THIS IS IT!!! Well, maybe.

Surprisingly I have been really calm.  My contractions started at about noon (the 14th) but I secretly think it is all psychosomatic.  I was missing my family like crazy and I knew that if I went into labor then they would be forced to come spend time with me.  

I sat in the pool for a while yesterday with my gatorade (our cute friends have the best pool and their fridge is STOCKED with every one of my favorite drinks: gatorade, vitamin water and lemonade).  When I open their fridge or freezer the song ‘hallelujah’ starts playing as I look at all of the beautiful choices, Billy seems to think this is all in my head though.  

Photo 1 1

I have felt really good and calm about everything even though I don’t have a bag packed (just a suitcase of randomness from my flight), I am pretty tired from all of the moving and I have never met my doctor.  Something just feels right about everything and I am already looking forward to having a real excuse for once to not wash my hair for a while and to eat hospital food (you have to admit, unlimited pudding cups are really delicious).  

For dinner our incredible hosts picked up TOGO’s because it is now my favorite food in the world.  1 of 3 sandwiches I tried: Avocado and turkey, turkey and cranberry and egg sandwich.

Photo 2 2

We finally got a car seat last night so we are officially prepared now.  We also bought some onesies because I was really smart and packed all of the baby stuff in the POD:)

Photo 2

Who knows?  These could totally be false contractions but if they are then I don’t want to know what the real ones feel like.  I haven’t slept all night (I did take two awesome long baths, catch up on every show on hulu and eat another sandwich) and my contractions are still 6 minutes apart (last night at ten o’clock they were 7 minutes apart) and they are getting MUCH stronger.   Maybe a short little jog will get things going.  Billy has class from 9-12 (of course he will miss class if she comes soon) and I am really hoping he can make his classes and then I deliver at 12:05:)

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yay! i hope this is it too! hopefully everything works out perfect and Billy makes his classes with plenty of time before the baby comes!


Hoping for a quick and easy delivery for you! Can not wait to see pictures.


Oh my goodness!! Way to make the move more exciting :) At least this means you don’t have to unpack the pod, right? Good luck!!


Yea! I am so excited for you Janae! You will rock this labor:) Will the whole family be out to see you? Hope they can stay for a bit. Good Luck!


Shoot! I guessed Sept :) Can’t wait to see if this is really it!! Yay!


ahhhh good luck Janae!!!


I am so so so excited for you I have goose bumps!!!


I am so excited for you! I hope this is it :) Sending some prayers your way!


Wow! You guys keep it interesting for sure! I hope this is it and your next post is a photo of your beautiful little girl!


So, so excited for you!!! I hope this is it :)


EEEE!!! I’m so excited for you! Big pat on the back for staying so calm. What timing she has. Thinking of you 3!


Yay!! So exciting! Hoping for a fast and easy delivery for you and the baby :)


good luck! hope everything goes smoothly :-)



So excited!


Wow! You are seriously an amazing women. You are going to be the best mom, and I can’t wait to follow you through motherhood and running and continue to be inspired by you! Best Wishes, can’t wait to meet her (online)!


Exciting!! I hope it is…sounds like it to me :) Can’t wait to hear her name.


Ahhhhhh good luck!!!!!!! Keep us posted! Praying for you : )


Ahhhhh sooooo exciting!!! and you know what I can’t wait for?????? LOTS and LOTS of baby pictures!!!!!!!!!


Yay!! Congratulations and good luck to you!! You’ll be in my prayers :)


Yeah!!! I am so excited, I can’t wait to see her pictures! Praying for you and a quick/easy labor and delivery. =) =)


Good luck! We’ll all be thinking of you! Sending positive thoughts your way.


Best news ever! Good luck. We’ll be thinking about you and your sweet family.


Yay! I’m so excited for you! Good for you for keeping calm, especially with everything that you have going on. Can’t wait to hear her name!


I hope all goes well for you both! Take good care :)


Eeeeee! I hope this is it! Good luck :) I love that you are so calm about it, all things considered. Glad everything feels right — perfect way to meet your little lady!


yay, i am so excited for you!!!


