Triple Tangent Tuesday and Racing Season

The sweetest Cait designed this image for me and it made my day.  The x2 is the best part and it is in purple with running and eating all in the same picture…all I need to be happy.



Time to talk about some random tangents that are flowing through my brain at the moment!  I found my first Triple Tangent Tuesday and it was fun for me to look back on it and realize I haven’t grown up at all and I was obsessed with cottage cheese way back then.

My usual night routine:

1.  Wake up at 3:15 a.m. to go to the restroom.

2.  Go back to bed and lay there for 20 minutes and finally realize I can’t fall back asleep because I am starving, doubling your calories is tough work;)

3.  Go to the kitchen and eat random things.  I am not that weird to take a picture of my food in the middle of the night, I just take the picture as I am leaving for work in the morning because heaven forbid I put it away my food after I am done with it.   Last nights ‘meal’ was a piece of toast with jam and a bowl of frosted flakes, all eaten while standing over the sink.

Photo 6

I completely agree with you Tony the Tiger.


2.  My niece will be an amazing blogger someday.  She took a total of 230 pictures on Sunday night.

IMG 9430


3.  I love learning about different runners in the Back Story feature of Runner’s World (below from April 2012).  Justin is a little different than most elite runners because he ran and WON 15 marathons last year!  Most elites run a maximum of 2-3 marathons a year.  It makes me wonder how much faster he could run the marathon if he just ran and trained for two marathons a year but it is obvious that he just loves to run and wants to do it as much as possible which is awesome.

Photo 6 copy

“Running one marathon a year is like going to a buffet and having only one plate.”

PS the frog legs before a marathon…..I just can’t even imagine.

All of this got me thinking about racing seasons and how fun it is to race, even if you know you aren’t going to run your best race. You are surrounded by tons of people that are addicted to running, the endorphins and adrenaline are high, there is delicious food afterwards and people are out there becoming healthier and stronger.

Billy has already gotten into two law schools (a school in New York City and another one in Fullerton, Ca) and I did the first thing that any running nerd would do.  I checked out when their racing season is and what type of races they have to offer in the area.   We aren’t supposed to hear back from most schools for another 6 weeks but I think Billy knows that the number one deciding factor on where we go has to do with running, it’s not that important that he goes somewhere that is actually a good school or anything.


When is the racing season in your area?

-In Utah, most races seem to be in April-July.

When you were growing up did your mom let you have ‘sugar’ cereals for breakfast?

-We had boring cereal like plain Cheerios except for on our birthday we got a box of our favorite sugary cereal (I always chose Lucky Charms).

If injuries weren’t an issue, how many marathons or 1/2 marathons would you run a year?

-I would love to do one a month!

What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten? Ever tried frog legs?

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I can’t WAIT to read your niece’s blog when she grows up ;)

We always had the boring cereals, like Cheerios, too. But I always begged for Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the grocery store. I didn’t succeed once!


You nailed it with cinnamon toast crunch, that is the best cereal ever invented!


I seriously got emotional when I read that you were pregnant! CONGRATULATIONS! From reading your blog over the past year or so, it’s so clear that you’re all about family & you’re an upbeat woman who’s going to make a great mama. Yeah!!!

I would love to do a race/month. I would stick to 1/2 marathons, because the trainign fits in with my life/family/work schedule & I’m not sure I could commit the time to the full marathon training at this point.

Again, congratulations! So excited for you & Billy. :-)


HEY YOU!! Thank you so much for your comment, that means a lot to be!! I hear ya about the 1/2 marathons….plus the recovery from them is perfect!


GIRL, can I please tell you how that I am still SO EXCITED for you!?!!? :D :D I HAVE to email you!!!
I’m really looking forward to the new pregnancy tabs at the top! Can’t wait to follow along with you on this journey :)
Guess what?? My sister is also due on August 24th, crazy, right?!
That design at the top is ADORABLE! It fits you to a ‘T!’


