Just one of those runs.

Today was one of those runs.  It was just what I needed… Mentally and physically.  

I had 11 miles (@ 7:50 average pace) to really spend some time to think.  Listening to Regina Spektor and looking at views like the one below made it pretty awesome too.  Every now and then I just have one of these runs where I feel like I could go forever and I probably look crazy because I am smiling 90% of the run (please note= this type of run happens approximately every 3 months… if that.  I am usually not smiling when I run and I probably look kind of angry;)

The temperatures dipped back down into the low 20s but I am strangely okay with that because I like when my face gets really cold while my body feels really warm (from wearing 20 layers) when I am running. 

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And just a few more things to talk about.  

Story of my life:

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Example A Below. The pajamas won.  Like they always do.

Sometimes I just have to give Brooke a bottle because I know that means I will get roughly 9 minutes straight of cuddling out of her.

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It was quite fitting that at my birthday party yesterday my niece and sister spent a good 20 minutes going through my entire head of hair looking for gray hairs.  I think they found at least 6 or 7.  Each gray hair looked about 6.5 months longish;)  But seriously, they did.  

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And three charts/graphs that I found that explain my life.  Netflix just takes a bigger chunk up on my personal graph.  

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Just replace the alcohol/coffee portion with Diet Coke for me.   

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Since it is a holiday and all, I think we should all have an ice cream cone at some point today.  (Picture from a few weeks ago when we went to Jason’s Deli)

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We are off to go see the Lego movie with my sister and her kids.  Yes, this will be my second time seeing it.  The sacrifices I make for Brooke.


Rate your run today on a scale from 1-10 (10 being awesome).

What time do you normally shower and get ready for the day? 

Do you feel like you usually get a lot done over the weekend or do you waste a lot of time?

Last movie that you saw in the theater?  Did you like it?

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I shower right after my morning run but “get ready” isn’t really a thing haha. I rarely blow dry my hair and I only put on non running clothes or non-pjs if I’m going out, I do most of my work at home so I like to be comfy! I did a pool run today fr my cross-training day and it was a 7 :)


I love Brooke’s headband in the last picture! I miss those runs where you just feel like you could go forever because they feel so good. More motivation to stay injury free. It’s been way too many months since I had a feel-good run, but it really does wonders for you mentally! My weekends consist of eating, exercising, and not wearing real clothes. Never productive.


While I was in Europe I was doing well just to shower period at some point during the day… Sad but true. #sweaty2weeks


Yesterday when I was cross country skiing I was literally smiling the whole time. It’s the most awesome feeling ever! I’m debating whether or not I still want to run today.. it’s snowing. But it’s also the warmest it’s been in weeks (18 degrees). I rarely shower in the morning – I always shower at night (if I do shower… ;) )


I can definitely relate to this post (do I say that a lot?). I’ve had several runs lately that have put me in an overall good running mentality. Today was nice, just a recovery run from yesterday’s hard race.

I spend the majority of my time tweeting when going to bed. I force myself to log off at nine east coast time and go to bed around 10.


Those are the best kind of runs! They make up for the ones where it feels like your legs are full of lead.

I don’t officially have a run scheduled today, but I was just thinking about doing a few easy miles anyway.

I shower at night before I go to bed. There’s no way I could wake up early enough to shower in the morning before work! I’m usually up around 6 though.

The weekends are usually a healthy balance of productivity and total laziness. And by productive I mean I do laundry and some dishes.

The last movie I saw in the theater was Catching Fire – it was SO good! I can’t wait until it comes out on dvd so I can watch it again!


On class days I have to shower and get ready pretty early! But on weekends or free days… I don’t shower until I am actually going to see someone!


My run (just finished!) was a 8/10, yay! My past couple runs have been a bit depressing because my knees have been hurting, but I chose the treadmill today and successfully ran 5 miles straight! (longest since my half)

I waste a lot of time over the weekend and I tell myself I work hard enough during the week to deserve it ;)

Last movie I saw was Frozen. LOVED it. I sometimes YouTube the Olaf intro song because it makes me way too happy.


Hahaha I am so in my pjs after showering earlier today. Usually I shower right before bed after putting it off for 3 days. If I shower earlier, though, I still cant resist my warm, fluffy pj pants! Its either PJs or my bathrobe 99.9% of the time I’m at home (with the 0.1% being the 2 minutes I spend getting ready for work each day).

I havent been running at all lately, but I went cross country skiing today for the second time ever and it was great! I’d say a 9/10 with points lost for wind and occasionally frozen fingers. I was out for almost 3 hours but started to get faint and hungry (<–this inspired a trip to the grocery for clearance valentines day candy).

