How running is going so far.

You know that it is time to finally do laundry (um, it has been 3 weeks) when you end up wearing purple, aqua and orange together.  Actually maybe I am color blind but I kind of like this combo now that I think about it.

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Running is actually going a lot better than I thought it would post baby.  This morning I did 7 miles at an 8:20 pace and it felt really comfortable.  I wouldn’t be jumping into this kind of mileage if it wasn’t for the fact I was averaging 45 miles per week the weeks before I had Brooke.  I do get a little frustrated every now and then thinking about how far I have to go in order to reach my future goals but I am learning to enjoy the challenge and celebrate the fact that I am running.  Plus having Brooke is probably the most cool thing ever and way more fun than anything I could imagine.  

I have a 1/2 marathon next month that I might be doing but I will be taking it easy and just doing it for fun (I say that now right;)  It is also interesting adjusting to not running first thing in the morning.  I used to always just wake up and run but now I wake up, play with Brooke, feed her and start running during her nap at around 10:30 but I love doing it then because it doesn’t cut into time spent with Brooke or Billy.   Added bonus is that I am getting Brooke used to seeing me sweaty and red faced when she wakes up because that is how it will be the rest of her life.

I found this awesome chart (kind of obsessed with charts/times/numbers etc) that I am hoping Billy will print out for me today at school to put on my treadmill.  My treadmill doesn’t show what each MPH = in terms of pace so I NEED this plastered on.    

Screen Shot 2012 09 17 at 11 42 55 AM

So all I have to do is run at 12 miles per hour for 26.2 miles to get a 2:11 marathon, easy enough. 


This was a delicious lunch.  Chicken fajita salad, garlic rosemary toast, one of Billy’s Sanpelligrenos (turns out I do like them) and a SOYJOY bar (their new delicious dark chocolate cherry flavor).

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You know I would never have a delicious food and not share it with you right?  We are too close for that.  On Saturday night I tried my new absolute FAVORITE combo in the whole wide world.  The host told us that the proper ratio is 1.5 peanut per candy corn and you will die of happiness when you try this sweet and salty combo. Try it soon. You can send me candy corn in the mail as a thank-you for sharing this with you.

Photo 1


PS if you live in the San Jose area we are having a get together at Yogurtland at 7 tonight, email me and I can give you more info!!!

Autumn needs our help with her fundraiser to help a young couple HERE!


Do you like candy corn?  

-I can’t stop eating it.

Favorite sweet and salty combination?

How is running going for you lately?

Are you a wake up and run kind of a person or do you wait a little while?

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Candy corn and pretzels are so good together! Must try!


I just bought my first bag of candy corn the other day. By the time Halloween gets closer, it’s so hard to find. My dad actually first introduced me to candy corn and peanuts together – tastes like a payday!

I love that mph chart – so handy!


I like to wake up and run right away and get my workouts for the day done but that has been hard the last couple of weeks. Sick little girl makes for a hard night and harder morning, plus I don’t like to leave her at all when she isn’t feeling good. Hoping to get in a run tonight. Luckily I am in the taper part of my marathon training so I can be a little more flexible with my running schedule. So glad you are back at it, so good for the body and soul!


u’re doing awesome getting back, janae! i kno there are always the parts of our brain that think, “wat the heck?!?! how in the world does this feel so hard right now, how am i ever gonna get to where i need to be?!?!” but just like coming off of any injury the beginning is tough but then muscle memory kicks in and the improvement factor works exponentially. so keep doing wat u’re doing and the running piece will fall into place…PLUS now it’s better because u get to spend all ur non-running hours with Brooke. :)
i think they need to start selling those pace charts in poster size so we can hang them in front of our tread’s. ;)


7 years ago I set out a candy dish in my apartment that had peanut m&m’s and candy corn in it. Never intending on eating them together…until I did…and my lif was changed. SO GOOD.

Another sweet and salty combo that is good and you must try is Late Night Snakc by Ben and Jerry’s. Vanilla Bean ice cream with a salted caramel swirl and fudge covered potato chip clusters. Sounds weird, but it is SO good. Plus you get to look at Jimmy Fallon while eating it = awesome.

