Top 10 Things I Love About Being Single

Brinner is always a good idea.  I met someone the other day that told me that they didn’t like breakfast foods and it actually hurt my heart to hear such a thing.

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Speaking of Breakfast foods, Brooke now knows how to get into the pantry and bring out the boxes of cereal.  I don’t remember if I ever did a formal review on the chocolate FMWs——> STICK TO THE CLASSIC FMWs.  The chocolate= no (in my expert FMW opinion) but Brooke likes to munch on a few every now and then.

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Brooke and I had a really fancy tea party on the deck, this weather is incredible right now.

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Over two weeks since the last time I had froyo (I love setting new pr’s) so I made Jess go get some with me.  9.5 miles of running on the trails made me want to eat all day long.

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I am going to keep this lighthearted (none of this has anything to do with the real issues of my divorce) but there are some definite positives to being single again and I thought I would share them with you.  Obviously, I never thought I would get divorced but I did so let’s focus on the positive side of the whole thing.

10.  Eating chocolate/candy/popcorn/whatever I want in bed all of the time.  No one to judge me (except I am telling you all about this and I am sure some people will judge me for this but oh well).

9.  I get to watch a ridiculous amount of chick flicks/10 consecutive episodes of Parenthood/whatever show I choose in bed until 3 a.m. and there is nothing wrong with that.  Also, I love getting lost in a good book and not feeling bad for leaving the lights on half the night so I can read ‘just one more chapter.’

8.  Every holiday with my family… I absolutely loved my in-laws but I of course always missed my family on Christmas and other holidays, it is so nice to always get to be with them.

7.  I get to turn on the light and make as much noise as I need to in the morning when I am getting ready to go running… no tiptoeing around at 5 a.m. for me:)

6.  Dating again.  It is a blast.  I will talk more about this in another post.

5.  King size bed all to myself.  I think I have 7 blankets and 5 pillows and I spread myself across my entire bed each night.

4.  No more watching sports on tv.  HALLELUJAH.  I would be fine if I never had to watch another football game on tv again in my life.

3.  As many girls’ nights as I want.  Just the feeling of being able to go do whatever I want once Brooke goes down to bed without anyone else’s opinion of what I should be doing (wow, I sound like a teenager).

2.  Spending time with myself.  Getting to know myself better.  Doing things on my own.  Figuring out that I don’t need anyone else to make me happy.  Being comfortable with just being Janae and being exactly who I know that I am.

1.  Starting fresh.  Knowing that I have a whole world of opportunities ahead of me… the possibilities are endless.  My life is an open book now, I am excited to see where it takes me and Brooke.


What about you… single, married, engaged, dating?  What are some of the best parts about your situation?

Watching sports on tv—>  do you like to?  Favorite and least favorite sport to watch on tv?

Are you a brinner person?

Any cereals that you do not like?

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Very nicely written, so positive like always! One of the reasons I love your blog! One of my best friends is going through a divorce right now and it hurts my heart so much, I don’t know what to do for her. And brinner = winner !


This list reminds me of something I would write (I made positive lists after I broke my neck and had the super early baby). I love your embracing and making the most of this season of your life! I hope that your future man will tend to be like my husband and not care a thing about sports. If anything, I am the sports nut in our house. Can’t wait to hear about your dating stories when you are ready to share!


I love this Janae! You are so strong! Some people might think it’s weak that you divorced…but I think it’s strength…I know it takes a lot of guts to take that plunge. Such an inspiration you are to so many young and older woman in the world. You go girl!


I totally guessed that you were dating! I could tell because you’d been washing your hair a lot in the last few months, way more than when you were married! Happy that you’re happy and making the best of things.


Being single: I agree with dating and NO SPORTS! Holy molly, the first sports season after my breakup was amazing because I didn’t have to turn on the TV to sports at all! Also, being able to eat ice cream straight from the container. Or to leave my dishes in the sink overnight. NO more prying eyes!


Not liking breakfast foods?! What a horrible thing! Not only do I love breakfast foods but I love them as brinner!

I like your list of single positives. Even though I am happily married….I can definitely see how some of those would be nice to experience again ;) And I’m happy you have gotten to a point where you can find the positives of your situation and new life.


I’m single right now! Obviously I’d rather be in a relationship, but I really enjoy being able to do my own thing ALL the time. Sweet freedom. ;)

I’m with ya on the sports thing. I’d have to say my favorite, though, is football, and my least favorite golf.

YES. I LOVE breakfast for dinner. I never actually knew it was called brinner though. I might just have to make brinner tonight. ;)

I’m not a huge fan of Chex cereal. Now, if I make Muddy Buddies with them, that’s a whole ‘nother story!