I waste all my time in life that I am not working. It needs to change. I have an audiobook or a tv show going every second of my time off. It is actually out of hand and embarrassing. I DID just start the laundry, though, so today cant be a total waste! :) Wow sorry for the book.


I hope to run during this pregnancy again! If not it’s no big deal but the chiropractor has been working wonders on my sciatic nerve :-) I like the going to bed pie chart! So true…


Aside from a long run, I usually get absolutely nothing accomplished during the weekend except for a couple of good naps :)

Also I totally have grey hairs too. I think it is a sign that we have achieved a large amount of wisdom at a fairly young age.


My run was a 10 today! My dog and I completed 10 hill repeats on a very steep 300m hill for a total of 7.5km running. I shower whenever I can. Running takes priority though! Last movie was the Lego Movie (loved it!) and on the weekends I love to cook and try new recipes. How much we clean is directly proportional to the amount of time spent cooking.


I saw the Lego Movie with my boyfriend for Valentine’s Day, HAHA. We don’t even have kids HAHA. Everything is awesome about the Lego Movie ;)


I always have the real clothes/pjs debate on the weekends. Usually I settle for sweatpants. Love those graphs! Haha, I think my candy consumption sometimes rules my day of eating…..opps :)


My run today was 9. I was very happy with it, but I was panting hard the last half mile.

Also, that food pyramid, flip the candy to the top and he pizza to the bottom and it’s perfect.


Shower and get ready for the day?? Haha that’s a good one! Seriously, sometimes I change out of pajamas about 5 minutes before my husband gets home from work :/


I usually am completely ready for the day before 7:30am (most of the time on weekends too, I’m a morning person)

my fave thing to do is clean and organize immediately after work on Friday so that I feel like the rest of the weekend I can relax and do nothing but fun things.

last movie was Monuments Men, which has taken the spot of my #1 fave movie of all time. I plan to continue the trend of seeing it weekly until it leaves theaters.


I love runs like that! I think runs where everything feels perfect are why we keep running. My run today was probably an 8. I’m building up my mileage again after taking some time off from running and I’m finding that my legs are a lot more ready to run long(er) than I thought they would be.


I ran 3 miles on the treadmill today and was proud that I lasted more than 5 minutes on that thing! Today I didn’t take a shower until 4:30, just before my husband came home from work. I actually was just realizing how I got nothing accomplished over my four day weekend! Ugh. The last movie I saw was The Lego Movie with my boys. I may have teared up a bit during it. ;)


My kids are going to TLM, as they call it.

I shower after the gym around noon. My mom used to go to the store in leopard pjs. I’m not that casual, so I go for loungewear vs. pjs if I’m “going out.” :)

Love Brooke’s hair accessories!


Every time I see pictures of Brooke, I only hope that my child is as cute as yours. :)


Today’s run was eh, maybe a 5…I used to love giving my son his cup – it was our quiet time and the time he would sit on my lap all cute and quiet..I am a total morning person so I run and get everything else done that by 12:00 pm, I am so done for the day.


1. No run for me today. Did my first 20-miler ever yesterday and I’m still limping a little. Just some cross training later that I’m sure will feel like a 10.

2. I don’t actually shower until around 10 p.m. (after my workout), but I get ready for work at 5:30 a.m.

3. Saturday morning/afternoon, I am A WEEKEND WARRIOR. Then 4 p.m. rolls around and I’m a slug for the rest of the weekend

4. Last movie was Frozen. And it was great!


I did not run today, but I did do yoga, and that was definitely a 10 for my soul! If it’s a work day, I shower/get ready around 6:30 a.m. I feel like I don’t do a lot on the weekends besides fun stuff like working with horses. Sometimes hubby and I have back to back pajama days – but that’s what weekends are for!!
I haven’t seen the Lego movie yet but it looks super cute!


The fun part of my day is just beginning. I’ve been at work up until now.

I have to be at work at 8:00 PM, so all prep is done before that. And then again in the evening if I am going out.

I got a lot done on Friday and Saturday. Sunday was a lazy day and it was awesome!

The last movie I saw in the theater was Gravity 3-D. It was intense!


Last movie I saw was the Lego movie, so fun!

My run today was maybe a 5/6. I just tried to shake out the soreness from yesterday’s long run, so it was slow. Lots of foam rolling after!

Weekends to me are more for fun/family time. I spend more time during the week doing chores/shopping (or at least I try to). Save the good stuff for the weekend!


