10 things I am going to do in 2014 to be a better RUNNER!

I’m not in full on training mode right now (I’ll talk more about that sometime soon) but I do know that later on in the year I will be.  2014 is definitely going to be my year in every way possible but let’s talk about how I am going to make 2014 my running year.  

10 things I am focusing on this year to get faster/stronger/faster and fall even more in love with running.  

1.  Keep running with friends.  These girls are fast, they inspire me, they cheer each other on (they don’t get jealous of other’s success which is awesome!) and a lot of them have been running a lot longer than I have and they share their running secrets with me.  Running with faster people= you will get faster.  The week or two that I was on my own because it was so cold was depressing.  When I run with friends it starts my whole day off on the right foot and everything seems to just go better.  Added bonus is that they don’t charge for all of the hours of therapy that they give me.



2.  Continue to take the slow days SLOW.  I never used to do this and I ended up injured every other week.  My fast days may be in the low 7s and my speed work in the 5s and 6s but my recovery days (probably about 70% of my training at least) is anywhere from 8:15-8:45 minute miles.  It keeps me physically and mentally healthy this way and it will make me much faster in the long run.

3.   Keep up the pump classes twice a week.  I feel so much stronger (and my sister even said she noticed a line on my arm ((I think she meant a little definition or something like that)) from going to pump.  Strong legs, glutes and core means that when I am in a race and really pushing it that my body is going to be able to power through and not get tired nearly as easily.

4.  Eat better recovery meals.  Recovery meal= the meal you eat after you work out.  FMWs and this morning’s chocolate chip pancakes right after a workout are probably not my best options for a speedy recovery after a workout.  The faster I recover from a workout = the faster I am back out there again doing another hard workout.  Calories and nutrients repair those broken down muscles so this is the year for me to refuel within 30-60 minutes after a workout with things like egg/veggie omelets, oatmeal, whole grain pancakes, toast with almond butter and a banana, smoothies with a great protein: carb ratio etc.  

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5.  Stretch and foam roll… another huge reason I don’t get hurt anymore (knock on wood;).  I have been forgetting to do this a little lately but in order to get faster this year… I can’t get injured = foam roll and stretch.

6.  Core 6 (notice this is #6 on the list too;) days a week.  Remember how I used to do 8 minutes abs + other stuff every single day except for Sunday (my rest day)?  Well, I definitely have slacked off on that and I want to get back to my daily planks etc.  I noticed a HUGE difference in my running and injury prevention by just having a strong core.

7.  Continue to learn about running.  I absolutely love reading about running and obviously the more we know about how the body works and understand what works in regards to training, the better we will be.  

8.  Running form.  I have come a long way but I still have a long way to go in terms of running form.  The more efficient my body becomes at running = the better I will be.   


9.  Quit diet coke.  I said it.  It hurts.  I am not ready to talk about this and I am not quitting until my divorce is finalized but at some point I will quit and getting rid of soda will help me to be a better runner.  

10.  Continue to keep my priorities straight.  Running is just a hobby for me.  It is something I do for my sanity but it is not even in the top 5 most important things to me list (although, I really do love it a whole lot).  When I remember/focus/spend most of my time thinking about what is the most important to me than the setbacks in running don’t get me down that much and I am able to bounce back way faster when my life doesn’t revolve around running.  

I like revolving it around this girl instead:)

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What are you going to do this year to be a better runner?  What races do you have on the agenda!?!?

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You’re amazing! Always soo inspirational!


I’m going to keep blogging which will keep up my accountability since I don’t have runner friends right now in a new city! I’m also running a 10 mile race soon, a couple half marathons, and then fingers crossed, the Boston Marathon in April! Beyond that, who knows! :)



I really need to work on strength training and core work. I keep putting it off. ugh. I also need to hang out with my foam roller more as well. I should buy another one, actually… whenever I take it out, my two youngest kiddos want their turn rolling on it. Apparently I make pain look like a good time?


2014 is going to be epic for me as well :) I have so many awesome races planned and I want to stay injury free!


