Baby Einstein is to Brooke what Friends is to me.  She sits there and giggles while kicking her legs around in excitement throughout the whole show.  I do the same things when I watch Friends.



I saw these in Whole Foods and wondered how in the world these have a spot on the shelf.  They were RIGHT NEXT to the frosted variety and I just couldn’t understand how someone could grab these instead of the frosted goodness.

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I think that I will be getting their FMW brand next and do a full review of them and start a ranking system among all of the different brands of FMW.  I will solely be doing this for you guys so that you won’t have to waste your time and money seeking the best cereal brand/flavor in the world.


You know when your baby goes down for a nap and your house is a disaster and you really should clean it but then you decide to sit down on your couch and spend an hour looking for the next dessert recipe you want to make?  That hour of hard work scrolling through pages of desserts resulted in finding the best one ever that will be made by yours truly within the next 7 days. 

Caramel Apple Cheesecake Bars

Don’t be surprised Billy if I make a batch of these while watching FNL in the middle of the night when I am up with Brookester.


Cotter Crunch (one of my favorite blogs ever and I have been reading her blog since I started blogging) had an awesome post of Thou Shalt’s and I stole her Running Commandments!! 

Runners thumb



I think my memory card on my camera holds up to 900 pictures.  It is full after 3 days of pictures that I took of Brooke.  major issues.

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For the last 4 days I have been putting chicken in the crockpot when I first wake-up in the morning and then eating it for lunch.  The crockpot is not just for dinner foods and I am amazed it has taken me 26 years to figure out that I should use this beautiful machine on a daily basis because it makes everything taste better.

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What Runner’s Commandment do you have a hard time following?


What has been your go-to lunch lately?

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Totally made those same cheesecake bars and they are to die for!


I have a hard time not getting stuck in a running rut!
Tangent about my day. . . I have to return some baby shoes to Zappos but I haven’t gone online to do the return yet because I am still trying to justify $40 for the cutest pair of furry bear boots for the baby for this winter!
My go- to lunch is always leftovers! This week – chili!


Go-to lunch lately? I’ve been making a sweet tuna salad (from and eating it with multigrain chips. It’s nice to just have a tupperware full of it so I can scoop some up in a jam between classes or while studying. So convenient!
Your daughter is such a happy, smiley baby :D Love love love all the pictures of her!


I may have coveted thy neighbor’s medal more then a few times. The shame, the shame.


Such cute Brooke photos, as always! Typically I’d say I have a hard time following #1, but lately my issue is #9. My go-to lunch is currently anything in the fridge – it’s final exam time here and grocery shopping hasn’t been a priority for some time! Those bars look delicious!!


*heart* the coveting thy neighbor’s medals. So true. So hard to not do!


Ummm, cheesecake bars?!?! Yes please friend! :)


I get stuck in a rut. Definitely.
Tangent today: Check out the Groupon for Jamba Juice! I had to buy it.
Lunch these days has been egg beaters. Today I had leftover Jambalaya!

The Kidless Kronicles


I have glitter on the soles of my feet.

I finally have an oven that works after over 3 weeks.

Time seems to be jumping today and as a result I have constantly been running late.

Not very exciting as tangents go! Baby Einstein is awesome :)


Thou shall not forget to hydrate.
need to work on this. DMD tastes so good after a long sweaty run!


I really need to use my crock pot more! Good think I just bought some chicken!


Just curious, how do you cook your chicken in the crock pot? I have one but don’t really use it that much. Looking for some new recipes!!



Ohhh, I love the Crock Pot but have never thought to use it for lunch! This is brilliant!

Tangent about my day: I had french bread dunked into olive oil for a snack and it was the best thing I’ve eaten in like 3 days.

Go-to lunch lately has been a tortilla with melted provolone cheese and TJ’s pumpkin butter. Random, but delicious.


Ha- i was going to link to Lindsay’s commandments, too. I’m for #5 all the way.
A tangent about my day…I had to go to my old high school for work thing today. After 11 years (yikes) the phys-ed teacher still remembered me and that I ran!
My go-to lunch has definitely been soup. It’s been super chilly here, and soup is so warm and filling!


Thou shalt not compare thyself to other runners.
I run with fast people so to me, I am not fast. I often find myself telling tmy non-running friends that I am not fast when they compliment me on a race because I think they don’t realize how fast “really fast” people are. I’m working on just accepting the compliment.
I just discovered Trader Joe’s whole wheat bread and I love it. It’s my go to lunch choice right now.
I spent my day at the state mental hospital, observing and talking to metally ill patients who are here for various crimes. Makes me grateful for so many things.


That last picture of Brooke is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!

I’m definitely making those bars! This weekend, we are having a surprise party for my brother’s 30th birthday, and I think everyone would love those!

