The best way to put yourself in a good mood while running…

All you have to do to make yourself have a good run on a Monday morning when your eyeballs are still wishing they are closed is to wear a shirt that tells you to run happy. If you don’t have a shirt that says this then make sure to just write it on your arm or something.  

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I was going through my running clothes drawer yesterday and found a running skirt and decided to try it out today.  It felt comfortable and great but I just don’t think I am a running skirt person..I like them on other people but I felt kind of weird in it.  I think I am just a shorts person.  

Today’s run was W.I.N.D.Y.  Did you know that you get 100 extra running credit points when you run in the wind?  I promise.  


On the schedule I had a warm-up mile (@ 8 minute pace) followed by 5 miles at a 7:30-7:20 pace and a half mile at a sub 7 pace.  After the first 6.5 miles I had 10 x 20 second strides with a 1 minute jog in between to do.  

It was a total of 8.5 miles at an average pace of 7:18 and once again my legs felt like they were seconds from falling off during the strides.  The wind did not help the falling off sensation I was experiencing but overall I came home happy with how it went. 

It scares me that stretching and core work have just become natural now after a run.  My running coach has brainwashed me.


Park date.

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Chicken fajita sandwich for lunch.

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My new favorite activity.  We just bought our first baby monitor.  We didn’t have one before because our apartment is so small you don’t need one but we bought one for anytime I need to get on my treadmill for a run during nap time. 

I don’t know why I think it is so fun to sit and watch her sleep.  

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Please take advantage of the Blizzard flavor of the month.  I saw it on a commercial the other day and I teared up.  Pure brilliance.   

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Do you wear running skirts?  Favorite brand of running skirts?  Which do you wear more…running shorts or running skirts?

What kind of mood were you in on your run today?

Favorite DQ Blizzard flavor?

How do you warm-up for a run? 

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I tried a running skirt once and found that I prefer shorts more! ps I love Brooks little pink outfit! so cute!


I haven’t tried a running skirt yet, but I don’t think I’ll be one. I’m still getting used to shorts. If I go for a run I’ll probably be in a miserable mood because it’s raining. I need a treadmill.


I want to try that SMores Blizzard SOOOOO BAD!
Must list for this weekend!


Smores blizzard? Dang you for telling me about that!! And I like my running skirts but only the ones that are flouncy all around. If they’re flat in the front… meh.

Great job on stretching after running – way to go! :) And my, baby monitors sure have come a long way since we were babies. :)


I’ve heard the smores blizzard is magical. Andplusalso, I feel like skirts for boisterous activities are kind of silly. I mean, you’re running/playing tennis/hiking/being awesome… why do you need a skirt?


I wore a Running Skirts Maternity skirt when I was pregnant with #2, and it was really comfy. It was also less stinky than my Nike running shorts. I haven’t worn a non-maternity running skirt yet. I love the Butterfinger and Reese’s Cup Blizzards. Can’t go wrong with those simple but delicious candies! I went for an easy run followed by a swim outside with a friend. It was the perfect start to the day!


I have a lulu running skirt from 2 seasons ago and I love it- I even wear it casually, because I have zero use for casual clothing outside of work and therefore my entire nonwork wardrobe is running-inspired. Also I get tons of points because I live on the Hudson River in NY and sometimes I get a headwind so strong i can’t hit my paces.


Windy runs are the worst in my opinion! And weirdly Houston will have days where it’s like 30 mph! Crazy. That blizzard looks divine. I was OBSESSED with blizzards when the flavor of the month was brownie batter!!! So good.


I am going to have to comment on this one since I grew up in Houston, and for 6 of my 7 years of running IN Houston, the windy days are FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. Especially at 30mph. Its rare and so rare that I can’t even remember one; and mostly during ‘winter’ or if a tropical storm is coming.

Now for the past year I relocated to Nebraksa near the WY border and let me tell you about wind. Here its a GREAT DAY if the wind speed is under 15mph and blowing W or E. A typical day here its 20+. This past Saturday it was 23 sustained, gusting to 38. Once it shifted from the W to the N, I was only 5 miles into my run and I had to bail and finish on a treadmill because it was near impossible.

Yesterday and today have been fab! Under 10mph!!


