I may never go back…

to my treadmill again.  This morning I got to combine my two biggest hobbies together:  running and staring at Brooke for long periods of time without blinking.

There is the greatest running group that meets up a few times a week and today I decided to join.  My friend let me borrow her jogging stroller that has an attachment for the carseat (ours doesn’t) and so I finally got my first run with Brooke outside.  Add in the fact that I got to talk with friends the whole run and I was wearing new shoes and it couldn’t have gotten any better.  

Photo 1 copy

Brooke loved it (I think at least) and was staring around at everything we passed by for a while until she fell asleep.   HOLY COW… running with a jogging stroller is TOUGH.  Is it weird that my core is sore from pushing the stroller?  Hills have a whole new meaning with a jogging stroller but I am excited to do this more often because:

1.  The treadmill is the most boring thing in the world compared to my run this morning.

2.  Brooke loves being outside and spending quality time with me which she will always enjoy doing even when she is a teenager and she will still want to go everywhere with me like she does now (I think if I say this enough times that it will actually come true).

3.  Running with a jogging stroller will make me a faster and stronger runner come race time.  

Photo 2

The group post run ritual will most definitely keep me coming back for more.  They have a whole fridge full of cold delicious drinks and she has snack bags with my FAVORITE CIRCUS ANIMAL COOKIES for the kids (errr….me and one other girl that loves sweets as much as I do) and we all sat on the couch and talked for a while.  

Photo 3

My Brooks PureDrifts felt incredible.  They are so lightweight and felt like they were molded for my feet.  I will do a full review when I get more miles in them.

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Yes, I do have to put Brooke in all of my photos.

The omelet obsession is back in full force except for once again it didn’t turn out looking like an omelet and so I am not going to do a close-up.  For the record you cannot eat eggs without ketchup.  

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I have a girls night tonight (good thing because Billy is BUSYman.com and always has school stuff now) and I am making an apple pie?  Why did I choose to make something that I have never made before?  


Have you ever ran with a jogging stroller?  Double jogging stroller?  Do you enjoy running with a jogging stroller?

How would you rate your last run on a scale of 1-10… not on how you felt but all of the outside factors (temperature, gear, friends, boredom etc).

Have you ever tried out a lightweight shoe? Are lightweight shoes for you?

Ketchup and eggs:  Delicious or disgusting?

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Eggs with ketchup is a must! My last run felt good, temps are perfect in north Fl right now. I’ve never run with a stroller but it looks tough. I did however get passed by a speedy mama like you pushing a jogging stroller during my last race. Def made me want to speed up!


I hate running with a jogging stroller….but that is because it takes enough effort and concentration for me to get in a decent run, pushing around a jogging stroller is just out of the question for me.


My run last night gets a 5. It started raining about halfway through my run. That actually would give it a 10 because I love running in the rain. Plus, some guy standing outside a bar applauded me and said “that’s dedication” when I ran by in a downpour. It got knocked down to a 5 because of the cold wind that started with the rain and I witnessed a car accident. Car accidents are no fun. Luckily no one was hurt and a bunch of people stopped to help out.

That’s great you got to run with a jogging stroller. I hope I do that too when I have kids. I’m determined to run throughout pregnancy and after. I’m not pregnant yet but I can plan. :)


I have run twice this week with a tandem jogging stroller which holds my 3 yr old and 20 month old. It’s not my favorite way to run, but hopefully my long run, sans kids, this weekend will seem like a breeze :)

I run in minimalist Saucony Kinvara 3s. They are awesome. I may have to try out Brooks though.

Ketchup and eggs? Gross!

Did you name Brooke after your fav running shoes? ;)


Hi! My little girl is 1 month old today, and she has that same outfit as Brooke…so cute! It was a gorgeous day here today(VA) and I would love to take my girlie out for a run…yes, I am running before the 6 weeks, and no, I did not get permission :) Question: how did Brooke do with the run? Any concerns? I want to take my little one out, but I felt like I read that I needed to wait till she was 2 months old.


I am just starting to run outside with a double jogger. I have been running on my treadmill for the whole whopping 10 months I’ve been running. I always did it during nap time. Not sure if it is actually the stroller or something mental but it’s much harder than the TM for me!! My arm is usually sore – how sad!! I signed up to run a half at the end of February so I need to get after it.

Brooke is ADORABLE and you are awesome! Love your blog!


