Billy’s running goal and finally a run outside.

Life is good again.  I am able to run outside with the Billster after turning him down for outdoor runs 4 days in a row.


Even though it looked freezing outside it was actually too warm for how we were dressed.  I would have been just fine in a short sleeve shirt and capris.

My iPhone went ballistic on me and took approximately 186 pictures just like the below random one.  I don’t know why I felt the need to share that with you but just go with it.

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Billy is on a training plan right now for his 1/2 marathon at the end of February.  He is using a Smart Coach plan from Runners World and shooting for a 1:36…personally, I think he will crush that time.  At dinner somebody mentioned doing something next Wednesday and Billy said, ‘hmmmmm….Wednesday, that is speed work day.”  How cool is that, he now associates his days to what running workout he has that day;)

Whenever people invite us to go to dinner all thoughts of budget leave immediately even though we have gone grocery shopping three times this week and our kitchen is overflowing.

12 inches of goodness for me.  Wasn’t it nice of them to put a letter ‘J’ on the table just for me.

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Muahahaha little did Billy know that once he married me I would never wear heals again and only dress up once ever other week.  Slippers are the way to go.

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Our favorite Subway is in the same store as the below product.  It is a given that we go.  Although, I do have a major complaint:  the ice cream should NOT melt by the time I sit down.  That is just not okay.

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It makes me happy that I will never have to grow up because Billy doesn’t really want to grow up either.

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Billy and his two brothers playing some PS3 into the late hours of the night.  Billy’s idea of heaven.


PS April linked an article from Runners World in the comments yesterday.  The article is, ’30 Things Every Woman Should Know About Running’ and it is AWESOME!! I really do think we all need to read it:)  You can find it HERE!!!  Thanks again April!


Do you wear heals?  How often?

-The last time I wore heals was in the summer.  I fall way too much in them and I am already tall without them.

Do you wear specific running socks for your runs or do you run in normal socks?

-I wear Adidas usually.  Billy didn’t wear specific running socks yesterday for the first time ever and he ended up with blisters all over his feet!

Where was the last place you ate out at?  Did you have anything especially delicious last night for dinner?

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Ugh. I still wear heels when I dress up but the occasions are few and far between. My sis can walk in like 6″ heels all day long and be fine but I fall all over the place!


I can’t imagine, I don’t even think I could walk two steps in 6 inch heels!


I wear heels maybe once a month but usually they are wedges, they are easier to walk in :)

i actually just got new Under Armour running socks and i am OBSESSED! they are amazing!

John and I went to brunch yesterday but then we got dominos for dinner, ooooops! it was so good tho! subway sounds delicious i havent had it in a long time!


Wedges are MUCH easier to walk in. I need to try out the UA socks, I use all of their other gear. DOMINOS…I love that place, I need it asap. They have the best crust!


I just wear any little ankle socks and I don’t have problems, which is good because the running specific socks are pretty expensive. I am very keen though to get some rockin’ pink compression socks though.

I had amazing tacos al pastor last night- they’re tacos with roast pork, pineapple, onions and cilantro!


That is awesome that your feet can wear any socks! Um, I need those tacos in my life right now:) Have a great weekend Josie!


I love to put heels on and slip into cute little dress, unfortunately I rarely have a reason to. And I ALWAYS were running socks, Under Armor ones, because I’m terrified like no other about blisters. I have a very low foot-pain-threshold level. I would just not end well. The last place I ate out was … oh goodness TOO LONG AGO.


Yep, I never have a reason to either:) I need to try out the UA socks!!!


Happy Friday Janae! I love how Billy caught the running bug!

I wore heels up until I started running;-) I do wear them on the rare occassion me and my husband go out. I am pushing 6 feet w/o heels so I really feel like I am towering over people when I wear them–therefore my posture gets even worse.

Love your photography from your iPhone–you should teach a class;-)


Bahaha I really should…that dang iPhone confuses me so much! 6 feet, wahoo..that is awesome. I think I gave up heels when I started running too!


I have been eating Subway like it’s my job. I REALLY love it at the moment.

I wear heels quite a bit, but not as much as I used to. I am looking for more flat shoes I can wear to work. My husband is a giant, so heels help. I used to think running socks were too expensive, but after a few long runs, I’m a convert. I wear injinji socks under other socks sometimes to prevent blisters from my toes rubbing together.

