Well that hurt. A step by step guide to my track workout.

I can honestly say that this morning’s workout really hurt but that is what it takes to get where I want to go with my running. 

Luckily I had my two favorite fans there cheering me on.  

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I thought it would be fun to take you step by step through my track workout.    My definition of track workouts used to be = run really hard, take a little break, run really hard again and then go home and sit on the couch.  Things have changed.

Step 1: I start off with these dynamic stretching drills. A great way to wake up, get that blood flowing and get your body loose.




Step 2:  Warm-up mile around the track at around an 8:15 pace.

Step 3:  This drill in the movie below about 10 times.  My coach was pulling on the resistance bands to help me get used to the idea of leaning forward slightly as I run (I naturally sit back in my stride).   After this drill when the band is taken off it feels easy to slightly lean forward which is a great thing so we followed this drill with 8 strides down the track about 30 yards in length without the resistance band.

Step 4:  Time to work hard.  So hard that my Ego waffle didn’t really want to stay in my stomach but luckily it did.  

400 meters (.25 mile)=  1:18  

400 meters= 1:19

800 meters (.5 mile)= 2:51

800 meters= 2:56

400 meters= 1:20

400 meters= 1:19

Walking recoveries after each interval of 2-2:30 minutes.  

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Step 5:  1 mile cool down at around an 8:15 pace.

Step 6: 10 Strides on the grass with my shoes and socks off.  Each stride is about 30 yards long and I run them at a fastish pace (around 6:40). 

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Step 7:  Refuel with eggs, oatmeal and bacon at Village Inn with your mom, Brooke and coach while talking about things to work on, goals, upcoming races and all of that fun stuff.  

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PS Brooke has come a long way and uses the crayons more to color than to eat.  

This is her focused face:

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Step 8: Drive home and foam roll those legs real nice.   


They are here!  Officially the best running watches ever were announced today.  

The Garmin Forerunner 620 and 220 with color display!

Forerunner 620 220

I will have a full review and giveaway up in the next few weeks!

Here is a little video with all of the awesome features!  They are incredible.  I can’t wait.  


If you could have any dinner in the world tonight…what would it be?

-My mom’s lasagna (hint hint), Bang’s friends homemade crescent rolls, fresh mango and s’mores bars.

Who uses a Garmin?  Which one?

How did your run go today?

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Whew, I’m exhausted just reading about your workout! Way to go!

Today was a strength training day for me – hurts so good :)

Have a great night!


I was thinking today about how I need to start working harder on my runs rather than make them all ‘nice runs’. Thanks for the motivation!


That’s a tough workout! Form work is so hard, but so worth it in the long run! Looks like a solid workout and that you rocked it!


Sheesh. I think I’d need a coach to push that hard during a workout. I love my Garmin. I bought my Garmin Forerunner 405 super cheap on eBay. My run was good in that I did it. That’s all I’m asking for these days.


Homemade lasagna is the best!


Wow that workout is awesome!

Any dinner in the world…… Hubby’s spice-rubbed filet mignon, steamed asparagus covered in mushrooms and parmasean cheese, and garlic bread….followed by chocolate éclair cake. :)


I had a Garmin 305 that died about a month ago so I really need a new one. :(


LUCKY YOU!! You’re getting to review one of those watches?!?!?!?! JEALOUS!!!! I’m in love with my Garmin 610 but I hafta say that the color display on the new watches are looking prettttty nice…


Dude. That workout is no joke. I plan on pinning this workout and doing it (with VERY modified paces, obviously) when I start running again and then you can take me out to breakfast after;) I like that idea.

Brooke is adorable cheering you on. Best cheerleader ever.

I have the garmin 305. Those ones look awesome though. More like a watch and less like a computer on my wrist.

No running. Went to breakfast with friends this morning then while evan was at preschool I did the elliptical and step mill and lifted chest and triceps. See you soon. I am looking forward to tonight more than might be considered ‘normal’. My kids are making it their goal to really test my patience today and I am not passing.


awesome workout! love that your mom and brooke were there to cheer you on!!! lasagna sounds SO GOOD right now- why’d you have to bring that up?! :)


I want a salad, honestly., after eating carbs all day! I haven’t run yet but I think my 5 miles from my new house will go just fine. Can’t wait for the Garmin review and Re: the track workout – OUCH.