HOLLY!!!! Thank you so so much and YES, I need to have an email from you. Your sis is due the same day wahooo!!! How are you?


Racing season in my area (Northern CA) is spring and fall. It gets really hot here in the summer, so there aren’t many races scheduled then.
We NEVER got sugary cereal. Maybe once a year my mom would buy a box for me and my three sisters to share but it would be gone in a day.
I had frog legs once growing up and thought they were gross! Really greasy, from what I remember.
Congratulations to the two of you!


Bonus: in that image I am pretty sure you are eating a Swedish Fish. Just FYI.

Be sure to look at froyo shops near the schools Billy is getting into.


great catch as u are spot on…that is a Swedish fish she’s eating! :)


OMG are you going to be moving with a newborn? You better start fueling now! I’m graduating law school in New York in May (ahhh!), any random questions you guys have, let me know! :)



Did that certain Dean of the certain law school I emailed you about ever get in touch with Billy? Let me know – we running, law school types got to stick together.


Easy one, CALIFORNIA. No silly weather to get in the way of your desire to run.


Wow, you have so much exciting stuff going on! Congratulations to Billy on getting into TWO law schools already. That’s pretty great! I’m sure he’s going to get in tons of other places too, but I’m sure it feels good to have those first acceptances! I can’t even imagine how you are dealing with the uncertainity of where you’ll be living next year while preggo! I was so nervous even with out all the hormone when my husband was applying to schools. Good luck to you BOTH.
PS: I can’t decide which is cuter, your new design at the top or your niece taking photos. I say BOTH!


I’d give you a BIG hug if i could!!!!!!!

We only had sugary cereals when we went camping and my mom bought those little boxes. We had to eat them out off mugs since she never brought bowls. hence my ritual of sugary cereal out of a mug.

I’d like to do a 1/2 every other month…….I almost want to miss it just a bit, cause gets me so excited to do it.


Come to CA – it’s warm here. lol

I like the image Cait designed – it’s funny lol


Is Billy applying to any law schools in San Diego? I got into both USD and Cal Western and ended up going to Cal Western because of scholarship money. I had a really good experience there though. And, San Diego has great running weather. I don’t think we really even have a “racing season” here.

Ideally, I’d like to always be training for something. I workout much harder when I have a goal in mind. This year I’ll have ran 3 halfs, 2 15Ks, a 10K and a full by early June. I’m happy with that, but I don’t have much on the schedule for teh 2nd half of the year.

Funny about you eating cereal in the middle of the night. I did that when I was pregnant too. I couldn’t get enough Lucky Charms at 3:00 a.m. My husband thought I was crazy!


That is why Billy totally has to go to DU– you two runners would be in heaven here!! SO MANY runners and races and pro athletes! Racing season is year round because they’ll just switch to snowshoe races in the winter :)


come to nyc!!! then we can hang out all the time and be best friends!


Done and done…you’ll have to show me all of the best running spots!


I’d love to do one a month, too, but it would get tooo expensive! Yikes! ;)


I can’t believe you don’t even know where you’re going to be living in a few months! EEEEE so many exciting things going on for you two crazy kids!!!


Um. OBVS my vote is in for Fullerton. We can be neighbors. I have a billion kids that can play with BabyHRG. It’ll be grand.


Congrats on the news! My sister and I were so excited we couldn’t stop talking about how fun of a mom you will be! Can’t wait to “travel” with you in your new chapter in life. :)


Tell Billy to go to New York! I will come into the city and be your nanny :)


Okay, we are taking your word on this one Kaitlin…see you in a few months;)


Well lucky for you! I run here in NYC and LOVE it. If you move here – you should join New York Road Runners. They put on the best races throughout the year. Also if you are a member AND run 9 of the races and volunteer at 1 race with them in a given year – you automatically get a spot in the NYC Marathon! They also have a 5-borough series – if you run each borough (a half each) then you get a sweet medal!


