You know you are a running nerd when:

Your husband uses Running Times magazine pages to wrap your presents.  Either that or we are just cheap and don’t own an inch of wrapping paper.

I spent a good majority of the night trying to guess what my presents are.  I have no clue.  You Sneaky Billy (please tell me you saw the YouTube video with the little boys calling their mom sneaky for eating all of their candy….if not you can watch it HERE.  I know I already posted it on the blog but in case you were sick that day and didn’t check the blog ((the only reason you wouldn’t check in right?)) I will link it again).

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Wednesday was an after work gym day.  I did the elliptical (20 minutes) and spin bike (20 minutes) followed by the stationary bike on level 0 just so that I could watch the end of the Kardashians episode I had been watching on the elliptical.

Spin Bike Workout:

50 Seconds in the saddle

10 Seconds out of the saddle

(one full turn up on the tension)

40 Seconds in the saddle

20 Seconds out of the saddle

(one full turn up on the tension)

I continued the cycle until I got up to 60 seconds out of the saddle, maintaining my speed and then flushed the tension back to the equivalent of a flat road.  Repeat a few times. 20 quick and sweaty minutes.

The end of the semester is always really stressful and busy and so that means by dinnertime I am shot and make the easiest thing possible (I don’t know why I am making up excuses, you guys know that I am always lazy with cooking).

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2 fried egg sandwich on a paper towel.  I even used my water bottle from the gym instead of getting a real cup out.  No dishes success.

Guess what we watched?

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Guess how long it took us to finish that family (2 people count as a family) sized bag of cheetohs……

Yep, definitely cried at the end of the finale because of how amazing the contestants are.  Okay, part of my tears were also happy tears because Anna won’t be returning next season.


Did you watch the Biggest Loser finale?  What did you think?

Do you try to guess your Christmas presents or do you try to leave it a surprise?

What is your workout today?  I haven’t asked this question for at least a week;)

-Jillian’s torture and a few treadmill miles.

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Ahh I love that you guys use magazine paper as wrapping paper…I wouldn’t say frugal as much as I would say looking out for the environment..or at least if anyone asks ;)! My right shin has been acting up so I’m trying not to aggravate it plus I’m sure yesterday’s 4-miler didn’t do me any favors other than the endorphin high! My workout today involved a 45 minute swim…did the trick :)! Have a great day! :D


HEY YOU!! Bummer about your shin…..take some time off from running and keep up the swimming…that is a killer workout if you ask me!


I haven’t decided if I want to make it a cardio day or do arm weights. Or maybe some at home yoga if I don’t feel like driving the 4 minutes to the gym?


BAHAHA It takes me 4 minutes to get to the gym too but some days I am just too lazy to do that. I am loving working out at home more! Have a great day Jamie!


Anna’s not coming back??!? Ahhhh. I can’t watch right now because I don’t have a TV a TV and I spilled water on my computer and I’m using my old one that’s too slow to stream from Hulu!!! I’m only updated to like 3 weeks ago! This is upsetting, don’t say who the winner is! (clearly I’m a little over-invested)


YEP!! No more Anna, wahoo!! BOO about your computer….I think you should get a new one for Christmas. Don’t worry, I would never spoil who won. Have a great day Katie!


Thanks Janae, and my day is so much better after this news. I was NOT a fan of Anna.


Super stoked Anna won’t be coming back. And equally stoked that Dolvett will be coming back. Bob and Dolvett? Pretty sure I can convince myself to watch the next season with those two running the show.


SERIOUSLY….Bob and Dolvett, it doesn’t get any better than that. The next season starts so soon too!!


I got so hooked on that show the first couple seasons that I can’t watch it anymore!


I was annoyed with the end of Biggest Loser. Ramon is just over the top (fake) and John seems like a jerk. I like Dolvett though.
I don’t try and guess my Christmas presents. Its not a big temptation though since we don’t really have any laying around.
Going to head to the gym in a few for some treadmill miles and may go back later for some weights. But there is hockey on, so I would be better off just doing both this morning.
The Kidless Kronicles


Ramon was driving me crazy too!! I was wondering why he was acting like he won the show….What he acheived was awesome…but so is humilty.


COMPLETELY agree about Ramon, he drove me insane. Billy and I wanted Antone to win!
Enjoy your treadmill run Nicole!


