Motivation to get up early to work-out.

What better way to sweat all the grease out that I ate for lunch yesterday than going on a HOT bike-ride while my buddies ran.

Yes, this is probably the worst picture I have ever taken but you try taking a picture while riding a mountain bike in flip-flops with sweaty hands.  LIFE LESSON: Do not put camera in sports bra and go over a speed bump…..i bet you can guess what happened.

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Let’s just skip over dinner and get to the good stuff… SIL made homemade lemon cupcakes with vanilla frosting that she found on, because clearly 4 pieces of pie just wasn’t enough for the day.

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Yesterday morning I did the unthinkable.  I got up at 5:30 a.m. to go workout.  Last school year, that was the normal and even classified as sleeping in but this summer my sleep schedule has been 1 a.m. (thanks to becoming addicted to House Hunter’s International) to 9 a.m.

Many of you may be used to getting up at the crack of dawn to get things done, prepare meals, work-out or get the kids ready for the day and so I need your help in the comments:)

I definitely think it gets easier to wake-up early to workout when you have been doing it for awhile but how do you START getting up early to get in a workout?

I only have to sleep on the bean bag once in a while, for example when I do things like going over a speed bump with a camera in your sports bra.

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Here are some things that help me (aka what I am going to be doing in approximately 12 days) to get back in the habit of rising early.

-Have EVERYTHING you need to go sitting out and ready.  For some reason thinking about filling up my waterbottles, finding my towel and ipod or anything like that would make me want to go right back to sleep in the morning.   I fill up my water bottles and put them in the fridge the night before, I put my socks in my shoes, lay out my clothes, make sure my ipod is charged (I have OCD issues, I know) and gather any other gear so I can get up, eat a banana, brush my teeth and GO.

-Remind myself when my alarm clock goes off how much BETTER my day will be if I get up and workout.  I will have more confidence, I will be be a nicer person, more energetic, have an excuse to watch tv for 4 hours at night and feel accomplished that I am doing what it takes to reach my dreams.

-Tell other people you are going to get up early to workout.  I always tell Billy the night before what time I am getting up because just knowing someone else knows that I am going to do it makes me more likely to do it…did that make sense?

-CLASSES.  I know you know I am obsessed with gym classes, my 6 a.m. pump class last year really helped me get up.  I found a class I loved, got to know the teacher and other class-goers and it made me EXCITED to get up and go!

-It helps my marriage.  When Billy is giving me a strange look at 9 o’clock at night because I am dishing up my 3rd bowl of the ice cream for the day I can just tell him that it is because I need the calcium, carbs and protein to help fuel me through my workout in a few hours.  Also, just thinking that doing my workout in the morning allows me to hang out with my best friend from the hours of 4:30 p.m.-10 p.m. everyday definitely pushes me to get my workout in when he is being all boring and sleeping until 7 a.m. like the rest of the world.


Do you push SNOOZE on your alarm clock?

-Yes, usually twice and then I get up, so I set my alarm clock 12 minutes earlier than I need to get up.

What do you do/say to help get you out of bed for an early morning workout?

Do your loved ones think you are a little crazy when you get up EARLY to work-out?

-First year of marriage I worked out after school and the second year I started working out early… took him a little while to get used to it.

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I work out 5 days a week, so during the week I tell myself that if I want to lay around in my pajamas like a bum all weekend I better get my booty out of bed and to the gym (besides, I am going to get getting up in an hour and 1/2 anyways for work). Today I skipped though! :( Oops!


I am crazy and LIKE getting up early to go workout, but sometimes I have to (b/c I teach fitness classes) <—so that is nice and gets my butt outta the door ($$$) :)

I never push snooze, b/c I will fall back asleep and then be MAD at myself all day. Hah


I actually prefer running in the morning. The more the day goes on the more tired I am. Yes, I hit the snooze!!!!!!


Ahh, savor your last days of summer! You’re so lucky you get a summer break!

