Hungry for Change and a practical joke

I almost didn’t tell you about the practical joke that I played on Bangs last night just so that I could do it again to people like my sister but I am just hoping that sissy doesn’t read the blog today so that I can do this joke to her sometime in the future.

Right before Bangs (she thought just her husband was coming to the airport) came out of the airport Billy and Brooke got out of the car and hid a little ways away and I jumped in the trunk real quick.  When Bangs came out she walked over to the trunk to put her luggage in….


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I got her good.  The people on the sidewalk were all laughing pretty hard at her reaction.   Now I am constantly watching my back because I am nervous for how she is going to get me back for this.

I WENT to the gym at 6 this morning.  That isn’t as surprising as the fact that I went to a yoga class at 6 this morning.  It was great.  It was more of a stretch yoga class which is just what I needed.  After class Brooke and I hit up the apartment gym for some weights and core… we both only lasted about 20 minutes.

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Funny how it takes an injury to get me to do the things I should be doing to be a better runner…. stretching and core/strength.

PS Brooke is starting to love wearing her sunglasses. They last on her face a full 12 seconds now.  

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When I was talking to my mom this morning she was telling me about how she started her birthday morning.  She started the day off on her stationary bike for 40 minutes while watching a documentary that is on Netflix called ‘Hungry for Change.’  

First thing I did when Brooke went down for her nap was turn it on….

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I am only about 25 minutes into the documentary but it is awesome.  It talks about how we have ‘indoor lives’ now, the addiction to processed foods, soda and diet sodas and the obesity epidemic.  Really interesting stuff.  They also talked about food companies and their advertising for things like this cereal.  There are actually no pomegranates or blueberries in this cereal:

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I keep on waiting for them to tell me that Swedish Fish and chocolate are actually good for you…..

Lunch was my usual omelette that I have shown you at least 500 pictures of and some yogurt and a piece of toast.  Hope you have an amazing day and thanks for all the birthday wishes for my mom this morning, it made her so happy!


What was your workout today?  What time did you get it done?

Is that stat about diets surprising to you?  Have you tried dieting?  What diet?

-I tried the Atkins diet as a Freshman in college.  I talked about it a little bit HERE.

Anyone seen Hungry for Change?  Any food documentaries that you recommend?

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Brooke is so sweet in those glasses, love it!
I still haven’t seen Hungry For a Change, but I really want to see it! I hear excellent things about it.
I have tried basically every diet in the books from when I suffered from bad eating issues, so in some ways it surprises me, but hearing from other people, it also doesn’t surprise me. It just makes me sad our society is so obsessed with diet/weight/looks.


That joke is HILARIOUS! But even more, I love that you re-enacted it for the picture!

My running club once had a nutritionist come speak to us and she was talking about how good nuts are for you. I asked her if nutella counted. I’m still shocked she said no. I don’t know what she said after that, I immediately went into mourning.


Hahahaha can we be bffs? I want a friend who will play practical jokes too! That was a really good one. I might need to watch that documentary. I was brought up in a house that was anti-diet but I get so frustrated when people at school or on my team are talking about stopping eating carbs or eating zero fat. Just eat real foods!


you’re such a fun friend. i would die if someone did that to me:D

workout = 12 mile treadmill run. it was AWESOME!

i’ve seen that documentary too. it’s more sad than anything. i have never been on a “diet”. i’ve taught myself how to eat healthy so that i can eat a little of everything. that’s what people need to learn to do.


I saw Hungry for Change on Netflix too, it really opened my eyes and helps me avoid processed foods. Another interesting one on Netflix is “Vegucated”, thats a real eye-opener too.

Your practical joke is awesome, lol!


I’ve been nursing a sore left heel and leg for a week and it felt better today so I ran 4 miles. It’s Spring Break up here in BC so I started it at about 10am. I stretched like a madwoman when I got home and so far, no heel pain!

