The PROS and cons of running with other people.

These two tricked me.  

They said that we were going to run 10 miles and I think that they mentioned something about some hills but NOTHING about the 1.4 miles of straight uphill.  

I don’t even know how they found the road of torture (what I named the beast of a hill) but they did and they made me run up it.  All of our legs were shaking once we reached the top… fine, I am glad that they got me outside of my comfort zone and to do something that I probably wouldn’t have done on my own.

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A reader emailed me with questions about running with people so I hope I can answer her questions in this post.

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I found this group of girls through Rachelle and I met Rachelle through the blog 3.5 years ago.

Other ways to find people to run with —>  local running groups, go into your local running store to see if they know of any groups, ask around (people at the gym, on the running trails etc), recruit your non-running friends to run with you and turn them into runners, talk to people at your local races that finish at about the same times as you and in the comments I want you guys to add in because that is all I can think of….

Before I moved back to Utah this last August I ONLY RAN BY MYSELF.  I would go with my sister or bangs friend every now and then but other than that I was a solo runner.  It gave me so much anxiety the few times that I did run with other people to the point that I couldn’t even sleep the night before.

What if I was late?

What if I slowed them down?

What if I had to go to the bathroom?

What if I was having an off day and couldn’t keep up and got lost and started crying on the side of the road somewhere?

Yes, dramatic but I was very concerned about messing up other people’s workouts so I just wanted to stick to running by myself so that I could just do my own thing and not have to worry.  

I moved back to Utah and Rachelle somehow talked me into meeting up with her group of running friends to go for a run.

I was hooked.  

No one cared about what pace I was going.  If I needed to stop to tie my shoe then they all stopped for a second with me and no one cared, if they needed to go faster or slower then they did, I wasn’t messing up anyone’s workout.  They were just all happy to be running and working together.  Because they are runners, they all understand off days, needing a water break or having a really good running day and needing to cruise ahead.  

***It also really helps to find a group that is around your same pace, people that have similar goals and personalities that work well together.

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Do what is best for you.  If running by yourself is exactly what you need and what you enjoy, then keep doing it! If you are wanting to join a group and run with other people then get on that and start doing it ASAP!  

If you are nervous, just try it out… I am so glad that I finally did because I absolutely love running with people now and these running friends of mine have helped me get through some hard workouts and hard life situations.

And for a few random things.

1.  Brooke sported her Bangkok shirt yesterday.  She is also obsessed with apples and does not like it when I cut it up for her.

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2.  Guacamole and salsa should always be used as a salad dressing.

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3.  Brooke’s hair is getting so thick that she now needs adult elastics because the toddler elastics always break.  

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4.  I AM making these this weekend.  Come on over and eat them with me.  

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What are your pros and cons for running with people?

Those that do run with people—>  how did you find your running group?

What makes you nervous when it comes to running?  Races, running with people, speed workouts, hill workouts, nothing at all?!?!

I kind of need to know what your Friday night plans are!!

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I’m hanging out with my niece and nephew tonight because they’re going to be 9 hours away again after this weekend! We might see Captain America or have a cookout but we are waiting to see if it rains :)

Running with people makes me nervous because I haven’t had a running buddy in like 5 years!


I also used to be soooooo afraid to run with others, for the same reasons as you, and I was deathly afraid that I’d get a side stitch and wouldn’t be able to run one more step, ha! But I’ve gladly put all that behind me and LOVE running with others now – it’s the best!!


I love running with people who go my speed (which is sloooowwwwww), otherwise I feel like I’m holding them back. I love running with music because it’s a great distraction, but running with my best friend is way better, because she’s fit enough to talk the whole time while all I do is listen and huff and puff.

Everything about running makes me nervous if I’m not on a treadmill. I like the option to be able to stop anytime and not have to make my way back to where I started. Running outside is awesome for the scenery where we live, but I’m always worried I’m going to need to pee, or that I’ll be too tired to finish the route, or that I’ll need to walk and it’ll take forever to get back home… I hope I eventually get to a point where I love running and don’t feel anxious about it.

We’re grabbing the kiddos after we’re done work today and heading to see some family members a few hours away. Cannot wait :) Have a great weekend!