I pick out alot of my Christmas presents! Hahah :D


I lasted two episodes before I quit watching because I couldn’t stand Anna and I missed Jillian. Glad to hear she won’t be back next season.

Have you seen the new video? The one where the parents were to wrap up a crappy present and tell their kids they could open the christmas present early?


Oh my goodness…I hadn’t seen that video and someone else linked it too and I just watched it, made my day!! Sad but funny at the same time ha! Next season of BL is with Bob and Dolvett….will you watch it next season?


I usually know what I’m getting for christmas because I tell my hubby exactly what to get. But I always tell him to throw in a surprise.

No workout today because my son is getting his tonsils and adenoids out.


Your poor son… better eat lots of popsicles and ice cream with him. Tell him good luck for me!


Great wrapping paper!

I tried to watch BL, but I fell asleep. I have trouble staying up past like 8:30. I don’t have any surprises under the Christmas tree yet, maybe some will show up soon?! Today’s workout will probably be an insanely short, like two mile, run/walk. <– Not pathetic since I am 35 weeks pregnant; happy to still be moving at all at this point.


35 weeks pregnant and still working out, you are my hero. I bet when I am pregnant there will be no way that I will be able to stay awake past 6!


I like my gifts to be a surprise but I have no patience AT ALL. My husband had my presents mailed to his mom’s (that’s where we’re going to be for Christmas) so that I wouldn’t try to find them or guess what they are.

Ever since I saw that candy video I say ‘you SNEAKY _____!’ whenever I can. It makes me laugh. Haha, and the brother was so adult about it hahaha I’m loling just thinking about it.


BAHAHAH I say that too! I love that he mailed them to his mom’s house…we sound a lot alike. I love the older brother. My family thinks that the older brother is just like how Billy was as a kid!


That’s a nifty idea with the running times wrapping paper!! I may have to borrow it, because I have about 50 back issues of runner’s world! ;)

Workout: I am about to head out for hopefully longish run to explore the island. I am just putting on some suncream now.

Prezzies: Love a good surprise :)


Good call on the sunscreen. Hope you enjoyed your run on an ISLAND…yes, I am extremely jealous!


I loved that candy video! Did you see the new one about bad presents? It’s also hilarious. Here’s the link:


Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I had not seen this movie yet and it just made my day. I will probably watch it 88 more times today. THANKS!


I was going to suggest that you watch it too. I was crying with laughter 30 seconds into it.


I always try and guess my presents since I do not like surprises ;)


I love that Billy uses running magazines to wrap your gifts! Awesome. I love trying to guess what my presents are. I’m never successful though. My mom and Dean are really good at tricking me and using obscure shaped boxes to put my gifts in!

Today’s workout will just be strength training – leg day! I can finally start doing cardio the week after Christmas! I am so excited, I miss it so much.


WAHOO for leg day. Your foot still feeling good? Your mom and Dean know you so well:) Have an amazing day gorgeous girl!


Today i’m running!!!! (If I can get my legs working after TRX last night!)


HAVE AN AMAZING RUN and I want to hear more about TRX when you get a chance!


Thanks! TRX is insane. Have you ever done it? I get so discouraged because I’m the weakest person ever but i keep telling myself that it will make me a better runner and a leaner person! :)


Um, I don’t have a busy schedule and that’s what I was planning on making for dinner tonight.

I generally don’t have to guess my gifts from Mike because he just asks what I want (he gets really stressed out trying to think of gifts).

If it stays warm out (relative term, if it stays in the 40s), I’ll run a few miles outside with the pup and the rest on the treadmill.


Have a great run today Kari and enjoy your egg sandwich tonight!


I want my presents to be wrapped in Runner’s World!!

I watched the finale. I scheduled my entire week around it. My entire life. Okay… I am joking.. but I do normally go to bed at 8:30 and I stayed up till 10:00 just to see the ending! I wanted Antone and Vinny to win…but life isn’t always fair! I am so glad about Anna as well. I liked her, but I just don’t think she is hard core enough. Bob is a killer, and aparently the only trainer on the show. Just ask John…..I like Dolvette and I’m glad he’s staying.

I try to guess my presents “secretly” because I want my husband to think he’s being sneaky. I’m actually pretty unsure this year!! Hoping (fingers crossed, dream about it at night) for the Garmin.