I am so with you on the s’mores bars. I could eat those everyday of my life!

I have a Forerunner 405…the color looks amazing!

I did 6.3 miles at a 7:41 average pace and it felt great! That track workout seemed pretty intense but fun at the same time! It probably just sounds fun because I wasn’t the one doing it… :)


Awesome that you had a great track workout! You’re fast!

It’s so cool that you’ll be doing a Garmin review and giveaway! I have one, but I do use a running app.


I don’t use a garmin, but I really want one! This might replace the Forerunner 10 on my wish list :)
Brooke is growing up waaaay too fast!


I had a Garmin 405 that I broke (by swimming with it accidentally) and replaced it with a 10, which I didn’t like. I just bought another beloved 405 off Amazon but since Garmin has discontinued it, I am nervous about what happens when it goes!! The new watches look cool though. Anxious to hear the review.


I’ve never used a Garmin, but I’d love to try one. And the new ones look awesome…much sleeker than some of the current designs!

I had tough track workout today too. 1600, 3200, 2 x 800. I was beat, although that might have something to do with the 15-mile trail race I ran on Saturday!

Your 400 and 800 times are amazing. You’re one incredible mama, on and off the track!


I wish I could be as fast as you!!! Tough workout!


I have to say I really enjoy reading about all your intense speed workouts – it get’s me so motivated to run harder and get faster. Keep at it girl!


Aww Brooke’s face is so happy in the pic with your mom- it must be fun having them cheering you on!

Looks like a great workout- having a coach really is the best.

I love lasagna- maybe my favorite dinner! Does your mom have a special recipe?

Btw- that pic this morning if Brooke in her running outfit- cutest thing ever!


I usually love Garmin’s new stuff, but these don’t entice me. I am super jealous of your run coach though. I need to look into one….someday!


my coach also has me do a ton of warmups/dynamic stretching at track and it makes a huge difference. can’t wait for the 610, it looks so badass and cute at the same time :)!! i wish my mom came and cheered for me at track! haha


I saw you at Costa Vida today and wanted to say, but didn’t want to seem like a creeper :)


You should have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We should go together!




I use the garmin forerunner 10. For a newbie runner, it’s all I really need, pace/distance. Those new garmins look pretty sweet though!


Oh my gosh those garmins are beautiful. Your mom and Brooke are so stinkin’ cute!! Love that you had a cheering section! No run today..it is a crossfit day!


holy moly, i’m sure that was a brutal track workout, but it’s definitely going to pay off during your next race =)

i’m craving shrimp for dinner!


oh my gosh I must have it.
This is insane — I have a perfectly good Garmin that I adore, but I am feeling my 10 year old self crying out for the newest version of my toy right now. Like I MUST have it and my old one will now NEVER be enough again. . .


Wow! You are so inspiring!! I really need to take some notes from your workouts! I just bought the Garmin Forerunner 210. It is the version down from that one and I’m still learning how to use it!

I ran 5km with my puppy. I think she is making me faster as every time she sees a bird she tries to take off and we go really fast with me trying to hold into her!


Way to go miss speedy!!

Today was a rest day for me, yeay!

I have a garmin 410 but am totally swooning over those new ones…..I’m thinking one is going on my Xmas wish list!!

Enjoy your dinner, tonight I’m making chicken flautus but I wish I was making seafood instead, I just don’t have any and too lazy to go to the store!


Garmin 910 XT. It’s ugly but serves every purpose.

PB&J on pancakes :)

Congrats on your workout! That is awesome and a great accomplishment. Hopefully you can put your feet up tonight!


That workout is INSANE! Wow.

I have a 305 but now I REALLY want the new 620, like really really.

I’m never hungry the day after a long run. I’m so sad because I want to want pasta :)

No run today. Did 19 miles (3okm) yesterday so today is a MASSAGE :)


You are getting so fast and I love it! Talk to you soon!


I have a Garmin FR 405. Love that thing to death.
Hmm, never done form drills, and I never thought about the slight lean forward during track workouts (I’m pretty sure I also sit slightly back as I run). Great track tips and videos!


Your workout is awesome!!! I think I am addicted to my Garmin 305. On days when time and distance do not matter, I still cannot leave without it. It is like leaving without my shoes.


