Ever wondered what someone does the night before running 100 miles?

First of all, if you are needing some motivational running quotes then you need to check these ones out.  

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Ever wondered what someone does the night before running 100 miles?  (Janice—> the cute blonde with a ponytail is doing the Antelope Island Buffalo 100 miler TODAY).

She chose to hang out with her favorite people (yes, I am assuming a lot when I say that I am one of her favorites).  I am now wondering what Brooke had her eye on in the below picture, she looks quite determined.

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This salad (from Wild Zucchini) puts many other salads to shame.  There are at least 10 different toppings in that bad boy and the crunchy sweet potato pieces on top should top every salad (and meal).  They also always give a little snack plate for Brooke and I eat all of the gummy bears.

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Kind of a tradition if she is awake for the sunset.  

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Heather is displaying a large piece of kettle corn that had probably 40 grams of crystalized sugar surrounding it.  

Movie theaters that sell ice cream…  What will they think of next?!

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One of the main reasons we all really liked Divergent.

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1 scoop cookie dough and 1 scoop cookies and cream.  The movie was intense and I loved it (don’t forget that I am easy to please).   

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That pregnant tummy sure comes in handy when we need a place to put the popcorn.  The Swedish Fish were just a prop.  We stuck to popcorn, diet coke and ice cream last night but I always have a bag of SF in my purse just in case.  

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What is your longest distance record?  Do you have a goal for the longest distance you want to run?

-28.  My latest brain thoughts have been telling me that I need to do a 50 mile trail race sometime in the next year. 

Favorite movie treats/snacks?

Any pregnant readers?  How far along?

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26.2 is my longest but I really want to do an ultra! Favorite movie snack is always Sour Patch Kids :)


Longest distance is 26.35 and that was my first marathon two weeks ago! I would like to do a 50k at some point I think.

I LOVE MOVIE POPCORN. And sour skittles. But I always eat too many and my mouth hurts for days.

Can’t wait to go see that movie!


My goal is to do a 50 miler before I turn 30 in two years! I’m hoping to do a 50K at the very end of this year or the beginning of next. But first I need to run 26.2 … at the Portland Marathon :)

I would love to hear what your friend thought of the 100 after she finishes!! Maybe she could do a guest post??


A guest post from her is an awesome idea! I would love to read that!


26.2 is my longest- and NO plans for an ultra! My movie candy are sour patch kids! But I have been known to hit up Target before the movies and grab a bunch of chocolate covered pomegranate-thingies :) I’m not sure on Divergent- didn’t read the books. If my friends wanted to go I would tag along.


I am good with 26.2 :)! I can’t imagine going any farther!!! 100 miles is amazingly crazy :)!
Favorite snack= goldfish!!!!! The cheesy ones not real goldfish :). Treat=ice cream!
I would also love to read a guest post about her 100 mile race…cool idea!!!!!!


26 weeks on Monday! We are having a girl, but loved the name Brooks for a boy.


I cannot wait to see Divergent this weekend. Though, now I think my movie experience won’t be as good as yours because I won’t have ice cream. I’ll have to get a giant bag of swedish fish to make up for it…and popcorn.

My longest distance is 26.2…I don’t think I’ll be going over that for a while, but never say never, right?

I’m a pregosaurus :). I’ll be 33 weeks on Sunday. We should probably get things ready for this kid to get here.


My longest is 13.1! I don’t know if I’ll do more, I haven’t decided!


Longest distance: 50 miles. I have no plans to go further. :)

I just finished reading the Divergent series! It was awesome! You would love them!


Longest is 26.2 but I would love to do a 50k sometime soon!

I love eating m&ms or goobers and popcorn. Chocolate and popcorn are just so good together. :-)


Totally random… Did you know Swedish Fish also made jelly beans? I had know idea!! I saw them at CVS yesterday. I snapped a pic and tried to send it to you on instagram. I did’nt buy them because I prob. would have eaten the whole bag on the drive home :)


26.2 is my record. I’m thinking I’ll change that…..maybe one day though, not today. haha.

