Like a bad dream.

Yesterday when I got back from my run (I finished at like 10 pm… how I am a night runner now, I do not know?) I was on the biggest high (because running always makes me a little high, even if I hated the run… I always feel great afterwards).  

And then I got a text.  Honestly, my divorce/marriage/etc just feels like it was a bad dream now.  It feels like it was so long ago already that it doesn’t even seem real anymore and in my brain it feels like the whole situation was just a dream.  BUT the text I got last night reminded me how real it was and it made me want to crawl into bed and never get out again.  

Luckily, I had something planned at 6 a.m. this morning that I had to get up and go to…  Even though I woke up still 100% hurt and upset.   

Once again, running and being in nature cured the hurt and within a few minutes of just watching the sunrise I realized that it is all going to be okay.  Everything works out and the moment that I start running my whole perspective changes and I realize how grateful I am for the things I do have in my life, rather than feeling bad about the things I do not have in my life anymore.    

And people wonder why we run…  The combination of nature + endorphins is almost too good to be true.  

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The amazing Melissa.  We have worked together via email for years now and we have met once before in real life at a race but it was so good to spend a good 7 hours straight together this morning/afternoon.  

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And the creative geniuses.  

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We went to the one and only island in Utah.  Antelope Island.  It is surrounded by the Great Salt Lake and it was my first time ever going, it was ridiculously gorgeous.

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There were two bison just on the other side of this hill.

I bet you didn’t know that I love purple.

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Jaybird (the wireless headphones that I can’t live without) had me up to film a video that is going to be pretty darn awesome.  I can’t wait.  

Ever seen a helicopter video camera?  Me neither until today and I was kind of freaking out that it was going to fall on me but don’t worry, I was not harmed in the filming of this video.


Pulling off a little Rocky pose.

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We were on the island for a long long time and so we were famished by the time we were done.  We went to their favorite diner (The Blue Plate) in Salt Lake City and they recommended the BLTA for me and it was everything I could have hoped for.   

Fry sauce, have you ever tried it?  It is a combination of mayo and ketchup (sounds awful but it is really good).

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When I was on my way home a train was just stopped in the middle of the road for a good 25 minutes or so.  Only in Utah.  

Also, I got a ticket on the way up to SLC for going 70 in a 65 area.  Traffic school, here I come.  PS police officers don’t care if you used to be a drivers ed teacher when you are trying to tell them why you shouldn’t get a ticket.  If anything, it made the situation more awkward.

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You can use the code HRG20 to get 20% off of the amazing BLUEBUDS X!


Last time running cured you?  From what?

Last ticket that you got?  Where?  Reason?

Ever tried fry sauce?

What kind of mood did you wake up in this morning?

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Maybe it’s my pregnancy hormones right now, but reading the beginning of this post made me want to cry and reach through the computer screen and give you a hug! Glad that your run today was good, and I know you have great things ahead to look forward to in your life! Running is definitely my cure to a bad mood, sad times, pretty much anything like that. You inspired me to start running, and I am so thankful I found your blog 2 years ago!

I got a ticket when I was 16 for “failure to yield” after my first car accident. It was a major bummer.

This morning I woke up major tired, major couldn’t get outta bed and get to work.


I’m kind curious to know what the text said….
I know grief comes and goes sometimes. You are a strong woman. Keep your head up Janae.


I’m so glad you have such a great outlet to run off any frustrations/sadness/whatever! And awesome friends, too. That always helps! Hugs to you <3

As for fry sauce, I've always made it, but never knew it had a name! haha you're right- it doesn't sound that good but it sooooo is! Just like 1000 island dressing on hamburgers- YUM.



this may be my favorite HRG post of all time


Hang in there!! Running does make everything better! My Grandpa passed away last November, and I ran A LOT that week! I felt like being outside and the clear sky was my time with him. It was strangely comforting and really did help me get through.

I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket :) BUT, I probably deserve one. I got a warning a couple of weeks ago because I went through a light that apparently turned red. I swore it was yellow the whole time ;)


Mmmm those fries look so crunchy and delicious!

