Back on the Diet Coke Bandwagon.

Remember that one time I quit diet coke for a solid three years?  Well, that all ended when everything happened a few weeks ago.  

I am back to diet coke and I am giving myself until the divorce is finalized to keep drinking it and then I will quit again.  

Three reasons why I am back to my dear friend DC (or diet pepsi but preferably diet coke ((throw in some vanilla and I am in heaven)) for the time being:

1.  It is always there for me.

2.  Caffeine is necessary when I don’t sleep well anymore.

3.  It makes me happy.  I am focusing on doing things that make me happy for the next little while.  

Yesterday at approximately 1:31 p.m.:

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The sister and I went to Costco yesterday to get some stuff for dinner and I walked out with three of the absolute softest blankets you will ever meet in your life.  One for me, one for my sis and one for my mom.  

If the Oprah Show was still on and she still did her ‘Favorite Things’ episode I guarantee these blankets would be on her list because they are that amazing.  My mom said she had never felt something so soft in her life. 

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We all went back to my sister’s house and Brooke took a nap (did you know Brooke has her own bedroom at my sister’s house? They really like her a lot and we are there a lot) and I was able to go do some church things until she woke up.  


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I got back just in time to see my BIL’s awesome chef skills.

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And Brooke and I really helped out by eating chips while sitting on the ground.

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The dinner bell.   I didn’t know that people still did this…I thought it ended in the early 1900’s but it worked last night….everyone ran up when they heard it.  

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Chicken and potato burritos with pico and cucumbers.  

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And you know that ice cream happened later on last night with my mom at the kitchen counter.  I told you, I am doing things that make me happy.  


Any soda drinkers?  Anyone that used to drink soda?  What kind is/was your favorite?

Least healthy habit?!?!  Come on….we all have them.

-Diet coke.

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

Caffeine…..yay or nay?

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I don’t really drink pop unless I have a stomach ache or I’m feeling really dragging and then I’ll drink something diet or ginger ale. My least healthy habit is drinking beer. I’m not sorry about it, I love my beer! I got 10 hours of sleep last night. I was dragging the last couple of days and today was necessary to sleep in. I’m happy I did!


I just want u to know I left during my lunch break to go to Moes and get a diet vanilla coke!! Hah. It sounded too good whenn u mentioned it and they of those big red soda machines where u can do add ins! Holler.

Yessss to caffeine. In the form of coffee with cream :)


I have a very long history of soda addiction. Used to be Diet Mtn, Dew then switched over to Coke Zero. In 2011 I gave it up for New Years. And I do very well with it except for if I go out to eat on the weekends and I don’t have a cocktail, I will “treat” myself to a soda. And I am more relaxed about it on vacation. The key for me is not having it in the house. I say if it makes you happy then go for it. I have a saying when I am going through a hard time “whatever it takes”. Meaning, I just do what I need to in order to get me through and when sunnier days arrive, I will go back to my normal behavior. I think now more than ever you should just be kind to yourself! Drink the soda, be happy and enjoy. Take care of yourself, Janae!


I’m a HUGE fan of Diet Mountain Dew… should see the collection of empty bottles under my desk at work (I should probably go recycle, like two weeks ago…)

Least healthy habit: Not listening to my stomach when I’ve had too much to eat.

I think I got 6.5 hours of sleep last night….I try for 7.5.

Diet Dew, all the way! Caffeine is my morning hero!


Try diet mtn. Dew!!!


Things that make you happy are essential- and I am the same way.. my divorce court date is in a couple weeks.. and believe me- in comparison to the things I’ve been doing to make me happy, diet coke is no big deal lol


You deserve to be happy!

I do diet Dr. Pepper when I need a boost. But I don’t do it often enough to be addicted. It’s so rate that when I do have one I have a lot of energy. But it’s definitely NOT against the word of wisdom to have a diet coke or diet dr pepper or whatever every once in a while. :D I always link people that article when they get on me for it!


You do what you need to do to get through!

The “peaceful” photo you posted reminded me of a place I liked to go to for reflection when I lived in Phoenix. The link is below. The grounds are lovely and peaceful, I spent a good amount of time there after having to put my dog down on Memorial Day.


Hi, my name is michelle and I am addicted to coke zero vanilla:) I don’t drink much of it, maybe a half a can once a day but that little bit is needed every single day!


