4 Things I Did Wrong.

Anytime I get an injury (I don’t think I have a full out injury right now but I feel like it is pretty close this time) I really take time to reevaluate where I went wrong.  Sometimes injuries just happen but for me I can always figure out the things that really played a role in me getting injured.

Drumroll please… 4 things that I think I did wrong over the last few months.

1.  Diet coke.  Water took a backseat and that just can’t happen anymore if I want to hit the goals that I want to hit.  Dehydration can do a lot of damage to your muscles and really prevent your muscles from recovering properly.  

2.  Downhill mile repeats in racing flats.  This is when my body started to hurt.  I don’t know why I thought these would be a good idea for my current fitness level (maybe because I was doing them at 5 in the morning and was still half asleep?) but I went way too fast and my body was just not ready to run in racing flats yet.  Should have stuck with my Flows and not have pushed myself so hard.  

3.  Sleep.  I don’t know why I expected my body to be able to recover from tough workouts with little to no sleep… in 2014 I have pulled 4 all nighters already with friends (part of my mid-life crisis) and most nights I get maybe 5.5-6 hours of sleep.  I am not getting nearly enough sleep and of course my body is going to rebel a little (or a lot) when I do things like that.  

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4.  The more is more syndrome.  I know my body and I know it can’t really handle more than 50 miles but yet I was getting into the mindset that I wanted to just do more and more because I was getting faster.  I love the feeling I get from running but moderation has never been my strong point.  This sport is addicting.

Overall, maybe these last 5 days of rest are a blessing in disguise… I have about 16 weeks until my goal marathon.  I haven’t taken a break in my training in months and I am guessing I probably would have burnt out by the time my marathon came around.  Forcing some time off might be exactly what I need in order to come back strong and more mentally hungry for the sub 3:)  

Brooke makes sure to become bffs with anyone at church that has an iPad or tablet that she can play with.

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I doubt my scooter adventure helped my calves very much but it was a good time.

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My sister and I rode off on our scooters into the sunset with our matching sweatshirts.  I’m sure all of the neighbors thought we were really cool.

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Brooke thinks it is hilarious to put her foot in my nephew’s face.

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My sister told me to double the bread recipe and quadruple the amount of garlic that we put on top.  I followed her command.

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Same soup from Friday… soup leftovers just get better and better.

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And the grand finale.  Cazookie= underbaked cookies loaded with ice cream.

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What are some things that you have been doing WRONG in your training?  Or in the past?

What was your Sunday night dinner?  

Ever fall into the ‘more is more’ syndrome with running?

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I totally fall into the more is more trap. And I want to run faster more often when I am getting faster which is just a terrible decision. The biggest mistake I’ve made in the past though is doing things because they work for other people instead of sticking to what I know works for me.


oh man! I’m so sorry to hear about the calve! praying for healing!


I completely relate to #4. My times have been getting quicker and quicker until the point I want to test myself and run all the time. I forget to focus on other aspects of training and need to remind myself to take a break and relax.

Cazookies looks amazing. I reckon I could quite easily get through the 3 in the pic


I have been not training at all lately. With no race on the calendar I’ve lost a lot of motivation to run and have been sticking to barre and piloxing. Better than nothing right? Hang in there and you’ll be back to running in no time!!


The thing I am the worst at is taking a break when I feel an injury. I usually just try to explain it away and keep going…till it becomes REALLY bad!


The dreaded “More Miles, More Miles” they get to us all. I’ve never thought of sitting in my chair like that at Church, may try that next week.

Doing WRONG – I wasnt properly maintenancing after runs, need to ice, stretch, and foam roll
Sunday Night Dinner – 4 Cheese Ziti, delicious
More is More – Uh yeah, we are runners, we are addicted to miles, HELLO!! lol



Right now I have jumped right into training at 110%. And my left shin is starting to protest! So I’m cutting one run a week, and adding some strength training to the workout. This is week 1 of the new-improved schedule… let’s see how it goes!

Hope your legs feel better after the rest, and you can implement all your new training habits. Number 3 is where I fall down too.


I am in the more is more boat- and decided to DNS my half yesterday due to a foot pain. I am in the SAME boat.

Haven’t taken a real break though… my brain doesn’t like it so I may have overdone the elliptical to try to simulate a long run.