Workout today is TBD. Hoping for outside run– time permitting after work. May end up on the TM again.


You are seriously hilarious….scheduling your whole life around BL:) I wanted Antone to win so so bad! The bob/dolvette combo is going to be amazing. I hope you get a garmin this Christmas and enjoy your run!


My workout today is teaching abs class and then Zumba right after. Should be sweaty fun! Back to the weights tomorrow morning!!!


DANG….I want to come to your abs and zumba class so so bad…could you fly me there?


Absolutely! When would you like to come visit??? :)


Anytime……work won’t mind:)


I think you deserve more presents since the wrapping paper wasn’t purchased:)

I am so happy Anna won’t be back too


I just texted billy what you said about the presents, you are so right:)


I watched TBL finale, and I was bummed out. Yes, they all looked great, but I was pulling for Vinny to win the at home prize and for Antone to win it all! I just really didn’t like John!

I am terrible, I always guess even without meaning to when it comes to presents. I’m just a really good guesser. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

Not sure if I’ll be able to workout today, as it’s the second day in a row I’ve been home sick :( I’m on antibiotics for an ear infection and not feeling well AT ALL. :(


Janine, I am so so sorry that you are so sick. Ear infections are the absolute worst! I really wanted Antone to win too! Get feeling better and plenty of rest!


Haven’t seen the finale yet, but I’ll watch it today after spin class and the rest of it (it’s going to be late so I can’t watch all of it today) tomorrow. And the boys from that Halloween video were totally awesome! I loved that video. It was hilarious. A little mean but hilarious.

And I prefer my presents being a surprise.


Enjoy your spin class AND watching BL!!! How long are your spin classes? The ones around here are usually 45 minutes!


We have 45, 55 and 60 minute classes. Most are an hour. I heard there will be a 30- minute class next year. Lots of people take 2 classes at once! I’d probably die. Tomorrow there is even a 6 hour marathon…


AH! Love the wrapping paper…it’s frugle. I support that fully.

We watched the final 3 weigh in and it will never cease to amaze me the transformations. I always hope they can keep it off after the show! And I am so glad that Anna is not coming back either.

Thanks for the bike workout! I may try that on one of my training off days…but today is one of my short runs for my 1/2 marathon training! Only a 30 minute run, but it’s perfect for during the week. Especially when I pair it with watching “Bride Wars”


Seriously, their transformations are absolutely incredible!! I am stoked for your 1/2 marathon, you are going to rock it. BRIDE WARS is hilarious!


I’ve never watched that show–but I bet it is a fun one!

My workout will be teaching ZUmba in the a.m. and BodyPUMP in the p.m.! WOot.

I LOVE a good egg sandwich–so that is a great dinner to me.


You’ve got to watch it, you would love it. Have so much fun teaching TWO classes today, you are hardcore!


I get teary at the finale too… it’s so impressive! I’m going to try to head out for some jogging stroller miles soon. We’ll probably end at the playground, and I get to be the strange sweaty mom. :)


BAHAHAHA Don’t worry, I will be that strange sweaty mom at the playground someday too:) Enjoy your run!


If I got a gift wrapped like that I’d be out of this world excited!:) haha. Nice cycling workout woman!


Thanks Christie and I hope you have a great day!


I love that you stayed on the bike at zero to finish the Kardashians… That show is crazy… I cant tell if I like it or hate it…. Love the fitness wrapping paper. I should have taken Billy idea this year…I think I have enough shape magazines to wallpaper this condo. :-) Today I am supposed to do something running. Hmm…I really want to run though. :-) Maybe just a short one.. lol
xoxo from Trinidad


I am like you…I love it and hate it at the same time. NOOOOOOO… some cross-training if you aren’t supposed to run today!!


I am so happy that Anna is not coming back on the BL. I am a few weeks behind as I don’t own a TV and have to catch up on my laptop, which was in finals mode the last couple of weeks.

Today’s workout: 6mile run and 1 hr full body weights


GREAT workout. Help me with weights okay:) I hope you get to catch up on BL now that finals are winding down!


might I say that Billy did an excellent wrapping job with those magazines. You can always tell when I wrap gifts because it looks like an abomination under the tree ;)

I used to be so antsy and try to guess my gifts but I think i’ve calmed down on it…plus Kevin is smart and tends to wrap some of my gifts in the UPS or FEDEX box they came in so i have no idea what it could be ;) I obviously also let him wrap everyone elses gifts besides his so that we have some normal looking gifts under the tree!

workout today was 6 speedy miles on the treadmill. I mightve had some cadbury christmas chocolates afterwards to refuel.