I don’t find the diet stat surprising, but I think that it is sad that people think that a temporary change will make a lasting impact. It’s about lifestyle; adopting a new way of living.


Best joke EVER! Atta girl! I did the same thing to my brother a few years ago…and he literally peed his pants!



Ran at 5 a.m. this morning because of an early work meeting. It was brutal, but I’m proud :D


That documentary sounds really interesting, I’ll definitely have to check it out. I used to diet but it just left me hungry and then I’d eat a whole bag of chips…which does not lead to weight loss.


That’s definitely a great joke, but good idea on staying on the alert and watching your back – I always do the same after playing a joke on someone. Then again, people always seem to wait until I get bored and let my guard down before they get me back.

And that thing about diets breaks my heart, although it’s not all that surprising. Actually, I’m a little bit surprised that it’s only 1/3 of all women. These days it seems like almost everyone is on some kind of diet…


I am getting ready to go for a run now with my dog, Bailey. I am a sucker for a good fad diet. Don’t know why but I love a fun diet. They never work but it is some sort of strange challenge I give myself. Have you seen the doc “Forks over Knives” ? It is awesome and makes you think about the food we are eating. I am going to look up Hungry for Change on Netflixs tonight!


I watched Food Inc., and that made me cry. I should learn how to use the Netflix so I can watch documentaries. The Husband is watching this Civil War series Netflix, and whenever I catch it, I cry too. Though I like the music. haha.

that joke is so funny. I probably would have slammed the trunk back down if someone did that to me. Not out of meanness or anything, but it’s my instinctive reaction to hit or defend when something surprises me lol. Bangs Friend will probably get you good. When you least expect it. haha.

Congrats on going to yoga!!

I got swim and cycle planned for tonight, and am crazy cuz I want to add in some running too.


Saw this today and thought of you of course!


Oh my gosh! How inspirational!


Lol- I love practical jokes!
Hang in there and keep up the strength! It’ll help you so much!
I’m just going to start my workout. I’ll ride on the bike trainer for probably an hour. I should do strength after, but we’ll have to see how hungry I am first!


I didn’t get a workout in until about noon. Laziness has been taking over lately. The documentary intrigues me! I really enjoy food documentaries. At the same time, I try not to watch them too often though because then I find out all food is horrible for me and I’m going to die.


Practical jokes are the best! I got 8 miles in this morning with my running buddies, one of whom is my dentist’s wife… we were talking about blogging and apparently my dentist reads your blog. He’s not a runner or a woman… HA!!!

Just goes to show how loved you are :-)


I have seen Hungry for Change and it was an awesome documentary. I am obsessed with food documentaries and watched during a long run on the treadmill a few weeks ago. I am hopeful that we can get our culture back to “real” food, but in the meantime I’ll just make sure I am doing the best for my little family.


I am WAY too claustrophobic to ever hide in the trunk! Just thinking of that gives me chills.


I am definitely going to use that trunk trick and watch the documentary. Thanks for both tips! I’m hoping they tell you that diet soda is actually really good and doesn’t give you any kind of cancer?? I’m ok giving up processed cereals etc. but I just can’t quit the bubbly.


I think part of the issue in America is that people think eating well balanced HEALTHY meals means you are on a”diet”. If I’m trying to eat less junk food and more fruits/veggies ~ I don’t say I’m on a diet because it isn’t some prescribed fad that I’m going to stop after a week … it is just eating better, which we should all be doing anyway. Maybe if people focused more on just eating HEALTHY the taboo of “diet” wouldn’t freak/stress them out so bad. I dunno.


I just watched Hungry for Change last Wednesday night. It was mind-blowing, but I also felt it was kind of preachy in that it was listing all of these things to avoid because they’re gonna kill you. Ya gotta die somehow.


Ooh I’ll have to watch that! Yay netflix! I’ve been sick today, so I may check that out now, while I’m stuck in bed anyway :( More importantly, though:




LOL, I’m glad someone else plays these jokes on others. It actually makes me feel the need to move out to CA and join you. We would be an unstoppable team.

