How to make a running comeback

Billy worked his magic (I love putting subliminal messages in my blog posts for him to do things) and he put together my beautiful birthday present from a few years ago.  Isn’t she shiny, gorgeous, glowing and breathtaking?  

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The best part is I get to roll the crib out and watch Brooke through the sliding glass door and know exactly when she wakes up.  Plus she gets to hear her favorite noise, the sound of someone on the treadmill.  That noise is very comforting to her.  

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I talked to my doctor this morning and got the greatest news in the history of the world.  I can try out running again.  I am not going to go into details about what is going on in my healing because that would just be weird but because of my incredibly easy labor/delivery, it has almost been a month and I pinky promised that I would stop if anything felt weird during or after… I am able to start up again.

This post is completely selfish and basically I am talking to myself about how to comeback to running smart and stronger than ever.  

1.  Keep track of your running.  I am going to journal my runs like I used to and include everything from the shoes I wore for the run, how I felt emotionally and physically, distance, what I ate before, pace, my goal for the specific run etc.  This will help a ton when it comes to race day and I can look back over my training and feel confident about being ready to race.  Also, a journal will help me to recognize injury, burnout and what foods work especially well before a run.

2.  Remember what did and didn’t work for you in the past.  Be smart about your training and learn from past mistakes.

3.  Make a plan. Chances are that some things in your life have changed a little bit (um, hello baby;) since your last training cycle.  Plan in advance for how you are going to make this training cycle work.  (For me: treadmill on the deck to run during nap time even if all of my neighbors stare at me like I am completely crazy as I run on a treadmill outside)

4.  Start out right.  From the beginning of your running comeback focus on doing things right.  Take your vitamins, stretch like a champ, pay attention to your stride/form and make good habits in terms of rest days and recovery.  

5.  I have a history of comparing myself to my old times and paces and getting down when I am nowhere near where I used to be.  Instead of saying, “Janae, you can’t compare yourself to what you used to do” (this never works, believe me, I have tried) I am actually going take my competitiveness and use it for my benefit. I am going to use my old times as motivation to get faster (over time of course) and beat my old self.  

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What was the coolest bday present you have ever gotten?


What are your tips for making a running comeback?

Do you have a hard time comparing yourself to your running in the past?

What are you most looking forward to this week?


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Great news!
I always run every other day for the first few weeks when coming back to running.
I am really looking forward to my kids’ XC meets this week!


Yay! Glad you can try out running again! Also good to hear that you won’t be going full-throttle to beat your past times (yet? hehe).
When Brooke gets a little bigger and you have a good jogging stroller, see if you like the Los Gatos Creek Trail! It’s pretty long, relatively flat, paved, and enough people around so that you girls will be safe!


Oh yayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you :) (PS Brooke is my favorite, just too much cute!!)

I love that you put the treadmill on the deck! One of the only things I want in life is a house with an awesome sunroom with a treadmill for snowy runs. Is that really so much to ask for?

Since I took a break from running after my half, being back this time has changed a lot. I don’t have a training plan (but I need one) and since I’ve been running with my puppy, I’ve been focused on her instead of me. I don’t use music anymore, I don’t watch my pace like crazy, and if I have to cut it short or walk for whatever reason, I do. I feel like I am running more for enjoyment than ever before and it’s AMAZING.

Is it sad that one of the hilights of my week is going to be the pumpkin spice latted my coworker said she would bring me tomorrow? It’s the little things, clearly.


Ok first – your floating baby picture is awesome in the other post lol.

Best birthday present I ever got… my dog! He wasn’t REALLY a birthday present but I still tell him he was because we got him right after my birthday and he is the best big fuzzy monster in the whole world :)


Tips for an effective and safe comeback…take it easy. Let it take longer than you want/think it “should”. Be in no hurry. Do some kind of strength training. And especially post-pregnancy…attend to strengthening your core more than you think you ‘need’ to.

Good luck, girl :)


Good luck on your comeback! As long as you stick to all your tips, you should do great. I am in the midst of a comeback myself after having taking the entire summer off due to injury. I’m on week 4 and having a hard time not running as much as I want to run. It s hard to take it easy! And I’m terrible about always comparing myself to my past (younger) self. Ugh.


Congrats on getting the go-ahead to start running again! I personally think the key to making a comeback is to start slow and set small goals for yourself. You’ll just set yourself up for failure if you’re only goal right out of the gate is to run a 3 hour marathon. But if you set more short term, tangible goals, you set yourself up for success and can reward yourself throughout the process of getting back to running.


SO exciting!! You’re going to do great!!


