on vacations. I can get up early, get a run or a lift in and know that I have started my day with a healthy decision. That way, if I do want ice cream or something not as healthy for dinner, it’s okay! Weekends are for rest, relaxing runs, and friends!


SO exciting to see that you went to the pie kitchen. Glad you’re having such a wonderful time!! :)


I exercise some of the time on vacation depending on where I go and how motivated I am feeling haha! The best dessert that I had this month was probably something chocolate. I can’t remember haha, BUT I’m sure it was GOOD! It looks like you and Brooke are having a blast :)


I love exploring on vacation! I just ran around cape cod this morning to see the area!


Enjoy the Cape! My parents live a block away from the main bike trail in Brewster. I love running along that and along some of the ponds. It is nice and flat (for the most part. I’ve heard the Cape Cod Marathon is super hilly. But Brewster is mostly flat). If you happen to be there for the 4th weekend, there is a great (sunny and hilly though) 5 mile race in Wellfleet – it’s on Sunday, the 6th. Okay, that is my tourism speak for the cape :)


So I’m down on that Big Four Bridge like every day at lunch… the ONE day I don’t go & you’re there. The world hates me!
So glad you went to Churchill Downs. Our Kentucky Derby mini Marathon runs through there & its the best part of the race – you should come back & do the half/full marathon one year!!! Its fantastic! Over 18,000 runners.


The way you eat cereal, I love that you think it would last long enough it would need a container to stay fresh. Just sayin’. ;)

And that is the greenest grass I’ve ever seen. That’s crazy green!


Looks like you are having a great time with your family. I get to visit my family in Seattle this next week, so I am very excited. I always try to exercise while on vacation, but sometimes that just means a lot of walking, water activities, and recreational fun. Weekends are for long workouts, time with my hubby, and outdoor adventures.


Whoa, that chocolate desert looks rich! nom nom nom…
If i’m in training and the day calls for exercise, sure do. If not, then hello beach!

Weekends are for carb loading, running, and post carb loading =).
Hey, can you ask Brookers for this weekends lottery numbers?! I’ll split it!


I do try to exercise when I’m away, mostly because it makes me feel great for the rest of the day, but I try to give new workouts a go, or enjoy the local area by hiking, sailing, surfing etc!


I have that exact same cereal set-up with the exact same cereal inside! Great minds think alike ;-)
KY looks amazing!


I’ve been loving dirt cups lately. I bought some gelato yesterday, but haven’t tried it yet.

I try to exercise at least half of the days I am on vacation. Sometimes the location makes it a little harder. Greatist.com has some good body weight exercises if you don’t have time for a run.


Looks like you are having a great time – and that dessert looks amazing!


Wow, your dessert looks amazing <3 :) Brooke is so cute in that picture, where she is looking at the horses.


Weekends are for church, seeing friends and a long run.


OMG, pie and ice cream! I need that place in my life.

My best dessert this week was my husband’s birthday cake. Can’t go wrong with BD cake!


It looks like you’re having a blast! I exercise on vacation…sometimes. I wish I was better about it, but I try to do a little bit.

Weekends are for long runs, time with friends, and relaxing!


Best Dessert???

Go to TARGET.. (right now) and buy the WOW Cookies. They are the softest best cookie on Earth. I bake from scratch a bag of WOW snickerdoodles beat-out any from scratch cookies I have ever had. –They are Gluten-free, but even if you are not gluten-free (I am not!), they are the best cookies on Earth! Beyond belief.. WOW COOKIES now @Target.


Run on vacations? ALWAYS! :) Good for you for choosing to walk–I wouldn’t be able to resist sneaking in a run! :)


I had some Salted Caramel Fudge overload ice cream last weekend and it was amazing, but almost a bit to much!! I love running on vacations but don’t make it a priority. Will Brooke pick out some numbers for me to buy a lottery ticket? :)


I exercise on vacation sometimes – but not always! Depends on who I’m with and where I am and what my training is!

Look like you’re having a good time!


I am so jealous!!! I’m a Georgia girl living in Utah and I miss the South soooooo much! I would even take the humidy!

I don’t even a lot of treaty/desserty stuff but when I do, I make sure it’s super good. I LOVE anything with dark chocolate and sea salt. And a glass of red wine. That is my ideal dessert.

Have a blast love!


Wow you guys did do a ton of fun stuff in one day! Kentucky looks pretty awesome.
Best recent dessert: espresso mocha milkshake
Exercise on vacation: Always
Weekends are for: sleeping in, eating delicious food, and plenty of outdoor adventures!


My best dessert: last night. Rice crispy treats with vanilla frosting. All my dreams come true.

Weekends are for naps, cleaning, and regrouping!

Have fun in Kentucky- it looks gorgeous!!!


Swimming, splash pad, delicious food?!?! FUN!!!

I’d love to see horse racing in real life. That’d be sweet!


Okay, so I live here and I’m jealous of everything you are doing. I’m glad you are having a great trip and seeing the city’s best! The Big Four Bridge and I are not the best of buds. However, after you make it to the top after running up that hill, it is a beautiful sight. Don’t forget to try out some pizza places on Bardstown Road. There’s several great options. My all time faves are Papalino’s or Impellizzeri’s.


Best dessert this week: today-Amish donut (they are huge and delicious)
Exercise on vacay: sometimes
Weekends are for: Playing, resting, and playing…..

I grew up in the south then moved here to Ohio a few years ago. Can’t imagine living somewhere that doesn’t have humidity. I live near the Ohio/Kentucky border but have yet to really explore Kentucky. I need to remedy that. It is a gorgeous state! There is a pedestrian bridge here too, that spans the Ohio river and connects Ohio and Kentucky. We walk it a lot actually. Very cool!