Running cures me anytime I am stressed out about anything. I kind of love angry runs because they usually result in a PR that makes me forget about whatever I was angry about in the first place ;)

I got my first ever speeding ticket in Nevada in this tiny town of like 20 people where the speed limit was about 10mph through the whole town. There were no rest areas for like 2 hours on this little road and finally I saw a McDonalds in the distance and had to pee so bad so I went about 20mph instead of 10 and got a ticket! Ugh. The irony of getting a speeding ticket going 20mph is a killer!


So sorry for whatever made you upset but glad you had running there for you :)

Who gives tickets for 5 miles over?! That would never fly where I live, they don’t bother unless you’re going more than 10 over and usually closer to 15. I would be so mad if I got one or 70 in a 65! I’ve never gotten a ticket but sometimes it just feels like a matter of time…


That was totally my thought, as well! 5 miles over?! That’s insane. MAYBE a warning, but cops around here wouldn’t even bother to pull you over unless it was a school zone.


I just want to cry for you! So been there when a text or minor event throws you back into heartbreak. So rough.

I’m hoping I have a run that cures me tomorrow! It’s going to be my first run back from having surgery and I am so looking forward to it! I know it will be rough going but I just NEED to feel sweat and chilly air and need to watch a sunrise!

I got a ticket a couple months ago for failure to yield in a sting! It was really lame. My suggestion: DO ONLINE TRAFFIC SCHOOL! I finished it in about half the time and could do it in the evenings after work. So much better than in person.


Every time someone tries to break you down, your shell becomes thicker and you become stronger. Every time this happens and you choose life and happiness, you are winning, growing, and being an amazing mommy. <3 you


Whatever the text said, I’m so sorry that you had to go through this. (I’m also sorry I have to go through it. I’m sorry for the whole lot of us, really.)

What an amazing place for a run! Running + nature = soul restored.


I’m a new follower, but I really enjoyed reading some of your posts so far. I just started my own blog (much less established than yours), but it’s so great to read other women’s running blogs. It’s awesome to see how many ways running can help us!

-Running hasn’t “cured” me necessarily, but it has become my way of overcoming the disappointment of my college athletic career coming to an end. Once I graduated, I struggled to find a team sport that was competitive enough for my liking. I still play softball and volleyball on co-ed adult teams, but running has become something I can do by myself and I can push myself.

-I get speed camera tickets all the time. Whoopsies!

-I have tried mayo/ketchup but I didn’t know it had a name! Very yummy!

-I felt great this morning, but then my run didn’t go so well because of some severe shin pain I’m dealing with right now.


I know we have never met but I feel like I know you from reading your! Its so inspiring and I am finally going to start one!!! I hate what you are going through! But God will see you through it when you are standing on the mountain top looking down!
Running cures me every time from anything. . . good or bad!
Love fry sauce!!! And knock on wood but I have never gotten a ticket and I have been driving for 14 years!!!!


The last ticket I got was five years ago, and it scared me enough to make me slow down. I HATE defensive driving.

I’m hoping a run will cure me tonight. I had a crazy hectic morning at work, and then we had a massive car fire here at work that exploded and took three of our employee’s cars, so we’ve had an emotional and scary afternoon. And I am ready for a little healing!

I’m really so excited to see your video! Every time you post pictures of your gorgeous scenic runs in UT, I am reminded that I need to put running in Utah on my bucket list. It’s just too pretty to miss! You are so lucky to have that gorgeousness in your backyard!


You can do hard things!!! Hoping whatever caused you pain will resolve in peace


You’re amazing and such an inspiration!

I can’t wait to watch the video – looks like you had fun and such a beautiful location! I grew up mixing ketchup and mayo for my fries (it’s basically 1000 island dressing minus the relish)! So good!

The last ticket I got was in upstate NY. I was driving to visit a friend and apparently, I was going about 35 miles over the speed limit for quite a while. On top of the ticket, the state of NY adds a fee if you’re a certain amount of mileage over the limit. That ticket cost me nearly $1,000! Yikes!


I think I have kind of tried “fry sauce” because mayo and ketchup are two of my favorite condiments. I know! Gross to some. On a burger, I put mayo AND ketchup AND sometimes mustard.

Argh – the emotional games played. Technology makes it worse! If I were a 16 year old girl now and FB existed, I think I’d probably be in a hole. Not saying that you would be any less hurt without text messaging but it certainly doesn’t help. Because people can just quickly type something and send it off without thinking. I obviously have NO idea what happened but please try to brush it off. You seem like an incredible person. Don’t let anyone hurt you. We’ve got your back :)


70 going in a 65? In Utah? Really? Everyone is almost going 75-80 in that area.