Do you have a double BOB? Did you run with a single?
I ran (slowly) with my single BOB and have a few weeks to go till number 2 arrives. My husband doesn’t think we need a double jogger but he isn’t a runner. So I am curious how people like the double jobbers and which brands. I figure I am not getting out to run much in the northeast winter with a new baby so I have till spring to figure it out


No, my double is just like a Baby Trend I think. It was a gift. I’m sure a BOB would be easier to use. I never ran with a single (twins) so I can’t compare. Basically, I am no help to you!! Keep in mind though I am used to the TM so I am sure part of it is just adjusting to running outside. Congrats on #2!


I’m new to running. I keep a 7 month old little one and bought a baby trend to run with. When I get running at a pace great than 9 minute pace, the stroller shakes horribly. I actually returned it to the store and thinking about getting a BOB stroller, but it is not my child so I feel like it may be wasted.


Hey Mary!

I have been running for almost 3 years with a double jogger. I have the Baby Jogger Brand that I bought used from consignment, and I love it! I still use it with my 3 and 5 y/o’s. It gets tougher as time goes on, but I just keep telling myself that pushing all that weight is making me a better runner!

ps–I’m from the Northeast too! :) I wish we’d have another winter like last, I got out to run with the jogger a lot, but I’m thinking we’re in for a bunch of snow this year!


Oh and Beth, running with the stroller IS hard, so don’t get down on yourself!


Beth. I have a double BOB and run with it. I love my stroller! It is my only double and I take it everywhere. We have the single too, love them! I enjoy running with a stroller because it makes running without seem much easier to me.


Thanks, Erin! And Mary, I agree with Erin. My stroller was a gift and it is fine. I have not had any problems, but if I were spending my own money, I would look for a nicer one on consignment. People buy doubles all the time and never use them. You can usually find nice used ones.


We had a single BOB, but when #2 came 18 months after the first, we opted for a Phil & Ted’s tandem double instead of the double wide BOB. It’s much easier to maneuver in the store and my husband and I both jog with it. The BOB is better over sand though.


I have a single BOB and a double baby trend. The BOB is amazing! The baby trend… Gets us by. If I did it over, I’d splurge for the BOB no doubt.


Thanks everyone!


I bought a jogger stroller and it went to waste. I absolutely hated it, glad you love it though. Yes on the ketsup though I usually don’t because of the sugar. I like light weight shoes but it seems they never have enough support for me so I only wear them around town. My last run went horrible, lots of ailments and I lost my ipod. I’d give it a 5 but the weather deserves a 10. xo

Oh yeah, I’m giving away a fabulous book today, written by the runner/mom who was in a car accident and suffered severe leg injuries. So inspiring!!


Ehh…not so much on running with a stroller. I was SO excited to buy a BOB and run with my girl..I had dreamt of doing so even before I was pregnant. The BOB *may* have been my first purchase, and….it went to waste. :( I ran with her a few times but honestly, I ended up running first thing in the morning so there was really no need to have to run with her in the stroller. I also didn’t like running “one armed” so to speak, or even worse, with no arm swing.


“For the record you cannot eat eggs without ketchup.” TRUTH!!

Also, sounds gross… but oh so good… ketchup on my mac & cheese. :o)

I ran in my new Brooks today, also. My feet were so happy. Mine are a bit more chunky… Brooks, Ariel. My fourth pair ever! Love them!!!


Love ketchup w/ mac and cheese!


I’ve been running with a double jogger for about 3 1/2 years now. Well, when I was pregnant this summer I made my husband push the stroller. It works your core AND your arms! Especially when your stroller is super old and wonky and always wants to veer right so you have to keep straightening it out. I’ve definitely gotten my moneys worth out of mine though.


YAY for running with Brooke! I ran with a single with my 1st and I’ve been pushing my girls in the double for almost 3 years. Its tough for sure, but I feel like I’m teaching my girls such important fitness lessons! And many times I wouldn’t get in a run unless I drag them along, fortunately they are good sports, although now that they are bigger they do want to get out and run with me occasionally! :)


No baby so no stroller. Have been wondering about going down the light-weight running shoes route – I usually have very “supportive” trainers because I run in a very flat footed way. However, other hobbies (mostly ballet) are done barefoot, so surely light-weight would make more sense for me… ?!?!


