You know you are in Arizona when…

I may complain and complain about how hot it is running in Arizona but somehow the sunrise and clouds each morning completely make up for my face sweating off during each run.

I pushed snooze 8 times this morning.  Not an exaggeration.  I knew I had an easy run on my schedule so I didn’t mind leaving a little later.

Best part of the run = talking to my mom on the phone (using these headphones) for the entire run.  I mean it has been a whole 3 days since I last saw her so we had a lot to catch each other up on.

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You know you are in Arizona when the gas stations offer 22 different flavors of frozen drinks.

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My nephew had preschool this morning so we dropped him off and then I accompanied my SIL for something very important.

She had never been to Trader Joe’s in her whole life.  I walked her up and down the aisles and showed her the most important things to buy.  I actually think Trader Joe’s should hire me to show new people around the store and help them discover the best of the best.

Brooke is finally big enough to push around the little kid shopping carts.

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Now that I don’t live near TJ’s it is a tradition of mine to get this chocolate milk every time I do get to go.  It really is the best chocolate milk you will ever have.

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Of course I would go to a different state and still eat at Cafe Rio while I am there.

Nicole (remember she was on the Vegas trip with me and I have been bffs with her since I was 16) actually lives right by my SIL.

It is all meant to be.  Especially when she does things like bring us cupcakes to eat after lunch.

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Does it get any cuter than boots on a baby and Brooke’s leopard ballet flats?

Sweet pork salads and quesadillas for all.

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I have started having a quote of the day to focus on each day to help me continue to get through this time.  I wanted to share today’s because bad days are just part of life and this may help a little bit….

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What has been the GOOD in your Tuesday?!?

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Looooooooooove you


The good in my day is i ROCKED my nursing skills test and I have been studying/doing homework on campus since 8am and I am still going strong! I cant wait to be a nurse!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!


I think Trader Joe’s tour guides is an awesome idea! I could totally be one! I know it inside and out ;) Those cupcakes look so good! And I loooove that quote. There is something good in every day. I had a terrible day yesterday, but I managed to find the good in it, anyway, and it really turned it all around. So important!!



Good has been going for a walk with a great friend and spending my last day with Noah before he starts school tomorrow. And the cookie dough brownies I have in the crock pot are a close third :-)


Cookie dough brownies in the CROCK POT?! Uhhh you better share missy… ;)


The good in my day was seeing/hearing my baby’s heartbeat (and the baby itself!!) on an ultrasound!


love that quote i need to write it down in my journal! i have never been to trader joes! :( the good in my tuesday was that i didn’t have class today and i’m going to bikram tonight. :)


Great quote…still thinking about you and Brooke all the time. I’ve been having a not so great day, but something that is great is going home to see my baby girl in 20 minutes!

I need to get to a Cafe Rio some day!


Good has been getting two unexpected just because cards from friends today.


That really is the best! Hope you are doing well gorgeous girl!


Love that quote. and love how positive your attitude is.

The good in my Tuesday is that I only had to work a half-day (wooop!!) and since I’ve been home I’ve taken a nap, when on a short jog (florida and Arizona weather should be friends) and now I’m just waiting for the so you think you can dance finale to start!!

Have a great rest of your day janae!


Pic’s of Brooke have been good in my Tuesday! :-) XO


That makes me happy! Thanks Colleen!


What’s good about today was that I got to take a 3-hour nap after class. I have only been sleeping like 5 or 6 hours per night over the weekend, so it was nice to catch up on my rest.
Hitting snooze 8 times is sometimes exactly what the body needs ;)


Good.. going for a 11 mile bike ride after sending my 2 kids off to school on their first day back..


Good is the weather outside being perfect, taking a nice long walk, and enjoying crystallized ginger dark chocolate. YUM. Have a great night, Janae!


You would be an AWESOME TJ’s tour guide!! Such a good idea. :)

I love that quote. Today is fab because I drank strawberry lemonade at lunch & it was yummmmO.

Brooke’s flats are to-die for cute!


My morning post today was also about finding the good! (I watched a little boy tinkle on himself behind me in line at the post office, and I went…something’s gotta give here, c’mon now.) Of course, that was before I came here, and read this, and realized that another small part of good in my day has been reading this blog, as always. Seeing Brooke with her little cart! Loved it.