Awe she is too cute!

You need to come to NYC. You will be two hours from me and it will be so much fun. (Plus of course NYC has plenty of good races! ) ;)


Oh my gosh! That image is so cute! Racing season in VT is pretty short. I’d say from the end of April until very beginning of November. I love running halves and would do one every other week if I could. As for weird food, I tried frog legs a few years ago at a Thai restaurant and they were actually good. My mom tricked me into eating alligator when I was five, and I told her that the nuggets were better than McDonalds!


I grew up on sugary cereal – it was at least 1/3 of my diet if not more!


Ummm if Billy already got into an NYC law school WHAT ELSE ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Pack your bags, girl! See you soon. Excellent. I’ll give you a sweet tour of Central Park.


I was not allowed any sugary cereal growing up. I’ve never had Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Kix, Captain Crunch or anything else like that. I just tried Honey Nut Cheerios about 2 years ago. Nothing exciting and I haven’t had any since!

I’d run a race a month if injuries and $ weren’t a factor.

Hope Billy finds the right law school and area for running! :)


Weirdest food, probably cat, but I was tricked! So it really wasn’t by choice, nor would I recommend it to anyone, no offense to people who enjoy it, I DO NOT! Alligator might be second, but that’s recommended, blackened or fried (I think fried is pretty much good on anything, I say pretty much though)
I would totes run at least a race a month, well injury aside it would also have to be cheap. Racing season around here seems to be April-June and Oct-Dec (gotta love all the Santa and Jingle Bell Runs)


Congrats on the baby Janae!!! Tried to leave a comment last night but the computer gave me trouble. So happy for you and Billy, you’ll be AMAZING parents. :)

xo, Jessica


That’s a good question – New England racing season is probably March/April all the way through October? I’m not sure. I guess it seems like there are always races going on in that time frame, I just don’t like it so much in the hot summer. It gets so humid. I would totally do one a month, marathon that is, if my body could do it and if I had the time. And we were never allowed to have sugar cereals either – plain cornflakes and cheerios! Now I don’t buy the sugar cereals for my kids either;-) and they know it too, they say, “that has too much sugar in it, right?” funny:) You will see when your little person gets here, the mindset changes about what you put into your kids mouths!!


We have races all year round in Mississippi, but it slows down a bit in the summer months because it’s so hot and humid!

And congratulations! Babies are awesome!


Oh man.. I don’t know if it’s bad to admit.. but my mom always gave me my cereal of choice when I was younger – frosted flakes! It’s the only one I would eat. This picture of your late night snack is making me crave some. mmmm Funny, now that it’s up to me what I buy, I never buy frosted flakes (still one of my faves though!)


That is awesome! See my mom never let me and all I eat is sugar cereals!


We never got sugary cereal! Haha I was eating oatmeal ever since I can remember! I love frog legs actually :)


You love them….okay, I might have to try them now!


Ha! That’s hilarious about your neice! What in the world did she take 230 pictures of?!


EVERYTHING and 20 pictures of each object in the room ha. Hope you are having a great day Liz!


I would do one six half marathons a year if I didn’t have to worry about injuries! I’d like to work my way to doing at least three a year within the next couple years. Fingers crossed!

LOVE that graphic of the pregnant hungry runner mama! I can’t wait to “watch” you go through this pregnancy!

Weirdest food I’ve ever eaten? Horse, believe it or not! I KNOW!!! I spent a semester in Toulouse, France, and I made my French roommate promise not to tell me what I was eating until AFTER I ate it the entire time I was there (otherwise, I wouldn’t have eaten anything!). So I had what I thought was steak one night, and it turned out to be horse. I was devastated.


HORSE?!?! oh my goodness, that is crazy!! You are going to rock your three 1/2 marathons this year!


Racing season around here is around May-October. Oddly enough, the most races are late July to early October!

