Running from 7/15-7/21

Dynamic stretching and drill work before every run and stretching and foam rolling after every run.



3 miles @ 8:00 pace, 4 miles @ 7:23 pace and 1 mile @ 6:55 pace. 

Runner’s Core.


Easy 6.5 miles at a 7:48 pace.


7 mile run:  7:37, 6:57, 6:57, 6:48, 6:46, 6:36, 7:22.  Average pace of 7:00.


5 easy trail miles @ 8:18 pace.  

8 minute abs—> twice. Squats and Lunges 4 x 10


4 easy miles @ 8:16 average pace.  

Squats and Lunges 4 x10


10 mile long run!  First double digit run since February.  7:39, 7:38, 7:26, 7:25, 7:14, 7:13, 6:57, 6:57, 6:46, 6:43.  Average pace of 7:11.  

Runner’s Core.  8 minute arms.  

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Refueled with ketchup and cereal.  Okay so there were eggs with that ketchup in the background but they were eaten before I thought about taking a picture of it.  I mean, you can’t expect me to remember things like that, I have only been taking pictures of my food for like 2.8 years now.  Life Cereal is the cereal of 2013 for me and mixing fruit in with it makes it even better.

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Sunday:  Stay in bed as much of the day as possible.


What was your favorite run of the week?  Longest run of the week?  Any funny/weird/random things happen to you as you were running?

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My favorite run was my 4 miler yesterday. I held a decent for me pace, enjoyed every step and didn’t get rained on!


My favorite run was today’s 12 mile run-because it was the first run since I started marathon training 6 weeks ago where my hip didn’t hurt (I’ve worked really hard on this recovery with an ortho and PT-Love them both) and I maintained a decent pace. It’s good to not hate running like i did for the whole month the hip hurt.

Onward and upward!!!


Yahhhh for the 10 miler! That was a fast pace for the 10 miles-way to go!

I love Sundays as rest days too <3


I ran 9 miles this morning, and for 2 of them I was running alongside a granfondo 100 mile bike race. Of course, when I say “running alongside”, I mostly mean “gazing at their backs as they sail up the crazy hills in 2 seconds that I am still 30 seconds away from beating on the opposite side of the road”. It was pretty fun though!


I ran 3.2 miles today around West Hollywood! Perfect cloudy cool weather.


I always use Sunday as my rest day too. It just seems like a good way to start training for a new week! Awesome long run. Adding speed on top of high miles makes for an even tougher run but I bet it also helped it go by faster


Yesterday was my favorite run of the week–the heat wave finally passed through and I got 5.5 speedy miles in! It’s so much easier to do faster runs when it’s less hot and humid! I felt great and super invigorated afterwards, and it really boosted my attitude towards running (I’ve been in the dumps with the heat wave lately). It was great!


I had a grand total of 0 favorite runs this week – the east coast heat wave just had me dragging. Yesterday was my longest run, but 6 miles quickly turns into 5.5 when it’s already 90 and humid at 6 am. I can’t wait for my run tomorrow morning – the heat is finally breaking!


wow 10 miles in about half the time it takes me to do 7, great work!


Ran 14 for long run this week. Nothing too exciting happened running wise this week other than the heat and humidity has temporarily left. Nice that is was gone for Saturday’s long run.


My favorite run this week was on Saturday morning. I did 3 miles with a womens only running group. That run was sandwiched in between two other runs for a total of 10.5ish miles. It was fun and helped me to remember I do like to run.


My IT band is still keeping me home. So frustrated! How long we’re you out with a bad IT band? Did you just stretch and ice?
Thanks so much, can’t wait to get running soon!


Oh girl! I am SO SO SORRY about your IT band, what a bummer! I stopped running for about 5 weeks. This post should help you a little bit.
Get better ASAP!


