How does pool running transfer over to road running? And the normal random stuff.

Sorry but you have to deal with just one more race pic.

Candice and I must have spent at least 35 hours together pool running.  PS she is back to road running and feeling great after her stress fracture!  PPS have you ever seen a cooler running tank than the guy’s in the back?!?

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For five weeks I stuck to pool running like glue to get me to my marathon healthy and ready to run.  You are welcome for being your pool running guinea pig.

Random things about my experience with pool running, how it transferred over to road running and what I would do differently next time (hopefully, there isn’t a next time):

-I should have gotten in two 3 hour pool running sessions over the last few weeks to help me mentally with working out for that many hours straight.  We did a few two hour sessions but going from 2 hours of working out to 3.5 hours of running was definitely tough.

-Feet.  Holy cow.  Not running on roads for so long actually ‘allowed my feet to look cute’ (direct quote from my sister) but after just a few miles into the marathon they were completely trashed from the pounding/shoes on the pavement.  Maybe don’t run a marathon first thing after so much pool running and give your feet time to gradually toughen up again.  

-Pool running (and Candice) kept me mentally sane during my injury.  I was still able to get a good workout in and those endorphins after our pool running workouts were pretty close to the same as if I was running on a treadmill (but still not as good as running outside).  It is a good workout and it burns a lot of calories so make sure you are refueling properly.

-Cardio wise I felt awesome throughout the marathon because of all of the pool running that I did.   I really strongly believe it kept up my running cardio GREAT!  My breathing/lungs/heart were not the problem during the 26.2 miles.   CARDIO—> pool running rocked.  You can simulate speed workouts in there, tempo runs, long runs etc… I would just do those workouts according to time and not distance.

My muscles were the problem.  I don’t think that pool running can simulate hills at all and I felt like my legs were pretty dead just a little ways into my race on Saturday.  My muscles definitely atrophied a little bit from taking so much time off from running.  Once again, after pool running only—> take a gradual approach to hitting the roads again to build up your running muscular strength.  

-NO way to simulate crazy temps and weather elements in the pool.  You can’t prepare yourself for running in heat or running in wind/bad weather by pool running.  I was not prepared for even a little breeze on marathon day.   

-My body can only handle so many road miles before getting injured and so I am going to keep pool running in my weekly training.  I will shoot for at least 1-2 times a week to squeeze in more ‘mileage’ to keep my body feeling good.  Pool running is really refreshing and I never feel any aches or pains after I do it. 

Will I pool run a bunch next time I am injured?  Absolutely.

Will I run a marathon again after pool running for 5 weeks without any road running?  You couldn’t pay me to attempt that again.  

And this is what an exhausted runner and her awesome sister look like at mile 22.  

Speaking of running, I really like this quote.  

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One of my very best friends is moving away soon.  I know, super rude.  

We made a really good lunch of honey/lemon chicken, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, avocado and fruit smoothies.  

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Night time was spent with my dearest cousin eating delicious food and  

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a random little outdoor concert.  After we got home my other cousin from California arrived and then we watched the first episode of Walking Dead.  UMMMM NO.  I think I had 40 heart attacks while watching it.  Never again.  I closed my eyes for 90% of the episode.

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And Bangs Friend left.  I just don’t understand why they are choosing to live in sunny, perfect weather California over living here in Utah with me where it is 8 degrees all winter long. 

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Utah peeps!  Check out this awesome Zumba Fundraiser Event HERE!!!

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Scary shows/movies—> Love or hate?


How long do you usually take off from exercise/running after a marathon?  Half-marathon?  10K?  5K?

Do you feel like you are in better cardio shape or muscular shape?  

-Cardio.  I need to hit the weights.  

How many days a week do you cross-train?

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I like scary movies and such but I don’t like Walking Dead at all, I just find it silly and weird looking and I can’t stand it. My husband watches it after I fall asleep haha.

I am in way better cardio shape but need to start weight training immediately. I also do no cross-training but want to switch that and cross-train 1-2x a week this summer to increase mileage without injury.

Thanks for being my pool running guinea pig ;)


love that quote! I think even just cutting back before a marathon to heal/rest an injury leads to softer feet prone to blisters in the marathon even without pool running. I don’t think you could have done anything to prevent the blisters really.

I am in better cardio shape no doubt, I struggle with strength because i don’t love lifting weights the way I love running.