I had the MOST delicious dinner last night. I shared a calamari appetizer and tuna tartare, then declared myself too full for dinner, but managed to eat two huge onion rings and a whole piece of carrot cake.


Flat shoes are my favorite. I am going to look into the injinji socks, those sound awesome. Um your dinner sounds amazing! All of my favorite things in one meal!


Hahaha you two. So stinkin cute. You are lucky to have the mountains right there — beautiful! I wear heels eeevery weekend, thanks to being a college student. Snow? What’s that?


Every weekend…WOW! How do your feet feel. Come visit me in Utah and you might see some snow this winter:)


I wear them just about everyday! ugh… my poor feet..

I wear these running socks, but I can’t think of the name. Regular socks rub my feet weird and sometimes cause blisters.

The last place I ate was Chili’s with some friends….good times!

Last nights dinner was a bowl of cereal..:)


EVERYDAY…holy cow. Um, I LOVE Chili’s and a bowl of cereal for dinner is always delicious!


I never wear heels – I’m 5’8″ and already feel like a giant without them! Plus, I usually fall over if I wear them.
Last night after BodyPump, I was starving and ate half a box of peanut butter cheerios. Darn those cheerios for being so good.


Yay for BP!! I want to try those pb cheerios…I guess they are good if you ate 1/2 a box, I must try them:)


I hate heels… can’t walk in them to save my life. If i do wear them, I have to go with short, thick ones.

I do not run with special socks yet but my mileage is not so high that it matters, I don’t think.


If your feet are fine without them…save your mula:) I hope you have a great weekend Ashley!


I rock the heels lol I wear heel-ed boots to work almost every day because I feel like when I’m a little taller the ppl in this office take me more seriously. Maybe they would also take me more seriously if I didn’t wear sparkly eyeliner some days… but that’s just crazy talk.

I have to wear socks that are breathable but cushioned – I have Asics and Puma socks I love :)

Dinner was two mini sliders while at a work event… then I got home and realized that was not a dinner so I microwaved broccoli, marinara and a slice of cheese hahaha


Heeled boots are so cute! Ha…I want sparkly eyeliner:) YUM…mini sliders sound delicious!


One of the drawbacks of my previous broken foot and the hardware left in it is that I cannot wear high heels. Which is just as good because I walk weird in them and trip-constantly.


OUCH…I can’t imagine breaking my foot. Yeah…ditch the heels!


Oh wow I rarely wear heels. It has to be a very special occasion. I wear thorlo running socks and swear by them. I used to get the worst blisters until I started to wear them!

The last place I ate out was this sushi restaurant called RA in Kansas City. It was soo much fun!


I am going to have to get some thorlo running socks, those sound awesome. SUSHI IS SO GOOD, glad you had a blast!


I never wear heels. I didn’t even wear heels on my wedding day, ha! Wearing heels = guarantee that Brittnie will fall flat on her face in front of anyone that is around.

We had homemade taco soup last night for dinner. It was delicious especially with cheese and tortilla chips on top. :)

Have a great weekend!


I didn’t wear heels on my wedding day either. YUM….I am going to have to get that taco soup recipe from you!


Here is the taco soup recipe. I guess it is more like semi homemade :)

2 pounds ground beef
2 cans corn
2 cans pinto beans – drained (only item you drain, everything else just dump right in)
2 cans stewed tomatoes
2 cans Rotel
1 package of taco seasoning
1 package of buttermilk ranch salad dressing mix (dry – don’t make it)

Brown the beef. Once you meat is done, dump/mix all other ingredients together in a big soup pot and heat until all the veggies are nice and warm. Top with cheese, cornbread, tortilla chips, etc. Done!

See… super easy and super delicious. Enjoy :)


I never wear heels. I already trip and run into wall with flats on… clumsy people like me can’t do heels. Plus I am 5″8 and don’t really want to be any taller!

I wear moisture wicking socks that I get from Target :) a three pack for like 7 bucks is not too bad. Plus one pair is pink ;)

The last time I ate out was at a burger joint about 2 weeks ago… it was oh-so-bad-for-me-but-so-delicious. Miraculously we have been eating at home a lot. Last night I made a Spicy Garlic Shrimp Wheat Pasta dish and it was super yummy!