Kevin is a smart smart man. Congrats on the speedy 6 miles, you are incredible. Cadbury anything is the


Tonight, I ride. (on a bike, with about 20 other peeps in the room)

My hubs accidentally bought my gift with my paypal acct (it goes to our joint acct) so I knew exactly what I was getting and i’m wearing it now! HA!


Enjoy your spin class:) BAHAHA I love that you already have your present and putting it to good use!


I am the worst snooper in the world. I normally unwrap my presents and carefully re wrap them so nobody will know. Of course everyone knows that I do this so they now hide presents in other peoples houses…


Kelsey…that makes my day! My dad used to do that when he was little too. So what are you getting this year?


I think I’ve done a pretty good job this year re-warpping my presents so I don’t think I’ll get caught ;) but Santa did bring me a new set of Calphalon pots and pans that I’m oooobbbber excited about. But shhh don’t tell anyone!


THAT IS AWESOME and I am jealous. Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul:)


What a great idea – using the magazines to wrap presents. Very economical and environmentally friendly.

My dishwasher just broke, so I know the life of avoiding using dishes!!!


Oh Abby, I am sorry about that from the bottom of my heart. Life is no fun without a dishwasher. I am counting down the days until we can get one!


Cute wrapping idea!!!

I watched the BL and wasn’t surprised that John won, considering he devoted his life to winning the show. The others had to work and continue on with their lives while losing their weight. I am a little concerned he isn’t in it for the long haul, just to the finish line of the show. We will see…. I think Jillian would have kicked his butt across the ranch several times to get him to open up about his issues.

I did a new upper body strength DVD this morning and will do something after work too…. not sure what yet. Love Jillian’s dvds!!! You need to try Ripped in 30!


You are right about John and I worry about him too and if he was mainly doing it just for the money! I will be buying Ripped in 30 now thanks to your recommendation. THANKS!


I am always so anxious for presents but I am “usually” pretty good with not peaking :) you know, unless the wrapping isn’t very tight;).

I totally feel you on being busy around the end of the semester. Not only is this week semester tests for my kiddos but I started my Master’s Dec. 5, bad idea. hahaha.
Today is a workout after school day for me so I’m hoping to run a few miles and do some hills!

have a great day :) only one more day til Friday!!!!


BAHAHA, ‘unless the wrapping isn’t very tight,’ you are hilarious! You started your Master’s…you are my hero! Way to go and enjoy your hilly run today!


I love the wrapping paper!! although I don’t know how i’d feel about my gifts being wrapped in my precious magazines…what if I need to go back and look up an article?!? lol! And OMG Biggest Loser!! I’m so obsessed – I watched the finale on my laptop last night and also cried tears of joy that Anna wasn’t returning. And I thought Jennifer was kind of super creepy with her crush on Bob lol – although that’d totally be me with Dolvett…sooo glad he’s coming back next season, I’m kind of obsessed with him hahaha. My workout today was a “tempo run” in the pool…but I get to try a real run on saturday woot!


HA…don’t worry, I will save the pages:) Jennifer was WEIRD about her Bob love!! Enjoy your tempo run in the pool and you get your CHRISTMAS wish next week!


i really wanted antone to win. i really think john is a jerk. plus i dont think he will keep the weight off.

but what i am most excited about is DOLVETT is coming back for this next season. he is my dream trainer.


I wanted Antone too and Dolvett……I wouldn’t watch the show next season if he left. He is amazing!


AH BIGGEST LOSERR!!! i wanted antone to winn so badly!!!! um and same girl so happy that anna is leaving and DOVETT IS STAYIN cause i LOVE HIM!
about to hit the gym for stairmaster/ sprints cardio then legs!!
have an amazing day girl!!<3


ENJOY the stair master (kills me) and sprints. You are so hardcore. Have a great day gorgeous!


