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Triple Tangent Tuesday and Racing Season

The sweetest Cait designed this image for me and it made my day.  The x2 is the best part and it is in purple with running and eating all in the same picture…all I need to be happy. —————————————————————- Time to talk about some random tangents that are flowing through my brain at the moment! … Continue Reading

2 Giveaway Winners!!!!

The Nike Sunglasses Giveaway winner from The Sunglasses Shop is:   The Salt Lake City 1/2 Marathon/Marathon Bib Giveaway winner is: Audra and Arica…email me ASAP so that I can get you your cool stuff!!!!

A Vlog, Tzatziki and a Snickers Blizzard

This is the last time I get cheesy on you for at least 24 hours…..your comments, emails and tweets made me so happy and I am so thankful for you.  I am sending you all a life-time supply of swedish fish. If you are at work and can’t listen to the video I wanted to … Continue Reading