I’m really happy for you that you’re dating again and looking at your situation with positivity. You’re a real inspiration, just thought you should know. :)


I love the energy behind this post, Janae!

I’m married and madly in love with my husband. I feel extremely lucky. Not because I would hate to be single (because there are some VERY good things about that too), but because I have such a great guy in my life that the positives outweigh any compromises.

I actually love watching sports. I’d rather see them in person, but TV will do. I rarely go out of my way to watch a particular game, but if it’s a team I love and it’s a “big” game, I will plan a day around it.

And finally, brinner. I actually like breakfast foods better for dinner than I do for breakfast. Not sure why, but I do.

Hope you have a great day!


I love all of these — especially 6, 2, & 1! Glad to hear things are going well for you :)


Love this post! Although I am not divorced (happily married) I enjoy those moments where I feel “single” as in I get to do whatever I want for a good couple of hours or days when my husband leaves town and I get to eat whatever I want! No standard foods for me, whatever my hungry heart desires. Its the best!


What a great post-I love that you are such a positive person. I’ve been divorced for 20 yrs and am perfectly content. I love doing my own thing, hogging the bed, picking my own shows/movies, etc…you pretty much hit the nail on the head!
I love brinner-how can anyone not like breakfast food??? I don’t like fruity cereal but I LOVE every other type of cereal so much that I can’t buy it because I will literally eat the whole box in one sitting.
And what???? Dating??? What the what? :) I hope you are perfectly happy! You deserve it!


I’ve only commented once of twice before but wanted to let you know that I LOVE this post. I’m married, but my husband is an active duty army officer and is gone for weeks on end for training- next training session is in 2 weeks and he’ll be gone for 7 weeks (currently no deployments in the near future thought!). This lifestyle has given me the opportunity to be independent yet maintain awesome companionship. Of course I miss him, but it gives me time for myself and to do ALL of the things you listed basically, haha. Then when he comes home, it’s like we’re newlyweds for a few days ;) I’m with you on the sports thing all the way…I tried getting giving it a shot, but I’m just not one of those girls.


My husband is an active duty Army officer too. Being a military family is a wonderful, yet challenging lifestyle. We have only done two deployments, but that is enough for me. We just brought our fifth child into the world and now my sweet husband of 10 years is going to be gone 5 weeks for more training. You know the story.


What a great attitude to have! I think you should enjoy this “single” time that you have. Live it up! :) I have a feeling that you won’t stay single for too long!:) You are a beautiful young lady with a big heart. God has big plans for your life and I’m sure someone perfect picked out for you. So until Mr. Perfect comes along, have as much fun as possible, go out on as many girl nights as possible, enjoy your one-on-one time Brooke and, by all means, eat all day long in your bed! :)


Cute post!! I am married but I am sharing this with my recently divorced sister I think she will love it! Janae you are such a positive inspirational person, I know you said it was light hearted but that says a lot about your character that even this list was all positive!! Can’t wait to see what your future holds :) good things for you and Brooke!!


totally agree with feeling hurt by people not liking breakfast foods. what.

i am indeed married and the best part is that even though it can be challenging and hard at times…i’m married to someone who DREAMS BIG (he’s going to attempt to break a guinness world record next week…you can participate if you want! it’s the largest book signing in history but we are doing a virtual piece so people from all over can join). he makes me want to attempt big, sometimes scary things too.

hate sports. ew. so glad you don’t have to watch that anymore…bring on tear-filled parenthood episodes alllll night!

i don’t like plain special k cereal…too bland!

also…brooke is way more fashionable than me and it’s almost inspiring me to try a little harder :)


I have been separated for over a year and I’m still in the thick of the mess that is divorce but thru it all I focus on the little things that make it a better world like my kids :).
I’m so happy you are doing so great. :)


Love this!!! Thanks for sharing with us :)
Im married. I dont have any family of my own since my mom passed away 2 years ago & before that it was always just my mom and me. I love being a part of a family now with my in-laws. Im still a crazy cat lady though.
No sports for me, just real quality shows like Teen Mom 2 :) Im also hooked on Bates Motel.
Brinner always wins in my book. Favorite.
Cant think of any cereals I hate off hand. Granola is my favorite though.


Love this Janae! I am single because I’m too young anyway to have a boyfriend let alone be married! I just wanted to tell you that my parents got divorced when I was Brooke’s age and that my mom hasn’t gotten remarried. She dated a little but not anymore. We have the best relationship and I really hope you and Brooke will develop the same!


I live with my boyfriend, and I love everything about our situation (except that he’s traveling for work right now). We just work so well together!

I only like watching football on tv, no other sports.

Brinner is awesome.

Super “healthy” cereals are not my favorite. I don’t like eating cardboard!


