Running on Medicine

Ciabatta Bread. Watermelon. Turkey. Potato Salad. A pregnant woman’s fantasy.

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I think I inherited some of my dad’s inventor genes (he is an inventor for his job) and I invented a new sandwich combination when I added potato salad IN my sandwich. I am waiting for Subway to call me any minute to buy the patents for my creation. Speaking of my parents, they just got back from PARIS (yes, I was mad they didn’t invite me and I am expecting an awesome souvenir). This was their first time to Europe and they had the time of their lives. I told my mom she isn’t allowed to tell me how good the pizza was or I would cry.

After lunch we hit up the pool and palm trees make me feel even more like I am on vacation.

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Dinner was a random combination but it totally worked. Roasted veggies, pasta with butter, pizza and leftover ribs from Sunday night.

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Double-stuffed oreos to finish the night off at 11 pm.

PS Charlie knows exactly when it is bed time. He will be running around and the next thing you know it he will go completely rag doll as soon as my mother-in-law gets up to take him upstairs for bed. He acts as though he can no longer walk or hear us telling him it is bedtime. I used this same strategy until 9th grade.

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I have been reading through Kara Goucher’s book, Running for Women, again and came across something that got me thinking. PS this book is one of my all-time favorite running books.

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This is something that I used to do before races. I even raced a 1/2 marathon on my femoral stress fractures because I thought that I was just experiencing muscle pains and took painkillers before the race. I guarantee that doing this made the fractures worse and therefore take longer to heal. Now that I am pregnant I don’t take any medicine and so I have stopped doing that. I am learning to stop if something hurts instead of masking the problem with ibuprofen. It is way better to miss a race or take a few days off instead of having to take months off because you made the problem worse by running on it.

Do you ever take painkillers before you run? Do you think it is harmful?

Ever been to Europe? What part?

Do you have palm trees where you live?

Had any random combinations of food for a meal lately? Do share.

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Love the palm trees in CA!!! Awww Charlie is just so darn cute!!!

I used to take painkillers before a run if I thought something was going to hurt–I quit doing that after I had my stress fx. I did take painkiller during my marathons–just for the aches and pains. I think it helped me finish because everthing hurts during a marathon and the Tylenol helped take the edge off. I did not have any nagging injuries the following either.

Enjoy your day in sunny California!


I recently heard it was bad to take painkillers before I run but I used to do it too.

Love palm trees!



I’m beyond jealous of your genius idea when it comes to putting potato salad in your sandwiches & those double stuffed oreos.

-I’ll take some painkillers before a run if something is hurting a tiny bit. I hear they say it’s bad for you.. but then I hear it’s good. I wish they would just make up their mind rather or not it is bad indeed

-I have yet to be to Europe.. until September that is!! Hubby and I are taking a much needed vacation to GREECE! I do live in Asia though, if that’s cool enough? haha

-Yes there are palm trees, who would’ve though Kuwait had em.. not me!

**Ohh exciting news.. instead of being a ‘blog stalker’, I finally decided to start my own today. Check it out :)


I’ve never taken painkillers before run and now probably won’t ever after reading this- some things just aren’t worth it! I lived in London for 8 years and my only regret is not travelling more around Europe!


I completely agree with you about the painkillers. If you are taking them before you run then you are in denial about a real injury. I was so guilty of this earlier in the year. I kept telling myself I was doing it to reduce inflammation….lying even to myself! lol. Take care and I’m super jealous of your parents trip to Paris.


LOVE her book. I just posted a review on it on my blog last week. It’s one of my all time favorites. Its great for new runners and experienced runners!


yumm.. that potato salad in the sandwich is genius!

I used to take advil all the time to mask injuries (including my stress fractures) but obvs they got worse in the end. The only time I take it now is if something hurts and I need it to get through day to day things (not running!).

Yes I have been to Europe many times! I hope your parents had a fab time. I’ve been to Paris, Ireland, London, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Italy.

Lots of trees here but no palm trees ;(

I always have weird food combos.. especially when we have tons of leftovers that need to be used up. The other night I had a steak taco, some potatoes, garlic bread, veggies, and a crab cake!


I used to take advil before a long run, but now that you say that it totally makes sense that it’s dangerous.
I’ve never been to Europe before, but it’s def. on my life list!


I love Charlie! So cute.

I rarely take painkillers at all. They tend to upset my stomach, so I steer clear.

