The best thing to do in the middle of the day.

This needs to happen a lot more often.  3 girls, the middle of the day, the trails, no gamins and some really good conversation.  There is nothing like the bonding that occurs during a good run.

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Fall is seriously the worst;)  Perfect temperatures and all of the leaves changing colors… no thank you.  

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Wearing my Jetflow Hydration Pack.  

While I was on the trails my sister was using my treadmill and when I got home we got ready and went to Thanksgiving Point for Cornbelly’s.  If you live in Utah or any of the bordering states you really should go to Cornbelly’s.  It was like the Disneyland of Halloween/Fall.  There were at least 100 different activities scattered throughout the place.   

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Some of the favorites included:  

A crazy trampoline.  

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The world’s fastest slide… you can tell by my hair.

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-Kid friendly haunted houses (okay, I didn’t go in them but my nieces and nephew loved them).

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-A corn maze.  

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-Duck races.  

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-A princess dress up station.  

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-And pumpkin dodgeball.  

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You are welcome for 500 pictures to start off your morning.

My good friend had her baby 9 days ago so I wanted to take them dinner…. I don’t remember how to cook anymore so I had Cafe Rio cook for us and it was delicious and it felt so good to hold a little newborn.   Brooke was quite jealous.  

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Thoughts on trail running/racing?  What about ultras… something you want to do or something you want to pass on?

Any fun fall traditions?

Favorite hour of the day to run?

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Fall is seriously the greatest time, I just love it.
Cornbelly’s seems like a lot of fun. It totally has all my favorite Fall activities.


Those corn mazes freak me out. i’m always afraid I’ll get lost and never find my way out. I’m really rational that way. I wouldn’t have gone in the haunted house either.

When I went to school in MI, we’d go apple picking every year and buy tons of apple cider donuts. I don’t really have any fall traditions in CT, though.


I’ve never commented before but your fear of getting lost forever was enough for me to break my silence…it reminded me of how last fall (or two years ago?) here in New England, a family got lost in a corn maze and instead of calling…anyone logical, really…they called 911 for help getting out!


Oh I didn’t see that you’re in CT – maybe you remember this happening? (Or maybe it was you?) It was all over the news!


HAHAHA! It wasn’t me. How did I miss this???


It was so funny! Here’s a news article about it:




That place looks like SO much fun. I love the speed limit sign in the maze. And I would kill for a trampoline place around here. Or just any trampoline, really. I love running with friends but running with friends AND those views… you’ve got it made! Someday I’ll get out to Utah so I can run and hike the trails. I’m not a big fan of trail running since I’m an accident waiting to happen but I would love to go hiking!


I absolutely love trail running. I never listen to music while on trails and there is something just so relaxing being surrounded by nature like that. Underused trail can be scary though bc spiders are the worst!!

Fall traditions = a ton of candles and tea!

I really enjoy running at 10:30AM and 3PM… odd I know!

That place looks like a blast!


We’ve been living with my parents for a bit and I feel like I also have forgotten how to cook a heap – except for my parents’ favourites ;) Gotta earn our keep someway.

Love those dress ups – my SIL would just die to do that one weekend. so much fun!

I have yet to do anything more than a half marathon (and that was an obstacle one i.e. not continuous running) so not sure I’ll be anywhere near ultras soon – but still, RUN EMZ and her 100 miles does inspire me to think I one day might be able to do a humble 50k or 100k, or who knows, maybe more?


That Fall Disneyland looks fantastic! I especially like the princess station. The sound of pumpkin dodgeball seems a little dangerous but I’m guessing you don’t throw actual pumpkins at people. ;)


You have the cutest family ever! (Am I allowed to say that even though you and your sister are older than I am? :P)

I don’t think I’m crazy enough (yet) to tackle any ultras, but I would love to get into trail running! Except I might not be coordinated enough for that hahahaha


I will do an ultra one day on trails. So much more relaxed than road races. And the food is great. I love fall so much. Corn mazes that are huge and really get you lost are the absolute best! Glad you have the Brooker back :)


I love morning run. It feels so good to start off the day running. My favorite fall tradition is watch football with the windows open :)


We’re just starting to create fall traditions, as in the last 2 years we’ve lived in 3 states and 4 homes.