I love all the points you make! I get to start training again in about a month (post-baby) and I am soooo excited. I have to keep in mind go slow! I can’t rush right back into training thinking I’m going to be right where I left off.
I want to do the Pioneer Day half, the Big Cootonwood half and the Provo half. All of these are later in the year which should give me plenty of time to build my fitness level back up.


I absolutely love this Janae! You are just so positive through everything and truly an inspiration. I have been slacking on my training/running lately too and I can really tell, which unfortunately puts me down, but everyone goes through slumps or needs time to figure things out so I know it will all be ok :)

As far as 2014 goes for running I am really trying to run my first marathon. 2013 was good to me running wise and I ended the year with 3 half marathons in the book and a pretty exciting PR in my half and 5K time so that was super exciting. I have a few half marathons coming up in the Spring, but I am looking towards next Fall for my first full and really really going to train hard so that I can fulfill my goal!


You’re going to ROCK 2014!! This is SO YOUR year :) I am proud of you!

For me to be a better runner….hmmm. Probably run more outside. I stick to the TreadM right now because of little girl, but as she gets older & can handle the bouncing, we’ll do that!


I love it Janae and I will hold you accountable to that no diet Coke thing:)


I am going to try very hard to give more attention to strength training and core. I know both are very important, but in the past, I’ve just wanted to RUN. I know I won’t get stronger by ONLY running. So far, so good. 7 days into the new year, and I’ve done three strength workouts. I am also going to continue running with groups. I found a great collection of runners that meet twice a week, and then we all figure out smaller groups as our schedules allow. They keep me motivated…and you are right, they make me just a bit faster! Also, hill repeats once a week…no exceptions. And…this one is key…thank my boyfriend for his unwavering support of my hobby and make sure he knows I love him every day. He’s seriously the most patient man I have ever met.


You’ve got a great plan. In 2014 I am going to keep going no matter how badly I want to quit. My word this year is Finish, so that’s what I’m going to do.


What an awesome list! Fuel properly before a run and eat better recovery meals are both on my list for this year. I am terrible at fueling right before long runs and no surprise it always leads to bad things in the last part of a long run. I know I won’t be able to finish the Portland Marathon later this year if I don’t nail down the fuel part, so I need to get more serious about it.


this is a great list of tips, good luck on making 2014 a pretty kickass one!


Great goals! 2014 is going to be an awesome year for you! :)


Diet coke is terrible! I used to be extremely addicted (we are talking 3 – 4 A DAY!!), and was convinced I would never give them up. A few years ago I unintentionally stopped drinking it. I forgot to buy it at the store and then went a few weeks before I noticed I hadn’t had one in a while. I kept it up intentionally for a few more weeks. I then had my first diet coke (actually Coke Zero) after about 2 months of not having one and it tasted so gross. I found that I was not able to drink them after that. Maybe that will happen for you??!!

The downside is, I found that real Cokes now taste amazing. However, I do not crave them like I used to crave diet cokes. I allow myself about 2 per week now as a treat. Every study out there shows that if you have to drink a coke, drink the real thing over the diet stuff, despite the extra calories.

Good luck with your journey. I wish I could tell you how I unintentionally gave it up because it was the easiest thing I have ever had to “give up!” To this day, I still don’t know why I stopped drinking them out of the blue.

Also – I always recover with chocolate milk! It is the best!


Except that they’ve now created Coke Life – uses Stevia for sweetener! I drink probably a 1.5L bottle a week of Coke Zero now, so when Coke Life gets launched outside South America that’ll be my new best friend!


Be careful with coke’s version of Stevia (Truvia), its so refined it’s not even funny. :( you can Google it if you want to know more. I too gave up coke this year! Its been really tough!


Race more! Actually do speedwork and hill workouts! Enjoy every mile! :) So far I am signed up for a 5k & 2 halfs and there are 2 more half marathons I am debating (all in March-May) a 5k or so during the summer…and later on this year will be (hopefully) the RW hat trick one more time….


Oh but chocolate chip pancakes are so delicious!! ;) I love chocolate milk after working out!