FINALLY someone else is on the eggs + ketchup bandwagon!! I love ketchup with my eggs. I do nut butter with them when I have egg whites though — I feel like that might be a bit more strange.
My last run was a 9.95 — after dark, but with a great group. Workout was 8 x 1min on/1min off then 3 min rest, and then do it all over once more. The 60 sec on go by quickly enough (even though you’re GIVIN’ it!!) and the 60 sec off are JUST enough to recover. I felt like I was flying on a cloud. It helped that it was along the canal, which is beautiful at night. Seriously — probably my favourite training run EVER!! The only thing that stole that last 0.05 of a point was the fact that my ankle was twinging a bit — but it got less sore as I ran.
Ps. I think you’re going to be the coolest, Mom!! Brooke is going to think you’re totally fab, even when she is a teen — because I can totally see her being a sweetheart, but with a bit of a badass “I’m awesome, but not in an arrogant way” charm, and you’ll totally be the best of friends. ;)


No jogging stroller in this because no baby! Instead I ran with my dog this morning. We did five beautiful fast miles. We were both happy when we came home. It’s cold here-35 during my run, but I love when your body is all warm and sweaty, but your nose is cold. Nothing feels better than the hot shower after.


So glad you were able to get out for an outside run! You are awesome at making new friends- must make the move so much easier!

I used to run w/ a double jogger when the kids I nanny for were babies.. and holy cow was it hard work! My arms and core were always sore from it.. it definitely makes you stronger.. so glad I don’t use it anymore though- until I have my own kids) But I have mad respect when I see women running with them- I see a woman with a triple jogger a lot on my runs.. can you imagine!?

My last run was great! mid 60’s, felt like I was flying :) And I don’t wear lightweight shoes because I am super injury prone.. I think i’ve had 8 stress fractures so far ha.

ketchup= awesome on everything!


Ketchup on your eggs?? Yikes!! You are giving me flashbacks of 5 and 6 year old sisters with fried eggs smothered in ketchup sitting in the fellowship hall at church in between Sunday School and the service looking at the doughnuts they were not allowed to eat until they ate their eggs. Haha!!


I once ran a 5K in the 19s and got beaten by a woman pushing a stroller… with what appeared to be a two or three-year-old inside. IT WAS INSANE! I talked to her after the race and told her that she was awesome and my (one day) role model. Not awkward or anything, right?! ( :


I just ran four beautiful miles!! I am in injury recovery mode, and since we are not sure what it is and resting since july has done nothing for it, I decided a little easy running would help me wait out figuring what the heck is wrong with me :) (I know I know better safe than sorry, but I cannot let this beautiful fall pass without hitting up the road for a FEW miles! I can recover in the nasty snowy winter lol)


I always eat ketchup with eggs and thought that it was normal (??). We eat almost everything with ketchup in New Zealand :)

I don’t run with a stroller because I don’t have a child. Would consider borrowing one and fill it with water bottle and food to see how others react to me.

The lightest shoes I’ve ever worn are my current Saucony Fastwitch but am keen to try out Brooks Pure range.


DELISH!!!! The ONLY way to eat eggs. Seriously.

I remember the first time with my jogging stroller and was burned out pretty quick by how difficult it made my running. It will definitely make a good resistance training workout for when you get to run solo. You will be flying even faster than you are now!!! I also remember pushing two toddlers in the stroller and wearing a baby and feeling like a pack mule. All I could ever do was walk at that point!! Ha!


I’d love to actually know how many pairs of running shoes you have haha. I would LOVE to have a few to pick from. Oh huuuuuuusbaaaaaaaaaand!!


Congrats that you finally got to run outside with Brooke…she’ll be running beside you in no time:) I’m getting the BOB jogging stroller for when I have our baby. I assumed it would be tougher since you are pushing the stroller as well as baby but I can only imagine how easy on your own will feel after stroller training…it should be considered a new training technique for atheletes LOL

My last run outside I would rate an 8.5…weather was great, everything felt great and I had my favorite running buddy with me (my hubster). Last run on treadmill (yesterday) was a 6. Felt good but felt fatigued at the end and really had to push to finish. Oh and I had to pee like every mile (the joys of pregnancy haha)

Ketchup on eggs YUM, Ketchup on anything and everything YUM!
Have a great girls night:)


Your run sounds fabulous and your post-run sounds even better!
Running with a jogging stroller is hard and totally different. Embarrassingly, we have one for our dog for when he can’t keep up with us. The first time we pushed him in it was in the mountains. My husband ended up pushing it for most of our run!