Oooh!!!!! I’m excited to hear more about #6.


LOVE this!!!!!


my favorite thing is there is no fighting…I do things when I want and how I want


I loved your post and am glad your dating and enjoying the new start. You deserve someone really special. I have an amazing husband who has helped me survive many difficult times and who is supportive of everything I do – BUT he is a PE teacher and is ADDICTED to watching sports on TV – I’m SO over that. In his defence he also watches ‘my’ shows with me (Downton, Sherlock, the Paradise and we all love Parenthood in this house). But I agree football – I’m over it- NRL, NFL, AFL…too much!!


I’ve been married for 13 years and I wouldn’t trade her for the world. That special someone who knows you more than you know yourself. Truly a partner in life… bride. I love college football but I really don’t care for pro. There’s nothing like grilling at home with some good drinks watching a good game with friends. Hook’em Horns!


Jan! I haven’t been on your blog for a while-I had some catching up to do. You are so hilarious and cute! Thanks for helping my boring bike workout go by quicker tonight. (Yes, I am dripping sweat all over my phone screen…)


:D so excited for your future! Can’t wait to hear more about the dating! You are too fun!!!


Single. Never married. Turning 30. I’ve struggled with my singleness and not engaged status at times but as I narrow in on 30, I’m finally learning to enjoy the fact that I get to do whatever I want, when I want, and not have to feel guilty. (Especially when going for a long bike or run while training for triathlons…) enjoy!!


I am divorced, and love your post. It really is nice to not have to worry about pleasing (or displeasing) someone else all the time. Not that marriage is bad, but it’s full of all kinds of sacrifices you don’t have to deal with when you’re single. And for some reason, making sacrifices for my child is way easier for me than a man now.


AMEN to that list. I have a severe sports watching limit. I like to watch them..but only on my own accord. Not too into the 24/7 sports-a-thons!
My favorite thing about being single is hanging out with who I want when I want..and not having to worry if my boyfriend wants to hang out with them! Selfish? Possibly… But honest? Yup.


Is it weird that I’m taking style tips from a toddler? (I want Brooke headband! Where did you get it?)

I’ve been single all my life (24 yrs strong!ha) and your post just made me realize how grateful I am to experience all of these awesome single perks while I still can :)

Plus being single means loving yourself more so that you can love those you care about that much stronger. Lots of love to you janae! X


My marriage broke down when i was 23 years old, married very young to a man that cheated on me time and time again,i left him and although it was so painful at the time, i got through it, grew up and made a list of what i want and dont want in a man, years later after enjoying my life as a single lady, i met the man of my dreams, married and ten years later still in love and we do enjoy breakfast for dinner ‘sometimes’ together.


Love this post 100%! You’ve got a heart of gold girlfriend! Love you!


Single after a 4 year relationship! I definitely know what I want and don’t want now, learned a lot, and it’s fun to be out and meeting new people! I actually absolutely love watching sports-particularly football, soccer and hockey. I’m totally a brinner person too! The cereals I don’t care for are pops, raisan bran and lucky charms -am I the only one in the world where even as a kid I would pick out the marshmallows and only eat the cereal part?


I love this post. Your energy feels so positive and I’m happy to see that you can now see the bright side of being single. I’m married, almost 25 years which is more of my life span than I was single. I love being married, but I also know it takes a ton of work to keep it alive and happy which I’m willing to put in. The idea of going back to dating is terrifying for me, so I’m going to hope that it stays that way. I do with that I didn’t have to share the bed some nights though! I’m excited for you entering the dating world again. Just make sure that you hold out for the right guy who will treat you like the amazing woman you are.

P.S. Could Brooke be any cuter? Seriously!


AMEN! LOVE THIS!!!!!!! After your post about THE TEXT, I just felt so bad. Seeing this just makes me smile. Hope you relish in this list (plus more!).


Lovely post. I eat in bed all the time, the crumbs start to bother my fiancé. I went to graduate school last year in WA and was alone. While we were still dating long distance it was such a positive experience getting to know myself and learning that I could dependent on me. I hope the future brings you and Brooke amazing things. You seem like a genuine, nice person and you deserve happiness. Plus, your daughter is the cutest!


GO GIRL!!!!!!!!


I’m newly married and the happiest I’ve ever been. We have a newborn and he’s a great dad. We really are a team. I waited until I was a bit older – 31 – to do the marriage and kid thing and its worked out great.

I was in a toxic 6+ year relationship before and being single after was amazing! – I traveled all over for races and even made Maui happen for my 30th. Although I did find dating to be taxing, turns out my mate was my next door neighbor all along.

P.S. I’m definitely a breakfast for dinner kind of person.