Commiseration city!


I’m sorry you’re injured. IT Can be so frustrating. I’m actually going through the exact same thing right now. I did some damage to my calves and have been more or less out of running for the past months every time I get injured I look at it as a forced rest for my body and I try to learn from the mistakes I made in my training. For me, it happens when I switch shoes or do too much mileage and gym classes at the same time. I hope you’re able to heal fast!


I have trouble listening to other people’s orders with my running when my body feels fine. The problem is it keeps feeling fine until it doesn’t feel fine, and then I have to come clean that I was “breaking the rules”. not fun.

Why is it our hearts our 70 mpweek girls, but our bodies are not. Come on can’t they get on the same page?


Were you RUNNING in the morning after your all-nighters??? Wow girl. Taking some time off is so hard at the time but it never fails to be worth it! Way to have a good mindset during it.

I know I don’t stretch enough after runs. I have to get better about that!!

Feel better. 16 weeks is still a long time! You’ll be great!


Ah! I seriously leave the Internet for a few days and come back to this? :-(. I hope you aren’t seriously injured. I’m not sure what is going on in your calve but have you tried a deep tissue massage for your calve? I’ve found ALL of my muscle injuries that could have led to an injury are cleared up after a massage. Anyways-I’ve actually been doing less mileage lately and honestly feel like a stronger runner personally.


Hang in there my friend..You will be back to running in no time. You are really REALLY smart not to push yourself too hard and get an actual injury.

I have definitely falled into some of those traps-“More is More” And “I am now so fast that I think i rule the world and should just keep pushing myself faster because i rule the world” –>the result has always been that I am lackluster in effort and don’t want to run anymore because it’s JUST NOT FUN!

You will be running again STAT, i feel it–This is your moment-Cause the ceiling can’t hold you! ! (ps are you singing macklemore in your head as you read that cause I am!)


Breaks can be so soothing sometimes. Take some down time, stretch well, then get back out there. I know my body well too after 13 years of running and 3 years of triathlons, but even those of us who know ourselves so well can lose sight in the heat of the moment and in the swing of the momentum.


Sunday night dinner….baked chicken on salad with goat cheese and sweet potato fries! :)


Take care of yourself! Only one you, and only you can take care of you!

But, I do have to tell you that I’ve found much more success in staying healthy with more quality workouts and less mileage. Quality miles @ a rate the body can handle + the right amount of strength building = great things for runners. Everybody’s perfect mix is different, so keep trying things out and one day you’ll have found the right mix of hard training and rest.


I started doing a ton of speed work on the treadmill because of the snow. I really think that’s what did me in because it’s the only thing I can think of that I did differently.

Times 1000 what you said about sleep. I make sure I get 7-8 a night. Although who knows because I’m injured too :(

Feel better soon Janae!


This! I spent the last two moths running more miles on the treadmill than I have ever before. Same incline usually, increasing the speed. My left quad has paid the price.


The “more is more syndrome” is definitely one of my pitfalls. When I’m feeling good, it’s so easy to believe that the best thing to do is keep piling on the miles and working harder than ever! Then I get hurt, and I’m like, “yeah, that was so stupid.”

My other biggest mistake is trying to get back to my previous fitness too quickly after taking time off. My injuries usually piggy-back on each other because I’ll take time off to recover, then try to jump back in where I left off, and then get re-injured!


I know you are going to heal quickly and then you will come back stronger. I fall into the trap of wanting to do more. It feels great so you think ‘why not’ but I have to remind myself not to get greedy. Hang in there Janae! Hope you get back to running this week.


I fell into the “more is more” syndrome after losing my job last year and the result was a super awesome femoral stress fracture. I used it as my escape and while I LOVED every mile, my body couldn’t take it and I learned the hard way. We live and we learn right :)


I need that cookie in my life right now and it’s not even 9 am. Ha!

Glad you figured out what has been going wrong and how to help your body recover and get ready for a sub 3!


Since this is really my first time ‘training- I’m pretty sure I’m probably doing most things wrong. My biggest fear is that I’m not doing enough (my schedule is crazy with full time job, 3kids, etc…I struggle to fit everything in. I know so many other ppl do too..its just so hard sometimes! I get out sometimes 5 days a week, sometimes only 3…)

Last night I wasn’t feeling good and fell asleep with no dinner. :(

Take care of that leg!!