Oh Janae!! This is so exciting!!! I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you, Billy and your soon be be little one all day!!! <3


So exciting! I hope all goes well for you and the baby. So happy for you & Billy!


OH MY GEE, J!!! Excited for you :) I will say a prayer and send all my best wishes your way !


I don’t think I could be more excited. I can’t wait to see her!


YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you were going to go early!!!!!! Thinking of you guys!!!! xoxoxo


Such an exciting time! Thanks for taking time to update your blog and keep us all “in the loop”! Sending best wishes and lots of prayers your way!


My friend Lacey and I were talking about how excited we were to see this post come up!! Good luck- you will do amazing!!!


JANAE!!! ahhhhh! So excited for you & Billy!
can’t wait to see a pic of baby jacobs!


Woo-hoo!!! I hope it’s real and those aren’t fake contractions! I’m so glad you are feeling calm and relaxed. I can’t wait to hear about everything. Good luck!


I am so excited for you two!! Cannot wait to hear the good news of her arrival!


Exciting! Except it sounds like sitting around having contractions is kind of painful. So I hope that doesn’t take too much longer.




AHHH! So exciting!!! I can’t wait to finally learn her name!


Good luck with everything janae ! You have really made me confident that I can continue to enjoy running as a women for the rest of my life. Your daughter has a great person to look up to . Thank you !


Hey Janae! You have a wonderful blog and I’m
Really enjoy your updates:-) you are going to do
So well during labor!!just remember to focus and treat it like
The most arduous run you have ever had… In
My experience (I have 3 Boys) it’s very much
Mental as your body already knows what to do!
I will be praying for a speedy and safe delivery for


So exciting!! I’ll be thinking of you guys today!


Good luck! Thoughts and prayers for a safe delivery!


Yayyyy! Two people i know gAve birth yesterday so there must be something going on :). Gooooood luck and keep us posted!!!!!!


Congrats Janae! I can’t wait to see photos of your little girl! You and Billy are going to make amazing parents.


OMG! I am so so so excited for you!!! Wishing you the best!!




So exciting! You’re in my thoughts and prayers, I hope everything goes well!


How exciting!!! Good luck!!


Yayyeee! I hope everything goes well for you! I cannot wait to see your little girl! I almost started crying myself yesterday reading your post about leaving your family. Maybe your little girl knew it was her time to make her debut and give you some lifelong company and happiness.


Hooray!!! Can’t wait to see her!!!


yay!!!! it is absolutely amazing how calm and carefree you have been…especially now with JUST moving! Cant wait for the next post and see pictures galore!! :)


Waiting on pens and needles for the announcement!!!


Good luck! I hope this is it for you and that it all goes smoothly.


That sounds real to me my friend. Good luck! I will be thinking of you today.


Good luck, Janae!! Hope you get to meet your little girl soon!!!


Good luck, Janae! Praying that everything goes well for you. So happy for you & Billy!


whether they’re false, or not, they’re progress nonetheless. Very exciting!!


AHhhhhhhhh! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Can’t wait for baby Jacobs! Thinking of you NON stop today!!!! Xoxo


How exciting – Everything will work out perfectly. Good luck!




Wow, you don’t waste any time, lol! I think a little run is a great idea. My mom went for a brisk walk before one of the kids and her contractions went from 4 minutes apart to 2 in about a half hour- it can speed things up for sure!
Prayers for a happy and calm delivery! Excited for you!


OH em geeeee…..SO exciting…hope you’re welll!!!


That’s so exciting! I hope everything goes as smooth and quickly as possible for you and I can’t wait for you to post pictures of your sweet baby girl. :)


Good Luck Janae! I hope everything works out beautifully for you. Just tell her to wait until Billy is done with class!


ahhh so excited for you!!! praying everything goes well!


Eeeek! How exciting! Hoping and praying that everything goes perfectly! :)


Good luck!! You really are amazing, so many other bloggers I have read have been stressing every twinge and pain, I love your attitude, you and Billy have all you need to give your little girl all that she needs in this world!


yayyyyyyy!!!! I hope she comes today!!! She is going to be so beautiful I can’t wait to see pictures!!!! Good luck!