As far as the documentary, that seems really interesting. Once I get back home to upstate NY, I may have to watch that. By may I mean I def will be watching it.


Brilliant joke! I would DIE. I may steal that one ;)

Just a 4km run for me this afternoon. Hurty tendons for the last two weeks so just going slow. I started going to yoga classes again too cause keep hurting things when I increase training. I love it!

I don’t think I’ve really been on a fad diet. I love carbs way too much to ever cope beyond a single day without them, Atkins would be my nightmare! I haven’t seen that documentary but I have my dad’s netflix, although not sure if it has to be American netflix? Gonna check it out!


I would have been terrified if someone did that to me, I’m such a chicken!

And, we all know dark chocolate is healthy in small amounts. Maybe they will change it to healthy in large amounts so I can eat more?!


Diets and me don’t really get along that well, but I definitely want to check out that documentary!!!


Brooke’s outfit is so cute!! Kudos to her stylist ;)


That has got to be the best practical joke ever! I love it! Hungry for change looks like very interesting! I might have to check it out!


Love the joke!

Not surprised by the stats, but very sad!


That pic of you surprising bangs is hilarious!! I would have died if I saw that live!


Ha! I love your joke! I did weight watchers( to help support a friend who was doing it) and I lost weight really quickly because I didn’t give myself activity points for running. I only did it for a month because it made me obsessive and that’s no way to live!


I love your practical joke! My hubby and I are heading out for a run as soon as I finish this comment! I’ve not watched “Hungry For Change.” It sounds interesting.


I’ve seen that title on Netflix but I haven’t seen it yet. Maybe I will tonight while I work out on my elliptical for one hour to work off all I ate today at my work potluck. lol


Hungry for a Change was amazing! I literally spent one lazy Saturday watching tons of documentaries on Netflix. Some other good ones: Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (got me into juicing), Forks Over Knives, and Food Matters!


I haven’t seen the Netflix show but I might check it out during my run tonight.

I would have died of claustrophobia in the trunk like that! YIKES!!


My workout today was a quick 3 miles on the treadmill since it was too cold and windy for an outside run. Started at 7:00 and was done by 7:25 AM. Not too bad. :)

Sadly those diet stats don’t surprise me, and it sucks because most of them don’t last for long. It’s all about a lifestyle change!


That joke is hilarious… to read about. I am a poor sport when it comes to practical jokes. They make me angry, I don’t exactly look forward to April Fools Day. Today’s run was 9.13 miles through 25 mph winds. It was TOUGH especially with the 35 mph gusts. It is also in the 20’s here so the feels like temp was 7. At least I got it done and now I am sitting in my warm apartment.


Uh oh, you’re not going to like the rest of the documentary! They don’t like sugar, it kind of changed my life to watch that!


I need more yoga in my life, I miss it. My workout was an easy 4 miles in the snow storm. I felt like I was running on a cloud because the roads were covered. The flakes felt like ice to my face though! I LOVE Hungry for a Change. I felt like I was in school because I was so intrigued by all of the facts I took notes, ha. I am NOT surprised at all about the diet fact though. I personally hate the word diet. I believe you need to adopt a lifestyle that works for YOU.


I took yesterday and today off from training since my knee keeps being a bother…boo! Such a bummer! I do think I’ll hit the gym tomorrow to get an arm and core workout though! I have really never tried to diet…I try to make healthy decisions, but diets and me don’t work. I really like to eat! I’ve never seen that documentary, but I may have to check it out! It looks great!


Nice work getting up at 6am! My workout was at 10am… 7 miles and hit up Shred415, a local gym, for some weights. I’ve actually never followed a “diet.” Just trying to consistently make good decisions. Like Yogurtland today. Mmm.


