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Tangent Tuesday

1.  I know this is kind of rude to show you the most delicious food in the world especially if you are still stuck at work without access to cheesy goodness but I just had to share this beauty with you. We never really order appetizers at restaurants but on vacation anything goes and so … Continue Reading

Running is hard.

The other day I was reading a pregnancy running book and throughout the book they have stories from different women about how they ran throughout their pregnancy.  As I was reading about one woman’s account of her running/leaping/skipping/dancing across the beach at 8 months pregnant I found myself comparing myself to her and wondering why … Continue Reading

Running Streaks and a breakfast comeback.

Going back to my normal breakfast is going to be really difficult today, I guess I will just have to whip out the waffle iron for dinner. The hotel we stayed at knew how to do breakfast the right way. I had oatmeal for the first time in months along with my waffle and it … Continue Reading