I have never run with other people … I have all the concerns you mentioned: what if I slow them down, what if I need to go to the bathroom, etc. Plus, I kind of like either zoning out or being intensely focused when running. I don’t think I would like chatting with other people, but maybe that’s because I have never tried it!

Well, actually I did try it in a half marathon once and the woman I tried to talk to wasn’t very friendly. I think she was in a rough patch though…


Friday night plans–A few sprints and stuffed zucchini boats…..mmmmm!!!!!

I didn’t run with friends until about 3 months ago. Now I am in love with it and REALLY look forward to my running dates. Your list of pros and cons is spot on. I know my running partner is reading this and ONE TIME SHE TOOK ME ON THIS REALLY STEEP HILL—-> I now refer to it as the “Death Hill” . But we are better together than apart so it is a-OKAY by me if she takes me on more death hills.

I met my awesome running partner through YOUR BLOG so i actually have YOU to thank for that! :) Keep sreading the running love!


I found one of my best running friends by just jokingly shouting to someone who was passing me going up a hill on a recovery day that I don’t like being passed! I think he was surprised enough that a stranger said anything that he turned around and we finished our run together. Turns out, he was also a fellow med student training for a marathon, and we have since done lots of long runs and track workouts together, as well as become friends. I’m so glad I risked sounding like a crazy person that day by talking to a stranger!


Love your story!


I LOVE running with other people. I’m part of a running group at work and I have made some really great friends through it. Our lunch time runs are the highlight of my work day.

I’ll be on the next flight because I need those milky way cookies (and a good trail run) in my life. :)


PS-Brooks hair??? Are you kidding ! She has longer/thicker hair than half the adults i know…she rocks!


Thank you for this post! You summed up my concerns perfectly, particularly “worrying about messing up other people’s workouts”. I think I just need to suck it up one day and DO IT (and I will…). I also worry about whether people would expect me to talk because I’m not sure I’d be able to muster up many words!

It’s my Friday night here and I’ve had an evening of 4 Girls episodes (just discovered this program – hilarious!). I am a wild 27yr old :-)

Those cookies look amazing – can cookies be shipped..? Happy Friday!


My husband and I run together, and I have one friend that joins us regularly. Other than that I don’t know of any other ultra runners in the area, so we have a pretty small club. I like running by myself for my some of my runs, but I really like the company on longer runs.


Brooke looks so grown up!


I am heading into the city this afternoon for the More/Fitness Mag Women’s Half Race Expo followed by a good dinner in Manhattan. Getting excited for Sunday’s race!


I’m one of those people who is “afraid” to run with other people. I mean I would do it, but honestly I really really like doing my own thing, listening to music, and kind of just having that time to myself. I would run with someone else if they really wanted me to, but right now I like going by myself!

My Friday plans are quite boring! Picking up my race packet for my half marathon tomorrow, eating spaghetti and probably watching True Detective on the couch with the hubs!! :)


You can also find running friends at “” — it’s free, you put in your zipcode and search for ‘running’ and usually anywhere I’ve lived I’ve been able to find people. Also, Meetup isn’t limited to just running, so you can find all sorts of friends who are interested in your favorite hobbies!!! :)


I second this! I found my fave running group on MeetUp here in the Central Florida area. There are actually many, many running clubs in and around Orlando. There are national chapters of groups too – Moms Run This Town and IRunMommies are two of them. If there isn’t a chapter where you are, you can start one! They are free. Once you get slightly plugged in, there is often a spider-web-like network of runners and triathletes, sorta six degrees of Kevin Bacon style.


Brooke has more hair than I do! Super jelly. I usually like to run with others but still get anxiety every now and then about holding people up. Most of my runs are with my husband so luckily he understands how i work and vice versa and we work well together ;) but every now and then a solo run is just what I need.


Friday night plans include going to dinner then going to bed early because I have to go to work tomorrow :(

I run with people sometimes, but like to convenience of doing things on my own schedule and of driving just 5 minutes down the road, instead of across town, to get my run in. However, when I do run with people I love it!


Sometimes running is my alone/escape time… so I prefer to run alone then to zone out and not feel obligated to converse. Other times when I’m training for something I just don’t feel like running… but running with a group makes the time fly and is so much fun.

