Running gang on the streets of California

Don’t be afraid of our running gang.  We look really hardcore and fierce but I promise we are nice.

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The 5k was awesome this morning.  We ran to the race, had 10 minutes to spare and then went off for the 5k.  I talked to a mom of 4 the whole time and she gave me some awesome tips/tricks/advice and it made the time go by really fast.  I actually woke up this morning feeling not so great and not excited to run but like usual I felt a million times better afterwards.

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Billy’s IT Band is still being annoying and so he was the photographer today.

There was a pancake breakfast that started right as we finished.

I have some huge regrets concerning this breakfast.

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1.  I should have gotten 2 times as much syrup.  It was homemade buttermilk syrup and the best syrup I have ever had.

2.  3 pancakes Janae.  3 pancakes, why don’t you ever remember that 3 fluffily pancakes are way better than 2.

3.  They had whipped cream and somehow I forgot to put it on.  I hate it when I get too busy talking and miss out on key ingredients like whipped cream.

Charlie is smiling for you.

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After breakfast they had musical numbers, the cutest old man spoke to us about his experiences in the Marines and a parade of all the the little kids with their decorated bikes or dogs.

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On our way to go hang out with our grandparents, see ya soon!


How did your 4th of July races go?

Did you have a special bfast?

Looking forward to any delicious food today?  What?

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This is wonderful! I’m glad you had a great 5K! We are running one for 9/11 and your post made me extra excited to do it!


Looks like an amazing day- I love that first picture.

I feel like I have seen so many pictures of pancakes and waffles covered in yummy fruit today but I have not seen any pancakes or waffles in real life. I must fix this immediately.


We made it to Provo today and I made my hubs take me to Cafe Rio for the first time ever. Delish. Can’t wait for my run tomorrow am – it’ll be nice to run when it’s below 90.


That looks like so much fun! I am so impressed that you still run so much!!
I didn’t do a 4th of July run today, but I totally race bombed one on accident… They were on the path I usually run.. haha their fault right??


Well I was looking forward to my favorite meal, but I just ate it :) A fried egg and hashbrowns with a pear. yummmm.


Looks like fun. No races for me today. I did get a run in bright and early though. I seriously want your pancakes now. I saw somebody else’s picture of waffles earlier and now I don’t want our pork sandwiches for tonight, just carbs :).


I ran a 5K in our neighborhood, alone in the peace and quiet.

We went to IHOP of all places and I had Red Velvet pancakes, they were the best pancakes on the planet. Why did it someone so long to make them?!

Happy 4th!


I had a rice krispies treat the size of my face!


Bummer about Billy’s IT Band but in turn he got some great pics of everyone! That syrup sounds amazing! Definitely more amazing than my lame breakfast of yogurt with ground flax seed and a hard boiled egg. But later today we are having BBQ mushroom burgundy hamburgers so that’s pretty exciting!!


Our spread is ridiculous today. Sooo much food and treats. I am trying to hard to not eat any. I ate way too much when I was making it all yesterday.

I just ran this morning – no race, but it was a great run. And I came back and made breakfast for the whole fam before the parade (I too made homemade buttermilk syrup. Holla!) I love the pic of all you guys running-so awesome.

Happy fourth!


Looks like you had an amazing day! I always think Fourth of July runs look so fun–hopefully next year I’ll add one to my schedule.

I’m not usually a pancake/waffle fan, but the pancakes in your picture look delicious!

Happy Fourth!


I love you so much … “3 pancakes, Janae!” You’re hilarious! ;)

We just got back from a party at a friend’s house. There were a ton of people from church there, and it was really fun!


Sounds like such a wonderful day! Charlie’s smile is beautiful!


I just at froyo in honour of all my American friends! It was very festive!

I love that picture of Charlie smiling. I’m going to try and make my new puppy do that too!


Love the running gang photo!! And yes, three pancakes, always!

We had a fab BBQ with some friends, and an amazing dessert that I can’t begin to describe but it was delish!! Off to the fireworks soon.

My cat is called Charlie…I’m going to try and make him smile.


such fun-wish i raced more


Great job on the 5K!! Love all the runners. I always need a huge amount of pancakes or they never fill me up. Nothing going on for me today, since I’m from Canada.


I wish I had pancakes after my race this morning – those look delicious!


I ran the Foot Traffic Marathon in Portland today and qualified for Boston. They had strawberry shortcake after the race with lots of whipped cream!


Hahahaha …that is all. Your blog always puts a smile on my face :)


Day after day I read all these blogs about pancakes/waffles in the morning and tell myself.. ‘okay jessie, tomorrow will be the day you make them for yourself’. Well tomorrow comes, and for some reason I forget all about them!! Maybe I should program it in my phone, or write it all over my fridge the night before..

Okay, i’m done rambling.. your pancakes and fruit look amazing! I love that the old man is a former marine and was so open with stories. I absolutely love hearing veterans share their stories.. they can be so touching!

ps. hope billy’s poor it band starts feeling better soon!!!


I ensured I was as American as possible for the 4th and had a heap of bacon. Looks like you had a great day!


That stinks that Billy’s ITB is still acting up!

Your race and running gang look so fun. I wish I had more running friends around here!


Love the post!

I just must say one thing about the fourth:

I was very disappointed that ESPN had the Coney Island Hot Dog eating contest on tape delay because of Wimbledon. How unAmerican! It’s the fourth of July and they were showing WIMBLEDON instead of a bunch of people shoving hot dogs down their throats? Do they think they are a sports channel???? (hee, hee)

Happy Belated Fourth of July!


that breakfast looks AWESOME!~


Happy 4th! What a running crew!
Looks like you guys are having a great California trip… good luck on the “finding a place to live” part of it :-)


Yum, looks like a delicious ending to the 5k! Glad you had fun!


You are looking so FABULOUS!!! Love that you are still running. Those pancakes look super yum and have me craving my syrup now. Glad you had a fun 4th! Can’t wait to see you next week.


I was supposed to run a 1/3 marathons in the mountains while on vaca but had to miss out because of an injured foot :(
It was ok in the end though because I still got to eat a baked potato and spend the day with my family on vacation!


Billy totally needs to go see a chiropractor! I am betting one of his legs is slightly longer than the other, or through injury, he has thrown his hip out, causing a more serious discrepancy. He can check by sitting with his back as close against the wall as possible and then measure the legs.

Let me know if this is the case. It sure was with me. I went from pain to back to running the net day pain free just from getting adjusted.

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