You should have just brought on the water works. It works for girls, but not 30 something guys … trust me, I know. ;)

That run LOOKED awesome! I love Antelope Island!


Sorry to hear about your text. Lucky you have running and such awesome friends and family around you. I live in SLC and NOBODY drives 65 in a 65 zone – I can’t believe you got a ticket. Do you know they do a 50 K around Antelope Island in the spring? You might have to watch out for bison though!


I just bought a pair!! U saved me 33 bucks girl thanks!!! I’ve been meaning to get a pair bc omg cords flapping while u run or that yank out of my ear when I lift weights is one of my top three most annoying things ever!
I am ticked for u about that ticket. Ugh that sucks :(


I am still upset about the text. I wish we could get all Men In Black on ya and erase it from your memory cause it served no purpose. I am glad your run helped though. It most definitely looks beautiful there. The smell on the drive? Not as beautiful ;)

I don’t like fry sauce. Ross still finds this hard to believe. He adds A1 and tobasco to the mix though.

My last ticket will be 11 years ago this May. It was for making an illegal U turn. I fought it in court and since I had a pretty clean record (only 1 speaking ticket) they said if I paid the fee they wouldn’t put the ticket on my record. Too bad Candice is done and you can’t take the class together ;) I can’t believe you got one for 5 over though. I always go 5 over. I see a sign that says 50, I go 55 cause I thought no cop would give a ticket for that. Oops. I guess I was wrong.

I hope your day gets better! Love you!


I can’t stand ketchup so I’m with you on that thing called fry sauce. Yuck.

and I knocked on wood for you…after you said you haven’t had a ticket for so long I thought why risk it!! LOL


I am so sorry janae! I’m glad ur run helped! You are such a great example to women everywhere. And maybe this will make u smile-my kids’ rabbit totally peed in my face today. Definitely unexpected. Definitely gave me the heebie jeebies.


I am glad you are able to turn your perspective around and find the positive in life. There’s always a positive, even when it doesn’t feel like it. And who gives a ticket for going 5 over?! My grandpa is a retired CHP officer and he said that he never pulled anyone over for going 5-7 over. Anything after that is fair game.

I hope your afternoon is better and filled with lots of hugs from Brooke.


Fry Sauce = so good!

Speeding tickets = not so good…

Glad to hear that you had a great day despite the upsetting text!


I’ve been using running to heal from a miscarriage. I used running before for lots of things. But pounding out the pain on the pavement sure feels good now.


sorry that things were seeming not great but running seriously is an amazing medicine.
I also get tickets too often. Im knocking on wood right now that I dont get one right after typing this.


I’m guessing the person that sent the text can see how amazing you are doing and felt like bringing you down a notch! If someone is capable of stooping to such lows after already hurting you so much I would guess they aren’t as happy with their current situation as they want you to think they are! I am purely speculating from experiences that I have had! Like someone commented earlier this will continue to thicken your shell and make you stronger. Keep close to The Lord and your family and pretty soon those texts won’t hurt anymore. My heart hurts for you having been there myself! Lots of prayers and love to you!


Oh no – I can only imagine what the text said. I know you have a big support network there in Utah, but I just wanted to let you know that I (among others probably) think you’re a strong lady who’s got it goin’ on.


When things get bad remember all the good you have in your life. No one’s life is perfect, even if it looks it. There is no Charlotte in real life.

In August 2012 I left all that I knew and moved from Boston to Seattle. Before my moving truck arrived I was diagnosed with breast cancer. There were rough days. But I’m here. I ran the NYC marathon last year and will be running Boston in 13 days. Things get better with time and distance.

I think you have done an amazing job. Hang in there!


Janae – I love reading your blog and following along with what you’re up to. I never comment much, but I always find your stories inspiration and motivating. I’m amazed and how you handle hard times. I may even take a run tonight after reading this post. Why is it so dang hard to get started after you’ve taken a break?? ugh. You are an incredible example of positivity (is that a word? spell check is trying to tell me it isn’t :) ) and optimism through hard things. :)


I’m so sorry something ruined your runners high! It should be illegal to take that away from us, we work hard for those runners highs ;)
Last time a run cured me was when my boyfriend and I got in a BIG fight at around 4 in the morning, I ended up sleeping absolutely 0, and went on an early morning super sweaty, fast, cleansing run that just reminded me that I’m stronger than a girl crying in bed over something silly all night!
I remind myself that in a year (or a few weeks….) that one night, or event will seem minor.