I’ve never really liked diet coke but since Taylor Swift is the spokesperson for it I totally agree with drinking it every now and then ;)


I have a crazy Diet DP addiction. More specifically a 44 oz fountain Diet DP in a Styrofoam cup (plastic ones sweat too much). I have actually asked my two favorite gas stations who only have Styrofoam cups in the 32 oz size to add a 44 oz to their selection. Usually I go to Sonic to get my fix.
So diet soda is my crack. I have tried multiple times to give it up over the years but I always relapse.


Diet Coke makes me happy too. I don’t drink as many as I used to. If I’m going to have a vice, I figure Diet Coke isn’t that bad! :)


ALL the power to you for doing things that make you happy!

I don’t really drink soda (I had a DC addiction too), the only time is really on a special occasion or as a drink mixer.

My least healthy habit is definitely my sweet tooth! I have to have at least one sweet treat a day.

I think I got 8 hours last night (I don’t really function with any less than that) & YAY for caffeine, even though it doesn’t affect me enough…I wish it gave me more energy.


No pop, but I love lime flavored sparkling water
Bad habit = eating peanut butter from the jar!


I LOVE this post! I love Coke! Nothing makes me as happy as a cold can of Coca Cola! I was just thinking today at lunch how I don’t care about all the health hazards of soad…sometimes at 12 noon when you’re a teacher with 25 kindergarten students, you need a little caffieine pick me up ;)
I have also purchased super soft blankets from Costco (one of my favorite stores).

Karen @karenlovestorun


Ahhh! My MIL just bought us one of those blankets and it is like sleeping on a cloud of softness. We’ve just had a baby and he loves just jamming out on it because it’s so awesome.


I gave up coffee over the summer, so I might on occasion have a soda, but I try not to drink caffeine often. My bad habit though is sweets. I need to cute myself off from that addiction.


A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do; and I say treat yourself to diet Coke if that makes you feel better right now! As much as I love it, I do try to limit my diet Dr. Pepper intake though…


COKE!!! I love Coke. In college and grad school I would drink one a day, but now I only allow myself to have one under certain circumstances:

1) With pizza. Pizza without Coke is just wrong, in my opinion.
2) If I’m eating out and Fountain Coke is available (but even then I rarely indulge).
3) The movies.

I have WAY too many unhealthy eating habits to reveal here. ;) All of my friends know that I run to eat, not eat to run. Haha.


Diet Pepsi. I stopped 1 month ago when my BF left again for school (LDR) and lets hope I can keep it off. I drink it when I get anxious and it just makes it worse!


Soda is one thing that I go hot and cold on — it’s tough. Currently my downfall is gingerale — and I lie to myself and say it’s not soda. Can anyone back me up on this?

PS: good for you for doing what makes you happy. seriously


When I was a kid and nauseated, my mom fed my coke syrup. Yep. We also never had soda as a kid so I raised my kids without. It really makes me feel bloated and icky. Ice cream every night… Love that. My mom and I both love love chocolate and Cheetos, but not at the same time.

Sleep is a crap shoot. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. When I went through my divorce from my kids dad I had to take some medication because the anxiety was so insane. But only for a little bit.

You’ll make it.


I don’t know why but I have been CRAVING soda recently. It’s so weird because I’ve never been a huge soda drinker! I am glad you’re just doing what makes you happy, we all need to do that more :)


Full strength Dr Pepper is my weakness! I try to limit myself, but I look forward to that one (or sometimes, two) drink a day!


Couldn’t help but notice the little bit of ‘Nebraska’ in your last picture, not sure what it’s for but I live in Nebraska :)
Used to be a regular pop drinker but I quit in college to assist in losing the lovely freshman 15, thankfully I haven’t really gone back to it unless in the form of a cocktail.
Least healthy habit…definitely cookies. Sleep…I love sleep, solid 8 hours a night for this girl or I don’t function. Caffeine…definitely coffee in the morning.
Glad you’re doing what makes you happy, we all forget to do that sometimes.


I used to have a severe diet coke addiction! I don’t drink soda anymore though, unless I have a real coke once in a blue moon. :) I actually think diet coke tastes weird now! I try not to drink very much caffeine, but I will have tea/coffee here and there. My sweet tooth is definitely my least healthy habit! And I never get enough sleep to make me happy! :)


Dr. Pepper. Always and forever, amen.

I agree with you…do what makes you happy! xoxo


girlfriend, if diet coke is the worst thing you are going to do then you are doing pretty well.


I can’t stand pop! It makes me sick! I got about 6 hours of sleep last night.. I had to get up at 4:50!!!!! Too early! Okay I want to live at your sister’s house. Seriously.


We totally had a dinner bell growing up! My mom was not about to shout her lungs out to get 4 kids from different corners of the house to congregate for food.