You need to go to Lexington and see all the horse farms!! You also need to come back in March for the best half marathon ever (although I may be biased :)) “RunTheBluegrass” !!


You’re selling me on Kentucky…looks beautiful there and so much to do and see! I love your shirt.


Kentucky looks like a blast!!! I bet on some horses last year and actually won despite not knowing anything about the horses, haha!


Janae, please don’t worry about some of the stupid comments you get on here. I think some posters must be so jealous of your running abilities, and of how lovely you are and look! Enjoy your vacation….


Thanks so much Mandy!


Heck yes I exercise while on vacation. I eat so much yummy food while on vacation that I have to.
That ice cream looks so delicious!
Enjoy your time with your brother.


AAAAHHHHHHHHHH, you have family in Louisville? I miss Louisville so bad, I moved to Atlanta from Louisville 3 years ago and regret it at least once a day. I do a lot of races in Louisville/Kentucky, so I get to go home pretty often, did the Derby Marathon in April, and Doing Ironman Louisville in August, and the Bourbon Chase Relay in October. I’ll be riding the Ironman Course on July 11th, two weeks can’t get here fast enough. Well, that is if my Pulmonologist clears me for activity, I just had a Pulmonary Embolism two weeks ago, genetic condition exacerbated by dehydration and travel from Ironman Raleigh on June 1st. I feel good, so I am hopeful I’ll be back in two weeks!


I was just there! I’ve run across that bridge. :)
If you can, get down to Ghyslain on Market for dessert. Holy moly.


Had no idea Kentucky was so pretty. Looks like you are all having a great time together.
I usually run when on vacation but I don’t do any other exercise. It’s a great way to explore new cities – I was in Amsterdam and Stockholm last summer and got some gorgeous “tours” of the city via my running shoes.
Favorite dessert in the last month – banana split. Haven’t had one since I was a kid. Delicious.
Saturdays are for long runs, afternoon naps and snuggling with my doggie.
Random thought – I want to introduce my nephew to our local splash pad, all your splash pad pics look so fun, but I wonder if he is too young (15months).


I don’t think so at all!! Take him!


Those pictures are making me want to move to Kentucky! :) Beautiful. Have fun! Looks like great family time. Brooke looks so happy.


Your photos bring back such nice memories for me…I went to high school in Louisville about a hundred years ago! It is such a special place, and I do miss it. Great to see you having fun, Janae!


Looks like so much fun! I live in southern KY (about an hour from Nashville, TN). I think I take for granted how pretty it really is. I would love to visit Utah sometime!! You need to come back and run the Derby half or full! I ran the half this year as my first race ever and loved every minute. You run through Churchill Downs and go under the track while the horses are practicing for Derby which is pretty amazing! Have a great trip!


P.S. The heat and humidity is killing me this summer. The treadmill and I have become best friends! :)


Looks like your brother lives in a beautiful area. I bet it was a peaceful walk this morning.

Weekends are for friends, beer, and dates.


Hi Janae,
I was so disheartened reading one of the comments from today. You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want, and don’t have to answer or explain yourself to anyone. You are gorgeous, an extremely gifted runner, an unbelievable mother/daughter/sister/friend, and provide such a bright spot in so many people’s days. I rarely leave comments but had to today and wanted you to know how I (and I’m sure MANY other people) feel. Hope you continue to have the best time in Kentucky!


I’m so glad you’re enjoying KY!! I grew up in Lexington and happen to think it’s a wonderful place. Eat some Graeter’s ice cream, too, while you’re there! Black raspberry chocolate chip, mmmmm. Weekends are for: sleep, sun, and long runs!


weekends are for working =(


Best dessert that you have had in the last month?
Green and Black’s 85%. I eat it every day. It’s still amazing.

Do you exercise on vacation—> always, sometimes, never?
Yes, always.

Fill in the blanks:
Weekends are for ________, ________ and _________.
Single people without kids. lol No, but seriously. I’m a stay at home mom and my husband doesn’t work a regular 9-5 so my weekend routine is the same.


Best dessert I’ve had this month was macarons. OMG soooo sooo good. Now I want one :) I try to always exercise on vacation but I also remember that it IS vacation. If I miss a day here and there, I have to not sweat it :)


I drive to KY whenever I go to Tennessee. It’s only about 2 1/2 hours from my home and my friends actually living there this summer for an internship! I used to not like the Midwest that much, but it’s definitely grown on me :)


Best dessert I’ve had is the date nut bread that I made with my grandma this past Tuesday!

Always exercise on vacation. Running while I’m on vacation is one of my favorite things on the planet!

Weekends are for… long runs and frozen yogurt (a Sunday tradition)!


Horse racing is a very sad, cruel, and abusive industry. Those horses are drugged (aka, doping, but without consent) and forced to run/race even when injured. The difference between us running and them running is that we have a choice; they don’t. As of 2012, 24 thoroughbreds die at American racetracks every week. This article reveals the harsh reality. Unfortunately, this is the standard, not the exception. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/20/sports/peta-accuses-two-trainers-of-cruelty-to-horses.html?_r=0


Chocolate sea salt ice pop, so so good!


I love a good morning walk– so peaceful and relaxing!


That is a pretty genius cereal trick! And I sometimes exercise on vacation – I’m a wimp in humidity, so it basically depends on that haha :)


Your dessert looked amazing! Brooke looked so happy at the splash pad, my little boy is the same way with water. He’s a little water baby.


Running in the country is awesome! But the humidity gets to you fast……….it makes my 5 milers feel like 10 milers! In TN we have a pedestrian bridge like that, and it is just shy of a half-mile across. It is great for speedwork!


That dessert is no joke! How was it?

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