Awww, I’m glad you had such a fun and busy day to take your mind of the hurt! Antelope Island looks like an amazing place!


I’m sorry about the text, but glad running made you feel better. I can be having the lousiest day, but usually I feel better after going to the gym. Just helps to get my mind off the day and do something physical.


I love how you said the combination of endorphins + nature = almost too good to be true. I love your philosphy–even when life is trying to get you down, routines help and also being out in the real world that God made us!! always makes us better.


I know it’s not lady-like, but I really want to punch the person who sent you that text in the face. You will prevail. What a gorgeous location you filmed at today!!! Can’t wait to find out what the video was for. I got a speeding ticket when I was 9 months preggo, but I waddled into the courtroom to fight it and they dismissed it on the spot :)


The last moving violation ticket I got was in 1997 for blowing a stop sign…WHICH I DIDN’T! I fought it in court and won. The officer was super annoyed :) I do get parking tickets though :(

I woke up today feeling hopeful but in pain. This recovering from surgery gig is kind of kicking my booty.

As always, sending you so much love and strength.


Ugh, if the text was sent just to hurt you then that person is extremely pathetic and sad. You are doing so well and living such a beautiful life but you already know that :) I’m so happy for where you are. I’ve followed this blog for a very long time, the divorce came as a shock to me but I’ve seen you get through it and I know you won’t let this silly person who texted you bring you down for long. Lots of love xoxo


Janae! You’re positivity always inspires me and makes me happy. Can you tell us more about this film?? It looks really cool!

I’m so glad you have this blog Janae, thanks for always sharing everything, good or bad in a positive light. You’re a blessing to so many people :)


Ick. Sorry about the text, that is the worst. I am so glad that running helped to put it behind you. I don’t even know you personally, but I have to say that given how much grace you seem to have in dealing with your situation, it was 100% not fair and not deserved and it makes me mad on your behalf!

Anyway… :) Running has helped me get through so many rough times, from relationship issues to work stresses. So thankful it is in my life!

Last ticket was for running a red light…but it was because it was icy out and I couldn’t stop in time. That was a few years ago. I went to fight it and they reduced it but I still had to pay a couple hundred :(

I’m going to have to try fry sauce.


I can’t believe you got a ticket going 5 over?! Silly cop.

Girl … you will be on my mind. I’m happy God’s beauty in nature cured you this morning. He does that every day. Sometimes I have to look for it, or LET myself look for it, but when I find it, its perfection. And sure turns my frown upside down! :)


Oh man!! You were close by my house. I could have told you all sorts of places to go snack. You are an inspiration Janae!


Aww, big hugs Janae <3

Running helps so much with my anxiety. Running is my me time, and having an hour or so two to myself helps make the day so much more manageable.

Today I woke up feeling absolutely horrible! I'm still catching up on sleep from a few late nights last week, but yesterday was super hot and I didn't drink enough water, so I woke up today to the horrible head and body aches I get when I am dehydrated. Thankfully I am feeling better now, so hopefully this won't effect my run tomorrow.

Sorry about your ticket, but it looks like you had a good day!

BTW, I picked up a pair of PureFlows last week. I'm in love, and currently have a few more on the way :)


Can you tell us what the topic of the text was? I’m confused :(

Anyway – I have been trying to increase my running too – ESPECIALLY when I am in a bad mood. I try to force myself to just get out there and run – walking actually just gets me more madder – I need to run to really feel back to normal and feeling better!

As for my mood this AM – I woke up late and that always puts me in a bad mood! Always! Siiiiiigh


I know exactly what you mean. My divorce was finalized in January, and you would think that things would get better from there.. But, then there was the selling of the house (hopefully the closing will be on Thursday) Then this, and that.. it is totally a roller coaster of a process. Sending my love!