Popcorn ALL THE WAY. It’s my favorite thing.


My distance record is 13.1 running although I have my sights set on a full…favorite movie snack is def junior mints and a coke slushee.


The longest I’ve done so far is a half marathon, my ultimate goal is a marathon this year though! Who knows after that :)

My favorite movie snacks are Milk Duds and Sprite…I never drink soda, but sometimes when I go to the movies I like to have it!!

Your house is GORGEOUS with that view by the way! HAPPY FRIDAY!!


My dad has done the Squaw Peak 50 twice and loves it! It’s in June if you want to look into it :). He loves 50’s because they are way more chill then marathons, so he says?


Popcorn with tons and tons of butter and swedish fish.


Ahhh I want to see that movie very badly!!! And I love that you ALWAYS have swedish fish in your purse, now that’s called being prepared! I should probably always keep something in my purse for emergencies, but I always forget to put something there haha. I love sneaking in Whole Foods Salad, then I eat it very loudly, or at least it feels like I am haha


Emergency Swedish fish in your bag just in case? Did we just become best friends?


I am so excited to see Divergent!! I have no idea when it is happening but it basically needs to be now.

I am currently training for my first half marathon! :)


A marathon is my longest distance and I know it will be for a very very very very very long time. LOL. You go on with those ultra thoughts…not for me. ;)

But if you do chose to do an ultra there is a beautiful flat, fast 50k race in VA Beach at state landing park in December. I would come down and cheer for you!


My girls have both read and loved Divergent. They are now on me to read it so we can see the movie on Sunday. Time is ticking and I haven’t even started the book! Guess my Friday night plans include staying up all night to get it done.


My longest run so far is 13.1… but maybe one day I will up that number.

My favorite movie candy is Milk Duds, although I haven’t been to see a movie in years. I want to see Divergent in a bad way because I LOVED the book.


Favorite movie snack: sour patch kids. I will eat them until my mouth bleeds. And then I will eat some more.


Love the 41 running quotes! Thanks for sharing!

Furthest distance I’ve run = 15 miles

I’m 21 weeks along right now…. and I’m hoping I can run during my pregnancy like you did with Brooke. Btw did you run with a heart rate monitor when you were pregnant??


I am dying to see divergent–I may just have to go alone sometime this weekend!



I’m pregnant. 25 weeks. My tummy is not quite big enough to use as a table yet. Bummer. I am seeing Divergent next weekend and I cannot wait!


I’m a running newbie.. so longest is still a 5K. Working my way up, but right now I can’t see myself ever doing a marathon. LOL

Fave movie treat is either Goobers or popcorn with ranch topping! yum!

Kelly and Michael just had a contest caller from Orem, UT!!! Gasper Almeida. :)


I can’t wait to see Divergent!

I’m pregnant…having a c-section in 13 days! I’m soooo close to meeting my little girl and SO ready!


I am so cheap, I really never buy any food or drink at the movie theater. But I am not above sneaking things into the theater in my purse. ;) And oh my gosh, 100 miles?!! I can’t imagine that! Ooh I can’t wait to watch Divergent! I read the book and it was so good!


That sunset is amazing and I’m totally impressed that your theater sells kettle corn. I’m also super jealous that you’ve already seen Divergent! My daughter, BFF, and I all read the books so we are super pumped to see the movie.
My longest distance is 27 and I’m pretty sure I’m going to keep to that.
My fav movie snack is hot tamales in my popcorn.


Wow, 100 miles, that is amazing! My longest run will be in April 13.1, but my goal is to do a full marathon next.


I tend to feel really inadequate when I’m reading this blog and comments section!!! Longest run….10 miles, and it was only one time, a year ago. :(
Anyway– been slowly working my mileage back up, the two years of being pregnant and then nursing kind of took their toll! I ran 6 miles last weekend, which is my post-pregnancy high!

Movie snacks… hmmm… definitely popcorn and I really like Cherry coke and occasionally splurge on that!


I am a big salad guy and your salads always make me want to run and get one that moment. 1 scoop C&C 1 scoop choc chip is my absolute favorite!!

