TMI and a moving question for you!

I woke up this morning REALLY wanting to run outside.  It was already super warm out which I was fine with but I wasn’t sure about my bladder cooperating with me (TMI?), let’s just say I had one of my most embarrassing moments on a run outside last week.  I set up all of my treadmill stuff and pushed start but within 20 seconds I felt like my bladder was going to be friends with me today and treat me nicely so I took my run outside.

I ended up doing 8 miles at a 9:46 pace and the highlight of my run was when I ran by two college age girls and they started clapping for me.  My head quadrupled in size.  The second highlight was that I only had to stop at 2 of the 16 stoplights along the way.  Yes, I do count those sorts of things.

Photo 2 2

I realized that all of this pregnant running is going to really give me a great advantage when I am back to racing again because it is like I have been training with a weight vest, maybe that will get me a sub-2 hour marathon too;)  When I pay attention to my form as I am running now I realize that I am totally leaning forward, gravity is in fact a real thing.

I had to take a picture of this bird on the telephone wire along the way because this is the same bird (or at least exactly where the bird sits) that dive attacks Billy every time he runs by.  I had to prove to Billy that the bird actually likes most people and he is the only one that he dive bombs.

Photo 1 1

Today’s choice of music was the Pandora Beyonce station and a few Janet Jackson songs came on and I realized that I must download them asap because they were so much fun to run to.Photo

You don’t finish a run and only think about a ginormous hamburger too?  You are the crazy one.

DSC 2681

Now I am just sitting on the couch with my favorite frozen pb cookie in an old race shirt debating a shower.

Photo on 7 16 12 at 2 51 PM

Billy and I are talking about our different moving options and we are now thinking about getting a POD.  If any of you have used one before to move will you PLEASE tell me the pros and cons…  it would be greatly appreciated.  It says on the website that for a one bedroom apartment you would just need one pod…is that true?

Any embarrassing running stories to share with me pretty please?!?

Do you wear sunglasses when you run?

-I feel like I HAVE to.

Favorite race shirt to wear around the house?


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Hey lady! It’s the blogger formally from reads recipes runs haha.

So I know I was talking about the POD at the picnic when I saw you the other weekend, but I can’t tell you enough about how amazing it was. I think I told you about how it averages out to about the same when you factor in gas etc. but it is also amazing because you can wait a few days/week to have it delivered to your new place. That way you don’t have to worry about your stuff sitting in a U-Haul until you are ready to unload. You can just load your essentials in your car, and unpack everything once you are ready.

I took persuasive speaking and agumentation/debate in college if you need me to go head to head with Billy for you on this ;P


HAHAHA You are the one that got us really thinking about it so thank you and dang girl you are good at debate:) Seriously, hearing about how much you loved it has made us really think about it, thank you so much!


Seriously, the amount of stress it relieves is PRICESLESS! And really too much stress is bad for the baby, there’s always that arguement!


Yay for an amazing run outside, you are so inspiring with your crazy running while being 8 months pregnant! You’re a rock star and you totally deserve a hamburger when you finish! Ok, those birds along university are truly EVIL! I run along there and have even started running on the other side of the road and they still divebomb me. I am terrified of birds and they are mocking me I believe! We used a POD when we moved to northern Cali and were able to fit a ton in it. I didn’t mind it other then a few of our wood dressers got some damage to them but that was our fault for not wrapping and protecting them better, so I’d recommend it as long as you protect your stuff :) I can’t wait for Saturday, it will be so fun!!!!


It makes me so sad that we never went running together… especially by the crazy birds. Promise me that after the baby when I am visiting Utah (I told Billy I have to come back once a month) that we will run together and you will whip me back into shape. GOOD to know that you were able to fit in a ton of stuff and about the dressers…I would have never thought of that. Seriously, thank you so much girl and I can’t wait to see you SOON!!!!


I think I saw you running outside today…down by Provo High. I was strapped with a baby and coming out of my doctor’s appointment. I kept saying to myself…is that Janae? I think that is Janae….wow, her form is great! You are so awesome! Should have stopped you to say hi and meet you! For now, I will just stalk your blog :)


MELISSA…we are officially in a fight now;) I would have loved to talk to you and meet you! William is the cutest thing in the world!


Each of the 3 times I’ve moved across the country I start out thinking I will use a POD because it is by far my best option, and by the time the move comes around and I’m making reservations I have some how discovered a more cost effective way. It really does seem ideal and I don’t doubt they are super awesome for moving but I have always been able to find cheaper options. I think it depends on how much you’re willing to pay for the convenience of a POD. Not that they are outrageous or anything, I’m just cheap/broke :) You are awesome for keeping up your running while THIS pregnant :) Best of luck with the move!


That is totally the dilemma we are facing right now. We are cheap/broke too! We can’t decide if it is worth the little bit of extra money for the extra convenience. Tough life decisions:) PS you have moved 3 times across the country…WOW!


So once I was running on this path (having a great run mind you) when all of a sudden this guy was running toward me wearing really short shorts obviously with no underwear or liner under them because out came one of his, well you know. Yup In the flesh, bouncing around. I was mortified for him and shocked at what I saw. It literally stopped me dead in my tracks, and I wanted to yell out…hey wear longer shorts next time. How could he not tell is my question??!!


OH MY GOODNESS!!! I just laughed so hard reading this comment (I am so immature) and I read it out loud to billy because he was wondering why I was laughing so hard. Thank you for the laugh!


I always forget to grab sunglasses and get mad at myself! But my runs are typically half an hour or shorter, so it’s no big deal. No experience with PODs, but they sound like a great option!