Thanks for sharing that article! It was REALLY good! Have a happy Friday Janae!


I am 5’8″ too!!! Gotta love Target, especially if they are pink. Your pasta dish sounds amazing, I will have to try that. Now I am craving a burger again ha. Glad you liked the article!!!


I wear wicking socks from Asics to run in. The cotton ones give me blisters.

Mike used to wear slippers out all the time, so I bought him shoes that looked and felt like slippers so he wouldn’t keep tracking mud into the house. I’m a little anal about clean.


KARI!!! That makes me happy that Mike wears his slippers a lot too:) I love Asics socks too!


I always wear running socks and haven’t had a blister in years. They’re worth it! We had Outback last night, take out style. Love curbside pick up!


Oh my goodness…Rosa, that makes me so happy that you had Outback last night, that place is amazing and eating it at home is probably even better!


I wear heels every single day & I wear different socks for running.
Last night I loved my dinner! It was a usual emily creation of putting a whole bunch of things in a bowl, but this was sublime – dressed it all in lime juice, garlic and toasted cumin seeds. So delicious! Trying to save $$ right now, so haven’t eaten out in ages :(


What was in your bowl?!?! Good for you to save money right now!


watercress, then roasted sweet potato, broccoli and corn! Nothing fancy, but just tasted SO good!


I wear heels quite a bit but I do have a policy when buying: I can only buy them if they are comfortable…blisters jst aint happening!


My problem is that I just can’t even find comfortable ones in the first place. Hope you have the best weekend ever!


Heels —> Achilles tendon problems —> potential calf tears. BAD FOR RUNNING. So for me, running is way more awesome than fashionable shoes. I just look like a fuddy duddy and that’s cool with me to be able to run faster and longer.


Agreed, heels just aren’t worth it for me:)


Do you know how jealous I am that you live near mountains??!? My dreammm place to live!
I barely wear heels, but sometimes if I’m going out somewhere really nice I’ll wear them. I’m 5’9 and 1/2 without them so I become a GIANT with heels on.
I just wear thicker socks than usual but I really want running socks!


Come visit and we will go run in the mountains. I didn’t know that you were that tall..that is AWESOME!


I wear heals. I am slowly getting better at them. But my favorite heals these days are boots.
I wear experia socks to run. And I LOVE them because they are so easy to match(color coded ) when I do laundry. I actually review them here:
We were at Pizza Hut last night. I had a salad.

The Kidless Kronicles


Oh boots are definitely my favorite! Can’t wait to check out your review on the experias. Pizza Hut has salad?!?!


I don’t wear heels regularly, but will wear them when we go out. My husband calls them my “angry” shoes because I am tall as it is and taller than him without heels, so it makes him look super short:) but I like wear them every once in awhile!
I wear running socks – I can’t remember the name, but they are my fave! I bought them at the expo before the last marathon I did, and I never buy expo stuff, but I’m so glad I did!
I made an awesome dinner last night – salmon burgers! and then finished off my coconut milk ice cream:)
Happy friday!!!


‘Angry’ shoes…that is hilarious. I tower over billy in them too! Can we come over for dinner…that salmon burger sounds amazing!


Yay for Billy!!

Last night I had Chipotle…so yummy!!


I am jealous! I have had Chipotle once and it was the best thing in the world!


I wear heels to work 3-4 days a week, other other days are flat boots (winter) and ballet type flats (summer). I prefer flats.
Normal socks, unless I a running outside when its really cold, then I have special socks :)
Last night for supper the organizers of the meeting I had from 5:30-7:30 bought us pita’s from Extreme Pita, I had a veggie and hummus pita.


3-4 days a week…you are my HERO! Teach me how to walk in them. Um I want to go to Extreme Pita, that sounds incredible!


I HATE heels! The last time I wore them was probably for a job interview back in september. I wore them for the 20 min interview and promptly removed them and switched them out with the flats in my purse.


BAHAHA I only wear them for interviews pretty much too. They drive me crazy!


Wear heels occasionally to church, they are not 4 inchers, but heels non the less. I can only wear them for short periods of time because I LIVE in my custom orthotics due to my plantar fasciitis. When I went to California I even called the doc & asked if I could get those bad boys in the Pacific & them be ok, there was silence at the other end of the phone & then “I have never had anyone ask that before…..”

