We are officially completely moved out.  Billy really got a huge break in between BYU and starting Law School by taking finals on Wednesday, cleaning all day Thursday, driving all day Friday and starting on homework (who gives out homework before school even starts?) all weekend and starting classes on Monday.  That kid takes it way too easy;)  

That reminds me, I have a favor for you.  I won’t be going to Cali until Monday so that means that from this morning until Monday evening I am NOT allowed to have the baby because then Billy wouldn’t be there.  So, everyone repeat, “Janae, will not have the baby until she is in Cali, completely unpacked, organized and after a beautiful run in her new neighborhood.”  Repeat 3 times.  

We are sleeping at my parentals’ house and my sis went full out by making my favorite meal ever and somehow she snuck in LARGE amounts of vegetables.  She added tomatoes, basil, mozzarella, butter and herbs to the french bread. 

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An argula salad full with nutrients and her HEALTHY LASAGNA that is so so good and loaded with veggies, whole wheat noodles and cottage cheese.  You can find the recipe HERE.

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I undid all of the healthy foods by bringing over 4 lbs of candy.  My nephew is guarding the Sweet Tarts with all of his strength.  


We knew that we would be sleeping over the night before Billy left and so we planned a huge slumber party with the kiddos.  Rules:  Their mom wasn’t allowed to tell them to go to bed, they could eat as many skittles as they wanted and we had to watch The Muppets.  Haven’t seen that movie?  Watch it.  

My niece even gave me a pair of her slippers to wear for our slumber party and they fit my size 10 feet perfectly.  

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Slumber party success.  Janae is exhausted.  I have a bruise from the pillow fight.  Billy is gone on a long long drive.  Maybe I will just lay in bed all weekend to avoid any chance of going into labor.  

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Can anyone guess what the above vegetable is that my brother brought over from his garden?  

Do you have a garden?  What do you grow in it?

What was the last movie that you watched?

Do you have any fun weekend plans?

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First of all, I’m glad that somebody else is up this early. haha.

Secondly, your dinner looks really good. It’s making me hungry and it’s only 8 AM. I have NO clue what that vegetable is? A tomato of some sort?

I have only one plant. A basil plant. I was told that you can’t kill those things and I did. Apparently the light in the kitchen doesn’t mimic the sun too well. haha. I put it outside and it came back though.


Is it fennel?

Janae will NOT have her baby until she is in Cali. Janae will NOT have her baby until she is in Cali.


Billy has been busy, busy! All of his hard work will pay off for your family. :) :)

getting so excited for you Janae! you’re going to be a mommy sooon!! :)

ummm…that looks like a green tomato?

fun plans – birthday parties this weekend. Sat. & Sun. I’m most excited about the Katy Perry themed party on Sunday! luv ya & have a fantastic day sweetie!! xo


Kohlrabi! I get them all the time in my CSA. Still don’t know if I like it or not.


I hope you don’t have your baby without Billy!

I have no idea what kind of vegetable that is. Looks like some kind of mutant tomato.

I wear a size 10 shoe too. Which means I wear a 10.5 or 11 in running shoes. I don’t like my big feet.

We’re going out of town to visit my Grandparents this weekend. I can’t wait.

Have a great weekend, Janae!


It’s fennel! It tastes like licorish! Vegetables that taste like candy :)
No exciting weekend plans yet. Maybe the zoo?
Good Luck on the move!!!!


Mmmm! That French bread looks amazing and I am def going to try that lasagna recipe out! The last movie I watched was baby mama. Have you seen it? I got it for 5 bucks at target Nd it was funny! Especially the deleted scenes.


it’s a kohlrabi! I bought one once at the farmers market because it looked cool and couldn’t figure out how to cook it before it went bad…whoops.


Its really good in stir fry rice–kind of like bok choy. You just cut off the outer skin part and cut up the flesh (<–not sure if thats the word Im looking for haha) and cook it with the other stir fry veggies…


I could read a book about this without finding such real-world apcsoapher!


It is definitely not fennel-it’s kohlrabi (related to cabbage, broccoli). Here’s a link to the wiki article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kohlrabi


Looks like a fun slumber party…I bet those little kiddos are going to miss you and Billy something fierce! That dinner looks scrumptious! Safe travels and no giving birth yet! ;)


Easy A, if you haven’t seen it, you would love it. I highly suggest if you if you have some down time between now and August 24th-ish.
Drive safe Billy!
Janae, enjoy every second of your daughter, sister, and aunt time over the next couple of days!


I have no clue what that vegetable is, but I do know that I want to make that French bread delicious-ness for dinner tonight!!


Mmmmmm, that dinner looks amazing!
Sounds like a perfect evening — I love the Muppet Movie!

