Rest day, we persevered and I hit a new cooking low.

Sunday = rest day from running.  Brooke and I slept in until 8:30.  That felt good.  

Feel free to start clapping because I did a french braid in Brooke’s hair yesterday.  A french braid on a one year old is not easy but we both persevered and made it happen. 

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You can kind of see it a little better in this picture.  

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I have reached a new low when it comes to cooking.  I am now to the point where I am eating my Dad’s TV dinners for lunch.  At least I supplemented it with some peas, wheat thins and a banana on the side.  

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Whenever my niece comes over she loves to pick out outfits for Brooke to wear.  Yesterday she had Brooke sporting around her running skirt and racerback tank.  Once Brooke can type I will have her start working on a full review of her Champions running gear from Target.

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Just the usual family dinner at my parents’ house.  Yesterday my mom made her meat/potato/carrot stew that I have eaten since I was 2 years old…talk about comfort foods.

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Brooke and I actually went on two walks yesterday.  One of them just the two of us and one of them with my dad, sister, niece and Maggie after dinner.   I think going on walks will be my new thing to help deal with my situation because I felt so much better after my walks (I wish I could go on multiple runs a day but I have finally reached the stage where I am smart about my running and my body cannot handle multiple runs a day:)

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I don’t know where she learns this kind of stuff from?  It’s not like I am ever on my phone.  

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(My goal for this week is to actually use my real camera so that you don’t have to deal with blurry pictures from my phone like the ones I have been forcing you to look at lately)

Brownie with chocolate ice cream on top and a glass of milk. 

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While we are on the topic I saw this online yesterday and thought it was brilliant.  

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Looks like my mom and I are going to have an easier way to share ice cream now, I wonder if it would work with the 1/2 gallon ice cream cartons?

Say a little prayer for me today.  I am meeting my coach at the track for a speed workout.  I have a feeling that this will probably be one of my hardest workouts ever.  I think he will be having me do 1200 meter intervals.  Ouch.  


What was the HIGHLIGHT of your weekend?

Do you have a set rest day each week or do you just take one according to how your body feels or what your life schedule is like?

Name your favorite comfort food!

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That French braid is too cute. Way to go Janae for wrangling a wiggly one year old to do it. And can I admit to you that I pine over the Target running clothes for babies and little girls? I want a girl next time and dress her just like me. So sweet!!


I usually rest on Sundays, but sometimes I’ll throw another one in during the week depending on how my legs and body feels.

The highlight of my week was probably getting to go see my friends’ new house and help them do some renovations.


I have learnt all my braiding skills by practicing on my nannying kids at work. It’s so hard with their short little hairs but it’s so fun!


I love going on walks. I think it helps with any emotion. Fresh air is always good. Splitting ice cream like that is brilliant! That is if you want to share of course.


I’m super injury-prone so I try to be strict with my rest days! If I think I need an extra or should switch days, I definitely do that as well. No injuries for me!


Wow How beautiful…perfect view to enjoy in long walks!


a) You deserve a monument for that french braid – my little girl is 18 months old and she doesn’t want a ribbon or a hair clip near her!
b) Brooke’s running outfit…!!! LOVE!
c) I need that brownie.


Brooke’s running outfit is too much! Walks can do just about as much good mentally as running, but they’re way easier on the body!
The highlight of my weekend: it was my hubby’s 30th birthday so we went to the mountains, did an awesome hike, and a gorgeous trail run.
Good luck with your speed workout!


I love baked cheese macaroni or grilled cheese and tomatoes stoup. hits the spot every.time.

I ran 17 miles in the city with m running buddy Miranda then went to jazz on the green with my running buddy. it was lovely.

I had no idea they made baby running gear. Something to look forward too!


you had me at that ice cream splittage!!!


I should really take more walks… Soo good for the mind but I so rarely do it! I recently switched my rest day from Monday to Sunday, and I kinda like it so far! Good luck at the track!


I typically like rest days on Sunday’s. It just feels right to have them then, but sometimes I’ll alternate days if I get super busy during the week.
Favorite comfort food for sure is mac and cheese.