Sorry about that text! Some people just don’t think outside themselves and can really hurt people.
Last ticket I got was for speeding. I’ve had several when I was younger, and I never got out of them. However, you can do a plea in abeyance where you pay a fine and as long as you don’t get another ticket in 6 months, it won’t go on your record and you don’t have to do traffic school. Draper offers it, not sure if slc does.
Running is always therapeutic. Sometimes it’s nice to go alone, no music, and just meditate. Cheap therapy:)


Oh how I can relate to the text bursting your bubble. I so relate. Divorce can seem such like a distant memory, not so bad situation, everything about it seems far away and in the past and/or almost done and then one little reminder like a text, letter in the mail or call from the lawyer puts you right back. Ick. It never ends. I hate saying that but even when ink is dried and you are done, something brings you back. It happens to me from time to time and I totally get into my bed and hide under the covers. But then I get up the next morning to run and all is ok again. You will soooo get through this and it sounds so cliché but it is true- you are a totally stronger person for having gone through this….As for my last ticket, I keep racking them up from one silly red light camera. I don’t even understand. It’s not a no turn on red so I don’t get it but they keep sending them to me!


Ugh I hate bad news texts/phone calls/anything. Hang in there, girl! There sure are a lot of us that are team janea! I learned this weekend we have to be grateful IN our situation.
I could really go for some blue plate right now..yum!


That sauce actually sounds REALLY good. I don’t like mayo (never have), but I love Vegenaise (vegan mayo) and LOVE combining it with ketchup and/or sriracha sauce. It is SO good.


Hoping you feel better – and fast!! And thanks for the pic from the Blue Plate. Fries are calling my name now!


Oh Janae, big hugs. You show your strength every single day.

Running cures me every single time I have a bad day. Honestly, after the marathon bombs that went off literally right next to my head –running was the only thing that helped me , and still helps to heal me.


I didn’t know it had a name but fry sauce is my absolute favorite thing ever. Hang in there, you are slowly waking up from your bad dream :)


What? If the speed is 65 that means you can go 74 and be fine. #Illinoisdriver


Five years ago we had a tragic accident in our family that had legal repercussions. About once a year,usually when I’m resting on my laurels, I get a letter from the insurance company reminding us they are still working on the litigation. Amazing how quickly it brings me flying back to the hospital, the smells, the feelings, the emotions the and the entire tragic event.
I call it hate mail. I’m sorry for your text. I’m happy for your run.
PS. If I taught traffic school I don’t think I’d mention that to the police officer who just pulled me over. Just a thought. ;)


My claim to fame is that I have been pulled over 7 times and NO tickets.

Last time running cured me was on what would have been my grandad’s 100 b-day. He passed this last year 6 months short of it.


Would you ever be willing to go into more detail what happened in your marriage? I know it is a very private subject but I think it would really help so many of your readers that may be in a simialr situation. Your strength is admirable.


Running always helps me when I’m having a bad day. Most recently it has been helping me deal with the fact that my boyfriend (who I live with) is out of town for at least two months for work. Nothing like a few extra runs to fill up my free time and keep my mind busy!

I have been really lucky and have only gotten one ticket. For speeding, in Oregon a few years ago. Oops.

Fry sauce is good – mixing salsa and mayo is better.

I was super crabby this morning. Did not want to go to work. It ended up being a decent day, and then I did a really fun 4-mile interval run on the treadmill after work. (not sarcastic on the “really fun” part) :)


Sorry, but I think fry sauce is gross! But on the note about being outside and exercising healing, it’s so true. I miss living near mountains for that same reason.


Sorry about your bad morning. I completely know what your going through only the people that are getting the texts are my kids. Not hurtful, but unwanted. Thank goodness there is running and good friends to get us out of the funk.


I can’t wait to see your video! The only ticket that I’ve ever gotten was for failing to stop at a stop sign (3 years ago now). I had a manual transmission and the clutch was kinda broken so starting up was really hard so I always tried to get by without stopping but of course there was that ONE TIME that a cop was hiding down the street and saw me… haha


Love fry sauce!!!! I JUST finished drivers ed and the book told me you can go 4-9 mph over the speed limit. Maybe it’s different in Utah.


I’m glad you’re keeping your mind busy, to push away the hurt. I know you don’t talk about it much but you seem to be doing juuuuust fine :) Keep doing what you’re doing. Always thinking of you and Brookers. Even though you don’t really know me. I just pretend we do, because we share a love of candy well, I have a love/hate with running. So there’s that.