Wear Asics running socks, I also have a pair of Nike ones, but they are not my fav.

Ate at Jack in the Box Saturday, but we got it to go & went home and ate it. Friday night is always pizza & movie night at the Lipstick house. My family loves this weekly event. We crank up the surround sound, eat pizza and enjoy.


Have your orthotics helped a lot with your plantar? Worth the money? We LOVE Jack in the greasy and so delicious. ENJOY your pizza and movie!


Yes, my orthotics have helped me tremendously. They were 400 bucks (I did not dip them in the salty Pacific) & worth every penny.

My arches are crazy high, even had the nurses call each other in to look at them at the podiatrist. I just could not shake the pf in my right foot. It was not about running anymore, I could barely walk, it felt like a knife was jabbed into my heel all the time, whether I was on it or not. I did it all….stopped running, wearing a night split, steroids, physical therapy (expensive!!!) massage therapy, cortisone injections, everything! It affected my whole family & I could not be active with my son and husband. I had nothing to loose so I went for the surgery when my Dr recommended it. It was not as bad getting over the surgery as sitting around just enduring the pf! So glad I did it although I run slower now and my foot is stiff at times. I am hoping since I am just under 14 months out of surgery I will improve my time, but I’m in my 40’s so I might be dreaming!

The orthotics help me maintain the pf now. If I go without them with cute sandles (even with arch support) after a few hours I can tell it. But I am improving and wear tennis shoes or boots (I’m a Texan) to work where I can have those awesome orthotics.

Didn’t mean to write you a book! Sorry!


if growing up means no froyo, I shall never, ever grow up either.


Alyssa, we will never grow up and I am more than okay with that!


I need to get me some special running socks, I use the 3.00 pack of 50 you get from TJ Maxx that fall apart upon washing :)


Boooo that stinks that they fall apart so quickly. I do LOVE TJ Maxx though!


That article was awesome thanks for sharing!
I typically wear heels on the weekend and my boyfriend doesn’t like it too much we are the same height so when I wear heels he feels short! I wear thorlo running socks on long runs they are my saving grace from blisters! I went out to lunch yesterday and had the best panini in a long time; turkey, carmalized oinions, artichokes, sundried tomato pesto and mozzarella yummyy


Isn’t it great!?! That is exactly how it is with billy! Okay..your panini description is making me drool big time. So glad you enjoyed it!


I’m too much of a nut about running gear to wear ‘normal’ socks – my current favourites are Smartwool ankle socks (it’s FREEEEZING cold where I live this time of year!) and Lululemon no show socks.

Supper last night- I finally got the hamburger that I’ve been craving all week! Iw was amazing. I’m happy just thinking about it!


Bahahah….I know….why would we ever wear normal socks:) I need to try out the smartwool socks! YES, I am so happy you had your burger that you have been craving, I think I need one of those tonight:)


i’m definitely not a heels person… i feel like i’m going to fall over in them and my feet are always sore afterward. i’m okay with wedges – they’re a little easier for my clumsy self to handle. ;)


I totally agree with you. Wedges are a lot easier but still….not as fun as flats:) Hope you have an amazing weekend gorgeous girl!


I am not a heel-wearer, but I probably should be because I am only 5’3″ and heels would help me! And I don’t have socks especially for running, but my mileage is still pretty low so I don’t think it matters much yet. Soon I hope!!
Also, I am with you on not growing up! I would like to go back to 4th grade and start over again… life was so simple back then
So glad you’re feeling better!!


Whatever…..if you don’t like them, don’t wear them! Seriously…4th grade was the best! Thanks for your comment Michele and I hope you have a great weekend!


Heels are for special occasions ONLY haha. I don’t want to trip and land on my face in the middle of like the mall or school!


Agreed! I need to learn how to walk in them ha. Maybe I would have more luck not falling if I attempted to learn how to walk in them!


I love my smart wool running socks. I swear by them! You will find me wearing them when I not running too.

I rarely wear heels. I have feet issues need to made those worse!


I will be trying out the smart wool running socks, thanks for telling me about them! Yep, heels do not help matters!


Go Billy Go! I never wear heels anymore but I have a husband who hates when women wear heels. :) Works for me! I always wear running socks to run but sometimes they aren’t on the right feet.