I don’t designate rest days, I usually just take them as I need (1-2 a week). The highlight of my weekend was getting in a solid run and SO MUCH REST. I have been sleepy for the past two weeks so I am thrilled that I woke up well rested today :) Favorite comfort food is definitely mac and cheese or a grilled cheese and tomato soup (see a theme here?!)


I think the highlight of my weekend was deciding to go to the Bill’s football game yesterday. The weather was perfect for watching football! I always take Fridays off, and will take other days off during the week depending on how I feel/my schedule.


I did my first trail run at night Saturday evening-and it was amazing! What fun!!
My rest day is usually just whatever day I’m exhausted, but that’s usually on a Friday.
My favorite comfort food is chicken and dumplings-yum.
Picture of Brooke makes my heart melt.


I think Brooke is learning from the male cousin to just stare and “wonder” when Curly gets all crazy during picture taking…..kind of funny how the two are letting the girls have a crazy photo moment. ;-)


That picture with the mountains in the background is beautiful!

I’m loving Brooke’s french braid. I wish I had that talent!


I love Brooke’s hair!!! Way to go! Now that is talent.

The highlight of my weekend was my in-laws moving back to Canada after living in Cambodia for over five years! We decorated and made signs and, of course, cake (it was gluten free for my sister in law and not that good…) and had great family time!

I always take Sundays off and usually another day depending on my work schedule.


After a tough week for me personally the highlight of my weekend was spending time with my husband and forgetting about my problems. Sometimes it is nice to just take a break from it all! I used to take a rest day every Friday, but now I run 6-7 slow miles instead. It works for me right now, but when my body needs it a rest day will happen!


Haha! Splitting the ice cream carton in half is just genius… thanks for that ;) And I’m with you on the walking… early morning or late evening walks are pretty much my favourite things ever, and I have to say that the place you’re living is absolutely gorgeous.

As for the highlight of my weekend, I was at Healthy Living Summit, so I got to spend some time with great blogger friends :)


Brooke is so cute in that outfit!!


Love that picture of Brooke, looks like she’s dancing :). I have every Sunday set as my rest day, I wouldn’t have it any other way either. For me, I have to have a day where my body doesn’t do anything. I tried to take a rest day during the week, but it felt like I didn’t get any rest because I was walking all over campus. Cutting that pint in half is just pure genius! I’ll have to remember that next time I get Trader Joe’s Ice cream. Favorite thing about my weekend was spending it with my bf since it was his birthday weekend :)


I don’t have a set rest day but I do make sure to take them often now! My favorite comfort food is usually anything sweet but lately I have been wanting salty… so strange! The best parts of my weekend were meeting new people at HLS, a Sunday massage, and some exciting family news :-)


I usually just take rest days when I need them. I will have one planned but it might end up being another day due to scheduling or how I feel after a run/workout.

Love the little french braid in Brookes hair, you must have a lot of patience to do that. I love braiding but I get frustrated even braiding my own hair let alone someone who is most likely squirming the whole time :)


Buying my BOB stroller! Lol I am lame ;)
Saturday is usually always a rest day, then the other two vary on what is going on that week.
Pancakes or mac and cheese.


The pictures of Utah just keep getting more and more beautiful! Oh, and THIS: “Once Brooke can type I will have her start working on a full review of her Champions running gear from Target.” Made me absolutely LOL. Happy Monday!


That picture of Brooke in her running gear just made my whole week better :) Love the ice cream trick too!


Cutest little running outfit ever! I usually take my rest day on Sunday, but I’m trying to be a little flexible with it since I usually have more time on Sundays and hate working out during the week.


Highlight of the weekend was running the color run


Oops I didn’t mean to hit sent yet. The Color Run on Saturday was the most fun ever, it’s only 5km but you should totally do it one day if it comes to your city!

Brookes pose in the running outfit picture made me laugh, she’s so cute lol!

Looks like you have a beautiful backdrop for your walks, it would be hard for me to not trip over rocks and things bc i would be so mesmerized by the view. Good luck with your tough run today!