I rarely use the snooze–I’m an early to bed, early to rise kinda gal! I’ve found that sleeping in my gym clothes works best for me…because then all I have to do is brush my teeth and head out the door!


I never push snooze. I’m way more likely to sleep through the next one if I do!

I was going to get up early to run this morning, but then I realized I probably need a rest day this week, so I slept in. It was glorious! Tomorrow and Sunday are early morning run days though!


Put a post-it note on your alarm clock that says “just do it.”


I hate getting up early, but knowing how great I feel after my workout helps push me out the door. I usually go to boxing Saturday mornings at 8am, meaning I have to get up at 6am to get the dogs out, get my stuff together, and drive there. I am ALWAYS pissed at myself Friday night when I remember I can’t sleep in Saturday morning, but I always feel so, so amazing after the class! Plus, by that time its only 9am. The rest of the world is just getting up for their weekend and I’m already 3 hours in a feeling super energized!

Also, totally agree with you about telling someone you are going to get up early to workout. Its one thing to dissapoint myself, but I don’t need someone else thinking I’m a lazy person who doesn’t follow through!


My husband and I both get up early to run and workout – it’s a team effort – thats for sure! xoxo


I have never pushed snooze, believe it or not!

I also make sure everything is set out and ready for me to get dressed and take off, also lets me sleep that extra 10 minutes :) I agree have my evenings free to spend with my husband is a huge motivator!

I think my hubby thinks I am crazy for sure!


How do you start working out early in the morning again? Easy…start simple! Start setting your alarm clock 10-15 minutes earlier than your current wake up schedule. Then, every few days to a week (yup, some do it in weekly increments) increase that time by 5-10 minutes. the ease into waking up earlier is less shocking on your system and easier to manage and get back into. ;o)

Oh and another awesome tip, when you’re back at “this stage”…have your gym clothes right there next to you/bed…that way you get out, get dressed w/o thinking about it and “just do it”.

Also, another tip..i keep my alarm clock FAR AWAY from my bed..that way I have to get up and turn it off/snooze.


My BF definitely thinks its a little crazy that I wake up early to run on the weekend. He supports me…from under the covers!


I love when you post about waking up early to workout! It makes me motivated to want to do the same.

I’m a total OCD when it comes to making sure my ipod, garmin, shoes, and clothes are ready to go. It just makes it SO much easier in the morning!

Ohh I’m a snooozer! I really wish I wasn’t. I picked up that habit in University and I can’t get rid of it. I want to be a get up and go girl again! But I always tell myself if I do it in the morning, I can do more at night. SO, I do.


I set my phone alarm for 5am and 5:05 and hop out when the second one goes off…if i lay there any longer i will most definitely go back to sleep.

I just tell myself that if i think i’m tired now, wait til you wake up and realize you didn’t work out and how tired/lazy you’ll feel then! Working out in the AM definitely wakes me up. If that doesn’t work i’ll tell myself it’s really the only time i’ll be up and moving my legs all day (I have a desk job).

My dad used to think I was nuts when I first started waking up that early, and would call me a crazy person…. until he started to do it too :)


I used to LOVE getting up and working out early. But slowly, the alarm awaking me before the sun even thought about it, became a bit hard. I want to get back into tho, b/c it’s so nice to have the night to do whatever.

Thanks for posting this!

And also, the snooze button is my bff in the mornings :)


My boyfriend works until 8:30 most nights, so I will workout after work those days. But, he ends earlier on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and I never want to feel like I’m choosing exercise over time with him, so I wake up early those two days to work out. I lay out all of my clothes/everything that I’ll need and when the alarm goes off, I remind myself how nice it’ll feel to have free time after work to spend together. Also, I go to a hot yoga class Tuesday and spin Wednesday, so the fact that I’m going to a class is really helpful for motivation! My boyfriend definitely thinks I’m crazy, but he’s learned I’m a lot less of a crazy person AFTER I exercise :)


I used to get up early every morning at 5am to get to the gym for a 5:45 morning class. I absolutely love the Monday and Tuesday morning classes at my gym and they’re not offered at any other time. Let’s just say since the end of last year that has been no more. I don’t know why! I started sleeping in and I love spending the time in the morning with my fiance. PLUS he works out after work for hours so I’m typically alone till 7:30pm anyway. I decided to start going after work. It’s been working out pretty well so far!