The good in my Tuesday: I bought a pair of Brooks Pure Flow 2’s – in pink…and they were 20% off!!


Today has been incredibly busy and I haven’t had a moment to think, but I think the “good” parts of today are the fact that I’m getting over a mild cold and that I’m going to sleep so well tonight because I. am. beat.


I agree completely about the good in every day…there is something good in EVERY single day, even if it is as small as a stranger smiling at you. Or it can be BIG and be getting a new job! Either way, it’s best to be positive and know that after it rains, there is a rainbow. :) And hey, the rain can be fun too!


My three year old daughter dressing up in a ballet outfit! I put her hair up and she was twirling around! Cuteness overload. Makes me smile just thinking about it.


Okay now I need a picture of this.


Sent you a picture. Hope you enjoy!


I love your shirt and the looks on both baby’s faces in the pic in front of Café Rio :)

Even though I have been to TJ. I am by no means and expert and will gladly sign up if you start giving tours.

I think that quote is so applicable for every one. I am so easily discouraged and if I think about those things that get me down it can really just ruin my whole day, but there is always good. You are so right – you are amazing and I love you!

My ‘goods’ are: I am sore today from my work out yesterday (good grief I can’t even move my arms above my head to put it in a pony…maybe I should actually do my hair..nah) and getting to have some one on one time with both my kids was really good today, then tonight I have girls night. Yay!




It is how I am coping with you being gone;) Miss you friend.


What’s good about today is my first grader telling me her day was GREAT cause she passed her timed math test. She was so proud of herself!!


That is awesome! Tell her congrats and that she should be proud…math is hard:)


The good in my day is starting today off with a great yoga practice and getting to go trail running tonight!


Good in my day is making a date to see a play with a friend. Thanks for posting that quote, Janae. My day has been kind of blah, but I like focusing on the good.


Delicious leftovers for dinner!


Love the quote — a great reminder!
And more importantly, Brooke’s shoes are awesome. ;)

Sounds like you had a great day!


How have I never had that chocolate milk?! That is my favorite recovery drink (mostly because it is cheap :) ).
That is an insane slurpee machine!!!
We made an oreo dessert today…what is better!!!
Have a great night…keep your chin up!


great photo of the arizona clouds! at least it’s a dry heat i suppose :)

best part of my day…it’s actually my 3 year wedding anniversary and my husband closed down a michael’s arts and craft store for me to shop around in! it was epic.

little kids pushing little shopping carts are the BEST!


Today’s goodness is my niece, Emily, was born this morning! This makes grandbaby #15 for my parents!


Baby shoes are the cutest. I need to go to TJ’s I haven’t been in awhile.

Love the quote! It’s so true! We can find the good things in the bad if we’re willing to make the effort to focus on the positive.


I had a great interview today that made up for the fact that my blog has been down all day :)


I made Pumpkin Bread & Pumpkin cookies!


You are doing an awesome job of going through your bad times, and the ironic thing is you are inspiring so many people at the same time! That takes a special person:)

Terrific Tuesday Things: looking at the weather forecast and seeing the lows finally go below 70 degrees; sleeping in and getting some rest; seeing pictures of Brooke (she really is the cutest thing and makes me smile!)

We went to Cafe Rio the other night, so delish! I could eat it just about every night!


Love the quote!

The good bit in my day today was an outing to celebrate my little boy’s last day before pre-school starts up again tomorrow. A train ride, lunch out, cupcakes, park and the train home. Bliss.


I love that they are wearing super cool shoes and too cool for school expressions on their faces. Like “this camera thing again? Sheesh” Haha!

Every time you talk about talking on the phone with someone while you’re running, it blows my mind. I can barely carry on a conversation in person while running. Someone on the phone would think I was a pervert or dying and call the police or an ambulance!!!


My favorite quote is “It’s a bad day, not a bad life.”

My Tuesday has been good because I got a nap in and I got told I was pretty by a stranger :D Always nice to be complimented!


Great quote. . . my good for today? I witnessed the car crash instead of being in it!

If I had gotten up when my alarm went off I would have eaten breakfast and might have been the front car! Either that or already on my way and missed the whole thing.


Oh QT…how I miss you! Enjoy it for me, mmmkay? :)

Good thing about my Tuesday? Costco. Obviously.