S’mores blizzard is amazing!!! You need one ASAP!!!!!


You are so speedy! I did my first outside run (I have been on a treadmill because it is so hot/humid here) and I was in a HOT mood…even at 6:30 a.m. I also felt very slow…like I was plodding along like a cow. I think I may be going back to the ‘mill again soon though I am trying to get ready for a 5K this weekend.

I love running skirts! I ran my first marathon in a hot pink one! It was back when running skirts were JUST coming out so hardly anyone had seen them….my favorite comment was a guy who was cheering on the runners and he saw me and said “Looking good…” did a double take that I had a skirt on and said “Looking REAL good!” LOL! Now, they are so common that I would likely not get that comment. I think I like skirts because they have the little shorts underneath that help with chafing…not to mention I feel cute and fun in them. :)

I do not really warm up for a run other than just take the first mile slower.

Favorite DQ Blizzard = definitely Oreo.


I was in a great mood on my run. Lunch time runs are my favorite! Fav DQ flavor is the Choco-cherry-love in chocolate soft serve. So delicious!


I was in a fabulous mood this morning; I am a teacher and today was my last day of work until mid August!!!! Wahoo!!!!!! I save my running skirts for special events, like marathons!!!!


Your sandwich looks so yummy. Favorite blizzard must contain chocolate. For warming up…. Some days I walk out the door and feel warmed up, but most days I have to have a good 15 to 20 minutes of easy running first. Especially if it is an early morning run. My body is just so stiff when it is early.


You have really done so well with a running coach Janae! I have debated for a while getting one but seeing how you are improving and actually stretching/core work (which I neglect) really motivates me to do so.

You have to listen to your shirt and run happy. Also you have to listen to everything the internet says too obviously…anyways. Great run today and wind. UGH, that is awesome in those conditions.


I love all my Athleta and Lululemon running skirts. I can’t run in shorts cause I always get chub rub!


That’s so funny, we just got our first baby monitor too and I could seriously sit and watch her sleep (or play) all day and night.


I feel the same way about running skirts–hence, I have yet to buy one. :) I always think they look cute on other people, but when I think about wearing one myself, I feel like it would look really awkward.


I just became addicted to running skirts and don’t suspect that I’ll be coming back from the dark side :) They’re so comfy!


That is exactly how I feel! I own about 5 or 6 running skirts and only one pair of running shorts. I LOVE my skirts. They are so comfy and don’t ride up and feel more airy than shorts – which is nice when it’s 90* and 90% humidity. I think maybe it’s because I played field hockey in high school and had to wear a skirt, so I’m used to the skirt+sport idea.


I’m a running shorts person. I’ve heard people swear by the skirts but I just don’t think that’s me. Maybe one day I’ll try one out for the heck of it.


My favorite DQ blizzard is butterfinger. When I was little the local DQ used to make Nerds blizzards and those were fantastic, but they no longer make them anymore. :(


I like my running skirts- especially because they cover up so much! I have a hind one that is my favorite.


A campfire in a cup? Totally sold!… or at least I wish I was. Allergies kind of keep me from being able to enjoy Blizzards, but at least I’ve still got real s’mores :D No run today, and no running skirts, but I’m in a pretty darn good mood. I have a feeling chocolate chip cookies might have something to do with that though…


I really want a Run Happy shirt like yours. Also, I can’t wait to try a S’mores blizzard. I have been wishing they had one for years.


Love my lululemon running skirts! The shorts underneath help prevent chafing, and the way the skirt hangs straight from the waist is a little more flattering for my build. I finally got up the nerve to buy shorts recently, and I had to buy a size too big and pull the drawstring to have enough material in the shorts that they weren’t giving me all sorts of weird bulges around my leg and crotch. Can’t do a whole lot about the way I’m built, but a skirt helps hide it so I feel less out of place among all the people who look awesome and sporty no matter what they wear.

No run today… sick in bed… booooo….

Warm up is usually about 4-5 minutes of walking.


I can totally relate — I’m just not a running skirt person either. Cute on others, just not my thing!


I can’t get into the skirt thing either…definitely a shorts girl.

I love the Brownie Batter Blizzard…yum!