I’ve been to Europe once. I did a semester abroad in Austria when I was in college. I would love to go back!


I’ve been to Paris, and we’re leaving for Europe in just over a week! Yahoo!! I can’t wait. Brandon’s never been to Europe and he’s never been on a cruise (we’re doing a Mediterranean cruise), so I’m excited to see what he thinks! :)


That thing with the potato salad is kind of like how in Pittsburgh they put french fries on their sandwiches.


I volunteered at the Chicago marathon a few years ago in a medical tent at mile 22. Someone had the wise idea of putting a bottle of ibuprofen on one of the tables. Some runners were popping it like candy. I thought there was no way that could be good for you.


Ive never taken painkillers for running associated pains for that exact reason – if it hurts, there’s probably something wrong and I shouldnt be running on it anyway.
I went to Paris and London when I was in college – amazing!
No palm trees anywhere near where I live!
Enjoy the beautiful weather!!


I studied abroad in Rome last fall and to say I lived off pizza is an understatement .No pizza will EVER taste as good again! I also went to Paris, Ireland, Prague, Barcelona, Germany and around Italy! It was incredible. I am also going to get Kara’s book today during my lunch break- I am dying to read it!


I take a lot of medication. We joke that I have a pharmacy due to my migraines. But I don’t take meds before I run. Besides the fact that it can mask your pain there is also evidence that it can alter your kidney function. This can lead to dehydration, hyponatremia and even possibly kidney failure, though that is the extreme.


Hahaha your sandwich sounds pretty awesome ;) You should add some chips in there for crunch!!

Painkillers and running seem like a bad idea. I’ve never done it, but I know that pain is there for a reason!


I definitely don’t take pain killers before I run…for the exact reason that you mentioned! If I go into a race feeling like something might be wrong, I go into with the attitude that if I have to drop out, I have to drop out…which thankfully I’ve never had to do!

I lived in London and Geneva for a year so I’ve been all over Europe! Last summer, I spent 2 weeks traveling through the Balkans and I loved it! I’d love to move back to London! Europe is amazing!


I love Paris!
I’ve been to France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Sweden.

Potato chips on my tuna salad sandwich.
Potato chips to scoop up baked beans like salsa…….hopefully I didn’t give you a major food aversion…….if so Sorry.


I’ve never taken painkillers before a run! Thought about it…but it kind of scares me!

The only part of Europe I’ve been to is Italy. My mom is from there so we did a really big three-week tour when I was in high school. I want to go back!

Definitely no palm trees in Toronto…haha.

I love rag doll Charlie. He is so dang cute!


I have been to romania… and in the airport in Germany.
But I would so absolutley love to go to Italy or France. Those seem so beautiful. They are def places to go on my bucket list.

And I have taken so pain killers before I run sometimes but never on a consistent basis.

And in NC we do have some plam trees on the coast but not in Charlotte


I have done that, as a preventative measure just in case. I see both sides, since I would only take them for the race when I was without an injury, it would not overly mask anything that happened unless it was during the race, and then I would feel it after I’d think.
I have! I went on a exchange trip in grade 11 and we went to France, Switzerland, Belgium and Germany. I was a blast but I would like to go back, I feel as if at 16 I did not fully appreciate it.
No palm trees :(
Not too random but I finally tried cottage cheese and fruit – peaches!


I wish we had palm trees. I’ve been to Paris and Barcelona – and thoroughly that Barcelona was the best place ever. They have palm trees.

I am reading her book now. I took Ibuprofen to mask my ankle pain during a 15K. At the 10K mark I was experience such sever pain I almost stopped to see a paramedic. Come to find out later that Ibuprofen (or something in it) can mess with your kidney/electrolyte function and make you severely ill. Lesson learned.


My first semester of running in college I think I had stress fractures in both my shins. The pain got so bad that I was piggy backing ibuprofen and Tylenol almost all the time. I actually ended up having an allergic reaction to ibuprofen and maybe some other medication I was on for a sinus infection and couldn’t do anything that would make me sweat for 3 months. Basically it forced me to let them heal. Now I rarely take anything and I’m a lot more careful about listening to my body.


Now that I’ve seen the potato salad above, that is what I want for dinner. Pregnant woman’s dream FOR SURE. Thank you for inspiring our dinner tonight ;) Craig is going to love you! :)
I used to run through pain too..I figured it would ‘stretch it out & make me feel better.’ HA! What a nut I was. No more! I ran through achielles tendon pain…worst decision ever. Ended up having to take like a month off because of my stupid mistake.
LOVE Charlie- he seems like the BEST dog ever!