YOu are seriously a running superstar. I love that you have been able to get right back in and do so well. I am sure you will be breaking that sub 3 marathon in no time!

I am a wake up and run kind of person, which is why this 10AM start time is making me super nervous. I did 12 miles last Saturday starting just after 10AM and I thought I was going to die running on the parkway along University Avenue. It was so hot. And I had side stitched for 50% of the time (I NEVER get those! WTF?!) Running has been going super well. I felt awesome after my 20 miler last week. My paces have been better than I had anticipated. And then I have a 12 mile crappy run and it gives me a nice reality check. I hope I can do this without having to crawl aross the finish line. Blerg.


That’s awesome that your running has been so good post-baby. I wish I was averaging the miles I wanted to while pregnant…darn hip flexor. I keep telling my hubby I NEED a foam roller…oh when will he listen?!? I can’t wait to remember what running without a baby in my stomach feels like :) LOVE the chart btw…I’m pretty visual and love seeing things like that to keep me motivated!!


I can’t believe you’re up to 8 miles already, wow!! That’s awesome! I actually had some of that candy corn mix today…mmmm! Try adding M&M’s too!


Awww I wish I lived in San Jose, that would be so fun to go to your get-together!! I live in Sacramento, and as it’s still Northern Cali, it’s kind of too far to drive for just a few hours ;) I am OBSESSED with candy corn. Zack already bought me two bags (and will be getting me MANY more before Halloween is over!) I’ll have to try that peanut/candy corn combo, as I love them both separately so dearly.


I love when it is time for laundry and my running outfits get a little “interesting” to say the least. The worst for me is (I seriously need to buy some more socks) when I run out of the nice short socks and get stuck wearing my long/tall socks, it gets even more interesting when I am down to only colored long/tall socks.

I have you tried the pretzel m&ms? They are absolutely wonderful! If you haven’t had those you definitely should give them a try.

Running for me has been going okay, I am not quite hitting the times that I would like to but I am getting there none the less. It is a slow process for sure.


I actually hate candy corn but my dad loves it. Favorite salty and sweet combo is pretzel M&m’s or choc covered pretzels, lol. Congrats on ur running…ur doing awesome and super impressed with ur distances and times so soon after having Brooke!


Candy corn. Echh. Not for me. But then again, I love black licorice, so you can echh me right back. Am back running again after a bad hamstring strain–not 100% yet but I am so darned happy to be doing 4 miles slow that I can’t tell you. Isn’t the weather great the past few days? We’re up in Marin County–enjoying the beginning of fall!


You are making me really want candy corn!!! You are also super impressive with how fast you are getting back up to speed in your running, but your running is super impressive in general so I shouldn’t be surprised :)


I kinda like candy corn. I like the way it tastes slightly like honey. My favorite salty/sweet combo would have to be chocolate covered pretzels. I like to run at night when it’s not as hot, but sometimes have to run during the day to accommodate kids/husband/schedules etc.


I am the biggest candy corn addict I know and will be trying this combo immediately!!!!!


Girl!! Candy corn is so freaking dangerous…
Love hearing about your running! You are going to rock the half marathon next month! Running is going great for me, as the weather gets cooler out I get more confident with my running and my pace gets faster! Fall and winter is my favorite time of year to run a race for sure!
Oh and I am still trying to track down those candy corn oreos you were speaking of…haven’t been able to find them here yet!


I’m so happy running is going so well for you! I say do your upcoming half for fun; you have plenty of races to race ahead!
I LOVE candy corn, but I like my sweets sweet so I’m not sure about the combo!
I love to run in the morning but start work at 7 so run after work so I don’t have to wake insanely early! On weekends though I’m on the road first thing!


We don’t have candy corn in NZ but it sounds interesting.

So cool that you’re already running so soon after having Brooke. When I am lazy I will think of you and get my ass out of bed to get my running done.