So glad you go to get out there with Brook, what a cool group of women to find!

I have the single Bob and use it with Ryleigh – now 21 months. I didn’t have the car seat adapter so didn’t use it till she was about 4.5 – 5 months (she was very big and very sturdy). I love it and she loves going in it so it’s perfect – I am just too lazy to use as much as I should.

One day I was out for a trail run by myself and feeling hard core and cool cause I was pregnant and running. Then I see this tiny fit little lady, pushing a double Bob, with 2 BIG kids like 4 and 5 years old – UP HILL. It had to be about 80 – 90 pounds with stroller and kids. I no longer felt too cool.

I have also seen a lady around town charing the bike path at a good pace with a double Bob that also has a toddler seat attached to the middle of the handle bar so she is pushing the huge stroller and 3 toddlers on her run.

I am lazy and suck.


I had a great run this morning with my running buddy in my ‘hood and so happy that temps are dipping down into the 50s and 60s in TX!! This is a very good thing…

Oh and I have no doubt the jogging stroller is going to make you a stronger runner…even though you’re super strong already my friend! Cannot WAIT to hear a further review about the Brooks…love me some lightweight running shoes.


Wasn’t a runner when the kids were little

disgusting…fries only. Maybe meatloaf

I’m wearing Brooks Pure Flow and LOVE them. I also run in my socks at the gym and barefoot outside.

My last run was Tuesday. I meet my daughter and we do the treadmills side by side. It was busy at the gym but there was this kid. He was “playing”, running on his toes, hanging onto the bar all bent over, standing on the side rails for a bit then jumping back on…. Turns out his Dad was two treadmills over, reading! People left and we both traded treadmills. So it started -5 (I wanted to leave) and ended about a 6.

How would you rate your last run on a scale of 1-10… not on how you felt but all of the outside factors (temperature, gear, friends, boredom etc).

I’m wearing Brooks Pure Flow and LOVE them


I have run with my 15 month old twins since they were 6 weeks old. I LOVE it! I figure I push about 50 lbs… 20 for each kid and 10 for the stroller. Hills give me a killer workout! I’m in Utah and I only run with them unless its 60 degrees or warmer outside.
I thought for sure training with the jogging stroller would give me the PR I’m trying to get. But my first race post-babies I added 2 minutes. I was so sad :( I’m not sure why I didn’t do as good as I thought I was going to. Oh well. I still love being outside and running with my kiddos.


I just saw your comment (I know it’s from a LONG time ago, sorry!) and I’m about to have twins and am looking for a double jogging stroller…but I’m clueless on what to get. What kind of stroller did you use when they were so young? There are SO many options out there and I’m trying to figure out what’s best :)


I just fond a group that meets down the street from my work, 10 minutes after I get off. It couldn’t be better and I think I will try it in a couple of weeks. I’m nervous, though.


ketchup + eggs = best combo ever!!!! or hot sauce, but lately it’s ketchup all the way.


I have the Brooks PureCadence shoes and I LOVE how lightweight they are. They’ve seriously made my runs so much better!


I’m so glad you found a group of gals to run with! How did you find this fun little group? Through church? I’m curious because once we have our little one, I think it’d be fun to get a group of running moms together. And OF COURSE you have to have ketchup on your eggs! They just go together! ;)


No jogging stroller.
Everything except me felt great this morning. Clothes, good. Temps, cool. Not too boring. I had the wandering ache that kept moving.
I am trying out the Brooks Pure Flow right now and still trying to get used to it.
DELICIOUS if the eggs are scrambled or an omelet. Salsa is good too!

The Kidless Kronicles


I started running with a double jogging stroller 15 weeks pregnant…it is tough! It gets easier and I look at as a double for running or core work :)

I haven’t tried lightweight shoes…I wonder how well my feet would do it them.

I can’t do sauces (ketchup, salsa etc) on eggs.


I have yet to try lightweight shoes. I am terrified of them because I feel like I need a lot of support. Yet I find myself intrigued and constantly looking at them online. I look forward to your review.

You are going to be one of those super speedy people at races that fly by WHILE pushing a jogging stroller. I always want to high five them and shake my fist at them (the latter only becuase I am impressed/jealous) at the same time.