Wow! It sounds like the baby may be coming. The unlimited amount of ice cream cups isn’t so bad either. Good luck and keep us posted!


What on EARTH? I am so excited! Can’t wait for the update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You’re probably way too busy to be reading this but if you are, DO THIS. Ask the hospital about inpatient massages. When my sister had her baby, my mom asked & ANY patient in the hospital could get a massage daily FOR FREEEE! All we had to do was have someone (besides my sister) request that she get a massage that day. You deserve it super woman! Best wishes!!!! xoxoxo


Giiiirlllll!!!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers today and I can’t wait to see pics of your precious lil’ girl!!


Is it wrong that I want her to come now because I’m dying to know her name?? :)

Keep breathing!


AH! :D


So excited for you! You and Billy will be in my prayers!


GOOD LUCK Girl!!! I am SO excited for you!!! :)


wow!! your time is coming!! Yes, definitely enjoy the pudding, hot chocolate, and homemade goodies that people will bring you in the hospital!! Can’t wait for you to meet your little gal!!! Life will never be the same…completely for the better!!


Oh my goodness! Good luck!!!!


great!Enjoy your best day ever:)


I love your “wing and a prayer” attitude getting a car seat the night before.That would totally be me.good luck and congrats!


So exciting! Sending you prayers for a healthy delivery.


AHHHH good luck girly!! so so exciting!!!


I am due this Friday and am having no contractions…well that i’m feeling anyway…i will be JEALOUS if you go first!! Good luck and am so happy for you if you do get to meet your little girl!! :)


Yay, so exciting! Praying for a smooth delivery. Cant wait to see pictures, I will offically have a reason to stalk your blog now!!


That’s exciting!! Good luck!


Good luck girly! Can’t wait to see pics of the little one!


Keeping you in my prayers girlfriend! I am so excited for you!


AHHH! Good luck!!!! Seeing that you planned having your little girl after his classes made me laugh! So I am guessing if there is not a post in the afternoon, then you are busy having your baby? =)


Good luck!! I’m sure it’ll be quick:)


Yay! Good luck!


thinking of you, billy and that sweet baby girl! glad you made it safely:) can’t wait to see pictures of the lil one! miss youuuuu!!


I hope it’s the real thing!!! SO exciting!!! Good luck if it is!


That is so exciting! Good luck! Praying for a quick and pain- free delivery (if that is possible ;))! :)


you are the most calm mom-to-be ever! So excited for you — hope everything goes well and mostly, quickly!!!



I’m glad you are staying calm and have the car seat!

You better make Billy update the blog/instagram when she gets here! We are all waiting to meet here and find out her sweet name!


How exciting! Praying you have a short and smooth labor and delivery. You can totally do this. Good job staying calm. I can’t wait to see pictures of your sweet little girl! You’ll be snuggling with her in no time!


:) Soooo exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So excited, I wish you the best!


Yay! You are going to have one crazy story to tell your baby girl in a few years. So excited for you & Billy!
P.S Welcome to Cali.


Eeeeeeeeeeek So excited for you! Hope it’s the real thing! Good luck!


How exciting!!! I hope everything goes smoothly from here :D


OMG, how exciting!!!! I hope everything goes well. Can’t wait to (internet) meet her!


ahhh! so exciting! and now i will be stalking your blog even more than normal!!!!!!! can’t wait to hear more!! :)



Woah. I am WAY too excited for you!!!!! CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR ALL ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy every single moment!!


oh my goodness! so exciting :) good luck!


So excited for you and Billy!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to see a pic and learn her name!


Yayyy. Run and get some sleep! You are going to need it


Good Luck!!! Keep us posted if you can :)


Good Luck!!! I pray that everything goes smoothly!


I’ve been reading your blog for a long time, but first time commenting…I am the Mom of 4, so excited for you Janae…Good luck, hope everything goes easy for you…You are about to experience a love like you’ve never known <3


Oh my gosh I can’t believe it’s finally happening!!! Thinking of you & Billy today, can’t wait to hear some good news and finally see a picture of the little munchkin!!