I used to skimp on sleep, but lately I’ve been getting in my 7-8 hours almost every night. I need to work with varying my training. Now that the half is over, I’m looking forward to starting some speedwork.

Tangent – My foodie penpal sent me the most amazing thing ever – these little shortbread coconut cookies from TJ’s. They are amazing, and I’ve already eaten wayyyyyyy too many! You must buy them. Immediately.


I have the most trouble with the rest day — but after only 2 hours of sleep due to back to back shifts at work, today I’m celebrating my holy day. And I’m proud of it!!
I’ve been thinking of doing a Cheerios review — attempting all flavours, reviewing and ranking them — however, I’m on a Chex kick right now that I’m having trouble breaking … ;)
My tangent for today — I made pancakes for dinner (again!), but they had spinach and sweet squash and banana in them, so they’re healthy right? (With a little pancake mix, an egg and cinnamon and coconut extract … mmm). Actually, I don’t care whether or not they were healthy — PB + pure maple syrup as toppings made them easily the best dinner I’ve ever made. :)


Not comparing myself to other runners is definitely the hardest! Especially now when I’m just re-building my distance it’s hard to see everyone else doing long runs and knowing that I need to wait and just follow my training plan.

And a tangent about my day…my boyfriend and I are going to attempt to make some gluten-free buffalo wings tonight and I am ridiculously excited!


tangent about my day? i keep running by this sign that says “welcome to Washington DC” and every week it is graffiti-ed, and then painted over, and then graffiti-ed again, then painted over. since i run at 5 am with no one to talk to, i’ve never told anyone about this mini-drama occurring on the DC border.


Ugh this just reminds me how badly I want a crockpot! Also, those apple bars look amazing, I can’t wait to see how they turn out. I totally agree with you about Friends btw (I actually am watching it right this minute). I have seen every episode dozens of times and crack up every time.


I have a cute little crockpot.. in my china cabinet.. hiding on the bottom shelf.. I don’t know what to do with that thing! Do you add anything in it when you throw in your chicken??


Omg I loooove Friends!!! Still watch it every night before bed!! As for those 10 commandments I definitely need to work on not comparing- I still think of myself as a new runner and really want to work on getting faster.. I also need to learn how to rest when I’m injured :(


I have the hardest time following commandment #5. I tend to ignore little aches and pains until they become completely overwhelmed. I just get too involved in my runs that I don’t want to stop simply because something hurts a little!


Hah. Love the running commandments.

I def don’t do the run shoes check. Bad me!

And Brooke is cuuuuttteee!

Fav lunch lately: leftovers & crunchy salad


Do you put any spices in there with the chicken or is it by itself?


Comparing to other runners is my big no-no. I can’t help it!
My lunch is never the same, but I’d love a good egg-salad and rice/veggie mix for lunch.


Go to lunch has been salad with cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, and sunflower seeds. And whatever veggies we have! It’s understandable that you would take so many pictures of Brooke!


Oops- well, I skimp on sleep with the running commandments. And now I feel like I have to go find and dust off my crock pot. Ha ha. Give Brooke a big squeeze for me!


Funny you posted that picture of the (unfrosted) Wheat Squares from World Market… I totally just bought the frosted ones after my LR this past weekend. Totally worth it, except for the fact that I eat them 3+ times a day now. I definitely would not be trusted with comparing them to the real FMW, I will leave that mission up to you!

I need to keep that rest day holy for sure.
If there were an 11th commandment, it would have to be something about not skimping on stretching!


I have a hard time following the 2nd one.

Tangent: I had a baked potato for lunch and potato soup for dinner. I like potatoes!

My go to lunch has been a potato with various toppings, Greek yogurt, and an apple.


“Thou shall not get stuck in a running rut.” Running is the one area of my life I am not competitive in. I need to be better with setting goals instead of just running becuase I can.


I loved that entire Cotter Crunch post! The running commandments are awesome :)
And now I’m going to go order a crockpot! So glad you’ve been sharing about your crockpot meals… don’t know why I’ve never bought one?!


I saw Lindsay post those commandments this weekend too–love them.
The hardest for me to keep though is taking a full rest day. Today is that day for me and it’s so hard to just be content with not working out!


I have a hard time following the one about not comparing myself to other runners.

TANGENT- I got to bring my baby home from the hospital :)

Those bars will have to be made ASAP!


Those caramel apple bars JUST came out of my oven! Now they need to cool faster so I can dig in.


My hardest commandment is definitely comparing myself to others and to not get in a rut. I am always saying how slow I am and not how far I have gone….if you compare miles to miles then I am just as good as everyone else. And then the rut. I get into ruts so easy. So I am trying to combat that by finding different places to run…so far so good.