I absolutely love quotes. That is a great one, thanks for sharing. I always say that whatever happens is meant to be- it may not seem like it at the time, you may think that nothing good came come of your situation and why the heck is this happening to me until one day (soon or way down the line from now) you look back at your situation and think- wow. im glad that happen. things really did workout the way they should have and now I am happy. Stick through it, Janae….there is a reason for all the madness in life sometimes.


I stopped procrastinating! :) For today …


You need to do a get-together/meet-up with readers next time you are in AZ!


I am still here! Is there a night that would work for you?!?


any night works! i dont know if you remember but last summer you did a get-together at yogurtland after the Utah Valley marathon and it was so fun hanging out with you!


Ahhhh yes!!! Could you go Thursday at 7:30?!?


Heck yes! Make sure to put it on twitter so I remember. haha


Awesome! See you Thursday!


What an amazing quote!! I haven’t lived either.. Ive never been to Trader Joes! Small town probs!


The good in my day today was that the building manager at my work finished building me a standing desk that I asked for! Now I get to stand and work! I also downloaded an app where I can easily write down what I’m eating and what workouts I’m doing, to keep myself on track.


I did the HARDEST H.I.I.T. class in history today to take my mind off the fact that my sweet 3 year old boy had his first day of pre-school today.


My good is that I got in a good workout while doing laundry and tonight I get to go to dinner with my best friend in the world.
Speaking of cupcakes, this awesome cupcake store from Logan is opening a store by Sheels and it will be open in February. When it’s open we are going because they are AMAZING!!!


Love that quote!


i think of this quote all the time and it really helped. having a sub job today was good! and getting in a run, even though it was hard and it sucked, i did it.


Great quote! We actually had a more challenging day today because Addie was just in a funk! But the GOOD thing about today was that the sweet girl fell asleep on my chest and slept there for about 30 minutes … something she NEVER does anymore! :)


I once stood by the bread in TJ’s and talked four different shoppers into the California Protein-Style bread :-) I think they should hire me too!


Have you heard of _Irate Joe’s? just did a story on the small grocery store in Vancouver a few days ago


Best thing about my day was going for an amazingly difficult but scenic 30-mile bike ride with my husband after work. We bike straight up for 3.25 miles without a break, and I was sure my legs were going to spontaneously combust! We were rewarded with beautiful views at the top though!


I love that quote. It’s just what I needed after a llloonnggg day in the law library. I’m going to say my “something good” today was reading that quote!!


Today has been not so good for me but this post kind of helped me change my attitude a bit so thank you. I got a good recovery run in and played with my dog for hours this afternoon, so I am just going to choose to focus on that :)

Also I am literally counting down the days until I get to go back to Utah: first stop – Cafe Rio! It has been months since I’ve had a sweet pork salad and I’m getting hungry right now just thinking about it.


Running makes any day a good day! That view in Arizona looks amazing!


Today I had the day off to do whatever I wanted. That’s a pretty good day to me! Also hearing my daughter recap her first day of school was pretty awesome too.


Ooh that quote just made my day! My Tuesday actually has been a really good one. I got a stress fracture from running, and after tons of rest, my doctor said I may be able to start running as early as next Monday! I’ve been craving a long run for weeks, so I’m over the moon! I hope you have a marvelous week!


Oh my, cute baby shoe overload!!

I got to go grocery shopping by myself today. Ahh :)


I started my first day of weaning off my orthopedic boot, as I recover from a stress fracture. And I get to go a TJ’s in 10 days. All good stuff for a Tuesday!


That is awesome!!!


Something good about my Tuesday is reading your inspirational blog and seeing your smiling face as well as sweet Brooke! You are amazing Janae!


I love the quote a day idea! Keep em coming!

Ps I have never been to a Trader Joes before either. I know it’s shameful but we don’t have them yet in Canada so what’s a girl to do? Maybe you could do a post sometime on the best Trader Joes products to that when that fateful first visit happens one day I will be totally informed on what to get. :)


You’re in my ‘hood but I’m out of town! *SADFACE*
I live in Gilbert. Hit me up the next time you’re in town and you can come hang out with my running club! We are dynamite! (Arizona Track & Trail Runners)


Awesome quote! I am huge into quotes and lyrics to help me when I’m in a crappy mood, so I totally love this idea ;)


The good in my day is that I had Frozen Yogurt for dinner!! :)


You are so cute! I stayed in Cleveland this summer and there was a TJ’s there but none where I live in Orlando. So sad :-( I always loved watching the kids push around those shopping carts… That will be my kids someday!