I had a jogging stroller I used all the time with Anna. Who knew that running WITHOUT pumping both arms at the same time would feel so weird? But I loved it because using it meant I could go for a run whenever. I debated getting a double when Evan was born, but me pushing two kids would probably mean I would be walking instead of running ;) Ross recently sold our jogger to by himself a new pair of shoes. Thoughtful, right?

Running with people always makes it better. My last run was an 8…on the treadmill at the gym last night. It was my first speedy (for me) run in a LONG time. I did Yasso 800’s and I could feel it later that night. I need to get outside again before it is no longer outside running weather!

Ketchup FTW!


I used to run with a jogging stroller and while I loved being able to stare at my baby, I don’t miss how tough it was! I’ve seen some mamas attack hills while running with a jogging stroller… amazing. Truly.
I LOVE light weight/minimalist shoes!! Can’t ever go back to traditional running shoes because when I’ve tried they feel like clompers.
Last long run was with friends from my running group, half trail, gorgeous scenery and cool under the trees. Running perfection in my book :)


Eggs + ketchup = where it’s at!
I remember running for the first time with my baby in the jogging stroller, it adds a core workout for sure! I swear I get the best workouts when I run with my little girl.


I’m sure Brooke loved it! the first of many runs to come for her! And I can see your core being sore, you ahve to keep your body balanced while running and pushing that weight


I definitely agree that the treadmill may just be the most boring way to get a workout in, and it ends up being more a test of mental strength than anything else. Darn exercises in willpower… So great that you had a good run with Brooke :D I’m definitely going to be seeking out momma and baby exercise groups whenever I have a kiddo of my own. And definitely yay to ketchup and eggs… aside from putting it in a sweet dish, I don’t think you can ever go wrong with ketchup…


I have these same exact shoes!! They were test version, but I received mine several months ago. Only thing that looks different is I have hot pink shoe laces. I wish I got a chocolate egg! How’d you get that!? At first, I didn’t much care for them since it felt like just standing there my foot would roll in. Didn’t notice it on my run besides the burn more in my calves and feet, and over time I have become to LOVE THEM. I cannot wear normal shoes anymore! They have to be lightweight and minimalists.

Run today felt AWESOME at 18 weeks pregnant, I would rate it a 10!

I have tried a jogging stroller, but not with my own child. My niece would always want me to take her on my runs. I did enjoy using the jogging stroller with her, she made it more entertaining with her questions on little things like bugs and clouds! Plus, you get more of a workout.

Eggs and ketchup I would say yum! Especially if you have hash browns with it.


Are those frosted animal cookies?! Had them on my fro-yo last week and they ROCK! haha


Yay for an outside run!! It’s so much fun jogging w/ a baby. My 2-year-old still loves it.


Yay for outdoor runs! (Although, I guess your TM is outdoors too.) Where were you? That looks like the los gatos creek trail!!


Running and pushing a stroller is for champions! Good job! I don’t have kids but occasionally take the baby I babysit for out for a run in her stroller and it is hard core. It’s kinda awesome the different workout you get from pushing, and from just being mindful of someone else while you run. I’m in the market to rent a running baby buddy to go running with…


Glad you found a fun group to run with! YAY!

Eggs with ketchup…meh. I’d rather eggs with chhheeessee! :)

Have fun tonight. Apple pie is def risky…j/k. I am sure you’ve got this. If not, just bring your candy stash.


I must tell you, I used to say the same thing about my little girl…that she would always want to hang out with me. She’s 5 now, and in school half day, but she still loves to hang out with her mom. It’s Fall Break here in Utah, and she was excited to have the day off to spend with mom.

My run last night was a 9…perfect fall temps, perfect gear, my favorite route….it was a short 3 miler, my last run before the Haunted Half marathon down Emmigration Canyon in Salt Lake on Saturday.
My go to shoe is the Brooks Pure Connect. I love them, and I am super jealous of your Pure Drifts!


No babies here so I’ve never tried running with a stroller. It does look hard though.

I tried Nike Free’s once and no bueno for me. Maybe I should have given it a chance by running shorter distances first.

My last run was a 9! I am staying near Santa Cruz this week so I got to run alongside the coast. 26.3 miles of fresh ocean air! The breeze helps cool me down, but it sure did get hot towards the end.

Yes yes for eggs with ketchup! And Tabasco! Sometimes I put buffalo wing sauce instead straight from the bottle for an extra kick in my pants.


