Our definition of a crazy weekend.

You are going to think that someone hijacked my blog when I say this but grilled pineapple is WAY better than candy.  If it wasn’t for the principle of sharing I could have eaten the entire pineapple.  Also burgers are still even more delicious to me than ice cream.  I have lost my whole identity.

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We had our burgers and pineapple at 5 which worked out perfectly because we were hungry again just a few hours later when we went to the fair.  Going to a fair/carnival and not getting food there is wrong on so many levels.

Each food booth offered samples (mini PANCAKES below) and that helped us to narrow down what to get to eat to the best choices.

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My gorgeous friend Allison!

I found my new favorite sandwich.  I don’t even know what it was but it was perfect.  I am positive that I could have eaten 3 more.  Billy got all crazy this weekend and ordered a Dr. Pepper… you know how those BYU college students can get.

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How in the world do people go on these spinny rides and not die?  Even just watching them makes me dizzy and want lay down.

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And the reason to go to this particular carnival:

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For just $1.50 you get this cup of bliss (wow, I am very passionate about food obviously).  It is just strawberries and creme but the strawberries were perfectly ripe and they had the best ratio of strawberries to creme.

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Cutest little family above.  You may remember Alex from the blog…he is our 2:35 marathoner friend!

Me, Billy and Billy’s beard:

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After the carnival we went to our friends’ house and Billy got some quality time in with this cute fluffy white doggy.  Judging by his face I don’t think I am any closer to convincing him we need a dog.

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What time are you waking up today?

-EARLY (for us).  We still have to write the talks we are giving in church today that starts at 8:30…oops.

Do you have a local fair or carnival that you go to?  What is your favorite fair food?

-I might go back on Monday to go get a funnel cake…those things are so good.

Do you get sick on spinny rides?  Roller coasters?

Are you more of a little dog person or a big dog person?

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Grilled pineapple is the best!! And I love all fair foods. I tried a fried twinkie last summer, though, and it was fine but not AMAZING. I think I may need to try a fried Snickers next! ;)


$1.50 for the strawberries is a great deal! I have never seen anything under $2 at a fair


Fun weekend! I always love to get candy apples at the fall fair, only once a year and they’re soo good.
I like bigger dogs, or medium sized (like a weimaraner)


I used to love rollercoasters as a kid. Now, I hate them. The thrill of being turned upside down is completely gone. My bf and I just adopted a shepard mix puppy. The people we adopted him from guessed he could get up to 60 lbs—to me that’s a medium sized dog.


You should get a border collie. We have two, and they are the absolute smartest, best dogs ever. They will run for hours with you and are great at protection…..if by protection that means licking an attackers face!

And no way Joey, I will never ever ever get on one of those rides.


That was supposed to be no way Jose.


I can totally do the spinny rides, but put me on a roller coaster and I will freak out. Not a roller coaster fan.

I’m a big dog person, I worked at PetSmart for 3 summers and while the small dogs were cute, some of them got pretty yappy. Big dogs were way more chill. I would love to own a Boston Terrier one day though, sooo cute.


I woke up at 6:30 am today. It’s Sunday. And that’s dumb. My body apparently doesn’t believe in sleeping in.

I wish fairs around here had strawberries. Those look yummy!

I’ve been on rollercoasters, but I don’t enjoy them

Have a great Sunday!


I woke up at 10…early for me as I only slept at 4. I’m suddenly graving berries!


I am definitely a dog person. In fact, I got a new puppy this week! Unfortunately, it is because my other dog passed away. :( Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend! (PS- I love grilled pineapple too.)


BIG dogs! I like all dogs, but we always own big-ish dogs (like 60-70 lbs).

I do roller coasters and spinny rides, but not too often, and usually I am good for a while after one ride. My brother used to get really sick, and my parents would make me take him with my friends and I to the fair. There was never enough room for all of us to sit together on the rides, so the ride operators always ended up pairing him up with other odd-numbered people. Let’s say it never ended well, and he made no new friends at the fair. :-/


I went on one spinny ride just yesterday, feeling all cool and slick in my 100 dollar shades, my boston marathon shirt. All full of swag.

As I spun around the hang glider ride, I gave some cool thumbs up and ‘hang loose’ waves to the rest of my family on the ground. But with each spin I felt a little bit sick, started to sweat, my eyes couldn’t focus, my mouth watered with nasty bile. Yes, with every spin the sickness came, and I had to close my eyes and beg for the ride to end. Which it did, and I stumbled out the exit. It surely would have been a DNF ride had it been an option.