After a marathon it’s 3 days off as long as I’m not injured, other races maybe a day or 2 max. I actually love running at an easy and relaxed pace the day after a race if possible. Some of my best runs were those!


Hate hate hate hate scary shows and movies! When I was a kid I liked them, but as I’ve gotten older I just can’t handle them! Maybe they have gotten scarier?

I’m so glad to hear that pool running really worked out for you cardio wise!!! I did it for about a week when I was injured but I didn’t really know if it helped or not since I probably could have just taken a week off and went back to running without much difference.


i CANNOT do scary movies/shows…my poor heart can’t handle it and I need sleep haha.

After a 10K I don’t really take any time off, after a half marathon I’ll see how I feel and go from there. Usually my body just needs a day off and then back into a lighter week of training.

I’m definitely in better cardio shape right now – working on the strength!


Congrats again on such an awesome race. I hope that your feet are healing!!!!
I hate scary movies! I usually take 3-4 days off after the marathon and then ease back into running with something short and slow. I take 1-2 days off after the half…and just my normal day off after a 5 or 10k.
I am in WAY better cardio shape. I do not really cross train at all but I want to maybe start (I threaten to all the time though). I do some form drills and some strength exercises with my running…but that is about it. I read a great article about adding pool and spin to running. I want to try some pool running, but I don’t belong to a pool or anything yet so I will have to look into it! :)


OMG! Walking dead! My husband got me into it and even though I stopped in season two, YES, it is a constant heart attack. It’s so great though.

After the marathon I took off running for a week, but I got a sports massage, walked and did lots of yoga and that made me feel great. Yoga is magic!

I think in general I feel like I’m in better cardio shape, even though summer makes me think otherwise. I need to hit the weights too. I’m so bad about cross training, I just got back into strength training again, but it wouldnt kill me to bea little more consistent!

I just love reading all your recap info! Pool running just totally fascinates me! Even though I’ve never tried, it’s something I’d definitely be interested in if I ever (God forbid) find myself out from an injury.


I love Walking Dead! It is super scary though.

I don’t really take much time off after a race…maybe a day. If I run a race on Saturday I will usually take Sunday off and maybe Monday from running but I will typically cross train or lift weights!

I am probably in better cardio shape, but I try to incorporate weight training at least 4 times a week whether it’s just a few ab or arm work outs after a run or a full on weight training session. Nothing too crazy pounds wise but I like to do smaller weights and more reps for toning! I will say that it transforms your body way more than running does and I try to keep my quads and calves strong so that I know I can handle longer distances during training runs/races!

I typically run 2-3 days a week if I am not training for something, and 3 at the most if I am. I cross train/lift weights the other days with 1-2 rest days (just depends on my schedule or weekend)!

Great post on pool running! I would love to try it sometime!!


I hate creepy movies that are meant to scare you, can’t do it. I like drama and suspense, shows like House of Cards and Law and Order. But definitely not horror movies.


HATE scary anything. I have been slacking on cardio and strength. I think I might try incorporating pool work this summer because its such a great low impact workout.


My husband loves walking dead. I hate scary movies that are realistic and involve kids.
I ran my first half marathon this year after mostly running only on the treadmill because I hate utah and cold weather and you couldn’t pay me to do that again. Cardio wise I was great but it did not prepare me for the downhill and the uneven running surface
I’m in better muscular shape. I’m in food cardio shape but I have asthma so if I run later in the day or it’s hot or my allergies kick in then running is hard! My legs have never been the issue though.
After a race I do a backwards taper. Slowly adding miles.


Great quote! I need to get more cross training into my routine. I occasionally get it in once a week. I usually take a week off after a half marathon but I only take a day or two after a hard 10K.

Scary movies = no way! You can find me hiding under a blanket :)


What an awesome video! Your mom is so great!

Scary movies?? Not since I had kids….I’ve seriously turned into a major wimpoid when I became a momma. Every scary thing in a show or movie is just something that will definitely somehow happen to my babies if I continue to watch it. I must think I have crazy mind power. :) Give me The Office, 30 Rock or Parks & Recreation any day and I’m a happy camper!

I’m definitely in better muscular shape these days. I’m hoping to even it out though in the next few months. We shall see …:)


I am totally with you on the no scary stuff since I had kids. I dream about the scary stuff for a week after the movie/show!