I really like running skirts. I have two from Lululemon. I haven’t tried any other brand but want to try some from RunningSkirts. I even saw some at Target now that I will have to try (YAY because Lulu is too expensive to have a whole wardrobe of them). So I would say I wear shorts more, but that’s just because the skirts are so pricy and I can have more pairs of shorts for less money.

Today wasn’t a run day for me, I did spin for the first time in a while instead. It was HARD since it had been a while for me but I loved it.

We don’t have a DQ anywhere near here :( But there was one where my boyfriend used to live. I think we used to always get Reeses.

I usually don’t warm up for a run. Oops, I’m awful at that.


I LOVE running skirts!! I only have one because I’m poor, but if I had a money tree I would definitely have like a hundred of them! They are so comfortable! :)

BTW, you’re so speedy! :) Love it!


I love Brooke’s laugh in that picture! Funny you asked the running skirt question, about 2 weeks ago I was looking at my running things and found one as well! It is actually Fila brand, so more tennis, but it works great! I have been wearing it nonstop and absolutely love it! Today I was in the grouchy run mood. My legs were heavy, even after a rest day yesterday :(


I *love* my running skirts from I have tried 5 or 6 other kinds and they all had undershorts that would ride up and make me insane. These have compression shorts underneath that STAY PUT and are comfy and have pockets. Also, there is a zip compartment on the waistband of the skirt that holds my phone, gels, etc and I can’t even feel the stuff in there. Their brick and mortar store is relatively local to me or I would have given up on skirts. Once I got to try one on, I was hooked. Did 12 miles yesterday and no chafing and it was so freaking hot (Florida). The owner is a seamstress and marathoner so she knows what she is doing!!!


I’ve been dying to try one from her! This might just make me try one :-)


This morning I needed your shirt – though the run was not too shabby. I also think you get 100 extra running credit points when it is unbearably muggy outside – I felt like there was no air this AM when running!

I did the Cannonball routine to warm up for my run (! I love it – it’s full of great stretches/track routines and helps get my run off right and loose!


I wish stretching and core were apart of my running! Not happening. I didn’t run today, but I’m gonna say that over and over again tomorrow while I run. I am also jealous that your warm up was an 8 minute mile haha I struggle at running a race in that time!! Such a champ :)


I really like running skirts (and now have 4…) but it really depends on how many miles I’m running. I have two from Moving comfort, one from Nike that’s actually a tennis skirt and one from Brooks that I think will be amazing when it’s 80-90+ outside. Otherwise, I love my moving comfort shorts even though they are a tiny bit baggy because they’re amazingly comfortable and never ride up or cause any issues. I’m just not built to wear “normal” short running shorts.

My husband’s birthday was yesterday so I think we’re going to have to incorporate that blizzard into the celebration at some point this week!!

As for warming up – I’m bad at that. Today I did a 5min walk on the treadmill and then ran 3 miles. Sometimes I just run and when I’m being really good I stretch since my piriformis yells at me if I don’t.


I have a vintage lululemon running skirt but rarely use it except for fun events like Skirtchaser 5K. I’m glad it’s pleated, versus the ruffle skirts they often make now a days. I prefer to train and race in Lulu speed shorts. For run workouts, it’s always 2mi warm-up and 2mi cool-down at easy pace (our run group workouts are often intense intervals). Mondays are my rest days from running – TRX followed by 800yd swim tonight!


I love running skirts and Skirt Sports are my favorites! I will run and work out in shorts, but my skirts cover my less than perfectly toned thighs better. :) I’m 48, so maybe part of the appeal of the skirt is age-related?

I do some dynamic stretching before I run and always walk or do the elliptical for 5 mins before my run. I just started this a few months ago after working with a trainer and it’s helping to keep my IT band happy.


I really enjoy running in running skorts that have the longer compression shorts underneath. My favorite skort is the Contender 2-n-1 from Athleta. My fat legs chafe all the time in shorts and running skorts with the 3″ short. When I found the Contender, I knew I had to have it and now I run in it all the time.

My favorite blizzard right now is the S’Mores because I love anything with marshmallows in it.


I wear running skirts for work all of the time, but I don’t like to run in them. My favorite DQ blizzard is mint chocolate chip. We treat ourselves to one every July 4th and that’s almost here!