Recently I made edible fall garland, which I am turning into an annual fall tradition. It’s pretty easy, lots of fun, and it will be cool to see how it changes year to year!

Details here-

Right now, any time is a good time for a run though I’d probably say mid-morning is best. Susanna is with her Dad and the chill is out of the air. Love!


I thought it was pretty where we live. I actually want to go on vaccay to Utah after seeing some of these photos. It looks, no lie amazing. Since we live in the land of trails ultra marathons are a big deal out here. I am pretty sure I will try one out in the next year.



I love fall activities! Looks like such a fun day.

I’m a little scared of trail racing…my ankles seem to go ways they aren’t supposed to if the ground isn’t level.

I do like to get up and run first thing, but most often I run during my lunch break and I feel great the rest of the afternoon. :-)


Absolutely gorgeous views on that trail. I’ve found some of my best and most peaceful runs are on the trails with no watch, no time and just running. Getting lost out there is magic in itself. I don’t know if I’ll ever do an ultra. I don’t know if I want the pressure of running quickly and focusing on a race going through trails like that. I’d rather just take it all in. Maybe down the line…


I love running in the morning. It starts my day off on the right track!


That trail is so beautiful!! I wish I had trails near me to run on, but if I have to drive anywhere for my run I lose interest hahaha. I like running between 7 and 8, earlier than that and I’m just not feeling it, like now haha.


Fun! We just went to the pumplin patch on Sunday. I’m still weeding through the 500 pictures I took there to post. We have been going to the same one since my 15 year old daughter’s first Fall season. Crazy to think it’s been that long!

Trail running is the best! I will always pick trails over any other type of running.

It’s getting darker and darker in the mornings, but that is my favorite time to run. Think I may need to ask for some more safety gear for my birthday.


I love the trails. They are they best and most peaceful way to run. Though after PR’ing at Sunday’s Chicago Marathon, I’m happy not to run again at least for now while recovering. I ran a BQ and PR while injured and so walking has been an issue. Hopefully my massage in an hour helps me better bend my legs instead of crying. Although I suppose crying will happen…


I have never run on the trails but I am doing a 5k trail run on Saturday! I used to be a morning runner but now with my work and school schedule I run mostly at night. I would still prefer to run in the mornings but it just never happens anymore. A corn maze is something I’ve always wanted to do but I live in Florida and they don’t exist here!! :(


I like running first thing in the morning (like right now, 5am) but I just moved out on my own again (I was living with my parents for a while too) and I’m not completely familiar with my neighbourhood yet. It’s still dark out until around 6am so until I know the roads a bit better, I won’t be going out at this hour.


Your canyon running looks incredible! I went in an amazing trail run this weekend, too. I adore running trails and would love to sign up for a mountain ultra this summer ( The fear of not getting to the start line and then putting my body through that is the only thing holding me back. I have a couple months to think about it before registration opens!


That trail looks beautiful!!!
I love to run at between 7:30 -8 am. I love doing fall things! I hope I pass down my love for doing all kinds of fun holiday things :)…..pumpkin decorating, fall baking, fall crafts, apple picking, going to a pumpkin patch. There isn’t really 1 thing we always do….I just try to do as much of it as I can!
I only like treadmill running when the weather is unbearable


You live in the most beautiful place! I love the US so many gorgeous places. I’m also very jealous you have Christmas in winter.

It’s spring for me (Aus) so I’m starting my spring traditions! Whinge about the heat and how bad summer is going to be if its already this hot, buy some summer clothes, and look forward to 1 Dec when the tree goes up!!

My favourite time to run is around 7:30 to 8pm. Mainly due to the heat!


Would love to try trail running nut not sure my ankles would agree.

Favorite time to run: first thing in the morning.

Well…. I don’t necessarily love getting up at 4am to fit in the run (6 miles this morning. Treadmill) but I can say I never regret it when I’m done. Makes me happy for the rest of the day.


I love to run in the early morning – as soon as it is light out. If it 8:00 am, I consider that late for me to head out for a run. Optimal running time for me = 6:00 -7:00 am.


Those trails you run on are seriously gorgeous — it makes me crave a trip to the mountains so badly! And can you believe that I’ve never been to a pumpkin patch or apple orchard? I keep meaning to visit one every year, but somehow it never ends up happening. If’s a tradition I’d really like to start when I have kids though.