You are rockin’ the runs Janae! I would say my long run of 12 miles was the best of the week-its my longest distance ever being pg and I am on vacation at our cabin so I got to jump in the lake right after:-)


My favorite run was my speed work I did this morning. I’m going out for another 2.5 miles this evening, though I don’t think they’ll be as much fun (or as cool and nice as my run this morning).
This wasn’t weird or anything, but I did notice something this morning: I like when I see old people walking old dogs. It’s like they totally understand each other and their oldness, haha. It’s so sweet.


I had a great week at the beginning of it…but tanked on the rest of the week. I’m still recovering from my surgery and am getting frustrated with the amount of time I’m being forced to give :( I did find a yoga class and a kickboxing class that I’m going to start in the next two weeks. Hopefully those things will fill in the gaps for me until I’m back 100%.
Sounds like you had a great week :) Thanks for sharing your workout links :)


Great work with the 10 miler! Reading this reminds me that I really need to egt running again. Serious slacker right here.


Keep up the great work!! Looks like you are done awesome and I envy your speed – hopefully I will be as fast as you one day :-)


Janae, what is the Runner’s Core DVD like? The amazon link says it’s 80 minutes long, is it split up into different workouts or something? I’m intrigued!

Also, I love this new weekly run post! It’s super interesting to me to see other people’s training plans (in an educational, non-creepy way)!


Oh awesome!!!!! Yes it is three levels and I am doing level three which is about 25 minutes. It is great!


Awesome, thanks for the info!


Weirdest thing that happened to me was getting attacked by a bird! I swear there are these crazy birds where we live that usually just fly at you when you run by but this week one actually pecked me. Scariest thing ever my run turned into a tempo haha!


Today’s 4 miler was my favorite (and hardest) run this week! My gym removed the main fan over 1/3 of the treadmills and I was burning up! BUT it was my farthest in a long time and I was thrilled to finish it :)


I ran a mile with my husband this morning :) :) And it was awesome. We’re newbies, don’t make fun of us. One day I will be able to run 4 miles and refer to it as “easy” haha ;)



I ran from the car to the house today as it was pouring down rain :)


What was your average pace? ;)


My favorite run was 12km easy run yesterday because I got to run with my favorite person (boyfriend!) and we ended up running through an outdoor art festival and an old car show so it was very eventful!


I had a great long run today! My funny moment was thursday morning as I was about to start mile repeats with a training partner, I panicked and thought I put my shorts on backwards! That’s what happens with a 5am wakeup and dressing in the dark. Thankfully, it was all good and I was dressed properly:0


awesome run, girl!!! my favorite run this week was this morning 7.5 miles at the beach:) the beach seems to make everything better.


Love it love it love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on your first double digit run! Yahoo! and your speedy little lady! I like your workout for today the best! LOL. Hugs!


My 4.5 miler on Monday was awesome – it was a new place and it was really cool and early. My longest run was 7 miles – it was an alternation between treadmill and outside because the hamster wheel bores me


I love your recaps and I love to see that you really DO take your easy days easy ((8min pace or slower)) and it is finally occuring to me that THAT is why you are injury free and able to run 6 out of 7 days!! thanks for the wake up call!!!


When I ran my half marathon last month, I was dead by the time it was over. I can’t imagine running that far anymore! Mentally done with running… is that weird ?


You are a rock star! :)


My favourite run was a 6 mile run along the waterfront. It was tough, but so pretty!

Yay, for your double digit run!


Favorite run of week – 7-mile trail race on Tuesday. Longest run of week – 11 mile trail run on Friday that seemed MUCH longer because of heat & humidity. Cinnamon LIFE cereal is the best!


Mondays run was the best for me! It was a great speed run. Since then my it band has been hurting just enough to worry me :(. I have been able to still run just slowed it way down and have been stretching a lot!
I just decided I need to go to the store and get some Life :)
Nothing really eventful happens to me on run. The most eventful things I can think of involve dogs and rain….that’s about it


congrats on your 10 miler! so exciting and such a great pace – all your hard training and patience has paid off!


good girl! keep that strength training up!


