Some Motivation To Get Sweaty

Three things about this photo:

Photo on 3 23 12 at 8 11 AM

1. I absolutely love to wear the same shirt two days in a row and if I really feel comfortable in the shirt….3 days.

2.  Eating bfast with a fork is hard but I was too hungry to walk the 35 steps (I have counted) to the cafeteria.

3.  I knew I needed some extra motivation to get myself to workout after work today so I wore my sports bra all day….one less thing to stop me from going…I am already 1/4th of the way dressed to go to the gym.

Speaking of motivation, that is what I spent my lunch period searching for.  I know that I don’t need to workout every day and I do always take 1 to 2 rest days a week (and obviously my workouts are no where near as intense as they used to be) but there are two reasons I really should get to the gym today even though I don’t feel like it:

1.  Not to complain but the nausea is back recently and I KNOW that working out makes me feel better.

2.  When I am nauseated I am not very fun to be around and we have a lot of fun things planned for this weekend where I do not want to be grump city.

SO…what did I find to help me go get my workout on?  Here ya go, random but fun things that helped me get me excited for workouts.

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This is something that Carrie Underwood does that I have a feeling I am going to try at home sometime soon. I like games  Article HERE.

Found some new upper body moves that I can’t wait to try out!

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And some more moves from HERE.

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I downloaded a new book that I saw HERE to read while on the stair climber of death.

Some fun stats from an article about the benefits of cycling (source):

“On average, cyclists live two years longer than non bikers and take 15% fewer sick days.”

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6 Reasons to Start RUNNING….Here.

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The bell rang, I have all the motivation I need and I have plans for warm breadsticks afterwards…time to go!


What has been motivating you lately to workout?  What day of the week is the hardest for you to workout?

What time does your weekend start?

-1:40 pm

What do you do during your lunch breaks? (besides just eat lunch;)

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That card game is a great idea! I am trying it next time I don’t have a class to go to. Sundays are the hardest for me to workout. Because
2. i work on sundays


Let me know if you try it:) You work on Sundays….BOOOOO!


women’s health has great workout ideas..i love their stuff! the hardest thing for me (im knocked up too! haha) is getting tired. i get sooooo tired that i have to nap. some days i can nap a little, then workout but others i nap too long so runs outside are shot. but thats okay it happens! happy weekend!


WAHOOO for being knocked up:) Oh my…I completely understand the necessity for naps. I took one today right after school before the gym because I couldn’t even imagine driving to the gym let alone working out because I was so tired. You are amazing and I love being able to talk about pregnancy stuff with you:)


haha thanks girl! I love seeing your progress and comparing preggo notes too. such exciting stuff! :)


During lunch breaks I am on all the social media sites… Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, blogs, etc., etc., etc. Oh wait, I’m on those a lot even when I’m not on my lunch hour, LOL.


Bahahah I am the same way! What did we do before social media?


My workout motivation these days is my first full marathon on June 3rd. I know that I’m only hurting myself if I miss a workout these days. My weekends usually start at around 5 or 5:30 on Fridays, but my office is closing at 4:30 today. I usually eat lunch at my desk while I catch up on news or blogs. Sometimes I run errands just so I have less to do after work or over the weekend.


Jana!! I am so stoked for your first marathon, you are going to rock it. WAHOO for your office closing early today:)


This MONTH has been difficult for workouts. Since we are remodeling, I have to be at home with the workers here and since I prefer the morning, evening workouts are easy. Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?!
My lunch break is my baby’s nap time. Today’s agenda, blog, then Project Runway!!


Erika…that must be incredibly tough to have to schedule all of your workouts with the workers. Your lunch break sounds perfect!


Omg, yes, tough to schedule! But thinking about how much time I’ll want to spend in my new kitchen when it’s finished is a GREAT motivator!
Yes on naptime…may you get blessed with a good napper! :)


HAHAHA I pray for that every night. You are so right…have an amazing kitchen will be totally worth it!


I like the card game idea, that is very neat! I have been racing a lot lately and that has kept me motivated to keep my workouts going. Also having a bunch of running & workout buddies that hold me accountable keeps me coming back for more!

Hope you have a great weekend! :-)


Yep, races are the best motivation ever!!! So are workout buddies. Hope you have an amazing weekend gorgeous girl:)


I love that card game idea! I should do that on one of my off days from teaching! Workout motivation comes from within….but sometimes dangling that carrot stick in front totally helps. I am ALL for workout mantras too!

I love “train like an athlete” :)

Have fun!


Oh girl…that mantra is perfect, I love it! Let me know if you try the card game idea:)


Lunch = peace, time away from the students :P Eat, blog, catch up on iPhone games, listen to Pandora…


Isn’t funny how as teachers we TREASURE our lunch time. No answering questions, just peace and quiet:) How long is your lunch break?


Haha, definitely! I lucked out so my lunch break is before my planning period, aka lunch is 90 minutes :P Yours?!


I do a similar card game with my bootcamp classes. I also have an Uno game! They love them–as do I. My hardest w/o day is Wed. I honestky dras it 3 spin classes and 3 bootcamp classes Deadly. My 12 minutes of lunch are spent cleaning my classroom, e-mailing parents, and rushing to the bathroom! My weekend started at 3:45! Thank God. Sorry about the naseau.


Wait…I need more details about your Uno game, that sounds really really fun. I seriously cannot believe you only have 12 minutes. WAHOO, enjoy every second of your weekend and thanks so much Colleen:)


1:40 pm?? Seriously? Don’t you start your day later, too? What kind of school are you working for, because I want to work there?!?! ;)

Have a great weekend, Janae!