You’re joke is hilarious and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact you retook the pic. Classic!
I ran 7.5 miles today and I was done with my workout around 1200. Baby W slept in a little later this morning which evolved to getting a later start to our day.
The stat isn’t too surprising. I always feel people are on a diet rather than living a balanced life. I once was part of that statistic, but diets only last about a day for me. I’m sure I would enjoy the documentary for sure. Thanks for sharing.
P.S. Baby sunglasses are the cutest thing! Especially pink ones.


That documentary looks fascinating, an FYI to readers, you can view it for free between March 21st and 31st be registering at their site, I can’t wait to watch!

Sadly, I am the same darn way with strength exercises, it took broken bones and a few hundred dollars to get me to stick to them, and it’s still hard!

I am totally stealing your practical joking skills by the way :)


LOVE the joke….I hope Colin doesn’t read this so I can do it to him :)


I second “Vegucated” on Netflix.


-I went to the gym with my husband at 5:45 this morning. It took a little while to wake up by I loved being at the gym at that time! By 7:30 I was on my way home and my workout for the day was already done!
-Hungry for Change is on my to-watch list…Food, Inc. and Forks Over Knives are still my favorite documentaries.


Hahah I love the joke you played on her!!

I haven’t seen that documentary yet but I just saw A Place at the Table which was really interesting. It is about the hunger crisis in the US, really informative!


ooOOOh I’m totally going to check out that documentary!
I’ve been on a super low-fat and low-calorie diet in high school and became obsessed with numbers (number of calories, number on the scale, number of hours I worked out, number of calories burned, etc). Being anorexic was tough, but the recovery was even harder!
Being diet-obsessed AND unhealthy or overweight seems to be an issue in this country. Hope we can all find healing from it!


Great job at the gym this morning! Impressive! Today is my day’s birthday!


I did a 4 mile run outside but the wind was so bad that it felt extremely hard! Nice job on waking up for yoga!!!!


That documentary sounds so interesting!!! I’m going to check it out!


I agree, that joke is hilarious. I would probably pee my pants if someone did that to me! You always know about the best stuff to watch on Netflix…you got me hooked on Parenthood and I just started this documentary and it’s already good!


What was your workout today? What time did you get it done?
-I did a 5 mile trail run. I finished just before 6pm

Is that stat about diets surprising to you? Have you tried dieting? What diet?
-It doesn’t surprise me, but it is unfortunate. I’ve never followed a fad diet, but I did try eating nothing but healthy foods, no room for play. I lost way too much weight and was absolutely miserable. My eating habits got so out of wack, I was practically anorexic. Now, I eat more mindfully, trying to stick to healthy foods, but keeping myself open to those “fun” foods, like candy or going out to a fast food place once in a while.

Anyone seen Hungry for Change?
-No, but I’ll have to check it out.


I DIED laughing at your airport joke, my mother had to ask what in the world was so funny! Genius. And I’ll have to watch that documentary now! My workout today was a 45 minute hike in the Garden of the Gods (I’m in Colorado) and then weights!


whoa. that diet statistic is CRAZZY!


I just finished my workout at 8:30 pm – I did hill intervals & strength training. I’m watching a free series on iTunes called Weight of the Nation – you should check it out. The section on childhood obesity is eye opening & I think they should show it at Kindergarten screening to wake parents up!


So I can’t get FB at work but I can get most blogs. I always read your blog but today…nope. You were blocked. I was shocked. It said it was blocked for content. I was shocked. HRG was blocked for content? What the heck could Janae possibly have said that got her blocked??

Now that’s I’ve read your post…I’m still stumped. ;)


I ran an easy 6 for recovery today since I did a double yesterday. I also ran at 6:00 pm instead of my usual 4:30 am. There were 30 mph wind gusts and it was a freezing rain snow sleet mix.
I’ve done Weight Watchers in the past and had great success with it. The word “diet” in general bothers me
I haven’t ever watched a food documentary but you can bet I’m certainly going to check out Hungry for Change.