I purposely have my alarm clock 15 minutes fast to allow for snoozing! :-)

I meet a few runners 3-4 times a week at 5am to run so I have to get out of bed since I refuse to A. be a no-show and B. make them wait on me.

And my loved ones call me Dedicated!! They know how hard I am working to meet my running goals and support me 100%.


Limited time motivates me!
My ability to rise in the dark to get a sweat on is SOOOOOOO much easier in the school year because I do not have these open ended days in front of me. I mean why run at 6am, when I could do it at 8, or 10, or 2. During the school year because the time is “limited” think of how motivated we are, we even sacrifice shower time to continue our workouts.
That being said I am still resisting that the summer is slowly creeping to a close….nooooooooooooo.


I’m not a snooze button presser…I’m always afraid if I succumb to the pressure, I’ll NEVER get up ;)


Nice timely post for me! Since starting my yoga challenge I have not had the motivation to get up and run (since I know that I will be doing 90 minutes of intense bikram after work) but I am missing my runs! But I am playing mind games with myself about getting up early before work. Normally this is not an issue and I love getting a workout in first thing, but the past month…woof! I need to remind myself of all the good things and get my butt UP!


No snooze button! I am up and at em as soon as the alarm goes off, work days at 3:45am! Yea I know I am nuts.


Me too!! 345 am. Some days I think I’m cray-cray for it! I teach my first aerobic class at 445!! 30+ppl in it!


i LOVE getting up early to work out..but my eye lids have a different opinion on it!
i always get my stuff out and my whole gym bag together
my boyfriend def thinks im crazzyyy but i much rather work out in the AM then put it off till the PM when im pooped!


My secret to getting up early is to go to bed early. When I first moved my wake up from 7 AM to 5 AM, I got in bed 3.5 hours earlier than I had been. The extra time meant I was asleep in an hour or two and then still got enough rest to feel good in the morning. Now I go to bed 9 hours before I want to be awake so I’m sure to get 8 hours of sleep. And yes, everyone thinks I am totally insane.


I have never been one to use the snooze button on my alarm. The hubby is a whole different story. I have been trying to get back into the routine of running. I had that plantar’s fasciitis for a couple of weeks. It is SO hot here in the South that it gives me motivation to get up early. I always do better when I have a race, though its only 5ks on my calendar. That is huge for keeping me running…period!


I curse the day that I figured out what the snooze button was! Unfortunately I discovered that in college. EEP! I blame the alarm clock :) I prefer to work out first thing after waking up because then the day is WIDE open and I don’t have to worry about planning my eats around my workout. I DO NOT have a stomach of steel.


I am a snooze girl for sure! I hit it 2 to 3 times…woopsie! Tripp does make fun of me for getting up early, but I think secretly he is just jealous that he isn’t getting up with me :) Thanks for the post, I do a lot of those tips, but this summer I have NOT been in the early AM workout zone!!


I am glad you posted on this topic. I am having the worst time trying to transition to back to school. My body just keeps fighting with me, and I am not at all sure how I am suddenly in 4 days I am going to start getting up at 5 am to run and get the kids to school and me to work again. I’ve tried getting up a little earlier every day, but it’s not going great.


I’m the worst morning worker outer ever!!


I set my alarm 20 minutes ahead of whenI need to wake up, just so I can push snooze a million times before I actually get up. Hubs really likes this especially since he’s a light sleeper.


I HAVE to get up early in order to get my run on. :) It helps that I have two other running gals that text me at 5:00am to be sure that I’m up and lacing up the Brooks. Without a running partner, the out of state friends are life savors!