Haha I totes will spend a few extra minutes on a machine at the gym to catch the end of a show :P I am guilty of shaking my presents [and sometimes even unwrapping and rewrapping them]! Just yesterday a box arrived at our apartment and I shook it and heard something jingle… My Dear came home and opened it to check who it was for and it happened to be his momma’s gift- only problem was, it wasn’t supposed to jingle, it was broken! I swear I don’t shake them THAT hard :P


You unwrap them and rewrap them…that is awesome ha!! IT WAS BROKEN, NOOOOO!!! I believe it was the post man, not you that broke it:) Have a great day Allison!


I love the presents wrapped like that! pretty cool!


Wouldn’t it be funny if he wrapped running mags IN running mags? Haha. I am still trying to figure out how to wrap my huband’s gift, it’s huge, and currently hidden under my laundry. I knew never doing laundry would work out in my favor some day! I am pretty sure that my gift is a garmin, YAY!

I watched the finale, but I wasn’t a huge fan of any of the final three, they all worked so hard and made such amazing changes! So inspiring.

Today is my rest day!! I am so excited. I might do abs though, I’ve been feeling extra squishy in that area… hahaha


BAHAHA maybe he did wrap up running magazines. You are hilarious! What did you get him? I won’t tell anyone. I hope you got your garmin so so so bad.


I got him a new flat screen computer monitor. The real issue is, is that there is a picture and description of what’s in the box, ON the box!


I’m not reading other comments because I haven’t watched BL finale yet……………………. I probably won’t have time till Christmas “break.” Lol. Today’s workout was a progressive speed 5.55 mile run. My pt called and cancelled but I still made it to the gym since I was up anyways. Yay me! I LOVE THE WRAPPING PAPER.

That’s awesome.


DON’T READ THE COMMENTS but you need to watch the finale asap!! TV>school, work…right? GREAT RUN TODAY!!


Hubby and I definitely watched the biggest loser finale… we both wanted Antone to win…
I am also happy that Anna won’t be returning!! ;) “This is your last chance workout!” (said with her accent) lol…
Now everytime hubby goes to workout I tell him to have fun cuz it’s “he’s last chance workout” and try to mimick her accent lol… yeah… it’s funny to us but sounds lame when I type it out lol… good stuff! lol…
The semester is over in a few days… hang in there! ;)
AND.. 10 days til Christmas… hang in there!!! ;) hahaha…


We wanted Antone too!! Ha, I want to start having a last chance workout, you are hilarious!! SO CLOSE TO CHRISTMAS!! Hope you are having an amazing day Zaneta!


Watched the finale. Such amazing transformations! Glad Anna won’t be returning. We don’t put presents under the tree until Christmas eve since we have curious dogs that like to eat paper, so no guessing for me:) I hope to run without pain today. Just got some new shoes so hopefully they help!
Love the wrapping paper!


Oh girl, I am hoping you have a pain free run today!! Those sneaky dogs of yours;)



Never gets old…


Haven’t watched it yet, but plan on it tonight! :) I love that show. Makes me cry. Every time. I wonder why Anna isn’t come back?? She was a little different. I love Dolvet! Calm one minute a mad man the next. :)

I never try to guess! ;) I think this year I know almost everything I am getting. The only thing I asked for was a lunch box. Right now it’s a walmart sack because of all the stuff I take.
I slept in this morning so I didn’t do my morning workout, but when I get home it will be The Firm.
Have an awesome awesome day! :)


YAY for sleeping in and enjoy the Firm later on today!! You nailed it about Dolvett….that man has multiple personalities but I love it!


Workout: I NEED to get some weights in. I have been enjoying an increase in milage this fall/winter…..that upper body kind of just fell by the wayside. Lets just say hairdrying in a bra earlier this week got me to recommit to a few weights.

Fried egg sandwich is on the weekly rotation in this household. Looks delish. No need to spend extra time cooking when the simple,easy stuff is all you’re really craving anyway. Trust me, save your energy for the family ping pong that I know is in your near future.


I always let my upper body fall to the wayside too! BAHAHA I think I need to recommit too! What are your Christmas plans? I need details!


I hated Anna on Biggest Loser. She was terrible! I love watching the finale & seeing how far everyone has come. It’s definitely inspiring


I could not agree more with you!


I always re-use my gym water bottle for dinner!! there is no need for extra dirty dishes.. plus the water bottle HOLDS MORE water and is more spill proof..