Love this list! I’m trying to get faster now so I can attempt to qualify for Boston and I have a sneaking suspicion that my paces aren’t dropping because I’m doing my recovery/easy runs at a too fast pace. I think they’re making my legs too fatigued to run the paces I should be hitting during speed work. Thanks for talking about your paces for various workouts. I don’t run as fast as you, but it’s good to have a reference point that I can adjust for my own training and capabilities.


This year I am going to explore heart rate training and see what happens. I want to push a bit more when I should and hold back when it will benefit me. It will be a learning curve, but I think the potential benefits will be worth it. Plus I love the technical aspect of running and I think this will be a good way to go for me. I am adding some core/circuit training now that I have a basement and some room to do it!!!
Have a few races planned this year, most notably I am going to try and get over my mental half marathon hurdle. I did one over 3 years ago and wasn’t properly prepared for it and had a positive split by 10 minutes. I. Wanted. To. Cry. the whole entire second half of the race. I want to turn this around because I think it will be a fun distance to race when my body is ready for it. I will be getting ready training for a 20.01km leg in a local Relay Race (with a 2km mountain stuck around km 10 for good measure) and then there is a half 3 weeks later that is super flat. I think that is my best bet haha!!


Awesome goals! But I believe Diet Coke makes me a better runner because happier runners are better runners, and DC makes me happy :) I only have one race on the schedule for now – the RNR Dallas with my dad! This will be his first HM and my third! It will be a fun race with great company and wonderful memories!


I am currently going through an injury :( so I have lots of time to think about this myself! Great list!


I’m focusing on strength and stretching 3-4 times a week! I’m also trying to eat healthier, mostly by incorporating far more veggies and protein :)


What an inspirational list!


Great attitude and perspective. I may have to adopt the core workouts…I’m a total slacker in that department.

I’ve got two half marathons and a trail race this month and next. Then, a half ironman in Utah in a few months!


I’m going to focus on putting some of my priorities first to help me become a better runner! I always use excuses for work/family/friends to come in the way of my goals. So this year, I’m going to make sure I make some time for me :)

Also, I too need to eat better recovery meals- it’s so tough! Shouldn’t you get a good meal reward for working your butt off!?


I can’t wait until you break 3 :-) Miss you, friend!


This year I am doing some of the same things as you. I am coming back from 4 months off from patellofemoral pain (runner’s knee in both knees) and I am foam rolling, stretching, and doing a lot of yoga. I also need to do more core work and strength training, and I’m going to work on my diet/hard/recovery days :)


LOVE this list in so many ways! You have an amazing mindset and attitude – love that about you!

I’m actually just planning on getting back into running this year after taking quite a hiatus for health reasons and pregnancy … no crazy goals or anything … just simply want to get back into it. Just signed up for the Canyonlands Half in Moab, and I can’t WAIT!


I have quit soda while I’m in marathon training. Its hard to say no, but I know that’s what I need. 1 week down. 19 to go.


I really need to get back into strength & core training this year. Thanks for the reminder! And I really should give up Fountain Coke too, but it’s soooo good! Sigh. But what I really need right now is for my daughters’ daycare to re-open so I can have a normal work day and actually get a run in!!


I definitely need to do more strengthening in my routines plus give up diet Dr. Pepper (my fav). You’re going to be super speedy this year, I know it :)


You’re so awesome to have these great resolutions! My running resolution is to work hard and go into speed training! I usually try to aboid speed training on the track! It’s so boring!!! This year will be different though, because I’m letting my dad train me this year! ;) I love Brooke’s hat!


You’re amazing and I think this is going to be a fantastic year for you! I think that I need to actually do a race this year…I’ve only ever done one, and that was a few years ago!


I have a half marathon in March – my first since 2011! That’s terrible now that I’ve typed it, way too long.

My focus this year is on running and working out more consistently. I need to schedule it in to hold myself accountable. I have lazy tendencies. :)


I’m going to start incorporating weight training into my workout routine so that I am less likely to get injured while training for my first full marathon!