Candy corn/peanuts is a great combination. I will eat candy corn plain, but I prefer it with peanuts.

I truly prefer to run in the mornings, but that hasn’t happened in years so it ends up being afternoon runs when my husband is home to watch the boys.

I’m jealous of your running. I just want to be able to run again. 6.5 weeks until my due date :)


You are really rocking getting back to running!!

I definitely want to try candy corn and peanuts now, that looks awesome.


I am not a big fan of sweet and salty . . . BUT TJ’s has this chocolate carmel bar with sea salt on it and it’s freaking divine. LOVE. I think there is coconut mixed in too. . . .

Ran 10+ miles on Saturday. Doing Girls on the Run with Road Runner tomorrow night and hoping to get in another 6 miles out of it :)

And I do like the color combo of your clothes. I love bright colors. I’m practically covered in it when I paint anyways, might as well be something cheerful :)

Would love to see you at Yogurtland! where can I find your email address?


I meant Run Like a Girl….. not girls on the run. my brain is so strange right now.


I’m glad your able to get back into running, even if it’s not right back to where you were before. I’m sure you’ll be your speedy self again before you know it! And I LOVE candy corn!


I love salty sweet snacks! I love chocolate and peanuts, choc. and pretzels, chips and choc, grapes and pretzels, I always go for the salty sweet combo! You’re amazing with your running- how do you do it?! I like exercising in the morning before I do anything else, but after I eat some breakfast. I need to try candy corn and peanuts. Can’t say I like just candy corn but adding peanuts might make a difference!


I like candy corn in small doses- but adding in the peanuts I may be able to eat more of it. Dangerous. My favorite sweet and salty combo is usually movie theater popcorn + some sort of chocolate candy dumped in.

WHY DON’T I LOVE IN SAN JOSE?? I want to meet up at Yogurtland!!


I meant to ask. When you use to get up and run first thing, did you eat before hand? Now that you’re waiting until 10:30, are you eating before and if you are and you weren’t previously, how is that affecting you?

I don’t eat before I run because I get up and go and they say you should wait 2 hours between eating and exercise. But I worry that I’m doing my body a disservice by not putting something in it first.


Hey!!! Yep I used to eat a banana before I ran early in the morning! Now I have Bfast at about seven so it is early enough it doesn’t really effect my running. Usually I have cereal, oatmeal or yogurt/fruit. Hope you are having a great day!


My coworker has a big jar of candy corn and peanuts mixed on her desk….but she has left for the day….. do I or do I not break into her office for a handful?????? HMMMMMMMM……


You are kicking butt with your running!!!
I’m terrible at waking up early during the work week to run! But I can on the weekends. Sunday I woke up at 4:50am to go and get my long run in!!!


Oh my gosh! I love candy corn. I can hardly wait to get my hands on a bag (or 10). I will have to try that combo. Sounds pretty tasty! I used to eat Smarties (Canada’s version of M&Ms) and plain potato chips together. A totally healthy combination.


i’m a sucker for kettle corn, any time I can get my paws on that sweet salty stuff i’m in heaven!
i’m a get up and go kinda gal, honestly if I don’t head out within 20 minutes of waking up the chances of me going decline significantly by the minute, if I haven’t made it before lunch well then theres no going!


I kind of like your outfit, nice and cheery.
Dark chocolate salted caramel, delicious.
I am tapering this week for a half on Sunday, hoping to PR. 3 weeks from my first full!!!!!!!!!


Girl, you are seriously a rock star! An 8:20 pace after like one week back to running, you should really be proud of yourself. I’m just getting back to running after a little hiatus and it’s so hard but so good at the same time. :)


Girl, you amaze me that you’re running as fast and as much as you are already! Major props to you! Don’t ever get down on yourself about it!

I absolutely looooove that peanut/candy corn combo! The sweet + salty combo is the best!


I’m not a fan of candy corn, but I’m with ya on the sour candy.
Can’t believe your already up to 8 miles! That’s amazing.
I just ran 5 miles post injury today. It’s been over a year and I’m stoked to be running again.
I can’t wait to meet you tonight!!