Today has been about a 7. Work took away 2 points! :)
It really depends on the day… sometimes it could be 7:30 am other days it could be as late as 2! I try to get a lot done during the weekend so during the week I just focus on work and then relaxing!


I am a super weirdo (and I suppose just icky) in that I run first thing in the morning, but do not shower until the evening.
Luckily my coworkers have yet to complain of any stinkiness ( at least to my face :))


That food pyramid is so true for me but with bread at the bottom instead of candy, and hot chocolate subbed for coffee. Glad you had a great run today, I love those too. Mine today was half great, and half awful but I’m rocking the post-run endorphins now so I’m considering it a great run.

Have fun at the movie! We saw Winter’s Tale on the weekend and it was really weird but kind of good. I’d wait til it comes on Netflix to be honest.


Before maternity leave I had such a set schedule…get up at 5:30, shower, get ready for work and leave the house by 6:50. Now it’s whenever someone is around to hold or watch the baby lol. Usually my husband is around so it’s all good, just funny how life has changed!


My run today was a 6. I felt great but I went mid-morning and got stuck at way too many lights. My nemesis! Last movie I saw in theaters was Frozen and I loved it!


My run would be a 0 since my doctor has forbidden it for the next few weeks. Boo!
During the week, I’m showering by 5:30.
I normally get a ton done over the weekend :)
Last movie was the Lego movie and we didn’t have to pay for it, so it was super awesome!


My run was on a treadmill, so it was lame, but still better than no run!


I had froyo last night – so that kind of counts right?

Today’s run was really just what I needed. I had a mentally hard race over the weekend (mainly due to some extremely cold hands – that’s the worst I feel like), but today the sun was out and it was in the 60s. I kept up a good pace and totally enjoyed myself on my run. I think we need to remember those runs whenever it gets hard.

I always make myself a “to do” list for the weekend, otherwise I get overwhelmed with what I need to get done. Everything goes on there, from my runs, blog post, cleaning, groceries to fun with friends. It all goes on the list.


I would give my run this morning an 8. I usually run in the morning and then shower and get ready for work. On the weekends I always want to get into my pajamas after I shower! (even though its ike 10am). My husband thinks I am so weird but all I every want to wear is sweatpants, pajamas, and workout clothes. I should really try to find a job where that is the dress code:)


I love runs like that! I’ve probably only had one or two in the past 6+ months but when it happens, it’s amazing. Today was probably a 7 for me. I got to see my nephew who I haven’t seen in a couple weeks, and we had a really fun time playing Mario Kart. ;) Oh boy…I usually shower around noon…or 1…or 2…it’s shameful. On weekends it’s even worse, although on the weekends I tend to realize how little I did through the week and then try really hard to catch up haha. Last movie I saw in theaters was White House Down in August…it’s been awhile!

Last movie that you saw in the theater? Did you like it?


I had an awesome run today–probably rate it an 8ish! I did 7 total, and I also ran outside in 20 degree weather. There is something about the cold air that is calming. I ran about 3pm, and when I got back, I showered, and “jammies” went right on. Pajamas that late in the day are the only way to go!!!


My run was so MEH. 9 treadmill miles. Intermittent “things” bothering me (crampy foot, clothing malfunction, RERUNS on TV!)- but it is done and over with! I had some great runs last week, so I can’t complain!

I shower at night, since I usually run after work. If I run before work, OBVIOUSLY there is some type of shower. Usually ;) I have been known to carry around the nuetragena grapefruit body wipes to deal with mid-day runs or when I am running super late at the gym in the AM. Don’t hate!


Hahaha that quote about taking a shower in the middle of the day and not knowing what to change into? Nailed it. That is my life. I had a GREAT workout today! No running, but I worked out my legs and abs and it felt amazing. Now I want an ice cream cone. I think I earned it ;) I also really need to see the Lego movie! Everyone’s raving about it!!



Lego Movie! Saturday :)

I get more done when I’m not pressured to get things done :)


I had one of those runs today too! I was watching a wedding show and I just got super sucked into it. I ran a 10k and the time just FLEW by! I love graphics like those, haha! The “What I’m Doing When I Go To Bed” one is scary accurate ;)


Oh my, I did not even get half of what I wanted to do done on Saturday because I spent so long at the Verizon store. haha
Today was abs and arms, so no running. But I really need a good run. My legs are aching for it!


I take a shower at night because I run in the evenings so it takes me only about 20 minutes to wash up and get dressed (unless I straighten my hair, which adds time)…pretty low maintenance!

My run today was about a 7.5. The weather was pretty nice but my legs were not feeling the hills.