I am a huge proponent of sleep and water! I always get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, if I don’t I’m super cranky! My biggest problem is that I really need to strength train (mostly stuff my PT tells me to do) or I get injured but I’m awful about getting it done!


Some things I notice I do wrong when I’m getting burnt out on training is if I’m tired, I’ll skip the easy run of the week, thinking it may not be as “important” as a speed run or hill training. It’s hard to remember how important those easy runs are for running development and recovery too! I need to work on that. It just seems like if I’m tired or short on time, that’s the run tht tends to fall through the cracks.

My dinner last night was a giant burrito and DR PEPPER because I ran my first marathon yestserday morning! It was delicious and I ate the whole thing :)


Natalie! :)
Congrats on your first marathon! That is really exciting and such an accomplishment :)


I feel into the more is more syndrome big time. I haven’t taken a day off in about a month and I ramped up to 50+ miles a week which was wearing me out. I should have realized by the migraines headaches I was getting after my weekend long runs but no, I was focused on the speed and not the damage I was doing. Unfortunately all this caught up with me yesterday when I ran a half marathon at 15 minutes slower than I did just 4 months ago. I’m doing a complete overhaul on my training now. I’m pulling back on the miles and adding more cross training. Oh, and I also gave up diet coke…it was a big source of my headaches.


I feel into the “more is more” syndrome, and it ended in me getting injured and not able to run for 2 years. Now I’m super careful, and at the sight of any pain I don’t push it haha.
I’m just dying over those cazookies!! I need a pan like that in my life asap!


I probably fell into the more is more trap when I signed up for the Dopey Challenge in Disney World last year but I feel like as a not fast person who just participates in races there’s never too much.

And Sunday night dinner was a falafel burger with fried green tomatos and onion rings and a vanilla milkshake. More is more.


I need that cazookie!!


I am kind of an all-or-nothing person. I have found that if I take too much break, I will fall off the wagon. Right now I am in a 2 classes a day kind of mode. It’s a bit intense but if something hurts I take it easy. It’s a hard balance to maintain between working hard and giving your body enough rest.


Increasing mileage too fast, wearing shoes too long. Not stretching, not icing. Getting hurt stinks.

When my calves hurt so bad, I had to ice every day. And rest. It made me feel lazy even though I know I was helping myself. It’s hard to change your mindset.

That bread looks yummy. I usually triple garlic in recipes. “Triple garlic, double frosting” is my motto.


You’re awesome for recognizing it all early–way to be!

I need more sleep. Period! Having a new baby can be tough, but I need to go to bed earlier now that she has an earlier bed time!


I always consider it a blessing when I can pinpoint (or come close to it) the reason(s) as to why or what’s going on. Being able to put it out there helps even more! <3

Also, my face hit the screen when scrolling past the cazookies. Mouth was open and everything.


Running is my job, so I have to/desire to stay on top of things. But, I can always make improvements. Listening to your body is always a good lesson to learn :) I know that it can be tough!

My dinner was kale, chicken salad from the local health store, and roasted beets. Delicious after a long run day! :)

More is not more, but we like to think it is! :)


Sorry to hear you’re feeling injured, but I think your mindset is awesome! You’re taking a step back to reevaluate what you are going to do different in the future. I think this makes you a very smart runner! I definitely notice a difference in my training and workouts when I don’t get enough sleep. It’s so crucial. Thanks for sharing what you learned with all of us. It is definitely a good reminder to me.

Sunday night dinner: chicken enchiladas that my sister-in-law made us with chocolate chip cookie bars for dessert. It was all SO good!


My dinner last night was homemade creamy tomato soup with grilled cheese! It hit the spot after back-to-back running days. I actually try to avoid back-to-back running days since I’m injury prone, but we had temps in the 50s and it was sunny… And I had a new pair of running shoes. So, I did an easy two-miler with 10 short hill repeats thrown in the middle.

Have a great day and be sure to drink lots of water! :)


Not following my new years goal of stretching, foam rolling and icing after every run. I’m trying though!
I’ve also taken a break from running (except mine has lasted a couple weeks) because I know that if I force it I will burn out. Half marathon training starts today!


Bumped up the miles too quickly is something that I have done way to many times! And Brooke is looking so grown up!