WAY to go!!! Cant wait to meet you!!!


As far as I am concerned, candy corns are just crayons with sugar in them. I have never been able to eat them without feeling like I am eating crayons.
I think Simone has the right idea. The best sweet and salty is kettle corn.


Hi Janae! I’ve read your blog for a long time, but this is my first time commenting :)

Just wanted to say I adore your posts, and I look forward to the happy break in my day they provide. Also, Brooke is just beautiful and it’s so fun to see how happy she makes you all.

Way to go on your pace/mileage so far!! I know it seems far off from where you want to be, but I’m willing to bet if anyone can knock off time’s you!

Cheers girl, thanks for all your enthusiasm and positivity.


HEY ROBYN!! Thank you so much for your comment! You really are so sweet!! Hope you have an amazing day and thanks again!


I wake up and run right away a few days a week, and I really like that, but when I do my longer runs on Saturdays I like to eat a good breakfast first and then run about and hour and a half later — that helps me prep for race day too! :)


Not a big fan of candy corn…don’t *hate* it, but don’t love it either. I’m a big fan of the sweet & salty combination and my favorite manifestation of that is probably Trader Joe’s chocolate covered, peanut butter filled pretzels. Mmmm.

Running…not fabulous for me at the moment. Still getting into the swing of things now that the school year has started. I did do a 1/2 last weekend and, while I didn’t break any records, I was able to run more of it than I anticipated (not having run but a handful of times over the summer), and I still finished and got my medal. :)


I love candy corn. Possibly a little too much though, so I haven’t bought it in years.

That chart is pretty handy, thanks for sharing it!


Omg! I can’t find candy corn anywhere where did u get it?!

My running has been nonexistent lately (had to stop due to pregnancy bladder issues haha). But I’m looking forward to getting back into it after baby! Your doing so awesome though!


I really like candy corn! My dad showed me this combo a couple of years ago, and I cannot eat candy corn without peanuts anymore! It seems like crime to eat each of them alone.;)


The hubby and I have almost polished off an entire bag of candy corn that I bought 2 days ago! I have seen that combo before, but haven’t tried it. I am definitely doing that tonight! (or um, right now…)


Thats so great you are putting in that mileage and pace so soon after having Brooke, amazing!! I actually don’t mind that color combo, but then again I always wear the most random colors when I run (its the only time thats acceptable I think)!


Try popcorn and M and M’s! Yum!
At 28 weeks pregnant with baby #2, I haven’t been able to run in 10 weeks. Was quite upset about it till last week. You are really lucky to be running only 3 weeks post baby – wow is all I can say. It took me 2 months after my first to start running and 1 month of “getting through the pain” which I’m sure will happen again after baby#2.
And Brooke, well she’s just pretty darn cute. I love her hair :)
Happy Running.


That chart helps me so much! I’m running a 5K on Thanksgiving and was wondering if you had any tips for me? As of now, I usually run 2-3 times a week, each time doing about 3 miles with a walk break halfway. I’m guessing I should get used to just running through the 3 miles without stopping… let me know if you have any advice :)


I would start by running for time. Each week increase the amount of time you run for and before you know it you will cover 3 miles without taking any breaks. IE you could run 10 minutes the first week followed by walking for a while and then 15 the next week etc. Does that make sense? have you heard of the Couch to 5k plan? It is awesome!
Good luck and please let me know how it goes!


I actually ran yesterday and did a whole 3 miles without stopping :) I think I just need to keep motivated to keep going and not have the mindset of “Oh, here’s a good place where I can take a break!” Thank you Janae!


bummed i can’t make it tonight— family night. and i was up in SJ earlier today for my ultrasound…why does everything have to be up there?! have you tried averie’s butterfinger bars she makes with candy corn, pb, and chocolate? they are to.die.for. i may or may not have eaten a whole pan of them in two days…but i’m pregnant so i get a pass…right?!


Favorite sweet/salty? These –

Yes, they are a pain to make but they are totally worth it. Trust me.