My favorite dinner is breakfast for dinner – pancakes, eggs, and bacon! Unfortunately, I’m trying to eat healthy, so I skip the pancakes now (I’d rather eat ice cream!)

I have the Garmin Forerunner 10, but unfortunately I’m not running right now – ITBS is acting up. I’m hoping to start running within the next week since I have 3 races coming up in October (only one that I’m planning to race though).


My mom’s spinach/ricotta cannelloni. Garmin 910XT — but those ones are way prettier. And no running for me today. I am in recovery from yesterday’s marathon. I love that workout, by the way. Tough but soooo good!


My run went great today! 12 miles total all within 10 secs of marathon pace! I felt so strong!

Great job on this run!! I am envious of your running coach!! He looks like he is great and is really getting you in shape!


That Garmin looks super cool! I’ve never used one – I’m a slave to my Nike Running app on my iPhone. But, I’m starting to get really annoyed at always having my phone on me and the bulky feeling on my arm. It might be time for a change!


I did a walk/run interval run on the dreadmill this morning but I’ve never been so happy. And I have the old dinosaur Garmin the size of a brick but it works just fine and that’s all that matters :D


WHAT???? Oh my I’m drooling over the new Garmin! I got the 610 last Christmas and can’t justify a new one. Boo.

I would pick Mexican food. LoveLove.

My run went well. 6 mile run. I sadly had to DNS Philly RnR yesterday because of my Dad. It was perfect weather and perfect course and I think I was ready for a PR but my family comes first. Next up, Hershey Half.

Have a great evening, Janae.


About to go for my run as I type this!

I used a Garmin for a little over a year, and after numerous problems with charging, it dying when it said the battery was full, and it not working at races while I was at the starting line, it finally just quit turning on and I got a Nike GPS watch. I am interested to see how the new Garmin works for you!


That workout looks intense!

I use a forerunner 305… love that it is waterproof (I live in the rainy PNW), and was wondering today on my run if Garmin has another triathlete or waterproof watch besides the one I have.


Wow, you are such a running rock star!!! Amazing! I love the pic of Brooke and your mom, too. Best cheerleaders right there! :) You just made me want oatmeal, now, too. Weird.



Woman! That’s a hard core workout! Makes me miss high school track and XC having my coach yelling at me around the track. Any food?… Pizza.

How would you feel about posting a video of how you foam roll? I’m running St. George in 19 days and my IT is NOT happy. I’m thinking I need more direction with foam rolling out my legs.

Ps. My Garmin changed my life. How can I convince my husband I NEED that one???


I just got the Forerunner 10 and am still trying to figure it out. I just used it today and messed it up somehow, but overall, my run was good. It was the first time time running with my new dog. She did great and really seemed to enjoy it!


Okay. the video of you is kind of funny haha;) I was really excited for my mom to make dinner tonight but she didn’t! Soo I had Subway.. $5 footlongs yes! I don’t really know what my favorite dinner is. Depends on my mood. I don’t use a Garmin, or any watch! My run today was hard but really good. 4 miles of hills with 1 warmup and 1 cooldown!


My sister’s chicken pot pie. I have a garmin 210. I don’t run without it.


I use a Garmin 410 forerunner and I love it!! I did some speed work today and it was no fun!! felt good after I was finished but the process not as therapeutic as a long run for sure!


OMG! I want one of those Garmins!!!


Dinner tonight? I wish it was my hubby’s marinara sauce. We’re doing leftovers from the weekend.

I still use and have a love/hate relationship with my Garmin Forerunner 301. Old Trusty has been good to me since I started seriously training for my 2nd half marathon. It’s still working well, but I end up taking it off during my long runs since it’s a bit clunky and I get weird arm issues.

Day of rest today! :)


Whew! Looks like a tough workout. I ran a 5k today and was pretty proud of myself, haha!


Those watches look super cool! I use a pink/grey Garmin named Suzy, and she’s awesome :)

If I could have anything for dinner, it would be a salad with lots of yummy toppings including homemade jalapeno cheddar croutons and a cookie sandwich with the best ever chocolate frosting in the middle.

No run this morning because running partner is injured = saddest day ever :( The hubby insists I have to run with someone because we have a criminal targeting women on the loose. We biked and swam instead and tomorrow will probably have to be a treadmill run.


