Tangent Tuesday

1.  I know this is kind of rude to show you the most delicious food in the world especially if you are still stuck at work without access to cheesy goodness but I just had to share this beauty with you.

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We never really order appetizers at restaurants but on vacation anything goes and so we ordered cheesy garlic bread and we both nearly died of happiness upon first bite.

2.  Thank goodness for the amazing Sky Mall magazines on airplanes, they always have the coolest things.

A way to make your running shoes smell amazing

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(Billy’s birthday is in July and I will be getting this for him, not because his shoes smell but for my shoes so that he no longer has to smell them…selflessness at its finest)

and foodie pillows because I don’t already think about pizza enough, why not sleep with a pizza too?

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3.  4 miles were ran this morning while watching The Bachelorette this morning.  I know this probably makes some of you think a whole lot less of me but I really do love that show.  I think it is because I have zero drama in my life (Billy is the most even-tempered person in the world) and so I have to get it from somewhere and reality television has it.  Added bonus: Emily is adorable.

4.  Ever wondered how much professional runner’s make?

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5.  Yesterday before breakfast I did a total of 45 girl push-ups in the hotel room and I can’t believe how sore my arms are today…I guess that I should attempt to do those more often or something so that I don’t feel like cutting off my arms again.

6.   This picture from my bf’s wedding makes me really happy and I want to remember what we were laughing so hard about!

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7.  A few people have emailed or commented saying that Billy looks just like ‘the most photogenic man’ What do you think?

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8.  This grapefruit made my eye sting for 5 minutes after the juice squirted me…..the thing is that it was such a delicious grapefruit that I wasn’t even mad at it and the pain was totally worth it.

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9.  As I was walking to my car today it was 90 degrees and all I could think about was how in the world did people run the Boston MARATHON in those temperatures?  You are my heroes.

10.  New HRG Baby post, RUNNING IS HARD!!!


How often do you do push-ups?  Do you do them on your knees or toes?

Tell me about some of your Tuesday Tangents!!!

Who else watched The Bachelorette?

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Jeff on the bachelorette…promo video all along the P. River trail, how cool was that! I watched it while on the TM this morning too. :)


I was wondering about that but then they said he was from Salt Lake so I assumed it was a canyon up north or something. COOL!


Hmm, maybe I’m wrong but I swear it was. I’m just glad he didn’t seem like a weirdo, haha!


I want those foodie pillows! Imagine sleeping on a pizza pillow and hugging a cupcake pillow ? Bliss!

I just did some push-ups with my feet up on the swissballs and I am all sore now.


HAHAHA I will totally get you those for your bday:) WAY to get your pushups in use the swissball..you are hardcore!


Tangent Tuesday – I am currently starving and can’t wait to leave work! More like hangry :) I love coming to your blog because your posts make me even hungrier! I had a protein smoothie for lunch and so now by body wants food! I am thinking wings tonite with BF or whole wheat pasta w/ feta and kale :)

Pushups on toes!

Oh and I want that sushi pillow!!


OH Hangry…not a fun thing for the person experiencing it or anyone around them ha. I say you have both things for dinner tonight:) ENJOY!


ha. Actually I do think Billy somewhat looks like the MPG now that you mention it. I cannot say how many times that skymall has gotten me through a plane ride!


Seriously, how do they even think of those products….genius! Hope you are having an amazing day gorgeous girl!


This has absolutely nothing to do with your post, but I talked my 11 year old son into a date at Yogurtland instead of Cold Stone last Friday because of your Yogurtland love. We weren’t disappointed AT ALL. Hands down the best froyo establishment we have tried. Thanks for the tip, he even liked it so much that he kept the spoons to use for his morning cereal :)


Mindy, your comment made my day. I am SO SO HAPPY that you tried out YL and that you loved it. I keep the spoons too:) What was your favorite flavor?


I mixed cheesecake and strawberry and it was really good. We also loved the little balls (can’t remember what they are called).
Zak tried a little of almost all of them I think, he said next time he would leave the rootbeer out ;)
We are definitely hooked. He asked me how I knew it was so good and I told him I read about it on a blog. His response was “there are blogs about Yogurtland??” He was even more confused when I told him it was a running blog :)


HAHAHA A running blog with an author that is obsessed with yogurt land…totally normal. Good call on the cheesecake and strawberry combo! I agree with your son about the root beer:)


That picture of you two is so cute! And now I’m craving cheesy breadsticks…


I do push-ups daily and do a mix of knees and no knees, call me a baby for doing them on my knees but I dont care :)

Tangent: My hair was so frizzy today because of all the rain and I wish it wasn’t!

Totes watched the Bachelorette last night it was so good!