I kick myself too when I forget my sunglasses, it is the worst! Hope you are having an amazing day gorgeous girl!


Gorgeous photos of your run! I haven’t had any super embarassing running moments, although when I sweat I tend to sweat a lot right in the middle of my boobs so it looks like I’m lactating. When I’m at the gym, I try to cover myself when I’m leaving and hope that no one notices. Makes for some nice, classy race photos, too.


HAHAHA I do the same thing…we have got to find a way to solve our awkward sweating problem! I ALWAYS take a jacket when I go to the gym to put on over as I am leaving.


I get that exact same boob sweat! So embarrassing!


I used POD like containers in my last move. I used ABF-they deliver and pick up more places than PODs. ABF has smaller containers, so there’s a little more flexibility. You can ask for another if everything won’t fit. I used two containers (slightly less volume than one POD) for a one bedroom apartment. I recommend visualizing placement before you put the big stuff in, make sure you pack every empty space (dresser drawers and the like), don’t forget the vertical space, and everything will rub what ever is next to it, so if the surface is finished, put a blanket or sheet between it. My stuff was in the container for three months while I was waiting to get in my house and not a thing was damaged. Good luck!


Christina, your comment was so helpful. We didn’t even think about using all of the empty space in the dresser drawers, you are brilliant. That will totally help us be able to fit it all in one! Great idea with the blanket too. I really appreciate your help!


Sunglasses: Always. And a cap (sweat-catcher) too.

Embarrassing Stories: It’s sorta hard to embarrass a trail runner. Although I *have* come around corners to see people answering nature’s call just a *smidge* closer to the trail than is probably appropriate. More embarrassing for them than me, though. Now, if we were discussing embarrassing BIKING stories, I’d have a whole pile for ya…

When I was living in Upstate NY, I had this awesome Salomon brand team hoodie, super fuzzy inside, think, and warm. I put that sucker on after runs and races from October until probably July…


Now I NEED to hear the biking stories!!! That hoodies sounds amazing, I might have to get one just after reading your description!


I think it was called the “Spirit Hoodie” (Spring 2012 collection, I think?); nicer than a sweatshirt material – fleece on the inside & smooth on the outside. As I’m living in So Cal right now (and heading for even warmer climes), I’m kinda sad I’ll have to pack mine up for the foreseeable future… Kinda pricey, though – I got mine as team apparel, and was sorta shocked when I looked up the market price. :-(

And the biking stories? All in good time. ;-)


Hahaha I will be waiting for these stories. Thank you so much for telling me more about the sweatshirt, I am now on my way to go find it online!


ummm obvi i think about huge burgers while i run, thus my post on your previous running motivation post. glad to see you got yourself a cookie afterwards. i think i’ll need to make those pb cookies as soon as possible. my mouth waters every single time you post a pic of one.


Hahaha you are right! Maybe you are the one that implanted that into my head. Girl, you SERIOUSLY need to make them. I can’t stop eating them!


i’m more than happy to influence someone to eat more cookies :) and alright, you’ve twisted my arm. i think i’ll make some tomorrow. problem is my boyfriend doesn’t like sweets so i guess i’ll have to take one for the team and eat them all myself.


I bet you can even find a coupon code online!


That is an excellent idea! Thank you so much Allison!


WOW that is so cool that girls started clapping for you! Awesome!

I don’t really get embarrassed easily when I run bc I’m generally thinking I’m cooler than anyone else for getting my butt out there lol. I guess I could get embarrassed about the fact that I sweat SO MUCH and always have totally weird sweat patterns, but I live in Texas and there’s always someone sweating more than I am. And my hair gets super crazy, but I’m used to it. I will share a story when I get one though!

Check out my blog, I just started it! Hope you will follow!!


I am SO excited that you started a blog…I like no filters:) I am excited to read your future posts and I LOVE your banner photo. I can’t imagine running in Texas, I think I would die from sweating too much!


My most embarrassing moment came on a treadmill at the gym and is probably TMI. But, we’re all friends here, right?

I was running along on the treadmill at the gym and at this point of my weight-loss journey I had lost probably 100-125 lbs. I was at this awkward stage of pretty much anything I wore was too big for me. It didn’t help that I was too lazy to buy new clothes either. But, who wants to buy clothes when you have more weight to lose?!

So, I was running on the treadmill at the gym (probably watching Food Network) going at a pretty quick pace. All of the sudden I feel something itching down my legs. My first thought was, “oh great, I got a sock or fabric softener stuck in my shorts.”


It was much worse. It was my underwear.

Now, you’re probably visualizing that my shorts came along for the ride as well. Not exactly. They were securely in place around my waist. But, my underwear was half way down my knees … just hanging there, staying up from what little support my shorts were offering them.

Apparently, I needed to make sure my shorts waist band was above my underwear to keep them up because of how large they were?

Go figure?!

So, in my horror, I jumped off the treadmill and into the exercise movie room (safe to say I was at Gold’s Gym, right?) where I pulled up my underwear and then safely fastened them around my waist underneath my short’s band. A McGyver like fix really.

Now, most people would have just given up and left. But, I went right back to the treadmill and resumed my run. I laughed about it, but tried to not think too much about it. I just wanted to get through my run.

But, I know the guy behind me saw everything and if anything I gave him a great story to tell for years to come. I’m just glad that I didn’t lose the shorts as well. That would have probably just been too much for me to handle. LOL!


OH MY GOODNESS!!! Thank you for sharing your story…you are a rock star for continuing to run. PS You are the funniest writer…the Food Network thing, Gold’s Gym, the whole thing had me laughing!