I have 3 Garmins, the 205,305 and Forerunner 10. I use them all just depends on what my mood is on any given day.
No run for me today. Recovery day after my half yesterday. I did a leisurely 3 mile walk.


I always want sushi. I could eat it every day and still not get enough. Those Garmins look awesome. I got a garmin for Christmas but really don’t use all of the features. I should start learning how to actually use it.


Um, ouch. But step 7 looks amazing!

Today was an easy run day for us. Plus we got to stop and pet an adorable kitten in the middle, so that made it even better!


Reading the comments reminded me of how much I love and miss chicken pot pie. I want THAT tonight but it won’t happen.

I have the 305….makes for an excellent upper body workout while running. You just have to make sure you alternate arms.


I’m just commenting to say that Lucy wore the same polka dot sweatshirt as Brooke today!!! I think they’d be best friends if they lived near each other. I think we’d get along pretty well too :)

Awesome workout! I am going to signup for a 5k this fall and so I’ll be spending some quality time at the track. I’m oddly looking forward to it!


I’m glad your running is going so well!


I love the track! I’m going to miss it when it gets too cold.


Great job on the workout, I LOVED reading along! And I love B’s hoodie :)

I MUST have that new 620… Can’t wait to read your review – woop!


I just want some Chicago deep dish pizza. Spinach and mushroom. My favorite. I use a Garmin Forerunner 10. My run today was great until I got to mile 8.5, where I ran out of water, then got the worst side stitch of my life and basically crawled the entire last mile.


Seriously you are so amazing and fast and I kinda want to be you.


Forerunner 10…but I kind of like the loons of that one!


me! i have the Garmin forerunner 410! I LOVE it but the new one looks too awesome…


Is it wrong that I’m totally jealous of Brooke’s cute little hoodie? I want one too!! ;)


Yay! Super excited to see this training post. Loved it. Inspiring and motivating…I could use some of that. Loved that you posted the video of what your coach does for you with the band. Gosh, my form is so crappy. I could benefit from this. Looking forward to more posts like these Janae! Great job on your paces too.


Oh my goodness that workout would literally kill me! You are so incredible and I have the utmost respect for you now. Lol. I have the garmin forerunner 10 and I love it for right now as I train for a half. But honestly if I run a marathon I will prolly get a better one. That 220 is super cute! My run today was an easy five miles. The temperature outside was actually great. Starting to feel like fall. I already ate dinner but I really want that japanese ice cream from trader jos called mochi….that stuff is incredible


The scenery at your track is just beautiful!!! It is so sweet that your mom brought Brooke to come watch you :)…I love your mom and I don’t even know her!
Oh how I love my Garmin!!!!! I have a 210 and I am actually not quite sure what I would do without it! The new one looks awesome too!!!!!
That was an awesome speed work!!! I cannot seem to get under 1:28 for a 400!!!


I’ve been using the Garmin Forerunner 405 since it came out but we had our ups and downs and I started seeing other running apps, but now that Garmin has come out with the 620 which has all those sweet features, I’m going back to Garmin, exclusively.


Ok seriously hardest workout ever lol. Your amazing :)


I have the Forerunner 910XT and just bought my daughter the Forerunner 10. We both love. I hope to run my second half marathon with her in March and hopefully she will run her first! Love Garmin. Just want to get my little one a Garmin too.


Wow looks like you got a great workout in!!
I’m actually comparing Garmin’s right now and I’m not sure which one I want/need. Thanks to this new one its going to complicate my choices a little, haha.


That looks like one tough workout!!!
I have the garmin 910 and just got it but love it! This colorful watch looks aawesome!


I NEEEEED that Garmin! I don’t have one, but it’s totally time. And Brooke’s smile in that first picture is to die for. Happy girl :)


Yowza that looks tough! But I’m jealous!! I haven’t run now in 5 weeks – darn injury.
When I do run I use a Garmin forerunner 10 and love love love it. The new ones looks great! Love the colors.


OMG your mom and Brooke are Twins!


I’ll just be happy to get a Garmin, those look amazing but are probably way too intense for me :)


I am in complete want of the 620 (just wish it came in purple). I’ve been using the 610 for a couple of years, and using the cadence alarm with the foot pod saved me from ITBS. It would be awesome to use these crazy features.

Thanks for the idea about the theraband drills. I sit back while running to.


I have been going to a one on one running clinic with a physical therapist. She does that band training on a treadmill. It’s crazy but awesome.