Longest Distance – Farthest I’ve run is 8 miles, short term goal is half and full marathon. Long term goal is inching towards an ultra.
Favorite Movie Treat – Traditionalist, I go with popcorn.



My personal distance record will forever be a marathon. No more going long in my future. I’m hoping to get up to five miles someday, but that’s a dicey and possibly foolhardy goal. But a girl can dream, right?

My movie nutritional needs are popcorn and Junior Mints. I don’t often get a soda because I don’t want to have to pee in the middle of the movie!


I wonder if I could pull off an Ultra. I mean, I like Mich Ultra, so that’s gotta be a sign, right?


I would love to know what your running goals are for after you get your sub-3, and I think watching your progress as you move into ultras / trail running would be awesome.


I’m so jealous you went to see Divergent!!! I LOVED the whole series and can’t wait to see the movies, especially since they were filmed here in Chicago! I think I’ll spend the whole film being all “Oh, I know where that is!” “I’ve been there!” Haha


16 miles is my longest run to date. I would love to do a full and a 50k someday!! You should definitely do a 50 mile trail race!! That would be awesome!!

Whopper, milk duds, sour patch kids, peanut butter m&m’s, and a slurpee.

6 weeks. Not telling fam’ yet. :)


15 miles is my farthest so far. Hoping to do a marathon if I can get all trained up.

Large water and Reese’s Pieces.


I love love love rasinets and popcorn. Junior mints sometimes too when I really wanna spice it up.

I can’t wait to see Divergence and Noah looks so good too. Going to the movies is the best.


I have zero interest in more than 26.2 but I love reading about people who do 100s! I am 35 weeks along and can’t wait for maternity leave I’m so uncomfortable!!


Movie theater popcorn is a must for me, can’t go without getting some. Jealous you got to go see Divergent! We were going to go tonight to see it(I read the books) but it was sold out at the nice movie theater when I tried to buy tickets over a week ago.

Furthest I have done is Marathon, although I would like to try a 50k before I turn 30 in a few years. Would be nice if I could find one around my 30th birthday because then I can actually say I ran my age.


I heard the movie wasn’t that great… glad to hear another opinion.
I love junior mints or M&M’s for the movies :)


My longest distance is a half marathon, but a full is on my bucket list-once my kiddos are a little older and I can put in more time to train. I just had a baby in January, so I’m slowly working my mileage back up.
My fave movie treat is always peanut butter M&Ms and/or ice cream.


I think my longest distance is 21, but one of these days I want to do more!

I want to see Divergent so bad!! Glad you all had a blast :)


I love dirt coke for movies!


Hi there!

What is your longest distance record? I have done 2 half marathons and my 3rd is coming up in May but I pulled the trigger on the Rock ‘N Roll New Orleans half this past weekend but I’m actually going to train for the full and if I feel comfortable doing it I’m going to upgrade my registration. I’ve also never been to New Orleans so I’m beyond excited!

I see you’ve mentioned trail running a few times lately. I live in Upstate NY and we have tons of trails here and I’ve been wanting to get out on them this year too. I bought a pair of trail sneakers at an expo a few weeks back so now I have no excuses. My only thing will be not listening to music. I’ve got to try to get in that habit.

Favorite movie treats/snacks? The Swedish fish looked amazing so yeah, anything like them… gummy stuff.

PS-I can’t wait to see Divergent this weekend!


13.1 is the farthest I have run so far, but I will definitely do a marathon within the next 5 years!

I love movie theater popcorn and Reeses pieces!


I love a giant salad, especially with sweet potatoes. The best!


My longest distance is my 26.2 marathon…although I did run 26 before the race so I have done it twice. I want to do a 50K (31 miles) by the time I am 31…we will see if I make that happen!

I like the smell of popcorn, but I don’t like it all that much…I prefer home air-popped or kettle corn. In movies I always sneak in a soda and some candy…usually twizzlers – which make mouths happy – in my purse.


In response to, “movie theatres that sell ice cream…what will they think of next?!” In Fargo, ND they are seriously considering selling beer and alcohol at two of our movie theatres. I know, right?! What a terrible idea…
Happy Friday!