The 8 year old I went with got back in line.


That was awesome.


I love fair food! I’m partial to the funnel cakes but that strawberries and cream sounds good.

I absolutely love roller coasters, but I’m not a fan of spinny rides at fairs. It makes no sense but it’s something about the fact that the rides get set up so quick. What if they forget a part?! Ha.

Big dogs are the way to go. :) I have a 55 lb golden retriever pup and she’s the best.


I woke up at 6:20am, but seeing as I was in bed at 10:30pm I figured I’d get out of bed.
Love our local fair, we go very year! Mini Donuts are my favorite fair food :)
I am not a rides person at all!
Neither? Can I choose cats? haha. Big dogs if I had to pick ;)


Definitely a big dog person. I’ve had golden retrievers all my life and I’m crazy about them! :)


That’s so awesome that your fair offers a dish with fresh fruit. When I was younger my family would go to our local fair (my dad and brothers would go for the big Demolition Derby at the end of the week), but I only ever remember fried food options. I was always a sucker for cotton candy!

I think I’m a mid- to big-sized dog person. My husband and I always talk about what type of dog we would get, and we have it narrowed down to vizla, shiba inu, weimereiner, and shar pei and Welsh corgi for me.


There’s a live puppy cam on our paper’s website: http://www.edmontonsun.com/2012/06/19/puppy-cam
It’s of Shiba Inu pups, and just might be the cutest thing ever!


I love all the food talk! My fave carnival food is definitely mini donuts or cotton candy. So good, and you can’t get there anywhere else!
I’m a medium dog person! I’m allergic to most big dogs, and small dogs are too small to do much with you (in my opinion)!


I like small to medium dogs. Big dogs just can’t fit on the bed or sofa!
Corn dogs at fairs! It’s the only time I have one
Good luck with your talks this morning!!!


I LOVE carnivals! Although I’ve been to very few in my life! I went to my first State Fair ever last summer, Illinois!


I am definitely a medium and big dog person. Little dogs always seem like a fun idea, but every little dog I’ve ever met has been mean so I won’t ever get one :(

I am getting so excited to see your baby!


i need to try and make grilled pineapple!!!


Janae, I love that you understand the importance of food ratios! They can make all the difference in ultimate food enjoyment! haha :)


I wish you two were speaking at our church today! I bet anything you are both entertaining!! I would be stressing big time if didn’t have mine done at least 3 days in advance though haha!!
Tell us how it went! You deserve a treat for doing it!


I like any dog that is happy and plays with everyone. Favorite fair food would have to be funnel cake or anything involving ice cream.
Have a wonderful Sunday!


I just bought strawberries this morning…and half & half…wondering if I can make those strawberries & cream like RIGHT now ;) Looks so good!
I hope your speeches go well!!!


Billy just might not be a white, fluffy dog person…I think you’ll eventually convince him. After all, every little girl (and mom) needs a dog!! What are you giving your talk about in church this morning? I bet you are so inspiring! Have a great Sunday :)


ps: I’m a little dog with big personality person, like boston terriers!! They don’t have a yippy bark and they are great for playing and cuddling :)


I’m a middle sized dog person. I just got my dog a couple weeks ago, and training her to run with me has been an experience, haha.


All of that food looks crazy delicious! Especially the grilled pineapple.

I truly lol’ed at Billy’s face with the dog in his lap. Hahaha.


so much fun! Grilled pineapple-may be better than candy, but not chocolate (do you consider that candy?)

got up at 6.30am for my long run, did 19. 5km.

Oh-want to shout out to Alex and say-wow! What a time!


Fun times with your friends. That sandwich that Billy is eating looks yummy. I cant do roller coaster rides etc anymore. I think that happened with age, I dont know. As for dogs the only ones for me are big dogs. My favorite was a German Shepherd Collie mix, she was my best friend growing up:) What are your talks that you and Billy having to give?


I slept too late today. I slept until 8:00 AM. Feel like I wasted half my day!

My favorite fair food is funnel cake for sure! Or frozen, chocolate-covered cheesecake on a stick!!

I haven’t been able to do spinning rides since my second pregnancy. But I love, love, love roller coasters!

I’m a cat person! :-)


Oh yumm.. I love burgers and grilled pineapple!

I got up at 7:30 so I could get in a bike ride before it got too hot! We have some fairs around here but I haven’t been in years (I know.. shame on me!) I love funnel cakes too… so good.