Welcome to my life. :)


OMGosssh! You are so brave. I would have left the gym and never came back! I agree with Janae that was pretty amusing.


Hi Janae!
I love reading your blog and being inspired to run! Anyway, my husband and I just moved across the country, and went the POD route. We fit our two bedroom apartment into two pods, and I feel like we had an abnormal amount of stuff. It seemed cost effective, and that’s our main reason for doing it. However, because we are not professional packers, a LOT of our stuff ended up damaged. Even though we took precautions and used bubble wrap, rope, and blankets, shifts from the move caused items to rub against each other and a lot of our nice furniture was damaged! :(. I personally now think I would spend the extra money on hiring movers because the PODs were not worth it, but at the time we were so broke we didn’t have a choice! :). Good luck!


HEY MARY!! Thank you so much for your comment! WOW, across the country…that is a big move. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing what happened with your furniture using the pod. That is very important for us to think about. Really, I appreciate this so much!


YAY for good runs outside!! I love when I don’t have to pee on a run. HAHA.

I’ve never used a POD- so good luck with that one–hope people answer your question :)


Are you getting so excited for AUGUST… you are going to rock your 1/2 IM!!!


I’ve moved long distance (8-28 hour drive) 3 times. Keep in mind it’s just me and my yellow lab, so not sure how feasible this is for a couple with a baby on the way.

First time: 8 hours drive, rented a uhaul, my Dad drove the uhaul I drove my car. Flew him back home on frequent flier miles. My Dad is retired so this was easy schedule wise. Cost for uhaul: $600 (don’t remember what gas and hotel cost)

Second: Company paid the move. 10 hour drive. They loaded and drove the truck, I drove my car with my dog. Few more belongings than the first move but cost was about $1,400. The company happened to be based out of the city I was moving to so delivery of my things occured as soon as I arrived (a day). Many long distance movers with a move like this can take up to 3 weeks to deliver your stuff (they wait until they can bunch loads together).

Third: I lost my job. Sold or donated most everything. Well, bare necessities that fit in my car, about 10 boxes of stuff I stored temporarily with a friend and a family heirloom antique trunk and antique dresser. My parents paid $600 for the antique dresser and trunk to be freighted. Two men came in and packaged the goods and a week later they arrived at my parents house (where I crashed for a week before regaining employment). I had a good friend with a home in the city I left keep about 10 boxes in her basement and once I had funds, sent her the cash and she kindly shipped them.

I don’t know how long you all plan to live in this location (its none of my business), don’t know your financials, you will be busy with baby….you may want to look into No. 3. I know Gina from Fitnessista has a lot of experience with pods. The only thing I have heard is that they can sometime take a while to be delivered.

(sorry so long!)


Do not ever apologize for a long comment, thank YOU for so much information about the different types of methods that you have experienced! You have moved a ton and I really appreciate hearing about how you did it successfully! Thank you so much!


Janae, I have never used a POD but, I too, am moving soon. We are moving from Colorado to Arizona. I called PODs today to get an estimate and they informed me that it would be around $2,500 just to drop the POD off, let us pack it, they pick it up, ship it, and deliver it and let us unpack everything. Compared to how much it is going to cost for my family to rent a U-HAUL, hire movers to help pack and unpack the trailer, including driving costs, hotel costs, and even food costs that adds up to much less than their estimate for us. However, it may be a much more viable option for you guys and if it works out I think it could be a great choice. Just too much for us right now. Good luck with everything and you are awesome for running 8 miles with a huge ole baby in your tummy :-)


WOWZERS!!! 2500 bucks…that is out of control. We are thinking about just getting one and it is 1100 and I almost had a heart attack hearing that ha. I am so glad that you guys have figured out the cheapest/best option. GOOD LUCK with your move!!


Hi! Speaking of running outside vs. treadmill, I was wondering if you have any advice on buying an adequate but not hugely expensive treadmill– my fiance and I are thinking of buying one for our house. Do you like yours?

Also, side note: your post about your new Pure Flows pretty much inspired me to buy my own pair (even though I did NOT need new running shoes) and I ran 6 in them today and LOVE LOVED them. So, while my bank account is not so happy, my feet are very happy!! So, thanks!

Good luck with moving logistics! It’s always so hard to move.


JILLIAN!! Thank you so much for commenting. I am SO STOKED that you loved your Pure Flows, aren’t they the greatest? What color did you get? About the treadmill… SO exciting that you may be getting one. We have the Nordic Track C900 and we absolutely love it. I have had ZERO problems with it and it does everything that I need and want it too. It was about 1000 dollars if that is in your price range I say go for it! Keep me updated on what you end up doing!


Just wanted to say, I came on here to ask the same thing! I was trying to find the post where you showed a picture of it (and your chapstick… you know THAT post- i am not describing it well) to see if you mentioned anything about why you chose the Nordic without bugging you, but couldn’t find it. En route to leaving a comment I found this comment & answer! In a quick google search I found everything from 700-2500 for various brands. Is there a particular reason you went with the Nordic Track C900? It is cold and rainy and dark here in Portland from 4pm to 7am for at least a few months in the winter making outside running somewhat miserable. I think this would make my life a little easier on those days the gym seems like a stretch. Thanks!!


HEY MAGGIE!! I love that you remember that chapstick post ha! Are you talking about this one:
Billy actually chose the treadmill because he got it for me as a surprise for my bday. He chose it based on the affordable price and after reading a million great reviews about it. I guarantee that a treadmill will make those winter months a lot easier! Please let me know if you have any other questions, I would love to answer anything!