Up and running around 5:15… have to get it in before work! :)


What was your workout today? What time did you get it done?
I did a level 3 30 day shred workout at 6:30 this morning and then ran 4 miles this evening a little after 5pm.

That stat about the diets doesn’t surprise me. I made up my own diet last Spring where I ate eggs for breakfast, fruit for lunch (a mix of cut up cantaloupe, honey dew, strawberries, banana, and grapes), and then chicken breast & veggies for dinner. I kept it up for 4 months, while maintaining my running schedule of about 20-25 miles per week. I lost the weight, but I felt awful. I never had any energy and I had headaches all the time.

I’ve seen Food, Inc. It’s definitely an eye opener, and I didn’t agree with how they portrayed farmers in it because they made it look like all farmers are like the few extreme cases they showed in the documentary. It’s worth seeing it if you haven’t, though.


YOU???ATKINS DIET? I am laughing out loud here! Funny, funny., Almost as funny as the trunk trick! Good one
No diets for me but workout today was a walk/sprint interval for 30 mins on the treadmill, followed by some lower body work that I am going to be feelin’ tomorrow, cuz they’re (my legs) like buzzing already :)


Amazing prank!! I taught several group ex classes today and got in a 5 mile run! Going to yoga at 6am is impressive, Missy!
Hungry for Change is awesome. I teach high school anatomy and adult nutrition courses and show pieces of that documentary in those courses—it changes lives.


I will be watching that documentary soon seeing as thats my cable now a days. :]

I need to get back to strength training. I lose focus to early. And it was something I truly enjoyed. I will start back!


I watched Hungry for Change on Netflix also and found it very interesting. I try to not eat a lot of “fake” food, and I don’t use fake sugar anymore (however I cut that out a while back). Next up: HFCS. I want to see Food Inc but as a pregnant lady who gets the willies thinking about chicken breasts, I think I’ll wait a few months.


No workout today. Broke my ankle yesterday. This morning was spent at the ER. Surgery to come this Friday.

The Hungry for Change looks interesting. Will have to watch it while I’m off work the next 10 days. I follow the Weight Watchers program. It’s a lifestyle change vs. a quick fix diet.


I used to LOVE sunglasses when I was younger. My mom’s favorite picture of me is in pigtails, a bikini, and big sunglasses which take up 85% of my face! Brooke is such a cutie :-)

I watched Fast Food Nation for a project in high school and haven’t eaten at a fast food chain (aside from Subway/Wawa/Chipotle) ever since I did my paper. There are so many things I did not want to know which I learned from this movie.


As long as you don’t find out that Swedish Fish are made of fish!


You are too funny! I’m totally going to try that prank on someone ;)


I’ve never been on a diet because I’ve been the same weight since I was, oh, thirteen? Yep. Same weight for 17 years. Yikes. I guess my dietary habits and exercise/activity just haven’t changed. But working in healthcare, man, you see it all. People think they can starve all day drinking totally processed, chemical-laden, fake shakes and gorge at night and still lose weight. It’s sad. No one wants you to tell them that they have to eat fresh foods and move a little: they want to know if green tea is the secret answer.


I did a semi-fast 9 mile run this evening with two friends. I run faster when I have a rabbit to chase!


Yay for getting the workout done early in the morning! I went to a 9:30 Bikram yoga class this morning…after only 5 1/2 hours of sleep :-(. But of course, I never regret a workout!


I think I would have had a heart attack if I were bangs! What a good sport.

I had to work late so I missed my run, but I took the pooch out for an extra long walk and made him do some sprints with me.


After I watched Hungry for Change (maybe a year or so ago now….?) my eyes became a lot more open the the products and “false” foods out there. It’s an amazing movie.


Oh, I can only hope that the reenactment captures 1/1000000 of how awesome this surprise really was, because this sounds like a brilliant prank.