I have 1 running skirt I like that’s Nike, but I can only run on the road with it- on the TM the shorts beneath the skirt ride up and I spend the entire time yanking on them (weird that I clearly run differently on the two surfaces, or maybe I just notice it more on the tm).

Tired but determined on today’s run.

I can’t do ice cream so blizzard’s are out for me- but I can do froyo (or at least I trick my stomach into thinking I can) and I’m alright with this.

I warm up for a run by running.


I saw that was the flavor of the month and also got excited. Last month’s was great too – chocolate peanut butter pretzel. Yum! However, an Orange Leaf opened up a half mile from my house, so I think I’ll be hitting that up more often than DQ this summer.


I have the exact same monitor and it’s a life saver! I can tell when he’s screaming because his arm /leg got stuck (he gets around the bumpers) or if he’s just crying and will be sleeping soon. It’s also fun to watch him sleep in random positions..

I’m not a running skirt person either.


I was in a great mood this morning on my run! Perfect temperature and sun was shining :) I’ve never tried a running skirt but I love running shorts so much I just doubt I’d like it (as in can often be found in running shorts when I’m not running and not planning on running)…

I really love cookie dough blizzards!!


I love running skirts – I just started wearing them about a year ago (and still love my Nike Tempo shorts, too). It’s funny cause if I have to run up to my boys school when I have one of the skirts on, people always ask me if I’ve started playing tennis. Nope – just finished a run!!!
I love golf skirts, too – that’s mostly because I’m horrible at golf so I figure I might as well have a cute outfit!


Hi girl! Just wanted to remind you that the Victoria’s Secret semi-annual sale is tomorrow and I’m guessing you should be able to find some of your favorite lip glosses on sale! Keep an eye out over the next few weeks because the sale gets even better as the weeks go on, so I’m betting you’ll be able to find them even cheaper eventually :) Stock up before they’re gone forever!


You are seriously the best! Thank you so much!


Holy jesus. I need to hit up a DQ this month…I go at least once a year in October for the pumpkin pie blizzard, but that one needs to happen too.


That fajita sandwich looks really good!

I always get a Skor blizzard. I should probably try other flavors at some point, I might even find something I like better.


My Brooks PR Mesh running skirt is all I run in during the summer months…It’s light and airy and doesn’t ride up, plus it has a nice zippered pocket at the back of the waistband for my keys. I need to order another one!

The best Blizzard I ever had was the limited edition Girl Scout Thin Mint flavor…I wish they would have made it permanent!! The S’mores looks pretty delicious though…I may have to get one after my half next weekend :)

I haven’t gone out for my run yet…now that the kids are home for summer I need to wait for my hubby to get home from work. I’m fighting a virus and it’s warm and muggy here, so I’m thinking it won’t be my best, but at least I’m tapering so I just have to knock out an easy 4 :)


I love my Brooks running skirt. I bought it a few years ago from 6pm. com so I have no idea what model/style it is. It’s perfect for most any/every thing!

My fave Blizzard flavor is PB cup or chocolate with extra malt. I worked at DQ for a summer in college. The sampling was lovely, but I’m glad it was for only one summer. :-)


I love running skirts, and I probably have 4 of them. My absolute fave is the Gym Girl Ultra from SkirtSports – it has compression shorts underneath, which are essential, plus it has pockets for your phone, shotblocks on the shorts and a place your headphone wire can go through the skirt. I wish I had more of them!

I also have an older Lululemon one, but it is not as comfortable and maybe slightly too big because I have to use some anti-chafing on the legs. I have an Avia one that is super cute but also super short so I don’t wear it as often. I also love my Nike Tempo shorts and Adidas capris for running!


I lie running skirts on other people but I’ve tried one and I hate it in me too. You look super cute, so you shouldn’t feel weird. Love your shirt!


Now I want to cry because DQ went out of business everywhere near me and s’mores Is my favorite flavor of anything. I’m not a running skirt person either. They’re adorable but I feel so awkward in them. Like I shouldn’t wear one. I’m weird like that I guess.


Chocolate Ice cream with peanut butter cups Blizzard.

I like wearing running skirts but feel more dressed in leggings when running.

I stretch before a run.