I used to take ibprofen before, which is really bad I know. But now I drink TART CHERRY JUICE and it’s amazing. It works just as good as Advil, if not better, for reducing inflammation.


As a pharmacist I feel obligated to add that NSAIDS (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc) before a long run or marathon could damage the kidneys. They’re ok afterwards, as long as you’re fully rehydrated.


OMG thank you for this! I’m not a runner but I started doing the Couch to 5K workout to work on running/jogging in an effort to get healthy along with strength training with my trainer. I never realized this so this is so helpful!
My Dad was in the Army so we lived in Germany multiple times :-) & actually last year I went to Scotland, which mind you it rains & can be chilly but I loved it & can’t wait to go back! My God I wish we had palm trees in Virginia LOL! None whatsoever BOO LOL! I guess I have vacay for that :-D

Had any random combinations of food for a meal lately? Do share.


Oops & didn’t include my weird food combos LOL! I’m weird I have many I love to mix everything together a lot of times in an effort to get a a bite of everything in EVERY BITE of FOOD HAHA :-D


I used to make this mistake too, it was tip from my mom back when she would run races it was ibprofin and a sudafed and go out and run a marathon. I have since told her what’s up and she better not be doing it anymore b/c I’m watching her!
I learned about this during training for coaching certification and it was hard for a lot of us to accept but it really is the right thing to do.
I have been to Europe and loved ever minute of it. I lived in London for 3 months and took trips to Paris (two words – Amazing. Food.) and to Dublin.


Ive got to admit in Isle of Man when we were racing 3 times in 3 days (10k, hill, 5k) and I 10K post-injury PR-ed on the first night i took quite a whap of ibuprofen before the 5k on sunday… The muscle pain there was inevitable and Luckily I came out the weekend fine.

I live in a part of Europe! In the UK. And I’ve been to tons of other European places like France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Gibraltar… Ive been really lucky in that my fam love to travel and see new places. Now that my parents are only taking the two of them they go to further, more exotic places like Thailand, which they couldnt afford 4 tickets to.

We have no palms. Its all evergreens and oak/beech types here.


Unfortunately during my training for my first half I took pain killers before my long runs. Not only do they prevent you from feeling and identifying the pain they can also mess up your stomach – no fun.

No palm trees here but we do have small cactus, which loves to find its way into the paws of unsuspecting dogs.


No palm trees, just corn fields and bean fields. :)

My favorite combination is an oldy but a goody… I LOVE cottage cheese and pineapple and pretty much any type of fruit with cottage cheese. I also enjoy putting baked beans on my hot dogs and calling them beanie weenies. Does that make me weird? :)


I used to take Aleve before running because it helped my legs remain pain-free during long runs. However, I realized that running on painkillers can also cause kidney problems, etc. so I’ve stopped.

I lived in Europe for 8 years when I was younger. I was born in Greece, and lived in Italy and England too. I haven’t been back for a long time, maybe ten years. I miss it. I never made it to France though.

I haven’t made a new combination of food but for lunch today I have to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the sandwich butts because I ran out of bread. Does that count?

And no palm trees where I live. Except the Freemason Temple in DC planted two palm trees in front but they keep having to replace them because they die. I don’t think palm trees and the DC metro area go together.


pizza in europe is pretty freaking good.

and also: hey! i nominated you for a “beautiful blogger” award. basically, i like your blog. so i picked you and 6 other bloggers. you’re supposed to write 7 things about yourself, put the beautiful blogger image on your post, and nominate 7 other bloggers.


I need to buy that book! I’ve been wanting to read it for the longest time! :)

I’m quite jealous of that pool!!!!!!!!! It looks like Heaven on earth. I’m also jealous of your pizza. YUM!

Do you ever take painkillers before you run? Do you think it is harmful?
Nope. I was tempted A LOT of times because of my knee, but I hold myself back until afterward.

Do you have palm trees where you live?
Not a single palm tree! :(

Had any random combinations of food for a meal lately? Do share.
I made oatmeal yesterday with sugar free caramel sauce and sea salt! Salted Caramel Oatmeal!!!!!!!!!!!! TO DIE FOR! YOU MUST TRY IT!