Sticking with my Garmin 305. Never a problem. Love it!


oh my gosh. I want that watch!!! I have the Forerunner 10, which works just great for my purposes. I love it. But I certainly wouldn’t turn down winning one of those!


I have a garmin on my xmas list!!! You are a running rockstar! I had a turkey burger for dinner, which was pretty dang good. The only thing it was missing was a side of sweet potato fries ;-)


Oh man, seriously just reading this made me tired. He he. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!


I love my garmin, but I’ll say it, these look SO COOL!!!! Colour display?!?!?? Your run sounds awesome!!! I seriously love the idea of working with a coach to get faster/stronger/better!!!!


If you don’t get a sub-3 based on this training, I will be surprised.

The new Garmins look awesome! I use a 110, but have tried a couple different models before settling on that one.


I love my Garmin….I would love the new 220…can’t wait to see the review you do or at least I hope you review that one or both ;-)

Maybe you can get us all a little discount code too??? (Early Christmas present haha!?) Thanks!


Hey! I am working on upping my track workouts to get faster. Is there a specific reason you did strides afterwards? Thanks!


Wow, well, I could volunteer to hold the resistance bands but aside from that I’d be totally useless and that is one really nice view from the track!


That is so awesome that you got to work one on one with your coach. Not that I’m a “real” runner like you, but I can already tell from these pictures that your form is better. Nice midfoot strike :)


Wow what a tough workout! I love Brooke’s polka dot hoodie too!


I have the big ole chunker Garmin that takes up half of my wrist… this one looks AMAZING!!!!


OMG i’m so EXCITED about the garmin!!! There’s nothing wrong with my 405 but…. i have a bday coming :)!

You rocked that workout!


OH my god, i want that purple watch so bad!


Hi Im new to your blog and love it. Sorry if you’ve covered this sometime before but does your coach ever teach you about breathing? You may not need any tips with that good mountain air but I feel like i just pant in similar fashion to my black lab!! For full disclosure I should add that i am lots older than you, so maybe that’s why! You wont see me at Boston or Chicago –maybe just on a dirt road in GA :) Thanks for the inspiration you’ve given me recently to run again–in the short time I’ve been reading you’ve taught me alot about digging deep through adversity. Plus Brooke is worth tuning in for daily!


I’ve been eating soooo bad so I would probably just have a giant salad tonight with tons of tomatoes and avocado. Alas I will be eating leftovers :(.
I use a garmin 405xc??? I never quite remember exactly.
I can’t start running again for another month :(((((((


What a nice workout. I have a question. I am confused what you mean by strides. Can you explain what you mean by that? Thanks!!


Wow loving that Garmin! seriously drooling right now. Great workout by the way; very motivating. Thanks for all the great pics.


So according to Yasso’s 800s you are right on target for that sub 3 marathon!!! Fantastic!!!! I use the same Garmin as you, the Forerunner 305. I love that old clunker. It’s been through many miles with me :)


I would have homemade pizza tonight- as we have given up gluten we haven’t had “normal” pizza.

No Garmin- but they look neat!

*http://expertbrand.com- is where I’ve been getting great new running gear for fall!


I need to do these warm up drills! I have been having trouble sticking to my running schedule let alone warming up or cooling down.. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the inspiration to do a track workout… trying to PR in a half next month and I have been lazy and not doing HIIT runs, just longer ones! My run was a minute faster than usual today… decided halfway through I should push myself a little harder!


I’m drooling, I want that watch. It’s going on my Christmas list right….NOW! The best part is…it doesn’t look gigantic. I’ve gotten used to my Forerunner 10 which is so tiny. Would love some extra stats to my runs though.

Awesome speed workout. I like the drill to make you run forward too.


If we follow the step, we can really achieve what we want.


Hi Im new to your blog and love it. Sorry if you’ve covered this sometime before but does your coach ever teach you about breathing? You may not need any tips with that good mountain air but I feel like i just pant in similar fashion to my black lab!! For full disclosure I should add that i am lots older than you, so maybe that’s why! You wont see me at Boston or Chicago –maybe just on a dirt road in GA :) Thanks for the inspiration you’ve given me recently to run again–in the short time I’ve been reading you’ve taught me alot about digging deep through adversity. Plus Brooke is worth tuning in for daily!

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