I’ve joined running groups from my hometown running store in Joplin, MO, and in KC I’ve gone to stores like lululemon and athleta for their run groups.

I don’t like hills… and I’m always nervous I’m going to have gi issues when I’m running with people which would be super embarrassing… unless you know the people really well.

My hubs and I are driving to Louisville, KY to look for a place to live for the next 4 years! They also have a celebration “thunder over louisville”… it’s the largest firework display on this half of the globe. Pretty cool. :)


Love running with friends! They make you accountable on the days you want to slack off and/or not run at all. Plus, they make the run A LOT more fun!

Friday night plans include a work-out, take-out and catching up on TV. :)

And those cookies look awesome!!!


I never really saw any cons to running with people, I love it! It always gave me someone to talk to, and because most people are faster than me, when we ran for time, it always helped me push myself a little harder! Hills, running for time, and races. Those make me extremely nervous! My plans are writing a paper, packing my stuff up so I can go do hair tomorrow, and then finally getting to relax, because SPRING BREAK HAS ARRIVED!


IDK what it is but that first picture of Brook really makes her look grown up. It’s shocking. Also I never run with people for the same basic reasons, maybe it’s not such a terrible idea. I really liked this post. Thanks


I use salsa and guacomole on my salad everday.


Thanks so much for posting on this Janae! I am really touched that you responded (and so quickly!!!) to my questions! I am also glad to read that you were nervous to first run with others, as was/still am a little bit. I do some occasional runs with my favorite running store in Milwaukee, but I’ve never tried the “random shout out to another runner method.” When I run on the indoor track in the winter, I always end up chatting with those who are also doing long runs as I end up seeing the same people as we are running hundreds of laps, but I’ve never stopped to chat outdoors. I’m going to do it, now that it is actually nice enough to be outside 100% of the time!

Thanks again Janae – and I’m so jealous of Brookers’ thick hair. Mine is so fine and thin I could probably use her toddler hair ties;)


A few years back a friend and I ran together a few mornings per week and I loved it but she moved further away and had a baby so it made it difficult.

Now, I am not sure anyone would even want to get up and run with me at 5 am! But the good things are: I have lots of wonderful music to listen to and not meeting up with anyone means stepping out my front door and going. I guess it would be awesome to have a running neighbor that is a morning person :) then I could have a buddy.

Friday plans: chilax. We had a Thursday night date and have a Saturday night date so we will just have some nice down time!


I love Brooke’s Toms and hair… it’s so cute!


I cannot believe how much hair that girl has-so adorable!

I used to love running with other people… back in the day when I enjoyed running. Now I love my morning crossfit gang, but also appreciate my solo afternoon strength training sessions. Somedays are best alone and someday the team push is so needed.

I’m on my way for cookies :)


I love running with people! Currently, I am running with a girl I’ve known forever and we’ve trained together the last year or so. I am also running with someone that I recruited :)
Friday plans = work, interview (ah!), running, grocery shopping. I know, I know, calm down Marissa ;)


I have had SO many people ask if I wanted to run with them and I always say no because I’m worried about all those things that you said you were worried about! Haha I just don’t want to mess up someone else’s run!


I never used to run with anyone, I always ran alone. I had no friends that wanted to run so alone it was. This winter I joined Team In Training and every Saturday I meet up with a running group, all of us training for a half marathon and all of us raising money for a great cause. It has been fantastic. I love running with others. It goes so much faster and it motivates you when you want to give up.

Friday plans: Dinner plans with another family. Taco night at their house. Fun for us and fun for the kids.


Yep. I’m with everyone else. I’m a solo runner. I do like it that way and have high anxiety when I run with people. Makes me feel like a slacker.

I’m so jealous of Brooke’s hair. It’s way cute.


The first 10 years that I ran (middle school, high school and college) I was on cross country and track teams so I always had friends and teammates to run with. Ever since I graduated its been really hard to find a group like that to run with. I have a few good running buddies (have to find more now that I moved) and I love running with them on easy/long run days but I enjoy doing my workouts solo, that way i can just focus on my pace and how I’m feeling that day! :)


I just posted on my blog yesterday regarding running with others and my anxiousness! That’s nuts. :P Before Wednesday, I haven’t really run with a group. I did one shake-out run with Bart Yasso + crew, but that’s about it. It really felt great to be able to chit chat (though we were doing 800s…what started off as 10-word sentences soon became two or three) and have my own speed bunny!