PS. Janae will NOT have her baby until she is in Cali!


That dinner looks delicious and what a fun night with your family! Your little girl will wait til you are in Cali with Billy. I know it :)


I got one of those in my co-op basket & the first time I saw it, I put a picture of it on facebook & was like “What in the world is this” – I had no idea what to do with it :)


My goal when we buy a house one day is to have a garden. I am very into whole and natural foods/cooking. I want to grow every vegetable I possibly can grow.


Kohlrabi! :) Or turnip cabbage!
It’s really delicious cooked but I prefer eating it raw.


I think your baby wants to be born in California. You’re good.


i had no idea what that vegetable is, but since i try to avoid vegetables at all costs, that isn’t that surprising. now if you’d asked “can anyone name all of the flavors in the tropical skittles bag curly is holding?” i would have been all over that.


I miss having a garden! I grew up with one and can’t wait until the day that we have a yard so I can have one. :)


I have absolutely no idea what kind of vegetable that is–it looks a little risky.
I repeated that sentence 3 times for you :)


I love hearing that other women wear size 10 feet. I’m not that tall (5’5”) so sometimes I think I’m very L-shaped. Especially in all these bright neon running shoes. Some of us need non-attention-grabbing kicks!

The others are right–that’s a kohlrabi. I have no idea how to prepare them, though.


yes! i am 5’6″ and have to wear a 10.5 or 11 in sneakers, depending upon the brand. it’s not fair! a girl i used to work with used to always trip on my feet and i would always say “you know you have to leave space around me for my feet!” the unfortunate thing is all these fellow large footed ladies make it hard for me to get my size. maybe one day manufacturers will catch up to us? does any other 10+ size person have trouble getting shoes? especially on clearance


No idea what that vegetable is but the dinner looks amazing!

Last movie I watched was “Gone with the Wind” (rainy day at the beach) It was awesome by the way.

Janae will not have her baby until she is Cali!!! :)


Good luck with law school Billy!! I started law school 8 years ago this month, and I remember how overwhelming that reading is before you even start class. Ahh, so glad to be past that!

Last movie I saw was Dark Knight. I loved the Muppets movie!!


Kohlrabi, though I do see how people can mistake it for fennel. Not sure how anyone can think it is a tomato, there are layers there, people, making it a type of cabbage!!! Might not wanna eat it Janae, it takes a lot like broccoli!!

Good luck with the move, try to not have the baby whilst you are unpacking the kitchen :)


Baby – STAY PUT!!!! Fingers crossed for you!!

We don’t live near our families but this weekend we’re visiting my in laws for a family wedding tomorrow. Right now as I type my 4 year old son is running around my in laws house with 5 of his 7 cousins (ranging age 4 – 14) and he is in HEAVEN. It makes me smile so big to hear how much fun they are having and always have together!

Last movie – Last night I watched “definetley, maybe” on the ipad on our long car ride…It was cute and it sold me when I heard it was made by the creators of Love, Actually which I ADORE!!

I have NO green thumbs but my son and husband had a small garden this year and grew tomatoes and basil! And they were edible!!


We have a garden and I am spending today making zucchini veggie burgers, pickles, pesto, and roasted green chiles. Love having a garden. Hate doing so much prep work. Love eating fresh food.


SLUMBER PARTY!! Never too old for them right?!


I love my little garden on our patio – strawberries, tomatoes, kale, romaine, parsley, bell peppers and jalapenos. We tried zucchini and edamame, but I’m not sure the patio is the place for either of them!

Going to a wedding this weekend! Fun! Happy Driving Billy! And Good Luck!


Kohlrabi! :) We just eat it raw, sliced like a radish. You can add a little salt, too.



GOOD LUCK!! I can’t believe how many changes you are going through right now and you are handling them with such positivity and strength! I will be praying for you this weekend and I know that no matter what happens you and Billy will roll with it and everything will turn out alright. BUT of course she won’t come until after your first run in your new neighborhood…. she’s a good girl! Have a safe trip and I can’t wait to read about your adventure and new chapter of your life! :)


Loved the Muppet Movie! It’s kohlrabi :) A very delicious veggie indeed.


I keep scrolling back up to stare at that picture of your dinner. Maybe it’s time to make some lasagna…
You’re a fun, loving, awesome aunt. I’m going to have to take a cue from you and plan a slumber party for my nephews, soon. :)

I do not have a garden. My family has black (not green) thumbs. :(


Randa and i must belong to the same csa! Get kohlrabi all the time-green ones and purple too! Keep those feet up this weekend! You will be a great mom!!


That dinner looks delicious!



That is a kohlrabi (zey eat zem all ze time in Deutschland!)