I try to cross-train at least twice a week but considering I just ran my fourth day in a row, I don’t know that I stick to the whole cross-training plan very well…Definitely in better cardio shape although I have been lifting 15 pound free weights these days! (major progress for this runner lol).


you still look strong in that video running with your sister!! awesome job! also, this post is going to help so many people, what an awesome topic and great job being the guinea pig!

i am definitely in better strength shape, but that is exactly why i switched from a powerlifting program to crossfit. the balance of lifting and cardio endurance is much better than what i had been doing for the past year. in just 2.5 months, i see a huge gain in strength and endurance from crossfit!

have a great day!!!


You’re sister is amazing. Don’t get me wrong you are too for running a marathon on trashed feet but 6+ miles in flip flops and jeans? THAT is unconditional love right there friends…you should treat that lady to a pedicure!!


I’m still marveling at running that far in flip flops. Seriously, that’s amazing.


Right now I am in better cardio shape but I am working on building up my strength.

Your sister is pretty awesome to run those last 6 miles with you! That is the wonderful thing about family. So awesome!


I cannot handle scary movies! I close my eyes the whole time and think about them at 3 in the morning lol!

I love that quote!

Def. need to step up my cardio as of late, weights is where’s it’s been for me lately!


I absolutely hate scary movies! I just can’t handle them. I am in much better cardio shape, I too struggle with hitting the weights on a regular basis :( Strength training is something that I’m always going to have to motivate myself to do. I loved the video of you and your sister :)


I so wish I had a pool membership so I could pool run!! I definitely don’t cross train enough. I do bike ride almost everyday but it’s really laid back!


This was a great analysis and now that you’ve been through it, it makes perfect sense how it all played out.
I love and hate the walking dead. I’m really into the characters a and storyline but I have to close my eyes through half of it! It’s so gory and gross, yuck!


Not that I ever want you to get injured again but what about alternating pool running and elliptical. I did a ton of elliptical and it kept my feet rather calloused (um gross).

Anyways Janae, your hard work payed off. I’m sure everything I have commented has already been commented but you are truly amazing. I do hope you are recovering well. :-)


You should really give the Walking Dead a chance because it grows on you and then you will be seriously addicted…. and of course there’s this …Norman. Reedus.

That video was awesome. How are your Sister’s poor feet?

I gotta say, you’ve got a heck of a support system!


I am a complete wuss when it comes to scary stuff. Not fun at all.

After a big race, I will usually take 2 days off of exercise completely and then ease back in.


Aww Brooke is so cute in that picture! :)

Def in better cardio shape than muscular shape! I keep meaning to lift more but it’s just not as enjoyable as a cardio workout…

I think I take a day or 2 off after a half-marathon? I haven’t run a marathon but I’m guessing I’d need more time off after runnng 26 miles!


Oohhhh…the Walking Dead is totally scary. I refused to watch it for ages, and then got sucked into the third season, so I wound up scared AND confused. Don’t do it!

I feel like all I’ve done in the last six weeks is taper, or race. In a regular schedule (I do triathlons or shorter road races), I’d take a couple days off after a race. You are awesome for doing so well in your marathon! Take all the time off you want/need!

I think I’m probably the same cardio and weights fitness. I worked at fitting in more varied cardio this winter, and it’s definitely paid off. I used to be able to lift heavy things but not run very easily. Now both aspects are getting much better.

In an ideal week (I had some of these, like, back in April maybe…) I run three times a week, bike twice, and swim three times. Hoping to get back into that this summer!


Great job on the marathon after only pool running for so long!

I’m definitely in better cardio shape right now going into my half Ironman this Sunday. I’ll be working weight training back into rotation after it’s over for sure!


HATE scary movies or tv shows!

I usually take a week off after a marathon. I have taken up to two weeks off after an ultra if I’m really trashed afterwards.

I cross-train a lot, but it doesn’t seem to help any with reducing my rate of injury. :/ I just seem to be one of those people that is extremely injury-prone.


Love scary movies. I think I’m in better cardio shape and I want that to change. I’m training for my first marathon and I know just from upping my mileage during my years of running that I do better with low miles. I’ve decided to take Mondays as a swim day since I used to swim competitively. Hoping that works out well. Guess I’ll find out come marathon day!


I love scary movies!! I can’t get enough lol!