Three cheers for running again! How did it go? How did you feel? Are you still on a runner high and will be until the next run?! ;)

I compare myself for sure to past times…and then even if I get better, there is always more I wish I could do. That sounds like I get down on myself (which I can) but really I just like to be happy with where I am at, but always push myself to more/better and that is fun :)

I am getting together with my baking club on Thursday. yay for a girls night, cooking and eating good food.

The floating baby thing is hilarious. I am still laughing about it.


congrats on the great news. and the treadmill assembly. sounds like today is an awesome day!


One of my favorite runs ever was after my 2nd son was born. I was 6 weeks post c-section and was able to get out and go. It wasn’t a remarkable distance, it wasn’t a remarkable speed, but to know my body could do what it had done and get back out there was completely remarkable.


WOHOO! Great news Janae (: I’ll be using your comeback tips when I’m ready to come back from my knee injury. I have the worst problem with comparing myself to myself! If I’m not faster or better than I was I beat myself up. Must work on that. I don’t do it with just running though, happens a lot with my school work as well.

I don’t have any birthday gifts that stick out as super cool to me :( Maybe next year..

My mom’s birthday is this week though and I am looking forward to giving her her gift! I got her an eyeshadow palette that she has been wanting for a very long time but will never buy herself! I love to give gifts.


Yay for running again! Good plan. Can’t wait to hear how it goes!

The coolest bday present I got was my Kitchenaid Artisan mixer. My mom got it for me this year and I’m in love.

My tips (because I”m currently on the comeback) are to be patient & take it slow.

I do. I keep reminding myself that I can get there again with practice.

Dinner with my friends tomorrow night!


Yay for the treadmill being up and running! When we moved it was the first thing I wanted to put together, but I was patient and waited a couple days. What will you do when it rains? I don’t want your baby to get ruined! I guess now that you have a human baby, it’s inappropriate for me to call your TM your baby.


What are your tips for making a running comeback?
-start out with a solid base and then increase every week by 10% so that you gradually increase your mileage

Do you have a hard time comparing yourself to your running in the past?
– Sometimes I do, but I try to use that as a way to push myself so I am even better and also tell myself to stop being stupid and comparing myself

What are you most looking forward to this week?
-Dinner tomorrow night with my friend Molly!


Your treadmill is awesome! I think it’s a great idea to use your old times to challenge yourself. :)


Yay! So glad to hear that news. You are going to be back to your fierce and speedy running self in no time I am sure! What I learned from having to make a comeback from my injury a few months ago was just to be patient with myself and with my body. If you are patient and let time allow your body to heal your body will thank you and reward you! I am so happy that I took it easy and eased back into things because now I am finally getting that speed and endurance back! And it feels GREAT.

I am looking forward to running the Marine Corps Marathon in a little over a month and seeing some of my long lost college friends! It should be a fun race-cation.


Love reading about you still training hard after labour….motivates and makes me feel guilty when I get lazy. Brooke is suck a cute cherub :)


ah I wish I’d get a treadmill for my birthday!!!


Awesome! That’s right around the time I started running again. I still haven’t got back to my pre-pregnancy time but I haven’t really been pushing myself hard enough to get there. Thanks for the tips!


Yay! That is such exciting news! Enjoy your first run back! I hope it goes well!
Coolest birthday presents- trip to Hawaii (last year from the hubby) and beluga encounter with the whales at Disneyworld!
My best tip is to start smart- warmup and definitely cooldown properly, including lots of foam rolling!


I’m looking forward to going back to work! We’ve been so slow that I haven’t worked in nearly 4 weeks. I am so excited to get out of the house!


Great advice…as always:)
I am coming back after a baby too and I am irrationally afraid of injuries (probably latent hormones). Any additional tips on stride/form to stay injury-free?
Love your blog!


Yay for being able to run again!!
I’m making a running come-back right now — however, I’m faster that I ever was, and training for distances over twice as long as I used to run … However, I’ve made a TONNE of rookie mistakes (mostly to do with proper shoes and proper pre and post fueling). Definitely learning quickly though!! I’m not bad at comparing to my times now to my OLD old times (because I’m blowing them out of the water), but moreso my last run of a similar kind. I’m constantly pushing myself to be running PRs week after week. It’s actually starting to run me down a bit … Need to take that into consideration as I move the mileage up from half marathon training to full marathon training. Any advice on that by chance?
Ps. I love the mental image of you running outside on a tredmill — such a great idea btw.


Congrats on getting the go-ahead…it seems like the month flew by! :)


i think my best tip for a running comeback is to never really stop running in the first place! definitely tone it down when necessary — aka like when you are pregnant! — but if you’re able to keep running, no matter how much, i think it makes starting up again easier.