I have a dual jogging stroller and it is quite a workout. I have 2 tots, 1 & 2 and they’re perfectly fine for my short runs. My oldest gets bored real easily during my longer runs, so I have to pack the stroller with some entertainment for her. The one benefit I’ve noticed is when I run alone after using the jogging stroller, my pace has increased a bit. So it’s a win-win!!

BTW, love your blog. I’m a new runner in my 30’s (well I used to run in high school, but haven’t since) and will be running my first half marathon next month, here in Fresno, CA. So, it’s been a real struggle for my body to adjust to this new form of exercise. But it’s worth it! :)


yikes, my core would most definitely be sore from running with a jogging stroller! you’re right, it’ll make you a stronger/faster runner for upcoming races!

ketchup w/ eggs is the best combo in the world! =)


My mom talks all the time about how she used to push us in jogging strollers… Maybe that’s where my addiction to running came from so if you keep at it Brooke will love it too!! I used to eat those animal crackers all the time as a kid except my mom deprived me so I used to steal them from the other kids at my babysitter’s house (kidding…I think?)
Love how social you are! Come to Baltimore so you can spread some of your fun for those of us on the east coast :)


Yeah for your run with Brooke!!!! I love the shoes! Eggs are good with Texas Pete too!!!!!!


Yay for Brooke and her first run! Running w/a stroller will make you a much stronger runner! You feel like you are flying when you run w/o it. When I started running without the stroller (darn winter) I would get a cramp in my right side because I was so used to pushing the stroller.


ketchup with eggs use to be my go-to way of eating eggs until I discovered pizza omelet… now its marinara sauce and Parmesan cheese… i know so delicious, but prob. a weird food combo.

Brooke is adorable!! And where the heck did you find a running jogger group… please come to MA and do a jogging stroller run with me and I will feed you insane amount of sugar :)


I do not enjoy running with my jogging stroller. It is so much more effort, even though my Bob glides along! Hate running with the double even more. Pushing two toddlers and a 35lb stroller is hard work!

Do you have a Stroller Strides class in your area? I’ve been doing it for three years and it’s awesome! Great way to meet other moms and you get in a good workout too :)


I have 2 kids but have never owned a jogging stroller. I decided to take my regular stroller out the other day and see if it would work. It’s a high end baby jogger, just not meant for running, more of a city stroller. Anyway, it worked great and I LOVED it. SO excited to do more running with it!


My last run was wonderful! I ran outside at the park and it felt so good to breath in fall air. Running outside really is so much better then the treadmill.


Just WAIT. When you start running with the stroller full time, you’ll feel awesome. THEN when you go for a run without it?? You’ll feel like you’re running 5 minute miles. It’s awesome.


My mom bought me a jogging stroller already! She found an awesome deal on Ebay. I’m excited to eventually get to use it … in about 5+ months haha! ;) But I can only imagine how much more challenging it will be than running normally!


I did most of my marathon training with my jogging stroller and my son loved it! Wait until next year when she is bigger, your triceps and shoulders will be on fire after a good run!


Ketchup and eggs yum! Throw some cheese and pepper in there and it’s a 10/10!
I love the jogging stroller for the fact that I can run during the day but I prefer running without one. Running is mommy time where I get an hr to myself. I’m due with baby number 2 in two weeks so I’m gonna be using a double jogger when the time comes. THAT will be a workout!


I ran maybe three times with a jogging stroller. I think it is what started my weird body on the Hip Injury from Hell journey :( I am so glad you got to combine Brooke and running!!!! That warrants a big celebration.

Those pink and white animal cookies are a family favorite! In our house, everyone LOVES LOVES LOVES them!!!!


Just finished a great 5 mile run with my husband on the farm road:) I run with my 4 year old in our double bike stroller than you can put a handle on to become a jogging stroller. It is a pain…because he is 4…and thinks that he wants to get out and run for a block, then gets tired and wants back in for 2 or 3….then out again. Oh well, it is fun to see him having fun running!


I didn’t realize you could run with a young baby in a car seat! This makes me want to get the adaptor for our BOB…. I thought you had to wait until 8 months or something, but I would love to start running with Maze soon. Hope Brooke is doing well!


Oh darn, Bob website says walking only. But looks like he can walk ride in it sooner than I thought without a car seat


This sounds totally perfect for you, I’m so glad you had a great time!