I think that meal is any woman’s dream, prego or not! :) And just plain butter and pasta is one of my faves!


I do take painkillers when I run… I know it’s not a good habit to get into, but I have severe back problems from a car accident, and I am closely monitored by a doctor. Running can’t damage my back any more, and it actually has helped tremendously in getting me moving and active again after the accident, in pain management and getting off heavier drugs. That said, I would rather not take anything… I’m working on it!


I read Kara’s book, and I never take pain killers before a run b/c of that. I think it’s good to remember that pain has a purpose, sending us a message to stop doing what we are doing. It can be confusing when people say, “no pain, no gain.” and stuff.

It’s really hard to figure out the difference between ‘discomfort’ (things that hurt now, but won’t hurt later, like a side ache) and pain. Neither feel pleasant, but I think there’s a difference. I don’t know if that makes sense to you?


that’s the 2nd time I’ve seen that in a few weeks & FREAKS ME OUT! I’ve always taken Alleve before I do my half marathons…


I backpacked through Europe during college hitting up London, Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Venice, and Munich. It was so much fun and I’m thinking it’d make a great place for a honeymoon.

I have a palm tree in my yard! It was on my “want” list for our house and I just got lucky!

The other night we made a random combination of bacon wrapped jalapenos, hot dogs, and squash, ha! None of those foods actually go together but it was surprisingly good.


That pizza looks delicious… And I’ve never been to Europe but desperately want to go! I would literally go to any country in Europe, any one.


When I was training for my first HM, i read somewhere that taking NSAIDs before your run was not a good idea, i thought it had something to do with liver function, etc but maybe i’m wrong..anyways, i’ve just never done it since then. Even when its thaaaat time of the month and i have deadly cramps, i’ll wait until after my run to take anything :(

Ive never been to Europe or anywhere really that exciting except El Salvador….boohoo!

As I was making my dinner last night…I literally just threw egg beaters, spinach and cheddar into a pan and began scrambling..kevin came over and made a face and said how gross it but then when it was done he admitted it looked delicious, i happily put it into a whole wheat wrap and thoroughly enjoyed my random dinner ;)


I’ve ben to a couple places in Europe, but my favorite was Spain. The weather is beautiful and everyone is so fashionable there! I felt like I was walking through an issue of Vogue :D


That makes sense that it wouldn’t be good to take painkillers before. I usually take them afterward, but I usually try to avoid medicine unless I feel like I need it. So if I had pain before a race, I prob would have taken it too!
Yes, we have Palm Trees where I live. I’m in Southern Cali!! They are everywhetr. Unfortunately, I don’t feel like I’m on vacation with them around. But if I were in a pool maybe I would!! :)


I always take 2 ibuprofen before my long runs, but it’s not really to mask pain, it just helps to keep my knees from stiffening up at mile 8-9. I have never had issues with them after or on shorter runs so I don’t really feel like it’s a problem that is being masked. In all reality it’s probably more mental than physical!


I’m a long distance biker who did my first century ride last summer and am doing RAGBRAI in Iowa in July. After riding that, I’d like to get into running just to change up my fitness routine. I hear so much about it and it’s benefits and your blog makes me want to run. The thing is-I suck at it and kind of hate it. Sorry. Do you have any books that you can recommend for beginning runners? I want to experience that running high but don’t know where to head to! Thanks!


HEY COLLEEN!! That is so awesome that you are a distance biker. My century ride almost killed me. I am stoked that you want to get into running. Don’t worry, we all hate it and suck at it when we first start, it takes a little while to fall in love with it. Here are some books I recommend:

Running for Women by Kara Goucher:

Runner’s World Complete Book of Beginning Running

Runner’s World Complete Book of Women’s Running

Mile Markers (more of a fun read) by Kristen Armstrong:

Let me know when you finish up those ones and I will recommend some intermediate books


Thank you!! I just ordered two of them to start with!!


Sadly, I have never been to Europe, but my parents did a tour of Italy last year and I was SO jealous!

I used to take advil after some runs, but now that I’m pregnant I don’t take it and have realized I don’t even need it!

Weirdest food combo lately…eggs mixed with peas sprinkled with parm cheese. So weird. My husband can’t even look at it haha!!

I thought of you the other day as I was drinking a lemonade. It has been a major pregnancy craving, but it was also giving me pretty bad heartburn. I found a little bottle called Mio in the lemonade flavor and it is SO GOOD. Doesn’t give me heartburn and the best part is it comes in a tiny bottle you can carry in your purse! You just squirt a few drops into water and BAM! Delicious lemonade!