Harry found the group on a Reddit group, actually. Pretty lucky!

Friday night plans = ice cream and snuggling? Yes.


I mostly run alone for all is those same fears. But tomorrow I’m meeting up with Sharsti so that will be fun! But really I hope I don’t slow her down! Haha
I’m going to be in your neck of the woods in Sunday evening so don’t bring up those cookies if you’re not serious ;)


Whenever people find out I’m a runner they always say we should run together and I get super nervous about it and chicken out. I’ll take your advice and try to run with someone… though its not super popular here in China… I’ll just convert people!


I love your group running list – so informative! I feel like it always sounds more stressful than it actually is to find a good group – and I’m sure the rest of the runners love running with you!


Hills are brutal but so necessary and you feel a huge sense if accomplishment after.

Pros/Cons – I like the benefit of being pushed to keep up, plus the comradery.
Find Group – I found groups through meetup and my local running store
Nervous – races make me super nervous
Fri Night – Running and the Miami Heat game


I’m a solo runner kinda girl. I like to get lost in my music, focus on my own stride and how I can improve it and generally go from direction to direction without having to pre-warn someone else of my speedy decision. I get why people do run with others, and like the idea, it’s just not for me :)


There are days when I love running with other people – and then there are days when I need some time to myself to turn up the music and do my own thing. I prefer a good mix – just as I do with any individual sport. One of the biggest pros about running with others, aside from keeping each other motivated, is that time goes by SO quickly.

I don’t really get nervous about one thing in particular when it comes to running, but I do get butterflies in my stomach before EVERY run, just because I never know how I am going to feel (speed, stomach, mind) until I get there and get moving.


I’ve never gone running with anyone! I’m afraid of all the things you listed – being too slow, having to stop for water, stomach issues.

There’s a 4 miles group run near me every Saturday and I’m hoping to work up the courage to join this summer.


I always run with a group of people. It pushes me out of my comfort zone like no other.


My Friday plans include work, not the best Friday night plans! :) I am not a huge fan of running with people but I would love to have a group that I could run with if I wanted too!


This evening I am hanging out with my sister and her kids because they are leaving for Cabo for two weeks.

I met my running friends from Team In Training a few years ago. I was running in honor/memory of my uncle and training for the Marine Corps Marathon. After our events we all came back the follow season to mentor and we were all pregnant! So we all mentored while our bellies grew and then all gave birth that summer fall. Now we still meet up with the Team In Training groups and run together and we just started early morning track sessions one day a week and trail running every once in a while.


I would love running with other people a few times a week. My husband tries to coach me, I don’t like that.

I will be tile hunting today. Calling for a painter and looking at paint chips.
And running .
I need to go to Costco too.


I’m a lone runner, but I always worry about the bathroom thing on a group run. Good thing I only doing running buddies on trails =)


I have a running friend, and I love it! It makes the run really fun. She is a little faster than me but not too much, so it actually makes me push harder without being overwhelmed.

As for that hill…that sounds like something I would do to a friend. How else would I climb it?


Those mean running buddies…they totally tricked you! I ran with a couple of girls from my hometown one time when I was home. They took me out to a dirt road with tons of hills and it was windy! Hello West Texas!! I ended up bailing out at 6 miles while they continued on for another 2-3, but it was still fun and I was still glad that I went. Running with people is so much more fun!

I have joined running groups, but lately I have been running with a neighbor of mine. We were chatting and realized that we both were training for the same event. He is faster than me, but it is great to push to keep up. We usually run an out and back and he speeds up on the way back.

Friday plans-I am working a half day so that I can hit up the race expo for tomorrow’s half marathon. Then I am going to plant flowers in my little flower pots for the patio. Such a party animal tonight!!! :)

I hope you have a wonderful Friday!


I honestly enjoy running on my own. I’ve tried it with groups before and I do enjoy the friendships I’ve made through that, but I still prefer that as “me” time. I think through so many things when I’m out. I compartmentalize issues and prioritize. I can’t do that when I’m with other people.