Mmm, I do love sugary cereal! I bounce between Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Corn Pops and Sugar Crisp… Healthy :-P I’ve been trying to eat better lately, so more oatmeal and Special K!

Weirdest food I’ve ever eaten… Octopus (weeeird texture, I couldn’t get past it!) and BBQ eel… The BBQ eel was at a sushi restaurant and it was actually surprisingly good!


Tell Billy to goto law school in ga so you can never here and we can be besties, ok thanks!


My mom wouldn’t let me get my favorite cereal, lucky charms, unless we were on vacation! We were big on Cheerios at my house. However, she let me little brother get captain crunch… Parents always let the youngest get away with anything!


I am so excited for you guys, a baby and a big move, how fun!
We are a few hours north of San Fransisco and there seems to be races all year there. Move up here (I am sure there is a college somewhere close) and we can be BFFs.
Growing up we were lucky if we got Honey Nut Cheerios. Now I eat sugared cereal all of the time. I even share with my kids sometimes :)


i loooove the image she made for you! tooo frickin cute and so you!


I went to CSU Fullerton and lived in Fullerton for 4.5 years!!!! Love,love,love it there. So many great places to run and amazing parks. And the weather is perfect year round. I’m so excited for you! (If you go there) it also helps that your like 10 mins from dland and 20 from the beach. Have I sold you on it yet? I don’t eat weird food. Even while living Taiwan, going to Thailand, aruba, Jamaica, Brazil, Argentina and Portugal, nothing. I am picky and I don’t experience culture through food. I’m a chicken. I like Quaker oat squares and they seem pretty sugary to me. Can you post some bump pictures soon? Keep us posted on law school. If you need more points on fullerton…let me know!


hahahaha. friend. i did the same thing waiting to hear back from internships…anytime i got anxious i would just look up races in the area and hope that i got the one with the best races. i think that wish came true so hopefully it does for you as well :)


YES to frog legs!!! I tried them a few years ago in California… apparently I thought being on the opposite coast meant I had to try foreign foods…. I think I nibbled on a miniscule part of it and spit it out.


First off, CONGRATULATIONS LADY!!! Sorry I didn’t get to say it sooner, but I just started work this week, so I have been way busy.

Secondly, I hope Billy applies for/gets into a school in the Midwest! ;) But a big CONGRATS to him too for his acceptances!! That is awesome! The LSAT is no joke!!


Talk about running a crazy amount of marathons… My boyfriends mom (who is 52) runs an average of 12-13 marathons a year. She’s no slacker either; she’s run a marathon in each state in under 4 hours. Last weeks was a 3:21. And on the weekend she’s not marathoning, she’s usually running a 5k, 10k, or half marathon. Makes me look super slow…


I’ve read your blog forever, this is my first time commenting BUT – I am hoping Billy applied to Colorado Law bc that’s where I go to law school and I think it would be awesome to actually meet you and have a running buddy :)


Justin Gillette is INSANE! I was tool tally thinking the same thing as you! If he took a just a liiiitle bit more time off racing to train (comparatively speaking of course haha) he would be a beast! He would have the monopoly on marathon wins!

Race season over here starts in April! The Boston Marathon always kicks it off! I always take Marathon Monday off from work! It is totally a holiday here in Boston. The end is right outside my office! My Sister is running it this year so I am super pumped! I need to think of extra awesome signs!

Oh man. Cereal. Besides Captain Crunch, I was a closet cereal DORK. I actually ate Grape Nuts as a kid and um, liked them! Craziness. My mother tells me I would freak out when I was very little if I was eating cereal that would change the color of my milk.

I am super injury prone but also addicted to half marathons! If I wasn’t so prone to injury (flat feet/tilted hip) I would run a half at least once a month! For now, I run 4-5 miles 5 days a week half are speed work half are easy and one long run for the 6th day.