It depends on how my body is feeling after a race, but I will try to jump back into running within a day or so. But I would say more cardio and not enough muscular shape. I should probably hit the weights more :)


I <3 scary movies and TV shows! For me that type of thing is less scary than the news or drama type media because I can feel safe that it's unlikely to actually happen to me.
Right now I feel so much more in muscular shape than cardio shape. We did a day hike on Father's Day and my lung capacity just wasn't where it has been in the past. My pack felt a lot lighter though.


That video is awesome. It makes me wish I had a sister :)


I loooooove scary movies/scary shows. The Walking Dead is one of my favourites! I’m actually doing research on the comic books (that the tv shows is based on) for my Masters thesis. No joke.

And that guy does have a pretty awesome shirt, but I’m more impressed by his mustache! :-p


Love kinda-scary movies/shows (like things that cannot happen in real life), but its if paranormal/could be real, I do not watch. Something about it just freaks me out.

I think more cardio shape for me, I do not strength train at all. I seriously need to focus on adding it. I cross-train ZERO times a week <—super bad!


Hate scary shows. Not a walking dead fan at all. I prefer to watch Too Cute, its about puppies. That’s my kind of show.

After a race I usually take as much time off as I need. It always varies mentally and physically. When I need to start running again my mind or body will tell me.

Lately all I’ve done is cross train. I still can’t master pool running. I’m not sure what I’m training for but overall I’m becoming stronger, leaner, and more flexible so hey I’ll take it!


I like scary movies, but I am a big baby. I hide my eyes in the scary parts. :)

I take a rest day after halfs, but try to get back to it after that.


I hate scary shows. The worst is Criminal Minds. I watched it once and it still creeps me out. I have no need for that in my life – only happy shows for me!

I am definitely in better cardio shape than muscular shape. Actually, I haven’t done anything for three weeks because my hamstrings are too tight and I can figure out how to loosen though out. It makes everything painful. I haven’t run for three weeks and my left hamstring still hurts! So right now I am not in muscular or cardio shape. I’m in sitting shape. Sad.


I have been meaning to comment since you’ve been pool running. I actually love pool running but haven’t done it in so long bc I don’t have access to a pool. :-( In any event, I had a girlfriend who introduced me to pool running. I vividly remember, it was back in 2008. She was training for an IM and got hit by a car while biking. She ended up with a hip fracture and left her on crutches. She was scheduled to run Chicago that October and was hoping to BQ. Her doctor said, “NO WAY ARE YOU GOING TO BE ABLE TO TRAIN!!! You’ll already be out 8-weeks!” So with Chicago coming up in 10-weeks, she did 8-weeks of hardcore pool running, 2-weeks on pavement and she headed over to Chicago — got her BQ and ran 10 marathons that next year. With that said, POOL RUNNING IS AWESOME!! I really do wish I could do it more often, but with two little ones — the only other cross training I could get done is strength and some workout DVDs at home. I don’t mind it though bc at least I get to work out with the munchkins.

Congratulations on yet another amazing and awesome race. You really inspire so many of us on here!!! If I were to be reborn, I’d love to be as fast as you!!!


is that your mama cheering you guys on?? so sweet!
(p.s. there are some GREAT pictures of Brooke up on the blog today! go look!)


I said it yesterday and I will say it again today….you are amazing and an inspiration! Awesome!


This is a great recap of pool running! Thank you for sharing all of your awesome insight :) After seeing your blister in the last post, there is no doubt that you are very fierce, hehe. I hope you have a great day!

PS: Thanks for making me laugh out loud with this line…”One of my very best friends is moving away soon. I know, super rude.”


Ideally, it would be a week off of running after a marathon, probably 4 days after a half, and I haven’t run too may 10ks… But after getting injured after Boston I am finally back to running – only took 8 weeks.

Awesome pics – I love seeing the Utah scenery. So pretty (and different from what I’m used to on the east coast)!


I need to hit the weights too!
Your sister is a fast flip flop runner!


sisters rock.

I have to know…..we saw what your feet looked like at the end, but what did sissy’s feet look like after running in flip flops? And did she die of heat stroke from running in jeans?