Totally agree that alone time is priceless! But also kind of curious about running groups. I need more runner friends :)


I do 50/50 so my pros and cons are for both.
group runs pros: I love the social aspect and being able to chat it up. there’s usually enough of us that we break into smaller groups based on pace or how many miles people need/want to run. For instance tomorrow we’re meeting to do two 4-mile loops but I need to run 12 miles so I’m going to do one extra loop while they do some easter egg event but we’re all meeting for breakfast afterward! YAY.
Group run cons: for me it always me getting up much earlier and traveling which involves gas and tolls and makes it a more expensive day. I have to drive sometimes an hour and a half to meet up. So 7am meetup means leaving my house at 5:30am.

Solo run pros: Out my front door….cheap and easy. I also tend to do lots of thinking and or obsessing over personal stuff on these runs so theraputic too.

Solo run cons: long runs can get lonely. No one to push me when I feel like quitting.

I found my running group through a coworker who runs. She introduced me to her group.


Since I overdid leg day on Wednesday and am still having a bit of a problem when I walk/squat, Friday night is going to be pretty lame. Well, that and it’s the down night before senior prom on Saturday for my oldest and birthday celebration on Sunday for the youngest!


I used to always run by myself too but it started getting pretty boring on the longer runs. I met a lady at a race expo and she told me about her running group. I was so shy to go but finally just decided to go once and try it. LOVE. I meet that group every Sunday for our long runs and would never have run a full marathon I don’t think if I didn’t have them. They have also made me sooooo much faster then I ever thought possible. I run with a few of the people I met from that group on other days of the week in a smaller group. Another guy that I met in my neighborhood running… we just always saw each other out solo at the same time and stopped to talk one day. Traded emails and now we run two nights a week together ;) Runners are the best!


I like to run with other people but also enjoy my alone time. I know I wouldn’t have done several runs by myself if my friends hadn’t talked me into them. That being said, I know I’ll usually run by myself if need be.


I love running with people. I’m always afraid that no one will want to run with me, but I have to say, the miles definitely fly by when it’s you and a few folks running like 15 or something!


I used to be a total solo runner too. I hooked up with a local running group about a year ago and am so glad I did! I don’t do all my runs with them, I still go solo a few times a week. But it’s great for learning new routes and hills, yes hills! Also, I find my pace is faster than a lot of the ladies I run with, but I just treat those days as my easy run days. It seems to work fine. I thought it might be hurting my abilities but just in the last month I PRd a half and 10k, so maybe those “easy” runs are helping!

Oh my most dreaded workouts are hills, they are so hard! But so worth it!!


Thanks for touching on this Janae…looks like I wasn’t the only one to email you about this! I’ve joined a running club here in Houston and met a few people through it. It’s great so far! For the time being, I’m running with the club once a week and then running solo the rest of the week. I think I can get the best of both worlds with this balance.

I LOVE the running community in general — runners are some of the most positive, fun and accepting people out there! I just ran the RNR half marathon last weekend in San Francisco while I was there for work, and I met several people just hanging out after the finish. We were from different parts of the country and had never met before but we talked like we were old friends. There aren’t many other communities where that’s typical.

Keep up the great blogging Janae, I really enjoy reading!


I don’t run with other people very often. Mostly for the same reasons that you used to not run with other people–fear of ruining someone else’s workout. I also run with my dog and she tends to get really excited and crazy when someone else is there. Sometimes I run with my sister, dad, uncle, or some friends though and those times are always fun!

I’ll be setting up for our church Easter party tomorrow. I’m a wild child, I know ;)


I found running buddy’s through running clubs, and Meet Up. I like running by myself for short miles, but love the company on longer miles. You have to follow your plan and do what is best for you. If you are running with slower/faster runners I try to do half with them and half at my pace.


I am jealous of Brooke’s outfits! She is the best dressed toddler…..actually she dresses better than a lot of adults too, including myself. Jealous of her closet!


I normally run solo, but I have a friend who I run with once a week :) I love the motivation from running with people, but I’m always afraid of slowing them down too. Hills are definitely intimidating! It’s the first time since last week that I have totally off from school/work, so Friday night plans are homework and pajamas haha. Brooke is too cute! And I definitely need those cookies in my life haha.