I am going to see that movie tomorrow too, I’m glad you liked it!


Thought of you when I read this article today – have totally been there myself.



Thank you so much for sending me this article. I loved it!


you look GORG. i miss you!


Raisinets and popcorn are my favorite movie treats. The longest I’ve run is 15 miles. I’ve done several half marathons but have it on my bucket list!


I love the quotes! I need the inspiration. I just moved to china and I’m not sure I want to run in the smog!!! I say do the ultra, you’ll just have to let go of some speed.


Favorite movie candy is M&Ms all the way, but we usually balk at the prices and don’t bother


I’ve only done 26.2 and don’t really have the desire to run an ultra although I did do 5 half marathons in 5 days in 5 states back in September (65 miles) and that was cool.

I’m a snowcaps girl.

meanwhile I’ve been craving a cazookie type dessert and last night i finally had one! It was a warm cookie (in an oval shaped dish though) with vanilla gelato, whipped cream, chocolate sauce and a cherry! So delish.


Swedish fish are the bestttt movie treat! Although Ive never been to a movie theater with Ice Cream so I guess I just dont know the greatness.


Oh man how would I pick ONE favorite movie snack. For me it’s all about lasting power. It’s gotta be a snack that I’m going to be able to continue snacking on until the end of the movie!


I once ran a race where there was a 1km loop identified and the runners had 6 hours to do as many loops as they could. I completed just over 64 loops so that’s 40 miles. I placed top 5 for women (top 10 overall)…but let’s be honest, there were only about 70 people who attempted it in the first place!

I still don’t know how or why I did that race! LOL!


I could NOT imagine running 100 miles. My step brother does those ultra distances and is on his way to Europe this summer to run the North Face Ultra-Trail Du Mont-Blanc, which is really cool. I don’t think I could ever go more than a 50K – my longest is a marathon and I am pretty happy with that distance.

Favorite theater treats? –> obsession with popcorn. It’s my vice. Can’t wait to see Divergent.


Fave movie snack is sour patch watermelon and/or popcorn. No butter though. I hate the added butter they put on top- which usually means no one wants to share with me. Maybe that’s my master plan created by my subconscious?


I recently registered for the Leadville 50 mile trail run this summer. Kind of injured right now though, so hoping I will be able to do it!


currently a marathon is my max but I’m very interested in getting into ultras some day (in the distant future, haha).

Gummi worms are my favorite movie snack!


100 miles is crazy!! I can’t imagine.


The night before a 100, I am usually found running around the house packing – multiple bags (drop bags etc) for any and all needs I might encounter and a bag or two for my wonderful crew (typically my husband). Per the usual I over pack and use less than a 1/4. Luck favors the prepared though. Or perhaps the unprepared because I wait till the night before. Generally anything to keep your mind off the knowledge of how much you will be hurting in 24 hours is a good thing. Eat lots of food, enjoy the evening with friends or family and attempt to get some sleep before the alarm goes off way too early the next morning. Get up, drag all your crap to the car, stuff the still sleeping crew into the car and drive off to the race with the music blaring because you have too much energy and really need to run after tapering. Say hi to all your friends, whine because you forgot something however unimportant, leave your brain with your crew, join the vibrating crowd of over-excited endurance junkies, say this prayer:
May the trail be long before you,
May a goofy smile grace your face,
May the hills be long for airplanes,
as you play upon your way.
May your God run beside you,
May you face the pain with grace,
May you finish strong and happy,
grateful for this chance to race.

…..and stride out in the adventure of your life. (tarzan calls on high bluffs and random benches are optional)


Thank you for this comment – I love reading about what ultra runners think/do before/during/after races!

Those little poem is GREAT! I love it!


I love this prayer so much :) will remember to memorize it for next time


Dots and popcorn are my favorite movie snacks. Swedish fish would be a close second.


My dad and I have run the Back on my Feet Ultra in Philadelphia for the past 5 years together. The most miles we got in 24 hours was 84.5. Our ultimate goal is 100, of course! If only the scorching July heat/thunderstorms would just hold out one of these years we could possible hit our goal!