My 5 mile run today to shakeout my legs from 8 hours in the car!!! And I totally agree, Life cereal is AMAZING.


Well this week was pretty abnormal since I did a 50k today so 31 miles was my longest run this week! It was on the trails and there was a guy running barefoot which I just can’t understand, the rocks were hurting my feet WITH my shoes on. This particular trail also has a random spot where there are pots, pans, other kitchen stuff, and a doll dressed in a lei and Hawaiian clothing. So weird. I love life cereal! Such a classic!


31 miles! That is incredible!!!! Congrats girl:) um….. Barefoot? Ouch!


Cinnamon Life is AWESOME! Looks like you had a solid week of training! Your plan seems great. My longest run- 14m- was also my favoritist run this week :) It was super cloudy and kept the temp a cool 75 degrees… even at 7am, when it usually starts getting hot. The best part of my runs this past week was running, pun intended, into my sister on the trail. Always makes me smile :)


I’ve been sick all week so I was FINALLY able to run today! During my run I saw three police cars all parked in front of an apartment building close to my street AND I saw two university patrol cars. I was thinking something was really wrong but I kept running. When I got back around the corner I realized that a group of police officers were just parked there to go to a nearby restaurant. They were sitting down enjoying dinner outside now that the heat has finally broken. I guess a cop’s gotta eat too!


Yay!! I’m so glad your double digit run went so well!! Your just as speedy as ever! :-) I hope this week goes just as well if not better for you! !


I’m finally getting back into running after a long hiatus. I’m following Best Body Bootcamp so I feel like I’m getting stronger at the same time as building my endurance!


Great week of workouts, I wish was as good about getting my core workouts in like you are!

Favorite run was Saturday, everything just felt fabulous mentally and physically. Ended up going 2 miles further than planned and was way faster for the entire thing than planned. Love that runner’s high.

Weirdest thing to happen on a run this week– getting sick out of NOWHERE today. about 8 miles into my 13 miler, literally felt fine ten instantly had to stop and be sick. And then felt fine. Lame.


My favorite run was my tempo run sometime in the middle of the week. Thought i was going to miss it, but got home a realized that at 7:30 it was still light out, not too hot (sort of) and i hadn’t had dinner yet, so there was no reason i couldn’t do it then, Turned into a good one. My least favorite run was today’s supposed long run. I got sooooo lost. I mean really lost. I had to stop running and walk because i was so lost. It ended with me crying on the corner (mostly due to other things going on this week) for a while till i made myself pull it together, run another mile and try a figure out where i was.


Favorite run of the week was today — the temps were finally below 90 degrees and it was along the water!


My longest run was yesterday and I did 6 miles. My husbands favorite cereal is Life Cereal.


My favorite run of the week was definitely today’s run! I ran about 8-9 miles, but I don’t know specifics because I decided that it was going to just be a relaxing, easy run, and it was perfect! It’s runs like those that remind me why I love running so much.


Oh my gosh Life cereal is the BEST! the only problem is once I’ve had a handful I can’t stop and it’s bad news from there :)

During one of my runs this past week I almost fell of the treadmill–I guess I should be happy I didn’t actually fall but it was still embarrassing because I kind of screamed out loud when I thought I was falling haha


Great run! Must have felt awesome to hit double digits after a long break!

My long run was yesterday, 14 miles! Nothing too exciting happened but I did see the mountain biker man that ran into me a few weeks ago!! He was not a nice guy, slammed into me head on and didn’t even get off his bike to apologize! It was very tempting to throw a little stick into his spokes when he rode past. Grrrrr!


Favourite run of the week was running in the London 2012 Olympic stadium and running in the footsteps of some absolute legends! It was amazing!


I’ve been following your blog for a while! I’m training for my first marathon…I find a lot of inspiration here! Yesterday was a slow but steady 11 miler, finally the heat broke so I didn’t feel like I was dying, until I hit th big hills!!! Today will be rest and yoga.