I just got a thought–what if a race took place inside a corn maze?! Like, say it was a 1 mile race…you could end up running miles you didn’t bargain on just getting lost!


Looks like a blast! You always have the cutest outfits (for both you and Brooke) Can you tell me where you go your brown boots? Have a great day!!


I love trail running. It’s dynamic and interesting. I’m won’t say never, but there probably aren’t any ultras in my future. My perfect time to run is probably 6ish. I get to watch the sun come up and then my workout is done for the whole day. Fall traditions: football, carving pumpkins (hubby is a pro), and fall food :)


We do a family fall festival and it’s such a blast! I have a greater appreciation for it now having Noah. Have a great day :-)


When I’ll in my fifthies (pretty soon) I want to run an ultra with about 50k. Just once. I’d also love to be able to run under 50 with 50 (10k).
Favorite time to run: morning!


I love running trails, but I have a hard time getting out there with my family’s schedule. It’s a shame because there are so many wonderful trails in my neck of the woods, so I savor any opportunity I have.

Lately my favorite hour to run has been 4am! Otherwise, there’s no guarantee I’ll be able to fit it in.


I ran a trail 5K race this past Saturday. I find it much more challenging than road running, which I’m used to. But it’s good to switch things up and it’s so much nicer.

We have a similar, albeit much smaller place, like your Cornbelly’s where I live in NY. My husband and I go every year with our dog (no kids yet!)


Trail running and ultras are the best! I did my first trail 50K two years ago, and since then I’ve never looked back! I can hardly stand the thought of running on the road now! :)


I would have never considered moving to your neck of the woods but recently all of your pictures of fun fall activities are making me rather jealous.

Trail running is the best- I just don’t do it enough during my training, and an ultra is not out of the question some day.


What an amazing trail run!


Looks like you guys picked a beautiful spot to go for a run.

There’s just something about newborns that’s so precious!


favorite fall tradition – get super excited for Christmas starting in October :P seriously though I really like apple picking and going to hikes to see all the beautiful colors.

my favorite time of day to run is in the morning – I don’t like putting it off until the afternoon or evening because sometimes life just gets in the way. If I do my run first thing, no matter what happens in my day, I got my run in. Also, running in the morning makes it okay to eat whatever during the day – don’t have to worry about upset tummy issues while running!


Oh I just love apple picking in the Shenandoah Valley of VA. And I prefer a morning run–but wow, with that Utah scenery, I would love any time of day!


That place looks so fun!


Hahhaa “the disneyland of halloween/fall”! That’s too funny- I’m sure it’s accurate though! I’ve never trail ran. I’ve hiked on trails, and I’ve ran on paved trails, but not legit “trails”. I want to though!


I went apple picking a few weeks ago and it was a blast! I also love corn mazes and hayrides! Trail running sounds really cool to me, but I would be afraid of falling and cracking my head open. That’s a little dramatic but that’s where my mind goes.

Favorite time to run is right before the sun sets. That’s my favorite time of the day, though, so that’s why I think it’s perfect.


I totally admire anyone (aka YOU) that does trail running! When I did the Dirty Dash in September, it was practically a 10k of trail running and it was HARD. I was so sore and exhausted after that one. Ha!

Ahhh Cornbelly’s! I’ve heard such fun things about it. We’ve been wanting to go. Looks like a blast!


Looks like a gorgeous run! And I really want that giant trampoline for my backyard :-p


Looks like a ton of fun! I need to get to the trails more often!


My favorite hour to run is during the summer, right as the sun is coming up. Love running early morning in the summer!!
Thanksgiving Point looks so fun! I haven’t been there in ages.


That run looks amazing! I would love to try trail running but I’m scared of hurting myself.

We love to carve pumpkins in the fall. And starting in September we start Soup Sundays- which means we have a different kind of soup each Sunday for supper!

I like morning runs best I think… I find all my performance running apparel


It is so cool to see a place that actually has seasons! Here in Orange County, it’s mostly just hot. That’s our weather..Looked like a great place to run!


Just look at the Brookster in her little eskimo gear! Makes my day! I need to go wrap myself in a polka-dotted blanket now and just pretend like I was ever that cute!