I think listening to your body is most important.. and doing your best not to let your mind trick your body into think it is feeling okay when it is really not!

Take it slow.. you’ve got a lifetime to run!


I don’t think I ever realized it before but, umm, we are so totally treadmill twins! ;)


I’m so happy for you that you get to run again! I hope you have an AMAZING first run:)


I read your blog today, and clicked on the past blog of “Where did I go”. You mentioned a running notebook/journal, and I have been looking everywhere for one! I just used printoffs right now. I am not NEAR as advanced as you are in running, but you inspire me to do more :)

You go girl! Take workouts easy, and you will see that post baby bodies can do amazing things! You are such a good role model to Brooke :)


Treadmill was mine too.
Tips: give your body and your training plan faith and trust, and have confidence in your body’s ability to comeback and perform. Let your mind be witness to all the miles/races you are about to encounter. So excited for you, enjoy!!!!!!!


I am such a newbie but yeah, I compare my endurance now to what it was before I bagged running during the hot AZ summer. At least this time around I know I can do it because I’ve done it before. :) Great idea with your treadmill. I’m not loving mine anymore…I think it’s time for a new one. It’s served me well, I’ve had it for 12 years!


I don’t know what the coolest birthday present I’ve ever gotten was.

I love that your tm is outside.


woohoo! Enjoy your first run! Cant wait to hear all about it… and don’t beat on yourself I couldn’t run a 10 min mile at first and a little over 3 mo later, I ran my first race ever a 10k and placed 2nd in age group with a pace of 7:25/mile!!!

and you just found your cutest training partner.. BROOKE


Glad to hear you can head on back to running! I wish I had a treadmill, or the space to put one in :)


My best bday present was my iPad! But I would love a treadmill!!


My advice for a running comeback would be to take it easy and not push yourself too quickly. Nice and slow and ease into it.
Good luck Janae! You are going to do great!


Yay! That’s great news, Janae – you must be way over the moon :) And I’ve gotta say that that’s a pretty sweet setup with Brooke’s crib and the treadmill… you’ll be back to your speedy self in no time I bet. I’m definitely guilty of comparing myself to my… err.. past self (?) and always wanting to do more/better than before, which is great for progression obviously, but just remember to cut yourself some slack because Brooke needs her momma to be strong and healthy!


one of my coolest birthday present was from my husband this year for my 25th birthday…surprise trip to las vegas! i also hurt something in my hip last week so i haven’t been running (although it’s making me crazy)…so i’m a little nervous how i will be when i can finally run again!

i am most looking forward to starting my job helping to empower young girls to be strong, smart and bold!

so happy you have your treadmill back!


Coolest bday present I ever got was a tattoo :) I am quite frankly obsessed with them haha

I have to try really hard not to even go there and start comparing myself to how I use to be. It’s hard but it does keep me sane and enjoying my runs

Just make sure you don’t push yourself, and listen to your body :) You’ll be fine.

Seeing my bf this weekend :) He makes my day


Yay!! I’m glad you can run again.

P.S. You look like your sister in the below picture. :)


I’m having a hard time with the comparison thing right now. I’m slowly working my mileage back up after a knee injury. It kills me how much speed I’ve lost. But I know I’ve got to ease into running or I’ll end up injured again and probably much worse.


Congrats! I guess you and I are starting back on the running trail together. The doctor just gave me the okay about a month ago. I am three weeks into a novice training program.Going back to the beginning! I hope when you say you are journaling it will be on the blog. I could learn a thing or two. Favorite Christmas gift….my MacBook Pro. Only because it was the first and only time John completely surprised me!


Best birthday present I have ever got is probably the first present my husband ever got me…..he got me a teddy bear (dressed as in elf because green is my favorite color even though it was march), and a Swarovski crystal ballerina. (I have since broken the ballerina :( fell off my bureau one day…..I am a heavy walker)

I have never had a running comeback as I am still fairly new to running, but I’d say that having a specific large goal, with smaller goals along the way would help me.


When I have to take long breaks from running, I definitely have issues not overdoing it. Knowing what I’ve been able to do in the past makes me think I have to get there asap! It can be pretty hard just working back up to it.


Yay for running! I’m bad about comparing myself in general – but it’s something that I’m definitely working on!

I’m looking forward to beautiful weather and lots of football!


Haha besides the oddity of your treadmill being on your balcony I hadn’t even considered that is was weird you were running in “outside weather” on your treadmill. Does that even make sense? Maybe the outside weather thing doesn’t matter as much in SoCal as it does in Texas though :) Are you planning on running with Brooke in a stroller? How old does she need to be before you can do that?