Oh, and you pretty much eat every hour while your out there…I thought I would never say this but you get really sick of eating after that run!


12 weeks pregnant and you totally inspire me to keep running ’till I pop (if I can) – no belly yet but I’m sure I’ll be re-reading some of your pregnancy posts for tips as I get farther along! Did you give up Diet Coke completely while pregnant? I’m dying for my soda!!!


100 MILES?! That is craaaaazy!!! I can’t even imagine. I would die, probably. haha. I’m 35 weeks pregnant! :) Having a little boy and am so excited! I actually have a baby shower tomorrow, yay :)



100 miles?! YIKES! i would die… literally, i think my legs would just stop working at some point (probably around the 13.2 mile mark… haha)

my longest distance record is 13.1, but i’d love to do a full someday…hopefully within the next 2 years!

have a great weekend :)


I cannot imagine running 100 miles, how long does that even take??? The longest I’ve run is 26.2 and really that’s my longest distance goal. I would like to run at least one more marathon (I much prefer halves), and would hope to improve my time from the first one. I hope your friend had an amazing experience, it sounds phenomenal!


100 miles is crazy long, omg I can’t believe it!!

I can’t wait to see divergent, I’m going on Monday!!:) fave snack-hot tamales, all the way every day!!!:):)


My longest run so far has been about 13 1/2, I’ve been thinking about doing a marathon one of these days.

Movie theater popcorn is SO good! And sour patch kids.


Favourite movie snack is a choc-top and a cup of mixed lollies (haven’t had that for ages). Seems like you are as big a movie critic as I am. I just loving going to the movies. I’ll make sure I check out Divergent when it is released here. I’m a relatively new runner so my longest run is embarassingly short – 14km (I can’t think in miles) but I have signed up for a half-marathon in 8 weeks! Now I’m going to check out the running quotes.


My longest run was two Christmas Eves ago. I had been stressed from my new job and was grateful to have a full day off with no obligations. I slept in until 10am, ate, got my butt out the door by 11:30 and took off, running whatever I felt like doing. Five and a half hours later, I came back as dusk set with a big smile on my face. 40 miles, and the best present I could ever give myself. I still smile when I think about that day.


I love my $3 bucket of popcorn! I carry that thing with pride into every movie :)


Wow 100 miles is amazing! The longest I have ever run is a marathon…I think my watch read 26.4 or something so I’ll go with that:)


14 miles is my longest run so far. But there is a 50 mile trail race here that I would love to run someday! (Lake Sonoma 50)


50km is my longest. I am thinking about a 50 miler next year.


I really have no desire to run more than 13.1…okay maybe that is a lie, but I am so slow that I am about as fast as a turtle running through a vat of peanut butter…so the amount of time it takes me to run 13.1 you are finished with a 26.2


I really want to see Divergent!


I think I really want to read Divergent before I see it! It looks like such a great story.


Check this funny buzzfeed about Divergent’s Theo James! He sure is a hottie… http://www.buzzfeed.com/mattbellassai/extremely-important-reasons-to-go-see-divergent


I’ve only done marathons but my heart toys with an ultra. Big dreams right now but I’m sure I could do it.
I LOVE the movies and would go every weekend if they had the movies to keep up with me.


I’m in awe of all the other commenters here! I’ve just got in from setting my distance record…which was 6.5 miles. And I walked a little bit in the middle so I’m not sure it counts :/


That was the best night ever! And my only regret was not eating the giant sugar coveredkernal! :) 26.2 longest I’ve ever done. 50k this year I hope :) you and me. And loved the movie and ice cream and the “posing” in the parking lot! Love you!


Ah this looks like so much fun, I want to go the movies asap!


I’ve never eaten anything other than popcorn at the movies…

I ran the JFK 50-Miler, and that’s the longest distance I’ve ever run. I only ran it once and wish I’d run it more times, but so happy that I ran it when I had the opportunity!


Well I sincerely liked reading it. This information provided by you is very helpful Thank you.

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