Way to rock the french braiding skills! I wish I could french braid my daughter’s hair. She looks so beautiful with it done that way, but I have yet to master it. I always have my MIL do it when she’s in town! And the pint splitting is abso-freakin-lutely BRILLIANT!!


Highlight of my weekend was my run on the Appalachian Trail with a friend! We did 25 miles and had a blast!


File that ice cream picture under “why didn’t I think of that?” Purely genius.


Oh my goodness, Brooke in her running gear with the french braid? TOO CUTE!
And I love the ice cream sharing trick :)

Have a great day! Good luck with your speed workout!


The French braid looks great!
I worked all weekend so the highlight was probably the homemade muffins a coworker brought in yesterday!
I have multiple ‘rest days’ a week because I work 12 hr shifts, 45 min away so if I’m doing a day shift I don’t run. I know I could when I get home but I’m usually really tired. Other weeks I’m off for 5 days so I do some sort of exercise each day. If you ever want to have a guest post I’d love to hear how other shift workers do it!

I’m not sure what my favourite comfort food is. My moms lasagna maybe?


That French braid is too cute! My weekend was super relaxing and the highlight was the beautiful weather here – I took advantage with a long run and a long walk and as many hours outdoors as possible :)


Brook is such a mini-you in that running outfit, I love it!! I was at the Healthy Living Summit all weekend, it was so amazing. I loved every minute of it.


Brooke’s braid is so cute and you look so gorgeous in that picture! And I firmly believe that walks are great for stress, as well as eating ice cream, and eating ice cream while walking is something else entirely!


With a view like that, I would be walking 5x a day… I sure miss those mountains! Also, a week of running in Park City? Sign me up!! PC is one of my favorite places and holds a special place in my heart…

When we were living in Idaho for graduate school, my husband and I went down there for a weekend to celebrate passing comprehensive exams. We had been saving our meager stipends for a couple of weeks (i.e. eating PB&J and spaghetti for 3 weeks straight) to go out for a fancy dinner and ended up choosing The Riverhorse on Main…. Not only was the food incredible, the night was made that much more memorable when the waiter came by to tell us an anonymous fellow had picked up our (expensive) tab. The waiter said the fellow was glad to see two young people enjoying each other’s company and it reminded him of when he was first married. It was such a kind and generous offer. Since then, we have always looked forward to the day when we can go back to Park City and being able to do the same for someone else…


Good luck at the track today!

Umm, people share pints of ice cream??? I need one all to myself. :)


SPLIT Ben & Jerry’s ?!! That is TOO COOL !! :D I have to try this !


Brooke is just getting so big now! Total toddler stage rather than baby stage!


My fab comfort food is potatoes and turkey with gravy so good! Brooke looks so big, it’s crazy! Sunday is always rest day, and if I need more ill take more:)


Brooke’s braid is adorable!! Keep up the workouts! love hearing about your track work, totally motivates me to complete my weekly meeting at the track


The highlight of my weekend was finishing my 21 mile training run feeling like I could run more.


Grilled cheese consisting of Orowheat Butermilk bread and Kraft singles…fried in butter on the griddle. Comfort. Sadly, I can’t eat those anymore. Pretty much all comfort foods are now on the “intolerance list” :(

1200 intervals sound so challenging.

Walks are so good. For awhile I’d get up at 6 and go walk to the beauty of the sunrise shining on the bay. So restorative and affirming. Wishing that for you :)


That french braid is TOO much! Love it :) I’m sad to say that my comfort food is pizza, or manicotti. I love cheese. Oh, man I feel like I need to be comforted now, haha.


I can’t french braid anyone’s hair, let alone a one-year-olds. It looks so cute! Best part of my weekend was hanging out with blends in Minneapolis, for sure.


Wow, that view for your walks is amazing. I might just relocate so I can walk that every day. Genius way to share ice cream! I kind of want to eat ice cream just to try that out! Brooke = perfect :-)


AHHH Brooke’s little french braid is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. You’re such a great momma! <3 PS her little running gear is adorable as well :)


I like to take a rest day on either Wednesday or Friday — perfect to break up the week or END the week! Good luck with track!