Yes that’s the one! Thanks!! Time to think this purchase over.

PS – I used to live in the Bay Area for college (up in Berkeley), and a ton of my friends including my bro went to Santa Clara…. and my bf is a huge 49ers fan because he grew up there (you may have heard that the 49ers are moving to Santa Clara) so I bet we’ll be in the area a few times for games from now on, if he has anything to say about it (huge run-on there, sorry) . Anyway, I bet you’ll love living there! The campus is beautiful especially the walkway covered in Wisteria that smells absolutely divine in the Spring!


I’ve made two big moves. First time from Kentucky to Pennsylvania and I used a POD. Second time fom Pennsylvania to Texas and I rented a UHaul that my brother and I drove. If you’re willing to pay the extra money for a POD I highly recommend it. It was super easy. They dropped it off, I packed it, they picked it up and dropped it back off at my new place on the specified date. If I move long distance again I’ll definitely be using a POD or something similar.


Megan, thank you SO much for telling me about your POD experience. The convenience just sounds so nice right now with all that is going on. You have made some HUGE moves!


hahaha that dive bombing bird cracks me up! poor billy!!

you and your pb cookie are too cute

i always always wear sunglasses when i run! if there is annny sun out, i always wear sunglasses, period! gotta protect our eyeballs ;)


HEY GORGEOUS!! Seriously, our eyeballs need to be protected at all times:)


I have priced them out on my moves and it seems to be the more expensive option…for me at least. Maybe it was the fact that we were moving across country?

Does this count as embarrassing? Any time I run, if I stop at any point its like all the liquid in my bladder just pushes down and I have to go so so bad. It makes longer runs hard because I am a run/walker still and I need those walk breaks. It has lead to some very close calls….and Im not even pregnant!

I can’t find my sunglasses :(

Any shirt of my husbands…he wears a 3XL so they are super comfy


Maybe it is because you were moving across the country. We figured out it will just be about 100 bucks more so it might be worth it for us. After reading these comments it sounds like bladder problems are pretty common for us runners, pregnant or not:) Hope you are having an amazing day and that you find those sunglasses asap!


I have to stand up for Billy today. I get attacked by birds ALL THE TIME! It freaks me out! I have gotten so paranoid about when I am out on runs that now I look around the whole time for “attack” birds. My husband thinks I am nuts! Talk about angry birds…..


NOOO I am so sorry that the birds go after you too!!! Bahaha your angry birds comment made me laugh!


My husband got mad during the last 1/2 marathon we ran together because all I could talk about for the last 3 miles was food. I just kept saying things like, “Oh, man, a chicken bacon swiss would be awesome right now, or those gyoza from Tokyo, or a giant slice of pizza…” and then he put his headphones in again.
I always, always, ALWAYS wear sunglasses, even if I’m just getting the mail. If I’m outside, my eyes are protected. My dad passed away after battling cancer that started as an ocular melanoma, so my obsession is well-warranted. Plus, friends love that I have about 10 pairs of cheapos in my car at all times, so they always have something to borrow.
Good luck with your move! We used UHaul, but we had next to zero notice, and I kind of doubt they would have delivered to our current small town).


BAHAHA we would be awesome running partners because we could just talk about food the whole time and wear awesome sunglasses together. I am so sorry about your father, I cannot even imagine.


I moved from Portland to the Bay Area this March and had a pod. It was by far the easiest moving experience I’ve ever had. They dropped it off (and I got free moving boxes from the moving company), I filled it up, locked it, and called them to pick it up. I drove to California, and around 3 days later the pod was dropped off in front of my house. It’s super easy, but here are some tips that others gave me that worked:
– pack it all in as much as possible. if it’s too empty then items will move and maybe break. i got a second pod just in case i needed it, but after i got this advice, i packed the 1st one in full. nothing broke and i saved money on not having to pay for the 2nd pod since i didn’t use it. definitely ask your movers if they will give you this deal, too!
– i had a studio apartment and fit everything in to 1 pod (and filled up the trunk of my car, too. you may need a 2nd pod if you and Billy have a lot of stuff (especially, post baby shower).
Good luck with the move!!!!


SHANNA!!! Thank you so so much for all of the tips about the pod. Seriously, I really appreciate it. Um can we hang out lots when we move to the area?


Um… YES please! Good luck with the move! :)


I am so glad you asked about PODS! I am moving from GA to TX in January and I was thinking about it too. Now I can just read all your comments! Thanks Janae!!


Oh good luck Amanda. Hope these comments are helping!


Aww, I’m so happy the girls clapped for you! I don’t think I’m at a point where everyone is like ‘she’s pregnant!’ Pretty sure I could still pass for someone who ate a really big meal, so I doubt anyone would be clapping for me, but more so telling me it’s a good thing I’m running to work that midsection off hahah!!

I’m glad the bird didn’t dive for you – maybe he had respect since you’re pregnant haha


I had friends that just moved from CT to FL and they did it with a POD.

Billy gets dive bombed by birds all the time? That is hilarious! Awesome job on your run and now being attacked or peeing your pants :).


Sunglasses to run, YES! Have too.. Bc anytime I’m outside with the sun shining bright and beautiful, my hea automatically goes to the ground… Can’t run with good form like that!


I just started following your blog recently and I’ve got to say, I’m so impressed with your running and even more so while pregnant.