Since I’m new to running, I feel like there is so much I need to do to start getting better, and I’m not sure where to start! I do know that as soon as I finish my half in March, I’m going to start working on speed training. I really want to get faster!


I’m going to concentrate on fueling properly and beat my half marathon record next month.


In the long run girl if Diet Coke is your major vice…..its not that bad …..and if it makes you feel good I say HAVE ONE OR TWO!!! ;-)

I am going to simply start running again after feeling horrible from a hip issue…starting slow and may stay slow but at least I will be doing it.


I love this post! So introspective, perfect for the new year.

I have a question that stems from the pic of Brooke…..how many teeth does she now have? I see she eats pretty much anything and everything you eat. Even though it appears she only has 2 bottom teeth….she doesn’t have any issues eating “real” food? Just curious as I was talking about that with my mom this morning….what we could give my baby if say, he doesn’t have any teeth by 10 months or so! He is almost 6 months, and not even showing signs of one tooth! ha.


Love, love, love this! I sure need to do some of these things too if I’m ever going to run a 3:35 marathon. I can’t wait to hear about your future training plans. :)


Definitely one of my favorite posts!!!


If you give up Diet Coke, I will give up Extra Watermelon gum lol…I am trying to crosstrain more, add in more rest days as well as work on my core in order to improve my running. I have a few half marathons on the calendar for spring and may be adding some more, we shall see.


Nice list! The one thing I really want to do is not skip out on speed/tempo/hills in my marathon training. Every Tuesday I will focus on one of these. I want to make noticeable improvements by the end of the year.

Recovery Nutrition and core strength should be added as well. Baby steps.


Love this! You can do it! Your so fast I can’t imagine you running faster and still being human :)
I want to run faster and be a stronger runner. I think that means strength training. (Ugh) so I’m going to try and get motivated!


“Continue to take the slow days SLOW.” – that is SO hard to do… definitely something I need to practice this year.


great list! I should definitely be implementing some of these things into my 2014 running, except the diet coke. I guess my equivalent to that would be my coffee and that just not going to happen…. ever


I just want to be a RUNNER this year. Last year got into crossfit and the running went to the side. I want to run consistantly again.


The last point you made about prioritizing and that your life doesn’t REVOLVE around running definitely spoke to me. . .


I love this list! I really needed to see this today. I need to follow your example for sure! My goals for running this year are to shave some time off my half marathon pace, and to finish the big cottonwood full.


I am planning, hoping and trying to beg my way onto a Ragnar team…that’s my 2014 plan. Oh, and a bunch of other races. And, I want to lose 15 pounds. That might help me run faster…

And, I kicked the DC habit last year- there should totally be a support group for DC addicts…


Great list, I need to eat better!!! The races on the schedule are MCM and Salt Lake City Half, can’t wait to meet you!


You’ve probably posted this somewhere, but what are your favorite running books?


Good luck on diet coke…and divorce! Mine is final tomorrow. Onward and upward, right? At least, that’s what I keep telling myself! Here’s to a great 2014 :)


You inspired me to try foam rolling. My sister got me a foam roller for Christmas and I love it! Thank you!


Good luck with those! I know you’ll do great!
To get better at running this year, I’m going to run more often. I don’t run as many days per week as I used to, so I want to get back to doing that!


Like you I went too hard too often and got injured. Now that I am finally on the mend I am focusing on stretching, continuing my cross training, weight training, and form! I really need to fix the things that caused me to get injured previously! Great post!


There are so many things I need to do to run better! Speed workouts, drinking more water, ditto on foam rolling, yoga also helps, clamshells for my piriformis, the list goes on : )


I’m so glad to hear your resolutions! Especially about refueling (so key!!) and running easy on days that are supposed to be easy. Even professional athletes do 70-80% of their training at “easy” level. If it works for them, it must work for us, right?? Change of subject… some of your pop up ads are not starting to block your content. I don’t know if it’s just my computer, or if my mouse is rolling over them and then they won’t go away but… it’s hard to read your posts sometimes!


Oh no!!! I will have to figure that out! I’m so sorry!