I swear I could smell your sandwich once I saw a picture of it… I have tennis skirts, but when we used to run laps during practice they’d always ride up. Do running skirts prevent that?


I have never tried a running skirt but I want to! I love Oreo cheesecake blizzards! (And now I want one)


I love my running skirts (1 champion, 1 Nike)! I love that I can wear the tight shorts but have coverage from the skirt so I’m not totally exposed. I haven’t had a blizzard in sooooo long. I think I need to fix that with a s’mores blizzards ASAP.


I have been seeing that commercial for the s’mores blizzard for 2 weeks and there’s not a DQ anywhere near me and I cry every time it comes on.

I was in a great mood during my run today and I actually felt really good! I felt even better when a friend texted me and said “i saw this girl running and I was like, dang, she’s hot, and then I realized it was you!” That was sweet :D


I have the Brooks purple run happy cupcake shirt. Love!
I own a few running skirts but also feel wacky when wearing them. Shorts girl here.
PB cup blizzard with extra PB cups please.
My mood wasn’t the greatest for an easy 5 miler today, as I was stuck on the mill due to rain.


No I do not have a running skirt but I have had more than one blizzard….heath bar with no chocolate syrup.


That blizzard pic looks divine. Yum. I’ve never tried a running skirt. Heck, I just recently broke down and bought my first two pairs of running shorts!
I have a stretching routine I do before running. It’s an odd mix of some yoga stretches and the oldie but goodie stretches from gym class back in the day :)


I haven’t ever tried a running skirt. They’ve just never appealed to me! Other people can totally pull them off though. I loooove the Reese’s blizzards!


I’m obsessed with my running skirt.. I wear it more than just to run.. :)


I can’t get into the running skirts myself… I tried. I really did. But I’m a shorts girl all the way!



The S’mores blizzard is absolutely AMAZING!!! Probably my new favorite :)


Bad Janae….for posting that newest Blizzard flavor. I have a DQ right down the street from me and I try to avoid it at all costs BUT this one may be too good to pass up.


I am not a running skirt girl either!!! I just don’t feel right lol. My favorite running ‘shorts’ however are the Nike tempo track shorts.
I didn’t run today (it was a rest day), but was in a great mood. Probably from my awesome weekend workouts. ;-)
Can’t pick a favorite blizzard. Anything chocolatey with loads of stuff in it. I saw the s’mores one too and am dying to try it.
For a warm up I usually jog a total of a mile. The first half mile I run steady at an easy pace and the second half I alternate between strides and easy jogging. Then I do some light stretching. This is mostly for interval or tempo days. For other runs I stretch a little first then just start off at an easy pace and work my way down. :-)


Around my neighborhood, it’s really hilly, so I’ve been hiking around with my dog for a couple miles as a warm-up. Otherwise, I just run really slowly (at least 90 seconds slower per mile than my regular pace).


I just am not at all interested in running skirts. It just seems like extra fabric to me.


Looks like you’re wearing Kinvara 4’s? :) How do you like them?


I have a brooks running skirt that I wear sometimes but I’m more of a shorts runner. that little Brooker is just too cute!


I’m not a running skirt fan either! They just don’t look as cute on short stubby legs as they do on the fantastic long-legged runners. I’m pretty much addicted to my Nike tempo shorts anyways.

I’m SO EXCITED ABOUT SMORES BLIZZARDS! I haven’t tried one yet but you can bet I will SOON! My usual favorite is either the classic Oreo or sometimes the Chocolate Xtreme, both incredible!

I was not feeling my run today at all. It is getting so stinkin hot outside that I’m starting to rekindle my love for the treadmill again.


I don’t have any running skirts … I love shorts; I think the skirts would annoy me

I didn’t go for a run today; rest day; I also haven’t had a Blizzard I don’t think. I love Birthday Cake Friendzy’s, though

I don’t warm up for runs, but I probably should


I’m with you on the skirts. I had one and when I ran in it I didn’t like the way I felt that I looked.
I was excited for my run today! I finally had a day when I could meet up with my best running pal and take a slow run at the park. We are both still working on injuries so it was an easy run and a great conversation!


