10 things that I learned at Ragnar!

Yep, still working on the recap:) I am sure someday I will post it.

For now here are 10 things that I learned at Ragnar

1. You will become best friends with the people on your team. These are our hardcore faces with our matching tanks. I only knew two of the guys on my team before the race but by the end we were all the best of friends and my abs hurt from laughing so hard with them.

That just kind of happens when you live in a bus with people for a little while.

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2. People get REALLY into the whole Ragnar thing… like to the point that they shave their head to make the Ragnar sign on it.

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3. My hair on the other hand became one huge rats nest. Do you see that huge lump in the middle of my hair shadow? I noticed the rats nest in my shadow when I was trying to stretch out my hamstrings. That snarl took forever to get out. I learned that you should try to have some hygiene over the course of Ragnar and maybe try brushing your hair out at some point.

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4. It costs a lot of money to fill up a 15 passenger van with gas. This is one of my teammates staring in unbelief at the price.

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5. The exchanges are really fun. Our team always tried to do something fun to pass off the bracelet to the next runner.

A little leapfrog action.

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6. Bagels are your best friend. I had no idea what to eat in between each leg because I have to keep what I eat super simple before I run to avoid getting stomach cramps but the bagels worked like magic. I ate a lot of them.

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7. PRO Compression arm sleeves are my absolute favorite. I wore them for my 3rd leg when it was cold outside but not cold enough for a jacket and they worked perfectly at keeping me warm and super comfortable.

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8. This one goes along with the above picture. Headbands are lifesavers. I wore one the entire time. Ziplock bags are also lifesavers. They are the perfect way to organize your different outfits and then you put them right back in the bag after you run along with a dryer sheet and it helps the van smell soooo much better when everybody does that.

9. NOTHING in the world will taste better than pizza after you finish a Ragnar. Nothing.

They gave out two boxes per team, I was beyond excited.

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10. Sleeping in your own bed and then cuddling with Brooke all morning after being away for a few nights is actually the best thing in the entire world.

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Hope you are loving your Sunday!

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Glad you had a fun time! Brooke looks so happy to see you :)

Happy Sunday!


Looks like you had a great time! Brooke looks so happy in that picture; she is so cute! I can’t wait to do a ragnar one day!




I’ve wanted to run a Ragnar since one of my roommates told me about them two years ago! Hopefully I’ll be doing one in the next year! Looks like you had fun! Can’t wait to read your recap!


Brooke looks so happy to see you! Glad you enjoyed yourself, now enjoy the snuggles! Congratulations!


That does look like a lot of fun. I honestly can’t even imagine running a Ragner because I need my sleep too much and I get super grumpy if I don’t get it. I am glad you had a great time, finished strong and had delicious pizza.


It’s look like you had A lot of fun! Cute photo of Brooke :D


It looks like you had a blast!! Congrats!


It sounds like a TON of fun…I bet you are pretty sore though!!! I absolutely love bagels!!! If I could only pick one food to eat bagels would be on my short list!!!


Ragnar sounds like so much fun! Running for many hours with friends/other people who love running sounds like the kind of happiness that usually only comes with Christmas!

Bagels = the best. Nothing more needs to be said!


Bagels and a banana are always my running food!


That last picture of you and Brooke is so precious!


Looks fun! Hubs and I planned to run Seneca7 relay race this year but it sold out in five days before we could finalize our team. So sad. I’m dying to run a relay!


Congrats on your Ragnar! I did Ragnar Del Sol last February and had such a blast.


Congrats on the Ragnar! Brooke’s face is too much!!


I felt that way about my HTC vanmates…so weird how a full day and night in a van can do that! So glad you had a great time…and were able to get the snarl out of your hair :) LOOK AT ALL BROOKE’S TEETH!!!!

I’m totally loving Sunday :)


I am so happy you are loving your Sunday! PS we should do napa together when you are out running again:)


I would even DRIVE if I couldn’t run it :) I’m an excellent driver!


I swear every time I get a rat’s nest, I lose 50% of my hair. SO hard to get out! And Brooke’s face is priceless. Too cute!


I knew you would love it! When is the next one?


HAHAHA that is funny you asked because I just text Bangs Friend telling her we are doing Napa Ragnar together:) Hope you have an amazing day!


I have to do a Ragnar. Seriously. :)


Yes. Yes you do.


You are amazing and such an inspiration to me. Reading your blog has encouraged me to take better care of my myself and appreciate everything I have been blessed with to include my body. My running is no longer based solely on my desire to be skinny. Today, due in large part to your inspiration, I ran my first marathon and surpassed my wildest expectations finishing in 3:16.41. Thank you so much.


Amanda. Your comment made my day. HOLY COW!!!!!! 3:16 for your first marathon?!?! You are absolutely amazing. That is so fast and most importably I am so glad that you are taking care of yourself. Keep up the hard work Amanda and please keep in touch!


Holy smokes. 3:16? First…that is an awesome Bible verse. ::besides the point::

Nice job! Seriously…nice job. What do you do for an encore?


Thank you. You are both so sweet. As for my encore, at least yesterday, it was lie on the floor in the fetal position moaning about my stomach. Everyone waited on me hand and foot, so that was kind of nice.