The almost accidents while exercising are not limited to pregnancy. I just got my big fat butt back in shape after having two kids in the past four years and recently I was at the Stanford track (I live in the mid-peninsula just north of Santa Clara) doing a workout and we were doing some drills with jumping and sure enough…leaks. Good times. Not a lot but babies do some remodeling of your parts, inside and out. :)

Moving: we moved here a year ago and I think the PODS thing would be worth it. We had corporate movers so could pick the date we moved in and that was helpful so sounds like that is a good choice, particularly when you have to do it all yourself.

Santa Clara is a great school and I love living here. Beautiful trail runs all over and generally pleasant weather. One of our babysitters ran cross country and track at SCU and she also works in the on site child care there which I don’t know if you’ll need but a good resource too.

Best wishes!


LINDSEY!! Thank you so much for your comment!! I really appreciate what you said:) 2 kids in 4 years, are awesome! Way to get back into shape! Good to hear that the PODS are worth it! Can we please hang out when we move there? You will have to show me the best trails!


I’d love to although you could be 900 months pregnant and probably beat my pace. ;) But no really when you get here, ping me. Happy to help.


Ha! I thought the embarrassing running stories would stop when I had my little girl 21 months ago but I still get the embarrassing pee pee stories on my daily runs with her in the stroller because my bladder never went back to normal after having her and I have been doing kegels like crazy :(

Doesn’t it feel great when strangers clap or tell you how awesome you are instead of giving you the stink eye when they see a prego gal running by. I ran everyday and even the day I had my little girl although it was more of a fancy footwork shuffle by then but I always loved the people that said nice things to me because it always gave me a boost of energy.

Just wait until you get to run and train with a jogging stroller! Even though my daughter weighs more this summer than she did last summer we have slashed our mile times by 50 seconds and now average 7:55 min miles on anything less than 7 miles and thats running the trails in denver!!!! :))


HEY MICHELLE! Oh no, the pee stories are going to continue to come…booo! It really did feel great to not get the weird stare and instead some recognition:) That is SO awesome that you ran everyday and even the day you went into labor. WOW!! Oh I bet the jogging stroller really helps you to get faster! You are rocking it…SPEEDY!


Hi there, I just found your blog and I love it! I am 14 weeks pregnant myself and am so inspired by you! I want to run and workout as long as I can. So far, so good. Do you ever worry about overheating? I am at a point where I worry about everything and did a long run in the morning on Sat and felt great but I was definitely sweating, but going much slower than my regular pace. Do you ever worry about getting too hot? Good luck with the move!


HEY JESSIE! Thank you so much for your comment. CONGRATS on your pregnancy, that is so exciting. I used to worry about overheating all of the time but definitely stopped worrying so much after a while. I decided to slow down my pace so much that I really don’t get that hot or sweaty anymore. Most of my runs are on the treadmill with a huge fan directly in front of me too and I never go when it is too hot outside. Keep me updated with how you are doing and I hope this helps!


My husband and I are moving from CA to OK this week with a 1 year old, and we will be using a POD. It gets delivered on Friday, and we pack up on Saturday, so if you want I can let you know how it goes!


Yes please and good luck!!!


I just thought you should know that that same bird dive bombs Holly EVERY TIME we run past it. Yes, I am crazy and can tell exactly where you are talking about :D I am also certain that you will be the 1st person to ever break the 2 hour mark for the marathon. I was just thinking today how amazingly awesome it is that you can still do 10 mile runs. You are just amazing!


NOOOOO those birds have some serious issues. It makes me beyond happy that you know the exact location (by the country club right?) I knew you would believe in me and my sub 2 hour marathon ha. SEE YOU SATURDAY, I seriously can’t wait!


I feel like I’ve mentioned this before, but in highschool I was running on the treadmill with my sweet CD player Walk Man and I dropped it. I obviously forgot I was running so I naturally reached down to grab it-and flew off the back of the treadmill into the wall behind me. Whoops!


OH NO!! Ali, that is so so sad! You poor thing. PS I love that you brought up your sweet CD player walk man, those things were awesome and HUGE!!


Lol I’ve actually had a similar bladder issue happen to me once, and I wasn’t pregnant. I apparently just have an incredibly impatient bladder.


Good to know I am not alone, bladder problems are not fun!


I used this company just two months ago to move from Northern California (so jealous your moving to my home!) to milwaukee. the one bedroom one looked SO small when it arrived. But it was actually perfect because if you pack everything in really tight, the less likely things are to move around during the transport and fall/break. totally worth it and so easy to use! Good luck!!


Oh my goodness, thank you so much for the link. You are the best! PLEASE come back to N. Cali mmkay? Good call on packing everything really tight.


I am currently packing up my house to fit everything into a POD that is going to be in our one bedroom apartment. We’re moving from Portland, to South Bend Indiana. We’ve heard great reviews and I’m really excited to see how it works out! I will arrive in Indiana next week (roughly Tuesday) so I’ll let you know how our stuff survives!!! I will for sure be covering our dresses and wall hangings with sheets or blankets so they don’t get scratched, all these other comments gave me some great advice! Hope I can be helpful next week with my experience :)


WOW…Katie, our life sounds so identical! That is a huge move! PLEASE let me know how it goes and good idea to use sheets to avoid scratches!


Our lives are DEFINITELY singing to the same tune!!! I will definitely let you know how the Pod works out, it arrives at our house today, yikes!! I am crossing my fingers and toes that we successfully have downsized enough from a 3 bedroom house…I think I might have over estimated the size of our 1 bedroom apartment…eeekkk! haha

Are you driving to Cali when you move? Roadtrip? That’s what we’re doing, Oregon to Indiana…should be pretty interesting!! haha I’m excited to see all the sites!!