My fave run was my 8 miler on Sunday!! A new PDR for me :) I have an 11.5 mile race in 4 weeks and my first half in 8 weeks.

Life cereal is one of my faves !


I ran a half yesterday – the Rock n’ Roll Half to be more specific. I totally rocked it and it was a great course!


I love how happy you look post run!

Today I woke up at 5 AM and ran 4 miles! Without stopping! I even achieved negative splits! I feel like I am on top of the world!


I’m so impressed that you do dynamic stretching and drills before every run! I wish I could be that disciplined! :) Great week!


Hi Janae!!

looks like you ahd a great week of workouts :) me too, except yesterday i did something with a wood chopper move and my legs and buns are so sore today! i took a day off of running just to see how i feel.


Cereal is the best. Especially life cereal.

Love reading your workouts! Amazing.


I love love love that you post all your runs on Sundays now.


Holy smokes… awesome workouts! I bet you will run < 3:00 hr marathon no problem! The longest run I had last week was a 10-miler. I'm starting to ramp up the mileage gradually for the next marathon! I was averaging a minute slower than you, though!


Just one question: how are 6.5 miles at 7:48 supposed to be EASY? Oh I know the answer: you’re AMAZING!

My long run was yesterday: raced a 10K (I sucked so badly) and ran 5.3 more [SLOW] miles afterwards= 11.5 miles!

A weird thing that happened to me while running? Once my Garmin showed 7:47 after I ran a whole mile. That WAS weird. I was so happy, I almost cried.


I love getting an idea of your overall mileage and workouts for the week. LOVE IT. I also just added all 3 Runner’s Core DVDs to my Amazon wishlist. :)

My long run was 13 on Saturday and I went to my most favorite spot along the Delaware Canal and there was a HUGE crane sitting on the bank and it just stared me down as I ran by it, but didn’t fly away. I was probably 3 feet from this bird that was almost as tall as I was!


OMG, you are one speedy monster! My plan of the week was little messed up, so I actually did my long run on Monday morning instead of Sunday = 19 miles!!! I wish 8:18 would be an easy long run pace for me… Tomorrow is a killer workout with The Coach: 12 x 300 m around 60 s each… Uff


I have a question for you!! You are the queen of negative splits – you seem to nail it every time you run! I on the other hand am the queen of positive splits. Obviously one problem is that at the beginning of my runs I’m feeling fresh and super pumped to be starting out and that makes me speedy but wears off quickly. But the other problem is that I have to run downhill to start when I run in pretty much any direction from my house or from my gym, and then on the way back the end of my run is always uphill. That usually = positive splits since I’m slower going uphill.

When running a route with this type of elevation profile, should it still be my goal to manage negative splits, or should I just try to get a consistent pace (which would mean I’m putting in more effort on the uphill parts at the end than in the beginning)??? I’m very curious to hear what you think!

Random thing that happens to me when I run: I live in downtown Portland, OR and it is also known as Bridgetown, USA – there are 8! I like running around the waterfront which means I have to cross two bridges during my run. Occasionally as I’m running over the bridges they’ll start raising them for boats or just as a test and I am forced to stop and get stuck on the bridge! Usually it is a welcome break though :) I just make sure to pause my run tracker (no Garmin so I just use the Map My Run app on my phone) so it doesn’t screw up my times!


Janae, that is so awesome! A couple thoughts: 1. I don’t think I’ve run 85 miles this *year* nevermind this week! 2. It’s so motivating to see how productive you are (especially with morning runs, before I am awake) 3. Great excuse to eat ice cream/tacos/carbs 4.You did all that, with cross training!! wowie :)

I’m having some disinterest in running lately because of the aforementioned east coast heat wave (which did break), but I can only do so much treadmilling. Any motivation for the novice runner that you can share?

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