I’m not dependent on caffeine, but sometimes it’s useful. (It does help with migraines and helps keep me going during some runs. And my digestive tract is so much happier now that I have a cup of coffee in the morning on weekdays.)


I’m late commenting, but sometimes we just need diet coke to be there for us girl.


My dear, if diet coke is the worst vice you have, you are going to be just fine :)
You might try some gentle yoga before bed, just to help you wind down a bit. I know you’ve checked out my restorative yoga workout before on my site, it may be worth giving a try 30 min before you try to crawl I to bed :) hang in there lady!


I drink Diet Mountain Dew like it’s my day job. I give it up for lent every year then start right back on Easter. It’s such an unhealthy addiction but I just can’t quit it.


MAJOR diet coke lover! I like it because it burns my nose and is chemically…is that why people do drugs? I take advantage of McDonald’s dollar drink days a lot! I do abstain starting 3 days before race day though so I can pre hydrate.


I’m really sorry that you are going through all of this. :( I’m glad that this is helping to make you happy :)


I used to drink a lot of diet coke. I now only have it on occasion. I do drink coffee daily though. The amount of fake sugar keeps me away from diet anything.


Diet coke is my vice for sure. Drink on girl, drink on!! It also makes me very, very happy.


I have a soft blanket obsession and now I must get the one from Costco! I stopped drinking soda a few years ago but will indulge in Diet Dr. Pepper every once in a while. I love the soda machines at Moe’s too!

Hang in there girl, thinking about you. It’s hard, take your time. Hugs.


I’m a diet Dr pepper girl but totally cut back because it upsets my tummy when I’m running. I try to cut it down to once a week which is always tough!


DC cheers to you my friend!


I am too!! After giving Diet Coke up for a year plus, I recently fell back into it. Grr! I’m not sure what it is, but it just makes me so happy. So weird!


We have those blankets!!! We even bought an extra one for our living room so we can do family cuddles during movie nights! (that and the kids love to just rub it)

Diet coke with a splash of real Dr. Pepper….my go to soda splurge.

And we all deserve a happy thing, I enjoy mine if I meet my water intake goal, because frankly after drinking 100oz of water, I need to change it up :)


I bought 3 of those blankets at Costco too. I am going back for more! Heaven..


I quit drinking soda years ago, I still drink a Diet Coke very rarely, for the caffeine!


I too was addicted to the diet crack for some time. But now it’s been so long since I’ve had it, even when I’m thinking it’s a good idea, it tastes funny to me?? Probably a good thing. Coffee is my caffeine vehicle now.

Least healthy habit: definitely alcohol, and Kraft Mac and Cheese with hot dogs. Sometimes I just really really need it. mmmm comfort food. Oh – and flaming cheetos. I definitely crave those right around that time of the month.


I did the same thing after my mom passed away. Soda was my go to comfort food. Got me through a rough time and I’m still alive to talk about it today. (=
Ha, do what you need to to get through to the other side!


I drink ENTIRELY too much diet soda! I’ve come to terms with the fact that I will probably never stop drinking it completely, but am trying hard to drink less. Drinking iced coffee helps too :) My absolute favorite is Diet Dr. Peppy Cherry, but I won’t say no to any type of diet soda with caffeine!

Good for you for doing things that make you happy! :) You should most definitely be doing that. Keep your head up! You rock :)


Love you Janae!


Up until this past Tuesday I was pregnant and tried to limit my caffeine to 1 cup of coffee a day. I LOVE coffee and savor that cup.


YES — do anything that makes you happy right now! You’re doing so well and we’re all pulling for you!


~ I do not drink soda, unless I’m dealing with a hangover then I get a vanilla coke treat
~Cheese is my weakness
~I’m averaging 3-5 during school weeks, last night I hit 7 so that’s a big win for me!
~coffee is currently on of my best friends, I get 1 cup a day.

You should try Sleepytime tea! (made by celestial seasonings) it’s awesome I have a cup every single night with a tablespoon of creamer ( I use coffee mate’s natural bliss vanilla or sweet cream). Falling asleep has been much easier since I started.

Also, your dinner looks delicious!


drink up that DC girl! I usually have 4-5 diet sodas a week, and I drink a lot of coffee…like 3 travel mugs every day. I love it and it makes me happy :) keep up the spirits and sending strength!


OMG! thank you for posting this…my dad died last december and I too jumped back on the dc bandwagon and was feeling guilty about it. however, that was until you said you were doing things that were going to make you happy and so i am not going to feel guilty about it anymore because DC definitlely makes me happy :) so thank you.

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