One of the only reasons I still have my Netflix account is for the documentaries they have. If you’ve got the time, try the movie Fresh – a lot of really great stuff about the status of the mass food industry v. health!


wow, i’m floored, 6am for a yoga class, u get MAJOR props!! injuries stink, but i agree, they usually get me to do the other non-running things i know i should be doing more often!
okay, brooke is just about the cutes gym buddy ever. :)


Haha, I can just about imagine Bangs reaction.
When you workout so early in the morning, do you have breakfast before?


I had a student cancel their appointment yesterday afternoon, so I threw on my running clothes and headed out for 6.4 miles. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping.

I keep hearing about this 5:2 diet that intrigues me.


Food, Inc. Even the brands you buy that you think are smaller and more local/friendly are owned by just a handful of the major food companies.

The Kidless Kronicles


Haha! I love that not only did you play that joke but that you made her reenact it for a pic! LOVE IT!! :)

I did a 5:30am strength class yesterday. LOVE getting my workouts in and done so early!


That is an awesome practical joke! I might have to steal it.

That documentary sounds really interesting. I have a bike trainer workout on schedule for today, so maybe I’ll check it out!


The workout was a an easy 5 mile run. I love Hungry for Change. It is a great doc. Also Forks over Knifes.


I love your practical joke, what a great one!!! I think the statistic on women on a diet is interesting. While we definitely have food issues in this country I wonder how they got that number and what they consider “on a diet”. I drink herbalife shakes every morning. Even though I would love to have a bagel (I just can’t justify the empty calories) so does that mean I’m on a diet? What about people who choose to eat paleo or vegetarian? Is that a diet? I clearly need to check out this movie!


I want to watch that documentary really bad! I’ve been cleaning up my eats lately and it’s really been working-I wish everyone could give it a try because not only am I having visible results (no bloating, more of a flat stomach, muscles appearing!) but I feel fresh and energized 90% of the days :)


I don’t believe in “dieting”. To me that means cutting out things for a short period of time, but eventually you will end up eating them again.

It’s all about healthy eating..fresh veggies, fruit, whole grains, fiberous foods, antioxidants, proteins, good fats, etc. you name it..and having a healthy lifestyle by working out.

Totally my opinion, but I am a strong believer in eating what you want, but maybe just switching up the proportions or not eating it so often.


I agree, I think a huge issue is our portion control. I worked at a Sonic through high school and college and was constantly yelled at over the size of the milkshakes. Contrary to other fast food restaurants, the largest milkshake size is 20 ounce and I was yelled at over that fact for 4 years. I was always shocked by the angry people because I found the sizes to be a refreshing change from the supersized options.

NPR did a blurb on their Morning Edition a few months ago about how doctors are starting to prescribe exercise to people. I mean, I can believe, but I can’t at the same time. I think it’d be so embarrassed if I were prescribed exercise. Plus, I just don’t see how people who don’t exercise sleep. I need to expend energy to be able to sleep, it balances everything out.


Too funny I watched that documentary out of the blue on Saturday! I also watched Forks over Knives and that was great too…. pretty crazy stuff the food industry. I don’t think I will be giving up steak or swedish fish anytime soon but I find it so interesting to learn about and watching that stuff motivates me to make healthier choices every day.


I am going to check that documentary out now. Thanks Hungry Runner Girl Mom:) I am not on a diet – but I am on a cleanse. I found that my sugar cravings were really getting out of control – and since I wasn’t able to work out because I was recovering – my body composition changed for the worse. I don’t believe in “diets” but I needed something to get me to stop eating candy every day and to start being mindful of what i was eating again. I’m usually good, but after having a baby these past two months I’ve been out of control! So I have just started the Whole30 challenge and let me tell you, it is hard! It is so restrictive because it needs to break your addictions – no sugar, no dairy, no grains, no legumes. Everything is made from scratch. Right now all I want is a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios!


haha! that is hilarious. i would have freeeeaked out if someone did that to me!

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