Listening to Regina Spektor while doing anything makes that thing better. My day today was a 7. I didn’t get enough done, but there’s still a few hours to go!


Awww enjoy the movie !! Nothing like taking the kids to the movies. I can’t wait to be able to that one day!

Glad you had a wonderful run! Those are the best kinds of days :)


I used to feel like I got a ton of things done, but now I that I have a baby that has definitely changed haha. The last movie I saw in theaters was Hercules and it was okay. Not my fav though


I heard the lego movie was really good! I hope you enjoyed it and that you had a great birthday. That food pyramid is definitely me too!!!

And I usually shower at night time. I don’t want to have to mess with waking up even earlier before work. I will shower in the afternoon on the weekends after doing a long run :)


I usually shower after my workout at the gym in the morning right before I go into work, so its always jeans (I work in a research lab so the only dress code I have is long pants and close toed shoes), but the second I get home the sweatpants come on. I really hate showering, I do it because I know its gross not to after my workout, but if I don’t work out on the weekend I usually just don’t shower.

Most of my life lately is doing things that distract me from the constant anxiety I feel, so my weekends are full of wasting time (binging on netflix, reading blogs, etc). I usually have a list of things that need done but rarely get around to actually doing them lately.

Last movie I saw was Anchorman 2. 2nd dumbest movie I’ve ever seen behind Napoleon Dynamite. A group of my friends have plans to go see the Lego Movie, probably this weekend.


This winter has had me in Jammie’s way more frequently than I would’ve liked to have been! It’s just too cold to get the motivation to do anything else but stay in them!

I miss morning running but it is too dark around here to go before work right now…soon though..soon!!! Sometimes I will shower at night after a Run, and sometimes I will be SO lazy that I won’t shower until I am going to work the next day. I’m gross!!!:)

Last movie I saw in the theaters was Nut Job…I did NOT like it one bit. The one before that was Frozen….which of course, was AMAAAAAAAAZING!!!

I love those kind of runs!!!


I typically shower in the morning after I work out, but will sometimes take a relaxing bubble bath later in the afternoon or evening. Love the statement about pajamas or real clothes after a midday shower… nothing like the UPS man showing up at 2pm and answering the door in pink sweats! Weekends are usually productive, but if I want to have a “lazy” day I do. :)


V got the Lego Movie game for the WiiU and so far the whole story line is in the game


Today was a frowning on the treadmill, but happy when I got off kind of day. The holiday meant I was lazy and wasn’t ready for the day until noon. But hey, my hair was done just in time for lunch! Last good movie I saw in the theaters was the Secret Life of Walter Mitty. So good! I’ve decided that weekends aren’t so much a waste of time as they are a time to enjoy life at a slower pace with my family. :)


Rate your run today on a scale from 1-10 (10 being awesome).

My run today was pretty awesome. I was only planning to run 5 miles, but I ended up running more than 7 because I got lost. It was a little tiring trying to get back on track, but it was still fun, so I’d rate it around a 7.5

Usually I shower at night and get ready for the day around 7:15 so I can go to school.

Often I don’t get a lot done over the weekend. When I was living at home I got so much more done, but going to school out here it’s so much harder because you don’t really have your own place to yourself.

And the last movie I saw was The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I didn’t really like it because I didn’t feel like there was any reason Walter’s character developed like it did. But I’m a creative writer, so my opinion doesn’t count :)


HAHA. I love those charts about ‘going to bed’ and the ‘weekend’ SO true. Sadly! hah


Haha I love the charts!

I just saw the Lego movie on Sunday, it was AWESOME (haha)!


My run today was an 8. I got to chat with a friend and decompress for our short run, and it felt really good. Normally, I shower and get ready for the day kinda the night before. I shower the night before, and get ready for my jobby job at like 8. But I’m hoping for my blog to go FT and get to shower whenever the FRICK I want! Over the weekend, I get a decent amount of cleaning done, but that’s about it! And the last movie I saw in the theater was Wolf of Wall Street. I liked it but holy eff, there was so much drug use and nudity in that movie, I almost couldn’t do it!


I LOVE Regina Spektor… I think Begin to Hope is my fav album of hers, I haven’t listened to much of what we saw from the cheap seats…

My hubs and I saw the lego movie a couple weeks ago and really enjoyed it! Although I’m not sure I’d be able to see it twice… ;) I was also surprised at the amount of grown up humor… reminded me of how pixar slips in comedy intended for adults (not that it’s inappropriate for kids, hopefully you catch my drift).