Feel better Janae! Lately my running has been so so, I don’t feel high and relaxed after, I’m really hoping that feeling comes back soon!

I woke up in a good mood – I slept in because it was raining so I didn’t run, but that feeling quickly turned to annoyance because now I had to think about my run all day instead of having it overwith! It didn’t go well (see above…). Ugh!

Looking forward to the video!


P.S….A ticket….WHAT? I just did my California Driving test yesterday (and passed, thankfully) – had no idea you werne’t allowed to go 5mph over the limit. In Canada, we were “allowed” (ie, didn’t get a ticket lol) if we went 10km/hr over. Man, I better be careful. Lame.


i’m sorry to hear that you had a bad night, but thank goodness you have running as your therapy. sending you lots of hugs and i hope everything is okay :)

and i cannot wait to hear more about this video that you filmed this morning. it looks like it will be pretty awesome!


A speeding ticket for going 70 in a 65?! I’ve never heard of getting that for going five over. Running is the best therapy :)


Hmph. Pay no mind to mean people…or cowardly people who try to hurt you via text (sorry if Im reading this wrong but Im taking it that the text was meant to deliberately upset you).
Running healed me today. I had sugar binge overload late last night and of course woke up feeling like crap…and grumpy. All it took was 3.5mi after work and a cool down walk with dog and Im a new person :) Almost.
Sorry, usually I trust your food judgement, especially when it comes to desserts but fry sauce makes my tummy churn. The pic actually made me a bit queasy. Dont worry, you’re still my #1 favorite running idol/blogger etc.


It makes my heart smile that you found a wonderful, healthy, completely rational way to deal with your hurt, missy. I am always completely in awe of your life and the details you share! I think you’re a pretty awesome human. :)

And speaking of awesome, OMG. A commercial! Holy guacamole! I can’t wait to see it.


I hate that you’re hurting. But even just being a reader we can see how much better you are doing! You are amazing! You are an awesome person and an amazing mom. Love you Janae!!


I know we have never met in real life of course but I just want you to know how much I love you and your blog and the stories you share. You have been such an inspiration to me especially in terms of woman-hood and running. Janae, you’re an incredibly strong woman who is doing so much. You have the most beautiful daughter and you are being the best mom to her.Im sorry about what happened :( I am giving you so much hugg-age right now. Keep on keeping on, keep your head high and continue to rock :) <3 hugs from NY


Oh my gosh, running is the best free therapy! I specifically remember sobbing during a run after my aunt passed away, holy goodness I miUst have looked like a big hot mess but I felt better!
I’ve only had one ticket about 10 years ago for speeding and it was totally my fault and I was definitely going more than 5 miles over the speed limit (what’s up with that??)
I almost always wake up in a good mood, I’m definitely a morning person :)


Running cures me from my self doubts. I was a good 30 pounds heavier when I started running and anytime I get down on myself and my weight, I go for a run and feel better about myself!


Speeding tickets are the worst. Can’t wait to see the video!


I am so sorry you got a crappy text…ugh. But you look AWESOME in purple!! I can’t wait to see the video!!!


What was the text? :( I’m sorry it hurt you. I definitely agree that running is great for making yourself feel better!


I’m very slowly discovering that running really does help me refocus. It is really too bad that we all can’t have time outs during the day to get in a run to clear our minds. Just today I had a shake-out run planned but I was so caught up in my own brain that I wound up running really hard for just about 2 solid miles, which I obviously needed more because I feel a lot more centered.

Thankfully, time really tends to heal. Every once in a while something will come along that rips off the bandaid we may wear, but the thing is, we are always healing and moving on.

Thanks for sharing your runs with us, I really do like reading about them.


You can do hard things!!<3

Lots of hugs and prayers your way Janae!


Try “fry sauce” with BBQ sauce & mayo. I used Bulls Eye in the restaurant I worked at a bazillion years ago. WAAAAAY better then standard fry sauce. The last time I was pulled over was 2 weeks ago & got a no seat belt ticket that I have to pay $10 for this week. grrrrr.


Sometimes its the little things that trip us up (and also make us feel better). Hugs.


Luckily I have never gotten a ticket and have only been pulled over once, which I talked my way out of. My husband is a police officer, so hopefully he can get me out of it if I ever get one in the future :) Which probably won’t happen, because I drive like a granny.