These are awesome!! This year I want to win UP’s so I have to train hard. Last year I rarely pushed myself in a workout and I still got 4th so if I train fast I’ll get faster and maybe win! Thanks to you I do 8 minute abs everyday. I need to start eating healthier too. After Christmas I’ve been feeling gross from all of the sugar and eating clean makes me feel so good!


Such a great list! I am going to be running a few races this years mainly 1/2’s but I do have a full on Sunday. That is my last full for awhile! :)


Strength, foam roll, run with friends more often, get out on the trails more and most importantly, stay injury free! I don’t have any races on my schedule yet for the year just because I want to focus on getting over my injury fully before diving into the next training period.


I want to get back into running this year! I’m not very good at running in the snow yet so I’ve been doing a lot of indoor workouts… hopefully once the snow goes away I’ll be super in shape and ready to run!


I am going to strength train and do more core work. In addition to that, I’m going to keep my easy days easy.


I love the start of the new year. It’s a great time to clean the slate and focus on your priorities and goals for the year.

Love your list and I think I will have to steal a few. One being the plank and building some more core strength.

My running prirority is to keep on the structured training that I started in December. I feel so much stronger and faster already. I also have a marathon in April that I’m training for.

Also like your blog at the end of the year (which I think I have gone back and read a zillion times because it was so good!!) I want to be a better person when the chips are down and I have a flat day. I find it easy to be positive when everything is smooth sailing but I don’t want to take it out on the people that mean the most to me when I have a tough day.


i am trying to do most of these things too! Especially taking easy days easy, and doing core/strength/foam rolling/stretching. I have a marathon in April but nothing else on the calendar yet!


Great ideas for the year- I know that you will do great sticking to them! I am with you on many of those things because I know they will help. I am really excited for this year because I am starting it with incredible support. Last year at this time I had some really fake friends and toxic people in my life. They brought me down, controlled me and didn’t support me when I needed them most. After weeding out those people from mylife, I feel happier and stronger and know that this year is going to be great!


Love you list! I’m going to focus on strength training and core work this year, too. I’ve got some big races coming up this year–my biggest is a 6-day, 112-mile stage race–so I’ve got to make sure I’m healthy and in the best shape of my life!


Awesome goals! I’m hoping to run my first Disney half this year (and second half ever!)


I am planning on upping my mileage after I have my baby girl, and continue to cross train. I want to run a half marathon in Vernal, Utah in September so we will see how that goes.


Great tips Janae! Thanks for being awesome!


I need to get my butt on the dreadmill, that will help me become a better runner ;)


great post and all great resolutions! ps chocolate chip pancakes are a wonderful post-workout meal! think of all those anti-oxidants… :)


I guess I should just bookmark this page because these are all things I need to do (except I can swap “diet coke” for “myriad candies throughout the day”!).


Last year I committed to figuring out the fueling. I dialed that in and it did make a difference! This year I want to do the same with what I drink (hydration, diet soda…etc) I mean I just drank directly from a 2 liter bottle of diet coke………yikes.


I really want to focus on eating healthier and quitting diet soda :)


Last year was my introduction to running. This year is all about becoming a better runner. I have two half marathons planned; one in March and the Nike Women’s Half in Washington D.C. in April. I’m planning a fall one as well. Other than that I have a 5k, 8k and 10k planned. That’s all!

I’m also planning my first run for 2015, the RnR Marathon in Phoenix and I’m going to be aiming for as close to 2 hours as I can so this is setting me up for that!


I really love this. Especially number 8. I feel like my form still needs some work and I am going to really work on it this year. My first race of the year (a half marathon) is February 8! I’m really excited.


Great post! You can kick the DC. I (finally) gave up diet pop in November, after a decade’s long love affair with Diet Mountain Dew. I drank it as much as water. I thought it was going to be so hard to give up, but shockingly it wasn’t. In less than a month it didn’t even sound good, and now it sounds disgusting. If it makes you happy, there are far worse addictions to have. Give it up when the time is right. BTW I used the “I can do hard things” mantra the first few weeks. A little dramatic when we’re talking about diet pop, but it worked!