It’s ok. Chocolate covered pretzels are my absolute favorites. I have had two good runs in a row so that is a streak for me! I used to wait awhile but I have slowed moved towards just getting up and go.

The Kidless Kronicles


YES!!!!!!!!!! I mean, yes, I like Candy Corn.

I really love popcorn and peanut m&m’s together.

Running is good. I finally got back at it again. I took a short break. I was a little burnt out.

I usually get up and go straight to the gym for my workouts. Or else I don’t do it.


I love candy corn! The bag that has the pumpkins in it is even better. I don’t let myself buy a bag until October 1st though….gotta keep it in check!


I used to love candy corn, but it upsets my stomach now. I still want to try those candy corn Oreos though. :)


Six days until my first half-marathon!! (shooting for a 1:35) Starting to taper and starting to get nervous! I like candy corn, but haven’t had it in YEARS! (Need to get on that … not sure how it’ll go over with the fructose intolerance though … might wait until after the race just in case!)
I definitely wait a little while, but the way that my schedule is looking over the next little while, I might need to switch things up … not sure what I think about that … Meh. I’ll get over it! :)


Thank you for posting that chart! I always have to use my pace calculator on my iPhone to figure it out after a run. Running for me is kind of, eh, so-so. I am running a 10k this weekend and I think after that, I will take a week off. Getting a little burnt out. We have gone through almost 2 full bags of candy corn in the last week. And by we I mean me (and a few given to my 5 year old here and there)…


LOVE candy corn. that is all.


Wow — I can’t wait to print out that pace chart! All these years of running on a treadmill and I have never seen or made a pace chart to do the conversions of MPH into Min/Mile. I have some of them memorized but otherwise have to do the math each and every time to figure out what MPH to put on the treadmill in order to hit my pace! THANKS!


I was never really a fan of candy corn until I tried the peanut + candy corn combo last year. It is seriously like CRACK!


I like to run whenever I can – sometimes it’s in the morning and sometimes it’s at night. If I could choose, I would pick morning. It’s a great way to start the day. By the way, have you tried M&M’s white chocolate candy corn? If not, try it – it will blow your mind! They sell it at Target!


I’m normally a wake-up-and-run type of person but had to change my plans a bit when the baby came along too! :)


That chart is great. Thanks for sharing. Try putting m&ms in with the candy corn and peanuts….it’s super yummy! Wish I lived closer and I would definitely meet up!


I LOVE chocolate covered pretzels. I don’t know if there’s a better salty-sweet combo!!


When training for marathons do you only run on the treadmill? I am wanting to register for a 1/2 marathon and am much more comfortable at running on the treadmill. Is it okay to train on the treadmill and then run an outside(obviously lol) marathon?


Chocolate cover potato chips is my all time favorite sweet/salty combo. My grandparents always bought these awesome ones in Florida for us when we would go visit.

Seems odd but I am an evening runner for sure currently. I never get a chance to get my run into until my hubby gets home from work, pls I feel better having eaten throughout the day.


First, you are such an inspiration …7 miles at 8:20!! Haven’t had candy corn in just about forever…may have to change that! Chocolate and sea salt….fave sweet and salty combo! Running is going ok, battling pre marathon issues with old injuries :( Do you have a certain routine with your foam rolling? I have a roller, I just need to get more consistent with doing it!


Candy Corn = Pure Joy


I love candy corn!!!! Running is going really good right now, our weather is getting cooler and it feels amazing outside!


Thanks for sharing the speed chart. Having one of those around is always handy! And I love SanPellegrinos! I almost made the BF buy me a case of them at Costco on Saturday, but I don’t know where in the house I could hide them without anyone else drinking them. :-)


Okay, first of all, now I want to go out and buy some candy corn. Secondly, amazing that you are doing so well running so soon! I just ran my first 5 miler since I was pregnant… my daughter is six months… but, I was on bedrest for a long time,so… how long can I use that as an excuse??????????????!!!!!