Omgz! I’m such a SNOOZER! I hate getting up in the morning. I’m an extremely cranky early morning runner. I want to bite peoples’ heads off!! I’m going to try to start working out again in the morning this school year. We’ll see how that goes!!


I usually set my alarm about 20 minutes early so I can hit snooze a couple of times. It makes it feel like I’m “sleeping in” ha.

I do the same things you do – get all my stuff ready for my workout AND for work (breakfast and lunch fixed, clothes ready, etc). I also make sure I tell Daniel and my friend Amber (my accountability partner for workouts, eating, and pretty much everything) what time I’m getting up and what type of workout I’m going to do. I also remind myself that I won’t have time this afternoon, so it’s early workout or no workout at all – and no workout leaves me feeling guilty and bleh, so I choose the early workout!

Nearly everyone that knows I get up super early for workouts thinks I’m crazy, but thankfully my sweet husband understands me. :)


I just went ahead and convinced my fiance (who didn’t run at all!) that he should train for a half marathon because he’d enjoy it. Now we both get up to run at 4:45 together and he’s my motivation to always be out there! I don’t know if he always enjoys it, but it sure helped me get used to morning workouts. Now I can’t imagine it any other way!


I’m a snooze button addict. I really should work out in the morning, because my work schedule is flexible, so I don’t even really have to be into work until 9 or so. I could get up at 6:30, work out for an hour, and then get ready for work. But I never do that. I always sleep til 7:20ish


No, I can’t stand the Snooze button, especially when the other person doesn’t have to be up so early and it keeps waking you up instead of your spouse.

If I’m getting up early for a morning workout, I lay out cute work out clothes and tell my husband so that he reminds me to get up when my bed is just too comfy to get out of.

Yes, Adam defintely thinks I’m crazy getting up early to work out. If I didn’t, then I wouldn’t have any me time in the day.


I have an internal alarm clock. Since I’ve become a mommy I think I sleep with one eye open. I’m a little better now but, I naturally wake up @ 5:30 – 6:00 a.m. If I need to wake up earlier I set the alarm on my phone. Bless my hubby’s heart for being so understanding about sneaking out of our cozy bed in the mornings to get my sweat on. I like getting it done early because I don’t like to encroach upon my family’s time. I usually am done right before they’re waking up. When I walk into the door it’s all about them. Breakfast, getting dressed, chores, etc., etc.! My husband has declared Sunday’s as “no running days” UNLESS there’s a race scheduled. My family is very understanding and supportive. I seriously couldn’t do what I do without their support!! :) Love, support, understanding and communication and LOVE!!

T.G.I.F.!! Have a great one speedy girl!! :) xo


Never use the snooze button. I would rather just sleep till it is time to get up!


Great tips. I am a HORRIBLE morning workout person. No matter what I do, sleep always wins. I’m so impressed by all of you who can get up at the crack of dawn to do it. I know it feels great to get it done with in the morning but it just never happens for me unless it’s a race!


I am so lucky that I can work out on my lunchbreak and have access to a gym right next to my office (literally takes 25 seconds to walk there). I would hate to get up early or miss out on fun by doing it at night. I feel blessed everyday to have the lunchtime option, or I would not be in as great of shape!


Something that has really been helping me get up in the morning lately is meeting friends for runs. If you know someone else is depending on you there is no slacking.

I am also OCD and have everything ready the night before, and I hit the snooze button about 4-5 times each morning. oops!

Have a great day girl!


I never push snooze on my alarm clock just because I know if I do I’ll just lay there because I’m already awake, and I’ll be mad at myself if I don’t get up and just do it to get it done with.

I do the same things as you the night before. All my workout clothes have to be out. My ipod is next to my bed, easy to grab (which I put on immediately after I wake up and blast some music to really wake me up!), I make sure that a morning snack is sitting out. I HAVE to do these during the school year because if I don’t, it’s harder for me to go workout. EVERYTHING needs to be ready the night before.

