I am a dating machine


Pump (my shoulders feel broken now)

40 seconds on the elliptical and then I jumped off, came home and decided to go on a walk for my cardio instead.  That walk turned into a stop at the grocery store for the necessities…yogurt, cottage cheese and flour and on the walk back my arms were even more mad at me for deciding to carry a 10 lb bag of flour all the way home.

Next on my busy to do list:  Read (I really need to slow down this summer).  It is actually cooler outside than it is inside so I took it to the grass.

Photo 1 1

The craziest thing happens when you leave your keys inside and lock the door on the way out.  You get locked out.  Luckily I had opened one of the windows (which I never do) earlier in the morning when I was doing dishes and forgot to shut it.  I am sure my neighbors got a kick out of seeing a 7 months pregnant woman climb on top of the garbage cans and through a little window.

Photo 2

I am a wanted woman and had two dates scheduled for today.  Let’s rephrase that…I begged two different people to hang out with me today.

First date was with my mom to her favorite restaurant, Chick-fil-A.

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Second date was with my cousin (picture from NYC in November…we don’t have the Subway in Utah…Provo is a huge city but not quite as big as NYC;)

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The cuz and I went for froyo.  We tried out a place we had never been to but I don’t think I will be back…but all that mattered was talking with that little blondie about everything under the sun for a while.

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Time to get domestic and make some bread….not because my homemade bread ever tastes very good but because it makes our house smell amazing.


What was the last thing that you did outside?

Do you have a Chif-fil-A close to you?  What do you normally order there?

Do you ever walk to the grocery store?  Do you have any close enough that you could walk to?

Who else lifted weights today?  Anyone else have sore arms right now?

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Oh i would have climbed through the window for you, jeepers! Last thing i did outside was the daily walk to preschool. I went to a 6am Pump class on Tuesday, i have not been in years so yes i’m sore today! But thats the point it’s got to hurt right;)


6 am pump…Amber, you are hardcore! You are so right, being sore just means we are awesome and pushed ourselves to the next level. Have a great day and your daily walk to preschool sounds fun!


I always walk to the grocery store, I don’t have a car here. And if I did there would be no where to park it. It sucks, but I’ve mastered carrying home tons of groceries without throwing out my back!

The last think I did outside was walk to a bike store to do some more research on the bike I want to get :)


HOW DO YOU DO IT?!?! I almost died with two bags today! What bike are you thinking of getting? Wish we could go biking together!


I’m looking at a low-end Jamis bike. Its super cute and I’m hoping it works out! Wish we could bike together too, I need a partner!

Walking from the grocery store stinks SO much. I take rest breaks haha


Ummm. I am sure you already know this and if I somehow missed you talking about it sorry…CAN YOU BELIEVE TRADER JOES IS COMING TO SALT LAKE CITY!!!!!! So awesome. I will be there opening day :)!!! I guess you get one anyways since you are moving :(


Okay, that is so crazy that you just commented this because SECONDS ago we were just reading about it. When is opening day? Can I come with you?!?!


for real?!?! when and where is it opening?


yes! I think we should make it a hungryrunnergirl party. They haven’t announced a date yet, but it may not be here until fall… fly out for it?You will be a mommy by then. We can visit when you come to Utah to show off your beautiful little girl :) But it will be in salt lake near trolley square


I occasionally walk up the hill to the grocery store, but that will all change when I have to move away from the beautiful beach back to Arizona :( I can’t walk to the grocery store in the 115* heat..

I did kickboxing Sunday and yesterday and this morning did a killer spin/leg/shoulder workout but weirdly only my legs are sore.


When are you moving Ally? What part of Arizona? We went and visited down there during the summer two years ago and almost died…we stayed in doors all day until it was night ha. DANG WOMAN, great workouts…you are killing it!


I temporarily moved to Manhattan Beach for a job but am probably moving back to Arizona in the next couple weeks, right in the middle of summer :\ I don’t blame you, summer’s are rough! I used to be a lifeguard, I’m not sure how I survived.


Lifted yesterday and my arms are feeling it today…it’s a good kind of pain though :) hope you got lemonade at chick-fila…it’s my favorite!!!


It really is a good kind of pain ha….we are weird people to enjoy being sore:) Oh yes, I got 14532 refills of the lemonade, it is to die for! have an amazing day Lauren!


How funny! The only times I’ve ever locked myself out of my house were the times I was pregnant. Luckily, I was also able to break in through an open window using recycling bins to prop myself up to window height. Both times, I was 8-9 months pregnant. It hasn’t happened this time around…but, then again, I have 4 months to go


It must be this darn pregnancy brain! HAHAHA glad you were able to break in too and be careful this pregnancy and remember those keys:) Have a great night Kate!


