A stroller run, DORRY and stranded in the middle of California.

Brooke usually sleeps in until 7:30 or 8.  Saturday morning I decided that I wouldn’t set my alarm clock for the first time in weeks.  Brooke must have sensed that so she decided to be my wake up call at 5:30…how did she know?  So I fed her breakfast and we went out for our first stroller run in a long time.  It was hard and I am positive that 5 of the 7 out and back miles were uphill even though the math on that doesn’t make sense.  

It had been 12 months since I last saw my Dorry.  From our last hangout:

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And yesterday’s hangout.  Yeah, I don’t know why I was carrying my wallet in my armpit.

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She recently moved from NYC to Santa Monica so on my way home I had to stop and see her.  Her and her husband Billy (awesome name right:) took me out to eat to Urth Caffe and if you are ever in Santa Monica you have to go there.  Loved my chicken sausage and potato omelet.  

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We also spent some time at the beach before we had to finish our road trip home.

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Time for an HRG public service announcement.  If this light comes on in your car it means it overheated and your call will stop running.

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Don’t worry mom, we were only stranded for like 45 minutes on the side of the road in the middle of Nowhere, California until the car turned on again and I could get to the nearest gas station.  

This made everything better.  

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Due to the detour and car issues I didn’t get home in enough time to grocery shop (our fridge is empty) so I could make something for dinner so we headed to a taqueria for dinner.   A night out on the town with the Billster.  

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Hope you have an amazing Sunday!!!! 

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Yikes! How scary to have car trouble far from home with a toddler. Glad it all worked out in the end. What did we do before cell phones?


Oh no, is your car ok?! Another public service message: if your car overheats, it could ruin your engine! (sorry, my dad’s a mechanic.) :) I hope there wasn’t anything seriously wrong with your car!


I would have panicked if that happened to me. Oh man. Ice cream always makes everything better though. Looks like a fun day :) love the blue shirt you’re wearing!


Ice cream always makes everything better :) it is super scary to be stranded out in the middle of nowhere with car troubles–that’s literally one of my worst nightmares! Glad everything turned out okay, though!


Brooke looks like she is going to walk soon!!!!
Your picture made me ant ice cream and its only 7:45 am :)
Glad u made it home safe!


Brooke is adorable standing up! She’ll be taking those first steps anytime now. That stinks about getting stranded, at least there was ice cream and tacos at the end.


I’m glad to hear everything turned out okay with your car!

It kind of looks like you and Dorry took turns wearing the same orange shirt on your visits… ;-)


Hahaha I had a feeling ice cream would make it into this post! I’m glad you made it back okay, even though there was a hiccup!


Car troubles are the worst during a road trip. We had our car die, completely die, on a trip between LA and Spokane when I was growing up. My mom had to buy a new car somewhere around Pismo Beach. I hear its nice there but to me it will always be the place we were stranded for a few days. Glad your troubles didn’t slow you down too much.


Ice cream always makes everything better. ;) Glad you guys are OK and got home safely!


Glad you are okay!
I hope everything is okay with your car and it is back to normal!!!!


You are always so calm! And you always have so much energy-glad you made it home safely


Glad you’re okay!!


Glad you got home safely. It was beautiful yesterday down in Santa Monica. We spent it down at the beach. Does Brooke like to try to eat sand too? So gross but cute.


Yay for making it home safely!

Our car had catalytic converter issues once when returning from picking up my sister from university. It died in the middle of the Liberty Tubes in rush hour traffic. This was in the days before cell phones, too.

The catalytic converter issues were due to a prior owner putting leaded fuel in the car.


Wow don’t you love it when your car has a meltdown? What isn’t fun about that? hahaha


So glad you’re ok! Ice cream makes everything a little better :-) enjoy your Sunday!


Glad you survived the car meltdown! And yes, ice cream would definitely make it better ;-)


Being stranded with my baby would be scary, I’m glad it wasn’t for too long. And that ice cream cone looks so good, glad you and the bilster are reunited!


How scary! Car trouble is so stressful, especially when you’re alone (or with just your baby!). Glad you had a sweet outcome.