Holy cow, Brooke looks so big!
My rest day is also set for Sunday. You know..the day of rest! ;)
One of my favorite comfort foods is a big bowl of homemade veggie soup with a biscuit or roll. I’m so glad it’s turning into fall so it can be soup season!


Favorite comfort food … that’s tough! Chicken and dumplings, ice cream, brownies … there’s a few that I could list! ;)

Glad you are smart about not putting too much pressure on your body with multiple runs a day. No need to push and get another injury!


All of the beautiful pictures you take make me wonder why I live in Illinois and not Utah. It’s so beautiful there!


Comfort food gotta be spaghetti or grilled cheese with tomato soup. It’s usually a weekly meal for me in the fall/winter months haha
I try for one to two full days of rest a week. I find with two full days I can really pound out good workouts the rest of the week.
My 11 month old has like. 1/4 of the amount of hair Brooke has. I can’t do anything with it! She pulls out headbands so she’s very low maintenance right now.


When my husband and I separated I went on SO MANY walks. Sometimes they were teary walks and sometimes they were more like stomping around – I’m sure I received a LOT of strange looks. Oh well :)

My weekend highlight was finishing my 30km (19 mile) training run – it’s a new distance record for me!

I ALWAYS take Monday and Friday as a rest day, other days are thrown in depending on how I feel.

Pasta with rose sause and garlic toast. So comforting and so yummy.


Ummm that ben and jerry’s idea is friggin genius. GENIUS!

I love Brooke’s French braid…also loving your niece with her mout wide open in the dinner shot :) Made me laugh. I also need a full shot of your church outfit because I am loving it!

Sunday’s are my rest day. I usually exercise everyday but Sunday, but only 3 of those days are usually running days. My body can only handle running 3-4x a week. I hope your run this morning went well. It rained just a little bit and you like that (weird) so hopefully that helped your crazy hard workout.

The best part of my weekend was hanging out all weekend with friends and my little family. Lately Ross has been at work until late every night and on Saturdays so it was nice to have him home the whole time too.


can’t wait to read brooke’s review of her workout attire ;) and I love walks too! I try to take one at lunch every day. helps keep me sane during the work day!


I can only hope that A) I have a little girl and B) that she is just as cute as Brooke!

I’m 17 weeks along and hopefully we find out the sex in 3 weeks!!

She’s just the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! :)

A baby boy is great too, but….Brooke makes me want a baby girl even more!


I’ve been walking more as I walk my kids to and from school every day (I get about 3 miles in every day) and I love it. I get the same quality thinking time but without the inability to breathe. Running is still better though.

I love a kid in tech clothes. My kids love that target has stuff for them!


First of all, I love the ice cream idea!
I hate rest days. I always have sundays be a rest and usually Wednesdays, just because I know that my body needs it, but sometimes it is so hard to stick with it!


It is the proper way to split ice cream. If you cut it in half the other way, the person who gets the top TOTALLY gets more which isn’t fair at all. I think walks definitely help clear your mind especially with the gorgeous fall weather! Favorite comfort food = macaroni and cheese!


Talking and walking are the best….especially in the evenings when it’s cooler! Brownies and ice cream are also the best :) You’re looking so pretty in the first picture, lady!


I almost always take a rest day on Sunday, and then one other day during the week when I feel like my body needs it. :)

Good luck on your run today – you will rock it!!


I worked all weekend, so no real highlight (although I do love my job). I usually rest on days that I work (or do quick recovery runs) because I typically work 3 twelve hour shifts a week and to do a long run after work would mean I would have to come straight home and go to bed.

Brooke’s little braid is precious!


Annie’s Bunnies and Cheese is my go to food for when I am sick/hungover/too lazy to make anything. Something about those little bunnies just makes me feel better.