Not that this has anything to do with this post, but you did hear Trader Joe’s is coming to UT, right? I thought you would have blogged about it already!


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I live about 2km from the grocery store, but we only go on Tuesdays (student discount!) so I wouldn’t be able to walk them all home, well at least in one load;)


I do have sore arms! I found a “tank top arms” workout that I’ve done twice now and it does actually work.

Can you believe that I have never eaten at Chick-fil-a…there isn’t one anywhere near where I live, but I heard it’s great.

Last thing outside…laid in our hammock :)

I’ve been locked out of our house twice. Both times with my children 2&3months and then 3&1) The first time there miraculously was a window cracked open that neither my husband or I remember leaving open…and the next time after my 3 year old locked me out and couldn’t figure out how to unlock it I ended up breaking a storm window because I knew the lock on it was broken. Our closest neighbor is 1/2 mile away so I had to get creative.


Yum, I love Chick-Fil-A. I either order a grilled chicken sandwich with pickles and honey mustard on the side, or I order off the kids’ menu and get chicken nuggets with honey mustard. Then I return the kids’ toy for a free ice cream! :)


Chick-fil-a is such a great restaurant–and their chicken *is* really good (so are the brownies! and the waffle fries!).


I got locked out of my house when I was pregnant. We had just moved into our house and it was raining. My (former) neighbor wouldn’t let me in and reluctantly let me use the phone. She told me I could sit on her porch and wait for someone to come and get me. The ironic thing is soon after that she left to take her son to CCD. I remember thinking all the lessons in the world won’t help that kid if those are the kinds of role models he has.


The last thing I did outside was a run where a guy drove by and told me that there was a bear up ahead. I was at the end of my driveway but I ran up got my camera and a rock and continued on. But I did not see the bear where I was at!


I always walk to the grocery store because there are 3 or 4 within walking distance! I will drive to Trader Joe’s though – I love that place!


I hung at the pool today. When I came home I wanted to read outside. That lasted for 4 minutes. It’s in the high 90’s today and I just couldn’t handle the sweat in places that should never know sweat.
I am so excited to go to the gym tomorrow! I still have to take it easy but 30 minutes incline intervals at 4.3 mph and an hour of pilates (even if I have to do girl push-ups) is going to be awesome!!!
I have 2 Chick-Fil-A’s about a mile from my house but there are so many more delish places close by that I rarely go there. My new fave is a taco place called Torchy’s. Heaven in a tortilla.


The last thing I did outside was walk to my car :-)Boise has a Chik-Fil-A in the University student union. I usually get a grilled chicken, or a salad. But I do like the spicy chickens too.


I can’t believe you climbed through that window – I’m sure your neighbors got a kick out of it if they saw you :-) Lucky that you left it open!

Something’s off with my arm, so no lifting weights right now but I did a booty workout from the tone it up girls!


The last thing I did outside was go for a run with my two babies and dog. Luckily it was before these hurricane strength winds started today!!
I am close enough to walk to the store but the only time I ever have is when I locked my keys in the car. I had to walk home from the store and my 5 year old neice has reminded me endless times about it! “remember that time you locked your keys in the car?” yes, dear, how could I forget when you remind me daily! Haha!

Trader joe’s is coming to Salt Lake! I never thought I’d see the day!


I rarely walk to the nearby grocery store because it’s not the greatest but my son and I ride the bike to Trader Joe’s weekly. This way I don’t buy everything in the store. ;)


Chic-Fil-A is my absolute favorite fast food! I love just about everything on the menu and slather everything in the Chic-Fil-A sauce. Have you tried their chocolate chunk cookies?! To die for. I stopped at least twice there the last couple of weeks of school because “the baby wanted a cookie.” After September, I will have to find a new excuse:)


My husband and I went on a short but hard 3 mile trail run this morning and that was the last time today that I went outside! I have been studying for a test (boo)! We just moved to Arizona and live on an Indian reservation so all the good stores are about thirty minutes away. And I haven’t lifted any weights recently, but my husband and I did go rock climbing yesterday which is a great workout for your arms! Surprisingly enough, I am not really sore. That probably means I did all the easy routes!


I just ran outside and taught 3 pump classes today (and a bootcamp, spin, and water aerobics). I live within a 1/2 mile of my (new!!!) school, my primary gym, my primary grocery store, pharmacy, doctors office, and several restaurants. I run everywhere!! We have a Chick FIl A within walking distance and Im actually not a fan, but my husband loves it. I ran there to pick him up a surprise breakfast after my early morning classes yesterday morning.


I actually just had chik fil a for the FIRST time the other day with some classmates. I had the chicken strips with the Polynesian sauce. I get what the rave is all about!! I should start walking to the grocery store for smaller trips..There is one probably a mile away and there are sidewalks the whole way there from my house!