I’m definitely guilty too :( I’ve been taking muscle relaxers before my long runs to keep my back and knees chilled out….Ahhh Okaay, I’m going to try and wean myself from that habit and use foam rolling, stretching, and icing instead. Thanks Janae! I knew it was a bad habit but just hearing it from someone else makes all the difference!


Love Kara Goucher’s book Running For Women. I asked for it for Christmas and a few weeks ago, I started and finished it in two days. It is so informative and motivating. Mine is all highlighted up with notes.


I take one Aleve every night for arthritis in my neck, but that is it. My husband would take Advil before he runs. I tell him it is a bad idea, but he doesn’t listen.
No palm trees, yet.
We spend like 9 days in London in 2008 and LOVED it.

The Kidless Kronicles


I have take ibprofen before races (only half marathons) and I have thought about that very thing – if it is masking the pain of something I should be listening to instead. It is always something I have wondered and after reading this I will make sure that it is something I only take AFTER. You are right. Just not worth it!

I have never been to Europe and I want to go so badly! I better go before I die!

When I got married, I told my husband I didn’t care where we lived as long as their were palm trees there. Last time I looked around there weren’t any palm trees in this joint! Hmmm.


Hi beautiful friend!!
I loved your comment about training-parters…we will LR in San Fran every weekend!!…SOON! :)
no pain-killers for me ever…if there’s one thing I learned in PT-school, it’s that pain is there for a reason! (plus we love pain, why try to hide it?!) ;)
I hope you’re having a wonderful time in Cali!!! <–good thing I didn't know until just now, or I would have crashed the party! :)
Loveeeee u girllllll!


I don’t take anything for running-related aches and pains, but my husband is always sure to take a couple ibuprofen after his long runs.

I’ve never been to Europe, but as a wannabe foodie I would love to travel and eat!

No palm trees in Wisconsin. :(

I had a random dinner on our way home from a day at the waterpark. We stopped at a burger joint and I got a black bean Mexican burger, had a couple fried pickles, and then a complimentary piece of fudge for dessert. Not the healthiest meal, but it tasted SOOOO good!


Ahhhhh time in the POOL among palm trees?! Count me IN!!

And that ciabatta bread looks awesome. SO tasty, that stuff!


I JUST took some advil before reading this to mask the pain Ive been feeling on the outside of my lower leg above the ankle. :( stupid injury!
I definitely agree that pain killers are horrible because they let you keep running even though you really shouldn’t….which I have done so many times. Does anyone else feel like they are ALWAYS injured? Seriously. arghhh


I’ve actually never thought about this before…I rarely take medicine anyway (it’s just something I avoid doing at all costs) but I’ll have to pay attention and make sure not to before a run! Thanks for the tip!
Due to going out of town soon our fridge is looking really bare–lunch today will be a ton of super random stuff! I actually don’t mind those meals though because I get a little of all the things that sound good :)


I love Charlie! My dog does something similiar only that she actually puts herself to bed. Around 9 pm she just up and goes to bed.


I sometimes take painkillers to get through a race, especially if it’s a longer one like 50k or 50M. I only take them when I know the pain isn’t serious, i.e. runners’ knee or something like that. But it’s sooo important to hydrate when doing so, because then kidney issues can arise.
We have a few palm trees up here in the Bay :)


My sophomore year in Cross Country, I ran on a stress fracture in my foot for a little less than half the season. I would load up on ibuprofen and magically I would race really well… But eventually I had to take a lot of time off.. Runners are funny this way, we run till someone forces us to stop… I am getting better about it though haha


It’s been too hot to cook lately so I’ve had all sorts of random “meals”. Raisins and cereal and ice cream probably isn’t a meal though…but it hit the spot!


It looks like your having a good time in Cali! I love all of the palm trees. :)

I definitely agree about the pain killers debate. Pain killers just mask pain and do not fix the problem.


I read Joan Benoit Samuelson’s running book for women, and Runner’s World’s running book for women, but I didn’t know Kara Goucher had written one. Maybe I’ll look into getting it. Thanks for the tip!