Yay! Great news! So excited to hear about your running adventures, I’ve missed them!
Best bday present was a really nice stationary bike I received last year. This year I’m asking for a garmin :)
I’m hoping to make a huge comeback after I have my baby in 7 weeks! I’ve already been reading up on how to get faster/stronger etc…as well as picking out a few races for next year to motivate me.


Michael had known that I had always a string of real pearls and surprised me with the one year.

The Kidless Kronicles


Congrats on getting back to the running!
When I had to go 6 months without running, I was so excited to get back, but also knew that I wouldn’t be able to start where I had left off. My thought was to just take each day/run at a time and remember to just always be thankful that I CAN run and not worry about how far and how fast. I knew I’d get back to feeling like myself one day and it was better to be healthy than fast!

On another note, remember to place Brooke facing a different direction in her crip each time she is watching you. This will help her look both ways as she finds you while you run!


Hurray for running comeback! I’m sort of getting to comeback, too, and I’m nowhere near my former ability, so I am taking it very slowly.


Is it bad to say that what I’m looking forward to the most this week is the end of it?? lol Case of the Mondays over here.

And congrats on your speedy recovery!


That’s so awesome you get to run again! Seriously your recovery has seemed so great! I really hope to have mine go so well this coming Jan!


so excited for you to start running again!!! you are such an inspiration! and i think your treadmill outside is legit! : ) i would totally do that too if i had one. : )


Oh I so wish I had a treadmill! One day :) I am saving up… for a lot of things actually… but a treadmill made the cut!


I am so excited for you …and so impressed at how much care you put into your runs and your body in general! You are most definitely going to come back stronger & faster than before!


Good for you getting back on the running!!

I have a knee injury at the moment that is stopping me from running. I am looking forward to getting back to it, but it is going to be hard to take it slow.


Making a running comeback has been hard for me! I had a knee injury that kept me out for 2 years… I’m doing good to run 3 miles, and that used to be my warm up before! I’m just going to hang in there and take it slow!


I found your blog a month ago and i’m addict!! And of course I love Brooke she’s sooo cute!!

Enjoy your run, i’m on a break right now. I have a foot pain and my doctor said i shouldn’t run for 4 more weeks (6 weeks total) crap! So i’m waiting!!

I think i’m gonna buy a treadmill, a nordic track c900 because you said a lot of great things about it ! I search a lot informations, prices and finance options and that one is the best choice i can make right now.

BUT I have a question : Can you put distance in km instead of miles ?? I can’t find the owner manual on the web and i always calculate in km (yeah yeah French Canadian!)
Thank you so much!!!


I am SO happy that you get to run again! This was an encouraging post for me as well, I’ve been in a little bit of a burnout phase with my marathon training, so thank you for this post!! Enjoy your run! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!


Yay! Good luck with your running!!!

I’m saving these tips. I think they’ll come in handy when I can run again. I don’t really have experience with making a comeback — I hadn’t been running that long when I got sidelined by an illness. :) Thanks!


Good luck on your comeback! You’ll do great!


YAY! What a happy day! So glad for you to be back doing what you love! I know you will run smart and safe and take care of yourself! Way to go super-Mom!


Awesome news, I’m sure you are so excited!!


yay! this means i need to run with you while i can still keep up!!


YAY!!! I am so excited for you! Enjoy your first few runs – they are going to feel SOOO good!!


Love the tips- definitely keeping them for when I get the OK to run after baby :) I was wondering how long they told you it would be before running- a month doesn’t seem too bad if you look at the big picture..and it’s good you still got to walk!
& you know what? I have a feeling you are only going to come back faster & stronger- you have your little motivator on the side watching you…I’m sure just seeing Brooke’s little face is the BEST site in the world :D


I know you’re going to make an awesome comeback!!! You’re going to come back stronger and faster :)


So excited that you’re able to run again!


OMG, Brookes faces are priceless! I am laughing so hard right now!
Good luck with the running, take it slow!

PS. You look so much like your sister in that last picture!


Yayyy for running again! :)

So I was wondering, how did you decide what kind of treadmill to buy? I’m looking into it right now and I have noooo clue where to start!

Also, I’m 27 weeks preggers and finally needing a belly band to run. You seemed to like yours, what kind did you wear? The one I have now makes me have to pee so often that running isn’t really even an option!…or maybe I should just get used to that for the next 13 weeks! haha


I will love my doctor forever and ever and ever if he lets me run 4 weeks after having a baby.

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