Good luck on your workout! You’re training SO hard and I can’t wait to hear all about the results! Favorite comfort food is mac and cheese, hands down, although your mom’s carrot dish sounds pretty good!


The highlight of my weekend was easily my run along the beach at the jersey shore. I don’t think I have ever been happier during a run ever.

My rest day is almost always Sunday. Sometimes I will do “active rest” that day though and ride bikes with my hubby and stepson or something like that.

Favorite comfort food would have to be mom’s chicken and dumplings, homemade strawberry shortcake or pumpkin pie. Oh man I am so hungry now!!


Hands down the best part of my weeken was hiking my mom captive and naking her down 24×7 with me :)


peanut butter—extra crunchy :)


Seeing all my friends rock the big Cottonwood marathon.


I normally have one rest day a week — but I’ve been feeling a little “off” lately and wanted to try something new before my long run. Instead of complete rest, I did 2 EASY miles on the treadmill to loosen up my legs, and seriously had the best long run I’ve had in a LONG time the next day. This is the first time I’ve tried this method — and am curious if it works for other people, too?


I like to take Mondays off. Ice Cream and Chocolate Chip Muffins are my comfort food!


Um… Brooke’s outfit. The cutest thing EVER.


Highlight of my weekend was cooking over the fire with my husband.

I just see how my body is feeling as far as rest days.

Ice cream- or pizza are my comfort foods!

* I find all my running gear!


That ice cream split! GENIUS! And I loooove stew- it’s such good comfort food!! It’s def one of my faves, too. Chili is another one. Just good for the soul, you know? I don’t have a set rest day, I just listen to my body and rest when I need to. Some weeks I don’t have a rest day at all, but I will take it easier on one day, and just do a yoga video or something.



My workouts are all on set days of the week so the other days are rest days. I am a real creature of habit and routine so I like knowing which days are which.

The highlight of my weekend was an impromptu night out with friends. We had a blast!


The best part of my weekend was my 20 mile run which went amazingly and I was so happy with it. And then when I saw the pigs flying that was pretty amazing too. I try to take Sundays off, I need at least one weekend day to sleep late and not be worried about my long run.
And my mother’s macaroni and cheese. I love it.


I just bought my 9 an 3 year old some if the target running clothes. And bonus they were 70% off. I am excited to go for some runs with them lookin all cute. The 9 year old actually does run nd has a few 5ks under her belt so I felt justified. The 3 year will just look cute so I couldn’t pass it up.


Her outfit is SOOOO stinkin’ cute on her!!!!

That idea for ice cream is FABULOUS. So doing that with my sista.


I love the spliting the ice cream idea!


My mom makes a similar stew! So yum and so comforting :)

That pic of Brooke dancing is the best.

I take rest days whenever my body tells me to!

My highlight! Going to the tampa bay Bucs game last night. They lost, don’t worry, but I forgot how fun it is to BE at a sporting event and not just watching from a tv.

What was YOUR highlight?! (Besides finding the best possible way ever to eat ice cream)


I usually take a rest day depending on how my body feels or if I’m too tired to wake up before work. My highlight run this week was on the Russian Ridge Trail off of Skyline Blvd in the Bay Area (where I live).


Luv the braid!
…Glad to hear that you are able to find solace in your walks!


The ice cream thing is GENIUS!

Highlight of my weekend: corn maze and fall fun with friends!

And the best comfort food of all time…my grandmother’s meatloaf!


Weekend Highlight: Getting a massage yesterday!

Rest days: Typically happen when I can’t get my butt to the gym b/c I’m too tired. I let my body do the talking!

Ice cream is my favorite comfort food. It fixes the damage that band-aids can’t.


Her hair and that outfit are too stinkin cute! Good luck with the speed session! You’ll do awesome!


I usually rest from running on Mondays and Fridays, but I lift on those days.

I love the way Brooke is rocking her Champions running skirt and racerback tank! So funny!


Your yellow skirt looks so cute!!! Do you just want to go ahead and start shipping me your wardrobe when you are bored with it!!!


The highlight of my weekend was a high ropes course, yes I cried a little, but I was so proud that I did it!!