Yes Miss Janae you ARE awesome! to keep a 8:20 pace is my dream goal!! Thank you soooo much for that conversion chart I will be needing this…salty and sweet is the BOMB.COM. My fav combo is popcorn and raisinets and the candy corn combo sound rockin! My running is GREAT! I just completed my FIRST half marathon -2:22(Rock and Roll Philly) and I’m all ready to PR next year!!


Ok this sounds so weird – but I miss your family too!

I miss the photos and the fun – probably because my own family is not the gathering type.

I teared up a bit of the photos of their Sunday dinner.


Running has been tough lately. I haven’t been feeling 100% due to allergies/changing weather and long hours at work (I’m a teacher and after-school meetings/committees are in full swing again). My treadmill broke over a month ago so I’ve been “forced” to run outside more, which I’ve actually enjoyed but it’s exacerbating my allergies. I’ve tried getting my run in before work since I’m so exhausted when I get home…but my commute is about an hour which means I have to wake up at 4:30am to do so, which isn’t so great either. Hopefully I will figure something out soon!! Suggestions anyone? :)


I LOVE LOVE LOVE candy corn! I love the pumpkins too. I have not tried the peanut/candy corn combo but I am very tempted. We seem to be on the same page with our sweet tooths so I trust your opinion. There are some new candy corn-flavored items out. Have you tried the candy corn oreos at target? When I heard nabisco came out with these I went to target immediately. They are pretty good. There are also white chocolate candy corn m&m’s. They are good as well but don’t seem to taste as much like candy corn and are extremely sweet. I think the good old fashioned brachs candy corn is the way to go.


You are a running goddess lady! I am sure you will kill the half marathon next month but a great idea to go into it just for fun.
I used to like candy corn but dare I even say it’s just a little too sweet for me now. I can only eat a few pieces before my teeth hurt. Oy, I must be getting old. :)


not a huge candy corn fan, but if you pair anything with peanuts or peanut butter i will eat it immediately.


Hey Janae!

It is great hearing about your running again and how smooth a transition it has been :) I was wondering if you already have or if you would ever consider doing a post on the “seasons” of running–how to back off when it is not race season but stay fit without burning yourself out so when it is time to start building toward a race you have a good transition…those of us in states where we will be getting a nasty winter wont have much of a racing season from say late November to March, so how do we spend those “off” months, and when do we start transitioning back? Haha wow I hope that made sense.

Anyway, I know you are super busy so dont feel bad if you dont get a chance to hit this if you havent already :)


Ahh, poor man’s payday….I love that candy corn/peanut combo!! I can pretty much make myself sick off of it.

Awesome job on the running!!


Add chocolate chips to your candy corn and peanut mixture…it tastes like a snickers bar, or very close to it…my roommate showed me this last year, DELICIOUS!!!


My running is non-existent right now b/c of ITB issues, but I am an early morning worker-outer for sure. All I have to say besides that is – – – you are a machine!!! Go get your run on girl.


I loathe candy corn! I must have gotten sick after eating them when I was a kid or something. That happened with a cheap Butterfinger imitation. Bought them from a door-to-door salesman (who does that?), ate way to many, got sick, and never looked at them the same again.


Love candy corn!!!! one of my top favorites for candy

I miss soyjoy bars, I haven’t seen those in forever!!

my runs have been going pretty good lately which is surprising lol but I’m taking tomorrow off since I was so tired this morning, maybe my body just needs rest from walking around in a corn maze for and hour and a half in 95+ heat haha

I need at least 30 minutes before my run, I prefer an 1 hr at the minimum though ;)


So I just tried the Fig Butter from Trader Joes with my grilled cheese sandwich, like how you put jam on yours. It was to die for! You must grab some next time you are at TJ’s


I will eat just about any candy offered to me, but candy corn makes me gag.


Ha! Do I ‘LIKE’ candy corn?! I eat it every major holiday … Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines Day and Easter! My co-workers give me the hardest time because I ABSOLUTELY love candy corn! They think it’s the grossest thing ever.