I’m so glad you had a great time! I only knew one person on my team and she wasn’t in my van, but I became BFFs with everybody!

My team ate the pizza before I got there and they tried to hide the evidence!


If I was going to run that much in a day (and a night) I’d be needing some pizza too ;-)


It sounds like you had SO much fun!! Congrats girl! And pizza is perfect for any occasion ;)


looks so awesome


Awww cutie little Brooke, so excited to have her mama back!! :) You are the cutest and you’ve got me intrigued by this whole Ragnar business!



Ragnar looks like so much fun!
What kind of headband are you wearing in the picture above? I need something that’s thick like that and won’t slide off my head.


Sounds like you had so much fun! I’m finally starting to understand the whole “running for enjoyment” thing, and I’m pretty sure I have you to thank for a lot of that. Happy Sunday, Janae!


Wow, congratulations! Looks so much fun. How many Ragnar events do they hold over there in America? Bet they’ll become addictive hey :) Awesome work :)


That looks like so much fun. I can’t wait to read your recap. There is nothing better than having someone so excited to see you come home :)


Sounds like you had a great experience! I have Ragnar on my “race wish list”…one day! Bagels are my pre and post race food of choice…I just can’t get enough!
I love the ziploc bag tip…that’s a great idea for any race! Keeps it simple :)
Happy Sunday!


Oh my goodness BROOKE is too cute. So glad you had fun!! Can’t wait for the recap!


Luckily I could tell Chris you were doing Ragnar because he thought you and Brooke should have been here sat. to watch WI/BYU with us.


Let’s plan on next year?!?!


Awww Brooke was so excited to see you!

How did you find your team?


I want to do this so bad! Just looked for one near Boston, there’s one in the Cape next May.. now I need a team!


You are adorable and Brooke’s face says it all! I am so jealous of your Ragnar ways and have been dying to run one!! Headbands are for sure a lifesaver! You go girl!


There are few things in this world better than running, friends, and food, kidlets snuggles are definitely a topper!


I’m dying, I mean dying to run the Ragnar in Key West but it falls on a date I have another race this year. You have inspired me and maybe I will plan it for 2015…anybody up for it? Anybody?


I saw the leapfrog! I was walking up to the exchange when they did it. Glad you loved it. It’s very addictive. My arm warmers are a life saver! Even in my middle of the night run I wore a t-shirt with my arm warmers.


Now that looks fun!! So good for us stay at home moms to get away so then they actually miss us and the snuggles become that much sweeter! Such a doll!


Does the name Ragnar stand for something? I hadn’t heard about them until your blog Janae. Cheers, Lou :)


Glad you had an amazing time… Ragnar is seriously the best!


I’m SO glad you had a good experience!! I just knew you’d love Ragnar! It just makes sense. And yes, seeing your baby’s face and sleeping in your own bed might be the #1 best thing about finishing :)


Oh my gosh the look on her face! TOO much! That is one happy little lady.


I want to run Ragnar Napa and HTC. It’s so hard to find a group of people to do it. Everyone has families, work and things to do so it’s hard to find enough people who can all do the race at the same date. One day, one day. I bet Brooke was so happy to see you. It almost looks like you cut your hair in that last picture.


2 medium pizzas per team? Im thinking I could’ve eaten a whole pizza on my own at the end of thaT race but at least it was a start. :)


Can’t wait for your recap. Pizza at the end is awesome!

That picture of Brooke is priceless.


Greatest face of joy ever. Love it. You are such a good mom. And glad you had a good time running Ragnar. I have yet to hear a bad thing about it.


I love these! Totally agree with you about the ziploc bags, but I think it’s okay to let a rat’s nest grow for a day or two :) The Ragnar Trail relays sound AWESOME.


Looks like an amazing time! Maybe when I’ve been running for longer I’ll see about coming over to the States to do it!


You definitely look like you had a good time!!

My Sunday was spent reading and lounging on the couch after being sick most of Saturday. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad either.


Ragnars are awesome, my niece did the Vegas one as well! One thing I learned after this race is to be bring costco size Pepto. Half our team was downing it by the end of the race;)


Ragnar looks so fun! Love Brooke’s smile!


Congrats! What kind of headband do you wear?


Sounds like you had an awesome time! Congrats!


Looks so fun! I did Reach the Beach a few years back and I can’t wait to do another relay!


Ragnar looks like a lot of fun!! I so want to do one around here! :)


Brooke, you are way too cute. I can’t even take it. We love you <3


You are a rockstar! I agree with the bagels, running, friends and cuddling with your kids!


It sounds like you learned a lot of important things.
And Brooke looked sooo happy to see you. That’s adorable!

Check out http://expertbrand.com. Buy some new running gear and use the code Active10 to save at checkout!


This whole Ragnar thing sounds so exciting! Glad you enjoyed the experience!




I am so glad you used the word ‘snarl’ to describe the knot in your hair. Growing up we always said we had ‘snarls’ in our hair or our hair was ‘snarly,’ and then when I got married and used it around my husband, he looked at be with a perplexed expression as if I was using some foreign word. Ha!


Brook is SO cute- as usual! :)


Looks like a ton of fun!

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