We just got Trader Joe’s in Sarasota, that’s my good every day ;)


That is so exciting!


Where did you get brooks flats? So cute!




The good in my day was a 7 mile lunch time run which in the 7 years I’ve been running,have never done! How refreshing.


What a wonderful quote! The good in my day is being greeted by big hugs and kisses when my girls got home from daycare today.


So important to be part of someone’s TJs initiation!!! I’m less than a mile away from mine and I will never move.

Good thing about my Tuesday was my mega sweaty treadmill run! Or my cottage cheese+cocoa+stevia snack — my latest addiction! So yummy!!


My friend always says, “there are only bad moments, never bad days”. I love that :)


Best part of my day was cheering on all the kiddos as they walked into their first day of the school year! Gotta love the excitement and comradery!


The good in my Tuesday was fresh Krispy Kreme donuts from the real donut store! HOT DONUTS NOW!


My youngest did his whole week’s worth of homework tonight all on his own accord :)


Something good for my Tuesday — hanging out in the loft with my pup at my feet and fiance working away on his computer to my left. It’s the simple things sometimes, right?


My good for the day was spending time with my family and my husband and getting an awesome 11 mile run in this morning!!


Today was a rough one. Sometimes it’s so dang hard to remember/see the good points when it’s a hard day. And there was good news today (continued wonderful medical progress for a friend,) but it was still hard to focus on the good. Thank you for the reminder to focus on the positive. will try again tomorrow!


Saw this and thought of you – maybe it can be your quote for another day :)


Wow. That is beautiful. Thank you. Quote of the day for tomorrow!


One of my favourite quotes to get me through times when life feels confusing:

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”

― Douglas Adams


I love it. That is perfect.


The good in my Tuesday is some exciting changes on the horizon :)


Dang those little girls are more stylin that I am!


Your friend’s kid is too cute. She and Brooke are rocking those outfits.

My Tuesday was good because I got to do some baking!


Love that quote! Thanks for sharing!


Awesome quote! Might need to make that my computer background for awhile :)


As I scrolled past that pic, I actually thought, “I can’t believe we’re not going to talk about those cutie leopard shoes!” But you didn’t disappoint :) love them!


You are adorable. I love the quote and I love how positive you are managing to stay about everything!! I got in a car accident right around the same time all the tough stuff was happening in your life (I read your blog every morning!) and I don’t think I’m handling things even a tenth of as well you are. It’s really inspiring to read all the upbeat posts you make – you are seriously my hero right now!!

PS Brooke is adorable!! loving the tiny shoes :)


I love that quote too! Chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting in the break room at work! I tried to save it for lunch but it didn’t make it… So it was my breakfast dessert.

I looove the girls’ shoes!!

Hope you have a great day!! Keep your chin up!


The good in my Tuesday was the Chocolate chip brownie filled Chips Ahoy that were waiting for me at home. Also, I got all caught up on Dexter…Just in time for the Series Finale in a few weeks! Eep! Also, my Dog is really cute, and it makes me happy to see his face… But that’s an every day thing! :)


love that quote! <3

being a TJ's tour guide would be the best job ever! i get so excited whenever i go, even though i only live a mile or so away. also, brooke's shoes are the cutest ever. :)


Add me to the list of people who have never been to a TJ’s (I know, I KNOW.) The closest one to me is like 15 miles away, but I really need to make a trip there.

The best thing about my day yesterday was I went home after work and did not move from my couch until I put myself to bed. I was feeling kind of sick and a real housewives marathon totally cured me. :)


Where did you get your blue shirt? It’s so freaking cute!!


I love your quote idea! I thought I’d share one of my favorites. It’s a little poem by President Hinckley that was on the funeral program at his wife’s funeral.

“Put your trust in God”

It isn’t as bad as you sometimes think it is.
It all works out. Don’t worry.
I say that to myself every morning.
It will all work out.
Put your trust in God,
and move forward with faith
and confidence in the future.
The Lord will not forsake us.
He will not forsake us.
If we will put our trust in Him,
if we will pray to Him,
if we will live worthy of His blessings,
He will hear our prayers.

I just love this poem, especially the part where the Prophet admits to having to remind himself not to worry every morning.
You go girl! I think you’re awesome.

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