I live in Santa Monica and we don’t have a Chick Fil A nearby but I’ve heard they are great and I want to try it!

I just got back from walking to Whole Foods while pushing my 14 mo. old in her car, and I’m 4 months pregnant. I bought too much food so I think I got in a good extra workout carrying the bags while pushing her home!


That’s too bad about the fro yo place! What book are you reading?


The last thing I did outside was a fun little yearbook signing session with my students. Last day tomorrow…woot!

I’ve never been to chikfila…add it to the summer list!


A) I can’t believe you’re already seven months pregnant! So exciting!
B) You’ve done a lot today!
C) Read Chrissie Wellington’s book this summer! I just blogged a review. I LOVED the book!


Chick Fil A is the greatest fast food restaurant there is. It’s so wonderful and amazing I don’t even consider it “fast food.” I always either get a nugget meal with a fruit salad and Diet Lemonade (I dream about their Diet Lemonade) or the chargrilled chicken sandwich with a piece of pepper jack cheese on it. You gotta add the pepper jack, it’s amazingness on a bun! Do it, do it Janae!!! :)


I’m still patiently waiting for your cousin to start her dessert blog after our conversation in NYC!


Chick Fil A Diet Lemonade is wonderful! Now that it’s summer..I crave it on a daily basis~!!


Did an arm workout today, so I’m super sore. I wish there were a grocery store (that was safe) within walking distance OR a Trader Joe’s/ While Foods within driving distance – When I live in NYC, I always walked to the grocery store, so I miss it.


I took golf lessons outside last night, I just wish it was as windy as it, hoping it is better for tomorrow’s class.
No Chick Fil A in Canada or at least where I am! And sadly no groceries stores close enough to walk to either, but I wish there was.
I did a ab and core workout today, so some weights but not much. I had super sore arms and shoulders yesterday from Sunday’s workout though!


I used to have a Chick Fil A where I used to live growing up, but not one near me anymore! I wish there was, though :(


I haven’t gone through windows, but I have jumped up onto our dumpster and helped people retrieve phones and keys. There is something to be said about long monkey arms.

I love Chica fila..or however you spell it!


been there, done that. Oh i bet you were a cute preggo climbing through that window. Rest up now friend. eat some bread!


haha back home (in Georgia), there’s one 4 minutes away and it’s incredible. I always get the chicken salad sandwich. oh and fries with chick fil a sauce… yummm. OK, ok, ok- I also get a milkshake. guilty!



Last thing I did outside was watch my daughter’s softball game tonight. They lost by one! :-(

No, Chick-fil-A here, but when we go I get the Carrot & Raisin Salad. Yum!

The grocery store I go to most often is only 0.3 miles from me. I usually walk there.


Forget a dating machine…you are just a machine period! I can’t believe you’re climbing through windows at this stage of pregnancy- not too shabby, my friend!!


The last thing I did outside was RUN! It’s hot down here already, so I stay inside unless running. I prefer the air condition, not suffocation. Chickylay (how I say it) is right around the corner and at work! Always order #1 (original sandwich) but when I’m feeling frisky, I’ll go for the nuggets and TWO sauces. Great, I think chickfila will have food in the cafeteria to buy today. Guess we all know what my lunch will be…..


I took a walk outside yesterday. We have Chik Fil-A but I am not a fan so I try not to go there. There is nothing close enough to our house to walk to except other houses. No weights yesterday. Maybe crossfit today.

The Kidless Kronicles


You should try dipping your sandwich in the spicy dressing at Chick Fil A. I order it with everything. Its also great with fries! Also, I order my kids the fruit, but say just mandarin oranges, so its like they are having a yummy mandarin chicken meal!


The last thing I did outside was run! My brother in law loves Chick Fil A and gets a strawberry milkshake every time he goes. I live 2 seconds away from a grocery store and have had to carry some heavy things home before :) I am about to go lift some weights as we speak!


There is exactly ONE Chick-Fil-A in the state of Michigan. ONE. And it’s on the campus of a University that is nowhere near me. I’ve been one time when I was in Albuquerque last summer with my daughter for soccer camp and it was really good. Chick-Fil-A, please come to Michigan!!!


If only there were pictures of you climbing through the window. You should ask your neighbors, some of them probably documented it.

The last thing I did outside was run yesterday afternoon.


I want to have a date with you! :)
& MAJOR props for getting through that window 7 months pregnant…I bet that was a site to see :) Glad you were able to get back in though.


I ran this morning! That froyo looks suspiciously low and mainly empty….


Hahaha I’m glad that window was open and accessible!!

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