That is seriously the most awesome sister story- ever.
Kelly in Michigan


I usually take a couple days off after a race. I definitely take a few more days off after a half marathon, especially if I’m feeling sore. I’m definitely more in cardio shape, but working on those muscles with weekly weight lifting classes. I really want to tone up!


ahh love that they got the vid! It’s great to encourage peeps with injuries to do the pool running thing — they don’t have to give up the dream! Glad you made Boston :)


I don’t generally take time off after doing a half. I’ve never done a full so it could be different. I find taking extended time off I lose more if my fitness. I always always cross train at least 3 days a week. I did AZ RnR in January. There’s a crazy hill around mile 8 and I killed that hill. I stopped counting after passing 100 people. Stairmaster and weights are your best friend for hills.


I HATE scary movies. Like I won’t sleep for weeks.

I usually take a few days off after a 1/2 marathon, but anything less than that I’ll usually just cross-train (as long as I’m not hurting too badly). Speaking of cross-training, I’m horrible at getting weight training in, and I’m definitely in better cardio shape.


I hope I am never in a situation where I have to take up pool running for a while, but at least it seems like a good alternative. Your marathon was amazing and probably one of the most memorable? I’m guessing.

I usually take a couple weeks off after a marathon. Half marathons don’t really set me back as much. I definitely feel as though I am in better cardio shape and have wanted to add more strength/weight training to my schedule. I get bored easily with weights, so we will see how that goes. :)


I do not like watching scary movies! I’ll leave the room if my husband puts one on.
I usually try to take a week off from running after a marathon, for shorter distances it may be a few days, depending on how I feel.
I think I am better at cardio than strength but taking body pump classes once a week has helped with keeping my muscles in decent shape!
I am not very good about cross training. The most I will do is once a week but lately I haven’t been doing it at all. I need to figure out a better way to incorporate it into my training.


Hate scary movies, but love Walking Dead. I just close my eyes during the gory parts.
I’m definitely in better cardio shape, but even that is suffering right now. I’ve had setback after setback trying to get my mileage back up after my last pregnancy and I’m mentally worn out.


I will not watch scary shows. I read a Steven King novel once and couldn’t sleep or turn off lights. Gah!
I need to cross train more. Once I stopped going to my Pilates classes my piraformis pain came back. So it’s core training at home for me!
I still can’t believe your sister ran in her flip flops…..she is a much better sister and friend them I am!


HATE scary movies. I can’t even watch the previews!!

I take 3 days off half marathons and no time after anything shorter.

Wayyy better cardio!! I run 4 days a week. My new goal is to cross-train 3 days.

Have a GREAT day!!


I LOVE SCARY MOVIES and LOVE the Walking Dead! However, I normally watch them while reading a book or a magazine, so I can cover my eyes!

After my last marathon, I took off a couple days completely. I then cross trained (kettlebell bootcamp with some body weight moves – push-ups, etc.) for a couple more days – and then about 4 days after the marathon (without my GPS watch) I did an easy run and listened to my body for the remainder of the week. That said – your blisters look fierce! Take it easy for them and let them heal!

I am 38 years old and once I turned 35 I realized that I needed more than just running and added some kettlebell and other bootcamps to the mix. I think it made me a stronger runner and I learned that when mixed with cardio, I enjoy classes and the friends I have met through the classes. In the winter, I cross train 3 days a week (I live in St. Louis – and we have horrible winters). The rest of the year I just cross train 1-2 days a week – since running is and will always be my #1 workout!

Take is easy – let your body and your feet recover and congrats!


What an awesome video. You & your sister are amazing! Thanks for the recap on pool running -> road running. Great summary.

I love the pool. I swim 2x per week then do my weight training after that.
I am considering adding another day in the pool, but am going to try walking/running in the leisure pool at my rec center (as opposed to deep water running with a belt). It is an oval shape and has a current with water that goes up about waist high.

I just found out I have arthritis in my lumbar spine so I don’t have to quit running (I only run 2-3 x per week) but have to continue to participate in other activities that take some stress off my body (thank goodness I love swimming & cycling). For me, it’s all about balance :)

You can run marathons for me, OK?


Congrats again on your race!!! You did great! Also, and I hope you realize this, –mentally, this race set you up so well for your next marathon… it seems like it was very tough on you and you pushed through and did it!!! No one can take that finish from you!