I love reading about fall traditions – it reminds me of when I used to live in New England and we had a real fall with apple picking and haunted hayrides. Now that I live in Florida, my new fall tradition is a lot of paddleboarding and kayaking! The trail run pictures are gorgeous – what a nice way to spend the day!


I would LOVE to run an ultra, but I can’t even seem to get to a marathon again without over-use injury! My dream is to do an IronMan with my husband (Mr J has done 2 already!), but that’s at least a year away. Love the Thanksgiving Point pics– we are headed out a-pumpkining this weekend. Can’t wait!!


Looks like such a fun way to spend the day!

My favorite time of day to run is right before lunch (if I’m not working) — it’s the best time for me!


I LOVE trail running, but am not going to be running any ultra’s any time soon. Still happy running 13.1. Going to stick with that for a while and perfect it before I move on.

For fall we take a “Halloween/Last Camping Trip of the Season” camping trip. Usually the weekend, or two, before Halloween. We camp near a pumpkin patch/corn maze, carve pumpkins to decorate camp with and enjoy the festivities at the corn maze.

My favorite time of day to run has to be around 9:30 or 10:00 am. But, that also means I’m pushing the kiddo if I ran at that time, so my other favorite time is with a local run club at 6:30 pm.


I’m definitely a morning runner and 6 am, when it’s light outside. What a cool Halloween place! I wish I lived closer!


You should tweet that picture to Runner’s World #raverun! It totally looks like one of the pics they use. So amazing. I need to get to Utah again ASAP.


I’m very jealous of this halloween town! Also, your trails look amazing! I love trail running but our techy, rooty, ones get exhausting after a while!


What a great day! Most importantly, what kind of food did they have at this fall festival!!!???


I am actually trying to find fall traditions to start with my husband. I have been browsing and trying to find new inexpensive traditions to start!

I have never been a good trail runner because I always fall, but then again I have never had the right shoes either. It is something when I live somewhere with more trails I would like to get into!


How fun! I’ve never been much of a trail runner but fall makes me want to! I do a couple cross country races in the fall and it rocks. It’s so peaceful in the forest in the fall.


I like the idea of trail running as it gives you more to look at, however also I think I would have to look down at the ground more often too so I don’t fall!


My favorite fall tradition is drinking homemade hot apple cider at some kind of fall festival. It’s SO delicious. I just love it. I definitely got it down this weekend, too, so I’m a happy clam. :D

I love your friend’s bright green jacket!!! I want it!


I think I would like some more pictures. Brooke pictures are never enough :)

Fall is my favourite season. I suppose because in my mind it is the beginning of something


I love EVERYTHING about Fall! It is my absolute favorite time of the year and I am so happy that it is here! I wish it was chillier where I am (Charlotte, NC), but that will soon come :) I can’t wait to wear jackets and all Fall clothing!!


We took our girls to a corn maze and place like this last weekend. They had one of those really cool bounce ‘pillows’ too, and I think I had just as much fun as they did!


I LOVE trail running, but don’t get to do it as much unless it’s the summertime.
I’m planning on doing the Skyline 50K next summer. I would love to do it at least once in my lifetime. We’ll see after that if I do another one…


I’m falling in love with trail running :) I think next year I’ll look into more of them. Much more nature, being out there in the fresh air. Maybe an ultra at some point, but I’ve got to survive my first marathon first ;)

Love running in the morning. when dawn breaks. things are coming to life again and the world seems a new, and you’re out there, witnessing the morning take it’s first breath. love it.


We were at cornbellys too! It’s the best we have a seasons pass so we go a lot!


Aaagh those trails are amazing!!!! You have proper foliage, here in the Bay Area, we are short on leaf action!

How cold is it there? Everyone looks all wrapped up but there’s your nephew in a t-shirt! I’m confused!! :)


oh my gosh I am so jealous right now. Those trails just make my heart stop.


I had to look up what a duck race is :)

Your trails look so awesome. A big gigantic YES to ultras! I have been thinking about doing one for a few months and finally told my running coach a couple days ago. I thought she might laugh at me since I am just getting ready to run my first half marathon next month, but she didn’t (thank goodness)! I hope to do a 50K sometime next year and my BIG goal is to do a 50-miler before I turn 30 (I am 27 now)!