One of my biggest goals in 2014 is to get rid of the more is more syndrome, as I know it all too well. My biggest mistake when running in 2013 was training as though every run was a race and had to be faster than the one before. This lead to fatigue and injuries. I have now realized that slow days are good, time off is good, and mixing it up with interval training and terrain changes is good too! I think a lot of us are in the same boat is you when it comes to making mistakes while training.


I’m pretty sure we all goof up when it comes to exercise and diets, which is why it’s a good thing that our bodies are the amazing things they are and make up for our mistakes. Life happens sometimes and we can’t always make the right decisions. Mistakes happen. What matters most is that we learn from them.


I feel your pain (literally)! I just hit two weeks since I’ve run due to stress fractures. Thinking back, I’m pretty sure I did literally everything wrong, haha. 1) Running through pain. Not just the regular thisissohard pain, but shin splints, stress fractures, the type of pain you’re supposed to stop running for. ;) 2) Old shoes. I’ve put probably 2-3 hundred miles over what I should on my Ghost 4’s (I ordered a pair of PureFlow’s on Saturday) 3) Nutrition and hydration. The morning of my last run I forgot to have ANYTHING before. No water, no food, nothing. 4) Warmup/Stretching. I never did it. Won’t be making that mistake again!

My Sunday night dinner was chicken wings, spinach dip and bread, s’mores, and brownies! My kind of dinner. :)

Yes! In my head, more is definitely more. I just started running a few months ago, and I try to push myself on 8+ mile runs, and even though they get finished, apparently it makes me get hurt. ;)


I’m notorious for not taking the time to stretch/foam roll. Crossfit is putting a beating on my body and I’m so in a rush to get to work after that I never work on all the tight muscles. So as the week progresses I’m in severe pain come Thursday.
More is more–I have that attitude with everything.
Sending healing prayers & thoughts your way <3


I am a “more is more” person in every aspect of my life, especially if I start to PR, I push and push until injury strikes. A couple of weeks ago I noticed a shin splint after a long run, but I continued to run on it- even though the first couple of miles would occasionally leave me in tears. I had an upcoming Half and couldn’t bear to not train, continued running, took 3 days off, ran the race yesterday (even through knee spasms around mile 8), and woke up today with a pretty devastated IT band.

I’ve learned my lesson, though. I will buy resistance bands and do no running for a few days. It’s pretty difficult because I have another half in 4 weeks that I really want to PR at, but I’m looking at the long haul. If I don’t rest, there will be no PR. If I do rest, my chances are better.

The horror stories of runners training through injury who are no longer able to run because of it is enough for me.


I think I would get a lot faster/go a lot further if I started strength training. But it’s so boring! I always swear I will start weights next week. Maybe this time I will actually do it.


I just gave up Diet Coke on Friday after realizing that I’d downed an entire 2 L in one day– by myself!! So– no more! And I hear you about the sleep! I love that you braided the bread! We do that too and call it “Rapunzel Bread” and my little Fiona LOVES it– though it’s hard to do anything besides eat it, because it doesn’t pull apart well or slice at all. Still– that’s all my girls ask for noW! Feel better soon.


haha I sympathize with many of the things you did wrong, especially the Diet Coke! One thing I’ve been trying is putting fruit in my water every morning. It’s actually really helped motivate me to drink more.

I think any runner training for a marathon especially falls into “more is more” syndrome. It’s a bit of a “high” once you get going, so you think, “Why not do more?” I’ve definitely had it!

Hope you feel better soon, and you are really making me want a Cazookie :-)


Hopefully this extra rest will help and you’ll be back to running again soon! I definitely fall into the more is more trap. But I completely agree that running is addicting and it can be hard to back off. Another injury mistake I’ve made before is neglecting strength training and foam rolling.


Running is absolutely totally addicting! So hard to not run every single day when all you want is that amazing feeling that running brings. But, I know we need to rest and cross train and all that jazz so I try to force myself to be smart about it.


So sorry! Your “more is more” comment reminded me about this article I read the other day, about running addiction…
My husband drinks so much Diet Coke, and he runs 7-8 miles every day. He also does walk breaks, runs 9 minutes and walks 1 consistently.
You have such a great full life, keep living it, you will heal.