1. We grow blackberries and herbs and failed cucumbers.
2. Brave was the last movie I watched and it was amazing.
3. For this weekend, a birthday party (not my own), hopefully a nice run, and much, much homework.

Praying for you and the babe, that all goes as it should!


Janae your dinner looked amazing! I wish their was a way to virtually make that french bread pizza appear at my door!
Janae, I wanted to share with you that I ran a 10 miler in 83mins (slow by your standards, but first 10 miler ever!) I even got home from the gym by 6:40 took a 2 minute shower and my Olivia was still sleeping… get ready for 2 minute showers in your near future!


You won’t have the baby until you’re in Cali and unpacked and have a run in. PROMISE. :)

That dinner looks amazing! I love the idea of the bread with fresh herbs and cheese.mmmmmmm.

Last movie I watched–Big Miracle I think? Or was it Footloose?

I have a wedding tonight & a REALLY long workout (for training) tomorrow. AHHH!


I had planted a garden this spring, too bad my puppy dug it all up!

This weekend 3 other families and ours are going to go to the Lake and put on our own Family Olympics, games will include watermelon seed spitting, cookie eating with no hands, canoe racing, and more!


You won’t have the little girl until you are in Cali!!! That looks like the base of a celery stalk.


Kohlrabi! Yummy! :) You will not have the baby until in Cali and until you’ve unpacked and RUN. If you’re like me, you have to run the morning after you move in to a new place. No matter how tired you are! :)


That food looks amazing! Will your sister come cook for me?

You and Billy are awesome and have the best attitude about everything. You’ll be amazing parents for your little girl who will wait to be born until Momma is ready!

I would LOVE to have a garden but it doesn’t go well…..


LOOK AT THAT BREAD! Holy crap, girl.


anise? fennel?


I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that the baby doesn’t make an early appearance. Good luck getting settled! :)


oooh, that lasagna sounds tasty! i heard if you eat it it makes you not have a baby for 5 days.


kolrabi or colrabi. I’m not sure how to spell it because I didn’t cheat and use google to find out.

Happy traveling and I will keep the mantra going for days if it really means you can have the baby in Cali with Billy by your side.


You are so tough lady! I can’t believe you’ve been doing so much stuff 9 months pregnant! You are an inspiration to us all. I will cross my fingers that you don’t have your baby until you get to Cali, but I know you’ll be able to handle what ever happens. And Billy can come back really fast if he has too. Even law school professors understand having a baby is a big deal:) Enjoy your last few days at home with your family!


Thank you so much Irene… you really made my day! Thanks for crossing your fingers for me:) They better understand about how huge having a baby is. Thanks so much and hope you are having an amazing weekend!


Kohlrabi! We get them in our CSA and make baked fries or put them in raw in coleslaw. So yummy!

Our garden has tomatoes, jalapenos, basil, rosemary, mint, and serrano peppers growing in it.

Keep those legs crossed all weekend!


I agree with above (Irene): what an inspiration! When I’m pregnant I think I’ll be sitting on my butt all day eating ice cream and watching whatever’s on TV since I’ll be too lazy to get up.
I hope you have a seamless move to Cali! Looking forward to having you in the area.


THANKS MEGAN!! I guarantee you will be out running around too! We better hang out!


I agree with another poster that your baby definitely wants to be born in Cali! ;)

I just wanted to let you know (once again) that you have given me so much inspiration through my pregnancy. With my daughter I had many restrictions at this point, 25 weeks, and all I could do was go to work and then come home and lie on the couch. This morning I knocked out a 3 mile run and I feel so good about myself and I feel like a rockstar!


Ahhhhh robin! Your comment made my day!! Congrats on your three miles! You are incredible! How r u feeling?!?


I feel good! It’s amazing what our bodies are capable of! An early welcome to California, I live in Santa Monica so if you ever do a so-cal meet up let me know!


Is it an onion??

Dear HRG baby, you cannot come until your mama is in Cali, unpacked and settled. Please & thank you. :)

We’re spending our weekend with good friends and am for sure watching the mens’ marathon on Sunday! My parents got to meet Abel Kirui one of the Kenyan marathon runners, how awesome is that?! Have a great weekend! :)


Kohlrabi! I love Kohlrabi!!!! that was one things I forgot to plant in my garden this summer and I am so bummed about!

Dear HRG Baby please do not come until your mama is settled and ready for you!


Kohlrabi tastes kinda like broccoli in a weird way to me, it might not be your thing right now ;). What a fun sleepover, and thanks now I want lasagna…for breakfast??? I’ll be saying that over and over for you, stay in there until Cali little HRG-baby!


Stay in there baby!!! Good luck in the next chapter of your lives. Becoming a mother is one of the greatest joys in life. I think you will do a great job. Take easy this weekend Janae.