Running cured me through a divorce and now its helping me through fertility issues.
My mood this morning was tiiiiiired! The OT is catching up!


I had no idea that there was a name for the mayo/ketchup combo :) My family eats that all the time with our fries, yummy. We get tickets all the time around our house. Those darn camera tickets :( I am sorry to read that you got a negative text but you are so awesome that you just went running in the morning. Good job! Continue taking care of yourself and your cute little Brooke.


I know that exact feeling. It is so easy for me to put that whole chapter in the back of my mind then something happens that takes me right back. Right back to all the hurt and betrayal. Ugh. Makes me want to throw up. I started running after I got divorced and it has helped me in so many ways. It helpsed clear my head and gave me something to work towards and left me feeling good about myself. And I desperately needed something to boost my self esteem after it was shattered. There nothing like a good run to put things into perspective! I think about you and love how positive you are. Keep running away the hurt. That truly helped me. :)


I’m sorry about the text that you received.
Your afternoon seemed to turn out pretty cool though and u look beautiful in purple :)


My friend sent me a saying that says “A big secret for happiness is to ignore people who do crappy things to you.” I had been upset about something someone told me. Hard to do sometimes BUT us runners CAN do hard things as u have taught.
On another note! A man tried to grab me on my run tonight! Police got the report but didn’t catch him. He grabbed me from behind on my waist. I yelled at him broke free and ran away. Fastest mile I ever ran! Praising God I am here alive breathing.


Omg Christina, that is so scary! Glad you are okay!


Thanks yes my adrenaline never been higher! To let other runners know ALWAYS fight or yell back and then just run away! He prob thought I was too much work and let me go.


Oh Christina. I can’t even imagine. Would you mind sharing your story with my readers and what you did exactly to get away. I am so happy that you are okay.


I love fry sauce and blue plate I think it was in triple d!


Last time runing cured me – last spring when I realized I wont be graduating after all and have to keep working on my thesis anoter year… I got pretty depressed. Starting to obsessively run and focus on my goals in running cured me… + the endorphins ofcourse….

graduating this spring :D


It’s a shame people feel the need to be hurtful to others. But good on you for going on with your thing even though you are feeling so down.

Fry sauce – over here (South Africa) we call it pink sauce, and I love it! it is amazing. Equally as good is a combination of mayo and sweet chilli sauce!’

This morning I woke up with a cold to a teething baby, so grumpy and tired….


“I realize how grateful I am for the things I do have in my life, rather than feeling bad about the things I do not have in my life anymore.” <——- this is why I run too :)


Hello from Texas!

I wanted to start off by saying I love your blog! You inspire me to run every morning, especially the mornings I find most difficult to drag my lead ridden legs out of bed. (Also you literally live in a magazine shoot for running…how beautiful! My running destinations are not so scenic…).

First, don’t cringe, but French fry sauce is nasty, but I also think mayo is the white death and I can’t eat it. Second, running cures me everyday. I couldn’t survive my crazy life without it (so remind yourself you’re not alone :)). Last ticket I got? Over a year ago I got cut off in horrible Houston traffic (and it’s horrible). They slammed on their brakes, and I hit them…but that’s why we have running and insurance :)! Lastly, my mood: I can’t breathe well as the pollen count down here is awful, but I feel like I can take on the world today….hopefully my little art friends at school are going to be kind (right now I teach elementary art…it’s as exhausting and fun as you can imagine). Anyway, hang in there, and it love your blog!


Another runner from another mother :)


Running is the best therapy….no matter what is happening in my life. I’m sorry to hear that you were hurt/upset but happy that you have running as such an awesome outlet.
I can’t wait to see your video! I love purple too :)

Karen @karenlovestorun


I am so sorry to hear about the text, and the hurt. I am glad you are feeling better. Just remember you are strong, classy, and you have the most beautiful daughter.

I haven’t had a ticket in years..I should be knocking on wood.


That is a bummer about your text, but it definitely sounds like the next day helped make up for it.

Around here, you won’t get a ticket unless you’re going at least 10 miles above the speed limit. Maybe that’s a northeast thing, since we are all insanely fast, defensive drivers. I have gotten a ticket for not using a headset while talking on my phone, though.