Hi Janae! So I just read your guest post on Fitnessista and immediately decided to check out your blog. Although I just met you, I’m not shy about letting you know that I think you’re pretty much awesome and I plan on visiting your blog on a regular basis:) Sorry if I sound kind of like a creeper…I’m relatively normal, I promise;)


twinners! i ate potato salad for dinner last night AND just picked up running for women from the library (its ALWAYS on hold) yesterday and started rereading too! how funny! hope you are feeling well!!


oh wow. me too. i take an aleve before a long run….guess i should stop doing that. thanks for the info!!!!


How fun that your parents made it to Europe! I have been to Paris once and it is beautiful (watch Midnight in Paris for a substitute if you can’t get there). I actually leave for Europe today – Switzerland and Croatia. I am so excited!


that pool, right there? i would give ANYTHING to be there RIGHT NOW! it looks heavenly. :)

love charlie! my parents’ dog is a little old lady and puts herself to bed. it’s really cute.

i lived in paris for a semester abroad in college! some of the best times of my life! and i’ve been to italy, switzerland, france and spain! love them all. :) can’t wait to hear how your parents LOVED paris!!


Europe is my dream come true. I was born in Europe so my roots are always pulling me back! Definitely worth a trip there…anywhere in Europe will do!


I usually save the painkillers until AFTER a terrible run but I have been known to pop some ibuprofen beforehand.

Love that book!


I have taken ibuprofen before a run before when I’m feeling a little achey joints. But now that I’ve read this I will never do it again! Thanks for the tip and I really want to read Kara’s book! I have been to France and Spain and loved both of them! I love palm trees but just assumed they don’t grow in Portland but I was so wrong! One of the nurseries near us started selling them. The guy there said that type actually grows extremely well in Oregon and that if you start noticing you’ll see them everywhere and sure enough we’ve found we do! They are just smaller and not trimmed but can grow to 15 ft. I told my husband when we get a house we’ll be buying a palm tree to plant. :)


If you like potato salad on your sandwiches, try putting stuffing and cranberry sauce on a turkey sandwich. It’ll blow your mind it’s so good! :) My step-dad was in the Air Force and we were stationed at Ramstien AFB for 4 years. We traveled everywhere and I loved it! I am so grateful to have had that experience and to see other cultures firsthand.


I love Europe! Germany is my favorite but there are still lots of countries I haven’t been to yet.
I also love Palm trees and I wish we had them here!


Oh Charlie is such a cutie!!

Occasionally I will have a painkiller with me on a long run or marathon, but only take them if I really need it, to get through the last few miles. I don’t do it often enough to be too concerned over the health risks; if I did it for every run, that would be another story entirely.

I went on a trip with my cousin when I was 20 through Europe. We did England, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Greece and France. I loved it and it was time and money well spent.


Hey, thanks for talking about the whole painkiller thing because I’ve never heard that you shouldn’t take any before a run! It makes sense, now that I think about it, but it’s valuable information either way :)
No palm trees here, but today it’s hot enough that it seems like there should be!
And funny that you should ask about going to Europe, because right now that’s like my biggest wish…


All that food looks great and super summery! Love the photo of the dog too haha.


If you go to Japan, they eat potato salad sandwiches all the time! :D


Long time lurker here. I pretty much always take pain killers before I work out. I’ve been doing this for about a year now. Kara’s comment scares me enough to get it checked out.


I loooove that picture of Charlie not wanting to go up to sleep!! I am a doggie lover and can’t help but smile when they do something funny and smart like that. He’s so cute!


My favorite new food combination is cottage cheese, peanut butter and cinnamon. I didn’t think it was a weird combinations but my family members beg to differ. It’s a tasty combination though!


one of my go to meals is whole wheat noodles, peas, garlic powder, salt and pepper and mozzarella cheese…


We do have palm trees here in San Diego! I still love them, prob b/c I didn’t grow up with them!
My dream would be to visit Europe… Someday!


Awwh, i’m jealous. I wish we had outdoor pools with palm trees here in the UK.


I use to take painkillers before running for my ridiculous shin splints, but have totally stopped doing that recently.

Only been to Germany when I was 13, but going to Ireland in September for a wedding…can’t wait!!

My weirdest food combo is a pickle wrapped in a slice of cheese and dipped in mustard…sounds horrendous to most people, but I swear it is AMAZING!


I’ve heard that NSAID-painkillers, like ibuprofein, can slow down healing of the bone fractures so taking them is extra harmful!
I actually live in Northern Europe and we don’t have any palm trees here, too cold :D

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