I always, always, prioritize sleep. Whenever I go a couple days without adequate sleep I almost always get sick or feel terrible. It’s kind of amazing how much sleep matters.


I’ve learned that my body needs lots of sleep and rest days to run optimally for me. If I don’t do those things, I get injured and always have to start over from square 1. Right now, I’m battling some achilles tendon pain that is so annoying! Why do we have to get injured?! Wouldn’t it be so nice if we could run and live as we wanted to without having nagging pain!?


Whoa, that bread looks seriously amazing.

It sounds like you’re being smart and taking a break. I took two days off last week because my foot was feeling funny. I think running entirely on the treadmill isn’t the best idea, but it’s what works with being pregnant and it being the dead of winter over here.


I do the ‘more and more’ thing too. I find myself running on days that are supposed to be cross-training or adding on a few more miles to the end of my workout and end up injured every time! That’s what happened when I was training for my first half, and I ended up not being able to run for a month and a half before the race. I had one run the week of my race and ran 13.1 miles after not running in 7 weeks!


I’m curious, how did your race go after not running for that long? I have a half in a couple weeks and have only run twice in the last two weeks due to a slight injury.


It was definitely hard after 7 miles, since that had been the longest distance I had ran (ever). I finished though and had a pretty consistent pace!


Trying my best to stay away from more is more.. I hit my first 40 mile week and my speed is faster than ever right now, it takes a lot for me to really slow down on my easy runs and not do an extra mile or two just because. I have to tell myself “one more mile isn’t worth getting injured”


sunday night dinner was baked chicken with cucumber dill Greek cottage cheese. I had never heard of greek cottage cheese before but it is so thick it is perfect for sandwiches, dips, lasagna, etc. and the nutritional stats are pretty awesome


Where did you find those skillets for the cookies? I need those ASAP.


WOW, that bread. Come to PA please and make me a quadruple recipe of the bread and you can go to town with the garlic! And I think I need to just suck it up and purchase new running shoes, my feet/legs have started to bug me after running in them and they are well past their expiration date.


OMG I’m totally guilty of not hydrating with water enough….as I type this my left hamstring is tight and my lower back hurts…I just filled a 32 oz tumbler with H2O….Gonna drink it all before lunch. Thanks for that reminder. I find that running consecutive days is hard for me. I need that day off in between. But with this marathon training cycle I am running both Saturdays and Sundays. Hence a good predictor of my tight hamstring. When not training for anything i usually only run tuesday-thursday-sunday.

Last night for dinner I had some tomato soup and a big salad with greens, tomato, cuke and feta cheese and two turkey sausage patties. And a single serve bag of kettle corn.

Because running is my therapy I find that I tend to go for a run to clear my head whether it’s my scheduled running day or not. So yes, more is sometimes not more. It’s like a drug addiction right?! It can cause temporary high and then intense pain.


I was happy to see you mention the importance of sleep in your post. I had no idea the impact sleep had on my health until this year. I started a nursing job where I work only evenings so I no longer set an alarm and allow myself to naturally wake up when I’m ready. This has shown me that I feel best when I get 9 1/2 hours of sleep. That seems like a ton! But since I’ve been sleeping this amount, I have not gotten sick and no longer feel drained or in need of a nap during the day. I realize a lot of people don’t have the luxury of being able to sleep in but it might helpful for people to figure out how much sleep they need on a weekend and then hit the hay earlier on weeknights to meet their needs! I liked this post because it’s such a great reminder! Thanks for sharing!


I am terrible about taking rest days and it always catches up to me. Maybe I’d rest more if someone gave me a giant cookie to distract me. Those look amazing!


I’ve been experiencing the symptoms for runner’s knee the past two weeks or so, and have also been trying to figure out what went wrong. I think it was a decrease in strength training and stretching, and weight gain (not a big amount). I’m also thinking maybe not enough protein/calcium… who knows!


I don’t have any injuries but I do have an ache here or there and I always get scared. I realize that I need to stretch more even on off days.


I hope those calves heal up quickly !

I just wanted to add, I have had problems (with my calves) in the past when I wear flip flips for any length of time, and I see you have them on while scootering… it may have nothing to do with it – but I just had to mention it in case!

All the best :)


No, this is completely accurate! Flip flops provide zero support for your feet and legs. I have a very high arch & instep, so flip flops always lead to knee pain after a while.