Oh no…I hate car trouble! Hope you got it all straightened out. Looks like a fun day, anyway and ice cream pretty much makes up for anything. ;)


Good call with the ice cream. It def solves all problems. Glad you finally got home safely!


Ugh on the car issues.
Wow 7 miles with the Bob?? I have only made it 4 so far! definitly feels uphill the whole time..


Gotta love Brooke’s thighs! Glad you ended up getting home safely, and hope you can get your car fixed without too much expense!


How scary I am glad you two are ok


Glad you guys are okay! Knock on wood but the only thing that’s happened to my 99 Saturn (besides the dang check engine light) is it running out of gas (yes my fault) when I had no cell phone. Thank goodness for good people and living in a small town!


this makes me miss her so. But even more happy to see her with you and Brooke. What a blessing to be able to share friendships from afar! Now, about that car!?!?! Are you ok? I hate that feeling when the light goes on…eeek!


I have all sorts of lights in my dashboard which like to make a random appearance. It’s like a Christmas lights show. I’m waiting for the day my car break down and I’m stranded on some random highway. Ice cream makes everything better and I’m glad you made it home safe and sound <3


Glad you survived the Car Meltdown of 2013!

You should have done my new meme (WITFF) even though it was Saturday. An empty fridge is way easier to do the labeling.

So fun to see a pregnant pic if you again. You were (and still are) adorable.


I feel like that about my out and back runs sometimes too! And I don’t even have a stroller to push….

That’s scary about your car! But atleast everything worked out! And you had a yummy dinner :)


It is a wonderful Sunday. I ran a race on the lakefront in Chicago (Chi Women’s Half) and I’m happy with my time even though the race wasn’t perfect (nearly). It was HOT and there weren’t enough water stops but my finish time is on par with what I need to qualify for Boston (a bit less than 3:30)!!!!!!!

I am so happy! Especially as my bq race isn’t until October! PS – this is the LAST day of my giveaway!


Eeek so scary about the car! I would have been freaking out. I’m not very good with car things haha. Good decision on the cone, though. That definitely makes everything better!



Glad you’re okay!! That’s so scary!

You have made me really want to do a road trip down the west coast!! Now to convince the boy… ;)


Oh that car situation is so scary!!! I’m so glad you are okay and got some ice cream to calm your nerves. A night out w/ your hubs was also a recovery requirement.


I’ve had my car overheat on me before and it is NO fun. Glad yours started up again though and you made it home safely!!


I am so glad to hear they had ice cream at the gas station! There is no better way to deal with stress after your car broke down!

Happy Sunday and great to hear you made it back safe!!


Glad you got home safe! Ice cream does have magical powers to fix most situations :)
Happy Sunday!


Don’t you HATE when you have car issues? It leaves me feeling unsettled when something like that happens. Glad it was a short time before you got help. And ice cream makes everything better right? Yum!


So glad you, Brooke and the car are ok! And ice cream makes everything better ;)


Oh geez, glad you made it home ok! I remember being stranded in the middle of nowhere Arizona as a kid when our car broke down… never fun! I think my mom found a pie shop to ease our sorrows! ha! Happy Sunday to you too!


So glad you were able to get your car started again and home safely! You definitely deserved an ice cream cone after that ordeal!


This isn’t pertinent to the post, but I am wondering whether you like your oakley commit sunglasses and why or why not? I need some sunglasses for running that stay on and save my eyes from the brightness and squinting and headaches. Running sunglass prices vary so much and i want to know if its worth it to spend more! Thanks somuch and ps I’ve run out of gas in the middle of a national park before and had to have AAA come bring me 2 gallons. I was 1 hour late meeting up with friends and it was horribly embarrasing. Wish I’d had some soft serve to make it better! So, I’ve been there (but more embarrassing since it was my fault)- sorry you got stuck!


They are so worth the price! They are my favorite sunglasses ever for running!


Yikes! That would freak me out if my car overheated and I was by myself with a baby!! Glad you guys are ok!


I’m glad you were able to get to a gas station eventually- I hope your car is ok now!


Brooke looks like she is getting quite the tanned legs already :)


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