My mom thinks I am nuts for waking up early to workout during the summer!!! She always asks why I do it, and I always tell her that it’s easier for me to stay in a routine because if I don’t I won’t work out. Plus, nobody is up to bug me and I don’t get in the way if somebody else wants to work out. It’s a win win situation! :P

Have a great day!


Truly, I think the snooze button is a form of torture! I never use it. All good tips for getting up at dark ‘o thirty!


So glad you posted about this! I am a terrible morning person and most days it is a struggle to get up in time for work, let alone getting up in time to fit in a work out. I need all the motivation I can get.


I do NOT push snooze. I get up after the first alarm. I may not enjoy doing so, but I just don’t trust myself with snooze. On the other hand, my husband presses HIS snooze button at least twice every morning.

This summer, I’ve been getting up early to run. My only motivation is that I want to beat the heat, and I hate the treadmill … so if I sleep in, I have to deal with one or the other. It worked about 90% of the time this summer.

Now that work is starting back up, I have to wake up at 5:30 just to get to work in time … so there’s no way I’m waking up any earlier than that to work out! So I guess I’ll have to do it in the evenings!


Yes it always takes me extra time to get out of bed…like 20 minutes. It’s so bad. I also don’t set out my stuff the night before because I’m always too tired the night before…incidentally from waking up early that morning. haha

To get myself out of bed, I say, “Come on you wimp. If other people can do it, so can you.” Oh and “You’ll feel better at 6 pm if you do it now. Stop complaining to yourself, Jamie.”

My father is the only one who thinks I’m nuts with working out. Everyone else has just learned to accept it. My brother likes to make fun of me for my crazy workout habits. It would bother me, but he’s sooo funny!! :-)


Great post, Janae! I’m starting my new job in a month, and I will probably need/want to work out in the morning to fit it in. I’ve never been a big morning workout person. Yesterday I woke up at 6 to take a friend to the airport, and just seeing all of the runners out on the road when there were so few cars and the weather was so cool made me want to go for a morning run.


I used to get up at 5 everyday too and have been trying to get up early and it isn’t working. At least not that early. It’s just another part of the reason I am so frustrated with myself right now!!! So I definitley read all the comments on this one and am gonna see what works!

Sorry, nothing really funny to say cause I am having a pity party right now! I promise to return in a better mood!


TOO FUNNY :) I thought you’d like to see it lolol I guess we’re all a little bit like this inside!! heh


thank you so much for doing this post!! i have been struggling all summer with motivation and even though i know i will feel great once i workout it has been so hard to get up in the morning and go. probably has something to do with the fact that i’m on summer vacation!

my family/some friends think i’m nuts for loving running in the first place and they thought i was even crazier when i was getting up early during the school year (i’m a teacher too) to workout!


This is great advice! I am going to try to wake up early the next two weeks and workout!


I actually never set an alarm! I always wake up before it…I also don’t like workouts in the morning, I like when I can sleep in :)


I completely identify with you! It is so hard to get up early but whenever I do my day goes so much better! Getting up early to run also helps me meet the day with a boost of energy.

I got up early this morning and felt so accomplished all day long. I am going to catch an early spin class Sat morning too!

I usually hit snooze a few times too. It helps me to focus on mentally getting out of bed, lol.


I love when I am in a habit of getting up and working out in the morning. It feels so wonderful to have started the day on the right foot. BUT DANG it is hard to get up once you get out of that routine. What helps me the most is having everything all set before I have even hit that pillow.
I need to get back into morning running asap!


As I just commented on your other post, I woke up early this morning to run and then stayed up and watched a movie with my coffee instead. Weird, I know. I am a procrastinator! I never skip my workouts, I just postpone them to later in the day. That’s my issue. I just don’t like doing anything that takes effort in the morning. I need to get over that!


but P.S. — I have a feeling the treadmill might help me with this issue.