Love this post and your perspective on running in general! True inspiration! Good luck on giving up diet coke! I gave it up about 3 years ago and never felt better! I still crave it from time to time and let myself have one and I always find it isn’t as good as I remembered.


I’ll be doing your number 2, 5, and 8, and 10 and let me add this:

I absolutely will not stress out on days that I cant run or I dont finish a run because I didn’t fall in love with racing, or training, or finish times, or my pace, I fell in love with running, first and foremost; and at the end of the day, that’s all that really matters.


Love the “resolutions” they are perfect. I need to focus on continuing strength training, core work, yoga, and STRETCHING. My hips need annoying me and I think it’s a result of not stretching and maybe some week muscles. I’m sad to admit I stopped doing all my physical therapy work outs as soon as I was done.


Janae, can you PLEASE do a review on the chocolate FMW you posted about this morning?? I never ate (the original) FMW until one day I noticed you ate them all the time on the blog and I went out and bought a bag to try….I’m hooked!! They are so good. I’m dying to know how the chocolate FMW compare to the original FMW.


I love these words from you Janae! You really hit on all of the points I really want to hit on with not only my running but my life this year. Thank you for inspiring me to do better this year even if it might be easier to slack off. I needed to hear this tonight!


Great list!
I’m going to eat better in order to fuel my runs :) I also want to run more races than I did last year (5) as well as PR on a half marathon I have coming up. Continue to blog to keep me accountable and strength training.


I totally gotta try that cadence thing because I’m pretty sure I’m a heel striker. Need to get that OUTTA here!


Awesome list! I plan on doing very similar things – stretching especially!! Training for my first marathon begins soon so I need to play it smart :)


Your #1 Priority is pretty cute! ;)
I need to work on my running form!! I haven’t blogged about it yet, but…
I ran!!! in a total of 5 miles on New Years, I ran a total of 2 miles!!!
2014 is my comeback year!! *knock on wood!*
No more injuries for me either!!!
Diet Coke isn’t good for you anyways ;)
Girl… you are awesome! In a it’s -35 but I’m still eating ice cream sort of way!!
But seriously… you rock!! :)


I’m going to continue reading and learning how to be a better and more efficient runner, keep blogging because it keeps me accountable, and sign up for more races so that I have them to look forward to and something to work towards! I’m sticking with the 1/2 marathons this year, and ONE full marathon! I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a relay race too – if I can find enough other crazy people to run with me! ;)


I enjoyed this, thanks Janae. I am going to do the Top of Utah half marathon. Are you in?


I have a 15k next month at least 4 10ks 3 halfs on the schedule and my first ever full in November in Santa Barabara. Oh and one 5 k…I’m still a new runner only been running 2 years and I’ll be 38 next month. So I’m still learning about the nutrition thing and what to eat drink after a hard workout. I don’t feel like I need any protein or anything after only running 3 to 5 miles but after that I need to figure out a good protein drink. It’s such a science…heres to 2014!!


I am actually working on a lot of the same things you are to be a better runner this year. I have started running with a girl that is faster than me and incorporates hill and speed work into her training, so I am hoping that this will make me a better runner. I am focusing on my nutrition. Eating healthier and cutting out all the junk food and processed food I had been eating. I am on my 3rd day today and already feel so much better. Another thing I am working on is staying hydrated and fueling before and after my runs properly.

Right now, the only race I have on my schedule is the Berlin Marathon in Germany, but that is not until September. I might get in a half or a full this spring, but I am not sure yet. I have a lot of work to do before September to get where I want to be for that race.

Here’s to a great 2014!


Love this post! I definitely need to work in my core and better eating choices. Thanks for being such an inspiration to this aspiring runner! :) feel free to check out my blog and give me any pointers!


To be a stronger runner I am focusing on balanced workouts (strength, stretch, speed, etc). I am also learning to take my slow runs really slow. I notice a difference already!


What a great list. I am trying to find a coach to help me in 2014. I do know that I need that push because I doubt my abilities and could use someone to believe in my running, until I can once again.
You should add Ragnar DC on your list : ) I’ll be on your team if you do!