I second the suggestion to wear more supportive shoes even when not running!


I hope your legs feel better ASAP! I had a minor calf strain a couple months ago, and along with the usual ice, roll, rest, compression, I used KT Tape. I would tape my leg at night before bed, and then run in the morning. It helped a ton, and it healed up.

I’ve made several mistakes that I’ve learned from in the form of injury. I think hindsight is always 20/20 with injuries. We can look back and no exactly where we went wrong, but at the time just look right over it. I woke up this morning feeling tired, and my achilles and ankle felt tight, so I went back to bed. I’m planning on Body Pump later and rolling it out. I think I’ve finally learned to listen to the small signs my body sends me to CHILL out and rest up a little.

I wish you all the best, and a very speedy recovery!!!


First, I love your attitude in general about all things because you take responsibility and try to dissect rather than think the world is out to get you. Not that an injury/soreness is your “responsibility” but I hope you know what I mean. Second – I hope you feel better fast! I had seen that you have done the deep tissue thing – that tends to cure my ills too. Have you tried a chiropractor? I know it sounds crazy for legs rather than a sore back but I’ve gone for various foot, knee, Achilles, and hip ailments and always feel better after a few sessions.

Good luck at the half this weekend!!


Sometimes I forget to stretch after my workouts. I had a few injuries in my time due to lack of stretching. Plus the more the better has proven me wrong as well! Hope you feel better soon!


I completely agree with the one about not getting enough sleep. I’m really bad about that. I get 6-7 hours during the weeek and then hit a wall on the weekend. Something I wish I knew earlier in my running training is to cross-train and not just run everyday. Once I started doing that, my running improved greatly.


I recently injured my IT band from over doing Insanity. I have tried to take it easy although I have completed 2 half marathons since then, my last one was Saturday. I am sore, took Sunday off but ran oh so slowly today. I probably should have stayed home. I feel obligated to run the next two days because my daughter wants to (I don’t want her running in the dark by herself) and my friend already had to take two days off because I did in preparation for the race. I did have a wonderful race, no PR but it felt good and I did pretty well considering my injury and a bit of a cold.

I also bought that same jacket on Friday in purple and green. I love all the zipper pockets!!

Your meal looks wonderful especially the cazookies!! I made pork with noodles and salad at my mom’s house. Then I went home and had some yummy seven layer dip that my daughter made.


Oh no! Hope your leg feels better ASAP. The cazookie probably was the best medicine for it! :)


I’ve definitely been over training a bit this month to mak eup with how busy I’ll get in March. I hoping some of the extra work now will pay off in Boston when I can’t do as much work due to that silly day job!

Chicken parm dinner on sunday!


Glad to hear that I am not the only one that makes mistakes in my training. I am currently flirting with an IT band issue due to my subscription to the incorrect More is More mentality as well.

Someday we will learn, Janae…

Good luck with your marathon!


WOW you pulled all nighters and then got up to run? Crazy girl! :) I barely slept the night before my last half (it was at Disney and I had to get up at 2am) and was sooo tired even with race day adrenaline pumping through me! I hope that you were able to take naps on those days because napping after my race felt sooo good!


Good luck! I hope that knowing what the issues are specifically will help you recover quickly!


I’m so sorry you are down and out, but I’m sure you are right that this is the best for you and your long term goals! Thanks for sharing your “human” side! ;) I really appreciate that you “get real” about things. A good reminder that the best of athletes need rest!! I have been telling myself lately that running is an added plus in my life, it cannot be my life! I struggle with the balance, and I can always tell when I’m going in the wrong direction, because I get moody, depressed even and my knee acts up. Running is to serve the person (enhance life) not for the person to serve running (degenerate life). Thanks for sharing! I love your blog. And good grief, you have the most fun looking social life I have ever seen! Sounds fun!!!


I’ve been terrible lately about getting enough sleep for the miles I’ve been putting in. Glad I’m not the only one who’s been struggling with this! Just took 1 week off to give my body a breather.


Something I’ve been doing wrong is not foam rolling regularly! I’m good about stretching well after every run, but my legs feel so much better when I’ve foam rolled. I’m just lazy!