LOVED the Biggest Loser Finale! I was so shocked at Jennifer’s weight loss!! everyone always looks so amazing at the end :) it’s inspirational!

I try not to focus on my Christmas gifts bc it drives me BANANAS! I am not patient AT ALL… the bf thinks this is hilarious and likes to tease me and tell me things like ‘it can fit in my pocket’… ummm is it a gift card?? IDk!

Workout today will be the gym… not sure what to do yet! taking suggestions :)


ha those clues would drive me crazy too!! Hmmmmmm you should do weights and RUN:) Have a great day Brittany!


I continue to love your spinning ideas! What type of bike are your spinning on? the ones I teach on have a resistance change at about a 1/4 turn so a full turn would be some serious change. But you a strong girl!!

I haven’t watched the Finale yet! I know I will be blown away by the contestants…and as long as Bob and Dolvett are back, I’m good!


We used to have those bikes too but now we have bikes that take a full turn to notice a big difference…I should have put that in the post oops. WATCH THE FINALE TONIGHT WITH SPENCER!


I went for a nice run and just barely escaped being chased by 2 German shepards.traumatic experience averted!
When you do the Jillian DVD do you do multiple levels or just one?

You guys are making me want to watch biggest loser again! I also stopped watching because I couldn’t stand Ana, maybe I’ll start watching next season.


WAHOOO!! Way to go but that is so scary about the dogs. Watch the next season for sure. I just do one level each time I do the Jilian videos!


Doing a boot camp work out today outside in the park with my friend!

I like to be surprised at Christmas but I usually have to give such blatantly obvious hints, I am not surprised.

I had a Skinny Cow a week ago then I started this new eating plan where I only get one cheat meal a week. I shall be getting my butt to In-n-Out for a grilled cheese animal style with fried and a big ol’ chocolate shake!


I love the wrapping paper! Very creative!

My husband is driving me nuts because I know he has my presents hidden in his closet, but he hasn’t wrapped them yet. How am I supposed to shake them and guess what they are?


Ha I loved that Jimmy Kimmel video! “You sneaky Mommy! I hope you get a belly ache cuz you ate all that candy”

He has a Christmas present one, which isn’t as funny.


Mmmm… Cheetos.
I haven’t watched the BL finale yet! Maybe that’s what I’ll do now…
Today’s workout was 10 miles outside in the cold and fog. Good times.


After almost a month of going with zero t.v., I caved the night of B.L. and bought an antenna so we wouldn’t have to watch it the next day. It was awesome, and I’m still in awe over John’s 220 lb. loss.

I buy my own gifts and I’m sick again today so after my 6.5 miles yesterday, I’m thinking I should take a day off and try to get better. :/ stinks!


Have you seen the new Jimmy Kimmel video where the parents wrap up terrible presents for their kids? SO funny and cute!


I LOVED that video with the kids and their *eaten* halloween candy. Have you seen the one with the kids opening strange Christmas presents from their parents? It’s pretty funny too!
I love how Billy wrapped your Christmas gifts.. so unique and thoughtful :)
I liked TBL finale and thought the contestants looked amazzzzing! I thought Ramone was kind of annoying though during the last part.


SUPER jealous of your wrapping. That’s so cute. Also, the picture of your mom in the last post with her PF shirt is adorable. I got to planet and LOVE it. It’s the gym of champions :)


I watched the first 30 minutes of the Biggest Loser finale and then I fell asleep! I looked up the winner online yesterday morning.

I usually don’t guess my Christmas presents because I usually get what I ask for. I guess that takes the surprise out of it, but oh well!

Running 3 miles today after work. It is 70 degrees in Atlanta today!!!!


i always try and guess my Christmas presents…but 90% of the time my mom just asks what I want and I get a couple surprises. (santa needs some help now)

i ran 8 miles today and after I finish watching Psych I’ll do a core workout


I love the wrapping paper!!!!


Omg the biggest loser is always emotional!!! I think its such an amazing show. I want to take annas place ;)
I usually try to figure out my presents… I already know what one of mine are oops!!! lol
No workout today, too sick. I have run since sat im dying!!


Went to the gym early & attempted to do a Turbokick class and make it low impact so as to not aggrivate my stress fracture. I am just so very tired of the elliptical. Later I will lift weights.