The beginning of this year is all about maintenance for me. After the baby is born, it’ll be able the baby and getting myself back in shape.


good luck with the diet coke! I was waaaay addicted and decided to stop cold turkey. I had withdrawal headaches for a week no joke! Caffeine is cray! After that I was good and haven’t had to urge to drink it again. :)


I’m going to keep better track of my goals and regularly check in with myself about them! Anddddddd I’m actually going to write things down! :P I’m going to use this planner, actually: https://www.etsy.com/listing/174952635/printable-2014-resolutions-and-goals?

And I’m running my first full marathon this spring! Wahoo!


I need to find a happy balance. I love weights and would love to be toned all over. And then I get so into weights that I dont spend alot of time on cardio.
Then when I start training for a half, I spend all my time running, recovering from my runs and dont do enough weights and I lose my muscle tone……
I really need to stick to a solid, balanced plan this time around.


I love this list, and i love your motivation. You’re SO inspirational, Janae!
I am going to focus on SPEED :) and getting my strength back because i stopped lifting in november and it really madde me slow down! Yuck! I know i have to make time with it and that running isn’t the only thing in the world. (but it is one of the best things in the world!! :))


This is a great list! I’m going to be working on all of these things this year (and for the rest of my life) too! :)


I love number 10. Priorities are so important but oh so hard to keep track of sometimes!


This list rocks! 2014 will be great for you.
To be a better athlete (be it crossfit or getting back into my running game) and PERSON:

-return to my Christ-centered lifestyle
-eat to FUEL, not off of cravings
-step out of my comfort zone <–biggest challenge!


I’m SO late to this party but my Mom and I used to 8 min abs & buns all the time! “Oh, it feels guuud!” That guy cracked me UP! I think you were probably right to update the ab workout to this century. :-)


You WILL be able to quit diet coke one of these days, and it won’t even be that hard. I’ve been where you are, drinking a 2 liter bottle every day (about 64 oz), but eventually thinking of my health and my teeth got me to quit.


These are great goals! I’m trying to expand my workouts beyond just running this year. After overtraining for a marathon last year, I was forced to learn to love weights again. Sometimes our routines can get the best of us. Times like this allow us to step back and re-evaluate. I look forward to following along with your journey this year. You’ll be great!


I just want to say that I love this list! I’m thinking of printing it off and putting it on MY fridge! Our goals are too much alike!


these are all good reasons for this year. It’s good to have them all written down.
I haven’t written down any goals in a long time. I lock them in my head which is not quite as effective. At least I’m consistent with my exercise 6 days a week. Gotta give myself some pats on the back for that one.


I’m a newbie when it comes to running, so I’m still in the early learning process. I want to continue to train for my half marathon in Feb, and then work on my time while I keep my endurance up for a 15k in April. I plan on signing up for at least a 5k in March. *fingers crossed*


Love this! Way to keep it specific, well-rounded, relevant, and smart!!!


If you are a runner or other athlete, it is crucial to provide your body with nutritional support. Especially after hard trainings. I’ve read thousands times that we don’t get enough nutrients from our everyday meals. That is why, supplementation is necessary. You just have to find a high quality product. I’ve searched through internet, studied articles and reviews, and finally found the product for myself – Military Grade supplements. My basic criteria was natural compounds. Then, I liked the reviews, which were mostly positive, highlighting the visible effect of the product. So, I’ve tried them myself. Started with 1 bottle of their new post-workout product – Second Wind – and was surprised greatly! Almost no fatigue after my workouts, no muscle soreness and lots of energy throughout a day! This product is definitely worth trying.


It sounds like 2014 will be your year! And you have Brooke and your amazing family to share it all with!

*http://expertbrand.com for Women’s Apparel Performance Apparel


Great goals for 2014! Looking forward to following along as you achieve them! xo


I’m late to this post but I was just catching up on your blog. I’ve tried to quit Diet Coke a few times. I thought this last time it would stick….but alas… I’m right there with ya girl! good luck!

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