I have had the same wonderful running partner for 4 years. We met because we ran Ragnar together. We are about the same pace and have a lot in common. We run our long runs together. I also marathon train with a group in the summer. Training with a group makes the miles fly by. But I have to say, once in a while I don’t feel like talking and just want to be in my own head when I run so it can be nice to run by myself. I run early in the morning during the week and I actually love being by myself. it is so quiet out and I love the color of the sky just before the sun starts to come up. Friday night in my house is home made pizza and TV catch up night.


I ran a longer race (half marathon) with a buddy for the first time a few weeks ago. I admit to being really nervous when we first signed up together! I had never trained with anyone else and I didn’t want it to negatively impact either of us. Turns out it was one of the best things I have ever done! Meg ran with me even though I was slowing us down and when push came to shove, well, she pushed me right across the finish line. Sometimes I wonder what it was like from her perspective but I was so happy that she was there to share the race with me.

I would love to join a running group, but in my case it means driving 30+ minutes to the meet up location? Do other people usually travel that far to meet up with their running groups?


I love Brooke’s little buns! They are so adorable!


My pro is that they often push me and can keep me company however there is nothing like running in solitare… unfortunately, I think I need to find ppl quick bc I’m worried I’m getting slower

What makes me nervous… hmmm… Hills for sure, wind is the worst, I’m very petite so add wind to the mix and I’m a goner: And of course racing… but its a good nervous, ya know the kind that gets your adrenaline going…( Speed work outs thrill me… weird I know….

I’m super lame-o tonight… I have a race with HILLS tomorrow so I want to be some what rested….


Speed work usually because right before I got injured last year I was doing speed. I did both speed and hills this week and my body needed today and tomorrow as a rest day – I am listening!


I run with buddies on Wednesday nights but we always start and end at a local running store so even if your pace doesn’t match up with everyone else, you can’t really get lost.


Little Brooke is so pretty, just like her mommy :))


I’ve been wanting to find a running group! We are moving soon (I think), so I’m hoping I can find one there. Oh and I have guacamole and salsa as my salad dressings countless times a week!


I have only ran with a running group one time, and it wasn’t a very enjoyable experience. I didn’t know anyone, I didn’t know the course, and I was very nervous about running with other people for the first time. It felt very awkward because everyone had their little cliques, and then there was me. I should probably give it another try and actually talk to some people, but I haven’t gotten up the courage yet. Some day!

My plans tonight don’t consist of anything in particular, but just some good quality time with my husband since he is finally home from pre-deployment training. He’ll be leaving again soon, so we have to make our time together count!


ON MY WAY NOW for those cookies!!

Thank you for the running friends bit. I am still a solo runner, as an introvert it is precious head-space time. But since Jan I have started doing strength work in the gym at Pump classes (thanks to your recommendations Janae – makes SO MUCH difference to my running!!) and just getting round to saying more than hi to a few of the people I see regularly there. Just discovering its nice to be sociable! ;-)

I know people who run, but they are way faster than me…… its motivation to me to work on pace so that on day I can run with my friends!


I totally agree about running with people. It can be really intimidating at first (no matter how outgoing you are), and probably every time you meet someone new to run with! But, it does make it so much more fun, it keeps you accountable, and the miles go by really quickly. I joined a Moms Run This Town (MRTT) running group after I had my baby and I’ve met a lot of really great women to run with – these groups are in all different cities!


OMG Brooke’s hair! She looks like such a big girl these days. :)

For a long, long time I ran solo also. I finally decided one day I was sick of my friends hating me for trying to recruit them into running, so I found a running group online and joined them for a trial group run. It was THE best running-related decision I have ever made and I have learned so much from the women I run with and I have completed so much more as a runner than I ever would have without them (like running my first 26.2 this past fall – NEVER would have even considered it before!). I would recommend to anyone who runs solo but is just a little nervous about joining a group of strangers to just push yourself out of your comfort zone and try it. I am shy and nervous by nature but I have never once regretted making that decision and am so thankful for my group!