As far as msucle vs cardio, I’m definitely in better muscular shape. I kept having a lot of issues with shin splints (horribly tight calves like you!) so I took some time off from running and just hit the weights. Well, I fell in love with lifting and lifting heavy. Leg days are my favorites. I didn’t realize how much it would carry over into my running until I started back up. I trained about half as much as I did for a half marathon than the one previous and ended up finishing 10 minutes faster… imagine if I had actually been dedicated and trained as I should have for that race!!! You will be amazed! Now to beat a dead horse –> Form is key, so make sure you have someone who can correct you until you are comfortable going it alone. Write a routine and stick with it for a few weeks. Trust me you will find a ‘lifting high’ much like a ‘runner’s high’ and you will not want to quit!


I can’t do scary movies! My imagination is wild as it is, so any time I watch a scary movie, I think that everything that occurred in the movie will happen in real life. For some reason I can watch darker TV shows- BUT I have to watch something funny (usually Modern Family) right after.

I usually want nothing to do with running after a half marathon! It can take me up to 3 weeks to want to run again (I will actually run during that time but I don’t like it ha!).


NO to scary movies for me and my family. I have a crazy imagination, so just seeing one scene from one movie haunts me for a really really long time – even reading descriptions of scary movies makes me scared. I yell at my kids when scary movie commercials come on “don’t watch, don’t watch” – they don’t like them either (yes, probably my influence).

Better cardio or strength? hmmm, maybe almost balanced?? I am not a fast runner, so I do get winded during running and I am not super strong, but I can squat and do bootcamp style stuff for a long time and love it. Working on being both!!

Time off: haven’t done a marathon (yet), half-marathon – a few days, 10k or 5k – no time off! Now a hard bootcamp or Crossfit class – that might require a day of rest until I walk normally again, haha


I love horror movies, but I can’t watch anything that has torture or has to do with the end of the world. Those two things give me nightmares. But I’m up for just about anything else!


HATE HATE HATE scary movies SO much! Sadly, there are already enough horrors in the real world – if I want to be scared, I’ll just read the news.

I’m definitely in better muscular shape than cardio. I can handle sprints/tabatas pretty well, but running anything over 2-3 miles is quite an accomplishment for me!


That Mona Lisa tank is awesome!

I really enjoy reading about your pool running experience and actually want to try it sometime. It sounds like a great workout! I feel that I am in better muscular shape. I need to work on increasing my cardio endurance!


I HATE HATE HATE scary movies/shows. I don’t watch them at all. I won’t take time off after a 5k, maybe a day or 2 after a 10k, and up to a week after a half. It really just depends how had I pushed though. I’ve been cross training 3-4 days a week lately. I’m training for a triathlon so it’s necessary! Your sisters running form looks great even in flip flops!


Scary/horror Movies? Hate. Period. But then there are those movies that are suspenseful thrillers you don’t realize are going to freak you out until it’s too late and you’re frozen to the couch. That’s me.

No two times “off” from racing have ever been the same. Whatever my body tells me. It’s the Ruler and I am the Keeper.

I am in fabulous cardio shape and my legs are in wicked muscular shape BUT my support group of husband/chiro/massage-ART/athletic/therapists bluntly inform me that I have *dainty* arms. Watching me try to do a push up negates my run pace. Up until two years ago I was much more *evened out* and find that the lack of weight lifting has made a significant difference in my overall body condition and strength. For us ladies, weight lifting, or even regular isometrics, helps immensely with our bone density. Need to dust off the weights as well.

I XT 3 – 4 days (spin, yoga, mountain biking, kayak). I love a good trail run followed by wearing myself out on the spin bike in my basement studio (while my dusty weights look forlornly at me…). XT has made a HUGE difference in my overall body strength and condition while helping with warding off injury (and my husband feels left out if all I do is spin and run). Also helps my mindset – 5 years ago I broke my leg trail running and I was lost without running and it was difficult to engage in something else. Stuff happens, your mind your body wants a new gig, but keeping the body active with a buffet of options is important.

I just love the idea of pool running and really have enjoyed all the ideas you share on programs and strategies. You ARE an inspiration, keep up the awesome path you are on!! Huge high five on the race – crossing that finish line is such an achievement no matter what occurs between the start and end. You ACHIEVED!


No to scary horror movies or tv..I do like suspense movies.
I’m in much better cardio shape than muscle I need to cross train more. Had a blast running 3 miles last night while my 9 year old “paced” me and rode his bike. He was in front of me and I would catch up to him and say “right behind ya” then he would zoom off it was super fun. After he goes “wow mom you’re fast!”
Loved watching your sis “pace” you.