Oh good luck today with loading up your pod!! I am not quite sure yet what I will be doing to get to Cali. Billy will be driving though! Oh girl, you guys are going to have so much fun. I want to hear all about your epic road trip!


Favorite race shirt is my long-sleeve Joe Klinerman 10K from NYRR. Its comfy and I like long sleeves in the house with the AC up high. I hate being hot!


I love that you turn up the ac full blast and wear your long sleeve shirt:) I hear ya…being hot is the worst!


Your positivity, radiating spirit, and crazy amazing endurance are all so inspiring! I am just in awe over how you have been able to maintain such a high level, but healthy level of training. I cannot wait to see how much your running will progress after pregnancy!


WOW! Sarah, thank you so much for your comment. You absolutely made my day! PS the banana bread muffins on your blog made me drool!


I’m with Billy on this – I’ve been attacked by the same bird over and over again on my runs! I think a nest must be nearby…

Nice job on the run regardless of bladder problems :)


What is with these angry birds?!?! What did you do to them?


I love that photo of Mount Timpanogos and the trail. I seriously don’t know what I would do if I ever had to move away from that beautiful mountain. Please tell me you have hiked to the top of it before. If not, then someday please come back and let me take you.


It really is the most gorgeous mountain in the world! I have hiked it and loved every second but I think I need to do it again with YOU!


so inspired by your ability to keep running this far along! gives me hope for myself someday. :) I ALWAYS wear sunglasses when running. I can’t really imagine not wearing them. I wear a hat also when it’s really sunny outside. xo


You are so sweet dear friend! I sure love you and hope you are having a beautiful day in the city!


Oh I hope you read my comment because I die laughing when I tell my running story every time!! (I know lame) but, I’m a High School Cross Country Runner and one morning I was running through the course (we run in the mornings here and it was like really late into the season in October) and it was so dark, foggy, and really chilly. I was running down the hill and I always knew that there was this little tree that was always in our path but that morning I wasn’t with it like AT ALL and I ran STRAIGHT into that tree. Then, the NEXT morning I was running down the same hill and the golf course people put an unexpected bright yellow rope guarding a humungo pothole in my way. I ran straight into that yellow rope and tumbled right over it in front of my coach. He made sure I was okay…but still! How embarassing! A tree and a ROPE! And there are so many more stories too!

I don’t wear sunglasses when I run but I really should. I feel like I’m squinting the whole time.

I love wearing the race shirt that I received at my favorite race! :)


OH MEGAN!! A tree and a rope…you poor thing!! That totally sounds like something I would do too. I am so glad you were okay. Gotta love race shirts! Have a great day and thanks for sharing your story!


I feel for Billy because there are multiple birds where I run that dive bomb me too! I am seriously considering painting eyes on the back of a white hat to make it look like something is looking back at them, haha. They are so evil and they work in pairs! One flies in front of me to distract me and the other comes down at the back of my head. I hate them. This is the first year I’ve ever had a problem with birds when running. I guess it’s sort of normal though because my mom told me there was a blue jay that used to try to peck the back of her head.


That is exactly what billy says about how they work in pairs! I have to believe him now that I hear that they do the same things to you! Definitely try the eye thing:)


ABF is so much better than “PODS”. Same concept…they come to your place and either you can load up the stuff or get movers. Then they drive it to whether you are moving and you can unload it. I’ve moved twice (from Michigan to Boston and from Boston to Virginia) and both times ABF was MUCH cheaper than PODS but offered basically the same service!!!

WHY are you so amazing btw? I ran 7 miles today and am not even close to preggers….and my knees were screaming at me the whole time

Reply are so sweet, thank you! GREAT job on your run! Be careful with those knees. ICE THEM! THank you so much for the info on ABF, we are totally going to have to look into ABF!


I love reading about you rocking your runs pregnant. You are amazing!

As far as embarrassing running stories, thankfully, I’ve always made it to a restroom when needed (that’s a big fear of mine). I do sweat a ton and get some weird sweat patterns, wet and matted hair and a very red face. Ugh.

I must have sunglasses to run. Even if it’s dark when I start, I put them on my head so they’re ready when the sun comes out. I feel like my eyes are really sensitive to the sun.


Jina, thank you so much… you are so sweet! Gotta love our weird sweat patterns…hence why I wear all black for most of my runs. Good to hear from another sunglass addict!


Always wear sunglasses to run outside! To keep from getting eye wrinkles of course. But it’s not totally working on that front.

We used a pod for our last move. We moved a family of six in it, so I would definitely say one should be enough for you guys. I loved having time to pack things just the way I wanted and not having to rush (as much) the unpacking. With a moving van we were always rushing, rushing, rushing. I would definitely use a pod again.


Sounds like an awesome run and a beautiful day! As for embarrassing running stories… well I’m not even pregnant but there have been a few occasions where my bladder hasn’t cooperated either!!


Great job!!!

Ok so I have to tell you, tonight on the treadmill I tried to push myself harder by pumping my arms and almost smashed them into the handlebar hahahahahhaha.


AHHH be careful with pumping those arms but I sure hope it helped you to push yourself.


Just my 2 cents… but a POD is SO expensive. I priced it for a 1 bedroom apartment and it was far more expensive than a lot of other options, especially for a longer distance move like you guys are doing. Have you looked into ABF Upack? It is one of the most affordable moving companies where you pack it up yourself and they just ship it.


I haven’t looked into ABF Upack but I sure will now…thank you so much Meredith!!