I joined a running team (found them on on March 2013 and it was by far the best decision I’ve ever made. I was VERY nervous at first and I almost quit after the first workout with them (hill repeats in Central Park with super fast people. I was much slower at the time and I had never seen a hill in my life). Somehow, I decided to stick with them and I never looked back. I can’t even tell you how much my running has improved this past year thanks to them. I know every one is different, but I stronlgy recommand joining a running group/team. They’ll make you more accountable and it is so much fun! I still do a few runs per week by myself to have some “me time,” so you don’t have to give that up if you don’t want to… you can have both!!!


I lack A LOT of confidence when it comes to running with other people. I have all the same stuff going through my head that you mentioned. I think the key is to find people that you connect with and that are not so hardcore that they can’t relax and have fun too.

Those cookies look amazing! I’m trying to stay away from cookies….bathing suit season is quickly approaching :(

How do you get Brooke to eat such healthy food? I have a two year old that will not touch any fruit except for bananas. It is so frustrating!


If I do run, I usually run by myself, but b/c I’m not a huge runner right now, that’s probably why. I think it’d be so fun to go running with people with this nice weather if the people had similar pace and goals as me!

Brooke looks stylin’!!!


I am a solo runner – I guess I just haven’t find someone who runs at my pace or is on a similar training plan. But I would love to find a real running buddy.

Friday night: Movie night and wine. And chocolate.


Completely agree with #2. My favorite thing about having tacos for dinner is eating the leftover meat over my salad, and using salsa and guac as dressing.


When I moved back to my home town 7.5 years ago, I was looking for a gym to join and while talking to the manager at one gym, he mentioned that they sponsored a all women’s road racing team and that maybe I should get in touch with the coach (I must have mentioned that I ran). Almost 8 years later and I have made some of the closest friendships with these women. We train together and are competitive but never with each other. We always want the other to improve. We support each other when we’re struggling in our personal lives, we celebrate together. It’s amazing. So I love running with them, but I can also still enjoy running on my own. It’s the bonds outside of the actual runs that I appreciate the “group running” for most.

It’s my birthday today so I’m going out for dinner! :)


Brooke is looking so grown up these days! What a cutie :)


I love running with other people because the time FLIES when you can just chat with other people! I like it better than listening to fast music or podcasts.

Friday night plans hopefully include getting a babysitter and stuffing my face with a Cafe Rio salad…


Have been a solo runner up to this point mainly due to the fact that I run at 530 am so I can be back in time to get my kids ready for school and so hubs can get to work. But this summer my schedule will be a little more flexible and I definitely want to try out group runs to mix things up! Ideally I’d probably do 1-2 group runs a week and the rest solo. There is something about being alone on the road that is so freeing that I could never give that up!
As for what makes me nervous it’s probably anything that would prevent me from running or scheduling runs when life gets messy! Just another reason I run early I guess, there’s usually nothing going on to stop me!


I’m afraid to run outside, because I’m a solo runner and I hate getting lost. I stick to the treadmills. I don’t know anyone here in California yet, and I suppose I could go to a local running store (like even Lululemon has running groups) to start meeting runners.


Ok I loved this post! I am he same way with stressing about having to make potty stops. I over think it so then I actually do have to keep going. Not to mention the times you have sudden poo urges…

I am totally making those cookies.

And then I’m going to invent a cookie brownie doughnut hybrid.


My con for running with people is that I get distracted and don’t pay attention to where I am going! (This had led me to fall while running 2 out of the 2 times I ran with people in the past year). Those cookies look amazing!


Ahhh I love this!!!! Haha! Okay pros of running with people- company, motivation, good conversations (if you can breathe/talk/run haha), safety (from creepy people and/or animals)… cons of running with people- being embarassed about pace, having to stop, self-esteem killer if you can’t keep up ;)

What makes me nervous about running? Probably injuring myself. I’m constantly tuned in to every ache and pain that my body has… #TypicalRunner

PS I’ve been reading your blog forever and love it and you so much I actually tell my friends and family about it and I figure can/should start commenting and interacting because you’re a huge role model of mine :) Friday night plans include Netflix and no pants… basically perfect


I have been searching for good running buddies for a while now!! Anyone reading in the salt lake area that isn’t crazy fast want to get together :)??


I’m one of those non-runner friends who was recruited to be a runner about 8 years ago. We have a very strong running community. After running the Relay for six consecutive years, I formed a bond with many of them. I’m not sure I’d be a runner if I didn’t have running buddies.