The only time I pool run is when I’m on vacation in Florida- if I had a place to conveniently pool run I might do it more often! It sounds like putting in 1-2 pool running sessions a week might be really good for you- that and weights! I’m trying to lift 1-2 times a week now and am really enjoying it.


No to scary movies. I don’t like them at all. I don’t like it if it is supposed to be scary or just gory. Call me a wimp, I’ll gladly agree.
Love the video. Your family is amazing!
Very little running for me right now. My hubby is in China for work for the next couple of weeks. I either have to arrange for someone to watch the kids or push them in the jogging stroller. My kids are 4 & 6, so they are getting harder to push. I wait until after I put them to bed to lift weights (thank goodness for the weight bench in the basement) or do a zumba video. So for now, I’m a bit heavy on the lifting and a lighter on the cardio. I do what I can and know I’ll be back on the roads eventually.


Does your 6 year old have a bike? Sometimes I’ll push my 2 year old and have my 6 year old ride his scooter and my 9 year old ride his bike while I run. Prob looks like a circus but I can get my run in when hubs is away.


Thank you for the suggestion, that was very sweet of you. He does have a bike, but hasn’t quite mastered it without training wheels (we’re working on it). I am excited for the day we can do that. I might see if he wants to run with me (not far) so that I don’t have to push 90 pounds the whole time. Thank you for your help!


Wow, Christine! You make me feel like a wuss for complaining about pushing my 1 yr old! That’s how we have to do it now though: my 9 yr old is on his bike and either my husband or I push the stroller.


Oh trust me, we don’t go far if I’m pushing. I don’t run with the kids much. Usually my husband watches the kids while I run. If we run together we trade off, but he pushes more distance. Pushing a one year old is a lot of work! I think it’s harder when kids are younger because they don’t understand the concept of one more lap and we can go play on the playground. Or the occasional game of where did your shoe/toy/snack go? I have had to track down a shoe or two. :) Whether you are pushing a baby or a few kiddos, it’s hard work!


-I LOVE scary movies/shows, but NOT ones that are violent and gory—that’s not scary just gross.
-I’ve only ever ran half marathons, and I usually just take one day off following the race.
-I think I’m pretty evenly balanced as far as muscular vs cardio endurance–I do a little bit of both most days that I work out.


I’m not a fan of scary shows and movies.. they literally give me nightmares and make me paranoid

I ended up taking almost 3 wks off… I wanted and attempted to come back sooner and my body gave me the “hell no” … it was good for me though bc it made me hungry to start running again

I have little to no muscular strength… it’s all cardio… I keep saying I’m going to start lifting and here I am 6 months later and the only thing I lift on a regular basis is Ella and my remote;(


I take a week off after a marathon. I do pretty much nothing (ok, maybe I take a walk or two!) and eat sweets since I do not eat sweet stuff while training. :)

I’ve taken to doing weights, core and therabands (to keep IT band problems away) 3X a week. It is a short routine but I credit it with keeping me injury free for 2 training cycles in a row now.

Good information on the pool running. Thanks for that post.


you have to give walking dead another chance! I am hooked love that show.


I hate hate HATE scary movies/shows/books/stories – basically I’m a baby! haha.


I hate all things scary. Only way you’ll get me to watch is if I’m with a cute boy. And even then…

WAY BETTER CARDIO SHAPE. I guess that’s what triathlon training will do to ya.

I started doing triathlons because I NEEDED more xtraining in my schedule. I was just always hurt when I was running. So now I run 3x a week, bike 2-3x, and swim 2x. I think it’s much better on my body than when I ran 4-5x a week even though the total amount of time I’m exercising is more. But I really just want to run ;)


Hate hate hate. I can’t watch a scary movie to save my life. If I do, I can forget sleep for the next week(s)!


I do not like scary movies/shows or being scared AT ALL…I will have nightmares for ever and ever if I watch them.

I love your tips!! I want a pool so I can pool run all the time (maybe the summer fairies will bring me one!!!)

Tomorrow at 12pm I am officially on summer break…I will be running and cross training like it’s my j o b and I cannot Wait!!!


I hate scary movies! A friend once tricked me into watching The Ring by saying it was a psychological thriller, similar to The 6th Sense and not that scary. OMG I was dying! It was awful!

Thanks for the pool running recap! Definitely helpful! I’m hoping to incorporate swimming into my marathon training, so maybe I’ll try pool running too!