I worked from 6a-8p so no run today :( but I’m looking forward to warmer temps to get a long run in this weekend!! yay!!

I may get laundry done on the weekends, but cleaning the apartment or doing dishes ain’t gonna’ happen. :)


Win a Fleetfoot II running bag from TrainYouTrim!


My run today 8/10
Shower at around 7.30am
Weekends – I reckon I’ve got a pretty good hectic/ time wasting balance going right now.
Last movie – TheWolf of Wall Street. It was…ahem…wild! I really want to see 12 Years a Slave next (but I think my husband is keen on Lone Survivor)


I cannot wait until my little on is old enough for the movies, I miss going!!!
My weekends are planned to be productive but usually end up not being.
I am hoping to get in one of those amazing runs soon : )


My run yesterday was pretty good, but I definitely haven’t had any spectacular runs since I got pregnant. I’m ok with that, though.

I don’t actually remember what movie I saw in theaters last. I think it might be the latest Hobbit.


I usually get some housework done at the weekend and maybe some grocery shopping but that’s about it! I work hard during the week so I like to chillax at the weekend. :-) I can’t even remember the last movie I saw in the cinema though I did have a duvet day on Sunday and watched Enchanted. Love that movie but unfortunately the song ‘How does she know?’ has been on a repeat loop in my head ever since!


Haha on the weekends it really just depends whether or not I am productive. If I plan to be productive then it’s a 50/50 chance that I will be…if it’s nice out, I’d much rather be doing ANYTHING outside instead of cleaning/laundry/etc. I usually do laundry during the week (on a Thursday right before the weekend), but the house it usually a Sunday thing!

My last run was 7 slow miles on Sunday- the longest I’ve gone in a while- so I would give it a 7 just because it wasn’t great, but it felt good to push it a little harder and go a little further than usual!

Hmm the last movie I saw in the theater was About Time and it was AMAZING! I actually watched it on Saturday night with the husband too (it’s out now) and he LOVED LOVED LOVED it! I definitely recommend it! Happy Tuesday :)


I’m a night time shower-er. I work out in the evening when my gym has children’s programs so I shower after that. Except a lot of the time it’s a bubble bath instead of a shower. Then I either put on sweats or pj’s.


My last run (8 miles on Sunday) was an 8. My IT Band has been acting up lately so it was painful, but somehow I still managed to shave off about 8 minutes from my previous 8 mile run. No idea how that happened, but I was happy with it!

I shower/get ready at 5 am during the week. On weekends, I shower before I go anywhere outside the house and of course after my runs.

I feel like I get tons of stuff done over the weekend. Saturdays are for fun and shopping, Sundays are running/cleaning/laundry days.

I can’t remember the last movie I saw in theater. Not because it has been a long time, but I just can’t recall what it was!


I saw Endless Love over the weekend (first movie I’ve been to in a LONG time) and it was cheesy and ridiculous and fantastic all at the same time.

I feel like I get NOTHING done on Friday or Saturday so then when Sunday comes I have to scramble around like a crazy person so that’s usually when i get a TON of stuff done. Procrastination at it’s finest.




My last run was speed work, so it was torturous. :-O I really hope it works to make me faster.

I always shower at night, and if I run in the a.m., afterwards.

I vary from very productive to complete relaxation on weekends, depending on my work week. Either way, I try to make the best of my free time, so I never feel like I’m wasting it.

I saw Gravity in 3D, and it was okay. Worth watching, but not over and over.


How did Brooke do in the movie?
Have you taken her to a lot of movies?


Run today, definitely a 9.5– awesome tempo run. I’m so-so on the weekend productivity thing. Sometimes I get a lot done and sometimes I don’t.

Last movie I saw in theaters was the lego Movie this past weekend with family…I actually thought it was pretty good!


Haha such a dilemma! Or sometimes I wonder between new workout clothes and real clothes…if real clothes wins out I usually end up not drying my hair haha


When I shower and get ready for the day differs depending on what I have going on that day. Some days I shower at night after a crossfit class. Sometimes I shower during my daughters nap and on the weekends it is usually in the morning.
The last movie I saw in the theater was Frozen with my daughter.


I try to shower at night before bed. It just depends. I’m usually up by 7.
The Lego movie is awesome!

*Quality performance apparel for men and women-http://expertbrand.com*


I had a really great run on Wednesday, four miles of happiness.

I found my first gray hair the day after my wedding a few months ago. I was making sense of my messy hair and found a suuuuuuuuper long one in my sheddings. (I shed a ton.) then last week I found one poking out on top of my head. I’m trying to care but I just don’t! Eh it’s hair :P

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