Weirdest food? Maybe ostrich?? It looks and tastes like steak. Besides that, the green oatmeal I make most mornings freaks most of my friends out ;)

BTW I am so excited to hear you are expecting!!!! You will undoubtedly be a fabulous Mother. :-D <3


Lucky Charms are a pre-race must for me! The worst race I ever had was the day I didn’t have them for breakfast. Not a coincidence at all if you ask me!!!


Other than sushi, nothing too weird for me. My husband once had that Filipino delicacy of hard-boiled-egg-with-chick inside. That would sooooo bum me out :(

Love that baby bump runner in the graphic :)

I still think y’all should apply to Berkeley ;-) Bay Area is a foodie heaven and having little kids here is awesome…perfect weather and lots to do :)


If injuries weren’t an issue (like right now…) I would run one a month, too! And, I vote for the school in Fullerton so that you can move close to me in LA and try to explain how vanilla can possibly be better than chocolate (because it isn’t).


I really enjoy reading your blog, which I just discovered a couple weeks ago. I teach, too. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I ran in high school, but I didn’t start running again until about a year after my 2nd, and he’s almost three now. I wish I had been in the shape you’re in when I was pregnant with my first.

Our racing season begins pretty soon in Peoria, IL. I am running a hilly half on March 31. It could be pretty chilly, and we haven’t had any real snow yet, so I am thinking there will probably be a blizzard the night before the race.
We were not allowed to eat sugary cereals when I was a kid, just Cheerios and Rice Krispies; however, my brother, who is 12 years younger than me, got to eat whatever he wanted.
I think I would like to run about 4 half marathons a year. I don’t like to race when it’s super hot out. I am hoping to do my first full next year, after I finish my masters this December.
No weird foods here. :)


Wow New York or California, amazing choices! I love New York but have always wanted to visit California, since all of my blogger friends live out there, it’s so beautiful!
I think for running purposes I would have to pick Skinnyrunner, Monica and Sarah all live out there! Instant friends!


We were never allowed to have sugary cereal growing up. It had to be a special occasion and when so I would always choose Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Weirdest food I have ever eaten – cow stomach in Uganda, Africa. It’s true. I do not recommend this dish. :)


3:45 AM snack?! sounds amazing.


Congrats to Billy for getting into two schools already when he wasn’t supposed to even start hearing back from places yet…..this is a good sign, I’m sure he’ll get in wherever he applies!!!


Congrats to Billy. I know he is holding out to hear from SMU in Dallas though. That way you can move here and enjoy our year round race season – though most races are October – December.
We always had plain Cheerios growing up – If my mom bought sugar cereal it would be gone within a day.


How did you know that was our number one choice…hello you and your beautiful family live there!!! How are you? COME VISIT UTAH AGAIN!


Congratulations on your big announcement!

I live in Mobile, AL and our best racing months are October – (early) March. All the other months are hot and humid. However, we do have 5Ks pretty much year round. This winter has been weird though. I ran two hot half marathons in January.


We sometimes had sugary cereals, but they had to have subtle sugar. If it said “frosted” in the title, we couldn’t have it, but we could eat Golden Grahams, which are sugary in a less obvious way. Definitely no food coloring. I like the idea of letting my kids pick a fun box of cereal for their birthday.

AL racing season is from about October to March, but we don’t have a ton going on in terms of racing.


Today I tried cottage cheese with grapes. Thank you for introducing that combination into my life. It was delicious!


AHHH LEA….I am so glad that you loved it!!!!! If you find any other CC combos that are good, let me know:)


We rarely had sugary cereals, but every now and then we would have a box of apple jacks (YUM) or fruity pebbles (YUM!!!). Most of the time we had cinnamon life, but my mom cooked us breakfast every morning, so cereal was really just for snacking.

I have had frog legs multiple times and they are good. They really do taste a lot like chicken hahaha. I have eaten the lining of a cow’s stomach (it was for a fear factor eating competition – which I won). :)


Is there anything bettter than a big bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch with milk?? I think not!