When I moved across the country I used ABF (similar to POD but way cheaper). I felt it was totally worth it. The only downside being you have to load the thing yourself. ABF even kept mine in climate-controled storage for a month while I lived in a hotel and looked for apartments. I used a small cube for a one bedroom apartment…and it was a tight fit, but that’s what you want. the tighter the better so nothing moves around. Ughhhh moving stinks…so much to think about especially when you’re on a budget. Good luck!


WOW, Carolyn thank you so much for the link and advice from your experience. I am going to check them out right now. THat is awesome that they kept it in climate-controlled storage too! Good to know that we should really try to pack it in tight!


So I’m a reader (who doesn’t comment too often) but I have to chime in! I work for ABF U-Pack and we have portable storage containers (and really great rates…and student discounts! hello law student!). I know others have mentioned it, and you can get a quote online, but if you want to email me directly (I linked my work email for you in the comment info), I would be happy to help you see how much it would cost you to move with U-Pack’s ReloCube.

I am a writer for our company blog, so if you want more info- check it out at

Good luck moving!


Brittney! Thank you so much for commenting and I didn’t know about the student discounts, that is AWESOME!! I think that when I reply it will send you an email so would you mind sending me a quote? You are the absolute best. Thank you so much for your help!


We have already reserved our U-Pack for August but I don’t think we knew about a student discount?! Can we still get that? And how do we go about getting it?


Just call a moving coordinator at 1-800-413-4799 and ask for it! They should be able to adjust your rate in most cases.


No packing advice here, but there is this black bird with red markings on the Chicago lakefront path that has been attacking runners and cyclists all summer long. It pulled out a chunk of my hair a few weeks ago and make me drop and cover and shreek like a little girl. I’m sure I looked pretty cool. Not sure if your bird is black with red, but if it is they are apparently known to exhibit aggressive behavior. Hopefully it will keep the attacks light ;)


I have totally peed on the side of the road 2x now and once in a cornfield right before a race Saturday…no shame for this pregnant lady. I live in the middle of nowhere and there wasn’t even really a chance someone would see me, I’d see them coming first.


ah i havent commented in a long time, but i randomly felt the need to share my love of your blog with you!! (er did that sentence make any sense..)

you have the best attitude and i’m always put in a good mood by reading your blog :) plus it’s totally inspiring how much you are running while preggers! although i’m not surprised, hahah

best wishes and much love xx


What a coincidence lady! I totally got a mouthful of sidewalk this morning. There was a tree branch growing under a sidewalk and lifted it about 2-3 inches which I didn’t see in the dark and totally flailed my arms the entire way down.

I’m just getting into running so don’t have many other experiences. I’m running early enough that sunglasses aren’t quite needed yet.


My most embarrassing running story would have to be when I decided to go trail running for the first time and I ended up getting SUPER lost and I started freaking out and I thought I was never gong to find my way back to the trail…haha yes I am SLIGHTLY dramatic sometimes…but anyway I also really needed to use the restroom and there weren’t any around so….you can guess how that went. But don’t worry I did eventually find my way back to the trail but let’s just say I stayed away from trail running for awhile after that! Heck yes I wear sunglasses when I run! Except of course for my first half marathon I wasn’t thinking and FOROGT them! I was so mad!!! As far as the POD, i’ve heard lots of great things about them but never actually used one!


I actually run almost exclusively on the treadmill because I’m worried I’ll have to use the bathroom at some point…sometimes I’ll have to interrupt my run up to 3 times (if it’s a longer run) to go to the bathroom. If I’m doing a longer run, I’ll sometimes do a portion on the treadmill and once my bladder has gotten it out of it’s system (literally) I’ll do the second half outside. Does anyone have any tips for avoiding this?? I mean if a pregnant woman can run outside successfully, I should be able to right?


Hey there! I’m a Property Manager for apartments (east coast) and have had a LOT of residents use pods – they all love it! You’ve gotten some really good tips so far and the only thing I wanted to add was make sure your insurance covers the unthinkable while your belongings are in the pod. While it’s rare, we don’t always think to be sure the insurance covers your items while moving between addresses and I’ve seen some heartbreaking cases firsthand. Some insurances automatically have you covered with the use of a pod, some don’t so just be sure to ask. Best of luck with your move and thank you for being such an inspiration!!


KYLEE!! Seriously, thank you so so much for chiming in. I read your comment to Billy and we are both so thankful because neither of us even thought of the insurance coverage! We really appreciate it and we will be calling tomorrow!


When I moved from northern Cali to Utah I borrowed a friends atv trailer ( 5’by 12′ with about 3′ tall sides) it worked great I fit everything bed, futon, bookcase, bikes, treadmill, bedroom fruniture and tons of stuff in boxes. My parents drove their truck and pulled the trailer and I drove my truck. Even with expensive gas prices it was a lot cheaper than I expected.

I always wear sunglasses on my runs even if it’s cloudy/raining/snowing, I’m that crazy girl wearing sunglasses!


That is awesome girl! You fit in a ton of stuff into that. I am so glad that you were able to move for so cheap! I am that crazy girl too:)


I have pooed behind more trees, bushes and even dumpsters than I can count. Running makes me poo and I have got quite skilled at finding a spot!! So don’t you worry about that bladder…you have an excuse, I just ate too much Chinese :)


Bahahaha you make me laugh so hard!!


those same birds attack me every time i run passed them too! by riverside country club right? i hate them, scare me every time that they are going to peck at my head!


Yes!!!! Those are the ones ha!!! What is their deal? Girl how are you?