Lastnight running cured me… fighting with the husband… I read the first two paragraphs of your post and almost started crying because all I could think was “same”… like legit my eyes welled up… I was like I totally get it

I got a ticket bc my inspection was up! actually I got two! It was like in Feb and March… Ugh… I think I cried then as well, lol….L

At the restaurant in Saratoga called Circus Circus they give a raspberry dipping sauce with their fries…. TO DIE FOR!!!!!!

I was very angry and sad this morning… my students always help me turn it around though…


Here in Oklahoma, trains stop in the middle of the road often. It’s very frustrating.


Isn’t it amazing how the brain can make such a traumatic time a blurry memory that doesn’t even seem real? Eight years later I still occasionally get moments that ignite an anger/sadness in me, always over an injustice for my kids, but it is so much better now.
I am so glad I found running four years ago. Just two days ago, I looked up at the sky while running, and it was so beautiful that it just took what little breath I had left away. We had a cruel winter and it has been a long time since I had been out running in sunshine and warmth. Running fixes everything if only for the moment, that reprieve is sometimes just enough.
PS I love/hate those earbuds. For some reason the cord always pulls to my right and drives me crazy??


I can totally relate to your text and subsequent hurt/sadness and the healing power of running. I fully credit running for getting me through my divorce. It because so much more than just exercise or something I enjoy.

I love your purple! It’s a favorite color for me too!


I love fry sauce with a splash of hot sauce ! I dip chicken strips in it for breakfast!!! My stomach has no rules regarding “breakfast food” .


haha I’m the same way!


5 miles over the speed limit! That’s crazy!


I just love reading your blog. You are so motivating and just amazing and strong!!! I am so sorry you are having to go through such a hard time. I love fry sauce!!!!


Having a therapeutic outlet helps so much during the difficult times. i’ve told you time & time again but your attitude and outlook on the divorce is really admirable. I would be a sobbing mess at all hours of the day. You are an amazing woman, janae!

can’t wait to see this video :)


Sending you a hug. You are an amazing person, have a great family, wonderful friends and the cutest little mini-you. You’ll have those crap moments, but YOU WILL always comes out on top.




Janae, I adore you and your blog. You are an inspiration on SO MANY levels. I am not sure what the text said and it’s really none of my business, but I hope you find complete peace in your heart sooner rather than later. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Keep on keepin on my friend!! Things will get better, they always do. Cannot wait to see what you were filming!


Rise above it, Janae – you are clearly so much stronger than the senders of terrible texts.


Sorry to hear about the awful text message. :( Keep on truckin’ you are doing great! Oh and, mayo and ketchup fry dip is the :)


Running has cured me from so much. I can’t even put it into this one comment. But it helped me put more life back in my life after my hubby died.

I got a speeding ticket back in 2001 on my way home from vacationing in Maine! I think I was driving 90+. I have slowed down while driving as i’ve gotten older =)

Isn’t Thousand Island dressing ketchup and mayo? If so, then yep, I’ve tried fry sauce

I woke up in a decent mood until I had to leave for work. I hate to leave my puppy dog. It’s sort of pathetic.

Sorry that you had to be reminded of pain via text last night.

A friend was comparing grief to an annoying person that doesn’t leave you alone. I told her in time they stop coming around as often but yep, every so often you get a visit. Glad you had such a wonderful morning at Antelope Isl and the whole video thing sounds so cool. Your life will continue to be blessed so don’t ever look back.

And of course….you can do hard things!


I’m so glad you had a great next day to make up for the text! And that sandwich looks awesome!


Try dipping your fries in the spicy dressing at Chick FilA!!!!! You will love it!


I’m so sorry you had a bad evening – I definitely know the feeling of a bad dream and then you remember it’s real. Ugh.

I can’t wait to see your video with Jaybird – I’ve been wanting to try/review a pair for AGES.

((hugs)) Janae, you’re wonderful :)


Try mayo with bbq sauce. It will blow your mind!


I can’t wait to see the video. I run at night all the time and I do it by myself. It is usually tough to get out but once I am out it can be very peaceful


your perspective is really wonderful, and helps us all. fabulous blog, and virtual hug from all your loyal readers. you inspire! and are worth happiness and all the success due your way…


Over the recent months I’ve seen you grown stronger and stronger and even those reminders of how you were hurt does not stop you know. Maybe a pause but you are moving on x

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