REALLY!?!?! That works out perfectly!! Ha….I always put my socks on the wrong feet too even though they have the R and L on them:)


I wear heels when i want to be super dressed up or im in the mood…kevin is a little shorter then me and im already tall so i dont think he really LOVES me wearing heels but whatevs! they make me feel really feminine.

i wear specific running socks..if its a summer/indoor run, i wear these really soft neon running socks from road runner sports, they are amazing. if its winter and an outdoor run i wear thick, knee length socks from the same place under my tights. they keep my feet nice and toasty in the COLD weather.

last place i ate out at was the diner down the street last weekend. greasy diner food= yay. last night we made stuffed peppers in the crock pot and they were SOOO good!


Ha…that is exactly how billy is! I am going to have to try out the socks that you get. Mmmmmm stuffed peppers, that sounds absolutely incredible! I need those in my life!


i usually wear some sort of boot to work (either flat or wedge, and the wedge = super comfy) and rarely heels. ill wear heels when i go out, but that hasnt occurred lately since i am apparently a 22 year old grandma.


I am all about the boots too:) BAHAHAH I stopped going out at around 22 too….sleep just feels so good!


Good for Billy! I love Subway and a veggie sub sounds perfect for lunch :)

Funny about the heels. I wore them out last Wednesday and completely fell in front of people, I got up and laughed it off but it was so embarassing!

I run in drymax socks cause I find I blister super easy without wearing those.

Last Sunday I went on a date(!) out to a nice, cute & quaint Italian place. I don’t even know what I got all I know is it was pasta, cheese, sausage and veggies all baked into deliciousness :)


Hope you get a veggie sub today:) You fell in your heels…that breaks my heart but that is totally something that I would do too! Um….that Italian place sounds AMAZING!


Congrats to Billy for official half-mary training!! :) love it!!

I wear a brand of socks called “feetures.” They’re perfect for me. I never get blisters and my feet always stay dry.

Nope, can’t remember the last time I wore heels.

I finally had my sushi for dinner last night! :)

Yay for Friday & weekend!! Have a great day! xo :)


I know, I am so excited for him. I am going to look up those feetures and probably get them so that I can look just like you. SO HAPPY you finally got your sushi:) LOVE YOU!


haha :) luv ya too girlie!!


I wear heels like 6 days a week. I love them, though I need to tone it down a little because I know its not good for my knees, etc.
I have short stubby legs so it helps me feel tall and like I have longer legs.
annnd we went to an awesome new restaurant earlier this week.
Last nights dinner was veggie PIZZA which has been a while and it was delish!


6 days a week…you are my hero, teach me your ways! VEGGIE PIZZA= heavenly!!!


I have one pair of heals I wear them about once every week or two. Standard is flip flops, flats or running shoes. Thank goodness for a casual office.

I have some running socks but they are very old and sad.

Really need to not eat out as much as we do, it’s an issue for sure. Last night we went to TGI Fridays cause we were both tired and hungry. And yes we have a fully stocked fridge. So sad.

I love that you can run with your husband, I have tried but he just isn’t into it, yet….


I am all about the flip flops, flats and running shoes. Okay, I LOVE TGI Fridays! We don’t have any near but now that you mentioned it, I might make Billy drive me to the nearest one. It took me four years to convince billy of the amazingness of running….hopefully your husband will come around.


I LOVE that you and your hubby run together.. that’s so fun!
I love heels even though I am not a heels type of girl. I like to wear them when I have the chance.. which isn’t often.


I never wear heels – they terrify me! I can just picture myself capsizing now … I am a sucker for nice boots though!

I wear running specific socks, it is blister madness if I don’t. Thank goodness for double layer socks and Body Glide!

Last place I ate out was sushi .. soooo good!


Oh sushi…I am pretty sure I could eat that ever meal of my life. I am all about a good pair of boots and they are so warm and comfortable (usually).


Thanks for sharing that article – I loved it! And who knew that British people spell estrogen “oestrogen” – I love finding nuanced differences between British English and American English because I’m extremely cool. Also, the point about running clearing up your skin was interesting…clearly that author has never seen my face ;)


I KNOW…I noticed that too and that it was so cool. Ha, I definitely wasn’t part of the study done on runners and acne:)


High heels to church only, and even then, only sometimes! I wear Asics socks, and I lurve them.