I have a sick munchkin, so my Friday night will likely be cuddling up and watching a movie on Netflix and eating ice cream.


First of all, I am a new reader to your blog, and I love it!!!
I was a strictly solo runner until about 6 months ago. An acquaintance of mine convinced me to run with him. I had seen him running around the neighborhood and by chance, we were in the same yoga class.
I resisted for a long time for all the reasons you posted, specifically because I didn’t want to bog someone down or be bogged down. Or wonder what we would talk about during the run!
Turns out, getting a running partner was the best thing for me right now – we’re both training for a marathon and this winter has been brutal. Without the peer pressure, many of my weekday runs wouldn’t have happened.
I also signed up for a marathon training program with a local running club – that is another way to get matched up into a group.


I found my running friends through a local race that a local running store sponsored. The running store has beginner 5k & half marathon programs every season, and I run with the runners who coach the programs. I was super nervous to start running with them for the same reasons as you, but it was such a great decision to join them!


Solo runner here! Always have been.

It’s hard to find other 5 AM running people.


I hate races the most. Not so much ones that I do on my own (half marathons, 10k’s) but high school races in track and cross country! 1, 2, or 3.1 miles of pure torture!!

I’m so happy to finally have running friends. Last year I trained for a half marathon completely alone – 12 mile training runs all alone! Now I found a group that meets every Saturday for long runs! It’s a little odd for a 15 yr old to be running with 35-50 year olds but we sure do have some nice conversations:)

My plans tonight are NOTHING! I’m taking the ACT tomorrow morning so I gotta get a good night’s sleep!


First – I love your blog! I hate it when I miss a day and then can’t wait to catch up. I run alone. Mainly because I am not a fast runner and worry that I would slow someone down too much. Also, I don’t have any friends that run:( I ran my first 1/2 this past September and joined up with a pacesetter group running close to my pace and I LOVED it! I didn’t know any of them and none of them live near me…too bad. I am going to have to keep looking.


I haven’t run with anyone since high school cross country. I guess it kind of makes me nervous, I would hate to slow someone else down!

My Friday plans included a run after work and making myself a tasty burger. Now I’m relaxing with a beer and watching bad tv. I should probably get out of my running clothes and shower at some point…


I run alone only because of the hour i choose to run and because no one else in my town really runs, i dont mind it, i can run when i choose and i dont have to feel like i am going to fast or too slow, its just me, the road and my pace. Brooke is so beautiful i could see how much she looks like you Janae, she is gorgeous just like her mamma :) have a great weekend x


I LOVE running with others! I used to be a solo runner as well, and when I moved once again to a new city, I decided to join the local running meet up on, and have made some amazing close friends in the process. It’s been 3 years now and I am extremely grateful for my running friends who have made me faster, raced with me, and celebrate life events :) I’d highly recomend checking out the local running site, most major cities have them :)


I can use her toddler elastics, my hair is so thin/fine


Cannot make it this weekend…please mail cookies :)


I needed this post. My local running store always has these group runs and I more nervous to try them rather than not wanting to. You are right, runners get the off days and good days, I am going to try it! I can meet some cool people!


I had all the same fears as everyone else. I have friends who are runners but who have all been racing for years so for the most part are faster than I am (or at least less afraid of going fast that I am right now). I thought I should just run alone until I was fast enough to keep up with them.
Then I decided to check out one of the group runs at a local running store. I met two gals within about the first mile and we instantly started chatting and by the end they were inviting me to a pub run and we were exchanging info. Runners tend to be friendly folks and it was really easy to just kind of fall into step with them.


I had/have the same anxiety about running with people, but randomly I met two other girls at the start of my half yesterday and we ended up pacing each other pretty much the whole race. It was great because when I felt crappy they kept me going and vice versa- I need to find more people to run with!


I love running with other people, but don’t have enough runner friends to do it very often. My husband runs, but we don’t really like running together very often.


I started a running group at my church and we run slow because they are all beginners. Occasionally, I run with my friend who is a little faster than me and it pushes me. There are definite social benefits in group running – it makes me more accountable to pushing through – but part of the reason I love to run is that it’s such a great thinking environment so I will always, always save a couple days where I can run solo.

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