I think he is MORE handsome then the most photogenic man. for sure


I am going to have to agree with you. PS CONGRATS ON THE SALT LAKE MARATHON, you are incredible!


Omg Billy is the most photogenic man!!, and you are a hottie potatie so your baby will be like the hottest fastest runner baby ever!

I do my push ups on my toes if I am on carpet, otherwise I have to be on my knees.


HAHAH You are too sweet!


I did 30 push ups today!! I try to do at least 10 a day and now they are much easier than they used to be!
Lets see highlights of my day was super delicious mango/kiwi from whole foods, Love Grown Granola coming in the mail and getting on the spin bike FINALLY! Its sad how much I missed it.


Do you have a favorite guy picked out already? I think I love the Bachelor/Bachelorette for the same reason.

I prefer pushups with my feet/shins on a physioball, and always try to end every workout with them.


Honestly, if we had our TV hooked up to anything but our Wii (for Netflix) and our DVD player I would watch The Bachlorette. So it’s probably good we have never hooked it up to TV…. haha.

“Real” pushups I can do like 3 sets of 8-10 depending on the day. My big belly has made that harder though so I’m starting to resort to girl push ups.

Random fact of the day…I ate tons of amazing watermelon along with my sandwich for my lunch break today. MMM it was good!


I think that you are BOTH very photogenic, can’t wait to see your beautiful baby when they arrive :)

I can’t watch the Bachelor or Bachelorette…they are to long and they talk to much and plus I really don’t like to see people kiss…is that weird?! Watching someone kiss on TV just makes me feel uncomfortable LOL!


I want a food shaped pillow and some grapefruit now!!!

How often do you do push-ups? Do you do them on your knees or toes?

Not that often, but I can totally ROCK them on my toes!! I guess 13 yrs of gymnastics got me training for push ups like a BEAST!

Tell me about some of your Tuesday Tangents!!!

~I was suppose to sub 5th grade today, but when I got there I got moved to another room—the same room I subbed in yesterday so I dealt with lovely 3rd graders today
~I learned about stars today and then had a 3rd grade boy tell me that I said Orion wrong…WHOOPS!
~I was given a slice of pizza AND a M&M cookie..Perks of being a teacher. Also, I had 19 students BEGGING me for it!!
~I ran 2 miles today, but had to cut my run SHORT bc my knee was bothering me:(
~Ive also learned that the nicer it gets outside, the stupider people are when it comes to DRIVING!!

Who else watched The Bachelorette?
Ive never watched it


Im bummed that I missed the bachlorette. I am going to have to catch up later :)

Billy does look like that guy! So crazy!

I never do push ups and deftly need to more often!


I love that ice cream sandwich pillow. I think we need to redecorate out entire condo with that line of accessories. :-)


I love that picture of you and Billy! So sweet!! :)


I totally watch the Bachelorette! I love it, no shame! and Billy does kind of look like the photogenic runner! Haha


So funny. Billy definitely resembles the “most photogenic man”. I never saw it until now.


Oh my! That appetizer looks soooooo good!

I’ve never watched the Bachelorette– but everyone I know LOVES it!!


Oh wow that guy does look like bill and his brother mixed!!! Too funny! Since I had to get 12 stitches in my knee yesterday and cannot bend it I did 100 push-ups today as well as a ton of core work!


I love those pillows! I think I’d be overweight if I had one though, as they’d always make me crave the food!
One tangent- I had to work late today and all I could think about was having to cut my workout short this evening so I could fit everything in!


I love sky mall.


I need to start doing push ups again. Last year my husband and I started the 100 push up challenge and made it a good ways in the program….then Christmas and New Years came and messed everything up. I tried to do it again this year (alone) but stopped at week 2…..I’ll try again sometime. I always do regular pushups ……always grew up that way so knee push ups seems to easy.


I love Bachelorette – no judgement here!

I really wish I could do push ups on my toes … but for now, knees it is!


I always try to do at least 10 regular pushups and then 20 girl ones. I do them 2*3 times a week when I focus on strength training. And I will be watching the bachelorette tonight. Can’t wait- trashy TV Tuesdays!


I do girl push-ups :) Tangents: I made chicken tonight on the grill with this amazing BBQ rub and it was…amazing. I ran 6.5 miles at the gym before the gym’s child care area closed so I went and walked 2 more miles with the kiddos at the park. Felt awesome. I am *this close* to reaching my first weight loss goal. Can’t wait!


Push up on the knees.. for sure.

Tangent tuesday…. I took my son for a 4 mile walk in the stroller this afternoon and I felt like going for a run in the early evening. I ran 4 miles. I had the first true runners high post pregnancy.


AHHH JANA, that is so beyond exciting. Congrats on your first post pregnancy running high!