I need to try out Asics socks. Good for you to pull out the heels for church!


Since I’ve been “a runner” I’ve maybe worn heels … twice? in 2 years… lol I LOVE heels, but they do tend to make my feet sore and who wants sore feet on a long run? ;)


I think that when I became a runner is when I got rid of the heels too, that is awesome!


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t want to grow up! I hate wearing heels, so I never do unless absolutely necessary. The last time I ate out was at a Subway -how funny that’s where you ate too!

PS I’m glad you got your bagel and I’ll be on the look out for any to send you =)


Um…you better not be kidding about sending me a bagel;) It’s okay, we will never grow up. AHHHH gotta love Subway!


Hahaha, love that you wore slippers to the restaurant :) My boyfriend once wore his slippers to work by accident, which was hilarious – he put them on in the morning, and forgot to change them when he left for the office, lol! :P I never ever wear heels, can’t fathom the uncomfortableness – flats and boots all the way for me! I like to be able to walk and skip, dance, and bounce around freely – not wobble and waddle, lol! ;) So glad you’re feeling better now, and are on the mend! <3 xyx


Bahaha that is awesome that he wore them to work….I am going to try and forget to change out of my slippers and wear them to work:) Boots are the best and you are right, no wobble and waddle ha! Hope you have an amazing weekend!


I have so many heels that you would think I wear them, but I don’t…ever. I’m looking for good socks right now because I’m attempting a half marathon at the end of the year. I’m nervous! The furthest I’ve ever ran is a 5K and that’s been a while! Any tips for a beginner?


You’ve got this Lindsey!!! Have you found a plan you want to use yet? I am so stoked for you!
My tips:
1. Sign up for the half so that you have spent the money and that will help you stay motivated.
2. Find people to run with.
3. SLOWLY increase your mileage (use a beginner plan) so that you don’t get injured.
4. RECOVER and rest. Take time off and take time after you run to stretch, ice and drink your chocolate milk within 30-60 minutes of finishing your workout.
5. Celebrate your accomplishments. Each week when you increase your long run have something for a reward….new running socks, new songs for your playlist, or something like that. Hope this helps and I am so stoked for you!


Someone recommended the Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon Novice 1 Training Program. The race isn’t until October, but I’m planning on signing up so I’ll be more motivated once I spend the money. Thanks so much for the advice! It really helps and I’m excited to see if I can actually do it!


I never wear heels! :D


I have those slippers!! Yes, I wear them out of the house, too.


Okay, so my hot fudge/caramel used to always turn my ice cream into gloop.

SO…my mom thought of this brilliant idea: fill a small cup with your warm topping on the side, take a spoonful of ice cream and dip it in the warmed topping cup, eat, and repeat! No melting and plus every bite has hot caramel or fudge on it!


Your mom is brilliant. Thank you for sharing that with me, you have changed my life!


I wear heels about 2x/week –I love ’em! They make me feel like I got more dressed up than I did–hah. With heels I am about 5’11 though–so I am tall!

I am going out to dinner with family for my sister’s bday–SO excited. I think we’re going to Cheesecake Factory!


I used to have to work in 5 inch heels when I was a cocktail waitress – how I could ever work 8hrs in them AND balance a try with one hand is beyond me… I can barely make it through a short retail shift and switch to flats….running does that to you


I had a yummy turkey burger from this place in TX called Twisted Root! (after a run of course) Soooooo good!

I have these socks I love from lululemon they are those breathable socks and they say “run fast” on the inside of them :) They were expensive but they’re great socks!


Heels? I’m confused. :-)
I wear pain old Costco socks unless my run is over 18 miles then I wear good ones so I don’t get a blister.


Yes, but I believe it’s been a year since I last wore a pair due to being pregnant for most of the year. I like getting dressed up, but I can’t stand heals to be uncomfortable. I think that statement is an oxymoron:) Ever since becoming a SAHM, I don’t wear heals except to weddings and sometimes on special ocassion. Right now I have been wearing the Champion brand from Target. I haven’t had blisters yet. The last place we ate at is this place called Hello My Name is Eat! They serve the best hamburgers, because all of the ingredients are stuffed inside the meat!


If you’re not a heel lover, you need to buy Menbur brand heels. They’ll change your mind (and your life). I freakin’ love them. Though I have been in flats lately, thanks to snow/ice. If I could wear slippers to work, I probably would.