I think Mom Jogging groups are the cutest thing ever! I always see the cutest group of mommies doing stroller workouts, and those ladies are ripped! Doing lunges up a hill while pushing a stroller does not look easy, nor does simply running with one, so props to you Janae!


I’ve never tried lightweight/minimalist shoes for long distance running. I’m curious about the review you’ll have after getting some more miles on them :)


i’m SOO glad u finally got to test out a jogging stroller! my mom had one and used it ALL the time when she had my little bro and sister. heck, i even went running with her a few times with her pushing. :)


I have girls night tomorrow – I thought about making something new… but decided on a recipe I have made just once before… still counts as new right?


Why eat eggs if you can’t have them with ketchup?


So happy you found a mommy group to run with, they’re the best! Some other moms and I are training for a half marathon… Our hubbies all work crazy hours so even our long runs are with our jogging strollers. I love it though… She’s my best buddy.. Although now that she’s a mobile almost 7 month old she doesn’t enjoy being in the stroller for more than 30 minutes… Mommy has to run fast!

We inadvertently led 20 soldiers on their morning run last Sunday on base here… None of them wanted to get beat by the mom with the stroller :)


I am always amazed when I see someone running with a stroller, that has to be hard work! I can’t wait til the day when I can try it out!


I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about the Purdrifts – I am considering them! :)


The jogging stroller is a tough way to get freedom, but it does make you stronger. Sounds like Brooke enjoyed her first ride.

Can’t wait to hear your shoe review. I love my Pure Connect shoes.


I have the BOB waiting for my little guy to get here in TWO weeks or less!! I hope he loves riding in it because I’m already planning our runs :)

Yes- ketchup and eggs are a must together. Ketchup is my go to condiment. I will put it on anything!


Jogging strollers sound brutal!! But I bet it’s a good workout.

Running outside is always better than the treadmill! Although I suppose that since you’ve got your outside maybe that’s not always the case…


Not that your day needs to get any better than it already did, but I came across this on FB tonight and immediately thought “Hungry Runner Girl needs this in her life”…It’s candy corn on the cob. CANDY CORN ON THE COB. (http://www.instructables.com/id/Candy-Corn-on-the-COB/)

And you’re a fool if you don’t eat ketchup with eggs.


I liked running with a stroller while the kids were still young and didn’t stop and ask me for things every two seconds. Running is MY time so I get up early and do it by myself now. I LOVE my treadmill. Glad you like it though, enjoy this age while you can!


Ketchup and eggs…delicious!
Never ran with a jogging stroller but it sounds like a great core workout! From what I’ve heard!


8/9. So many hills! They help make me a stronger runner, I’m sure, but damn. They can get tough!


How exciting Brooke’s first run!
I give my run today a 9. I talk to myself when I run. It is hot here in southern California, but this morning there was a nice marine layer. By the time I got everybody to all the schools the marine layer was going away. I ran in the sun and heat and decided to run 2 miles only, then I ran another mile. I stretched and the marine layer came back over the ocean, which was my calling to ran 1 more mile and make it fast. So I felt like I got what I wanted done, even thou I wanted today to be my long run, reschedule for Saturday.


I haven’t tried ketchup and eggs (but I have done salsa and eggs). Since I am now hooked on your candy corn/peanut combination I might be tempted to give it a try.

Today’s run (7 miles) was really good. There was a ton of sunshine and it was cold which I find to be a perfect combination, friendly people on the trail, I saw a deer in the woods (so awesome), and I completed in a sub-10 minute per mile pace which is really good for me.

My husband and I are both relatively new runners and need new shoes. We aren’t big spenders but we have decided that we ARE ready to splurge on some really good shoes. I’ve heard you rave about Brooks. I might have to give them a try!


LOVE LOVE running with our jogger stroller!!! it has saved my sanity these first few weeks of being a new mommy ! And my son loves it too! He can be having a meltdown and i take him on a run and all is better again! :) It is going to definitely make us stronger for our races!!


You are SO right about jogging strollers being hard…they are killers but I agree they make you stronger and faster. I’m faster than I was before I started running with the stroller. Uphill, they KILL!!!

Enjoy those baby-runs…before you know it you’ll need to bring Brooke snacks and iPad and four trains!


Talk about a great arm workout too! I love how you always embrace new challenges when it comes to running :)! Ketchup and eggs is definitely a yes for me….as is salsa & eggs!