I love that peanut/candy corn combo but I always add plain M&M’s to mine (the Halloween version with purple, black, and green). Also, thought you should know that we tried that crescent roll s’mores dessert you posted for FHE and my kids loved it.


Glad you liked them and glad my treats made it onto your site! I will share all of my candy knowledge with you.


Your mileage is amazing, what a super athlete you are!


Way to go!! You are such an inspiration. Really. Putting up numbers like that WEEKS after a baby?!

And candy corn? Shoot, I’m still polishing off the Cadbury Egg stash I stocked up on.

That’s not a joke. Only about 3 left, for the dark days ahead.


I like candy corn but I don’t love it. Favorite sweet and salty would probably have to be chocolate and peanut butter! Running is nonexistent for me right now! You’re seriously craycray for being able to run that much! Makes me jealous.


Love sweet & salty but hate candy corn! Is their anything better than chocolate & sea salt!


Glad you got in 7 miles! That’s awesome!
Loved the chart, BTW. Stared at it for a good long while :)


Kettle corn! With M&Ms in it if I’m feeling extra fatty :) But throwing some candy corn in there might not be a bad idea. I am an afternoon/evening runner. Also – in Santa Cruz and it would be cool to meet you if you’re ever down here!


My husband is in San Jose tonight working. I should have him stop by as my rep. Hahaha. You are a running rockstar. Your tenacity to stay fit is amazing!

I just ran the Napa Ragnar Relay. It was a blast and I ran the second to the last leg. Talk about running in cold then so hot I’m going to melt! One of the girl on my team loves candy corn. She couldn’t believe that no one else loved it as much as her.
Good luck and keep on running!


I am obsessed with candy corn. I can’t wait to try the candy corn oreos. I love the little pumpkins just as much, too! but the chocolate candy corns are a no-go for me.


Running is not going well for me lately (injury) but I am hoping to get to the root of the issue and make a stellar comeback. Hearing how well you’re doing with it is inspiring.


I can’t get over how hardcore you are… so awesome!


Don’t hate me but I HATE candy corn… blahhh. Well, more for you! haha.


I LOVE candy corn! Fall is my favorite time of the year for many reasons and I’d have to say that candy corn is one of those reasons :)


Um BTW..I found Pumpkin ice cream at the store yesterday …it was amazing..I just thought you should know!!


I LOVE candy corn!!! I am not letting myself by any until after our wedding though, I might sneak a bag with so I can snack on our honeymoon. Heheh :)


LOVe candy corn but luckily I don’t buy it that often because if I did…it would not be pretty. My favorite salty/sweet is nuts and chocolate!

Running has been going good…when I run. However, getting up early to run has not been happening as easily as I would like. I’m probably switch to after work running once it really gets cold out but I’d like to get in the habit of getting up early so I can get things done in the morning before work!

Can’t believe you’re already running 7 miles or that you ran 45 miles/week through your pregnancy. You are amazing! My weekly mileage is still only around 20 but I’m trying and I will get there!


candy corn + pb m&m’s+peanuts+raisins+bbq goldfish=mmmmm good


Candy Corn is my FAVORITE!!!


THANKYOU! for that chart!!! you have no idea how much i needed that. after having kids (i have 5 now!) i have only been able to run on the trusty treadmill, but was having the same problem. i only knew that running at 6 was a 10 min mile, so i just had to guess how fast i wanted to go. Now i have that pinned, and hopefully i will one day print it off, and post it by my treadmill.
THanks again!!


I too am trying to adjust to not wake-up-and-run, rather: wake up, feed babies, pump, eat, play with said babies, THEN run (around 10/10:30). But here I am, 1p and still in my sweaty clothes after another feeding. Oh well! It has been a hard adjustment but since the kids force me up all hours of the night, my 5a date with my treadmill had to take a back seat.


Oh yes, and nursing twins + running = the best eating experiences of my life, EVERY DAY! I eat whatever I want and as much as I want. Gloriousness…


Janae – Thank you so, so much for posting the link to our fundraiser. We really appreciate it! You rock! =)


I found this Scarecrow Crunch mix on Pinterest ( and you better believe I will be making this for our Halloween party this year!