Love that shirt! I have two running skirts (one nike & one lululemon) that I have worn only a handful of times. I wore them both this weekend to do two runs and a yoga class and think I may be a convert. I usually do a little foam rolling, leg swings, and hip opener stretches before a run. Sometimes, I do a totally lame 5 second stretch and call it a warmup, if I am in a hurry or lazy. You rocked that run, nice job!!


I’ll wear a running skirt now and then, but more often than not, they end up making their way into the “daily wear” pile for being a bit too cute for running only. Plus, in a hot climate, that’s just more fabric to sweat-soak on a run…

I LOVE Blizzards. Guilty pleasure… I think that th eGeorgia Mud Fudge flavor is my favorite. Although the Reese’s peanut butter cup isn’t bad, either. ;-)


I’ve ;literally never heard of running skirts….r seen anyone wear them….r seen them in any shops here in the UK. I’d be intrigued to try it out though!


My favorite trick is to draw a goofy smiley face on my hand during races :D


I got a running skirt in Key West with the words… Key West on the butt. It’s not performance though so I haven’t worn it yet.
I usually don’t go to DQ because of the prices. There’s a local custard shop in my small town (down the road from dq) that has amazing custard and toppings for less. BUTTTT If someone is buying me some, I’ll either get Brownie Batter or Strawberry Cheesequake.


Get the blizzard made with chocolate ice cream.. pure bliss!


I love blizzards! DQ once had some sort of chocolate candy shop blizzard as their flavor of the month which was probably my favorite blizzard ever. I am excited to try the s’mores flavor though!


Try that Blizzard. Immediately. My husband got it the last time we went there (I got my usual, Oreo), and he was trying to get me to try it. I told him no, i wasn’t interested. And he was like “I think you’ll like it…” SO I tried it. OMG. It HONESTLY tasted like birthday cake for some reason. I am beginning to think the secret ingredient to funfetti cake or birthday oreos or birthday ice cream is marshmallow.


So glad to hear I get extra running points for running when it is windy because it is seriously windy all the time here in MN. And add the jogging stroller – it is like running thru a wind tunnel!


Yeah I don’t know if I would like a running skirt either, it would probably feel weird. Mmm s’mores Blizzard!!!


Favourite brand of running skirt is lululemon…and I just scored 2 on clearance!!!


I never thought i’d like running skirts but i do! I love my Brooks skirts! I’m 50 years old now and no one needs to see my old lady butt. they give my just the right amount of coverage.


Sometimes I find shorts too hot… like the material is not as breathable. I love my running skirt because I feel freeeeeeee. I love my lululemon marathon skirt w/5 pockets! Its a skirt but functional. I felt a little strange wearing a skirt at first and now its the only thing I’ll wear. P.s. I want your sandwich :)


I can’t do the skirts either. The extra material in the front drives me bonkers.
And wind! Bleh. Great job running through it.
Definitely need to check out the s’mores blizzard!! S’mores ice cream is my most favorite thing ever!


I just started wearing running skirts. My favorite one so far is one from Victoria’s Secret — from their new VS Sport line. It is so comfy and I love how it looks!


I love running skirts now! I never ever dress up so why I wear running skirts is sort of beyond me but I think they are so comfortable and it’s sort of fun to look cute while running hard and passing up boys, ha!

How did you find your running coach?

Leaving work now. Going to drive through Dairy Queen. Thanks. ; )


I don’t think I could wear running skirts…..I think I’m with you – a dedicated shorts kind of gal.

I’m in a hopeful mood for my run today.

Blizzard….Hmmm…M&M or Snickers! Though, that s’mores flavor looks tempting!

How do I warm-up for a run? Hmmm….just run slower?


Hills used to be my biggest problem. Now when I approach a hill I always say “I eat hills for breakfast” not really a mantra, but a motivational thought that has really changed my runs!
I want to win the goodie bag!!!


THANK YOU for sharing the blizzard flavor of the month. I just informed my husband that we have to go there this month to get it :)



I wouldn’t have pegged myself as a running skirt kind of girl, but I worship my basic black lululemon one! I did just happen upon two pairs of awesome running shorts over the weekend at Modells, which was a random but super successful stop for me. Soffe and Champion shorts-$10 each, love me some running gear sales!

Warm up with a five minute walk.

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