YAY!!!! Good luck!!!! A few tips:

Take advantage of the help in the hospital! I insisted on keeping my baby with me as much as possible…I wish I would have let the nurses take him for a few hours so I could sleep just a bit> Turns out that was my last opportunity to sleep for more than 3 hours for a good, solid month! You will have tons of time to bond but it in so important for mommy to get some rest and begin to heal.

Nursing can be PAINFUL at first, but it gets so much easier. Stick with it if it is your plan.

YOU CAN DO IT! You are tough and can handle it. GOOD LUCK! Can’t wait to hear the good news!


Yay that is so exciting! I can’t wait for more updates!


Good luck! I’m super jealous! Two days from my due date and no baby in sight. I wanted as few interventions as possible, but I’m starting to get worried about the likelihood of that.

Cam’t wait to read all about it!


How exciting!!! Hope you go to the hospital at 12:10 (there might be traffic)!


Good luck Janae! Wishing you all the best!


I will send some prayers your way for an easy, quick delivery!


Good luck Janae! That is awesome!!


How exciting! I know the day I had my daughter I woke up feeling amazing and very calm.


OMGOSH! I am so excited to ‘meet’ her! Good luck! Think about all the hard workouts you’ve done, all training for this little ‘marathon.’ You’re going to do awesome!


I can’t wait to meet her. Good luck!


It sounds like a plan!
Janae you seem even more laid back than I thought you were. I would be freaking out that X, Y and Z wasn’t in order, then be so worried about everything! I hope everything goes well with your little one.


Ahhhhh! This is exciting! I can’t wait to “meet” her … good luck! You’re going to be fabulous :)


YAYYYY! So excited for y’all. And you thought I was going to beat you :) I think you’ve got this one!! Can’t wait to hear the birth story and see all the beautiful pics. Good luckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Congrats! You are gonna do just fine.


So glad you made it to California and back to Billy safe. I wish you a speedy and safe deilvery. :)


Yay I’m so excited for you!!! Yes go for a little run and run that baby out!!! Can’t wait for more news!


YAYYYY!!!!!!! Praying for you and your little girl!


I am so excited for you! I have 3 little ones and I know this sounds crazy but I loved giving birth! (Had an epidural). Make sure you get some good sleep in the hospital!!


I’m so excited!!!!! Good luck!


So exciting!!! Good luck!!!!


Good luck!!!


What a crazy and exciting way to start off your first day in California! Good luck!


I would for sure go for a jog. My contractions started at the beginning of a five mile run. I just kept running and think it helped speed everything along.
Glad you got a car seat. We didn’t try to install ours until right before going to the hospital and found out it was missing a key piece. My brother ended up going shopping for us, he texted us pictures and options, bought a new seat, and delivered it so that we could take the baby home.
So excited for you both, and of course new baby Jacobs.


Hope you’re feeling okay today and baby waits till Dad is out of class! Take care and good luck!


YAYYYYY!!! SO exciting!!! GOod luck -either way :)


Sending you loads of well wishes to a safe and healthy delivery. If it’s not today I’ll repost this comment on the actual day! :-)


Good luck! Good Luck! Good Luck! I can’t believe how much you guys have going on right now, and how calm you seem. Good luck!


yay!! good luck!!


Thinking about you, Billy, and Little Miss!!


EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck, real thing or not!


Yay! How exciting! Good luck :)


I will be thinking of you guys today, I wish you the most beautiful day and experience ever! You are amazingly calm in the midst of chaos.


Hope you have a Super Speedy and Safe delivery…I am super excited for you and Billy to meet your little girl that has been through all your daily runs and delicious food runs!


So excited for you! Everything will go just the way it’s supoosed to, even if it’s wildly different from how you planned or expected… that’s the one thing I learned from having my kids ;) Can’t wait to hear about your little girl!


I’m sooooooo freaking excited for toy and don’t even know you.


Toy = you! Lol


Oh my god this is all really exciting! I hope everything goes fast! Sending you and your family lots of love!


How exciting! I think this is it!!

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