I lobe the treadmill-cheat-sheet. It’s on the list of my must have free running tools. So helpful!
I’m so impressed by your mileage and pace! I just raced a 5K on my own and was at around a 9.00 minute pace, I was so happy.
To answer at least one question: I don’t like candy corns :( used to love them back in Kondergarden though.


I just printed that sheet last week. It really helps when you are working on a treadmill. I love candy corn but I can’t only handle so many. But, I do hate it when candy-corn haters say, “oh, those are sooooo sweet. I can’t eat them.” Boo hoo! Of course their sweet their CANDY corns. :)


OMG, I LOVE peanuts and candy corn! It is a Fall staple!!! hehe ;) So happy to see someone else loving it too! It’s the best combo ever!



I have followed your blog for awhile and I think its so great! I am in a serious runner problem here :(

I injured my inguinal ligament and I cannot run the Nike Women’s Marathon. I am actually from Utah too, so I’d like to save the money of flying out there and staying downtown. I know you are in the SF area and I was wondering if you know or have any friends that would want to buy a bib for $75 off? If you know of anyone that would love to run it but didn’t get in, please send them my email at [email protected].

Thank you so much!


Thank you so much, it’s worth a shot!


I am so so sorry that you are injured! That breaks my heart! I will definitely ask around!


I never used to like candy corn, but now, I LOVE it! Can’t buy it though, I have no self control!
I am now totally addicted to running! I actually think about it all the time, (when can I run next, what time? etc!). All Spring and Summer I would get up super early before my husband went to work, now it’s dark so I’m having to get creative with my running times. My goal is to run my first Half marathon soon, so I love reading your blog for tips!


I love Candy Corn and I usually dont share! Thanks for the chart, it is just want I needed, I am running my first 1/2 in November and I am scared to death!
I have to have atleast 1 cup of coffee before I start running!


I love lightly salted popcorn mixed with peanut M&Ms or Raisinets, or both :) At the movie theater I don’t mix it – I just dip in to one and then in to the other :) My running post baby has been going well enough for me. I was new to running back when I had four children and only made it up to an 8 miler and had to stop running 4 months into a pregnancy due to complications. Then I had that baby and was working back up in mileage, stopping at a half marathon (I kept running til after the due date but by then it was only 2-4 miles) when I was 6 months along with this last baby. So now I’m working up to my first marathon which will be 3 1/2 months postpartum!! Scary!! It’s October 28 – the Marine Corps Marathon – and I hear it’s one of the best for first-timers. I’m running with a group called “Run to Honor” which honor my classmates and other graduates from the US Naval Academy who have passed away. My only goal is to finish it in a reasonable time, and to manage my nutrition and hydration well since of course I’ll still be a nursing mom. Only back up to 10.5 miles so far and only 6 weeks to go – so I’m following some guidelines I found which said not to exceed a three hour run when training for your marathon if it’s your first one and you’re slow (like me) because it would take too long to recover. My plan is to get in one three hour run two weeks before the marathon (I’ll be building up from 1 hour 50 minutes to 3 hours in the coming weeks) and then taper. When the big day comes – it’s just 26.2 miles, right? One foot in front of the other :) At least I can console myself with the fact that most of my six labors have been more that 8 hours, so the marathon will at least be shorter than that :)


OMG, gurrrl… you are so FAST! I can’t maintain an 8:20 pace for even four miles and I did NOT just give birth to an adorable baby girl. My head’s off to you!!! (Also a little bit jealous here….) ;)


I love looking at those pace charts. Makes it look so easy. I just got a treadmill and LOVE IT! Still recovering from stupid IT band but slowly coming back to running


My FAVORITE sweet and salty combo of all time is salty pretzles + sweet dates. I just rip off a piece of the date, stick it on the pretzel, and swoon.


I can’t even imagine doing a 7 mile run 3 weeks post baby! Ahahahaha! But good on you matee!!


Being healthy to travel around the globe. Have a very beach home near the water.

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