I also love being able to spread out in bed, and watch whatever I want on the Tv. I am married, but …. that almost NEVER equates to the same Tv tastes!


Married- we just had our first baby and I love watching him with her, he’s such a good dad.

Love watching football on TV.

LOVE Brinner, too bad my husband doesn’t feel the same way :)


I never dated much for most of my life, and my current relationship is the first real, long-term thing I’ve ever had. I was lonely and I love being in a couple etc. etc., but after a few years of this, I’m realizing how lucky I was when I was single! I got to spend so much time with myself, thinking about what I wanted and then making it happen. Life gets way more complicated when you are factoring in another person. Not a bad thing necessarily, but very different! Appreciate every second of it!! You have many more doors open to you as a single person than as a couple. :)


YES! I am not even close to your situation (21, out of my first/only long term relationship a few months ago, Episcopalian) but I am literally obsessed with OKcupid. Dating is SO. MUCH. FUN.

Other things I love about being single: Eating steel cut oatmeal for breakfast and dinner every day for weeks in a row, smiling and making eye contact at cute strangers, meeting all sorts of people who are not my type at all (oh and also figuring out what my type is) just because I can!

Love this. The world is our oyster!


I’m so happy for you that being single is turning out to be a good situation! I know it all depends on the person and some people enjoy it more than others. Between my first and second marriages I had a very hard time adjusting to being single for the first 4 years because my first marriage ended badly. 4 years later I really started enjoying being single and dating. I got my first, own apartment at 34 and enjoyed it a lot.

My 2nd marriage is wonderful. We’ve been together for 7 years and married for 5. He’s very different than my first husband but one of the things that shows me is that I’ve grown and changed. I still firmly believe that my first marriage had to end badly because if it didn’t I would’ve never left him and found the love of my life… eventually. :)

What about you… single, married, engaged, dating? What are some of the best parts about your situation? Married like I said above. The best part of my situation are we are great friends and laugh and really, really like each other. A lot of people don’t get that part and should really ask themselves if they actually LIKE the person they are with. In other words, would you hang out with that person if he/she was just a friend? It makes all the difference.

Watching sports on tv—> do you like to? Favorite and least favorite sport to watch on tv? I love baseball on tv. I’m not a fan of basketball.

Are you a brinner person? YES! My favorite is egg-in-a-hole. I guess it goes by different names but I love it! I grew up with my mom making it for me. It’s buttered bread with a hole cut in the middle (put this on a griddle) and an egg cracked into the middle. Cook it, then flip it over and cook the other side. Oh yeah, cook that buttery piece of bread you cut from the middle too! YUM!

Any cereals that you do not like? The really sugary ones aren’ for me.


Been married, divorced and remarried. I must say it works a whole lot better with the right person. Better to be single than with the wrong person, that’s for sure. It sounds like you know who you are though. That is the most important part. :-)


My husband and I have been together since senior year of HS…10 years in December! I love that we are each other’s best friends and there’s always someone there to catch me when I fall.

I was never a huge sports fan until my husband turned me into a hockey lover!

Brinner is literally the greatest thing exaggeration!


Hi, Im a long time reader first time commenter and this post really made me smile. Just wanted to say “You go girl”!! Love your list of being single. Dating is such a blast when you go in with a positive attitude! You are such an amazing role model for Brooke :)


I just love you and this whole post! Good for you for embracing the single ness that is upon you. It won’t last long, :) I know it. And enjoying getting to know yourself better and be you is so great. As funny as that sounds sometimes, we all need that. I applaud you. And brinner happens at least once a week at our house, but maybe up to 3 times. I don’t get up and make huge breakfasts for my family but we love breakfast so we have it for dinner. Perfect. I think waffle love is brilliant to be open all day :) you’re amazing. Keep being you forever please :) xoxo


I’ve only been reading your blog for a month or so, but I can already tell you’re a strong person and a great mother! I’m glad you are seeing the benefits in the single life- it was hard for me when I first broke up with my ex of 6 years too. Any major life change is a challenge, but I think running helped me get over my lost relationship. I definitely agree that a pro is being able to do whatever you want at home!! :-) Good luck with your next race!


First off …your daughter is so stinkin adorable. With that being said I can cross off a lot of the same items as you on your list. When I first split with my ex (almost 4 years now) I was devastated. It took me a long time to get over it. However one day I finally realized I enjoy not being made fun of for my little quirks. I don’t have to hear his snoring. The TV…well everything is MINE (and my children’s). I absolutely love the single mom life. And really now even interested in dating. Spent 18 years as a couple trying this on for size now.


I SO love that you wrote this list. Inspiring newly single women everywhere. Way to be positive and see the bright side of life. I’m glad you are in a healthy happy place. xo, Jess

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