Kohlrabi! I love that stuff. Slumber party sounds like fun!


The veggie is… kohlrabi!! I love it! Cut all the stems off and peel it with a knife to get off the sharp points, the slice it and add it to anything. I always add it to salads. I have no idea what else to do with it and it doesn’t have much flavor. What did you do?

P.S. I discovered your blog when I was 33 weeks pregnant with twins (due August 3). I always thought I’d run through my pregnancy but it was just SO hard- then it turned out I had 2 babies in there- that must be why! The kids arrived at 34 weeks and are home and growing, watching mama try to get her run back. Thanks for the food pictures and the reminders of the joy of running. I MISS IT SOOOOO!!!


HEY JANELL!! TWINS… I seriously can’t even imagine having twins, you are amazing! I definitely wouldn’t be able to run. Are you able to run yet? You are right about the veggie:) We haven’t eaten it yet but adding it to a salad sounds AMAZING!


I’ve gotten the “all clear” from the docs. Now I have to overcome my nerves of after taking the longest hiatius from running in the 15 years I’ve been doing it! (wow, I didn’t realize it had been that many…-freshman year was THAT long ago?!?!) I also PR’d in 3 races last fall and completed my first marathon last year so I’m just overall nervous about getting back. I just need to bite the bullet and go!

Don’t have the baby- dont’ have the baby!


It looks like Mr. Celery & Miss. Tomato did the dirty deed.. and a Celmato was born..


you won’t have her till you get to cali.. in fact you will probably go over your due date..
yep, just accept it.. healthy people don’t have babies on time.. its proven.. haha! jk
save me some skittles mmmk?
no garden.. plants come to my house to diiiiie…


No idea on the veggie.
I went to see The Dark Knight Rises with the hubs. We’re wrapping up my birthday week by taking the kids to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
P.S. We’re on Hungry Runner Baby watch. I expect a play by play of labor or the blog. We’re so excited and can’t wait to see the new addition. Fingers crossed she decides to be a Cali baby.


I have no idea what that vegetable is, but I don’t think I want to eat it!

My big plan for the weekend was to finish the complete makeover of my blog (name change, domain change, layout change… whew) – and that’s done! Now it’s just time to relax until my 7 mile run and date night on Sunday :)

Fingers crossed for California baby!




Janae, will not have the baby until she is in Cali, completely unpacked, organized and after a beautiful run in her new neighborhood. Janae, will not have the baby until she is in Cali, completely unpacked, organized and after a beautiful run in her new neighborhood. Janae, will not have the baby until she is in Cali, completely unpacked, organized and after a beautiful run in her new neighborhood.

Hope this helps! GOOD LUCKKKK!!!!!


In our garden we have 4 different types of tomatoes, a sad zucchini plant, broccoli, jalapenos, bell peppers, thyme, chives, cat mint (for our cats), flowers for the bees, and I am attempting a cantaloupe. No fun weekend plans here. Just the BFs family is in town & it is going to be stressful. Looking forward to 8 miles on Sunday!


I want to be part of your family. Does your mom have room for us to move in?

You can’t have this baby..the doc said you are only at 1. So…relax, eat candy and enjoy your family and sleep. There is no more sleep after the baby.


Great post, enjoy the appearance of the web page too.


You are having the baby in California…and that’s that :)

I’m about to watch The Princess and the Frog…with my kids, of course!

Have a safe journey out here! Would love to help you out…do let me know how I can help.


Omg it’s a kohlrabi!! I just had one of those last weekend when I was visiting my family in Michigan.


The english word for that veggie is kohlrabi as well? Hahaha :D


hahaha, law school is one of those scary places where they call on you the very first day and basically expect that you’ve memorized the cases. And thanks for the reminder… They just posted our reading assignments, lol at least I have 2 weeks to do them. Oh wait… gotta buy the books first.


That meal looks delish! I’m going to guess a tomato that didn’t quite form right. I don’t have a garden, but I sure wish I did. I LOVE garden tomatoes!


Lovely just what I was looking for. Thanks to the author for taking his clock time on this one.


Janae will not have the baby until Cali! Janae will not have the baby until Cali! Janae will not have the baby until Cali!

I’m so excited for your move and for the baby! Glad you’re having fun with your family before the big day.


KOHLRABI yum! tastes like broccoli!


Thats definitely a kohlrabi! we make an awesome kohlrabi salad at my house…you peel and cut it up raw then season it with sesame oil, vinegar, and soy sauce until the whole thing is coated. toss and EAT!


Looked like it should have been a tomato. With all of the Olympics to watch, the last movie we saw was Batman. Today might be a good day for a movie.
We went to the Dbacks baseball game last night. That was FUN except for the result.

The Kidless Kronicles

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