I watched three episodes of The Hills while making cauliflower tabbouleh today, so I have absolutely no room to judge your bachelorette watching. :P

And Billy is way more attractive than photogenic guy. BTW, my boyfriend’s comment on seeing the photogenic guy’s picture was “That’s just not fair!” He took the picture personally, lol.


Sky Mall is SO ridiculous!!!!! Food pillows?! I’d never be able to sleep b/c I’d be so hungry all the time.

And yeah I was just saying on Gracie’s blog, I can’t believe that I can’t even do ONE real push up and I can run a darn marathon. Just so ridiculous!


I love pushups! They are one of my very favorite exercises! I do them probably 3-4 times each week, and I do a lot of pushup variations. I do them on my toes. :)

I want the sushi pillow!


We just flew to Disney World earlier this month and saw those silly pillows in the SkyMall magazine! They do some rather entertaining products – I liked the giant cube pillow so you could sleep on your food tray. Haha!

I did some push ups today… on my knees.

Tangent – I had a kid throw a stick at my car today… it hit my door. I got out and had quite the “oh no you didn’t” moment with me and had a little chat with his aunt. It’s kinda funny now, but I was sooooo mad!!


That cheesy garlic bread looks amazing. wow. wowowowowowowoowow.

And I also watch the bachelor/bachelorette! The first episode is always slightly awkward though haha. So far, I like Arie, and Sean! Who are your fave picks?!


Billy totally looks like him!!! That is hilarious! I am SO guilty of watching the bachelorette.


Hahahahha that is TOTALLY billster!


I do the girlie pushups, my arms are super weak! Plus I have a partially torn ligament (I’m always injured) in my elbow so doing too many regular pushup hurts like hell!

Billy does look like the photogenic guy!! I didn’t realize until you posted the photo but those readers are right! Haha thats crazy.


Tuesday Tangents are some of my favorites! :)

Being in the Army I have to do regular pushups frequently. Plus I’ve been hitting the gym with the boyfriend lately and he’s been killing me with pushups and burpees. Oh my gooodness!

I didn’t watch The Bachelorette. I haven’t decided if I want to or not yet.. unless there’s some delicious guys?! ;)


That looks like the best appetizer ever!

I do push-ups on occasion. Always on my knees. And then my arms are always sore.

I didn’t watch The Bachelorette. No interest in this season yet.


I’m drooling over that cheesy bread! We have a whole girls’ night dedicated to the Bachelor/Bachelorette. There’s no shame in this game.

Also, have you ever tried the legit cedar shoe trees for your shoes? My husband bought me a pair because my feet stink like a garbage bin, and they are the best. The cedar also absorbs moisture so it dries out my running shoes. Cool, right?!


Loved the Bachelorette. Emily is the sweetest thing. I hope no guys are douchey to her. Haha, food pillows are too much. Could you imagine decorating your house with them. Just like a food themed room or something? They wouldn’t match anything!


I started trying to do push ups every other day, not on my knees, and adding some sit ups in between reps.
Go strong core!


Push ups on my toes! But few at a time….

You always link to the baby page, not the entry itself! It forces me to have to do an extra click :( Haha, love your baby page though :)


you really are my most adorable friend! :) I love the food pillows!! I need the sushi one!!

have a gnite! :)


Those pillows are hilarious- I want that ice cream sandwich one!! That running guy is super hot, but Billy might be a tad more :)!


I love push ups. Do them a couple times a week and you will see a big improvement.

I have never watched the bachelorette, so I cannot judge. My tangent is that we have a big fishing boat stuck on a beach in front of our house. They have been trying to pull it out for days. We have front row seats for the show.


Boston Marathon was no joke this year, it was so hot! I can do just a measly 7 push ups on my toes. I should probably do them more often! :)


You are right, showing us that garlic bread is beyond RUDE!

I do push ups on my knees. I have never once done one full man-style pushup. How embarrassing! New goal setting time, I think!


Knees. And when the trainer makes me.
I don’t watch The Bachelorette. I watch enough reality tv. I shouldn’t add any more.

The Kidless Kronicles


I think Billy is cuter… is that inappropriate? :)

My dad owns a pizzeria and I think I’m going to get him that pizza pillow for Father’s Day! Thanks for the idea!!!


He DOES look like the most photogenic man! Amazing!

I rarely do anything other than running, so no push ups here. I can’t imagine how sore I’d be after doing 45!


I’ve started doing push ups at the end of my runs (every other day) and am up to 37. Watch out! Hahah :)


Billy totally looks like photogenic running guy! The first time I saw that picture I actually wondered if it was him!


45 pushups, that’s impressive!! 45 more than I did yesterday… haha


I loved your blog article.


I loved your blog post.Really thank you! Great.

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