The only thing wrong with taking so many pictures of Brooke is it will make you feel horribly guilty if you don’t take as many of subsequent children. But you have totally amazed me with your ability to post twice a day with a newborn so…just keep taking the pics.

Yes share the chicken crock pot recipes. I love crock pots but haven’t done much chicken.


THOSE CHEESECAKE BARS!!! Oh my word — sorry for the all-caps there, but it was extremely necessary. I sort of want to make them now so I can eat the entire batch.


Go-to lunch as of late: I cooked a whole box of whole-wheat pasta, cooked up a pound of ground chicken, and made a gigantic bowl of pasta + tomato sauce + ground chicken. I’ve been bringing some of the pasta to lunch every day. Yum!


I’d really love to tell you a tangent from my day, but my mind kind of went blank as soon as I saw those caramel apple cheesecake bars. I need those in my life in the very near future. As for my lunches lately… kind of boring. Usually just a cheesy turkey melt and a random salad. Tasty for sure, but I think I need an upgrade.


Sleep…During the week I feel like I never get enough sleep!
But I always try to catch up on the weekends :)


oh and i have been reading yours ever since i started blogging! what a blessing. I love that i got see you grow as a woman, wife, and mom! hope we get hug soon. And hug brooke for me.


I have trouble remembering to rest. I’m addicted to running (and being active in general). I went for an 8 mile hike on Friday and thought for sure it would be an awesome idea to run 7 speedy miles (for me) on Saturday. I didn’t get hurt, but my legs were not very happy with me. Brooke is so adorable! :)


Dessert tonight was inspired by you! Frozen sour patch kids… My go to lunch is yogurt bowls and veggies dipped in hummus :D


Haha! Love the runner’s commandments! :) I struggle the most with comparing myself with the smokin’ fast (like you!) and the marathoners, ultras, etc. because I go super slow and not too far! I’m even considering quitting my fitness blog ( I feel so unqualified and discouraged :'( I need encouragement…


HEY SHARON!! You are not unqualified! You are an incredible runner. I am loving your blog! I tried to follow your blog but it wouldn’t let me:( Loved your last post!


Aww Janae!!! Thank-you so so so much for your encouragement! Thank-you so much for visiting my humble little blog, and commenting. <3 It literally made my day. :D I'm so glad you enjoyed the post too. :) hmmm how strangely sad that it would not let you follow my blog!! (Email signup should totally work. As should GFC?) By the way your blog is my favorite out there in the blogosphere! :D I absolutely love it and I adore little Brooke. <3 Soon-t0-be-born nephew Joshua says to tell her that he hopes he will have such awesome hairdos when he's born. ;)


Forgive me, for I have sinned. I have committed and continue to commit sins #1 (comparing myself to others), 2 (saying I am not a runner), and 10 (covet my neighbor’s medals).
Also, thanks so much for always thinking of us readers. I don’t know what I would do if you did not do a review of all the best cereals. ;)


My favourite lunch is when I make a big batch of something delicious in my crockpot on a Sunday, divide it into portions, and have it ready to go when I head to school (I’m a teacher). This week it’s chickpea and stewing beef chilli and it is to die for!

Oh, and I’m with you there on Friends. I have seen every episode a million times and I still laugh. “Paper! Snow! A GHOST!!!!”


I bought mini wheats and frosted ones from TJs last week directly as a result of YOU!! I mix them in a bowl and I’m loving them.

Todays’s tangent….it’s my mother in law’s birthday and she is here from the UK so we took her to SF Chinatown for lunch. AND I’ve persuaded my husband and brother in law to run a race on Nov 10th!!


Go to lunch of late? Quinoa salad with boiled eggs :)


Go to lunch is a tortilla wrap with hummus, chicken, cucumber and tomatoes. Yummy, healthy and so easy!

Tangent, I bought an international plane ticket for 50% off!! I’m so excited about this!


My goto lunch is almost always a bagel and an apple. I really feel like I’m missing out in life because I don’t have a crockpot. I KNOW I’m missing out on a million Pinterest recipes because of it.


I’m doing my best to obey #5 right now. My right thigh has been hurting since my half marathon on Sunday. I was sure it was just a muscle strain, but it’s starting to worry me now. :(


Comparing myself to other runners for sure! That’s way too easy to do!! I always try to remember that everyone is on his or her own running journey and just to enjoy the ride ;-)

One thing I do not have a hard time doing at all is resting! Ha!


My go-to lunch has been a sandwich of some kind with a side salad. I’m trying to eat more salad (namely, at least once a day) haha.


My go-to lunch has been spinach wraps with turkey, some sort of lettuce, some sort of dressing/sauce, and cheese. Dunno why, but I am kind of addicted.

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