Girl. You NEED to come live in NYC!!! So many reasons!

1. NY Road Runners is pretty amazing and does races all year long.
2. Running in Central Park and along the Hudson-doesn’t get better than that
3. The FOOD. Oh my goodness the food. So many delish ways to refuel after running.
4. The city is so fantastic. I absolutely LOVE living here. I’m moving back to UT in a few weeks and my heart just hurts when I think about leaving the city.

New York. New York. All the way!!


Yes, definitely come to NYC! There are races ALL year ’round, and Central Park, Prospect Park, Van Cortlandt Park,..


You sold me with those reasons girls… we need to convince Billy….I need your help:)


Cinnamon and sugar bakin up a bunch of Cinnamon….Toast Crunch!!! Haha…heard that a million times when I was growing up!!!


I could only have sugar cereal on my birthday, too! I always picked fruity pebbles. I even tried to bribe my sisters to pick fruity pebbles on their birthdays and share with me :)

I used to ration the cereal so it would last me as long as possible before I had to go back to boring bran flakes


thanks SO MUCH for posting my picture…i’m glad u enjoyed it. :)

if u want my vote is a BIG one for Cali…i’m here, so ya, i’m a bit partial…hehe. that said, either way u go ur lungs are gonna LOVE living at sea level and u’re gonna be amazed at how much faster the same running effort will feel to ya.

still so excited for u and the baby news…take care! :)


Move to NYC!!!!!!


Move to NYC – I am 2 hours away but that is SO much closer than Utah!! And would give me an awesome excuse to drag hubby up to NYC more often :)

I would love to just run one half marathon since I keep getting injured while training! My goal this year is a 10k in June and a 1/2 in Sept/Oct if rehab keeps going well – my ideal would be a 1/2 and a full each year and then work on speed in between. Spring 1/2 – Fall full – and maybe a shorter summer race in between for fun.


I love Cait :) and that pic. You nieces are both such cuties.

I still pee tons even 2 years after Logan – I don’t know why. I actually knew I was pregnant b/c of having to get up all the time to pee :)


your blog is always so happy !!! Thank you!! I bet you all excited for the decision about the school?!


Sounds like such an exciting time in your life. When would y’all be moving? We were allowed to have sugary cereals for breakfast but I think it’s because my mom’s whole family was employed by Kellogg’s :)


HA…that is awesome, free cereal:) We are moving either the end of July or beginning of August….it is going to be a crazy time!


Girl, if y’all move to fullerton I am so your #1 babysitter and fro-yo eating and beach running buddy! Just sayin. Oh, and can you say free entrance into Disneyland!? You know you llloovvveee me :)


I am totally taking you up on BOTH of those offers!


I love everything about this post~ Cait is awesome and that logo is CUTE!!

Racing season here is about the same as yours. I think? There are some good races into the Fall as well.

Sugar cereals were not allowed, but if I could somehow get my hands on it, I too was a Cinnamon Toast Crunch junkie. Lucky Charms second place.

If injuries and money (AND TIME) weren’t an issue, I would run 1-2 races per month.

Weirdest food…………hum………. rocky mountain oysters I guess? I also loved the story about this guy because he is a stay at home dad. :)


I love the design for your and baby. Congratulations! No wonder why you always look great in your pics. You are glowing from the inside.


Jesi, thank you so much! You made my day:)


I have had frog legs and they are delicious! As a young child, I was already adventurous in my eating because I remember eating them when I was around eight years old at a restaurant by my cottage. They taste like chicken :)


Billy should choose the one in Fullerton, CA. That is where I am at and there is a wonderful river bed train that I do my runs on. We have amazing weather and so many awesome races out here.


UGH, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit thinking about frog legs. Never tried them, never will!!!!

It’s waaaaaaaay too stinking hot here in the summer. Racing season around here is October to April.


Pick Fullerton! Our babies (mine is due in a week) can have play dates!

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