Speaking of foam rollers, what brand is the hand held one you mentioned last week? I think you called it a Tiger Tail, but it looks like one of The Stick models. I’ve decided to order a hand held one in hopes I use it more regularly than the body weight one I have now, and I’m trying to decide between the 18″ Tiger Tail and The Sprinter Stick.

Any advice or experience you have with them would be awesome!

Hope you have a great day!


That bread looks too good to be true!!


All I want to say is to remember that running is NOT your life and that there are soo so many more important things in life than that 50+ running week or a PR. Especially when you think about long-term health. Stay healthy, SLEEP MORE, hydrate and play with Brooke in the interim :)


I was doing really well in the beginning of training with foam rolling and stretching. Then I kinda slacked on that. I also think I should look into giving/getting more massages for my body…. These little legs sure do deserve them!

I ran a half marathon yesterday (hard, even though I only averaged a 50 second PR with my stop for pictures (at Disney) and my bathroom breaks), but I want to go to the gym and do my normal strength class… but I’m not sure my legs will appreciate that. Such a tough decision.


It’s so frustrating being where you are, I have been there too many times. I am very guilty of the more is more thought process until it’s too late sometimes.. My first (of a couple) stress fractures happened that way. I was in the best shape I’d ever been in, only seconds away from breaking 18 min in a 5k. I so badly wanted that and I had been doing 50+ mileage weeks but then I started throwing in midweek longer runs (in addition to weekend ones) and track workouts. That put me over the edge = pelvic stress fracture. I believe there is such a fine line in being very well trained and in shape and on the verge of an injury..after almost 20 years of running I am still trying to find that happy medium! So I feel your pain! Oh and I never get enough sleep – ever! Be patient and hang in there, you’ll bounce right back once you get the proper rest. Focus on being active in ways that you don’t feel pain.


I just had my wisdom teeth out.. and they said 3-4 days of no exercise.. so I did follow that for once, but starting workouts today might be painful because my head still hurts.

Those cookie-creations are very intense!
And yes, I think sleep is the most important medicine.


I have ABSOLUTELY fallen into the more-is-more trap — and never seem to learn? Hopefully we all can learn our lesson without having to learn the hard way!


Sunday night dinner was veggie soup and gluten free corn muffins.

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If there is one thing that always sabotages my training, it’s gotta be all the negativity that creeps into my mind… during and especially after. Sometimes, I have to remind myself of a pretty awesome quote a running mentor gave me (we call her yoda). “You only get what the day gives you”. That’s a power statement, don’t you think?! Someday’s you got it, some days you don’t. You just have to go along with the flow and take what you get =).

Downhill training? That’s forward thinking for the Phoenix Half. The elevation is all downhill =). The “more is more”…ugh, I fall into that pitfall too! I’m hoping you feel better Janae. I’m thinking a PR for you at Phoenix!


What I have done wrong is thinking that I could coach myself. That just lead to injury after injury. Having been with a coach for 2.5 years now has led me to being injury free (knocking on wood). I also have hit the podium at a few races, something I had never done in the past.

Dinner last night was beef kabob’s with steamed fresh veggies and jasmine rice. Was very good.


I think one thing I did wrong was eating sugary treats too often! even though the calories were more than covered by the runs, sugar + chocolate don’t make for the best muscle recovery…


Please give details on how to recreate the Cazookie!!


So sorry about your calves. Are you still planning on running Phoenix? I will be out there and was hoping to see you out there on the course! Heal SOON! :)


In the past, I wasn’t very good AT ALL about stretching afterwards….only after my long runs. It took a sciatica flare up and 6 weeks in physical therapy to realize that stretching lightly before and diligently after each and every run (no matter how short) is important!

Dinner on Sunday was grilled salmon, green beans, and apples. With a big chocolate heart truffle for dessert. :)

I definitely fall into the “more is more” mindset with running………and with ice cream! ;)


I can relate to all 4 of your reasons for a close call with a full blown out injury. Replace the Diet Coke with Diet Mt. Dew and I’m right there with you. I never drink water. I know this sounds ignorant but I just don’t like it. I do force myself once in a while to drink it during a race but it’s nothing for me to run a half marathon without an ounce of any sort of liquid. Terrible I know and definitely not proud.
I operate on about 4-5 hours of sleep. Again, not proud. The sleep I do get is usually only about an hour of solid sleep at the most. I know what to do to sleep better but I’m stubborn.
Also, 50 is my magic number for miles. Anything over that is when my body starts to feel all wonky. If lots of miles are good than more is better right??? Um NO! Ugh…..it’s a tough thing to control our burning desire to run more but I will say with every injury I’ve had I do seem to get a little bit wiser. A very little bit.
Take care and get yourself back on track.