I almost never wear heels! I think we’ve chatted about this before because we are just about the same height as our Billys. I wear lululemon socks to run – love them, and they are left and right foot specific so super comfortable. We haven’t been out to dinner in weeks, but we’re going tonight with my parents so that’s exciting!


OMG! We both had Subway last night. Great minds…

I love to have a reason to wear heels; they are my favorite shoe.


I used to wear heels every day, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve grown less and less comfortable wearing them. I now only wear heels when I have to see people in the office. I wear flats or sneakers when I’m sitting at my desk. It’s funny because I’ll change from my flats into my heels literally just to go to the bathroom, and I’ll put my flats back on as soon as I get back.

I used to wear generic socks to run. But I got fitted for running shoes a few months ago and they gave me Balega socks to wear while trying on shoes. The Balegas are heavenly – it feels like I’m walking in melted chocolate! Even though the socks are expensive ($11 per pair!) I have not gone back ever since!


I have been trying to get my boyfriend to start running but I haven’t been very successful. Subway sounds amazing right now- might have that for dinner tonight!


I wear heels every single day. People I work with have absolutely no idea how short I really am. ha ha!! I am obsessed with running outside right now and yesterdays weather was seriously ideal. I am loving that Billy is getting into running. How fun is that.

Have an amazing weekend sweet friend. :D


I wear asics running socks usually. And only wear heels for special occasions or if I’m feeling fun. Last semester I wore them a lot because of the internship I had which I currently do not miss!


Thanks for linking the article! I don’t blog so I figured I’d share it with you :) I randomly found it bc I was running slow and on my period, so I googled it to see if that’s why I was running slow… Turns out no, oops! At least now I’ll try to run fast and not make that same excuse.


I wear heels every single day. I’m so short (barely 5 feet tall) that I need them to be taller than my 7th graders hahaha. I think I got used to wearing 4-5 inch heels every day and my feet no longer feel the pain. :)

Last night after taking my first “eccentric fitness” class (which was amazing), my friend and I grabbed some sushi at a place we had never been. It was kind of blah. I did have some strawberries when I got home that were great though!


Key points of this post: slippers > heels, dinner and dessert should always be in the same establishment, and to never grow up! I couldn’t agree with ya more :D


I never wore heels………and then my husband bought me these sassy heels……and life changed. Unfortunately, all heels are not created equal. He spent a little $ on the ones he bought me and it makes all the difference in how comfy they feel! Since I am not really a shoe girl, I would so rather spend my $$ in so many other ways. I do probably wear heels to work 3 days a week now.


yes, wear heals!! i am 5’1″ and i need to wear them…it’s not a choice. lol.

oh, no, always wear running socks. i like thorlo’s and vitalsox. the vitalsox are thin and sit low on the ankle and make the legs look prettier. :)

i guess it was eating out. last night, hubs was in school so the daughter and i got little caesar’s cheese pizza. eehh…it was ok.


I love wearing heels! I always feel that when I wear heels, my posture is a little more erect and I feel confident and SEXY, and who doesn’t want that? :) The last time I wore heels was for dinner last weekend with friends. Ya I wear either Nike or Adidas running socks.

And the last time I ate out was yesterday when we ate some really yummy, spicy and greasy Sichuanese food! DELISH!


GOOD luck to to Billy as he trains…I think he will surprise himself too! I love you even more for dressing up in slippers! My kinda girl!

Hardly ever wear heels, but yes to running socks. Must be snug–no blisters, right?!


I only wear heels occasionally. Like a few times per year, mainly to weddings. I am short, so they help, but they are NOT comfy! One time I wore the same slippers you have to class in college and my professor called me out on it.
I just wear socks from Target to run in. And they have to be really worn out – I don’t like them too cushy. Which is probably horrible for my feet but that’s the only way I like it!


I love the thought of wearing heels, but it seems when it always comes down to it my moccasins always leave the house with me! Especially when out to frozen yogurt. I haven’t been in a week and I’m starting to have dreams about the cold deliciousness! I’ll be just as upset as you if mine starts to melt the next time I eat some!