I don’t know what is better – that Mona Lisa race shirt or that handlebar mustache! Nice job on your race.


Haaaaaaaaaaaate scary movies. To be honest, it even upsets me to think about the fact that there are millions of people out there who actually enjoy watching people get hurt in violent scenes. (Yes, it’s simulated violence/gore… but still.) What is up with that!?!?!

I have a weird question, Janae — did you by any chance get a pedicure in the days before the race? I read a NY Times article a month or two ago about runners and pedicures and how it can be harmful to get your callouses rubbed down because then you are left with less protection during a race. No doubt all the pool running and lack of friction in your running shoes for 5 weeks prior contributed as well, of course. I had to wonder about the pedicure, though, after you quoted your sister as saying that your feet finally look cute…

Okay, sorry if this is a strange question. I rarely get pedicures myself and I run far fewer miles than you do, so I promise I am not trying to give you advice. I’m just curious! :)


Haha, you could not pay me to watch the Walking Dead. I would have so many nightmares.


Oh my gosh- I can NOT watch scary movies or shows. I am like you- feel like I’m going to have 80 heart attacks before the show is over. Not good.

That guy’s mona lisa tank is AMAZING! hahah where do people get these things?! just brilliant.


Geez I hope your feet go back to feeling good soon!


According to my boyfriend, I got about 26 seconds into the first episode of the Walking Dead when I made him turn it off. The ominous music was playing and the people shuffling their feet under cars just set all of my instincts off and said something bad is coming so I hightailed away from that situation. I do NOT blame ya. You are tougher than me.


Thanks for all the info on pool running! Also, great video of you and your sis :)


I love that you and your sis ran together!


I jump too much during scary movies. It makes me spill my popcorn… My cross train is my yoga class. I LOVE yoga!!!!


Look around and see if you can find an AlterG- seriously lifechanging! I do Ironmans and get injured a lot running- it keeps me going when I start to feel an injury come on without too much sacrifice. You can control the amount of gravity you have so you can get as little or as much as you want depending on how your injury feels.


Congrats on finishing the marathon! Your sister is indeed awesome, and I can only imagine what an emotional experience it was for both of you.

Now that you’ve done this marathon, what do you plan to do training wise for St. George and Boston? Do you plan to work with a coach again?

Good luck!


You haven’t mentioned what kind of shape your sister’s feet are in after running almost six miles in flip flops! How is she?

I lift weights three days a week, and during the winter I ride my spin bike at least one day per week. During the summer I prefer to be outside!

I love the picture of Brooke kissing your cousin!


I love the walking dead!!!!! The more gore the better! I need to work on cardio & generals too!!


IDK why, but hearing (your mom’s?) voice on that video made me tear up. Your family is seriously amazing in the way they support you!


I think you are amazing! I will say, I try to get my son into everything..currently he is in Boy Scouts, running (many races under his belt), swim team, soccer (post season fun practices). He is currently 7 and honestly is in so much better shape than I am.


Haha! The moustached Mona Lisa belongs to me:) It’s my husband! I got a bunch of messages this morning telling me he was in a pic of yours- so funny! And if it makes ya feel any better, he had a rough day too…no gnarly blisters, but training at sea level and racing at altitude? Well, that was a lesson learned:) Best wishes!


Hahahah this makes my day!!! So so cool! Tell him that I think his shirt is the coolest! I can’t imagine racing at altitude after training at sea level! Thanks so much Casey!


p.s. Just a reminder that, much like my husband, your version of a “rough day” is still most people’s dream-time!! Good job!


I love that video of you and your sister!

I hate scary shows/movies too, I’ve never been able to watch them!


So many comments! Would love to hear more details about your pool workouts. Do you run in the deep water with or without flotation aids? Or do you just run in shallow enough water to touch the bottom? Do you go in place or back and forth? Cheers!


I hate scar stuff. I think Walking Dead is just plain stupid. My husband loves it and I just don’t get it.


Your pool running has piqued my interest. I Google searched “pool running” St. Louis and you were tops on the list. Can you recommend nearby places that would have facilities for this cross training exercise? I am a cyclist and have been hoping to find a facility to make this focus a reality.
Thanks in advance,


I love that video of you and your sister!.

I love the scary shows.


Your writing is so insightful and thought-provoking. I look forward to your posts every time

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