Great tips! I used to get up at 5:30am 4 days a week in college for swim practice. It wasn’t so bad because 50 other people were doing it with me (and then we all fell asleep in class together). But now it’s hard to get up when it’s just me.

That lemon cupcake looks amazing!


I’m the same as you – I love working out in the morning because it gives me more time with my man! :-) And also, because I am waaaaay more a morning gal and early bird than a night owl. Again, like you, I like to get all my gear ready – including my breakfast, pre-workout snack, clothes etc – the night before so I can just get up and go without faffing around. :-D It feels SO amazing to get a workout done and dusted early in the morning, leaving the rest of the day FREE for anything! Love that feeling so much <3 xyx


I just started marathon training and HAVE to get my runs in first thing in the morning because otherwise I won’t do it plus it’s been like 100+ degrees here everyday. I literally set about 8-12 alarms on my iPhone to go off every3-5 minutes with different ringtones to make sure and efficiently interrupt my sleep. If I don’t sleep in my workout clothes, I make myself get dressed as soon as my feet hit the floor and that’s usually the most help these days. I also remind myself that I can come back home and snooze after my workout :)


Your photography attempts made me giggle, but I would’ve been so sad if I dropped my camera! I’m sure it sounded like the best idea before the trauma.

Reminding myself I will have more TV at night would be an AWESOME way to get myself to the gym a little happier in the morning. Hahaha. As much as I hate getting up earlier, I feel so much better all morning. More energy… and honestly, usually happier.

I am wayyyyy too happy with the snooze button. I sort of factor in an extra half hour or so, but when I wake up sleepy, I end up pushing it over and over without actually looking at the time. It really gets my mornings into trouble…


Hey girl … I emailed you again, because I saw your note that you didn’t get my first one. You should be getting 2 different emails. Both have pictures. Let me know if you don’t get them!! :)




I will actually sleep in my workout clothes- that way I can pretty much roll out of bed and go! I can be pretty good at talking myself out of getting up when the alarm goes off at 4:45am- but I keep reminding myself that I know I won’t get it done at ALL if I don’t get my butt out of bed and get it done early.

The husband prefers me to get it done in the morning so that he isn’t left alone all evening with 5 kid ;). He’s actually very, very good about taking over when I do Saturday long runs and etc. It makes things so much easier when you have a supportive spouse!


I hit snooze from time to time, yes…but part of my motivation to get up early is not waking my slumbering husband, so usually I stop it and slide out of bed. More or less I think he’s used to it now…I used to run in the afternoons when we got married but I love to get it done early now. Sometimes it’s hard when I want to be there when he wakes up, but he takes so long to open his eyes I can get a full workout in and not miss a thing. ;)


I’m not going to lie. It took me a minute to realize what happened after you went over a speed bump with your camera in your sports bra. HA. I’m clearly on top of things today. Once I figured it out, I literally laughed out loud. While I was around a bunch of people I don’t know. I’m just having an AWESOME day. :)


I meet a running group at 5am 3 days a week. I don’t want to let anyone down. I don’t hit the snooze. I used to be really bad about that. My friends think I’m crazy. DH doesn’t because he also works out early 3 days a week.


I think your point about knowing how good youll feel once you get going is what I TRY to remember. An endorphin filled morning workout stays with me the rest of the day!!


During the school year I usually work out right after I get my kids off to school. It’s a great routine. This summer has been awful as far as my workout schedule goes. My son finally learned to sleep in so he doesn’t wake up until 9:30 or 10 so that’s when I’ve been getting up too. I do get up at 4:45 am on Saturdays for my long runs though.
We start our back to school routine on Sunday and I’m actually excited!


I actually HATE getting up super early to work out (or any reason really.. haha). I worked at a gym for three years during university, and starting work at 5:30am every day totally traumatised me!

BUT I’m learning to enjoy quick early-ish workouts….lately I’ve been getting up at 7, knocking out a quick 5k run, and off to work.