I love wearing heels but only get to wear them on Sundays.
I am obsessed with running socks and have about 10 pairs. My favorite are Feetures. One of the best things I did when I started running, other than getting fit for a great pair of shoes, was to buy running specific socks. 1 1/2 years later I have yet to have a blister or loose a toenail.
I had InNOut last night. I told my hubs I wanted a single but he got me a double-double. Of course, I couldn’t let it go to waste so I ate the whole thing.


Hmm last time I wore heels was on new years eve… Ugh worst decision ever lol!! I LOVE and live in my black sparkle Toms!!

I wear feetures running socks and love them!
Last place we ate out at was ” borders cafe” a mexician place here in Delaware!! I pretty much could eat mexician food every single day!!!


I never wear heels anymore. I think I have some serious bunions as a result of many years of running!
I love smart wool phd running socks.
Last dinner out Thai 9 for sushi and miso soup, then came home and baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies!

Now if I could keep up with my hubby I’d have a chance at the trials lol!! I just use him as a pacer, a jog for him, all out for me!

Glad to find your blog…so much fun!!! Great goals for this year !


I love wearing heels but only on date nights. Other than that I can only take them for about 3 hours and I’m done. :-) Slippers? That is hilarious… You eat so much subway…I worked at a subway in college…um..not always the cleanest places. sorry. Yesterday I perfected my spicy blk bean edamame veggie burgers…you and billy have to try them…SO good! (i blogged about it today)
Like Billy I now speak in running talk….it’s funny because before I started this training I prob would have heard someone say that and been like…” you have to start the sentence with that…runners.” Now I’m a runner. Life is so funny!
xoxo from Trinidad


I’m such a flats kind-a-gal (as I’m wearing my 4-inch heel boots right now), but wear heels when I’m going out to a fancy lounge – I’m only 4’11 (and 3/4) so it’s better for me to be able to see what’s going on, LoL. I won’t lie, I carry a pair of flats in my bag all the time. In fact, I have flats at work, in my car, in my bag, just in case.


Congrats on getting back outside!!

I looooooooooove heels- especially platform wedge heels. I am 5’1″ after all haha.


I rarely wear heels, last time I wore heels was over the summer. Slippers are awesome. I wore some to pick my sister up from school on Wednesday with some awesome bright blue fuzzy slipper socks.


I only wear heels if i go out. And their usually wedges.

Dinner last night was a cabbage, baby bok choy, green bean stir fry, Twas yummy.


I wear heels a lot to work, only because my dress pants are too long to wear flats … they would drag on the ground! I seriously need to go get them altered or something b/c I really don’t like wearing heels very often. Especially when I’m running from school to school!

Have a great weekend, girlie!


Thanks for the Runner’s World article, loved it. “…ideally suited for the marathon…”, I hope so!


I wear heels almost every single day. I love them! Even though I know they are bad for my feet. I don’t need the height either, I just like the way they look.

I wear New Balance running socks.
And I just got a black pair of Nike running socks for Christmas! Is it sad that I was excited to get socks?…

Last place I ate out was for a staff meeting at Mucho Gusto last week. Last night’s dinner was leftover Gourmet Veggie pizza from Papa Murphy’s. YUM!


I dislike hills very much. They are so uncomfortable, smokin’ hot? Yes, but I’m all about comfort, so it’s not very often. I’d rather wear wedges. Seriously can’t believe that about the 4 year old runner!!! Crazy! I wonder if 10 years from now, Billy’s late night video gaming will be cute. Seriously, I hope so, but I can’t stand it when several nights a week Kimball plays until all hours of the morning. Have a fab weekend, glad you’re feeling better and got to run outside.


I wear flat shoes all the way. I am too busy at work to be worried about my feet aching in heals! :) Happy Friday!


I am anti-heals these days…my feet have never liked them and now with my running taking a toll on my feet they are pretty much untolerable. Such is life. I like Feetures running socks…they are the only ones I’ll wear on a long run but my Target dri-fit socks (not sure what brand) are fine for short runs. Dinner last night was Smashburger-yum! :)


you made me really fancy a subway sarnie :-)


Janae, this article about what women should know about running is AWESOME! I am actually going to a training workshop this week where I have to give a speech about a topic I love and I was planning doing a speech on running and half marathoning, so this article will be a perfect source for me to site. Yay!!! Thanks for sharing!


You are so welcome! I am glad you liked it! Please let me know how your speech goes!

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