Just come across your blog and can I just say how impressed I am by your motivation and the fact that you’re still running! This is how I want to be when we finally take the plunge and try for little ones. Amazing. And you look gorgeous! :)


i tried running in sunglasses for the first time the other day. i only have ginormous fashion glasses, so i looked like an olsen twin. unsure whether i’ll go for it again.


No embarrassing running stories that I can think of but I do remember when I was pregnant and I went for walk. I sneezed (with a full bladder) and…..


You rock for still running!!! I am beyond impressed and your daughter is the luckiest little girl because you will be such an inspiration to her!

NO i don’t run in sunglasses mainly because the ones I have I feel like they would fall off my sweaty face. and I have never had to worry about moving an entire house (still in college over here) but I would say DO IT especially if it will be easier for you… the money is one thing but not having to stress out so close to delivery will be priceless I bet!

(yes it might be weird that I am commenting on this post AFTER commenting on the giveaway one BUT i decided I will not be a fair-weathered reader who only comments when there is a giveaway! lol) have a GREAT day!! :)


Hi Janae! I’m a HUGE fan of your blog (no lie, I read it every day) and this is officially my FIRST comment! YAY! Anyway, I just wanted to chime in with a few things:
1) You are a total running inspiration to me!!! Thank you so much for your joy and positive energy – it always makes my day!
2) I’m so bummed that I don’t live in the Bay Area anymore – it would’ve been awesome to run with you!!!
3) When I moved from SF to Portland, I used Amtrak shipping to move my boxes. It’s way cheaper than a pod and super fast/easy! You basically put your boxes on a pallet and they shrink wrap it and it’s good to go! The only downside is that you can’t really do furniture…but worth checking out!
4) I feel ya on the angry birds stories – I have definitely had my butt bitten by a goose during a run! No joke! I don’t know what hurt worse – my butt or my pride…


In our research, U-Pack was a lot cheaper and had better reviews than PODS (and got there faster-at least to New York). It’s the exact same thing, just a different company. And they have a spot on their website that you put in all the stuff you have and it estimates how many cube thingys you will need. Also, another great thing, we reserved 2 of the cubes because we have 2 bedrooms but if we only end up filling one than we only pay for one.

We bought the insurance for it and it was like $75 extra or something like that.


I have an old cotton race shirt from 2003, that happened to be on my birthday. It was a Chevy’s Fresh Mex run and one of the first organized events I ran in. They no longer hold that race, so the tee shirt is a collectors item (haha, I kid)!


I definitely noticed the weightless feeling after giving birth and running again. I lost almost 20lbs in the first two weeks after birth (I gained 25 during pregnancy), so it was like I was running with a 20lb weight vest for the last couple of months. I think that’s why it was easier to get back to my time than I thought it would be (since my time was WAY slower during pregnancy, mostly because I didn’t run for the first 12 weeks because I believed that whole heart rate rule).


I wear sunglasses AND a visor when it’s sunny but I tend to be sensitive to the sun.

Hire professional movers, seriously, it is absolutely worth the money. I hired movers for my last move and I’ll never do it any other way! =)


Best of luck moving. It’s the worst! We thought about using a pod, we moved from Minnesota to DC, but it ended up being a billion times cheaper to get a truck. Use Penske, they are cheaper!

Always wear sunglasses. My most FAVORITE pair got stepped on last Thursday, still upset about it.

Best of luck moving! My husband always says “Mormons invented moving”.


No embarrassing running stories for me, as I am only just starting out, but I am SURE their will be many to come.


This is SO crazy, we are loading up our POD right now and (hopefully) starting our drive tomorrow back to California (from NC where we’ve been for the last 6 years, hooray for graduate school!). I am starting a position at Stanford, so I’ll be in your next of the woods. I grew up out there and love it and miss it, but am definitely sad to be leaving our home here.

Anyways, fingers crossed our POD works out well, we’ve loaded it super tight, lots of stuff in drawers, used old sheets and towels to wrap everything, so hopefully it won’t get dinged up. Best of luck with your move and maybe I’ll run into ya out there running! (Big Sur Marathon in April?!?!)

Oh yeah, we only got one POD but got rid of a lot of stuff which was actually a good feeling. But it will be enough stuff to furnish the tiny apartment we can afford in Palo Alto!


Check into ABF… we were looking at POD but found that ABF was wayyy cheaper (when we moved from MN to FL) and it was the same idea. They had it where they dropped off a trailer and you parked it and filled it with what you could, and then you put up a wall so you were only charged for the amount of square footage that you used. They picked it up and then dropped it off at your location.


Hi there! I’m new to your blog and absolutely love it!! I just finished my first half marathon and have now caught the running bug :) I’m still pretty new to running and have recently been looking for some good sunglasses, it is so uncomfortable to run in my fashion ones! I love yours, there are so many black ones out there but I love the bright white! What brand are they?

Thank you for writing such an inspiring blog :)



I used POD last year when we moved because even though we were staying in Boston, we had to move out of one apartment before we could move into the new one…same thing is happening to us this year, and we’re using POD again. We had a great experience and everything did fit (and we had the small size I think). We didn’t move very far, so I’m not sure how that factors into the cost, but it was SO much better than packing and unpacking and storing and moving over and over. The people who helped us were very nice and the POD was clean, delivered on time, etc. I would high recommend it! And if you’re willing to pack it up and unpacking in CA yourselves, it’s DEFINITELY better than paying movers and a moving van or renting a u-haul!


Why did I have to go through your old posts at work?! :'( Now I really just want a hamburger and some frozen no-bakes(I think that is what it is: )


continuously i used to read smaller articles that as well clear their motive,
and that is also happening with this piece of writing which I am reading at this time.

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