Because I have the sleep requirements of a newborn, I do the following to ensure I maximise my sleep time as much as possible…

– I sleep in my workout clothes. No joke. Including socks. I’m sure my boyfriend finds it really sexy when he rolls over, goes on for a middle-of-the-night grope and….. lyrca. ahahahaha
– I keep my shoes, ipod and watch on the floor next to my bed. My alarm goes off, shoes go on feet, watch goes on wrist, ipod gets clipped on and i’m OUT THE DOOR before I have a chance to question it.
– So I can ensure I get the most sleep possible, I don’t eat breakfast at home. Instead, my desk at work is a well-stocked breakfast buffet of assorted cereals, fruits, nuts, yoghurt, bread, PB, jams, etc etc…. this means i get more sleep, more workout time AND get to waste the first part of my workday stuffing my face :p


funny story, i somehow managed to wake up early (well, by my standards, so 7AM) to work out for the past 2 days so this was quite timely ;) boht times I’ve given up and decided to go back to sleep only to realize I wasn’t going to fall asleep again, so I got up and worked out… Definitely helps tos et everything out in advance & today I had my mom call me to talk me into working out just in case ;)



Snooze? Yes, often, but usually only 5-10 minutes.

Night before? I lay out my clothes/shoes/garmin/etc the night before too! If doing a long run, I fill a water bottle half way and stick it in the freezer. It helps if I verbalize my plans to run in the morning (to my husband) – or post about my plans to run in the morning (twitter/facebook/blog). It pains me to not do what I say I’m going to do.

Does hubs think it’s weird? I don’t wake up that early for my runs. I’m not up at 5am unless it’s the day of a half marathon. He doesn’t voice any objection to it, he just kinda knows it’s what I do now.


i do the exact same thing. I have to get everything ready the night before and put it all together in one spot. EVen if I’m not getting up early for a workout, i get it ready the night before if i think i may be low on motivation the next day.

i never push snooze, but i set 3 alarms, 2 minutes apart (with the 3rd at the right time to get up) so that I will actually get up when i need to…it’s my ease into morning life :)


I despise anything short of sleeping in, but then again I DO work night shift…..but like you, group fitness and having my stuff already prepared is a huge motivater.

And I always set my alarm 40 min early so I can push my snooze atleast 4 times! Mildly put, that irritates the crap out of my husband, but I actually re-fall asleep each time, and in a weird way it makes me feel like I got to sleep longer since I was aware of it!


Yikes – snooze alarm is a slippery slope, never do it. When the alarm goes off – GET OUT of bed! I always set out my stuff the night before…half the time I am dressed and walking towards the trail at the end of my street before I know what happened. :D


I am just like you – I have EVERYTHING ready to go for the morning, and just tell myself how much better my day will be! It normally works! I also think of how some people don’t even have the option of going for a run or swim or whatever, and that makes me grateful that I do! I’ve been an early morning exerciser since day 1 of my marriage so my hubby is used to it. He’s also used to me eating three bowls of ice cream, so I don’t get weird looks on that. The lemon cupcakes look good, but for me, if chocolate isn’t in it, it’s not a real dessert. I set my alarm early so I can push snooze too!


Thanks for the great tips Janae! I always struggle with morning workouts but once I get them in, I feel great! It’s all mental and who wouldn’t love to have the entire evening to watching their favorite shows?!


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Through my investigation, shopping for electronic products online can for sure be expensive, although there are some guidelines that you can use to acquire the best deals. There are continually ways to locate discount offers that could make one to ge thet best technology products at the cheapest prices. Interesting blog post.


One more thing is that when evaluating a good online electronics shop, look for web shops that are constantly updated, trying to keep up-to-date with the latest products, the perfect deals, and also helpful information on product or service. This will make certain you are getting through a shop which stays atop the competition and gives you what you ought to make knowledgeable, well-informed electronics acquisitions. Thanks for the vital tips I have really learned from your blog.

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