HAHAH Yeah, isn’t that awesome. Fridays are 1/2 days….all of the Utah schools do that. I usually start at 8:30 and go to 3:00….it is awesome. COME WORK WITH ME, I would make you cook for me everyday:) Have an amazing weekend Kristen!


Love that hunger games ecard! There are lots like it – I keep posting them on my blog too – can’t help it :)


FYI – you’re “6 Reasons to Start RUNNING….” link is linking over to Julie’s blog? I think you accidentally pasted the wrong link!




Probably…Thursdays. It’s getting to be the end of the week, I usually have a hard workout scheduled, and I have to be at school early. BUT! I do it because I’m getting ready for Boston. Yeehaw!

During lunch, I play Words with Friends or I work. Always eat at my desk…boo. This inspires me to start taking my lunch to a bench outside!


I love the card game idea, that’s awesome! My biggest motivator for working out is to actually look fit and cute in my workout/running clothes LOL, plus it is a huge de-stresser for me. Having twins who are 3 year olds and being a SAHM can be stressful, it gives me something to look forward that is all mine :)


Alone time motivates me to work out plus knowing that I feel less tired afterwards helps too! I only work M/W/F, 830-430 and I get an hour off for lunch. I run on my lunch break and then eat at my desk :)


I hope you enjoy your workout and feel better soon!

I don’t take a lunch break (because no one else does) so I work while I’m eating. It’s kind of a bummer :/.


Interesting that you posted this!! My motivation has been going going gone this week! I literally kicked my self out the door to go for a run today. I hate that! I felt like a toddler ready to throw a tantrum the whole time. I have no idea what was bothering me so much. I did think of you though because one of the only things that slightly helped me shuffle down the road was knowing I would be getting ice cream tonight after dinner! YES!

My weekend starts at 3:30 PM. It’s nice to work in the schools!

Lunch break = check blogs, read a few pages from my book, take a walk on nice days, do anything besides work!


I have been on weekend mode all week because my Spring Break is coming to a close :-) But normally it starts at 3:30!

At lunch I share fun stories with my coworkers and tell each other about all the best restaurants!


Joining a running group has been great motivation for me lately. I just joined a few weeks ago. We run together two mornings a week.

I have a “split” weekend this weekend. Had today off, working tomorrow and off Sunday. Unless I decide to work part of it…

I usually have a working lunch. =(


I’ve done that card game before and it’s a great way to mix things up. My friends and I call it the Death Deck because by the end you’d rather die than do another push-up! Haha!
Have a good weekend!


I read the same article about Carrie Underwood in my magazine. I loved the idea and have been doing it since!


My half marathon goal has definitely been my motivator lately. However, Saturdays are my hardest day to work out…because I don’t want to get moving right away, but I know I won’t do it at all unless I get right outside!


Today when walking the dogs, Josh said, “today is Friday isn’t it. Not like it matters.” He’s a freelance writer and I am graduate schools. Weekends don’t mean the same like they used to. Have a fabulous weekend yourself-no grumpy pants!


Ugh–sorry about eh nausea! Boo! It looks like you are ready to combat it–endorphins will win and cancel it out, right?!

I’m all about the sports bra idea–very efficient. Have you ever taught a “poker” spin class? I used the deck-o-cards when I was personal training for some workouts–blame the cards, not your trainer!


Hope the nausea has eased up! I work out 6 days a week so Saturdays are undoubtedly the hardest for me to get motivated about. However knowing that the next day is a rest day does help get my trainers on- I want to feel like I “earned” it!


plank hold with single arm row….I do that exercise all the time. It is a great core workout!


haha…okay, i’m loving the hunger games one!! so funny…and i have to admit running would be my ONLY chance of survival on that one! :P


Two things have been my motivation.. #1 my BFF Paula who has lost over 60 lbs and had never really worked out in her life- has been showing up with me 6 days a week at 6AM for Livefit trainer! #2 I was determined to finish Livefit trainer- and just did this morning!! Woot Woot! I always know that a workout makes me feel awesome- and it’s just what I do at 6AM now.. no questions! There are plenty of times that I complain the whole time- but it’s just talk.. haha.
So Sorry your feeling nauseous again- boo! Feel better :)


Love some of those moves. The combo moves are great because they work your core and are really challenging. A lunge with a curl, etc.

The Kidless Kronicles


I took that Hunger Games image earlier this week and put it onto a shirt for my Hot Chocolate 15 K this weekend. :)


What great workout ideas.. I’ll have to remember to come back to this post when I am feeling super lazy / unmotivated.


<3 this ??, 1st eat and read HRG, watch Netflix, finished Felicity and working through Friday Night Lights and lately resting behind my desk (without permission, i'm a rebel like that)


Love all these little tricks! Makes me want to work out now!


Nausea! Bummer! But, man does all of it go by so quickly in the grand scheme! Enjoy it…not the nausea part, of course!
I wear my sports bra and sometimes even workout clothes to bed so all I have to do is get up and put on my shoes.


I have the hardest time working out on the weekends. Monday -Friday I know the routine, what my workout is each day, and I do it. Weekends are generally alternate rest day and long run, but the family activities are all over the map, and we may travel … always hard.

I think Carrie’s card game was too much to remember … what’s the club stand for again?


Hmm is anyone eelse experiencing problemms with the images on thus
blog loading? I’m trying to find out if its a problem on my
end or if it’sthe blog. Any feedbaqck would be greatly appreciated.

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