I really wanted Antone to win, but knew John would. Oh well. I was very surprised with the at home winner though! Very. They all looked so awesome though. I thought the new way they did it was weird. That they didn’t have everyone get on the scale and they just TOLD them their weight. Though, I have to admit, I liked that it saved the show 30 minutes of JUST listening to that scale beep!

I don’t try and guess my presents since my husband goes shopping on Christmas Eve EVERY YEAR and I buy my own for my parents to give me. lol. I always stick something heavy or that will rattle (like candy) in my husbands boxes to try and throw him off though. Yep. I’m like a 12 year old.


haha i love the wrapping paper. my husbands family uses newspaper which is pretty classy :).

my workout for today was a jillian dvd and a 3 mile run! or maybe a 6…we’ll see how it goes…


ahahhaha hehehehe. wrapping it in running times. love billay!


i LOVE LOVE LOVE biggest loser and think i may have seen every episode. also not a huge fan on Ana training people, maybe tennis is more her thing? Oh and i love your blog and love that you eat bunches like me. :)


Alexis, thank you so much for your sweet comment…you made my day. I agree with you about Anna and tennis!


I watch BL every season. I met Tara from season 7 at the Shamrock Marathon expo and asked her a question that I STILL don’t have the answer too (errrr…lol). Why doesn’t the show actually show the contestants training for the marathon they run? According to Tara, the gym workouts they do (circuit training and interval runs on TM) prepared them for the marathon. This CAN’t be true! Most people–especially those who can barely run 3 miles–must follow a 16 or 18 week training program to build up their mileage slowly and taper before the race. Why don’t they explain this on the show. There are probably a lot of people at home thinking, “hey I can run a marathon” and then they go out and hurt themselves. You can tell I’m really intense about getting an answer to this, haha. But seriously, they call themselves “athletes” on the show. Why can’t they explain their marathon training plans?


I watched the BL finale! It’s totally a ritual now! I was super impressed with how great everyone looked but still wanted to punch John in the face for having a turdy attitude. I realize it’s great to have self confidence but it’s not ok if you have to trample over people to get there. Just my 2 cents! Oh! I’m going to try and meet Courtney in her home town on Sunday. It’s just 40 min drive away from me!! Wanna come?!


Ever since I was little I have been able to pick a present up and figure out what it is. Therefore, the rule in our house is I’m not even allowed to touch the presents before Christmas so that I can’t figure out my presents.


Oh Janae – How i’ve missed your blog! I just spent the last hour going through all of the missed posts and reading all about LV and all that good stuff. getting this promotion at work is really cramping my blogger-style! i’m not a huge fan of it.

an egg sandwich at the end of the day sounds glorious –and I always use a paper towel because it is one less dish. :) great minds think alike.


I never try to find out my gifts until Im actually supposed to open them. BUT I have to hide gifts around the apartment bc my boyfriend will try and figure out what they are if I don’t. I’m pretty sure I have left a few gifts out from being wrapped yesterday bc they are hidden all over the place!!

My workout today will be 20 min on the elliptical and a nice easy 2 miler on the tread.


Ok I seriously love the wrapping paper! Zach hasn’t “received” any of my Christmas presents I’ve requested. Lets say the talk of presents in our house isn’t a good one lol.

I know, I’m so happy Anna isn’t returning! And I was thrilled John won! I just can’t wait for the new season to start in January!!! I cried in the finale too, I was hoping Ramon was going to ask Jess to marry him, oh well…


Um. I’m so glad someone else didn’t like Anna. Give me some (sexy) Bob and (sexy) Dolvett any day!


Greatest idea ever to wrap presents in Running Times! I definitely watched 3 episodes of Biggest Loser last night. I skipped some parts and this may sound crazy…and it probably is. At the beginning I didn’t like Anna but then she started to grow on me. But I think that my liking her would only last those few episodes so I’m also pretty happy she’s not coming back. But Dolvett and Bob are amazing! And how funny was Santa from the preview for next season?!


Oh man The Biggest Loser makes me cry buckets! And the finale is always a cryfest. Truthfully I am not sad to see Anna go…I like Dolvett much better and if Bob ever leaves I don’t think I could continue watching the show. The contestants all looked amazing on the finale, I just hope that everyone has worked fitness and healthy food into their every day life and keeps the weight off.

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