Yes, I love roller coasters.. and yes sometimes I do get sick afterwards haha

I like both sizes of dogs (I have a big lab and two 20lb scottish terriers)


Well shoot! I was thinking about buying grilled pineapple at the hot bar at whole foods yesterday and now I’m kicking myself for not picking it up! It looks soo good!


Rise and shine was at 4:50am. Yawn. We have to get up early to beat the heat or it will beat you.
I have never ridden a roller coaster. They freak me out. On loose bolt and the whole thing could break, right? I’m a chicken.
I love corn dogs
and funnel cakes.


I love roller coasters, but those spiny rides look like death to me, too.

I was up this morning at 6 to drive back from NJ to CT. It actually wasn’t too bad because there was no traffic and we made great time.

Just tell Billy you’ll get a real dog, not a tiny toy dog. That might help.


Spinny rides and rollercoasters are so much fun! We arent quite as far away from ATL as we use to be, so before the season is up, I WILL be first in line for the front seat on every rollercoasters Six Flags can offer me! I love being a kid!


My sister Mindy and I had those exact same heavenly strawberries and cream yesterday! So yummy!


I’ve never had grilled pineapple before, it seems weird for me to grill fruits, but if you say its delicious it must be. I hate roller coasters so much, when my friends go on them I get anxiety just watching them. I once had a panic attack while on a ride, so I will never go on one again. It was the worst feeling ever.


I had grilled pineapple for my first time a week ago and LOVED it! I can’t believe that pineapple can get even better!

Spinny rides are NOT my friend – I get motion sick from sun salutations in yoga…


Looking at the pics of the fair makes me want to head to one…mostly for eating cause I am with you on the spinning rides, no thank you. I am for big dogs or little dogs (we have one of each) as long as they are adopted:).


We have a state fair that starts in about 2 weeks. I am really excited! It is approximately 6 blocks from our apartment. I plan on gaining roughly 7 pounds by eating a Krispy Kreme burger and various fried items on sticks. Gotta love the Mid West and their eating abilities. I cannot do any carnival ride or most roller coasters. I will vomit or at least feel like vomiting for the rest of the day.


I already commented on this post, but I have been looking up running videos, and I can’t help but share: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0gxOH2OTn0

Maybe you’ve seen it, but if you love the killers music, running, and NYC, you will love this video. Makes me want to run another marathon tomorrow just watching it.


oh i love carnivals! they’re so much fun — i definitely am a “ride person” — i try not to think about them breaking haha….i love the food at those things too–although, now being GF and Vegan, I bet my options will be quite a bit fewer haha oh well!


I was up at 6 today which is actually a little late for me (my alarm goes off at 4:30). I really envy the fact that 8:30 is early for you.

I love roller coasters; the bigger and scarier the better. When I was little, I was the only one in my family that liked the spinning roller-coasters and because my parents didn’t want me going on them alone, they would flip a coin to decide who had to take me.

I am definitely a little dog person. I currently have a bichon frise, whom I adore to pieces.


I don’t do carnival rides. I look at them way differently than I did when I was a kid. Now I think of all of the dangers and what ifs. I’ve never had grilled pineapple before.


I really need to try grilled pineapple. It looks so yummy! Our local fair isn’t until August and when I was in high school it was THE place to go at night to see everyone from school you hadn’t seen all summer. It was way fun. Now that I have kids we go to see the farm animals and to eat funnel cakes and buy cotton candy.
I’m more of a big dog person. We had a german shorthair a few years ago that we had to give away and we always talk about tracking her down and asking for her back.


I like all dogs! But to own, I want a medium or larger dog that can hang with some miles on a run :)

Grilled fruit > Fresh fruit. Everything tastes better grilled…. well almost everything!


Oh my gosh! I love this post and I love you guys!! We had a blast yesterday and we’re kickin’ ourselves for not hanging out with you guys more. Now, you’re leaving soon and we’re so sad. :( We’re already planning our road trip to Northern California to see y’all. Do you mind emailing me the family pic of us that you posted here? Your camera is amazeballs. Do you need my “internet”? Haha


Hey gorgeous! I just emailed you!! They will probably take a few minutes to get to you!


Pineapple is one of my favs! Have you ever had it sprinkled with chili powder before its grilled? Tasty for sure! I haven’t been to a carnival in ages, but I really love dough boys.. (or you might know them as just fried dough) lots of powdered cinnamon and sugar- with butter too!! So Yum :)


Grilled pineapple is awesome!

Why is your fair food so much cheaper than any around here??

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