My last run was a 10 (if we’re not counting how I felt – I haven’t run as much as I should have since my marathon so my legs were a little heavy!) but I ran in the trails along the ocean. The weather was perfect- cool, crisp and fallish, leaves changing colour :) I wish more runs were like this!


That’s so great that you found a stroller running group! I wish they had that around here :-( Love the look of your new running shoes. And yes, eggs and ketchup are united forever.


I pushed V in an umbrella stroller last weekend during my 5k, he is 42 pounds and it was misery! ;) JK, going up the hills were hard, going down, I flew past people because he is heavy and he would pull me down them.


I’ve never run with a jogging stroller, but I’m willing to bet it would be hilarious to watch me do it. I’m not exactly coordinated. I’m so glad you found a fun group to run with!


I run with my one year old in the BOB Sport Utility and I love it!!!! So lightweight and easy to use. I think I have only run a few times outside without it since my little man was born. My last run was a few weeks ago outside and it wasn’t my favorite….I’m in my first trimester with #2 and I’m battling all day/all night nausea:( I’m hoping it passes soon!
I love a lightweight shoe, specifically Asics DS Trainer.
As for eggs and ketchup….obviously awesome!!!!


Eggs and ketchup are not meant to be together, ever.

I’ve tried walking with my jogging stroller and that’s tough, I don’t think I could take it on runs with me. I do love running groups though, sounds like you’ve found a great one!


For my daughter’s first year most of my running was with her in the jogging stroller. While it was tough it definitely made me a stronger runner. She is almost 3 now and she will still sit for a 5 or 6 mile run. The best part is she pushing her baby doll around in the doll stroller and tells me she is going for a run and does laps around our house. In her mind, that’s what moms do- they run:)


Love the pic of Brooks and Brooke!


Just an FYI – you aren’t actually supposed to run with them in the jogger with carseat adaptor. BOB specifically says this.
Wasn’t sure if you knew that so wanted to let you know!


I’ve never ran with a jogging stroller because I don’t have a kid, but I am so impressed by all the Mom’s and Dad’s I see running around with them. That look so tough! Is there anything you can’t do? I don’t think so, you’re like wonder woman :)

I’ve never tried really light weight shoes. I’m injury prone so I think a more stable shoe is better for me, but who knows, maybe I’ll try it out one day!

My last run was an extremely boring 3 on the treadmill this morning. Honestly I would have gone longer if it weren’t for the fact that I was so bored. I rate it a 3. Ugh.

I like ketchup but not enough to put it on things other than french fries and burgers…the idea of it on eggs or chicken freaks me out too!


I have a jogging stroller but I am still scared to run with my baby. She’s close to 4.5 months but I hear not to run with infants until they areat least 6 months old.


My last run was definitely a 10 – it was my first evening run! The sun was about half down already and the moon was out when I started. By the time I got home it was pretty dark but a little bit of lightness in the sky still. It was also the perfect temperature out, not warm but not cold and no humidity. It was great!

Ketchup only goes with plain scrambled eggs for me. If I add any veggies or cheese in to the mix the Ketchup stays in the fridge.


Last Run: Wednesday night. It was a 7. Perfect weather, in the 60s with a light breeze. Got BRAND NEW Brooks the day before and they were perfect! Wish I wore capris not shorts because my legs were a little cold despite the nice weather. Sad that the sun went down at 6:30 and it got dark quick but I was at the end of my run. Loved looking at all the Halloween decorations people have up.

Lightweight shoes are not for me I don’t think. I’m too afraid of getting away from the Adrenalines, which help me with my overpronation and IT Band.

Ketchup and eggs: I agree, that is the only way to eat eggs. The more ketchup, the better. Also: try Whole Foods tofu scramble if you ever go to their breakfast buffet bar. Yummm.


Love that Brooke is in all of your pics! I am a new runner with a seven month old baby so I have not done too much running WITHOUT my jogging stroller, lol! I would love to hear your two cents on running form with a stroller. I never know whether to push him straight out or elbows bent or to hang on for dear life and let him pull me along??


Just wandered over to get some jogging stroller tips, because my son and I are about to head out on our very first run together (!!!). But I just had to agree — EGGS + KETCHUP FOREVER! ;)


My last run was definitely a 10 – it was my first evening run! The sun was about half down already and the moon was out when I started. By the time I got home it was pretty dark but a little bit of lightness in the sky still. It was also the perfect temperature out, not warm but not cold and no humidity. It was great!

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