That place looks awesome. So much to do. When my kids were younger we would always go apple picking in the fall.
Best hour to run 6am.


Oh that sounds like such a perfect fall day!

p.s. you and your sis have the best hair ever!


I love trail running! It is a great time of year.


That pumpkin patch is awesome—wish we had one like that over here!


That place looks like fall heaven!

During the week, I love to run in the late afternoon after work – it’s such a good stress reliever. On the weekends, early mornings for sure!


Fall is my favorite season! I just wish it would turn to fall in Texas. There is nothing as great as a nice fall run. It helps me remember why I suffered through all those humid runs this summer.
I love running in the early mornings when everyone else is asleep. I just lost my Grandma and it’s a good time for prayer and mourning.
I also just want to say that you are amazingly strong. I love your blog as you are so honest and a wonderful person.


Love trail running and am doing my first ultra in December!


Looks like a fun day! My daughters want to go to Cornbellys this year, now with the photos I will definitely take them. Very fun!

I’d love to do an Ultra one day….


That place looks SO fun! I’ve never seen a fall festival with so much fun stuff for the kiddos!


Fall is the best season, hands down. Best running weather, best recipes, best everything! I always go out to my grandpa’s house with my family because he owns a pumpkin patch! My favorite time of day to run is sunrise. Although in the fall I’d say it’s sunset!


Ahhh that looks so fun!!! We have a very fall place that is a tradition in my family to go to every year, it’s called Apple Hill and I can’t waaaait to go! Your pictures got me even more excited :) plus, I’ve just really been craving apple donuts lately.



During the Fall the middle of the day is perfect — if only my schedule let me!


my brother lives on traverse mountain so he’s super close to thanksgiving point.
Cronbelly’s looks really fun, I will have to ask him if he’s done that (probably has). I wish I could but I live in CA. (did I mention that half my family will be in Utah by next year. So strange since we have been CA people for so long.

I love to run in the morning! it’s so peaceful then.

Looks like you had a great evening!


I feel like you would understand my sorrow :(


I can’t wait to hit up a trail near my house – somehow I never knew it existed, even though it is beautiful????
Brooke is adorable, as usual ;) And that last pic of the newborn … ah! Heart = melted <3


I love running at any hour of the day it’s not pitch black out! That’s kinda scary…unless I’m with someone else. Dawn and dusk are awesome times though :)


Autumn is beautiful, but I still feel like I missed summer this year. Haven’t even put my toes in the sea since sometime in 2012!

Looks like a fab day out – where was the pic of you dressed as a princess?!


I’ve done one ultra and just kind of “meh” as to a desire to do another one.
My absolute favorite time to run is between 4-6 a.m.


That trail looks amazing! Is the Jetflow Hydration Pack the only form of hydration you use? I’ve tried the hydration belts before but they kept bouncing up and down when I ran… it drove me crazy! haha


Your blog is literally the only thing keeping me sane right now while I’m injured and having to take a break from running.


Running buddies are the best. Other runners just “get it,” don’t they?

Pumpkin dodge ball? That sounds…interesting. ;-)

I would love to do an ultra one day, but will stick to faster marathons and 5Ks for now.

Fall traditions?! Instead of rambling here, this is a small snippet of my declaration of fall love. :-)


looks like a great time! I have to say, my favorite time running is with friends


That festival looks like it would be so much fun! I think we have places like that around where I live, but they are all so expensive :( I like running early in the morning.. well not too early, like 8:00. It’s still cool weather, and it’s quite.


that place looks SO cool! Utah is offically on my list of places to visit!!
Fall traditions: we always go apple picking and to some of the local fairs! They are so fun and you get to stuff your face with amazing-ness! :)

I wish i had more trails around me because I would run them all of the time.

Ultra-something i NEVER plan to do. The half and the full marathons are awesome distances for me to do-ultra would kill me!! :)


Those pictures of your run are beautiful!


I’m looking to do a 50K in March. It’s road not trail I think…. I havent’ registered yet because I’m nervous lol


Oh my gosh, that looks like so much fun! All of you Utah bloggers posting beautiful pictures really makes me want to move there or at least visit! P.S. I also love Curly’s pose at the princess place! :)


Wow those are some beautiful trails!

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