I have a tendency to try to push through injuries. I ran my last marathon on a stress fractured foot. Apparently, you aren’t supposed to do that. It hurt like the dickens, but I finished! ;)
Sunday night dinner, BBQ chicken with rice and kale/brussel sprout salad. Yummy! :)


Good analysis :)

I learned must of my “bad training” lessons when I was rowing. The dumbest was almost doubling my mileage in one week…60ish to 120. Big bonehead move. Caused intercostal muscle pull and my rib separated from my sternum.


Your cazookie looks amazing! We had crab cakes for dinner last night. They were really good!


Oh man, those Cazookies look AMAZING! I’m so jealous right now! :)


I am terrible at stretching and strength training. I know they are both important to training, but I still can’t get myself to do them consistently.

Sunday night dinner was pulled chicken sandwiches with broccoli coleslaw. Delicious!

More is more definitely happens. Once I start really enjoying my runs (because I’m actually in shape) I start wanting to do more. I also push my long runs faster than I should sometimes.


I’m definitely have issues with “more is more”, once I start adding speed/distance/both, I just keeping wanting to up it really fast… and end up injured


I don’t know if I fall in love with “more is more” for running, but I definitely do with ice cream!


Yummm cazookie sounds amazing! Good luck with your rest days – hope you’re feeling back to normal soon :)


I’m sorry you are injured right now. It’s just plain “not fun.” However, I’m glad that you took time to evaluate what part/role you had in it. I was thinking that your high mileage contributed to it also, as I’ve been reading your posts over the last 2 months, I’ve been thinking “Man…she runs a LOT of miles..and had been a bit concerned for that. Eventually, the body just burns out. I’m glad you are taking a few days off. Good for you, and it will rest and recharge so that you can keep on runnin’.

***Do you think you can you post the cookie recipe you use to make the Cazookie with? It looks SO YUMMY and I’d really like your recipe for it!



A mistake I make: I’m tired, and have a bad workout. So instead of backing off and recovering, I do another workout as a “make up”. Then I’m injured!


I have a really hard time getting the whole “rest day proportion” correct. Most of the time I’m either running/active 7 days a week… or 2. There seems to be no in between; if I take one day off I get lazy! Since lately I’ve been on more of the lazy side (than the overactive one), I’m bribing myself with Oiselle gear to reach fitness goals this month. Then we’ll be back to the 7 days/week scenario where I injure myself… but at least I’ll have cute gear to wear when I’m propped up on the couch with ice.


I have been increasing my mileage way too soon due to feeling really motivated. I have neglected to buy a pair of new shoes due to wanting to save money. ONE thing I did do right was not run the full marathon this past weekend that I was signed up for but not properly trained for. It broke my heart but I didn’t want to risk injury as I have a fun full spring race schedule to look forward to!
Hope you heal in HIS time, many lessons can be learned when we let go of our timing and follow HIS : )


you will drink more water if you cut the ice out. try it.


I just showed my hubby the picture of the “undercooked cookies with ice cream”. Big mistake. BIG. Now he wants me to go fix that for him. It’s 10:15 pm. I wish you could have seen his eyes…


I have to admit… I’m really struggling with taking a couple of days off (hopefully that’s all I need) right now. I’ve run 80+ miles on a sore (sprained?) ankle since I twisted it a week and a half ago, but kept ignoring it, and now my foot is painful to the point my PT wants me to go in and see if it’s a stress fracture (overcompensating for the ankle). It’s just so frustrating when you have to sit out and I just assume my body can handle any pain, but I’m thinking I may have to chill at this point.

What do you do when you have to take a break? Do you still do strength training, spin, etc.? I haven’t had to take time off of running in a couple of years and I’m afraid it’s now my time…I feel your pain!


Ugh I over did. My first marathon is next weekend and I was forced to take 3 weeks off recently because of a pissy IT band. May 21st marks 1 year since my ACL surgery and Sept 21st was when I started to run after surgery. To say I came out guns blazing is an understatement.

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