My rest days are usually on Sunday, but I rotate it depening on my schedule.

Best comfort food: my mom’s yams :)


Utah looks stunning!


Love the braid, that’s talent on such a little lady. This is kinda random but I remember reading that you listen to talks when you run. I just wanted to share my very favorite talk that has been helping me get through an extremely difficult time. Sometimes I have to listen to it 2 or 3 times a day. It’s the Merciful Obtain Mercy. By President Uchdorft. Anyhow check it out if you haven’t. It’s gold.


Mind blown with that ice cream. That is all.


Her hair looks so cute! I’m dying! I love that you did that. You are such a great mom and such a good person. Thank you for keeping us updated on your life.


I did 1200m ints yesterday and I think my legs had gained 5 kilos each… It was a tough one! Good luck, look forward to hearing how you go :)


The highlight of my weekend was a delicious dinner at a Mexican restaurant on Sunday night with a friend.


The split ice cream container is brilliant! I love it.

Weekend highlight: PRing my 7th half marathon. It was a very mentally tough race though, so even though my body is recovering my brain is going nuts. Mondays are usually rest days, today I took it too far. I’ve barely moved all day. Just needed sleep & TV :)

Absolute favorite comfort food: risotto. My parents never made it growing up, but there’s nothing better in my mind than a really big bowl of creamy rice goodness.


that’s genius to share ice cream, haha! And I LOVE walking. I love running, but a good walk can make me feel great too and helps clear my mind in the same way.


Wow, that mountain view is amazing!!! I could walk for hours looking at that. I love Brooke’s braid. Kudos to you for getting a one year old to sit still long enough to do her hair! Hope you survived your training run today. :)


Walks are awesome :) Brooke is adorable with the French Braid!


I saw that ice cream the other day. Such a good idea!! My fav comfort food is Grandma’s mac&cheese. Ohhh man.


The highlight of my weekend was getting a 4th place in my AG during my first 5k ! Super exciting for me :D I have 2 rest days each week and that works for my body. One rest day comes after 4 days in a row of running and 1 rest day is on Sunday because everyone should rest on sunday.


That braid is too cute! I doubt I could get my 3-year old to sit long enough for me to try that. It’s enough to just do pigtails! :) My rest days just depend on my schedule. I usually run 4-5 days a week. My body responds better to that to running everyday or 6 days a week. I normally try to run on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. My new thing is getting up early early to run before work. It just works better with my husband’s schedule and my son’s soccer schedule. And, it’s a nice feeling knowing I can spend the whole evening with my family rather than try to hurry up and run before dinner. Some of my favorite comfort foods are meatloaf and cheesy potatoes, chili soup (today would have been a good day because it was only 62 and cloudy here…felt cold to me!), and Linda’s Fudge Cake from The Cheesecake Factory.


I’m trying to get to that place where I am smart about running and don’t run multiple times a day too…but its hard! Why is it so hard being a smart runner? grrr.

I usually take rest days on Fridays, but sometimes just take them according to how my body feels, if I’m being smart. :)

And ANY food is comfort food!


I don’t really have a set rest day. Sometimes I just determine one that week, but I do get a tad upset if I have more than 1…I need to get over that!

My favorite comfort food is my Mom’s pot roast! I’ve had it since I was about 2 as well and it is amazing!!!


Oh my gosh Brooke looks so cute in that tank and skirt!


Love love Brooke’s French braid adorables!!!


I love going on walks too, I feel so much better afterwards!


Long walks are the best.

And that ice cream trick…dangerous!

* is where I’ve been getting great new running gear for fall!


I don’t have a rest day each week… I listen to my body. I try to only run 4 days a week (3 6-milers and 1 10-12 miler on Sat/Sunday). I might go to yoga every day I don’t run, it depends on what I have going on and how exhausted I am in the mornings!


That ice cream looks amazeballs. I’ve gotta get me some B&Js asap.


That picture of Brooke in the running skirt and dancing….ONE OF THE BEST EVER! So cute and funny.

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